db module is possible to add writings. But is it possible to subtract the writings? It may also be caused by my incompetence this is my code:
const db = require('quick.db')
const Discord = require('discord.js')
exports.run = async (client, message, args, config) => {
if(message.author.id === 'My ID'){
let user = message.mentions.members.first() || message.author
if (args[0]) return message.channel.send(`${message.author}, bir eşya ismi girmen gerek!`)
db.subtract(`${user.id}.envan`, args[0])
let bal = await db.fetch(`${user.id}.envan`)
let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(`Your item is received!`, message.author.displayAvatarURL)
.addField(`Received Item:`, `${args[0]}`)
return message.channels.send('Yetkin yok knk').then(msg => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2500);
You can use db.delete if you want to delete the reference instead of 'subtracting' (as it seems to be your goal in your question)
db.subtract(`${user.id}.envan`, Math.floor(args[0]))
try this.
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const config = require('../config.json');
const { Permissions } = require('discord.js');
module.exports.run = async (client, message, args) => {
if(!message.member.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.BAN_MEMBERS, true)) return message.channel.send('You can\'t use that!')
if(!message.guild.me.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.BAN_MEMBERS, true)) return message.channel.send('I don\'t have the permissions.')
const member = message.mentions.members.first();
if(!args[0]) return message.channel.send('Please specify a user');
let reason = args.slice(1).join(" ");
if(!reason) reason = 'Unspecified';
message.guild.members.unban(`${member}`, `${reason}`)
.catch(err => {
if(err) return message.channel.send('Something went wrong')
let banembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Member Unbanned')
.addField('User Unbanned', member)
.addField('Unbanned by', message.author)
.addField('Reason', reason)
.setFooter('Time Unbanned', client.user.displayAvatarURL())
You're using a message.mentions.members.first() which is referring to a pinged person. To use their ID's you can use .fetch or cache.get
const member = await message.guild.members.fetch(args[0])
const member = await message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0])
also you can use them on the same line using or ||
const member = message.mentions.members.first() || await message.guild.members.fetch(args[0]) || await message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0])
I only don't know if its going to work with unban because the bot and the user should on the same server
I want to make my bot to delete only user's messages in a certain channel and not the bot's. I tried doing it using the code below but it kept on deleting the both the bot's messages and mine.
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const avalibleFormats = ['png', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg']
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log("I am ready!");
client.on("message", message => {
if (message.channel.id == '829616433985486848') {
if (message.channel.id !== '829616433985486848') {
let image = getImage(message)
if (!image) {
let embed = new MessageEmbed();
const getImage = (message) => message.attachments.find(attachment => checkFormat(attachment.url))
const checkFormat = (url) => avalibleFormats.some(format => url.endsWith(format))
Well, you only say that if the channel id is 829616433985486848, delete the message. you should also check if the author is a bot using the message.author.bot property:
const avalibleFormats = ['png', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg'];
const checkFormat = (url) => avalibleFormats.some((format) => url.endsWith(format));
const getImage = (message) => message.attachments.find((attachment) => checkFormat(attachment.url));
client.on('message', (message) => {
const certainChannelId = '829616433985486848';
// if the channel is not 829616433985486848, return to exit
if (message.channel.id !== certainChannelId)
// the rest of the code only runs if the channel is 829616433985486848
const image = getImage(message);
// if author is not a bot, delete the message
if (!message.author.bot)
if (!image)
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
Actually, if the message is posted by a bot, you don't even need to run anything in there so you can check that right at the beginning and exit early:
client.on('message', (message) => {
if (message.author.bot || message.channel.id !== '829616433985486848')
const image = getImage(message);
if (image) {
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
If you want it to work in multiple channels, you can create an array of channel IDs and use Array#includes() to check if the current channel ID is in that array:
client.on('message', (message) => {
const channelIDs = ['829616433985486848', '829616433985480120', '829616433985485571'];
if (message.author.bot || !channelIDs.includes(message.channel.id))
const image = getImage(message);
if (image) {
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
How do I make it so that when someone reacts with the first emoji in this command, the bot deletes the message and sends it to another channel?
Current Code:
const Discord = require("discord.js");
module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
if (!message.member.hasPermission("MANAGE_MESSAGES"))
return message.channel.send("You are not allowed to run this command.");
let botmessage = args.join(" ");
let pollchannel = bot.channels.cache.get("716348362219323443");
let avatar = message.author.avatarURL({ size: 2048 });
let helpembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(message.author.tag, avatar)
pollchannel.send(helpembed).then(async msg => {
await msg.react("715383579059945512");
await msg.react("715383579059683349");
module.exports.help = {
name: "poll"
You can use awaitReactions, createReactionCollector or messageReactionAdd event, I think awaitReactions is the best option here since the other two are for more global purposes,
const emojis = ["715383579059945512", "715383579059683349"];
pollchannel.send(helpembed).then(async msg => {
await msg.react(emojis[0]);
await msg.react(emojis[1]);
//generic filter customize to your own wants
const filter = (reaction, user) => emojis.includes(reaction.emoji.id) && user.id === message.author.id;
const options = { errors: ["time"], time: 5000, max: 1 };
msg.awaitReactions(filter, options)
.then(collected => {
const first = collected.first();
if(emojis.indexOf(first.emoji.id) === 0) {
// certainChannel = <TextChannel>
} else {
//case you wanted to do something if they reacted with the second one
.catch(err => {
//time up, no reactions
So i want that my poll command asks for the channel and the question in a conversation, but i haven't figured out how to get the channel when the user only gives the ID, i have figured out that i have to use .content but i still don't know how to implement it.
My code:
run: async(message, client, args) => {
// Channel where the poll should take palce
await message.channel.send(`Please provide a channel where the poll should take place or cancel this command with "cancel"!`)
const response1 = await message.channel.awaitMessages(m => m.author.id === message.author.id, {max: 1});
const channel = response1.first().mentions.channels.first() || response1.content.guild.channels.cache.get()
if (!channel) {
return message.channel.send(`You did not mention or provide the ID of a channel where the poll should take place!`)
// Channel where the poll should take palce
await message.channel.send(`Please provide a question for the poll!`)
const response2 = await message.channel.awaitMessages(m => m.author.id === message.author.id, {max: 1});
let question = response2.first();
if (!question) {
return message.channel.send(`You did not specify your question!`)
const Embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`New poll!`)
.setFooter(`${message.author.username} created this poll.`)
let msg = await client.channels.cache.get(channel.id).send(Embed)
await msg.react("👍")
await msg.react("👎")
And it is this line: response1.content.guild.channels.cache.get() that is writte wrong by me but idk what i have to change/where to add the .content so that it works.
Would be nice if someone can help me.
My message event for the args:
module.exports = async (client, message) => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || message.author.bot) return;
if (!message.guild) return;
if (!message.member) message.member = await message.guild.fetchMember(message);
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/g);
const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (cmd.length == 0) return;
let command = client.commands.get(cmd)
if (!command) command = client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(cmd));
if (command) {
try {
command.run(message, client, args)
} catch (error) {
message.reply('There was an error trying to execute that command!');
You need the content to grab the id, but I assume that's already handled by the code that generates the args parameter.
To get the guild you can use Message.guild, and then just Guild.channels.cache.get()
That means that your code would look like this:
const channel = response1.first().mentions.channels.first()
|| response1.first().guild.channels.cache.get(args[0]) // Assuming args[0] is your id
So i went around it with making another constructor means:
const ID = client.channels.cache.get(response1.first().content)
const channel = response1.first().mentions.channels.first() || ID
It works fine now
So i think i quite forgot some .then's beause the bot sends the B emoji message instanntly without a reaction from the user and even when i would provide a "suggestion" then it wouldnt send it to the specific channel, but idk where i have to put the missing .then's. Can someone help me please? I tried to figure it out myself and tested some but it didn't make anything better.
execute(message, client, args) {
const Discord = require('discord.js');
let Embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`Suggestion categories`)
.addField(`For what you want to suggest something?`, `\nA: I want to suggest something for the Website/Servers/Discord Server\nB: I want to suggest something for the CloudX Bot \n\nPlease react to this message with A or B`)
message.channel.send(Embed).then(function (message) {
message.react("🇦").then(() => {
const filter = (reaction, user) => {
return ['🇦', '🇧'].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id;
message.awaitReactions(filter, { max: 1 })
.then(collected => {
const reaction = collected.first();
if (reaction.emoji.name === '🇦') {
const filter = m => m.author.id === message.author.id;
message.channel.send(`Please provide a suggestion for the Website/Servers/Discord Server or cancel this command with "cancel"!`).then(() => {
message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, { max: 1, })
.then(async (collected) => {
if (collected.first().content.toLowerCase() === 'cancel') {
message.reply("Your suggestion has been cancelled.")
else {
let embed1 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.addField(`New Suggestion:`, `${collected.first().content}`)
.setFooter(client.user.username, "attachment://CloudX.png")
const channel = await client.channels.fetch("705781201469964308").then(() => {
channel.send({embed: embed1, files: [{
message.channel.send(`Your suggestion has been filled to the staff team. Thank you!`)
if (reaction.emoji.name === '🇧') {
const filter = m => m.author.id === message.author.id;
message.channel.send(`Please provide a suggestion for the CloudX Bot or cancel this command with "cancel"!`).then(() => {
message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, { max: 1, })
.then(async (collected) => {
if (collected.first().content.toLowerCase() === 'cancel') {
message.reply("Your suggestion has been cancelled.")
else {
let embed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.addField(`New Suggestion:`, `${collected.first().content}`)
.setFooter(client.user.username, "attachment://CloudX.png")
const channel = await client.channels.fetch("702825446248808519").then(() => {
channel.send({embed: embed2, files: [{
message.channel.send(`Your suggestion has been filled to the staff team. Thank you!`)
I would suggest learning await/async functions.
This will clean up your code and keep things steady without five thousand .then()
async execute(message, client, args) {
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`Suggestion categories`)
.addField(`For what you want to suggest something?`, `\nA: I want to suggest something for the Website/Servers/Discord Server\nB: I want to suggest something for the CloudX Bot \n\nPlease react to this message with A or B`)
const question = message.channel.send(embed)
await question.react("🇦")
await question.react("🇧")
const filter = (reaction, user) => {
return ['🇦', '🇧'].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id;
This is just part of it but you should be able to get the gist...