Mix synchronous and asynchronous by Promise.then is not working - javascript

Here is my code:
private loadingData() {
var promise = new Promise<any>((resolve) =>
promise.then(() => {
.then(() => this.syncFunctionThree())
The asynchronous method asyncServiceCall actually returns a Promise.
private asyncServiceCall(): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve) = > {
}).then(() => {
.then(() => {
Okay, let's look at functionOne and functionTwo. They are both returning Promise.
private functionOne() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.user['load'] = true;
this.service['user'].get().subscribe(d =>
this.user['d'] = d;
error => console.error(error),
() => {
private functionTwo() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.service['name'].get().subscribe(d =>
this.name['d'] = d;
The third method syncFunctionThree will use the data this.user['d'] and this.name['d'] to have some business logic. So I want to call functionOne and functionTwo first then call syncFunctionThree.
By the accepted answer without creating new Promise, I don't get lucky. I found that the
syncFunctionThree was called before the asynchronous methods.
So help me.

You are missing an important part of calling promises inside then() ... you need to return those promises or the then() will resolve immediately and go to the next then() in the chain. That's why functionThree is firing before the asynchronous promise functions resolve
private loadingData() {
var promise = new Promise<any>((resolve) =>
promise.then(() => {
// return the promise this function returns
return this.asyncServiceCall();
// ^^^^
// this then() won't fire until asyncServiceCall resolves in previous then()
.then((resultFromPriorThen) => this.syncFunctionThree())
Now you don't really need this first promise in loadingData() because you already have a promise to work with returned by asyncServiceCall() and can simplify it to:
private loadingData(): Promise<any> {
return this.asyncServiceCall().then(()=>this.syncFunctionThree());
Now to fix asyncServiceCall() the same way:
private asyncServiceCall(): Promise<any> {
return this.functionOne().then(()=>this.functionTwo());
Final note: Need to add a catch() in loadingData() in case one of the asynchronous operations has a problem

private functionOne() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
private functionTwo() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
private loadingData() {
Promise.all([functionOne(), functionTwo()]).then(([user, name]) => {
this.user['d'] = user;
this.name['d'] = name;
}).then(() => this.syncFunctionThree())
By looking at the method signature if the this.service['user'].get() is an rx observable. you can use this.service['user'].get().toPromise() to get the promise directly. if the this.service['user'].get() has multiple values try this.service['user'].get().pipe(first()) instead


Promise lose custom function

here is a code example:
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
promise.abort = function () {
function bar() {
return promise.then((value) => {
return value + "!";
newPromise = bar();
newPromise.then(value => {
i added a custom function to a promise. call the function abort() works like expected.
in the function bar() i use the then() method to log out the resolved value.
i know that the return value of bar() is a new promise. but it loses the custom function abort().
how can i inheritance the custom function to the new promise?
Create your own class and subclass the native Promise. Then you can keep custom methods as .then() will return the custom class
class MyPromise extends Promise {
abort() {
var promise = new MyPromise((resolve, reject) => {
function bar() {
return promise.then((value) => {
newPromise = bar();
You cannot cancel/abort a Promise. One approach is to write a generic timeout or similar function to handle a long withstanding Promise -
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms))
function timeout(p, ms) {
const orFail = sleep(ms).then(_ => { throw Error("timeout") })
return Promise.race([ p, orFail ])
async function testTask(value) {
await sleep(3000)
return value
timeout(testTask("hello"), 5000)
.then(console.log, console.error) // "hello"
timeout(testTask("world"), 1000)
.then(console.log, console.error) // Error "timeout"
Another approach is to use a third-party library like bluebird that supports cancellation -
import { Promise } from "bluebird"
function makeCancellableRequest(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject, onCancel) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.on("load", resolve);
xhr.on("error", reject);
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
// Note the onCancel argument only exists if cancellation has been enabled!
onCancel(function() {

Vuex action cancel promise

I want to be able to cancel a started promise from my Vue component, specifically a promise returned by a Vuex action.
My use case is that my Vuex action polls an endpoint for status, and I want to be able to cancel that polling if the user performs a certain action (close function in the example).
I have created a custom CancellablePromise class lifted from another stackoverflow answer, but it isn't working with Vuex.
Cancelable promise class (from https://stackoverflow.com/a/60600274/2152511)
export class CancellablePromise<T> extends Promise<T> {
private onCancel: () => void;
executor: (
resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void,
reject: (reason?: any) => void,
onCancel: (cancelHandler: () => void) => void
) => void
) {
let onCancel: () => void;
super((rs, rj) =>
executor(rs, rj, (ch: () => void) => {
onCancel = ch;
this.onCancel = onCancel;
public cancel(): void {
if (this.onCancel) {
async [SomeAction.foo]({ state, dispatch, commit, rootGetters }) {
const cancellablePromise = new CancellablePromise<any>((resolve, reject, onCancel) => {
const interval = setInterval(async () => {
const status = await dispatch(SomeAction.bar);
if (status === "goodstatus") {
} else if (status === "badstatus") {
}, 2000);
onCancel(() => {
return cancellablePromise;
data: (() => {
promise: undefined as CancellablePromise<any> | undefined
async call() {
this.promise = this.$store
.then(response => {
// do something
}) as CancellablePromise<any>;
close(): void {
if (this.promise) {
this.promise.cancel(); // outputs cancel is not a function
The problem occurs in the close function where this.promise.cancel is not a function.
This seems to me is because the object returned by dispatch is indeed a Promise, not a CancellablePromise. My suspicion comes from looking at the Vuex source which, again, seems to create a new Promise from the Promise returned from the action. I'm not very familiar with Typescript's type system, but unless I'm misreading this code I think my CancellablePromise is "lost" here.
How can I accomplish what I want to do here?
Extentding Promise is messy and unnecessary. It's more normal
to expose a Promise's reject method to the wider world (outside the Promise's constructor), and call it wherever necessary to cause the Promise to adopt its error path.
to race a "cancellation Promise" against the Promise of interest but that's not necessary here as the promisification of the setInterval process makes a reject method available.
Something like this should do it (untested).
async [SomeAction.foo]({ state, dispatch, commit, rootGetters }) {
let reject_, interval;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reject_ = reject; // externalise the reject method
interval = setInterval(async () => {
const status = await dispatch(SomeAction.bar);
if (status === 'goodstatus') {
} else if (status === 'badstatus') {
reject(new Error(status)); // for example
} else {
// ignore other states ???
}, 2000);
promise.cancel = reject_; // decorate promise with its own reject method.
return promise.always(() => { clearInterval(interval) }); // clear the interval however the promise settles (resolve() or reject() above, or promise.cancel() externally).
data: (() => {
cancel: null
async call() {
this.close(new Error('new call was made before previous call completed')); // may be a good idea
let promise = this.$store.dispatch(SomeAction.foo); // don't chain .then() yet otherwise the .cancel property is lost.
this.cancel = promise.cancel; // store the means to force-reject the promise;
return promise.then(response => { // now chain .then()
// do something
.catch(error => {
throw error;
close(reason): void {
if (this.cancel) {
this.cancel(reason || new Error('cancelled'));

Does promise resolved in n-th setTimeout cause memory leak?

I can see in Chrome task manager that the tab in which following code is running eats more and more memory, and it is not released until the promise is resolved
Main idea here is to use a single 'low level' method which would handle "busy" responses from the server. Other methods just pass url path with request data to it and awaiting for a valuable response.
Some anti-patterns was removed.
var counter = 1
// emulates post requests sent with ... axios
async function post (path, data) {
let response = (counter++ < 1000) ? { busy: true } : { balance: 3000 }
return Promise.resolve(response)
async function _call (path, data, resolve) {
let response = await post()
if (response.busy) {
setTimeout(() => {
_call(path, data, resolve)
}, 10)
throw new Error('busy')
async function makePayment (amount) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
_call('/payment/create', {amount}, resolve)
async function getBalance () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
_call('/balance', null, resolve)
.then(() => {
.then(balance => console.log('balance: ', balance))
.catch(e => console.error('some err: ', e))
The first time you call _call() in here:
async function getBalance () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
_call('/balance', null, resolve)
It will not call the resolve callback and it will return a rejected promise and thus the new Promise() you have in getBalance() will just do nothing initially. Remember, since _call is marked async, when you throw, that is caught and turned into a rejected promise.
When the timer fires, it will call resolve() and that will resolve the getBalance() promise, but it will not have a value and thus you don't get your balance. By the time you do eventually call resolve(response.balance), you've already called that resolve() function so the promise it belongs to is latched and won't change its value.
As others have said, there are all sorts of things wrong with this code (lots of anti-patterns). Here's a simplified version that works when I run it in node.js or in the snippet here in the answer:
function delay(t, val) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve.bind(null, val), t);
var counter = 1;
function post() {
console.log(`counter = ${counter}`);
// modified counter value to 100 for demo purposes here
return (counter++ < 100) ? { busy: true } : { balance: 3000 };
function getBalance () {
async function _call() {
let response = post();
if (response.busy) {
// delay, then chain next call
await delay(10);
return _call();
} else {
return response.balance;
// start the whole process
return _call();
.then(balance => console.log('balance: ', balance))
.catch(e => console.error('some err: ', e))

How to resolve a promise multiple times?

It might sound weird, but I'm looking for a way to resolve a promise multiple times. Are there any approaches to make this possible?
Think of the following example:
getPromise() {
const event = new Event('myEvent');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 7000);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
window.addEventListener('myEvent', () => {
resolve('some value'));
resolve('some value'));
And then .then():
getPromise().then(data => {console.log(data)})
Should give the following result:
some value // initial
some value // after 5000ms
some value // after 7000ms
So I know there are libraries to stream data, but I'm really looking for a native non-callbak approach to achieve this.
How to resolve a promise multiple times?
You can't. Promises can only be resolved once. Once they have been resolved, they never ever change their state again. They are essentially one-way state machines with three possible states pending, fulfilled and rejected. Once they've gone from pending to fulfilled or from pending to rejected, they cannot be changed.
So, you pretty much cannot and should not be using promises for something that you want to occur multiple times. Event listeners or observers are a much better match than promises for something like that. Your promise will only ever notify you about the first event it receives.
I don't know why you're trying to avoid callbacks in this case. Promises use callbacks too in their .then() handlers. You will need a callback somewhere to make your solution work. Can you explain why you don't just use window.addEventListener('myEvent', someCallback) directly since that will do what you want?
You could return a promise-like interface (that does not follow Promise standards) that does call its notification callbacks more than once. To avoid confusion with promises, I would not use .then() as the method name:
function getNotifier() {
const event = new Event('myEvent');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 700);
let callbackList = [];
const notifier = {
notify: function(fn) {
window.addEventListener('myEvent', (data) => {
// call all registered callbacks
for (let cb of callbackList) {
return notifier;
// Usage:
getNotifier().notify(data => {console.log(data.type)})
I have a solution in Typescript.
export class PromiseParty {
private promise: Promise<string>;
private resolver: (value?: string | PromiseLike<string>) => void;
public getPromise(): Promise<string> {
if (!this.promise) {
this.promise = new Promise((newResolver) => { this.resolver = newResolver; });
return this.promise;
public setPromise(value: string) {
if(this.resolver) {
this.promise = null;
this.resolver = null;
export class UseThePromise {
public constructor(
private promiseParty: PromiseParty
private async init(){
const subscribe = () => {
const result = await this.promiseParty.getPromise();
subscribe(); //resubscribe!!
subscribe(); //To start the subscribe the first time
export class FeedThePromise {
public constructor(
private promiseParty: PromiseParty
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
setTimeout(() => {
this.promiseParty.setPromise("Hello again!");
}, 2000);
setTimeout(() => {
this.promiseParty.setPromise("Hello again and again!");
}, 3000);

Resolve Javascript Promise outside the Promise constructor scope

I have been using ES6 Promise.
Ordinarily, a Promise is constructed and used like this
new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
if (someCondition){
} else {
But I have been doing something like below to take the resolve outside for the sake of flexibility.
var outsideResolve;
var outsideReject;
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
outsideResolve = resolve;
outsideReject = reject;
And later
onClick = function(){
This works fine, but is there an easier way to do this? If not, is this a good practice?
var promiseResolve, promiseReject;
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
promiseResolve = resolve;
promiseReject = reject;
Bit late to the party here, but another way to do it would be to use a Deferred object. You essentially have the same amount of boilerplate, but it's handy if you want to pass them around and possibly resolve outside of their definition.
Naive Implementation:
class Deferred {
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
this.reject = reject
this.resolve = resolve
function asyncAction() {
var dfd = new Deferred()
setTimeout(()=> {
}, 500)
return dfd.promise
asyncAction().then(result => {
console.log(result) // 42
ES5 Version:
function Deferred() {
var self = this;
this.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
self.reject = reject
self.resolve = resolve
function asyncAction() {
var dfd = new Deferred()
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500)
return dfd.promise
asyncAction().then(function(result) {
console.log(result) // 42
No, there is no other way to do this - the only thing I can say is that this use case isn't very common. Like Felix said in the comment - what you do will consistently work.
It's worth mentioning that the reason the promise constructor behaves this way is throw safety - if an exception you did not anticipate happens while your code is running inside the promise constructor it will turn into a rejection, this form of throw safety - converting thrown errors to rejections is important and helps maintain predictable code.
For this throw safety reason, the promise constructor was chosen over deferreds (which are an alternative promise construction way that do allow what you're doing) - as for best practices - I'd pass the element and use the promise constructor instead:
var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
this.onclick = resolve;
For this reason - whenever you can use the promise constructor over exporting the functions - I recommend you do use it. Whenever you can avoid both - avoid both and chain.
Note, that you should never use the promise constructor for things like if(condition), the first example could be written as:
var p = Promise[(someCondition)?"resolve":"reject"]();
I liked #JonJaques answer but I wanted to take it a step further.
If you bind then and catch then the Deferred object, then it fully implements the Promise API and you can treat it as promise and await it and such.
⚠️ Editor's Note: I don't recommend this kind of pattern anymore since at the time of writing, Promise.prototype.finally was not a thing yet, then it became a thing… This could happen to other methods so I recommend you augment the promise instance with resolve and reject functions instead:
function createDeferredPromise() {
let resolve
let reject
const promise = new Promise((thisResolve, thisReject) => {
resolve = thisResolve
reject = thisReject
return Object.assign(promise, {resolve, reject})
Go upvote someone else's answer.
class DeferredPromise {
constructor() {
this._promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// assign the resolve and reject functions to `this`
// making them usable on the class instance
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
// bind `then` and `catch` to implement the same interface as Promise
this.then = this._promise.then.bind(this._promise);
this.catch = this._promise.catch.bind(this._promise);
this.finally = this._promise.finally.bind(this._promise);
this[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Promise';
const deferred = new DeferredPromise();
console.log('waiting 2 seconds...');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
async function someAsyncFunction() {
const value = await deferred;
A solution I came up with in 2015 for my framework. I called this type of promises Task
function createPromise(handler){
var resolve, reject;
var promise = new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject){
resolve = _resolve;
reject = _reject;
if(handler) handler(resolve, reject);
promise.resolve = resolve;
promise.reject = reject;
return promise;
// create
var promise = createPromise()
promise.then(function(data){ alert(data) })
// resolve from outside
Accepted answer is wrong. It's pretty easy using scope and references, though it may make Promise purists angry:
const createPromise = () => {
let resolver;
return [
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolver = resolve;
const [ promise, resolver ] = createPromise();
promise.then(value => console.log(value));
setTimeout(() => resolver('foo'), 1000);
We are essentially grabbing the reference to the resolve function when the promise is created, and we return that so it can be set externally.
In one second the console will output:
> foo
A helper method would alleviate this extra overhead, and give you the same jQuery feel.
function Deferred() {
let resolve;
let reject;
const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
return { promise, resolve, reject };
Usage would be
const { promise, resolve, reject } = Deferred();
confirm: resolve,
cancel: reject
return promise;
Which is similar to jQuery
const dfd = $.Deferred();
confirm: dfd.resolve,
cancel: dfd.reject
return dfd.promise();
Although, in a use case this simple, native syntax is fine
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
confirm: resolve,
cancel: reject
I'm using a helper function to create what I call a "flat promise" -
function flatPromise() {
let resolve, reject;
const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
return { promise, resolve, reject };
And I'm using it like so -
function doSomethingAsync() {
// Get your promise and callbacks
const { resolve, reject, promise } = flatPromise();
// Do something amazing...
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
// Pass your promise to the world
return promise;
See full working example -
function flatPromise() {
let resolve, reject;
const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
return { promise, resolve, reject };
function doSomethingAsync() {
// Get your promise and callbacks
const { resolve, reject, promise } = flatPromise();
// Do something amazing...
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
// Pass your promise to the world
return promise;
(async function run() {
const result = await doSomethingAsync()
.catch(err => console.error('rejected with', err));
I have created an NPM package called flat-promise and the code is also available on GitHub.
Just in case somebody came looking for a typescript version of a util simplifying this task:
export const deferred = <T>() => {
let resolve!: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
let reject!: (reason?: any) => void;
const promise = new Promise<T>((res, rej) => {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
return {
This can be used eg. like:
const {promise, resolve} = deferred<string>();
promise.then((value) => console.log(value)); // nothing
resolve('foo'); // console.log: foo
You can wrap the Promise in a class.
class Deferred {
constructor(handler) {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.reject = reject;
this.resolve = resolve;
handler(resolve, reject);
this.promise.resolve = this.resolve;
this.promise.reject = this.reject;
return this.promise;
// How to use.
const promise = new Deferred((resolve, reject) => {
// Use like normal Promise.
promise.resolve(); // Resolve from any context.
I find myself missing the Deferred pattern as well in certain cases. You can always create one on top of a ES6 Promise:
export default class Deferred<T> {
private _resolve: (value: T) => void = () => {};
private _reject: (value: T) => void = () => {};
private _promise: Promise<T> = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
this._reject = reject;
this._resolve = resolve;
public get promise(): Promise<T> {
return this._promise;
public resolve(value: T) {
public reject(value: T) {
Many of the answers here are similar to the last example in this article.
I am caching multiple Promises, and the resolve() and reject() functions can be assigned to any variable or property. As a result I am able to make this code slightly more compact:
function defer(obj) {
obj.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
obj.resolve = resolve;
obj.reject = reject;
Here is a simplified example of using this version of defer() to combine a FontFace load Promise with another async process:
function onDOMContentLoaded(evt) {
let all = []; // array of Promises
glob = {}; // global object used elsewhere
// launch async process with callback = resolveGlob()
const myFont = new FontFace("myFont", "url(myFont.woff2)");
Promise.all(all).then(() => { runIt(); }, (v) => { alert(v); });
function resolveGlob() {
function runIt() {} // runs after all promises resolved
Update: 2 alternatives in case you want to encapsulate the object:
function defer(obj = {}) {
obj.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
obj.resolve = resolve;
obj.reject = reject;
return obj;
let deferred = defer();
class Deferred {
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
let deferred = new Deferred();
Our solution was to use closures to store the resolve/reject functions and additionally attach a function to extend the promise itself.
Here is the pattern:
function getPromise() {
var _resolve, _reject;
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
_reject = reject;
_resolve = resolve;
promise.resolve_ex = (value) => {
promise.reject_ex = (value) => {
return promise;
And using it:
var promise = getPromise();
promise.then(value => {
console.info('The promise has been fulfilled: ' + value);
// or the reject version
Yes, you can. By using the CustomEvent API for the browser environment. And using an event emitter project in node.js environments. Since the snippet in the question is for the browser environment, here is a working example for the same.
function myPromiseReturningFunction(){
return new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener("myCustomEvent", (event) => {
myPromiseReturningFunction().then(result => {
document.getElementById("p").addEventListener("click", () => {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("myCustomEvent", {detail : "It works!"}))
<p id="p"> Click me </p>
I hope this answer is useful!
Thanks to everyone who posted in this thread. I created a module that includes the Defer() object described earlier as well as a few other objects built upon it. They all leverage Promises and the neat Promise call-back syntax to implement communication/event handling within a program.
Defer: Promise that can be resolved failed remotely (outside of its body)
Delay: Promise that is resolved automatically after a given time
TimeOut: Promise that fails automatically after a given time.
Cycle: Re-triggerable promise to manage events with the Promise syntax
Queue: Execution queue based on Promise chaining.
rp = require("openpromise")
Class version, in Typescript :
export class Deferred<T> {
public readonly promise: Promise<T>
private resolveFn!: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void
private rejectFn!: (reason?: any) => void
public constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolveFn = resolve
this.rejectFn = reject
public reject(reason?: any): void {
public resolve(param: T): void {
I wrote a small lib for this. https://www.npmjs.com/package/#inf3rno/promise.exposed
I used the factory method approach others wrote, but I overrode the then, catch, finally methods too, so you can resolve the original promise by those as well.
Resolving Promise without executor from outside:
const promise = Promise.exposed().then(console.log);
promise.resolve("This should show up in the console.");
Racing with the executor's setTimeout from outside:
const promise = Promise.exposed(function (resolve, reject){
setTimeout(function (){
resolve("I almost fell asleep.")
}, 100000);
setTimeout(function (){
promise.resolve("I don't want to wait that much.");
}, 100);
There is a no-conflict mode if you don't want to pollute the global namespace:
const createExposedPromise = require("#inf3rno/promise.exposed/noConflict");
const promise = createExposedPromise().then(console.log);
promise.resolve("This should show up in the console.");
I made a library called manual-promise that functions as a drop in replacement for Promise. None of the other answers here will work as drop in replacements for Promise, as they use proxies or wrappers.
yarn add manual-promise
npn install manual-promise
import { ManualPromise } from "manual-promise";
const prom = new ManualPromise();
// actions can still be run inside the promise
const prom2 = new ManualPromise((resolve, reject) => {
// ... code
new ManualPromise() instanceof Promise === true
Just another solution to resolve Promise from the outside
class Lock {
#lock; // Promise to be resolved (on release)
release; // Release lock
id; // Id of lock
constructor(id) {
this.id = id
this.#lock = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.release = () => {
if (resolve) {
} else {
get() { return this.#lock }
let lock = new Lock(... some id ...);
lock.release() // Excpected 'resolved/released'
How about creating a function to hijack the reject and return it ?
function createRejectablePromise(handler) {
let _reject;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
_reject = reject;
handler(resolve, reject);
promise.reject = _reject;
return promise;
// Usage
const { reject } = createRejectablePromise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
I've put together a gist that does that job: https://gist.github.com/thiagoh/c24310b562d50a14f3e7602a82b4ef13
here's how you should use it:
import ExternalizedPromiseCreator from '../externalized-promise';
describe('ExternalizedPromise', () => {
let fn: jest.Mock;
let deferredFn: jest.Mock;
let neverCalledFn: jest.Mock;
beforeEach(() => {
fn = jest.fn();
deferredFn = jest.fn();
neverCalledFn = jest.fn();
it('resolve should resolve the promise', done => {
const externalizedPromise = ExternalizedPromiseCreator.create(() => fn());
.then(() => deferredFn())
.catch(() => neverCalledFn())
.then(() => {
As I didn't find what I was looking for, I will share what I actually wanted to achieve when I ended in this question.
Scenario: I have 3 different API's with same possible response and therefore I would like to handle the completion and error handling of the promises in a single function. This is what I did:
Create a handler function:
private handleHttpPromise = (promise: Promise<any>) => {
.then((response: any) => {
// do something with the response
.catch((error) => {
// do something with the error
Send your promises to the created handler
switch (method) {
case 'get': {
case 'post': {
if (jsonData) {
this.handleHttpPromise(apiService.post(url, jsonData));
// (...)
I would like to share something different, an extension to this topic.
Sometimes you want a "task promise" to be automatically re-created at the same address (property or variable) when it resolves. It's possible to create an outside resolver that does just that.
Example of a recurring promise with an external resolver. Whenever the resolver is called, a new promise is created at the same address/variable/property.
let resolvePromise;
let thePromise;
const setPromise = (resolve) => {
resolvePromise = () => {
thePromise = new Promise(setPromise);
thePromise = new Promise(setPromise);
(async () => {
let i = 0;
while (true) {
let msg = (i % 2 === 0) ? 'Tick' : 'Tock';
document.body.innerHTML = msg;
setTimeout(resolvePromise, 1000);
await thePromise;
If (like me) you don't like augmenting native instances, nor unwieldy ".promise" properties ... but do love proxies and mangling classes, then this one is for you:
class GroovyPromise {
constructor() {
return new Proxy(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
}), {
get: (target, prop) =>
this[prop] || target[prop].bind(target),
Used like so:
const groovypromise = new GroovyPromise();
setTimeout(() => groovypromise.resolve('groovy'), 1000);
console.log(await groovypromise);
Of course you can also rename the class to something dull like "Deferred"
For fun, you also combine a promise into a self-resolvable function:
function Resolver() {
let resolve;
const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r);
return new Proxy(resolve, {
get: (_, prop) => promise[prop].bind(promise)
const resolve = Resolver();
(async () => {
.then(value => console.log('thenable:', value))
.finally(() => console.log('finally'));
const value = await resolve;
console.log('awaitable:', value);
// thenable: test
// finally
// awaitable: test
first enable --allow-natives-syntax on browser or node
const p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
if (someCondition){
} else {
onClick = function () {
%ResolvePromise(p, value)
