Having a button to control a timeline GSAP dynamic - positioning increment counter - javascript

I am trying to control a GSAP animation using a forward & backward button. The expected behaviour I am aiming for is:
When the user hovers over the forward button the animation moves forward (increments in px).
When the user mouseleaves the button then the animation pauses.
When the user hovers over the backwards button the animation moves the other way.
The issue I have encountered is that I have tried to add a dynamic positioning variable in place which increments when the user hovers over the 'forward' button. This is not working as expected - instead it just moves once instead of waiting until the user's mouse leaves to stop.
I tried to add a setInterval to the button event listener to increment the positioning so that when the user hovered over the button it would move px at a time, which did work, but it would not stop causing the browser to crash. I also added a mouseleave to clear the setInterval but I don't think it was good practise.
var masterTimeline = new TimelineMax();
var mousedown = false;
var forwardBTN = document.getElementById("forward");
var backwardBTN = document.getElementById("backward");
var pauseBTN = document.getElementById("pause");
var blueboxElement = document.getElementById("blueBox");
var direction = '+';
var counter = 0;
var distance = 0;
var value1 = direction + '=' + distance;
var tween;
forwardBTN.addEventListener("mouseenter", function(){
// setInterval(function() {
// }, 500);
backwardBTN.addEventListener("mouseenter", function(){
pauseBTN.addEventListener("click", function(){
function directionMove(playk) {
if (playk == 'moveBackward') {
var direction = '-';
value1 = direction + '=' + distance; // how to update value
masterTimeline.to(blueboxElement, 0.1, {css: {x: value1}, ease: Linear.easeNone}); // no need move by default
else if (playk == 'moveForward') {
var direction = '+';
value1 = direction + '=' + distance; //how to update value
masterTimeline.to(blueboxElement, 0.1, {css: {x: value1}, ease: Linear.easeNone}); // no need move by default
else if (playk == 'pause') {
The expected behaviour is to move forward incrementally without stopping until the user moves off the forward button but at present it is just moving a single amount one time.
Here is a CodePen link if this helps:

I think you're overcomplicating this a bit (at least in the demo). The entire point of GSAP is moving things along a timeline. What you're trying to do is essentially forcibly use a timeline to work in a non-timeline way, which is why I think you're having trouble.
If you step back and just think about your three requirements, I think it becomes a lot more simple. It's always good to think about it in words like you did because it can help you simplify it and understand it better.
The key steps are to:
Create a timeline for the movement of the box.
Play the timeline forward when the forward button is hovered.
2b. Pause it when it's no longer hovered.
Play the timeline backward when the reverse button is hovered.
3b. Pause it when it's no longer hovered.
In code that looks like this:
var tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true});
var forwardBTN = document.getElementById("forward");
var backwardBTN = document.getElementById("backward");
var pauseBTN = document.getElementById("pause");
var blueboxElement = document.getElementById("blueBox");
tl.to(blueboxElement, 10, {x: window.innerWidth - blueboxElement.clientWidth, ease: Linear.easeNone});
function pause() {
forwardBTN.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() {
forwardBTN.addEventListener("mouseleave", pause);
backwardBTN.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() {
backwardBTN.addEventListener("mouseleave", pause);
By the way, you're much more likely to get a faster response over on the official GreenSock forums :)

Do you mean something like this?
var tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true});
tl.to('.element', 3, {
x: 800,
mouseenter: function () {
else if($(this).hasClass('backwards')){
mouseleave: function () {
}, ".btn");
width: 100%;
padding: 40px;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: red;
display: inline-block;
padding: 15px;
background: #bbb;
margin-top: 20px;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/2.1.3/TweenMax.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="element_wrapper">
<div class="element"></div>
<div class="forward btn">Forward</div>
<div class="backwards btn">Backwards</div>


How can I disable(not hide) the scrolling vertical bar on scrolling with paralax effect

I want to try the same effect of this site but am getting lost in action on how to implement this animation.
When the user starts scrolling, the images in the header zoom in, the scrolling tab(vertical) does not move, up to a point which another image shows up, and only afterward the scroll bar starts working.
How can I achieve this animation when scrolling?
At the moment, what I thought was: to get the pixel value of the DOM when am scrolling, as well as the height of the div I want to target.
While the value of the DOM is less than the height of the box, the scale value should change based on the scrolling value.
The JS looks like this:
$(window).scroll(function() {
var initial_scroll = $('html').scrollTop();
var firstbox_height = $('#firstbox').height();
// console.log(firstbox_height);
while(initial_scroll < firstbox_height){
var sum = firstbox_height + ((firstbox_height * 0.01) / 100);
// "transform": "scale(" + sum + ")"
I seem to be going into an infinite loop.
My pen is here
Here's a working sample. It's not flawless, it bugs when you scroll just a little back and forth at the top, the text size might change in the wrong direction. Also it doesn't work when scrolling with arrow keys. But what it does is that it should give you the idea on how to proceed.
There's probably a cleaner, nicer and more concise way to do this, but this is one way.
To get a perfectly working one, I think you might have to place a transparent <div> over the one that changes, just to keep track of the position and hence the direction.
Fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/codesam/nedj3ubx/53/
<div id="box">
<p id="direction">
body {
height: 200vh;
#box {
width: 100%;
height: 50vh;
background-color: black;
color: white;
font-size: 72px;
var initialScroll = -1;
var size;
$(window).on('scroll touchmove mousewheel', function(e){
var currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop();
if (currentScroll > initialScroll) {
size = parseInt($("#box").css("font-size"));
if (size > 10) {
$("#box").css("font-size", "-=2");
return false;
else if (currentScroll < initialScroll) {
else if (currentScroll == 0 && initialScroll == 0) {
size = parseInt($("#box").css("font-size"));
if (size < 72) {
$("#box").css("font-size", "+=2");
return false;
initialScroll = currentScroll;

Javascript Platformer style movement

I was trying to do something new. Creating a complete javascript game without canvas. It was just going to be a simple Platformer game with squares of different sizes and colors for the Player, obstacles and so on. So far what i've found very challenging to do is the movement. I've found a way around most of the other issues but i cannot figure out how to achieve smooth Platformer style walking and jumping. My attempts have led to the player succeeding to move but always stopping to carry out another movement instead of performing both actions at the same time. For example: Right, Stop, Jump, Stop, Right, Stop, Jump. Here is the script i used (without the keys' actions). I am open to suggestions on how to create smooth Platformer style walking and jumping.
document.onkeydown = KeyPressed;
function KeyPressed(k) {
var LeftBtn = 37;
var RightBtn = 39;
var UpBtn = 38;
var DownBtn = 40;
if (k.keyCode == LeftBtn) {
// Left Arrow Actions
if (k.keyCode == RightBtn) {
// Right Arrow Actions
if (k.keyCode == UpBtn) {
// Up Arrow Actions
Please look at the following approach.
I use keydown and keyup event handlers to record which keys are pressed and which are released. So we know if several keys are pressed simultaneously. And we use these records to perform corresponding actions within the separate function running in the requestAnimationFrame loop.
Hope it helps.
var codes = {37:'left', 39:'right', 38:'up', 40:'down'},
step = 3, // pixels per keypress
keys = {left:0, right:0, up:0, down:0};
var c = document.getElementById('c');
document.onkeydown = KeyPressed;
document.onkeyup = KeyReleased;
function KeyReleased(k) {keys[codes[k.keyCode]] = 0}
function KeyPressed(k) {keys[codes[k.keyCode]] = 1}
function move(t) {
c.style.left = c.offsetLeft + step * (keys.right - keys.left) + 'px';
c.style.top = c.offsetTop + step * (keys.down - keys.up) + 'px';
html, body {overflow:hidden}
#c {
position: absolute;
top: 10%; left: 10%;
font:900 400%/1 sans-serif;
Click here and use arrow keys to move.
<div id="c">+</div>

How to adjust a Greensock.js tween based on browser scroll y position rather than by the time?

How would I go about adjusting the time manually based on the scroll position? What might that look like? To basically 'scroll' the tween? So that the tween reacts to the scrolling mouse's Y position rather than just trigger and execute based on a preset time?
IMHO, here is what you'll need to do:
You will need TimelineMax for sequencing your animations. Place
your animations in TimelineMax as you like them to be.
You'll need to figure out the maximum scroll position your window can scroll up to, beforehand. (This can also be re-calculated on browser resize as well but I haven't taken this into account in my example below). You can figure out with the
help of this answer. Also read the comments on that answer.
Upon scroll, you'll need to convert the current scroll position of
your window object into percentage that is: var currentScrollProgress=window.scrollY/maxScroll; such that your currentScrollProgress should always be between 0 and 1.
TimelineMax has a progress() method which takes values ranging
from 0 and 1 where 0 being the initial state of the animations
and 1 being the final state. Feed this currentScrollProgress
into it and you're done.
OR, you can tween the timeline itself that is: TweenMax.to(timeline,scrollTweenDuration,{progress:currentScrollProgress,ease:ease});.
Code used in my example is as follows:
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
div { width: 100%; height: 60px; margin: 2px 0; }
div:nth-child(odd) { background: #cc0; }
div:nth-child(even) { background: #0cc; }
/*global TweenMax, TimelineMax,Power2*/
var myDIVs=document.querySelectorAll('div'),numDIVs=myDIVs.length;
var timeline=new TimelineMax({paused:true}),duration=.4,ease=Power2.easeOut,staggerFactor=.1,scrollTweenDuration=.4;
var scrollTimeout=null,scrollTimeoutDelay=20,currentScrollProgress=0;
var maxScroll=Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight,document.body.offsetHeight,document.documentElement.clientHeight,document.documentElement.scrollHeight,document.documentElement.offsetHeight)-window.innerHeight; //see [https://stackoverflow.com/a/17698713/3344111]
function init(){
function initTimeline(){
for(var i=0; i<numDIVs; i+=1){ timeline.fromTo(myDIVs[i],duration,{opacity:0},{opacity:1,ease:ease},i*staggerFactor); }
function listenToScrollEvent(){
function debounceScroll(){
function onScroll(){
//timeline.progress(currentScrollProgress); // either directly set the [progress] of the timeline which may produce a rather jumpy result
TweenMax.to(timeline,scrollTweenDuration,{progress:currentScrollProgress,ease:ease}); // or tween the [timeline] itself to produce a transition from one state to another i.e. it looks smooth
function roundDecimal(value,place){ return Math.round(value*Math.pow(10,place))/Math.pow(10,place); }
Here is the resulting jsFiddle. Hope it helps.
While Tahir's answer is correct and sufficient, there's a lot of unnecessary code to show the example.
A more concise snippet is:
var max_scroll = document.body.offsetHeight - window.innerHeight;
win.addEventListener('scroll', function(){
var scroll_perc = parseFloat(Math.min(window.pageYOffset / max_scroll, 1).toFixed(2));
TweenMax.to(tl, 0, {
progress: scroll_perc
var tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true});
// the rest of your timeline....

Elements refuse to move - jQuery .css

Here I have an odd problem. I'm building a simple helicopter game (the old type - click to go up, avoid obstacles). My problem is that the obstacles generate, but don't position correctly, and then they won't move. I'm trying to move them with jQuery's css() - the css method works fine on anything else but when used with top and left doesn't.
The problem functions (generate and move obstacles):
game.background.generateObs = function() {
var top = Math.floor(Math.random()*game.canvas.height);
var left = game.canvas.width-10;
var $obs = $("<div></div>")
background: "black",
position: "absolute",
height: game.obstacle.height,
width: game.obstacle.width,
$obs.css("top", $("#canvas").offset().top + top )
.css("left",$("#canvas").offset().left + left);
game.obstacle.width = Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
if(game.gameState=="running") {
else {
game.background.moveObs = function() {
var currentPos = $("#canvas div.obs").css("left");
var newPos = currentPos - game.obstacle.frameWidth;
$("#canvas div.obs").css("left",newPos);
if(game.gameState=="running") {
else {
The other thing is that jsFiddle is now telling me that game is undefined, when I have defined it right at the start.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here's the fiddle.
$("#canvas div.obs").css("left") is returning auto in your fiddle, not a number.
Try using .offset().left instead.
Additionally, you should change your setTimeout calls like this:

Smooth natural motion when page scroll

I am newbie in JS. Right now i am working on an effect in which i want when page scroll first time then the natural motion animation starts but it's creating a problem because when i scroll the element animation became fast.
Check this more you got the idea.
i know that this is a swinging box (figured it out due to the Math.sin())
however, you have to note that scrolling event is fired every few milliseconds during scrolling. in your code, you are calling animate and creating an interval every time the scroll event is fired. that's why your animation is jumpy;
try this instead:
$(function() {
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
swing.start('.cloud1, .cloud2');
var swing = (function() {
var animated = false;
function startAnimation(selector) {
if (!animated) {
var banner = $(selector);
var start = 0;
animated = true;
window.setInterval(function() {
banner.css('left', 100 * Math.sin(start) + 80);
start += 0.1;
}, 30);
return {
start: startAnimation
