How to get data from different collections in firebase from react? - javascript

So i have 2 collections
1 collection is 'users'. There i have documents (objects) with property 'profile', that contains string. It's id of profile, that is stored in other collection 'roles' as document.
So i'm trying to get this data, but without success. Is there exist join method or something like that? Or i must use promise for getting data from collection roles, and then assign it with agent?
async componentDidMount() {
.onSnapshot(async snapshot => {
let changes = snapshot.docChanges()
const agents = this.state.agents
for (const change of changes) {
if (change.type === 'added') {
const agent = {
await firebase
.doc( response => {
//when i get response i want to set for my object from above this val
agent['profile'] =
//after that i want to push my 'agent' object to array of 'agents'
isLoading: false,
agents: agents

To do async operation on array of objects you can use promise.all, i have given a example below that is similar to your use case where multiple async operation has to be done
const all_past_deals = await Promise.all( (item, index) => {
const user = await Users.get_user_info(item.uid);
const dealDetails = await Deals.get_deal_by_ids(user.accepted_requests || []);
const test = await Users.get_user_info(dealDetails[0].uid);
return test
This way you can get data from once api call and make other api call with the obtained data


array.prototype..forEach function skipped with values in variable

I have a problem, i have a Firebase Firestore Database connected to my React.JS Project, where users can enroll to courses. Now if i'm trying to load the users collection from the DB it returns 1 entry.
const fetchAthletes = async () => {
try {
const athletes: Array<any> = [];
const athleteRef = collection(db, COLLECTION_NAME_ATHLETE);
const getAthleteQuery = query(athleteRef, where('user', '==', userAuthToken.accessToken));
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(getAthleteQuery)
if ( {
//this for each gets skipped, even when querySnapshot.doc has values in it
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
setAthletes(athletes as Array<Athlete>);
} catch (error: unknown) {
enqueueSnackbar((error as string), { variant: 'error', autoHideDuration: 3000 })
But when i want to loop over it via it always skips it.
I debbuged through the funtion and found out that docs from Firestore is set with values tbat i wanna recieve.
Data returned by Firestore
I have no clue why it doesn't work. Any idea or help is appreciated
Rather than attempt to individually set each doc into state, build up your array and set the entire thing into state
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(getAthleteQuery);
setAthletes( => ({

Javascript Access an an Object in an Array

I'm fetching data from MongoDB, and the response is coming through fine, however it appears to be wrapped in array when it comes out of the User.find() function.
For example, one response is:
[{"_id":"62fe3c888e2776ef3c1a010f","username":"Drago D Trial","password":"U2FsdGVkX1867hs26KL0KitTGhWnP9tdVX6AcmI5pWE=","fullname":"Drago DaTrial","firstname":"","surname":"","email":"","position":"QA Tester","userImage":"","locationCity":"","country":"","role":"","company":"","emailAuthorised":true,"professionalBio":"","positionRecentTitle":"","positionRecentCompany":"","companyAuthorised":"","isAdmin":false,"createdAt":"2022-08-18T13:20:08.045Z","updatedAt":"2022-08-18T13:21:02.619Z","__v":0}]
I'm accessing this through an api like this:
router.get('/inviteToJoinTeam/:token/:email', async (req, res) => {
try {
//verify the token against DB
const userToken = (req.params.token)
const indivEmailAdd = (
// creating user auth
const userDetails = await User.find({email: indivEmailAdd})
const indivIDAdd = await userDetails (!want to access the data here and just get ID)
} catch (e) {
res.send('This isnt working');
How would you access this and just get the _id field out?
If there is only one item in the array then - simply get the id property of the first item intthe returned array
const indivIDAdd = await userDetails[0]['_id'];
or using dot notation
const indivIDAdd = await userDetails[0]._id;
if there are multiple results then map over the results and get the id from each
const ids = await => user._id);
just use response[0]._id
Ps: Response is the array coming from the database
Try projection for the same it should work
const userDetails = await User.find({ email: indivEmailAdd }, { _id : 1 })
it will return array of ObjectId. if you need to get only one object then use findOne instead of find.
According to me you have 2 solutions :
Option 1 use findOne instead of find :
const userDetails = await User.findOne({email: indivEmailAdd});
Option 2 access array / object with basic js:
const usersDetails = await User.find({email: indivEmailAdd});
const userDetails =; // or
const userDetails = usersDetails[0]['_id'];

Angular: returning a value from onValue() in firebase realtime database

I would like to return the "User" object.
Got error message:
Variable 'user' is used before being assigned.ts(2454)
I tried to use async / await but I can't assign await to "return user" at the end of the code or user= await snapshot.val() because it is located on onValue() scope.
getLoggedInUser(id: string): User {
const db = getDatabase();
var user: User;
onValue(ref(db, '/users/' + id), (snapshot) => {
user = snapshot.val();
// ...
}, {
onlyOnce: true
return user;
When you call onValue you get the current value from that path in the database, and then also get all updates to that value. Since your callback may be called multiple times, there is no way to return a single value.
If you want to just get the value once and return it, you'll want to use get instead of onValue. Then you can also use async/await.
async getLoggedInUser(id: string): Promise<User> {
const db = getDatabase();
var user: User;
const snapshot = await get(ref(db, '/users/' + id))
user = snapshot.val();
return user;
I am actually having a similar issue, although I try to fetch data with paging logic.
We do have thousands of records and to render them nicely (10 - 25 per page) would be the best option anyhow.
const dbRef = query(ref(database, folder), orderByChild(field), startAt(start), limitToLast(limit))
return onValue(dbRef, (snapshot) => {
const values = Object.values(snapshot.val());
return {data: values, total: values.length, page: page}
I can see the values inside the onValue, but it seems not to return the value at all. I'm not sure where to go here, the documentation on that is not completely clear to me (a beginner as a developer).

How to access Document ID in Firestore from a scheduled function

I'm using Firebase scheduled function to periodically check data in Firestore if users' detail are added to SendGrid contact list. After they're successfully added to SendGrid, I want to update the value in firestore addToContact from false to true.
exports.addContact = functions.region(region).pubsub.schedule('every 4 minutes').onRun(async(context) => {
// Query data from firestore
const querySnapshot = await admin.firestore().collection('users')
.where('metadata.addToContact', '==', false)
// Call SendGrid API to add contact
// If success, change metadata.addToContact to true
if (response) {
const docRef = admin.firestore().collection('users').doc("";
await docRef.update( {'metadata.sendToSg': true }, { merge: true } );
I want to access but I realise that context that passed in .onRun isn't the same with the context passed in a callable function.
NOTE: If I pass to .doc without ""+, I got an error Value for argument "documentPath" is not a valid resource path. Path must be a non-empty string. After google the answer, I tried using "" then I can console.log the context value. I only got
context {
eventId: '<eventID>',
timestamp: '2020-11-21T09:05:38.861Z',
eventType: 'google.pubsub.topic.publish',
params: {}
I thought I'd get document ID from params object here but it's empty.
Is there a way to get Document ID from firestore in a scheduled function?
The scheduled Cloud Function itself has no notion of a Firestore document ID since it is triggered by the Google Cloud Scheduler and not by an event occurring on a Firestore document. This is why the corresponding context object is different from the context object of a Firestore triggered Cloud Function.
I understand that you want to update the unique document corresponding to your first query (admin.firestore().collection('users').where('metadata.addToContact', '==', false).get();).
If this understanding is correct, do as follows:
exports.addContact = functions.region(region).pubsub.schedule('every 4 minutes').onRun(async (context) => {
// Query data from firestore
const querySnapshot = await admin.firestore().collection('users')
.where('metadata.addToContact', '==', false)
// Call SendGrid API to add contact
// If success, change metadata.addToContact to true
if (response) {
const docRef =[0].ref;
await docRef.update({ 'metadata.sendToSg': true }, { merge: true });
} else {
console.log('No response');
return null;
Update following your comment:
You should not use async/await with forEach(), see here for more details. Use Promise.all() instead, as follows:
exports.addContact = functions.region(region).pubsub.schedule('every 4 minutes').onRun(async (context) => {
// Query data from firestore
const querySnapshot = await admin.firestore().collection('users')
.where('metadata.addToContact', '==', false)
// Call SendGrid API to add contact
// If success, change metadata.addToContact to true
if (response) {
const promises = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const { metadata } =;
if (metadata.sendToSg == false) {
promises.push(doc.ref.update({ 'metadata.sendToSg': true }, { merge: true }));
await Promise.all(promises);
} else {
console.log('No response');
return null;

How to get a collection inside a document on Firestore?

I've a collection called users, inside each document's users have a collection called monthlies and I want get it.
This is the structure:
At now, I tried get it using:
var getUsers = async function() {
var db = firebase.firestore()
var users = await firebase
return users
var getMonthlyByUserId = async function () {
var users = await getUsers()
users.forEach(element => {
var monthlies = element.collection('monthlies').get()
console.log( =>
But it prints nothing. The goal is iterate of all documents' monthlies of the collection.
In addition to the problem that Doug pointed out (you need to use the ref property of the QueryDocumentSnapshot), you need to take into account that the get() method is asynchronous.
So doing
users.forEach(snapshot => {
var monthlies = snapshot.ref.collection('monthlies').get()
console.log( =>
will not work.
If you cannot use a collection group query (for example, let's imagine that your getUsers() function only returns a subset of all the users, e.g. all users of a given country) you could use Promise.all() as follows:
var getMonthlyByUserId = async function () {
const users = await getUsers();
const promises = [];
users.forEach(snapshot => {
const monthlies = await Promise.all(promises);
monthlies.forEach(snapshotArray => {
console.log( =>;
OR you could use the technique described in this article on how to use async/await inside a forEach().
In your code, element is a QueryDocumentSnapshot type object. It doesn't have a method called collection(), so I would expect your code will crash with an error in the log.
If you want to reference a subcollection organized under a document represented by QueryDocumentSnapshot, you should build upon its ref property:
users.forEach(snapshot => {
var monthlies = snapshot.ref.collection('monthlies').get()
console.log( =>
Alternatively, if you just want to query all documents in all subcollections called "monthly", you can simplify that with a single collection group query.
