I have the following graphql query that is executing at build time from my gatsby-node.js file that I'm using to bring in my article data. Is there a way to use Apollo/Axios to retrieve new articles without having to rebuild the site essentially rehydrating my site in between builds? Any help is greatly appreciated!!
I'm using Gatsby v2, Drupal as my CMS and GraphQL.
exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions;
const blogTemplate = path.resolve('src/templates/blog-post.js');
return graphql(`
blog: allNodeArticle{
edges {
node {
path {
).then(result => {
if (result.errors) {
// Create blog pages
result.data.blog.edges.forEach(({ node }) => {
path: node.path.alias,
component: blogTemplate,
context: {
alias: node.path.alias,
I would like to merge in the new data as it becomes available while keeping older data completely static (massive benefit of Gatsby)
I have set up an ACF options page in WordPress called Projects
Inside the Projects options page there is an ACF repeater allowing the user to add multiple Projects.
In Gatsby, I’m using Graphql to query the data for my Projects in two files:
Inside a custom hook, allowing access to the data globally in my Gatsby site
Inside a gatsby-node.js file in order to generate a slug for my template page called project-details.js
Obviously there is no slug in Graphql for this repeater field in the ACF options page. Instead, I’m generating a slug based on a nested Title text field that’s found inside each Project repeater field.
I’m using both the replaceAll() and toLowerCase() methods to create the slug and then making it available as part of my data.
Here's my custom hook:
export const useProjectsQueryAlt = () => {
const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query ProjectsQueryAlt {
wp {
projects {
projects {
allprojects {
featuredImage {
projectGallery {
const project = data.wp.projects.projects.allprojects.map(node => {
const { projectContent, projectTitle, featuredImage, projectGallery } = node;
const title = node.projectTitle;
const spacesToHyphen = title.replaceAll(' ', '-');
const slugFromTitle = spacesToHyphen.toLowerCase()
return {
slug: slugFromTitle,
projectGallery: projectGallery.map(node => {
const { caption, id, mediaItemUrl } = node;
return {
return { project }
Here's my gatsby-node file:
const path = require('path')
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { data } = await graphql(`
query Projects {
wp {
projects {
projects {
allprojects {
data.wp.projects.projects.allprojects.forEach(node => {
const title = node.projectTitle;
const spacesToHyphen = title.replaceAll(' ', '-');
const slugFromTitle = spacesToHyphen.toLowerCase()
path: '/projects/' + slugFromTitle,
component: path.resolve('./src/templates/project-details.js'),
context: { slug: slugFromTitle },
Here's my template file project-details.js
import React from 'react'
function ProjectDetails() {
return (
...my page template content
export default ProjectDetails
I now need to find a way to check that the two appended slugs match in my ‘project-details.js’ template file in order to display the relevant project data to the corresponding URL.
Seeing as I’ve generated my slugs on the front end, following the Gatsby Docs for setting up dynamically generate pages doesn’t align with my use case. I was hoping somebody has had experience with this use case and can point me in the right direction.
The problem in your approach is that you are generating a "fake" slug based on the title of the project so you can't use that field to filter any GraphQL node because the field is not present in the project fields. Your best option is using the title itself or using any autogenerated identifier (id, if it's present as a field).
path: '/projects/' + slugFromTitle,
component: path.resolve('./src/templates/project-details.js'),
context: { title },
Note: you can omit { title: title }
You can still use the path of your generated slug, this is a valid approach.
I'm assuming that if the title is a unique field, the slug must be too, hence you will be a valid filter.
Now in the project-details.js:
import React from 'react'
function ProjectDetails({ data }) {
console.log("my data is", data);
return (
...my page template content
export const query = graphql`
query($title: String!) {
yourACFNode(title: { eq: $title} ) {
# your fields
export default ProjectDetails
Of course, tweak the query above to match your ACF node but get the approach.
I would like to obtain all (or a subset) of my records from an Algolia index and access them via GraphQL.
I know there is a Gatsby plugin that allows you to do the opposite i.e., add data from a GraphQL query to Algolia, but not the other way around.
I have been able to get the tutorial for adding GraphQL data to work, but I have not had any success when trying to go beyond hardcoded arrays (this is in the gatsby-node.js file):
const algoliasearch = require("algoliasearch/lite");
const searchClient = algoliasearch(
const searchIndex = searchClient.initIndex(process.env.GATSBY_ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME)
exports.sourceNodes = ({ actions, createNodeId, createContentDigest }) => {
searchIndex.search("", {
attributesToRetrieve: ["name", "url"]
}).then(({ hits }) => {
hits.forEach(hit => {
const node = {
name: hit.name,
url: hit.url,
id: createNodeId(`hit-${hit.name}`),
internal: {
type: "hit",
contentDigest: createContentDigest(hit),
While the console successfully logs the array of nodes, and the verbose Gatsby deploy output includes the "hit" node as a node type, they do not appear in the GraphQL explorer.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!
I am building a NextJS application, currently I am using getStaticPaths and getStaticProps to build the static pages, doing the necessary requests for them.
So I want to build all the pages following this url: challenge/[slug]/ and for each slug that corresponds to an id I want to have a applications page like this: challenge/[slug]/applications to archive this I builded a file [...slug] inside /pages/challenge
Inside that file I have the following code to handle the static generation:
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const response: any = await getPrograms()
const paths = response.results.map(result => {
return { params: { slug: [result.id.toString()] } }
return { paths, fallback: true }
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const res = await getProgram(params.slug[0])
const stages = await getStages(params.slug[0])
return { props: { program: res, stages: stages }, revalidate: 1 }
this solution works for /challenge/[slug], but the /challenge/[slug]/applications receives a 404, how can I render a specific application page for the slug?
I tried to add a second position to the slug array, but if I do it I can just render /challenge/[slug]/applications and not /challenge/[slug]
Any advice?
Firstly, You need to create a FOLDER named [slug]. Then, Create a FILE named applications.js. Lastly, copy and paste that code into this page.
__ challenge
|__ [slug]
|__ applications
In this page you can get or set slug as your desired parameter.
I have a bunch of Directories that I am using as gatsby nodes and generating pages from these Directories like:
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
const result = await graphql(`
query DosboxQuery {
allDirectory(filter: {sourceInstanceName: {eq: "dosbox"} name: {ne: "dosbox"}}) {
edges {
node {
children {
__typename ... on File{
result.data.allDirectory.edges.forEach(({ node }) => {
console.log("directory node", node);
path: `/${node.name}/`,
component: path.resolve(`./src/templates/game-page.js`),
context: {
slug: `/${node.name}/`,
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4))
I would like to generate zip archives of these Directories that users could download from the pages. I don't want to store or commit the zip archives because the content of the directories can change so I want to create the zip archives at gatsby build time. I can probably use a npm module like archiver to create the zip archives.
I'm not sure how to integrate the zip archives into the gatsby infrastructure. I could update onCreateNode or createPages to create the zips. should I write the zips to the public folder? can I store the zips as buffers on the gatsby node?
Consider the following code within gatsby-config.js:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-fetch`,
options: {
name: `brands`,
type: `brands`,
url: `${dynamicURL}`, // This is the part I need to be dynamic at run/build time.
method: `get`,
axiosConfig: {
headers: { Accept: "text/csv" },
saveTo: `${__dirname}/src/data/brands-summary.csv`,
createNodes: false,
As you can see above, the URL for the source plugin is something that I need to be dynamic. The reason for this is that the file URL will change every time it's updated in the CMS. I need to query the CMS for that field and get its CDN URL before passing to the plugin.
I tried adding the following to the top of gatsby-config.js but I'm getting errors.
const axios = require("axios")
let dynamicURL = ""
const getBrands = async () => {
return await axios({
method: "get",
url: "https://some-proxy-url-that-returns-json-with-the-csv-file-url",
;(async () => {
const brands = await getBrands()
dynamicURL = brands.data.summary.url
I'm assuming this doesn't work because the config is not waiting for the request above to resolve and therefore, all we get is a blank URL.
Is there any better way to do this? I can't simply supply the source plugin with a fixed/known URL ahead of time.
Any help greatly appreciated. I'm normally a Vue.js guy but having to work with React/Gatsby and so I'm not entirely familiar with it.
I had similar requirement where I need to set siteId of gatsby-plugin-matomo dynamically by fetching data from async api. After searching a lot of documentation of gatsby build lifecycle, I found a solution.
Here is my approach -
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
plugins: {
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-matomo',
options: {
siteId: '',
matomoUrl: 'MATOMO_URL',
dev: true
Here siteId is blank because I need to put it dynamically.
exports.onPreInit = async ({ actions, store }) => {
const { setPluginStatus } = actions;
const state = store.getState();
const plugin = state.flattenedPlugins.find(plugin => plugin.name === "gatsby-plugin-matomo");
if (plugin) {
const matomo_site_id = await fetchMatomoSiteId('API_ENDPOINT_URL');
plugin.pluginOptions = {...plugin.pluginOptions, ...{ siteId: matomo_site_id }};
setPluginStatus({ pluginOptions: plugin.pluginOptions }, plugin);
exports.createPages = async function createPages({ actions, graphql }) {
/* Create page code */
onPreInit is a gatsby lifecycle method which is executing just after plugin loaded from config. onPreInit lifecycle hook has some built in methods.
store is the redux store where gatsby is storing all required information for build process.
setPluginStatus is a redux action by which plugin data can be modified in redux store of gatsby.
Here the important thing is onPreInit lifecycle hook has to be called in async way.
Hope this helps someone in future.
Another approach that may work for you is using environment variables as you said, the URL is known so, you can add them in a .env file rather than a CSV.
By default, Gatsby uses .env.development for gatsby develop and a .env.production for gatsby build command. So you will need to create two files in the root of your project.
In your .env (both and .env.development and .env.production) just add:
DYNAMIC_URL: https://yourUrl.com
Since your gatsby-config.js is rendered in your Node server, you don't need to prefix them by GATSBY_ as the ones rendered in the client-side needs. So, in your gatsby-config.js:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-fetch`,
options: {
name: `brands`,
type: `brands`,
url: process.env.DYNAMIC_URL, // This is the part I need to be dynamic at run/build time.
method: `get`,
axiosConfig: {
headers: { Accept: "text/csv" },
saveTo: `${__dirname}/src/data/brands-summary.csv`,
createNodes: false,
It's important to avoid tracking those files in your Git repository since you don't want to expose this type of data.