Possible implementation of Promise.any on JS - javascript

In Promise.race the promise returns as soon that the primary promise returns. In Promise.all returns when all promises resolves, but lasts one problem. If any of all promises rejects all others will be rejected.
Instead of it, exists a proposal for a Promise.any, the returns every promise alone, independent of each other, short-circuiting on a rejection.
const logAfterWait = (seconds) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return setTimeout(() => resolve(console.log(`${time} time passed`)), seconds)
const watingList = [
const logReading = async (fn) => {
console.log(`${time}: reading file`)
await fn()
const readFiles = (files) => Promise.all(watingList.map(logReading))
.catch((error) => new Error(error))
The problem here is the block of event loop on the maping cause block on event loop on Promise.all, returning every results on the same time, differ from the expected result, that is, 5, 10, 30 seconds.
Can I avoid this situation on waitingList.map?

You can leverage the fact that Promise.race forms a monoid by creating a Promise that never settles:
const empty = x => new Promise((res, rej) => x); // never settling promise
const ps = [
.then(console.log); // 2
You need to attach a catch handler to each Promise in the array though. You can probably create a utility function that does this for you.

You could think of something like this:
// a solution might just be not using async/await
const any = (promises) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let errors = [];
let resolved;
const onFulfill = (value) => {
// skip if already resolved
if (resolved) { return; }
resolved = true;
// resolve with the first available value
const onError = (error) => {
// skip if already resolved
if (resolved) { return; }
// collect error
errors = errors.concat(error);
// reject promise combinator if all promises are failed
if (errors.length === promises.length) {
return promises.forEach((promise) => promise.then(
const sleep = (ms) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(ms), ms));
const err = (ms) => sleep(ms).then(() => Promise.reject(ms));
// it would log 2000, since it is the first to resolve
any([sleep(3000), err(100), sleep(2000)]).then(console.info)
// it would an array of 2 failures
any([err(50), err(60)]).catch(console.error)
the block of IO
Note that there isn't any block of IO in javascript, the thread is just free to tackle any other task while waiting for the promises to be resolved.

Consequently, I came to a conclusion. We create a resolver that is an Either monad(not a pure implementation of the Either monad) that returns [err, response] over a map function.
The catch blocks are necessary to avoid the Unhandled Promise Rejection Warning.
const time = () => `${new Date().getHours()}:${new Date().getMinutes()}:${new Date().getSeconds()}`;
const sleep = (ms, pNumber) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return pNumber < 3
? setTimeout(() => resolve(console.log(`${time()} time passed`)), ms)
: reject(null)
Promise.prototype.resolver = async (promise) => {
this._result = await Promise.all([promise])[0];
return this._result == null
? ["The time flies", promise]
: [null, promise]
const watingList = [
Promise.resolver(sleep(0, 0).catch(console.error)),
Promise.resolver(sleep(3000, 1).catch(console.error)),
Promise.resolver(sleep(5000, 2).catch(console.error)),
Promise.resolver(sleep(5000, 3).catch(console.error))
const logReading = (list) => {
return list.map(p => p.then(console.log(`${time()}: reading file`))
((read) => logReading(read))(watingList)
PS: time function differs from the expected because of the evaluate time.
Resources can be found here:
1 - https://frontendmasters.com/courses/hardcore-js-v2/either-monad/


Strange behaviour of asynchtonous function with rejected promise [duplicate]

How can I change the following code so that both async operations are triggered and given an opportunity to run concurrently?
const value1 = await getValue1Async();
const value2 = await getValue2Async();
// use both values
Do I need to do something like this?
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
const value1 = await p1;
const value2 = await p2;
// use both values
Don't use the pattern in the question where you get the promises, and then separately wait on them; instead, use Promise.all (at least for now):
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(), getValue2Async()]);
While your solution does run the two operations in parallel, it doesn't handle rejection properly if both promises reject.
Your solution runs them in parallel, but always waits for the first to finish before waiting for the second. If you just want to start them, run them in parallel, and get both results, it's just fine. (No, it isn't, keep reading...) Note that if the first takes (say) five seconds to complete and the second fails in one second, your code will wait the full five seconds before then failing.
Sadly, there isn't currently await syntax to do a parallel wait, so you have the awkwardness you listed, or Promise.all. (There's been discussion of await.all or similar, though; maybe someday.)
The Promise.all version is:
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(), getValue2Async()]);
...which is more concise, and also doesn't wait for the first operation to complete if the second fails quickly (e.g., in my five seconds / one second example above, the above will reject in one second rather than waiting five). Also note that with your original code, if the second promise rejects before the first promise resolves, you may well get a "unhandled rejection" error in the console (you do currently with Chrome v61; update: more recent versions have more interesting behavior), although that error is arguably spurious (because you do, eventually, handle the rejection, in that this code is clearly in an async function¹ and so that function will hook rejection and make its promise reject with it) (update: again, changed). But if both promises reject, you'll get a genuine unhandled rejection error because the flow of control never reaches const value2 = await p2; and thus the p2 rejection is never handled.
Unhandled rejections are a Bad Thing™ (so much so that soon, Node.js will abort the process on truly unhandled rejections, just like unhandled exceptions — because that's what they are), so best to avoid the "get the promise then await it" pattern in your question.
Here's an example of the difference in timing in the failure case (using 500ms and 100ms rather than 5 seconds and 1 second), and possibly also the arguably-spurious unhandled rejection error (open the real browser console to see it):
const getValue1Async = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 500, "value1");
const getValue2Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 100, "error");
// This waits the full 500ms before failing, because it waits
// on p1, then on p2
(async () => {
try {
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
const value1 = await p1;
const value2 = await p2;
} catch (e) {
// This fails after just 100ms, because it doesn't wait for p1
// to finish first, it rejects as soon as p2 rejects
setTimeout(async () => {
try {
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(), getValue2Async()]);
} catch (e) {
console.timeEnd("Promise.all", e);
}, 1000);
Open the real browser console to see the unhandled rejection error.
And here we reject both p1 and p2, resulting in a non-spurious unhandled rejection error on p2:
const getValue1Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 500, "error1");
const getValue2Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 100, "error2");
// This waits the full 500ms before failing, because it waits
// on p1, then on p2
(async () => {
try {
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
const value1 = await p1;
const value2 = await p2;
} catch (e) {
// This fails after just 100ms, because it doesn't wait for p1
// to finish first, it rejects as soon as p2 rejects
setTimeout(async () => {
try {
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(), getValue2Async()]);
} catch (e) {
console.timeEnd("Promise.all", e);
}, 1000);
Open the real browser console to see the unhandled rejection error.
In a comment you've asked:
Side question: will the following force waiting for both (and discarding the results) await p1 && await p2?
This has the same issues around promise rejection as your original code: It will wait until p1 resolves even if p2 rejects earlier; it may generate an arguably-spurious (update: or temporary) unhandled rejection error if p2 rejects before p1 resolves; and it generates a genuine unhandled rejection error if both p1 and p2 reject (because p2's rejection is never handled).
Here's the case where p1 resolves and p2 rejects:
const getValue1Async = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 500, false);
const getValue2Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 100, "error");
(async () => {
try {
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
await p1 && await p2;
} catch (e) {
console.log("done waiting");
Look in the real console (for the unhandled rejection error).
...and where both reject:
const getValue1Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 500, "error1");
const getValue2Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 100, "error2");
(async () => {
try {
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
await p1 && await p2;
} catch (e) {
console.log("done waiting");
Look in the real console (for the unhandled rejection error).
¹ "...this code is clearly in an async function..." That was true in 2017 when this question and answer were written. Since then, top-level await happened/is happening.
I think this should work:
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(),getValue2Async()]);
A more verbose example is below in case it helps in understanding:
const promise1 = async() => {
return 3;
const promise2 = async() => {
return 42;
const promise3 = async() => {
return 500;
// emulate an error
// throw "something went wrong...";
const f1 = async() => {
try {
// returns an array of values
const results = await Promise.all([promise1(), promise2(), promise3()]);
// assigns values to individual variables through 'array destructuring'
const [value1, value2, value3] = await Promise.all([promise1(), promise2(), promise3()]);
} catch (err) {
console.log("there was an error: " + err);
Use .catch() and Promise.all()
Make sure you handle rejections correctly and you can safely use Promises.all() without facing unhandled rejections. (Edit: clarification per discussion: not the Error unhandled rejection but simply rejections that are not being handled by the code. Promise.all() will throw the first promise rejection and will ignore the rest).
In the example below an array of [[error, results], ...] is returned to allow ease of processing results and/or errors.
let myTimeout = (ms, is_ok) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
setTimeout(_=> is_ok ?
resolve(`ok in ${ms}`) :
reject(`error in ${ms}`),
let handleRejection = promise => promise
.then((...r) => [null, ...r])
.catch(e => [e]);
(async _=> {
let res = await Promise.all([
myTimeout(100, true),
myTimeout(200, false),
myTimeout(300, true),
myTimeout(400, false)
You may throw from within a catch() to stop waiting for all (and discard the results of the rest), however - you may only do it once per try/catch blocks so a flag has_thorwn need to be maintained and checked to make sure no unhandled errors happens.
let myTimeout = (ms, is_ok) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
setTimeout(_=> is_ok ?
resolve(`ok in ${ms}`) :
reject(`error in ${ms}`),
let has_thrown = false;
let handleRejection = promise => promise
.then((...r) => [null, ...r])
.catch(e => {
if (has_thrown) {
console.log('not throwing', e);
} else {
has_thrown = 1;
throw e;
(async _=> {
try {
let res = await Promise.all([
myTimeout(100, true),
myTimeout(200, false),
myTimeout(300, true),
myTimeout(400, false)
} catch(e) {
console.log('we are done');
Resolves instead of Promises
const wait = (ms, data) => new Promise( resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms, data) )
const reject = (ms, data) => new Promise( (r, reject) => setTimeout(reject, ms, data) )
const e = e => 'err:' + e
const l = l => (console.log(l), l)
;(async function parallel() {
let task1 = reject(500, 'parallelTask1').catch(e).then(l)
let task2 = wait(2500, 'parallelTask2').catch(e).then(l)
let task3 = reject(1500, 'parallelTask3').catch(e).then(l)
;[task1, task2, task3] = [await task1, await task2, await task3]
console.log('FINISHED', task1, task2, task3)
As was pointed out in other answers, a rejected promise might raise an unhandled exception.
This one .catch(e => e) is a neat little trick that catches the error and passes it down the chain, allowing the promise to resolve, instead of rejecting.
If you find this ES6 code ugly see friendlier here.

await async setInterval callback before advancing mock timer again

I've found that attempting to test timers with Jest is hard enough without getting async/await involved.
I have a setInterval that's wrapped in a promise. The callback of the setInterval only resolves if the condition is matched for it to resolve (shown below). If the promise is not resolved, it keeps attempting the iteration until it is.
module.exports = async function() {
let interval
const _promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
interval = setInterval(async () => {
try {
const result = await asyncTask()
if (result && result.val === 'Foo Bar') {
} catch(err) {
}, 10000) // 10 secs
const result = await _promise
if (result) {
return result
I've mocked the return of asyncTask with something like:
module.exports = jest.fn()
val: 'Hello World'
val: 'Foo Bar'
What I am attempting to test is the callback of each iteration of the setInterval & I want to try to control that all operations in the callback are finished before I advance the timer again & the next setInterval happens. For example, with the mock above, a truthy result will be returned on the 3rd invocation of that function. The 4th invocation would also be a truthy result & would match the condition for the interval to be cleared & the promise to be resolved. 1 test I would look to do, for example, is have the setInterval iterate 3 times & even though asyncTask returns an object, the promise is not yet resolved. A few examples of how I've attempted this are below:
const _test = require('./index.js')
describe('test()', () => {
test("Should call 'asyncTask' thrice (1)", () => {
const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// I cannot await `_test()` here as the fast-forward of the timer would never happen
// So I would actually have to wait 10 seconds
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const promise3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// I have to do it like this over a `Promise.all()` I imagine as I can't risk having them run in parallel
// I imagine that has the potential to mess up the mock function call count of `asyncTask` so would not be reliable
const result1 = await promise1
const result2 = await promise2
const result3 = await promise3
test('Should call `asyncTask` thrice (2)', async () => {
_test().then(res => {
await jest.advanceTimersByTime(10000)
await jest.advanceTimersByTime(10000)
await jest.advanceTimersByTime(10000)
await jest.advanceTimersByTime(10000)
The latter was probably closer to what I want to achieve as in the former example; promise1, promise2, & promise3 will never resolve so the test will never complete.
I can test this successfully is I use real timers (jest.useRealTimers()) instead of fake ones but the obvious issue is I would have to wait 40 secs for the promise to resolve & the test to complete.
Is there any clean way to achieve what I want here? Any help appreciated :)

Generate an array of promises to run sequentially

I'm trying to generate an array of Promises to run sequentially. I've seen lots of tips on this but can't get it to run in my use case.
export default function generateIcons(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.html2CanvasTarget')
const promises = containers.map(child => processIcon(child))
promises.reduce((p, fn) => p.then(fn), Promise.resolve())
function processIcon(child){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => html2canvas(child).
then(canvas => uploadFromCanvas(canvas,
child.childNodes[0].className.split(' ')[1] + '.png'))
Any tips? This just rejects and I can't see why
Looks like you want to resolve the main promise when the canvases are available for all the child elements. You can use Promise.All() for this.
It should also be noted that the querySelectorAll doesn't return anything you can call the .map on. You will have to create an array from what the querySelectorAll returns - which is a NodeList.
export default function generateIcons(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.html2CanvasTarget');
const promises = Array.from(containers).map(child => processIcon(child))
Promises.All(promises).then(() => resolve());
containers is a NodeList, and NodeLists don't have a .map method, which is why your code is throwing an error.
Because processIcon already returns a Promise, there's no need to use the Promise constructor again. html2canvas already returns a Promise too, so there's no need for any Promise constructor anywhere (see What is the explicit promise construction antipattern and how do I avoid it?)
If possible, just await each call of it in a for loop. Because uploadFromCanvas returns a Promise too, and you want to wait for it, return it (or await it) as well:
export default async function generateIcons() {
const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.html2CanvasTarget');
for (const container of containers) {
await processIcon(container);
function processIcon(child) {
return html2canvas(child, {backgroundColor:null})
.then(canvas => uploadFromCanvas(canvas, child.className.split(' ')[1] + '.png'))
As per your question, you can use Q module module for that
You need to take an empty array and push promises into it, and just pass this array in Q method (Q.allSettled), Take a look with an example
const Q = require('q');
const promiseHolder = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
promiseHolder.push('Your Promises');
.then((results) => {
results.forEach((result) => {
if (result.state === 'fulfilled') {
const value = result.value;
return value;
const reason = result.reason;
throw reason;
In Q.allSettled() The method you always get the result in .then(). There are 2 states. One for success and one for failure.
Success => state === 'fulfilled', value: 'Whatever your promise return'
Failure => state === 'rejected', reason: 'Whatever your promise thrown'
In this case, you have a number of successful and unsuccessful promises.
There is the second approach which is Promise.all() do the same but the issue is whenever any of promise rejected further promise never called.
const promiseHolder = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
promiseHolder.push('Your Promises');
.then((results) => {
return results;
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
In the second approach ( Promise.all()), It consists of all your promises pushed from for loop. If any of promise rejected no more promise called and suddenly you got the state of promise rejection in Promise.all().
.then((results) => {
return results;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Promise will reject here', err);
throw err;
I hope it helps, Happy Coding :)

Access promise instance that returns from async function

Async function automatically returns promise - I wonder if there is a way somehow to get this instance of this promise inside the function
For example if I return an actual promise like this:
const getSomePromise = () => {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
promise.someProp = 'myProp';
return promise;
const promise = getSomePromise();
I want to achieve the same thing with pure async function:
const sleep = ts => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ts));
const getSomePromise = async () => {
const p = await sleep(1000);
// some how access the instance of the promise from within the async function
// for example this['someProp'] = 'myProp';
// and return the all promise with this prop
return 'sucess';
const promise = getSomePromise();
Can I do that ?
Adding a property to the promise is almost certainly a bad idea (more on that later, under However), but just to talk about how you would continue to do it:
I wonder if there is a way somehow to get this instance of this promise inside the function
No, there isn't. You could create a promise within the function and return it, but that wouldn't be the promise the function returns (it would just affect how the promise the function returns resolves).
If you want to add a property to the promise being returned, you'll have to use a non-async function. You might make the function's entire code non-async:
const sleep = ts => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ts));
const getSomePromise = () => {
const p = sleep(1000).then(() => 'success');
p.someProp = 'myProp';
return p;
const promise = getSomePromise();
...or you might use an inner async function so you can use await semantics and such:
const sleep = ts => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ts));
const getSomePromise = () => {
const p = (async () => {
await sleep(1000);
return 'success';
p.someProp = 'myProp';
return p;
const promise = getSomePromise();
However: Adding a property to the promise is almost certainly a bad idea. Instead, have the promise resolve to an object with properties both for the resolution and the extra someProp:
const sleep = ts => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ts));
const getSomePromise = async () => {
const p = await sleep(1000);
// some how access the instance of the promise from within the async function
// for example this['someProp'] = 'myProp';
// and return the all promise with this prop
return {
result: 'success',
someProp: 'myProp'
.then(resolution => {

Resolving multiple promise variables in parallel using async/await [duplicate]

How can I change the following code so that both async operations are triggered and given an opportunity to run concurrently?
const value1 = await getValue1Async();
const value2 = await getValue2Async();
// use both values
Do I need to do something like this?
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
const value1 = await p1;
const value2 = await p2;
// use both values
Don't use the pattern in the question where you get the promises, and then separately wait on them; instead, use Promise.all (at least for now):
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(), getValue2Async()]);
While your solution does run the two operations in parallel, it doesn't handle rejection properly if both promises reject.
Your solution runs them in parallel, but always waits for the first to finish before waiting for the second. If you just want to start them, run them in parallel, and get both results, it's just fine. (No, it isn't, keep reading...) Note that if the first takes (say) five seconds to complete and the second fails in one second, your code will wait the full five seconds before then failing.
Sadly, there isn't currently await syntax to do a parallel wait, so you have the awkwardness you listed, or Promise.all. (There's been discussion of await.all or similar, though; maybe someday.)
The Promise.all version is:
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(), getValue2Async()]);
...which is more concise, and also doesn't wait for the first operation to complete if the second fails quickly (e.g., in my five seconds / one second example above, the above will reject in one second rather than waiting five). Also note that with your original code, if the second promise rejects before the first promise resolves, you may well get a "unhandled rejection" error in the console (you do currently with Chrome v61; update: more recent versions have more interesting behavior), although that error is arguably spurious (because you do, eventually, handle the rejection, in that this code is clearly in an async function¹ and so that function will hook rejection and make its promise reject with it) (update: again, changed). But if both promises reject, you'll get a genuine unhandled rejection error because the flow of control never reaches const value2 = await p2; and thus the p2 rejection is never handled.
Unhandled rejections are a Bad Thing™ (so much so that soon, Node.js will abort the process on truly unhandled rejections, just like unhandled exceptions — because that's what they are), so best to avoid the "get the promise then await it" pattern in your question.
Here's an example of the difference in timing in the failure case (using 500ms and 100ms rather than 5 seconds and 1 second), and possibly also the arguably-spurious unhandled rejection error (open the real browser console to see it):
const getValue1Async = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 500, "value1");
const getValue2Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 100, "error");
// This waits the full 500ms before failing, because it waits
// on p1, then on p2
(async () => {
try {
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
const value1 = await p1;
const value2 = await p2;
} catch (e) {
// This fails after just 100ms, because it doesn't wait for p1
// to finish first, it rejects as soon as p2 rejects
setTimeout(async () => {
try {
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(), getValue2Async()]);
} catch (e) {
console.timeEnd("Promise.all", e);
}, 1000);
Open the real browser console to see the unhandled rejection error.
And here we reject both p1 and p2, resulting in a non-spurious unhandled rejection error on p2:
const getValue1Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 500, "error1");
const getValue2Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 100, "error2");
// This waits the full 500ms before failing, because it waits
// on p1, then on p2
(async () => {
try {
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
const value1 = await p1;
const value2 = await p2;
} catch (e) {
// This fails after just 100ms, because it doesn't wait for p1
// to finish first, it rejects as soon as p2 rejects
setTimeout(async () => {
try {
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(), getValue2Async()]);
} catch (e) {
console.timeEnd("Promise.all", e);
}, 1000);
Open the real browser console to see the unhandled rejection error.
In a comment you've asked:
Side question: will the following force waiting for both (and discarding the results) await p1 && await p2?
This has the same issues around promise rejection as your original code: It will wait until p1 resolves even if p2 rejects earlier; it may generate an arguably-spurious (update: or temporary) unhandled rejection error if p2 rejects before p1 resolves; and it generates a genuine unhandled rejection error if both p1 and p2 reject (because p2's rejection is never handled).
Here's the case where p1 resolves and p2 rejects:
const getValue1Async = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 500, false);
const getValue2Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 100, "error");
(async () => {
try {
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
await p1 && await p2;
} catch (e) {
console.log("done waiting");
Look in the real console (for the unhandled rejection error).
...and where both reject:
const getValue1Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 500, "error1");
const getValue2Async = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(reject, 100, "error2");
(async () => {
try {
const p1 = getValue1Async();
const p2 = getValue2Async();
await p1 && await p2;
} catch (e) {
console.log("done waiting");
Look in the real console (for the unhandled rejection error).
¹ "...this code is clearly in an async function..." That was true in 2017 when this question and answer were written. Since then, top-level await happened/is happening.
I think this should work:
const [value1, value2] = await Promise.all([getValue1Async(),getValue2Async()]);
A more verbose example is below in case it helps in understanding:
const promise1 = async() => {
return 3;
const promise2 = async() => {
return 42;
const promise3 = async() => {
return 500;
// emulate an error
// throw "something went wrong...";
const f1 = async() => {
try {
// returns an array of values
const results = await Promise.all([promise1(), promise2(), promise3()]);
// assigns values to individual variables through 'array destructuring'
const [value1, value2, value3] = await Promise.all([promise1(), promise2(), promise3()]);
} catch (err) {
console.log("there was an error: " + err);
Use .catch() and Promise.all()
Make sure you handle rejections correctly and you can safely use Promises.all() without facing unhandled rejections. (Edit: clarification per discussion: not the Error unhandled rejection but simply rejections that are not being handled by the code. Promise.all() will throw the first promise rejection and will ignore the rest).
In the example below an array of [[error, results], ...] is returned to allow ease of processing results and/or errors.
let myTimeout = (ms, is_ok) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
setTimeout(_=> is_ok ?
resolve(`ok in ${ms}`) :
reject(`error in ${ms}`),
let handleRejection = promise => promise
.then((...r) => [null, ...r])
.catch(e => [e]);
(async _=> {
let res = await Promise.all([
myTimeout(100, true),
myTimeout(200, false),
myTimeout(300, true),
myTimeout(400, false)
You may throw from within a catch() to stop waiting for all (and discard the results of the rest), however - you may only do it once per try/catch blocks so a flag has_thorwn need to be maintained and checked to make sure no unhandled errors happens.
let myTimeout = (ms, is_ok) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
setTimeout(_=> is_ok ?
resolve(`ok in ${ms}`) :
reject(`error in ${ms}`),
let has_thrown = false;
let handleRejection = promise => promise
.then((...r) => [null, ...r])
.catch(e => {
if (has_thrown) {
console.log('not throwing', e);
} else {
has_thrown = 1;
throw e;
(async _=> {
try {
let res = await Promise.all([
myTimeout(100, true),
myTimeout(200, false),
myTimeout(300, true),
myTimeout(400, false)
} catch(e) {
console.log('we are done');
Resolves instead of Promises
const wait = (ms, data) => new Promise( resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms, data) )
const reject = (ms, data) => new Promise( (r, reject) => setTimeout(reject, ms, data) )
const e = e => 'err:' + e
const l = l => (console.log(l), l)
;(async function parallel() {
let task1 = reject(500, 'parallelTask1').catch(e).then(l)
let task2 = wait(2500, 'parallelTask2').catch(e).then(l)
let task3 = reject(1500, 'parallelTask3').catch(e).then(l)
;[task1, task2, task3] = [await task1, await task2, await task3]
console.log('FINISHED', task1, task2, task3)
As was pointed out in other answers, a rejected promise might raise an unhandled exception.
This one .catch(e => e) is a neat little trick that catches the error and passes it down the chain, allowing the promise to resolve, instead of rejecting.
If you find this ES6 code ugly see friendlier here.
