Update roles only allowing one to the user at a time - javascript

Currently, the user is able to choose as many roles given within the section, however, I would like to be able to do something along the lines of:
(roleA OR roleB) AND (roleC OR roleD) AND roleE etc
The above is all meant to be triggered by checking what reactions they've already submitted and removing them if the new selection contradicts the current.
Users are able to apply reaction roles to themselves by reacting to a specified message. Depending on whether a certain choice is made, it's to be able to add/remove from another role i.e
How old are you?
- 18-24
- 25-30
- 31+
What's your Gender?
- Male
- Female
What Continent are you in?
- IDK, I'm running out of
- Bogus Questions
- To fill in space.
if user clicks, 25-30, but then realises they're 24, and click that instead, I'd like the prior reaction & role to be removed without manual interference required.
Not only 1 option will be available, so would like to have multiple selections available as well.
bot.on("raw", event =>{
const eventName = event.t;
if(eventName === 'MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD')
if(event.d.message_id === '<REMOVED ID>')
var reactionChannel = bot.channels.get(event.d.channel_id);
else {
.then(msg => {
var msgReaction = msg.reactions.get(event.d.emoji.name + ":" + event.d.emoji.id);
var user = bot.users.get(event.d.user_id);
bot.emit('messageReactionAdd', msgReaction, user);
.catch(err => console.log(err));
else if (eventName === 'MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE')
if(event.d.message_id === '<REMOVED ID>')
var reactionChannel = bot.channels.get(event.d.channel_id);
.then(msg => {
var msgReaction = msg.reactions.get(event.d.emoji.name + ":" + event.d.emoji.id);
var user = bot.users.get(event.d.user_id);
bot.emit('messageReactionRemove', msgReaction, user);
.catch(err => console.log(err));
bot.on('messageReactionAdd', (messageReaction, user) => {
var roleName = messageReaction.emoji.name;
var role = messageReaction.message.guild.roles.find(role => role.name.toLowerCase() === roleName.toLowerCase());
var member = messageReaction.message.guild.members.find(member => member.id === user.id);
console.log('Success. Added role.');
bot.on('messageReactionRemove', (messageReaction, user) => {
var roleName = messageReaction.emoji.name;
var role = messageReaction.message.guild.roles.find(role => role.name.toLowerCase() === roleName.toLowerCase());
var member = messageReaction.message.guild.members.find(member => member.id === user.id);
console.log('Success. Removed role.');

In your messageReactionAdd event, you can try to find a reaction or role applied by/to the user that corresponds with a specific choice. If there is one, that means they had already chose that answer. You can then remove them before adding the new role to the user. If not, the code should continue as usual.
bot.on('messageReactionAdd', async (messageReaction, user) => { // async needed for 'await'
const name = messageReaction.emoji.name.toLowerCase();
const message = messageReaction.message;
const role = message.guild.roles.find(role => role.name.toLowerCase() === name);
const member = message.guild.member(user);
if (!role || !member) return;
const emojis = message.reactions.map(emoji => emoji.name);
const conflictingReaction = message.reactions.find(reaction => reaction.users.get(user.id) && emojis.includes(reaction.emoji.name));
const conflictingRole = member.roles.find(role => emojis.includes(role.name.toLowerCase());
try {
if (conflictingReaction || conflictingRole) {
await conflictingReaction.remove(user);
await member.removeRole(conflictingRole);
await member.addRole(role);
} catch(err) {


Why does role.permissions.remove() not work?

I tried to make a command to remove the MENTION_EVERYONE permission from all roles. It didn't work for some reason. I tried console logging which roles have the permission, and it did, but the only thing is that the permission isn't being taken away. I get no error but here is my code.
client.on('message', msg => {
if(msg.content === 'checkroleperms' && msg.author.id === 'xxxxxxxxxx') {
var roles = msg.guild.roles.cache.array()
var all = '{Placeholder}'
roles.forEach(role => {
if(role.permissions.has('MENTION_EVERYONE')) {
all+= ', ' + role.name;
//Changed this to msg.guild.role.cache.get(role.id).permissions.re...
setTimeout(() => msg.channel.send(all), 500);
Was there something I did wrong? Also, the bot has Admin perms and is the second highest role in the server (right under me). The point is that the command is running but the perms are not being removed.
EDIT: I realized I was only modifying the array, but nothing is happening even when I get it from msg.guild.roles.cache
You were pretty close, the problem is you remove the permission but you never update the role itself.
role.permissions.remove() removes bits from these permissions and returns these bits or a new BitField if the instance is frozen. It doesn't remove or update the role's permissions though.
To apply these changes, you need to use the setPermissions() method that accepts a PermissionResolvable, like the bitfield returned from the permissions.remove() method.
It's probably also better to use roles.fetch() to make sure roles are cached.
Check the working code below:
client.on('message', async (msg) => {
if (msg.content === 'checkroleperms' && msg.author.id === 'xxxxxxxxxx') {
try {
const flag = 'MENTION_EVERYONE';
const roles = await msg.guild.roles.fetch();
const updatedRoles = [];
roles.cache.each(async (role) => {
if (role.permissions.has(flag)) {
const updatedPermissions = role.permissions.remove(flag);
await role.setPermissions(updatedPermissions.bitfield);
const roleList = updatedRoles.join(', ') || `No role found with \`${flag}\` flag`;
setTimeout(() => msg.channel.send(roleList), 500);
} catch (error) {

How do I make a user answer a question using reactions in Discord.js?

I want the user to answer a "yes or no" question using reactions. Here is my code below.
var emojiArray = ['🔥', '👍', '👎', '✅', '❌'];
client.on('message', (negotiate) => {
const listen = negotiate.content;
const userID = negotiate.author.id;
var prefix = '!';
var negotiating = false;
let mention = negotiate.mentions.user.first();
if(listen.toUpperCase().startsWith(prefix + 'negotiate with '.toUpperCase()) && (mention)) {
negotiate.channel.send(`<#${mention.id}>, do you want to negotiate with ` + `<#${userID}>`)
.then(r => r.react(emojiArray[3], emojiArray[4]));
negotiating = true;
if(negotiating == true && listen === 'y') {
negotiate.channel.send('Please type in the amount and then the item you are negotiating.');
} else return;
As you can see, the code above allows the user to tag someone and negotiate with them (the negotiating part doesn't matter). When the user tags someone else, it asks them if they want to negotiate with the user that tagged them. If the user says yes, they negotiate.
I want to do this in a cleaner way using reactions in discord. Is there any way to just add a yes or no reaction emoji and the user will have to click yes or no in order to confirm?
First of all, you kinda messed up while getting the user object of the mentioned user, so just so you know it's negotiate.mentions.users.first()!
While wanting to request user input through reactions, we'd usually want to use either one of the following:
Since I personally prefer awaitReactions(), here's a quick explanation on how to use it:
awaitReactions is a message object extension and creates a reaction collector over the message that we pick. In addition, this feature also comes with the option of adding a filter to it. Here's the filter I usually like to use:
const filter = (reaction, user) => {
return emojiArray.includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === mention.id;
// The first thing we wanna do is make sure the reaction is one of our desired emojis!
// The second thing we wanna do is make sure the user who reacted is the mentioned user.
From there on, we could very simply implement our filter in our awaitReactions() function as so:
message.awaitReactions(filter, {
max: 1, // Accepts only one reaction
time: 30000, // Will not work after 30 seconds
errors: ['time'] // Will display an error if using .catch()
.then(collected => { // the reaction object the user reacted with
const reaction = collected.first();
// Your code here! You can now use the 'reaction' variable in order to check certain if statements such as:
if (reaction.emoji.name === '🔥') console.log(`${user.username} reacted with Fire emoji!`)
Finally, your code should look like this:
const filter = (reaction, user) => {
return emojiArray.includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === mention.id;
message.awaitReactions(filter, {
max: 1,
time: 30000,
errors: ['time']
.then(collected => {
const reaction = collected.first();
if (reaction.emoji.name === '🔥') console.log(`${user.username} reacted with Fire emoji!`)
you should use a ReactionCollector:
var emojiArray = ['🔥', '👍', '👎', '✅', '❌'];
const yesEmoji = '✅';
const noEmoji = '❌';
client.on('message', (negotiate) => {
const listen = negotiate.content;
const userID = negotiate.author.id;
var prefix = '!';
var negotiating = false;
let mention = negotiate.mentions.user.first();
if(listen.toUpperCase().startsWith(prefix + 'negotiate with '.toUpperCase()) && (mention)) {
negotiate.channel.send(`<#${mention.id}>, do you want to negotiate with ` + `<#${userID}>`)
.then(async (m) => {
await m.react(yesEmoji);
await m.react(noEmoji);
// we want to get an answer from the mentioned user
const filter = (reaction, user) => user.id === mention.id;
const collector = negotiate.createReactionCollector(filter);
collector.on('collect', (reaction) => {
if (reaction.emoji.name === yesEmoji) {
negotiate.channel.send('The mentioned user is okay to negotiate with you!');
// add your negotiate code here
} else {
negotiate.channel.send('The mentioned user is not okay to negotiate with you...');
negotiating = true;
This allows you to listen for new reactions added to a message. Here is the documentation: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/Message?scrollTo=createReactionCollector

How to rollback a transaction when a task in transaction fails with pg-promise

Let's say I have two functions:
export const setThingAlertsInactive = (userID, thingIDs) => {
return db.any(' UPDATE thing_alerts SET is_active = false WHERE IN (Select * from thing_alerts where user_id = $1 and thing_id IN ($2:csv))', [userID.toString(), thingIDs])
export const archiveOrRestoreThings = (thingIDs, archive) => {
let archivedStatement =''
if(archive === true){
archivedStatement = 'archived = current_timestamp'
} else if(archive === false){
archivedStatement = 'archived = NULL'
return db.none(`UPDATE things SET ${archivedStatement} WHERE id IN ($1:csv)`, [thingIDs])
I want to run them together so if one fails, the other rolls back. In fact I deliberately left an error in the first SQL Query.
Here is my tx function:
export const archiveOrRestoreThingsAndSetAlert = (userID, thingsIDs, archive) => {
return db.tx((transaction) => {
const queries = [archiveOrRestoreThings(thingIDs, archive), setThingAlertsInactive(userID, projectIDs)]
return transaction.batch(queries)
The first query runs and works. The second fails. I need to be able to roll them back in that case. Thanks!
From the author of pg-promise.
The reason it doesn't work for you is because the two query functions use the root database connection context, and not the transaction context/scope, i.e. you are executing the queries outside of the transaction connection/scope.
You can change them to support optional task/transaction context:
export const setThingAlertsInactive = (userID, thingIDs, t) => {
return (t || db).none(`UPDATE thing_alerts SET is_active = false WHERE
IN (Select * from thing_alerts where user_id = $1 and thing_id IN ($2:csv))`,
[userID.toString(), thingIDs]);
export const archiveOrRestoreThings = (thingIDs, archive, t) => {
let archivedStatement = '';
if(archive === true) {
archivedStatement = 'archived = current_timestamp'
} else if(archive === false) {
archivedStatement = 'archived = NULL'
return (t || db).none(`UPDATE things SET ${archivedStatement} WHERE id IN ($1:csv)`,
And there is no point using batch, which is a legacy method, needed only in special cases:
export const archiveOrRestoreThingsAndSetAlert = (userID, thingsIDs, archive) => {
return db.tx(async t => {
await archiveOrRestoreThings(thingIDs, archive, t);
await setThingAlertsInactive(userID, projectIDs, t);
You need to pass the transaction to archiveOrRestoreThings and setThingAlertsInactive and call .none and .any on the transaction instead of the db. See example code for reference.

Discord js check reaction user role

I am trying to close a ticket by reacting to a button. But reaction must be given by "support" role. I couldnt do it. reaction.message.member.roles.has is not helping me at this point. Here is my code ;
client.on("messageReactionAdd", (reaction, user) => {
if(reaction.message.member.roles.has('ROLE')) {
let id = user.id.toString().substr(0, 4) + user.discriminator;
let chan = `ticket-${id}`;
const supchan = reaction.message.guild.channels.find(
(channel) => channel.name === chan
const chan_id = supchan ? supchan.id : null;
if (
reaction.emoji.name === "🔒" &&
!user.bot &&
user.id != "ID"
) {
const channel = client.channels.find("name", chan);
const delMsg = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`:boom: Ticket will be deleted in 5 seconds.`);
channel.send(delMsg).then(() => {
var counter = 0;
const intervalObj = setInterval(() => {
if (counter == 5) {
const message = reaction.message;
Thanks for helps !
All of this wrapped inside the messageReactionAdd event
// Replace "message_id" with the proper message id
// Checks if it's the correct message
if (reaction.message.id == "message_id") {
// Check if author of ticket message is from the same user who reacted
if (reaction.message.author == user) {
// Check correct emoji
if (reaction.emoji.name == "🔒") {
// Code to close ticket
Again, this would be wrapped inside the messageReactionAdd event:
// Try to get the ticket message
// If there's none then the user was never opened a ticket so we simply return the code
const ticketMessage = client.tickets.get(user);
if (!ticketMessage) return;
// Checks if it's the correct message
if (reaction.message.id == ticketMessage.id) {
// Check correct emoji
if (reaction.emoji.name == "🔒") {
// Code to close ticket
I removed the code that check for the reaction message author because getting ticketMessage already handles that. Do note that this means you can make sure a user can only open one ticket.

if else in loop bringing up errors in typescript

I have this function that is supposed to get referral codes from users. User gives a code and the referral code checked if it exists in the database then evaluated if
it does not match the current user, so that one should not refer himself and
it is a match with one of the codes in the database
This code however just does not find a match even if the code given is in the database. If the referral code matches the one of the current user, it works correctly and points that out i.e one cannot refer themselves.
But if the referral code is a match to that of another user which is how a referral system should work, it still says no match.
How can I remove this error
export const getID = functions.https.onCall(async(data, context) => {
const db = admin.firestore();
const usersSnapshot = await db.collection("user").get();
const allUIDs = usersSnapshot.docs.map(doc => doc.data().userID);
const userID = context.auth.uid;
const providedID = "cNx7IuY6rZlR9mYSfb1hY7ROFY2";
await check();
function check() {
let result;
allUIDs.forEach(idFromDb => {
if (providedID === idFromDb && (idFromDb === userID)) {
result = "ownmatch";
} else if (providedID === idFromDb && (idFromDb !== userID)) {
result = "match";
} else {
result = "nomatch";
return result;
if (check() === "match") {
return {
message: `Match Found`,
} else if (check() === "ownmatch") {
return {
message: `Sorry, you can't use your own invite code`,
} else {
return {
message: `No User with that ID`
(This is not an answer, but a simple refactoring.)
This is what your code is currently doing (roughly, I didn't run it):
const resultMsgs = {
nomatch: 'No User With That ID',
ownmatch: 'Sorry, you can\'t use your own invite code',
match: 'Match Found',
function check(uids, providedId, userId) {
let result
uids.forEach(idFromDb => {
if (providedId !== idFromDb) {
result = 'nomatch'
if (userID === idFromDb) {
result = 'ownmatch'
result = 'match'
return result
export const getID = functions
.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const userId = context.auth.uid
const providedId = 'cNx7IuY6rZlR9mYSfb1hY7ROFY2'
const db = admin.firestore()
const user = await db.collection('user').get()
const uids = user.docs.map(doc => doc.data().userId)
const checkResult = check(uids, providedId, userId)
return { message: resultMsgs[checkResult] }
(I removed the seemingly-spurious db collection operation.)
Your forEach is iterating over all of the uuids, but result will be set to whatever the last comparison was. Perhaps this is correct, but:
If you're looking for any match, this is not what you want.
If you're looking for all matches, this is not what you want.
If you're looking to match the last UUID, it's what you want, but an odd way to go about it.
If you want any matches, use... ahem any form of an any function.
If you want all matches, use any form of an all function.
If you want the first match, then just check the first element.
If you want the complete set of comparisons then you'll need to use map instead of forEach, and handle each result appropriately, whatever that means in your case.
In any event, I'd recommend breaking up your code more cleanly. It'll be much easier to reason about, and fix.
