I'm assigning values to this variables inside ngOnInit:
this.simStatsList$ = this.sideMenuService.getSimStatsList();
this.currentStation$ = this.simStatsList$.pipe(
map(station => station.find((station: ISimStats) => station.stationName === this.authService.userStation)),
) as Observable<ISimStats>;
This is my test:
it('should select userStation as currentStation', () => {
component.currentStation$.subscribe((response) => {
{ stationName: 'test', stats: { open: 0, down: 0, preflight: 0 } }
It passes but is not covering the map function from rxjs. Also im providing sideMenuService and AuthService as mocked values and this is my mock. I'm missing something but i don't know what is it.
export const mockSideMenuService = {
getSimStatsList: () =>
{ stationName: 'test', stats: { open: 0, down: 0, preflight: 0 } },
{ stationName: 'test1', stats: { open: 1, down: 1, preflight: 1 } }
] as ISimStats[])
export const mockAuthService = {
userStation: 'test'
Could you help me to cover the whole code?
After #will alexander comment i did some change and it worked:
First, pass the function to the sideMenuService and recieve needed data as parameters:
simStatsList$: Observable<ISimStats[]>,
currentStation: string): Observable<ISimStats> {
return simStatsList$.pipe(
map((station) => station.find((station: ISimStats) => station.stationName === currentStation))) as Observable<ISimStats>;
Then my component test coverage passed as 100% but the sideMenuService wasn't so i wrote this small test on service spec file:
it('should getCurrentStation', () =>{
service.getCurrentSimStats(of(mockSideMenuService.mockSimStatsResponse), 'test').subscribe((res) => {
After this, everything worked and tests are passing!
I am using Vue.js. I have declared a function in methods called watcher() and I want to call this function when page load at first, so I called this function in mounted like mounted(){this.watcher()}. It's not showing any error in browser's console. The website is also working fine but in command line, while rendering it says the watcher does not exist on type:
export default {
name: 'Products',
data() {
return {}
firestore() {},
methods: {
onFileChange(e) {},
addNewProduct() {},
watcher() {
db.collection('products').onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
this.products = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const product = {
id: doc.id,
name: doc.data().name,
price: doc.data().price
CancelUpdateProduct() {},
updateProduct(product) {},
productEdit(product) {},
showEditModal() {},
reset() {},
deleteProduct(id) {},
addProduct() {}
mounted() {
I just want to remove this error in comand line, as it may make any error in future!
Trying to test if the following function gets called correctly.
Here is the function, using Jest and Enzyme for React Js:
changeCurrentColumn = (e) => {
if(e.target.value !== 'default')
const id = e.target.value
const name = this.props.defaultData[e.target.value].caption
this.props.setCurrentColumn({ name, id })
Here is the test:
it('changeCurrentColumn function test', () => {
The error is pointing to ({target:'test'})) :
What can I add after 'test' in order to read the property of 'caption'?
You can change the type of the defaultData to object something like this.
it('changeCurrentColumn function test', () => {
const event = {
target: {
value: "caption"
or pass value as 0 to get rest from the existing defaultData.
it('changeCurrentColumn function test', () => {
const event = {
target: {
value: 0
I use pusher for my sockets/events.
My pusher channels are wrapped in an object which is passed through a key/value pipe to the child component. So the actual channel is in this.channel.value while this.channel.key is just a string with the key.
#Input() channel;
ngOnInit() {
console.log('channel.value', this.channel.value, typeof this.channel.value);
this.channel.value.bind('client-msg', (msg) => {
The console.log gives me an object e, I assume this is an event, of the type Object?
channel.value e {callbacks: t, global_callbacks: Array(0), failThrough: ƒ, name: "private-5c49fdc35abdba3fccb362795c49fe6d5cc2ea3ffcb4f895", pusher: t, …}callbacks: t {_callbacks: {…}}failThrough: ƒ (t,n)global_callbacks: []name: "private-5c49fdc35abdba3fccb362795c49fe6d5cc2ea3ffcb4f895"pusher: t {key: "0d4bf48a9d086414a4da", config: {…}, channels: t, global_emitter: t, sessionID: 123906324, …}receiver: "5c49fdc35abdba3fccb36279"receiverName: "Don Peyote"subscribed: truesubscriptionCancelled: falsesubscriptionPending: falsetype: "chat"__proto__: e object
Angular/Jasmine Unit Test:
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ChatMessengerComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
component.channel = {
key: 'private-5c49fdc35abdba3fcl1fecb362795c49fe6d5cc2ea3ffcb4f895',
receiver: '5c49fdc35abdba3fccb36279',
name: 'DonPeyote'
How do I create the stub/mock that I can pass my properties (receiver,name) and bind an event listener to it?
I found the pusher-js-mock module.
import { PusherMock } from "pusher-js-mock";
describe('ChatMessengerComponent', () => {
let component: ChatMessengerComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ChatMessengerComponent>;
const pusher = new PusherMock();
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ChatMessengerComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
const channel = pusher.subscribe('private-5c49fdc35abdba3fcl1fecb362795c49fe6d5cc2ea3ffcb4f895');
component.channel = {
key: 'private-5c49fdc35abdba3fcl1fecb362795c49fe6d5cc2ea3ffcb4f895',
value: channel
I have an angular application and I need to do some unit testing on some methods with Jasmine. IN this case I do a unit test on a select list. So that the select list will not be empty.
The method looks like this:
createStatusOptions(listValueoptions: OptionModel[], resources: any): OptionModel[] {
const processStatusOptions = listValueoptions.map(listValueOption => {
listValueOption.value = `${caseStatusEnum.inProgress}_${listValueOption.value}`;
listValueOption.selected = true;
return listValueOption;
const caseStatusEnumKeys = Object.keys(caseStatusEnum).filter(key => !isNaN(Number(key)));
const enumOptions = this.optionService.createOptions(
new ConfigOptionModel({ source: caseStatusEnumKeys, resources, resourcesModel: enumResourcesModel, isCustomEnum: true, }));
return [
this.getEnumOption(enumOptions, caseStatusEnum.submitted, true),
this.getEnumOption(enumOptions, caseStatusEnum.closed),
private getEnumOption(options: OptionModel[], enumType, isSelected = false): OptionModel {
const option = options.filter(enumOption => enumOption.value === `${enumType}`)[0];
option.selected = isSelected;
return option;
And I have the unit test like this:
it('should create status options when there ar list value options are provided', () => {
optionService.options = [
value: caseStatusEnum.submitted.toString(),
value: caseStatusEnum.inProgress.toString(),
value: caseStatusEnum.closed.toString(),
] as OptionModel[];
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
const result = service.createStatusOptions(optionService.options, [[103], [104], [105] ]);
expect(result).toEqual([{ value: '103', selected: true }, { value: '105', selected: false }]);
But I get an error like this:
Services: CaseService > should create status options when there ar list value options are provided
TypeError: Cannot set property 'selected' of undefined
at <Jasmine>
at CaseService.getEnumOption (http://localhost:9878/src/app/case/src/services/case.service.ts?:130:9)
at CaseService.getEnumOption [as createStatusOptions] (http://localhost:9878/src/app/case/src/services/case.service.ts?:109:22)
at UserContext.<anonymous> (http://localhost:9878/src/app/case/src/services/case.service.spec.ts?:149:32)
at ZoneDelegate.../../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke (http://localhost:9878/E:/Projects/Source/Repos/VLR/Web/vlrworkspace/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js?:388:1)
at ProxyZoneSpec.push.../../node_modules/zone.js/dist/proxy.js.ProxyZoneSpec.onInvoke (http://localhost:9878/E:/Projects/Source/Repos/VLR/Web/vlrworkspace/node_modules/zone.js/dist/proxy.js?:128:1)
at ZoneDelegate.../../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke (http://localhost:9878/E:/Projects/Source/Repos/VLR/Web/vlrworkspace/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js?:387:1)
at Zone.../../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.run (http://localhost:9878/E:/Projects/Source/Repos/VLR/Web/vlrworkspace/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js?:138:1)
at runInTestZone (http://localhost:9878/E:/Projects/Source/Repos/VLR/Web/vlrworkspace/node_modules/zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch.js?:145:1)
at UserContext.<anonymous> (http://localhost:9878/E:/Projects/Source/Repos/VLR/Web/vlrworkspace/node_modules/zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch.js?:160:1)
at <Jasmine>
So my question is: How to solve this?
Thank you
if I do this:
I get this output:
0: {value: "103", selected: true}
1: {value: "104"}
2: {value: "105", selected: false}
length: 3
__proto__: Array(0)
this is the file:
import { fakeAsync, tick } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { FormServiceMock, MultiFileUploadServiceMock } from 'afw/forms/testing';
import { AfwHttp } from 'afw/generic-services';
import { AfwHttpMock, OptionServiceMock } from 'afw/generic-services/testing';
import { OptionModel, SearchResultModel } from 'afw/models';
import { FeedbackStoreServiceMock } from 'afw/store-services/testing';
import { RouterMock } from 'afw/testing';
import { PagingDataModel, TableSortDataModel } from 'afw/ui-components';
import { caseOwnerEnum, caseStatusEnum, caseTypeEnum, MultiFileUploadResourcesModel } from 'lr/models';
import { Observable, observable } from 'rxjs';
import { CaseTypeInfoModel } from 'support-shared/base/models';
import { CaseTypeInfoStoreServiceMock } from 'support-shared/base/services/case-type-info-store.service.mock';
import { CaseFormComponent } from '../case-base/src/case-form/case-form.component';
import { CaseBaseModel, CaseReferenceModel } from '../models';
import { CaseService } from './case.service';
let service: CaseService;
let afwHttpMock: AfwHttpMock;
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-const
let formServiceMock: FormServiceMock;
let multiFileUploadService: MultiFileUploadServiceMock;
let router: RouterMock;
let feedbackStoreService: FeedbackStoreServiceMock;
let optionService: OptionServiceMock;
let caseTypeInfoStoreService: CaseTypeInfoStoreServiceMock;
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-const
let component: CaseFormComponent;
fdescribe('Services: CaseService', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
afwHttpMock = new AfwHttpMock();
multiFileUploadService = new MultiFileUploadServiceMock();
router = new RouterMock();
feedbackStoreService = new FeedbackStoreServiceMock();
optionService = new OptionServiceMock();
caseTypeInfoStoreService = new CaseTypeInfoStoreServiceMock();
service = new CaseService(afwHttpMock as any, multiFileUploadService as any, router as any,
feedbackStoreService as any, optionService as any, caseTypeInfoStoreService as any);
it('should create an instance', () => {
it('should get case reference details', () => {
afwHttpMock.setupOnlyResponse({ type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest, details: { bsn: 'bsnLabel' } }, 200);
const d = service.getCaseReferenceDetails('spinnerMessage', { reference: '112314121', type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest });
d.subscribe(r => {
expect(r.details.length === 1);
expect((r.details[0] as any).resourceKey).toBe('bsn');
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-identical-functions
it('should get case reference details with full response', () => {
afwHttpMock.setupOnlyResponse({ body: { type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest, details: [{ key: 'hoi' }] } }, 200);
const d = service.getCaseReferenceDetailsFullResponse('spinnerMessage', { reference: '100001075', type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest });
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-commented-code
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-identical-functions
/* let result;
d.subscribe(r => {
result = r;
}); */
d.subscribe(r => {
expect(r.ok === true);
// expect(result.ok === true);
// expect(result.)
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-commented-code
it('shoud get case type info configuration that is used on various views when snapshot exists', () => {
let result99: Observable<CaseTypeInfoModel[]>;
result99 = service.getCaseTypeInfo('spinner') as Observable<CaseTypeInfoModel[]>;
const response = [{ mock: 'mock' } as any];
service['caseTypeInfoSnapshot'] = response;
service.getCaseTypeInfo('spinner').subscribe(i => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-identical-functions
it('shoud get case type info configuration that is used on various views when snapshot doesnt exists', () => {
let result99: Observable<CaseTypeInfoModel[]>;
const spy = spyOn(caseTypeInfoStoreService, 'addCaseTypeInfoToStore');
result99 = service.getCaseTypeInfo('spinner') as Observable<CaseTypeInfoModel[]>;
const response = [{ mock: 'mock' } as any];
service['caseTypeInfoSnapshot'] = response;
// caseTypeInfoStoreService..subscribe((result) => { expect(result).toBe(false); });
result99.subscribe((result) => {
afwHttpMock.setupOnlyResponse(result99, 200);
it('should create status options when no list value options are provided', () => {
optionService.options = [
value: caseStatusEnum.submitted.toString(),
value: caseStatusEnum.inProgress.toString(),
value: caseStatusEnum.closed.toString(),
] as OptionModel[];
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-commented-code
// const spy = spyOn(service, 'createStatusOptions');
const result = service.createStatusOptions([], {});
expect(result).toEqual([{ value: '103', selected: true }, { value: '105', selected: false }]);
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-commented-code
// const response = [{ mock: 'mock' } as any];
// expect(spy).toBe(result);
it('should create status options when there ar list value options are provided', () => {
optionService.options = [
value: caseStatusEnum.submitted.toString(),
value: caseStatusEnum.inProgress.toString(),
value: caseStatusEnum.closed.toString(),
] as OptionModel[];
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
const result = service.createStatusOptions(optionService.options, 103);
expect(result).toEqual([{ value: '103', selected: true }, { value: '105', selected: false }]);
it('should get case reference without details', () => {
afwHttpMock.setupOnlyResponse({}, 200);
const spy = spyOn(afwHttpMock, 'post').and.callThrough();
const model = new CaseReferenceModel({ reference: '112314121', type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest });
const d = service.getCaseReferenceDetails('spinnerMessage', model);
d.subscribe(r => {
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('api/support/cases/get-reference-details', model, 'spinnerMessage');
it('should add case reference without details', () => {
afwHttpMock.setupOnlyResponse({}, 200);
const spy = spyOn(afwHttpMock, 'post').and.callThrough();
const model = new CaseReferenceModel({ reference: '112314121', type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest });
const d = service.addCase('spinnerMessage', model as any);
d.subscribe(r => {
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('api/support/cases', model, 'spinnerMessage');
it('should search for cases', () => {
const formModel: any = { makeQueryString: () => 'name=test' };
const pagingModel = new PagingDataModel({ currentPage: 10, itemsPerPage: 20 });
const sortModel = new TableSortDataModel({ columnName: 'kol', isDescending: false });
const spy = spyOn(afwHttpMock, 'get').and.callThrough();
const mockData = [
new CaseBaseModel({
id: 100000001,
type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest,
status: caseStatusEnum.inProgress,
substatus: 5266,
verdict: null,
owner: caseOwnerEnum.caseManager,
dateSubmitted: '02-02-2009',
dateClosed: '',
reference: 'aaa',
const setupResponse = new SearchResultModel<CaseBaseModel>();
setupResponse.result = mockData;
setupResponse.totalResultCount = 27;
afwHttpMock.setupOnlyResponse(setupResponse, 200);
let response: SearchResultModel<CaseBaseModel>;
service.search(formModel, sortModel, pagingModel, 'spinnerText').subscribe(result => {
response = result;
it('should save documents', fakeAsync(() => {
const spy = spyOn(multiFileUploadService, 'syncFilesWithBackend').and.callThrough();
const spyRouter = spyOn(router, 'navigate').and.callThrough();
const spyFeedback = spyOn(feedbackStoreService, 'addSuccessMessageOnMainPortal');
service.saveDocuments(1, [{} as any], MultiFileUploadResourcesModel.keys, '../', { key: 'da', value: 'fa' });
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('api/support/cases/1/documents', [{}],
it('should not save documents if there are no documents in array', fakeAsync(() => {
const spy = spyOn(multiFileUploadService, 'syncFilesWithBackend').and.callThrough();
const spyRouter = spyOn(router, 'navigate').and.callThrough();
const spyFeedback = spyOn(feedbackStoreService, 'addSuccessMessageOnMainPortal');
service.saveDocuments(1, [], MultiFileUploadResourcesModel.keys, '../', { key: 'da', value: 'fa' });
it('should save documents and report errors', fakeAsync(() => {
multiFileUploadService.setResponse([{}, { error: {} }]);
spyOn(multiFileUploadService, 'makeWarningMessageForUnsyncedFiles').and.returnValue('mock');
const spyRouter = spyOn(router, 'navigate').and.callThrough();
const spyFeedback = spyOn(feedbackStoreService, 'addWarningMessageOnMainPortal');
const spy = spyOn(multiFileUploadService, 'syncFilesWithBackend').and.callThrough();
service.saveDocuments(1, [{} as any], MultiFileUploadResourcesModel.keys, '../', { key: 'da', value: 'fa' });
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('api/support/cases/1/documents', [{}],
it('should get case by id', () => {
const id = 66208014;
const setupResponse = new CaseBaseModel({
dateSubmitted: '',
owner: caseOwnerEnum.caseManager,
reference: 'ksjhkjshdf',
status: caseStatusEnum.submitted,
type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest,
afwHttpMock.setupOnlyResponse(setupResponse, 200);
service.getCase(id, 'spinner').subscribe(r => {
it('edit the case with model', () => {
const spy = spyOn(service, 'editCase').and.callThrough();
const caseUpdate = new CaseBaseModel({
id: 100001075,
dateSubmitted: '',
owner: caseOwnerEnum.caseManager,
reference: 'ksjhkjshdf',
status: caseStatusEnum.submitted,
type: caseTypeEnum.revisionRequest,
service.editCase('spinner', caseUpdate);
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('spinner', caseUpdate);
Based on what you showed so far, my guess is that the options parameter passed to getEnumOption() is undefined, which is causing the error you see. A quick console.log(options) within getEnumOption() would verify this.
If your code is working fine otherwise, but only failing in the test then I would make a second guess that you haven't properly mocked/spiedOn this.optionService.createOptions() since it sets up the options parameter that is potentially undefined. That would have been done earlier in the .spec file - if you post the whole file then that would help others who read your question to determine if this is the case.
Update with Stackblitz
I put all your code into a Stackblitz to test it. There was a lot of code I didn't have access to that I just guessed at the functionality of. However, I did discover a few things.
First, when you are testing you appear to be using the same variable both for the mock of the return expected by this.optionService.createOptions() as well as in the call to service.createStatusOptions() - which is likely not what you want to do.
Here is the code snippet I am talking about:
optionService.options = [
value: caseStatusEnum.submitted.toString(),
value: caseStatusEnum.inProgress.toString(),
value: caseStatusEnum.closed.toString(),
] as OptionModel[];
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
const result = service.createStatusOptions(optionService.options, [[103], [104], [105] ]);
When I called it this way in the Stackblitz I ran into a mutability issue - you are changing the data within the members of the objects inside the array, which will change it whereever that variable is accessed. To overcome this in the Stackblitz I made two copies of the data, one to use in the mock returnValue and another completely separate array of objects for the call to service.createStatusOptions(). Also, I am not familiar with the way you are mocking your service call, so I replaced it with a simple Jasmine spy in the Stackblitz.
Feel free to have a look at what I produced. Perhaps it will be helpful.