How to replace php function with ajax - javascript

I am new to AJAX here. How can i replace the initial php function after the action of ajax is execute? I have found that the page will not refresh after the action is execute.
Here is the code:
function set_ddm(another_data) {
var result = $.ajax({
url: '../display/ea_form_header.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
action: 'set_ddm',
Data_store: another_data,
success: function(data) {
php code
//initial function (customized drop down)
print ddm_jsfunc_employee("employee_list",$employee_list)
if($_POST['action'] =='set_ddm') {
$employee_list_decoded = json_decode($employee_list,true);
//expected this function to replace the initial function after ajax was called
print ddm_jsfunc_employee("employee_list",$employee_list_decoded);
} ?>
I expect the function will replace the initial function and show in the main page but it only show in console after ajax(page aren't refresh to show it). Is there any wrong with the code or any solution for this? (the ddm_jsfunc_employee must be there to print the drop down)
thanks in advance

From ajax success callback you have to set that response in the html to view on web page.
like this:
i hope this will works for you.

I think you have a slight misunderstanding about what AJAX is, it is not something to replace your PHP code with, but to asynchronously get data and update your webpage without reloading.
Let's first take a look at the .ajax function specifically interesting for us now is the .done() callback method, because JavaScript does the request realtime (async) JavaScript does not know when the request is done. But it allows us to specify a function inside the .done for it to call when it is done.
A really simple example would be:
.done(function(data) {
// We can do what we want with the data here.
Now when the request is done the function we defined in .done will be called, in this case a simple log. But you would want to change this to a function that updates your HTML.
I also see you are calling JavaScript functions in your PHP, this will not work as PHP runs on your server but JavaScript runs in your browser. (Unless you use node or the likes)
Just a tip; it is advised to place JavaScript at the bottom of your HTML page as JavaScript is blocking content. (proper link explaining needed here)
Meaning your browser will stop parsing the HTML and run the JavaScript as it finds it.
Long story short, if you want to replace the PHP code, you would have to remove it. Make a PHP script which gives you your data. AJAX call it and then use .done or success and update your webpage from there.


Ajax call. Passing value to another php file

I have a problem and hope you can help.
Ii have a status.PHP file containing a js.
<? ..stuff... ?>
<title>BCM Status Page</title>
<script src="jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="updater.js"></script>
<body bgcolor="#305c57" onload='init();'>
As you can see in the html ihave included a JS, during "onload" i'm calling the init() function of the javascript called updater.js
Now in the UPDATER.JS
function init() {
setInterval(read, 2000)
function read() {
type: 'POST',
url: 'readDB.php',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
var json_obj = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function () {
console.log("Error loading data");
I'm doing an ajax call to the readDB.php that is working as intended, infact i have the correct value in the json_obj.
My question is: how can i get the json_obj value and pass it to the status.PHP file that is the one who's including the JS too?
Hope you can help. TY
Ok, there is a lot to say in this argument, but i will be the briefiest possible.
first things first
php and Javascript are two different programming language with a completely different paradigm.
The first is a back-end focused programming language;
Javascript instead is more front-end focused, just for entirety i have to mention that JS is used also for the backend part with a special eviroment called Node.js
back to the problem, the things that you are trying to do is not impossible but is excactly as you asked, your're idea (if i got it) was to pass the data from the js to the php like a parameter in a function...
the thing is that the php is elaborate and renderizated before in the server and the javascript is executed in the client, in the client web page there is no more footprint the php. This process is described very well at this link:
The possible solution is:
FRONT-END(js): make another ajax call(request) to the same page that you are displaying with all the data that you want to elaborate.
BACK-END(php): controll if this request has been made, then access the data with the global variables $_POST & $_GET (depending on the type of the request), then elaborate this data.
if I can I suggest you to make a check if the manipulation that you want to do on those data need to be done in the server-side and not by the js!
Consider the order of execution:
User visits status.php
Browser requests status.php
Server executes status.php and sends response to browser
JS requests readDB.php
Browser requests readDB.php
Server executes readDB.php and sends response to browser
JS processes response
Go To 4
By the time you get to 7, it is too late to influence what happens at step 2.
You could make a new Ajax request to status.php and process the response in JS, but since status.php returns an entire HTML document, that doesn't make sense.
You could use location to load a new page using a URL that includes status.php and a query string with information from the Ajax response, but that would making using Ajax in the first place pointless.
You should probably change readDB.php to return *all** the data you need, and then using DOM methods (or jQuery wrappers around them) to modify the page the user is already looking at.
The simpliest and fastest (maybe not the sexiest way) to do it :
create global variable var respondData; in STATUS.PHP
within you ajax request on success function assign your data callback to it
respondData = data;
Now you have an access to it from every place in your code even when the ajax request is done. Just bare in mind to ensure you will try to access this variable after the page will fully load and after ajax will process the request. Otherwise you will get 'undefined'

JQuery, include a php file

I've been trying this for 3 days but couldn't find a solution yet. I need to load a php page with javascript. I'm using the code bellow however changing the page while the function is still working slows the page down.
load() is a simplified version of Post that replaces the contents of an element with the response from the server.
".load() sets the HTML contents of the matched element to the returned data."
$.post() will get you the result you are looking for but it does so Asynchronously. This means that if you plan to do something with the response you get back from the server you need to do it inside of the success function
$.post("<? echo $js_url."?refresh_steamdata=true"; ?>",{},function(data){
// do something with data HERE
// not here since this will run before the data is returned

Wait for ajax call in another js file

I have two js files. These are the simplified version (there is a lot of code actually)
This file is included in a page ucyg.php - this page is loaded into my index.php with an Ajax call.
its code is
var Ucyg = function(){
var load = function() {
return $.get('Ajax/listado_ucyg.php', {
// some get parameters
}).done(function(data) {
// some DOM manipulation with Data
return {
load: load
$(document).ready(function() {
var ucyg = new Ucyg();
So my ajax call return ucyg.php with this file included (to clarify: the file ucyg.js is not loaded in my browser until the ajax call of ucyg.php in my index.php returns), and when its ready, it does another ajax call to bring listado_ucyg.php
the other one
in some part of the code I need something very similar to what I have in ucyg.php, but with some modifications. So I thought in bring ucyg.php as ajax call, and after that, make the modifications needed. Just like this:
type: 'post',
url: 'Ajax/ucyg.php',
success: function(data){
popUpUcyg(data, fila);
error: handleError
var popUpUcyg = function(data, fila){
var a = $('#someid');
// some dom manipulations (*)
the problem is that some of the DOM manipulations I should do is in the html code that the inner ajax call (listado_ucyg.php) returns.
So when I do a.html(data), the data is rendered, the .js run its ready section and make the ajax call for listado_ucyg.php, but I have to wait until it returns, in order to make the lasts modifications I need
How can I wait until this last ajax call is done? If its posible, I would like not to modify ucyg.js
I know I could put a timeout, but also I would like to avoid this.
In the server side I'm using PHP 5.3, in case anyone think in a option like passing a parameter to the server and do some magic
to clarify the sequence:
From index.php I can load any page with an ajax call - i.e. ucyg.php
File ucyg.php has <script src="../Js/ucyg.js"></script>
This ucyg.js got the code that you can see above.
In some point, from index.php I load item.php, and this page has <script src="../Js/tareas.js"></script>.
In some point, this page (After a click event) needs to load something very similar to what I have in ucyg.php, you can see the code above. Instead of make another page, I chose to bring ucyg.php with an Ajax call, and make some modifications with js. The problem is that when I bring ucyg.php, it includes the file ucyg.js (as we said), and this file, when its ready, make another ajax call.
Some of the modifitations I need to do, is in the data that this last ajax call does. So I need in someway to wait until this last one returns.
How can I achieve that?
One approach might be to use ajaxComplete()
$( document ).ajaxComplete(function( event, xhr, settings ) {
if ( settings.url === "Ajax/listado_ucyg.php" ) {
/* run DOM code from items.js*/
API Docs
Could also use this to resolve promises that connect to the ajax calls in item.js

Return result to a PHP variable from AJAX in a jQuery function

So this is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do, I cannot find any answers after 1 day of searching. Note that I am using some custom jQuery API and will explain what it does.
The setup is a php page that contains a jQuery function. That jQuery function calls the API to return a result based on a row I clicked (it is jQgrid, basically looks like an online excel sheet). That works fine, but the objective is to get that result OUT of the jQuery function and store it in a PHP variable. I am just clueless......
Main PHP Page:
$getUnitID = <<<getUnitID //This is the jQuery function. It is stored in a php variable for use in other functions of the API
function(rowid, selected)
var selr= null;
if(rowid != null){
selr = jQuery('#grid').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); //This will give ma a number result based on the row I selected. Works fine.
$.ajax({ // I believe I need to use AJAX so here is my attempt
type: "POST",
url: "getId.php", //This is another PHP page for the reuslt. See below
dataType: "json",
data: {selr:selr},
success: function(data) {
alert (data); // This will successfully show me the row number I chose as an alert. But I don't want an alert, I want it stored as a php variable in my main document to use elsewhere.
getUnitID; //End of the function
$grid->setGridEvent('onSelectRow',$getUnitID); //Just an event that calls the function upon clicking the row
$rowResult = ??????? //I need this variable to store the result of that AJAX call or that function call
$rId = $_POST["selr"];
echo $rId;
Essentially, I have no idea why I am using AJAX, because my result is still stuck inside the main jQuery function. How in God's name do I get it OUTSIDE that function?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Do I need to $_GET the 'selr' that I POSTed to getId.php ? If so, how?
Thank you, I love you all.
By the time you get that AJAX request sent out and response received, PHP has already gone to sleep. You cant give the data back to your same page's PHP code. Your jQuery starts executing on client computer long after PHP has already finished its work on your server.
It doesn't matter whether your JavaScript function is stored in a PHP variable. PHP will not get its output back. Only way you can do so is to launch another new request to that code and send value to it. but on the same very request on the same very page, its a no no.
Example of how you can send that data to another PHP page
//Your existing jQuery
success: function(data) {
// alert (data);
var result=data;
type: "POST",
url: "anotherpage.php",
data: { data: result }

How to pass variables from an HTTPObject

I'm very, very new to Javascript, and to web programming in general. I think that I'm misunderstanding something fundamental, but I've been unable to figure out what.
I have the following code:
function checkUserAuth(){
var userAuthHttpObject = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = baseURL + "/userAuth";"POST",url,true);
userAuthHttpObject.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
if (userAuthHttpObject.readyState == 4) {
var response = json.loads(userAuthHttpObject.responseText);
return response; //This is the part that doesn't work!
I would love to call it from my page with something like:
var authResponse = checkUserAuth();
And then just do what I want with that data.
Returning a variable, however, just returns it to the userAuthObject, and not all the way back to the function that was originally called.
Is there a way to get the data out of the HttpObject, and into the page that called the function?
Working with AJAX requires wrapping your head around asynchronous behavior, which is different than other types of programming. Rather than returning values directly, you want to set up a callback function.
Create another JavaScript function which accepts the AJAX response as a parameter. This function, let's call it "takeAction(response)", should do whatever it needs to, perhaps print a failure message or set a value in a hidden field and submit a form, whatever.
then where you have "return response" put "takeAction(response)".
So now, takeAction will do whatever it was you would have done after you called "var authResponse = checkUserAuth();"
There are a couple of best practices you should start with before you continue to write the script you asked about
XMLHTTTPRequest() is not browser consistent. I would recommend you use a library such as mootools or the excellent jquery.ajax as a starting point. it easier to implement and works more consistently.
content type is important. You will have have problems trying to parse json data if you used a form content type. use "application/json" if you want to use json.
true user authorization should be done on the server, never in the browser. I'm not sure how you are using this script, but I suggest you may want to reconsider.
Preliminaries out of the way, Here is one way I would get information from an ajax call into the page with jquery:
//get an html chunk
url: 'ajax/test.html',
// do something with the html chunk
success: function(htmlData) {
//replace the content of <div id="auth">
//replace content of #auth with only the data in #message from
//the data we recieved in our ajax call
$('#auth').html( function() {
return $(htmlData).find('#message').text();
