How do I find every word on a page beginning with http:// and wrap tags around it?
Can I use something like regex perhaps?
I disagree heavily that jQuery can be much use in finding a solution here. Granted you have to get down and dirty with some of the textNode element attributes but putting the DOM back together again after you split your matched node can be made a wee bit easier using the jQuery library.
The following code is documented inline to explain the action taken. I've written it as a jQuery plugin in case you just want to take this and move it around elsewhere. This way you can scope which elements you want to convert URLs for or you can simply use the $("body") selector.
(function($) {
$.fn.anchorTextUrls = function() {
// Test a text node's contents for URLs and split and rebuild it with an achor
var testAndTag = function(el) {
// Test for URLs along whitespace and punctuation boundaries (don't look too hard or you will be consumed)
var m = el.nodeValue.match(/(https?:\/\/.*?)[.!?;,]?(\s+|"|$)/);
// If we've found a valid URL, m[1] contains the URL
if (m) {
// Clone the text node to hold the "tail end" of the split node
var tail = $(el).clone()[0];
// Substring the nodeValue attribute of the text nodes based on the match boundaries
el.nodeValue = el.nodeValue.substring(0, el.nodeValue.indexOf(m[1]));
tail.nodeValue = tail.nodeValue.substring(tail.nodeValue.indexOf(m[1]) + m[1].length);
// Rebuild the DOM inserting the new anchor element between the split text nodes
$(el).after(tail).after($("<a></a>").attr("href", m[1]).html(m[1]));
// Recurse on the new tail node to check for more URLs
// Behave like a function
return false;
// For each element selected by jQuery
this.each(function() {
// Select all descendant nodes of the element and pick out only text nodes
var textNodes = $(this).add("*", this).contents().filter(function() {
return this.nodeType == 3
// Take action on each text node
$.each(textNodes, function(i, el) {
$("body").anchorTextUrls(); //Sample call
Please keep in mind that given the way I wrote this to populate the textNodes array, the method will find ALL descendant text nodes, not just immediate children text nodes. If you want it to replace URLs only amongst the text within a specific selector, remove the .add("*", this) call that adds all the descendants of the selected element.
Here's a fiddle example.
This is one of those few things that jQuery doesn't directly help you with much. You basically have to walk through the DOM tree and examine the text nodes (nodeType === 3); if you find a text node containing the target text you want to wrap ("http://.....", whatever rules you want to apply), you then split the text node (using splitText) into three parts (the part before the string, the part that is the string, and the part following the string), then put the a element around the second of those.
That sounds a bit complicated, but it isn't really all that bad. It's just a recursive descent walker function (for working through the DOM), a regex match to find the things you want to replace, and then a couple of calls to splitText, createElement, insertBefore, appendChild.
Here's an example that searches for a fixed string; just add your regex matching for "http://":
walk(document.body, "foo");
function walk(node, targetString) {
var child;
switch (node.nodeType) {
case 1: // Element
for (child = node.firstChild;
child = child.nextSibling) {
walk(child, targetString);
case 3: // Text node
handleText(node, targetString);
function handleText(node, targetString) {
var start, targetNode, followingNode, wrapper;
// Does the text contain our target string?
// (This would be a regex test in your http://... case)
start = node.nodeValue.indexOf(targetString);
if (start >= 0) {
// Split at the beginning of the match
targetNode = node.splitText(start);
// Split at the end of the match
followingNode = targetNode.splitText(targetString.length);
// Wrap the target in an element; in this case, we'll
// use a `span` with a class, but you'd use an `a`.
// First we create the wrapper and insert it in front
// of the target text.
wrapper = document.createElement('span');
wrapper.className = "wrapper";
targetNode.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, targetNode);
// Now we move the target text inside it
// Clean up any empty nodes (in case the target text
// was at the beginning or end of a text ndoe)
if (node.nodeValue.length == 0) {
if (followingNode.nodeValue.length == 0) {
Live example
Update: The above didn't handle it if there were multiple matches in the same text node (doh!). And oh what the heck, I did a regexp match — you will have to adjust the regexp, and probably do some post-processing on each match, because what's here is too simplistic. But it's a start:
// The regexp should have a capture group that
// will be the href. In our case below, we just
// make it the whole thing, but that's up to you.
// AND WILL NEED ADJUSTING (for instance: what if
// the link appears at the end of a sentence and
// it shouldn't include the ending puncutation?).
walk(document.body, /(http:\/\/[^ ]+)/i);
function walk(node, targetRe) {
var child;
switch (node.nodeType) {
case 1: // Element
for (child = node.firstChild;
child = child.nextSibling) {
walk(child, targetRe);
case 3: // Text node
handleText(node, targetRe);
function handleText(node, targetRe) {
var match, targetNode, followingNode, wrapper;
// Does the text contain our target string?
// (This would be a regex test in your http://... case)
match = targetRe.exec(node.nodeValue);
if (match) {
// Split at the beginning of the match
targetNode = node.splitText(match.index);
// Split at the end of the match.
// match[0] is the full text that was matched.
followingNode = targetNode.splitText(match[0].length);
// Wrap the target in an `a` element.
// First we create the wrapper and insert it in front
// of the target text. We use the first capture group
// as the `href`.
wrapper = document.createElement('a');
wrapper.href = match[1];
targetNode.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, targetNode);
// Now we move the target text inside it
// Clean up any empty nodes (in case the target text
// was at the beginning or end of a text ndoe)
if (node.nodeValue.length == 0) {
if (followingNode.nodeValue.length == 0) {
// Continue with the next match in the node, if any
match = followingNode
? targetRe.exec(followingNode.nodeValue)
: null;
Live example
I am not practically but you can try it
$('a([href^="http://"])').each( function(){
//perform your task
How can I find DIV with certain text? For example:
SomeText, text continues.
Trying to use something like this:
var text = document.querySelector('div[SomeText*]').innerTEXT;
But ofcourse it will not work. How can I do it?
OP's question is about plain JavaScript and not jQuery.
Although there are plenty of answers and I like #Pawan Nogariya answer, please check this alternative out.
You can use XPATH in JavaScript. More info on the MDN article here.
The document.evaluate() method evaluates an XPATH query/expression. So you can pass XPATH expressions there, traverse into the HTML document and locate the desired element.
In XPATH you can select an element, by the text node like the following, whch gets the div that has the following text node.
//div[text()="Hello World"]
To get an element that contains some text use the following:
//div[contains(., 'Hello')]
The contains() method in XPATH takes a node as first parameter and the text to search for as second parameter.
Check this plunk here, this is an example use of XPATH in JavaScript
Here is a code snippet:
var headings = document.evaluate("//h1[contains(., 'Hello')]", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null );
var thisHeading = headings.iterateNext();
console.log(thisHeading); // Prints the html element in console
console.log(thisHeading.textContent); // prints the text content in console
thisHeading.innerHTML += "<br />Modified contents";
As you can see, I can grab the HTML element and modify it as I like.
You could use this pretty simple solution:
.find(el => el.textContent === 'SomeText, text continues.');
The Array.from will convert the NodeList to an array (there are multiple methods to do this like the spread operator or slice)
The result now being an array allows for using the Array.find method, you can then put in any predicate. You could also check the textContent with a regex or whatever you like.
Note that Array.from and Array.find are ES2015 features. Te be compatible with older browsers like IE10 without a transpiler:'div'))
.filter(function (el) {
return el.textContent === 'SomeText, text continues.'
Since you have asked it in javascript so you can have something like this
function contains(selector, text) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
return, function(element){
return RegExp(text).test(element.textContent);
And then call it like this
contains('div', 'sometext'); // find "div" that contain "sometext"
contains('div', /^sometext/); // find "div" that start with "sometext"
contains('div', /sometext$/i); // find "div" that end with "sometext", case-insensitive
This solution does the following:
Uses the ES6 spread operator to convert the NodeList of all divs to an array.
Provides output if the div contains the query string, not just if it exactly equals the query string (which happens for some of the other answers). e.g. It should provide output not just for 'SomeText' but also for 'SomeText, text continues'.
Outputs the entire div contents, not just the query string. e.g. For 'SomeText, text continues' it should output that whole string, not just 'SomeText'.
Allows for multiple divs to contain the string, not just a single div.
[...document.querySelectorAll('div')] // get all the divs in an array
.map(div => div.innerHTML) // get their contents
.filter(txt => txt.includes('SomeText')) // keep only those containing the query
.forEach(txt => console.log(txt)); // output the entire contents of those
<div>SomeText, text continues.</div>
<div>Not in this div.</div>
<div>Here is more SomeText.</div>
Coming across this in 2021, I found using XPATH too complicated (need to learn something else) for something that should be rather simple.
Came up with this:
function querySelectorIncludesText (selector, text){
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector))
.find(el => el.textContent.includes(text));
querySelectorIncludesText('button', 'Send')
Note that I decided to use includes and not a strict comparison, because that's what I really needed, feel free to adapt.
You might need those polyfills if you want to support all browsers:
* String.prototype.includes() polyfill
* #see
if (!String.prototype.includes) {
String.prototype.includes = function (search, start) {
'use strict';
if (search instanceof RegExp) {
throw TypeError('first argument must not be a RegExp');
if (start === undefined) {
start = 0;
return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1;
You best see if you have a parent element of the div you are querying. If so get the parent element and perform an element.querySelectorAll("div"). Once you get the nodeList apply a filter on it over the innerText property. Assume that a parent element of the div that we are querying has an id of container. You can normally access container directly from the id but let's do it the proper way.
var conty = document.getElementById("container"),
divs = conty.querySelectorAll("div"),
myDiv = [...divs].filter(e => e.innerText == "SomeText");
So that's it.
If you don't want to use jquery or something like that then you can try this:
function findByText(rootElement, text){
var filter = {
acceptNode: function(node){
// look for nodes that are text_nodes and include the following string.
if(node.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue.includes(text)){
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
var nodes = [];
var walker = document.createTreeWalker(rootElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, filter, false);
//give me the element containing the node
return nodes;
//call it like
var nodes = findByText(document.body,'SomeText');
//then do what you will with nodes[];
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
//do something with nodes[i]
Once you have the nodes in an array that contain the text you can do something with them. Like alert each one or print to console. One caveat is that this may not necessarily grab divs per se, this will grab the parent of the textnode that has the text you are looking for.
Google has this as a top result for For those who need to find a node with certain text.
By way of update, a nodelist is now iterable in modern browsers without having to convert it to an array.
The solution can use forEach like so.
var elList = document.querySelectorAll(".some .selector");
elList.forEach(function(el) {
if (el.innerHTML.indexOf("needle") !== -1) {
// Do what you like with el
// The needle is case sensitive
This worked for me to do a find/replace text inside a nodelist when a normal selector could not choose just one node so I had to filter each node one by one to check it for the needle.
Use XPath and document.evaluate(), and make sure to use text() and not . for the contains() argument, or else you will have the entire HTML, or outermost div element matched.
var headings = document.evaluate("//h1[contains(text(), 'Hello')]", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null );
or ignore leading and trailing whitespace
var headings = document.evaluate("//h1[contains(normalize-space(text()), 'Hello')]", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null );
or match all tag types (div, h1, p, etc.)
var headings = document.evaluate("//*[contains(text(), 'Hello')]", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null );
Then iterate
let thisHeading;
while(thisHeading = headings.iterateNext()){
// thisHeading contains matched node
Here's the XPath approach but with a minimum of XPath jargon.
Regular selection based on element attribute values (for comparison):
// for matching <element class="foo bar baz">...</element> by 'bar'
var things = document.querySelectorAll('[class*="bar"]');
for (var i = 0; i < things.length; i++) {
things[i].style.outline = '1px solid red';
XPath selection based on text within element.
// for matching <element>foo bar baz</element> by 'bar'
var things = document.evaluate('//*[contains(text(),"bar")]',document,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) {
things.snapshotItem(i).style.outline = '1px solid red';
And here's with case-insensitivity since text is more volatile:
// for matching <element>foo bar baz</element> by 'bar' case-insensitively
var things = document.evaluate('//*[contains(translate(text(),"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"),"bar")]',document,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) {
things.snapshotItem(i).style.outline = '1px solid red';
There are lots of great solutions here already. However, to provide a more streamlined solution and one more in keeping with the idea of a querySelector behavior and syntax, I opted for a solution that extends Object with a couple prototype functions. Both of these functions use regular expressions for matching text, however, a string can be provided as a loose search parameter.
Simply implement the following functions:
// find all elements with inner text matching a given regular expression
// args:
// selector: string query selector to use for identifying elements on which we
// should check innerText
// regex: A regular expression for matching innerText; if a string is provided,
// a case-insensitive search is performed for any element containing the string.
Object.prototype.queryInnerTextAll = function(selector, regex) {
if (typeof(regex) === 'string') regex = new RegExp(regex, 'i');
const elements = [...this.querySelectorAll(selector)];
const rtn = elements.filter((e)=>{
return e.innerText.match(regex);
return rtn.length === 0 ? null : rtn
// find the first element with inner text matching a given regular expression
// args:
// selector: string query selector to use for identifying elements on which we
// should check innerText
// regex: A regular expression for matching innerText; if a string is provided,
// a case-insensitive search is performed for any element containing the string.
Object.prototype.queryInnerText = function(selector, text){
return this.queryInnerTextAll(selector, text)[0];
With these functions implemented, you can now make calls as follows:
document.queryInnerTextAll('', 'go');
This would find all divs containing the link class with the word go in the innerText (eg. Go Left or GO down or go right or It's Good)
document.queryInnerText('', 'go');
This would work exactly as the example above except it would return only the first matching element.
document.queryInnerTextAll('a', /^Next$/);
Find all links with the exact text Next (case-sensitive). This will exclude links that contain the word Next along with other text.
document.queryInnerText('a', /next/i);
Find the first link that contains the word next, regardless of case (eg. Next Page or Go to next)
e = document.querySelector('#page');
e.queryInnerText('button', /Continue/);
This performs a search within a container element for a button containing the text, Continue (case-sensitive). (eg. Continue or Continue to Next but not continue)
I had similar problem.
Function that return all element which include text from arg.
This works for me:
function getElementsByText(document, str, tag = '*') {
return [...document.querySelectorAll(tag)]
el => (el.text && el.text.includes(str))
|| (el.children.length === 0 && el.outerText && el.outerText.includes(str)))
Since there are no limits to the length of text in a data attribute, use data attributes! And then you can use regular css selectors to select your element(s) like the OP wants.
for (const element of document.querySelectorAll("*")) {
element.dataset.myInnerText = element.innerText;
document.querySelector("*[data-my-inner-text='Different text.']").style.color="blue";
<div>SomeText, text continues.</div>
<div>Different text.</div>
Ideally you do the data attribute setting part on document load and narrow down the querySelectorAll selector a bit for performance.
I was looking for a way to do something similar using a Regex, and decided to build something of my own that I wanted to share if others are looking for a similar solution.
function getElementsByTextContent(tag, regex) {
const results = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(tag))
.reduce((acc, el) => {
if (el.textContent && el.textContent.match(regex) !== null) {
return acc;
}, []);
return results;
I am trying to make a chrome extension that finds certain words on pages and turns them into hyperlinks. So for example, if I visit a website that has the word "search" written somewhere, then that word will turn into a link that I can click on (it will still appear as the word but maybe in a different colour or something) and be redirected to "".
I have a code that finds words and changes them to other words but I don't know how to change them to hyperlinks. Here is the JavaScript I have:
function walk(node)
var child, next;
switch ( node.nodeType )
case 1:
case 9:
case 11:
child = node.firstChild;
while ( child )
next = child.nextSibling;
child = next;
case 3:
function handleText(textNode)
var v = textNode.nodeValue;
v = v.replace(/\bsearch\b/g, ("")));
v = v.replace(/\bsearch\b/g, asdf);
textNode.nodeValue = v;
Can somebody helpful help me out please?
HTML is parsed into the DOM, which is what you are traversing. You are not really replacing the DOM, but instead replacing the text node with unparsed HTML, which won't work. Instead, you need to replace the text node with a <a> node that has the URL and text you want.
You have to replace the text node with the parsed HTML elements.
textNode.nodeValue = v;
to something like
var htmlParser = document.createElement('div');
htmlParser.innerHTML = v;
// replace text node with parsed nodes
var newNodes = htmlParser.childNodes;
while (newNodes.length) {
textNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNodes[0], textNode);
Also, make sure to ignore anchors (node.tagName === 'A') while traversing the DOM, or you could end up replacing the text inside existing anchors.
My client has asked for the letter 4 to appear in red, wherever it is used in his website navigation.
For instance, where he has 'bikes4kids' as a menu item.
Unfortunately, I am using a 'mega menu' style plugin for his Magento site that only allows for plain text menu items - I cannot use HTML code in the menu item title box, which takes away the chance of me using <span>.
Is there a way of achieving this with JS? I assume not with CSS alone.
EDIT: The mega menu I am working with can be seen here:
I did it.
Please have a look at this Link
<div class="title">menu1</div>
<div class="title">bike4kids</div>
<div class="title">menu2</div>
var avno = $(".title:nth-child(2)").text();
var avn = avno.split('4');
var item = avn[0]+"<span style='color:red'>4</span>"+avn[1];
No, within “plain text menu items” (as described in the question) you cannot style one character differently from others (except in a few very special cases, which do not apply here: styling the first letter, and setting the font of some characters different from others). JavaScript won’t help, because you would still need to make the character an element, and anything containing an element is by definition not plain text.
So you need to consider other approaches, like menus with items that allow some markup.
If you can process the document after it's finished loading, or sometime after magento has finished doing its thing, you can try the following. It will wrap a provided character in a span with a supplied class. A root element can be provided to limit the scope of the replace. If no root is provided, it searches the entire document.
// Simple function to convert NodeList to Array
// Not suitable for general application
function toArray(obj) {
var a = [];
for (var i=0, iLen=obj.length; i<iLen; i++) {
a[i] = obj[i];
return a;
// Highlight character c by wrapping in a span with class className
// starting with element root. If root not provided, document.body is used
function highlightChar(c, className, root) {
if (!root) root = document.body;
var frag, idx, t;
var re = new RegExp(c);
// Add tag names to ignore
var ignoreTags = {'script':'script'};
// Child nodes is a live NodeList, convert to array
// so don't have to deal with changing as nodes are added
var node, nodes = toArray(root.childNodes);
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.className = 'highlightChar';
for (var i=0, iLen=nodes.length; i<iLen; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
// If node is a text node and contains the chacter, highlight it
if (node.nodeType == 3 && re.test( {
t =;
frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Insert higlight spans after first but not after last
for (var j=0, jLen = t.length-1; j<jLen; j++) {
// Append last text node
if (j > 0 && t[j]) {
// Replace the original text node with higlighted fragment
node.parentNode.replaceChild(frag, node);
// Otherwise, if node is an element, process it
} else if (node.nodeType == 1 && !(node.tagName.toLowerCase() in ignoreTags)) {
highlightChar(c, className, node);
It can be used to process the entire document using:
window.onload = function() {
Modified to find menu-items in 'mega menu'... I hope. In the demo site the "$" variable isn't jQuery so I modified the answer as well to use the jQuery function.
Testing in the demo site I found that the letter I modified did color yellow, but there was a bullet added to the left of it - apparently their css adds a bullet to the left (ie. :before) every span...
After the plugin completes its DOM modifications - simply run over the menu items and search-and-replace "4" with a colored span
// loop over all dom elements with class 'menu-item'
// - I assume here below them exist only text
jQuery('.sm-megamenu-child span').each(function() {
var $item = jQuery(this);
var text = $item.text();
var modified = text.replace(/4/g, "<span style='color:yellow'>4</span>");
This question already has answers here:
Highlight search terms (select only leaf nodes)
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'd like a Javascript Regex to wrap a given list of of words in a given start (<span>) and end tag (i.e. </span>), but only if the word is actually "visible text" on the page, and not inside of an html attribute (such as a link's title tag, or inside of a <script></script> block.
I've created a JS Fiddle with the basics setup:
HTML is too complex to reliably parse with a regular expression.
If you're looking to do this client-side, you can create a document fragment and/or disconnected DOM node (neither of which is displayed anywhere) and initialize it with your HTML string, then walk through the resulting DOM tree and process the text nodes. (Or use a library to help you do that, although it's actually quite simple.)
Here's a DOM walking example. This example is slightly simpler than your problem because it just updates the text, it doesn't add new elements to the structure (wrapping parts of the text in spans involves updating the structure), but it should get you going. Notes on what you'll need to change at the end.
var html =
"<p>This is a test.</p>" +
"<form><input type='text' value='test value'></form>" +
"<p class='testing test'>Testing here too</p>";
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
var body = document.createElement('body');
var node, next;
// Turn the HTML string into a DOM tree
body.innerHTML = html;
// Walk the dom looking for the given text in text nodes
// Insert the result into the current document via a fragment
node = body.firstChild;
while (node) {
next = node.nextSibling;
node = next;
// Our walker function
function walk(node) {
var child, next;
switch (node.nodeType) {
case 1: // Element
case 9: // Document
case 11: // Document fragment
child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
next = child.nextSibling;
child = next;
case 3: // Text node
function handleText(textNode) {
textNode.nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue.replace(/test/gi, "TEST");
Live example
The changes you'll need to make will be in handleText. Specifically, rather than updating nodeValue, you'll need to:
Find the index of the beginning of each word within the nodeValue string.
Use Node#splitText to split the text node into up to three text nodes (the part before your matching text, the part that is your matching text, and the part following your matching text).
Use document.createElement to create the new span (this is literally just span = document.createElement('span')).
Use Node#insertBefore to insert the new span in front of the third text node (the one containing the text following your matched text); it's okay if you didn't need to create a third node because your matched text was at the end of the text node, just pass in null as the refChild.
Use Node#appendChild to move the second text node (the one with the matching text) into the span. (No need to remove it from its parent first; appendChild does that for you.)
T.J. Crowder's answer is correct. I've gone a little further code-wise: here's a fully-formed example that works in all major browsers. I've posted variations of this code on Stack Overflow before (here and here, for example), and made it nice and generic so I (or anyone else) don't have to change it much to reuse it.
jsFiddle example:
// Reusable generic function
function surroundInElement(el, regex, surrounderCreateFunc) {
// script and style elements are left alone
if (!/^(script|style)$/.test(el.tagName)) {
var child = el.lastChild;
while (child) {
if (child.nodeType == 1) {
surroundInElement(child, regex, surrounderCreateFunc);
} else if (child.nodeType == 3) {
surroundMatchingText(child, regex, surrounderCreateFunc);
child = child.previousSibling;
// Reusable generic function
function surroundMatchingText(textNode, regex, surrounderCreateFunc) {
var parent = textNode.parentNode;
var result, surroundingNode, matchedTextNode, matchLength, matchedText;
while ( textNode && (result = regex.exec( ) {
matchedTextNode = textNode.splitText(result.index);
matchedText = result[0];
matchLength = matchedText.length;
textNode = (matchedTextNode.length > matchLength) ?
matchedTextNode.splitText(matchLength) : null;
// Ensure searching starts at the beginning of the text node
regex.lastIndex = 0;
surroundingNode = surrounderCreateFunc(matchedTextNode.cloneNode(true));
parent.insertBefore(surroundingNode, matchedTextNode);
// This function does the surrounding for every matched piece of text
// and can be customized to do what you like
function createSpan(matchedTextNode) {
var el = document.createElement("span"); = "red";
return el;
// The main function
function wrapWords(container, words) {
// Replace the words one at a time to ensure "test2" gets matched
for (var i = 0, len = words.length; i < len; ++i) {
surroundInElement(container, new RegExp(words[i]), createSpan);
wrapWords(document.getElementById("container"), ["test2", "test"]);
I would like to get all descendant text nodes of an element, as a jQuery collection. What is the best way to do that?
jQuery doesn't have a convenient function for this. You need to combine contents(), which will give just child nodes but includes text nodes, with find(), which gives all descendant elements but no text nodes. Here's what I've come up with:
var getTextNodesIn = function(el) {
return $(el).find(":not(iframe)").addBack().contents().filter(function() {
return this.nodeType == 3;
Note: If you're using jQuery 1.7 or earlier, the code above will not work. To fix this, replace addBack() with andSelf(). andSelf() is deprecated in favour of addBack() from 1.8 onwards.
This is somewhat inefficient compared to pure DOM methods and has to include an ugly workaround for jQuery's overloading of its contents() function (thanks to #rabidsnail in the comments for pointing that out), so here is non-jQuery solution using a simple recursive function. The includeWhitespaceNodes parameter controls whether or not whitespace text nodes are included in the output (in jQuery they are automatically filtered out).
Update: Fixed bug when includeWhitespaceNodes is falsy.
function getTextNodesIn(node, includeWhitespaceNodes) {
var textNodes = [], nonWhitespaceMatcher = /\S/;
function getTextNodes(node) {
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
if (includeWhitespaceNodes || nonWhitespaceMatcher.test(node.nodeValue)) {
} else {
for (var i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
return textNodes;
Jauco posted a good solution in a comment, so I'm copying it here:
.filter(function() {
return this.nodeType === 3; //Node.TEXT_NODE
$('body').find('*').contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType === 3; });
jQuery.contents() can be used with jQuery.filter to find all child text nodes. With a little twist, you can find grandchildren text nodes as well. No recursion required:
$(function() {
var $textNodes = $("#test, #test *").contents().filter(function() {
return this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE;
* for testing
$textNodes.each(function() {
div { margin-left: 1em; }
<script src=""></script>
<div id="test">
child text 1<br>
child text 2
grandchild text 1
<div>grand-grandchild text 1</div>
grandchild text 2
child text 3<br>
child text 4
I was getting a lot of empty text nodes with the accepted filter function. If you're only interested in selecting text nodes that contain non-whitespace, try adding a nodeValue conditional to your filter function, like a simple $.trim(this.nodevalue) !== '':
return this.nodeType === 3 && $.trim(this.nodeValue) !== '';
Or to avoid strange situations where the content looks like whitespace, but is not (e.g. the soft hyphen character, newlines \n, tabs, etc.), you can try using a Regular Expression. For example, \S will match any non-whitespace characters:
return this.nodeType === 3 && /\S/.test(this.nodeValue);
If you can make the assumption that all children are either Element Nodes or Text Nodes, then this is one solution.
To get all child text nodes as a jquery collection:
To get a copy of the original element with non-text children removed:
For some reason contents() didn't work for me, so if it didn't work for you, here's a solution I made, I created jQuery.fn.descendants with the option to include text nodes or not
Get all descendants including text nodes and element nodes
Get all descendants returning only text nodes
Get all descendants returning only element nodes
Coffeescript Original:
jQuery.fn.descendants = ( textNodes ) ->
# if textNodes is 'all' then textNodes and elementNodes are allowed
# if textNodes if true then only textNodes will be returned
# if textNodes is not provided as an argument then only element nodes
# will be returned
allowedTypes = if textNodes is 'all' then [1,3] else if textNodes then [3] else [1]
# nodes we find
nodes = []
dig = (node) ->
# loop through children
for child in node.childNodes
# push child to collection if has allowed type
nodes.push(child) if child.nodeType in allowedTypes
# dig through child if has children
dig child if child.childNodes.length
# loop and dig through nodes in the current
# jQuery object
dig node for node in this
# wrap with jQuery
return jQuery(nodes)
Drop In Javascript Version
var __indexOf=[].indexOf||function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.length;t<n;t++){if(t in this&&this[t]===e)return t}return-1}; /* indexOf polyfill ends here*/ jQuery.fn.descendants=function(e){var t,n,r,i,s,o;t=e==="all"?[1,3]:e?[3]:[1];i=[];n=function(e){var r,s,o,u,a,f;u=e.childNodes;f=[];for(s=0,o=u.length;s<o;s++){r=u[s];if(a=r.nodeType,,a)>=0){i.push(r)}if(r.childNodes.length){f.push(n(r))}else{f.push(void 0)}}return f};for(s=0,o=this.length;s<o;s++){r=this[s];n(r)}return jQuery(i)}
Unminified Javascript version:
This is cross browser, a small Array.indexOf polyfill is included in the code.
Can also be done like this:
var textContents = $(document.getElementById("ElementId").childNodes).filter(function(){
return this.nodeType == 3;
The above code filters the textNodes from direct children child nodes of a given element.
if you want to strip all tags, then try this
var rtag=/<.*?[^>]>/g;
return this.replace(rtag,'');
var newText=$('selector').html().stripTags();
For me, plain old .contents() appeared to work to return the text nodes, just have to be careful with your selectors so that you know they will be text nodes.
For example, this wrapped all the text content of the TDs in my table with pre tags and had no problems.
jQuery("#resultTable td").content().wrap("<pre/>")
I had the same problem and solved it with:
$.fn.nextNode = function(){
var contents = $(this).parent().contents();
return contents.get(contents.index(this)+1);
Is like next() but also returns the text nodes.
This gets the job done regardless of the tag names. Select your parent.
It gives an array of strings with no duplications for parents and their children.
.filter(function() {return this.nodeType == 3;})
//.map((i,v) => $(v).text()) // uncomment if you want strings