Is there any chance to return from helpMe function value from getDataFromApi() ? So far every time i call this function i get "null" value.
async function helpMe() {
let promise = null;
let sub = someService.someObservable.subscribe(async () => {
promise = await getDataFromApi()
return promise;
The first goal is i need to store subscription in global sub array. The second goal is when i get response with status 400 - I dont want to open modal. Only when i get 200 and everything is allright i want modal to be opened.
function async load() {
const promise = await helpMe();
Passing an async function to subscribe is pointless - it throws away the returned promise, it doesn't wait for anything. You would need to use
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
someService.someObservable.subscribe(resolve, reject);
or just call the builtin toPromise method:
async function helpMe() {
await someService.someObservable.toPromise();
return getDataFromApi();
Instead of using async/await feature, you could just go with plain rxjs. The switchmap operator might help you here:
public helpMe()
return this.someService.someObservable.pipe(
switchMap(result =>
return someDataFromApi();
tap(resultFromApi => {
// ... do something with `resultFromApi` from `someDataFromApi`.
I'm given a code with 3 parts that must not be changed:
1. a call to getData function, and then prints the output.
2. The function signeture:
async getData(): Promise<string[]>
3. function getDataFromUrl
function getDataFromUrl(url: string, callback: any) {
.then((content: any) => content.json())
.then((data) => callback(data));
This is my implementation for getData function:
async getData(): Promise<string[]> {
return await new Promise<any>(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve(getDataFromUrl(myUrl, ((data: string[]): string[]=> {
return data
The problem is that the code after fetch, runs after
so console.log prints: undefined
What do I need to change in the getData function?
Instead of resolving the getDataFromUrl function, you should resolve the value that the callback function exposes.
getData(): Promise<string[]> {
return new Promise<string[]>(function(resolve, reject) {
getDataFromUrl(myUrl, (data: string[]): string[] => {
It's unfortunate you can't change anything about the other functions, because returning the promise created by fetch in your getDataFromUrl function, would make the code way better, as Quentin demonstrates.
getDataFromUrl doesn't have a return value, so it returns undefined.
So you pass undefined to resolve (which resolves your other promise) and then, later the promise created by getDataFromUrl (or rather fetch) resolves.
Don't create bonus promises
Don't mix callbacks and promises
Just return the promise from fetch.
function getDataFromUrl(url: string, callback: any) {
return fetch(URL)
.then((content: any) => content.json());
And use that promise instead of creating a new one in getData (which doesn't need to use await because that will just resolve the promise which will immediately get wrapped in a new promise by async.
getData(): Promise<string[]> {
return getDataFromUrl(myUrl);
function getDataFromUrl(url, f) {
// call fetch (returns promise) but we can use then as well.
// note our callback: f where we pass the data to the callback.
fetch(url).then((content) => content.json()).then(data => f(data));
// edit: note we don't need this be async anymore...
async function getData() {
// create a promise...
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// we call with callback arrow and resolve data here
getDataFromUrl('', (data) => resolve(data));
// we print the data once the getData is done fetching
// you can also use reject to handle anything that goes wrong in above.
getData().then(data => console.log(data));
Resources used:
Fetch API
Async, Await, and Promise
I'm working on Ionic v4 with Angular.
In my project i use the BLE to communicate with a raspberry.
I have several step :
Search Device around me
Connect to this device
Activate Notification
Send Messages
Currently i have something like :
this.ble.scan().subscribe(result => {
if (device === theDeviceIWant) {
this.ble.connect( => {
this.ble.startNotification(infosaboutDevice).subscribe(result => {
// Message 1
this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message).then(result => {
// Message 2
this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message).then(result => {
// Message 3
this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message).then(result => {
// Message X
this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message).then(result => {
I want to do something like that :
this.myMessage('Text 1');
this.myMessage('Text 2');
this.myMessage('Text X');
The probleme : My function ‘myConnect‘ don't wait the end of ‘myScan‘ to start. So somme stuff needed by ‘myConnect‘ is do in ‘myScan‘.
I already try to use ‘async/await‘ but does not work. I think i don't use it correctly :
await this.myConnect().then(async () => {
await this.myNotification().then(async () => {
await this.myMessage('03020000').then(async () => {
await this.myMessage('010100').then(async () => {
await this.myMessage('020200' + this.random.toString(16));
Help me to understand how to create a function who wait the end of the before one to start :D
Just use async/await OR then
await this.myConnect(); // this awaits the Promise returned by myConnect to be resolved
await this.myNotification(); // same for this Promise
await this.myMessage('03020000'); // and so on...
await this.myMessage('010100');
await this.myMessage('020200' + this.random.toString(16));
The keyword await makes JavaScript wait until that promise settles and
returns its result.
So you dont need to use then in await this.myConnect().then(()=>{});
use await this.myConnect();
Below is example which help you understand better
function SignalOne() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve('Hello iam signal one');
}, 2000);
function SignalTwo() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve('Hello iam signal Two');
}, 1000);
async function sendSignal() {
let one = await SignalOne();
let two = await SignalTwo();
Try this:
async myScan() {
// do things
ngOnInit() {
const scan = this.myScan(); // myScan doesn't actually have to return here
await scan;
const connect = this.myConnect();
await connect;
// more stuff
This is essentially what Promises are made for.
A Promise is an object representing the eventual completion or failure
of an asynchronous operation.
You can read up about Promises here. Once you read thru that, I left an example for you below to demonstrate how to use a Promise:
//Wrap the operation you want to wait for in a Promise (in this case: setTimeout)
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve('3 seconds have passed');
}, 3000);
//Once the operation is resolved the callback in the .then will be called
promise.then(val => document.querySelector('#target').innerHTML = val);
<div id="target">This message will change once the operation is resolved in 3 seconds.</div>
I would embrace Observables. Looking at what you want..
Search Device around me
Connect to this device
Activate Notification
Send Messages
1 and 2 would be chained with switchMap, as responses depend on each other. Then 3 and 4 could be performed in order, but not dependent on each other, therefore we could use concat with those. (If this is not correct flow, adjust accordingly with these two operators).
So I suggest the following:
import { never } from 'rxjs';
import { switchMap, concat } from 'rxjs/operators';
// ...
switchMap((device) => {
if (device === theDeviceIWant) {
return this.ble.connect(
// terminates rest of code
return never();
).subscribe(data => console.log(data))
You're so close! Rather than using .then and async just use one or the other. Here are a few ways to accomplish what you are trying to do:
Using .then:
This is your typical chaining syntax. Promises can be chained using .then() and passing in a function. If the return value is a value (not a Promise) then it will resolve to that value. But if it did return a Promise then it will chain together and your next .then() will resolve to the "inner" async call result.
// Message 1
return this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message).then(result1 => {
// Message 2
return this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message);
}).then(result2 => {
// Message 3
return this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message);
)}.then(result3 => {
// Message X
return this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message);
}).then(result4 => { })
Using async/await
This approach achieves the same result but uses special keywords to automatically chain promises together. async/await allows you to skip the .then() and return calls so you can invoke your async functions as if they were synchronous.
// Message 1
let result1 = await this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message)
// Message 2
let result2 = await this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message);
// Message 3
let result3 = await this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message);
// Message X
let result4 = await this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(infos, message);
To learn more about Promise's and async javascript, check out these resources:
Promises on MDN
Promises on Google Web Fundamentals
Video on Async/Await
I have a function which makes an XMLHttpRequest and returns a promise with the response from the request.
However I'd like to instead return a promise which contains just one string from the response.
E.g instead of the promise resolving to response = {status, data} etc, I'd like to return just
How can I do this?
If you call .then on a promise, you'll produce another promise which will resolve to whatever you return in the callback function. So take the current promise that you're creating, and then add on the following:
.then((response) => {
So maybe the full function will look like this:
function getStuff() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
}).then((response) => {
What you're looking for is promise chaining. Link goes to mozilla's doc page on promise chaining.
function httpRequestAsync () {
// Return a promise... This is where your XMLHttpRequest takes place
function getStuffAsync() {
// Make your http request, chain the return promise,
// and return a promise, which resolves to the chosen field.
return httpRequestAsync() //Calling .then() on this promise is promise chaining.
.then((response) => {
function someBusinessLogicFunction () {
let yourString = "";
.then((response) => {
yourString = response; // yourString does in fact equal the response param... :).catch(() => {
console.log("Something went wrong, or this answer sucks ha ha!");
// Or using async/await, for fun
async someBusinessLogicFunction2 () {
let yourString = "";
try {
yourString = await getStuffAsync();
} catch (e) {
console.log("Something went wrong, or this answer sucks ha ha!");
My example splits out your HTTP request into one function, with another function declared, which calls that function, and performs the promise chaining. You could omit the second function, and return the chained promise from the function that performs the HTTP request.
You have something like this (got it from your code block before you edited the question)
const promise = axios
.post(url("fistbump"), data)
.then(result => {
window.console.log("Got fistbump response: ",;
return promise;
If the Axios promise respects the ES6 promise spec, you can simply return what you want from the .then clause to get the value wrapped in a promise, which gives you
const promise = axios
.post(url("fistbump"), data)
.then(result => {
window.console.log("Got fistbump response: ",;
return promise;
I'm quite a newbie in JavaScript and in Promises.
I'm trying to build an array of objects that I get from an API.
To do so, I've build two functions in a file MyFile.js.
The first one returns a promise when an axios promise is resolved. It's
function get_items (url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let options = {
baseURL: url,
method: 'get'
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
The second one looks like this:
let output = []
let next_url = ''
async function get_data () {
try {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (next_url) {
.then(response => {
if ( {
next_url =
console.log('NEXT_URL HERE', next_url)
} else {
next_url = false
.catch(error => {
} else {
console.log('before resolve')
return await promise
} catch(e) {
It's where I'm grinding my teeth.
What I think I understand of this function, is that:
it's returning the value of a promise (that's what I understand return await promise is doing)
it's a recursive function. So, if there is a next_url, the function continues on. But if there is not, it gets called one last time to go into the else part where it resolves the array output which contains the results (values not state) of all the promises. At least, when I execute it, and check for my sanity checks with the console.log I wrote, it works.
So, output is filled with data and that's great.
But, when I call this function from another file MyOtherFile.js, like this:
final_output = []
.then(result => {
console.log('getting data')
it never gets into the then part. And when I console.log MyFile.get_data(), it's a pending promise.
So, what I would like to do, is be able to make get_data() wait for all the promises result (without using Promise.all(), to have calls in serie, not in parallel, that would be great for performances, I guess?) and then be able to retrieve that response in the then part when calling this function from anywhere else.
Keep in mind that I'm really a newbie in promises and JavaScript in general (I'm more of a Python guy).
Let me know if my question isn't clear enough.
I've been scratching my head for two days now and it feels like I'm running in circle.
Thanks for being an awesome community!
This is a bit untested
const api_url = '';
get_data(api_url).then((results) => {
}).catch((error) => {
// console.error(error);
function get_items (url) {
const options = {
baseURL: url,
method: 'get'
return axios(options).then((response) =>;
async function get_data(next_url) {
const output = [];
while (next_url) {
const { results, next } = await get_items(next_url);
next_url = next;
return output;
Basically it makes things a bit neater. I suggest to look at more examples with Promises and the advantage and when to ease await/async. One thing to keep in mind, if you return a Promise, it will follow the entire then chain, and it will always return a Promise with a value of the last then.. if that makes sense :)
There are a few problems. One is that you never resolve the initial Promise unless the else block is entered. Another is that you should return the recursive get_data call every time, so that it can be properly chained with the initial Promise. You may also consider avoiding the explicit promise construction antipattern - get_items already returns a Promise, so there's no need to construct another one (same for the inside of get_items, axios calls return Promises too).
You might consider a plain while loop, reassigning the next_url string until it's falsey:
function get_items (baseURL) {
const options = {
baseURL: url,
method: 'get'
// return the axios call, handle errors in the consumer instead:
return axios(options)
.then(res =>
async function get_data() {
const output = []
let next_url = ''
try {
while (next_url) {
const response = await get_items(next_url);
next_url =;
} catch (e) {
// handle errors *here*, perhaps
return output;
Note that .catch will result in a Promise being converted from a rejected Promise to a resolved one - you don't want to .catch everywhere, because that will make it difficult for the caller to detect errors.
Another way of doing it is to not use async at all and just recursively return a promise:
const getItems = (url) =>
baseURL: url,
method: 'get',
}).then((response) =>;
const getData = (initialUrl) => {
const recur = (result, nextUrl) =>
? Promise.resolve(result)
: getItems(nextUrl).then((data) =>
return recur([],initialUrl)
.catch(e=>Promise.reject(e.stack));//reject with error stack
As CertainPerformance noted; you don't need to catch at every level, if you want getData to reject with error.stack you only need to catch it once.
However; if you had 100 next urls and 99 of them were fine but only the last one failed would you like to reject in a way that keeps the results so far so you can try again?
If you do then the code could look something like this:
const getData = (initialUrl) => {
const recur = (result, nextUrl) =>
? Promise.resolve(result)
: getItems(nextUrl)
.catch(e=>Promise.reject([e,result]))//reject with error and result so far
.then((data) =>
return recur([],initialUrl);//do not catch here, just let it reject with error and result
Let's say I have two async events, both need to i/o with remote exchange.
Both events fire in async way, which means cancelOrder can be called before placeOrder return. Tricky part is I need the placeOrder to return an Order ID first otherwise there is no way to call cancelOrder, so I need some way to block the cancelOrder event right until placeOrder returns, and the blockage cannot be too long otherwise the Order may be executed, so loop/timeout/frequent checking doesn't work here.
Any idea?
You would use a Promise for that. If your functions already return a promise, you can simply chain the both functions using then()
placeOrder().then(val => cancelOrder(val));
If they do not, you can put them inside a new Promise
function foo() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// do stuff
resolve('<result of placeOrder here>');
function bar(val) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// do stuff
and call
.then(value => bar(value))
If you are able to use ES2017, the you can use async functions. For example, I'm going to assume that your functions perform some sort of request to the database using fetch or axios since you haven't specified. Then you can write placeOrder and cancelOrder like so:
const placeOrder = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch('/place_order');
// Do something with the response
} catch (err) {
// Handle error
const cancelOrder = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch('/cancel_order');
// Do something with the response
} catch (err) {
// Handle error
const someFunction = async () => {
await placeOrder();
await cancelOrder();