I have an array of data similar to this:
var items = [
{ id: 84, "completedDate":"2019-01-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 92, "completedDate":"2019-02-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 123, "completedDate":"2019-03-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 2353, "completedDate":"2019-04-26T17:45:07.895Z" }
I would like to return an array with only objects less than 30 days old.
I have tried to filter
var filtered = items.filter(function(item) {
return moment(item.completedDate) > moment.subtract(30, 'days');
Is this what I need to do, or is there a better way to do this?
You don't need moment to compare dates:
const compareDate = new Date();
compareDate.setDate(compareDate.getDate() - 30);
const filtered = items.filter(item => new Date(item.completedDate) > compareDate);
Here's a similar way to do this without moment. here we just get the current day, reset the time back to the start of the day (you may or may not need this for your use case) and then we just use plain JS date objects to compare
var items = [
{ id: 84, "completedDate":"2019-01-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 92, "completedDate":"2019-02-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 123, "completedDate":"2019-03-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 2353, "completedDate":"2019-04-26T17:45:07.895Z" }
var thirtyDaysAgo = new Date();
thirtyDaysAgo.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
thirtyDaysAgo.setDate(thirtyDaysAgo.getDate() - 30);
var filtered = items.filter(function(item) {
var d = new Date(item.completedDate).getTime();
return d > thirtyDaysAgo;
Or, an even smaller filter function (if you don't need IE 11 support) would be:
var filtered = items.filter((item) => new Date(item.completedDate).getTime() > thirtyDaysAgo);
items.filter( x=> x.completedDate > today.toISOString() );
var items = [
{ id: 84, "completedDate":"2019-01-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 92, "completedDate":"2019-02-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 123, "completedDate":"2019-03-26T17:45:07.895Z" },
{ id: 2353, "completedDate":"2019-04-26T17:45:07.895Z" }
var today = new Date("2019-04-20T17:45:07.895Z") // or: new Date()
today = new Date(+today - 30 *86400000)
let r= items.filter( x=> x.completedDate > today.toISOString() );
I'm working with an array on React and i'm trying to filter it by month and year, i managed to do it by month but for some reason i can't add the year key, this is what i have so far:
This is the array that i have originally:
paid = [
{amount:155, month:11, year:2020, date:11-11-2020}
{amount:120, month:11, year:2021, date:05-11-2021}
{amount:135, month:12, year:2020, date:11-12-2020}
const group = groupBy(d, (invoices) => invoices.month); //d is the array called "paid"
This is the groupBy function:
function groupBy(list, keyGetter) {
const map = new Map();
list.forEach((item) => {
const key = keyGetter(item);
const collection = map.get(key);
if (!collection) {
map.set(key, [parseInt(item.amount)]);
} else {
return map;
And this is the result i have:
grouped = [
{name:11, values: [155,120...]},
{name:12, values: [135...]
And what i want to to is to also have it grouped by the year, so for example, the month 11, shouldn't have two values, because on the original array i have on month that's 11 from 2020 and one from 2021, so what i want to have as a result is this:
grouped = [
{name:11/2020, values: [155...]},
{name:11/2021, values: [120...]},
{name:12/2020, values: [135...]
Can anyone help me with this?
If I understand correctly you want to sum all values per month per year. I guess this will work.
// Generate random data.
const genData = () => {
const d = [];
for(let i =0; i < 1000; i++) {
year: Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + 2001,
month: Math.round(Math.random() * 12),
amount: Math.round(Math.random() * 100) + 100
return d;
// Sum all data per month per year
const sumData = (d) => {
const summed = {};
for(const {year,month,amount} of d) {
// By using a unique key for each year/month combi you can easily access the
// intermedeiate result and add another value.
const key = year + '/' + month;
// If it does not yet exist, create an empty record for this year/month
if(!(key in summed)) {
summed[key] = {year,month, sum:0, values:[]};
// Grab the intermediate values and add amount to sum and to values
summed[key].sum += amount;
return Object.values(summed);
// Run all
const d = genData();
Working with Array.reduce method could be more simple, for the example I added some values:
const paid = [
{amount:155, month:11, year:2020, date:'11-11-2020'},
{amount:160, month:11, year:2020, date:'11-11-2020'},
{amount:120, month:11, year:2021, date:'05-11-2021'},
{amount:130, month:11, year:2021, date:'05-11-2021'},
{amount:135, month:12, year:2020, date:'11-12-2020'},
{amount:145, month:12, year:2020, date:'11-12-2020'}
const grouped = paid.reduce((acc,val)=>{
} else {
acc[val.month+'/'+val.year] = [val.amount]
return acc
}, {})
EDIT -----------------
I edited the code to use the group by function and to produce an array containing the values and the sum. you can group passing an array containing first level key (like ['month'] or ['month', 'year']):
const paid = [
{ amount: 155, month: 11, year: 2020, date: "11-11-2020" },
{ amount: 160, month: 11, year: 2020, date: "11-11-2020" },
{ amount: 120, month: 11, year: 2021, date: "05-11-2021" },
{ amount: 130, month: 11, year: 2021, date: "05-11-2021" },
{ amount: 135, month: 12, year: 2020, date: "11-12-2020" },
{ amount: 145, month: 12, year: 2020, date: "11-12-2020" }
const groupBy = (data, keys) => {
return Object.values(
data.reduce((acc, val) => {
const name = keys.reduce((finalName,key)=> finalName + val[key]+'/','').slice(0, -1)
if (acc[name]) {
acc[name].sum += val.amount;
} else {
acc[name] = {
return acc;
}, {})
console.log(JSON.stringify(groupBy(paid, ['month','year']), null, 2));
I need to get all unique days of multiple date values in the format DD.MM.. In this example data, there are two values for the 24th of december:
const data = [
{ date: ISODate("2019-12-24T03:24:00Z") },
{ date: ISODate("2019-12-24T04:56:00Z") },
{ date: ISODate("2019-12-25T02:34:00Z") },
{ date: ISODate("2019-12-26T01:23:00Z") }
So the result should be
const result = [
So first of all I'll map my data and split the values only for the dates:
const dates = data.map(d => d.date.toString().split('T')[0])
But how do I get the unique values and change the output format?
I came up with this, but it looks very complicated...
data.map(d => {
const dateSplit = d.date.toString().split('T')[0].split('-')
return dateSplit[2] + '.' + dateSplit[1] + '.'
.filter((value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index
It seems that ISODate returns a standard JS Date object. You can use Date.getDate() to get the day, and Date.getMonth() to get the month (0 based, so we need to add 1):
const data = [
{ date: new Date('2019-12-24T03:24:00Z') },
{ date: new Date('2019-12-24T04:56:00Z') },
{ date: new Date('2019-12-25T02:34:00Z') },
{ date: new Date('2019-12-26T01:23:00Z') }
const result = [...new Set(data.map(({ date: d }) =>
`${d.getDate()}.${d.getMonth() + 1}.`
Previous answer:
Use a regular expression to match the month and the day, and assign them to consts using destructuring. Assemble the string using template literal. Remove duplicates by assigning the values to a Set, and then spreading back to an array.
Note: Since I don't have access to the ISODate, I've removed it. I left .toString() although it's not needed in this example, but will be needed when used with ISODate.
const data = [
{ date: '2019-12-24T03:24:00Z' },
{ date: '2019-12-24T04:56:00Z' },
{ date: '2019-12-25T02:34:00Z' },
{ date: '2019-12-26T01:23:00Z' }
const pattern = /-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T/
const result = [...new Set(data.map(d => {
const [, mon, day] = d.date.toString().match(pattern)
return `${day}.${mon}.`;
Use .filter() to filter through only values that are the first of their value.
//temporary function
const ISODate = (d) => d;
const data = [{
date: ISODate("2019-12-24T03:24:00Z")
date: ISODate("2019-12-24T04:56:00Z")
date: ISODate("2019-12-25T02:34:00Z")
date: ISODate("2019-12-26T01:23:00Z")
const dates = data.map(d => d.date.toString().split('T')[0].split("-").slice(1, 3).reverse().join(".") + ".")
console.log(dates.filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i));
You can do this pretty easily by using Array.reduce. Note that I converted ISODate to be Date since I don't have that class, but it should be the same concept.
const data = [
{ date: new Date("2019-12-24T03:24:00Z") },
{ date: new Date("2019-12-24T04:56:00Z") },
{ date: new Date("2019-12-25T02:34:00Z") },
{ date: new Date("2019-12-26T01:23:00Z") }
const result = data.reduce( (acc, curr) => {
if (acc.length > 0) {
const hasDate = acc.find(d => d.date.getMonth() === curr.date.getMonth() && d.date.getDate() === curr.date.getDate());
if (!hasDate) { acc.push(curr); }
} else {
return acc;
}, []);
I would use the uniq function in the Underscore.js library:
const data = [
{ date: ISODate("2019-12-24T03:24:00Z") },
{ date: ISODate("2019-12-24T04:56:00Z") },
{ date: ISODate("2019-12-25T02:34:00Z") },
{ date: ISODate("2019-12-26T01:23:00Z") }
let dates = _.uniq(data.map(d => d.date.toString().split('T')[0]));
A nice considerable way is:
const array = [1, 2, 6, 5,5, 5, 3, 7, 8];
const uniqueKeys = array.reduce((hashMap, value) => {
if (!hashMap[value]) {
hashMap[value] = true;
return hashMap;
}, {});
const uniqueValues = Object.keys(uniqueKeys);
It is nice because it iterates the array once, instead of x * x (a.k.a log(n) instead of log(n^2) as with .filter() example
const array = [1, 2, 6, 5,5, 5, 3, 7, 8];
const uniqueKeys = array.reduce((hashMap, value) => {
if (!hashMap[value]) {
hashMap[value] = true;
return hashMap;
}, {});
const uniqueValues = Object.keys(uniqueKeys);
I have a json file with multiple transactions with a date and a price attribute. Now I want to compare the dates and if they are in the same month and year I want to sum up the prices.
transactions: [
date: "2017-11-17",
price: "28",
request.onload = function() {
for(const transaction of request.response.transactions) {
let year = new Date(transaction.date).getFullYear();
let month = new Date(transaction.date).getMonth();
console.log(year + ' ' + month); // output: 2017-11 ...
I tried to loop over the json object but I struggle to find a solution to compare the dates.
Edit: Edited example with Object.assign instead of Object spread.
You'll need to use reduce to sum the prices. See comments for details.
const transactions = [{
date: "2017-11-17",
price: "28",
date: "2017-12-17",
price: "23",
date: "2017-11-17",
price: "12",
date: "2017-10-17",
price: "55",
date: "2017-11-17",
price: "09",
const sumTransactions = (transactions) => {
const summed = transactions.reduce((acc, current) => {
// Get the current date object
const date = new Date(current.date);
// Create your key/identifier
const key = `${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth() + 1}`;
// Retreive the previous price from the accumulator
const previousPrice = acc[key]; // Might also return undefined
// Create your temp current price value, and be sure to deal with numbers.
let currentPrice = Number(current.price);
// If you had a previous value (and not undefined)
if (previousPrice) {
// Add it to our value
currentPrice += Number(previousPrice);
// Return the future accumulator value
return Object.assign(acc, {
[key]: currentPrice, // new values will overwrite same old values
}, {})
// Once we have all values, get the dates, and sort them (default: earlier first)
// Return an array of each value from the summed object to our sortedArray
const sortedArray = Object.keys(summed).sort().map((val) => {
return summed[val];
console.log("sortedArray", sortedArray);
I experimented a bit and came up with this solution:
var transactions = [
date: "2017-11-17",
price: "28",
date: "2017-12-17",
price: "22",
date: "2017-12-17",
price: "20",
var sumedUpDates = [];
var prices = [];
function isDateSumedUp(date) {
return sumedUpDates.indexOf(date.substring(0, 7)) !== -1;
function sumUpDate(date) {
var sum = 0;
transactions.forEach(t => {
if(t.date.substring(0, 7) === date.substring(0, 7)) {
sum += parseInt(t.price);
sumedUpDates.push(date.substring(0, 7));
transactions.forEach(t => {
if(!isDateSumedUp(t.date)) {
var obj = {};
sumedUpDates.forEach((d, i) => obj[d] = prices[i]);
This solutions uses map to format your dates into year/month format for each object entry and then reduce to sum them by those separated dates.
const transactions = [
{date:"2017-11-17", price: "28",},
{date:"2017-12-17", price: "28",},
{date:"2017-11-17", price: "20",},
{date:"2017-12-17", price: "2",},
{date:"2017-11-17", price: "58",},
{date:"2017-11-17", price: "8",},
{date:"2017-10-17", price: "30",},
{date:"2018-11-17", price: "1",},
const mapper = single => {
let d = single.date.split('-');
let p = Number(single.price);
return { year: d[0], month: d[1], price: p };
const reducer = (group, current) => {
let i = group.findIndex(single => (single.year == current.year && single.month == current.month));
if (i == -1) {
return [ ...group, current ];
group[i].price += current.price;
return group;
const sumPrices = transactions.map(mapper).reduce(reducer, []);
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
var date = new Date(transactions[i].date);
var ym = date.getFullYear() + "-" + date.getMonth();
if (array[ym] == null) {
array[ym] = 0;
array[ym] += parseInt(transactions[i].price);
With this data
var transactions = [{
date: "2017-11-17",
price: "28",
date: "2017-12-17",
price: "5",
date: "2016-02-17",
price: "28",
date: "2015-11-17",
price: "25",
date: "2016-02-17",
price: "12",
date: "2017-11-17",
price: "50",
This will give you the sum of all of the year-months duplicates like this :
2017-10: 78,
2017-11: 5,
2016-1: 40,
2015-10: 25
Another solution is reduce:
var transactions = [
{date: "2017-11-17",price: "28"},
{date: "2017-12-17",price: "22"},
{date: "2017-12-17",price: "20"}
var result = transactions.reduce(function(acc, obj) {
var key = obj.date.substr(0,7);
acc[key] = (acc[key] || 0) + +obj.price;
return acc;
}, Object.create(null));
I am getting [{id:'test', time: '1223'}, {id: 'test2', time: '2323'}] from the backend, I need to retrieve the time values for all, perform a function and send back into the object as [{id:'test', time: 'new value for test'}, {id: 'test2', time: 'new value for test2'}]
So I decided I would try and extract the time values and push into array using for loop but my for loop is missing something
var objext = [{id:'test', time: 'blah'}, {id: 'test2', time: 'blah'}];
var dataArray = new Array;
for (var id in objext) {
It returns the same obviously as I don't know how to select the time key.
And then I'll run my function for each as such which is working well:
var time = [23,34,56];
var map = time.map(function(num) {
if (num === 23) {
return num +2;
} else {
return num;
And then the final part will be to put back and I'm thinking I could get an array of id and one of time and then slot back in together but the code I have so far can only map one array at a time:
var data = ["Drake","Ola","d"],
result = data.map(function (a) { return { id: a }; });
I have tried using an array as such:
var data = ["Drake","Ola","d"];
var hht = [21,34,56];
result = [data,hht].map(function (a,b) { return { id: a, time:b }; });
It did not map it properly.
Any ideas?
You can perform all of the tasks withing .map() callback
var objtext = [{id:'test', time: '1223'}, {id: 'test2', time: '2323'}];
objtext = objtext.map(function(obj) {
var time = obj.time;
// do stuff with `obj.time`
if (time == 1223) {
time += 2;
obj.time = time;
if (time == 2323) {
time -= 2;
obj.time = time;
return obj
To create an array containing only time properties
var times = objtext.map(function({time}) {return time});
You could use an array, iterate it and use from the other parts as well for a new object.
var data = ["Drake", "Ola", "d"],
hht = [21, 34, 56],
result = data.map(function (a, i) {
return { id: a, time: hht[i] };
You can map the array of objects and return a different time with Object.assign:
var objs = [
{id: 'Drake', time: 'blah'},
{id: 'Ola', time: 'blah'},
{id: 'd', time: 'eh' }];
var hht = [21, 34, 56];
objs = objs.map( (obj, i) => Object.assign({}, obj, { time: hht[i] }) );
Try this using for loop.
var res = [{
id: 'test',
time: '1223'
}, {
id: 'test2',
time: '2323'
}, {
id: 'test3',
time: '2453'
hht = [21, 34, 56];
for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
res[i]["time"] = +res[i]["time"] + hht[i];
//or use if statements
//if(+res[i]["time"] === 23)res[i]["time"] = +res[i]["time"] + hht[i];
//scenario will be
//res[0]["time"] = 1223 + 21
//res[1]["time"] = 2323 + 34
//res[2]["time"] = 2453 + 56
I have an array of objects that have a 'date' string property.
id: 1,
startDate: '2011-4-22'
id: 2,
startDate: '2012-3-15'
id: 3,
startDate: '2011-4-22'
id: 4,
startDate: '2012-2-10'
I just want to convert the date strings to a date and sort them by startDate DESC. Can someone please tell me how to do this with teh underscore.js _sortBy method or even just plain javascript will do.
An Underscore solution could look like this:
a = [ /* ... */ ];
function to_date(o) {
var parts = o.startDate.split('-');
o.startDate = new Date(parts[0], parts[1] - 1, parts[2]);
return o;
function desc_start_time(o) {
return -o.startDate.getTime();
var b = _.chain(a)
You don't have to use named functions of course but the names do make the logic a bit clearer.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/qe9sZ/
In plain JavaScript you could do it like this:
for(var i = 0, parts; i < a.length; ++i) {
parts = a[i].startDate.split('-');
a[i].startDate = new Date(parts[0], parts[1] - 1, parts[2]);
var b = a.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.startDate - a.startDate;
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/rPAPG/
forEach and sort should handle that for you:
var data = [
id: 1,
startDate: '2011-4-22'
id: 2,
startDate: '2012-3-15'
id: 3,
startDate: '2011-4-22'
id: 4,
startDate: '2012-2-10'
var i, c;
for(i = 0; c = data[i]; i++) {
var parts = c.startDate.split('-');
c.startDate = new Date(+parts[0], +parts[1] - 1, +parts[2]);
data.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.startDate - a.startDate;
Here's a demo; check your console.
I did it this way:
var sorted = _(list).sortBy(
function (item) {
return [new Date(item.effectiveDate).getTime(), item.batchId];
}), "batchId");
If you want it descending then it's the same thing but *-1
var sorted = _(list).sortBy(
function (item) {
return [new Date(item.effectiveDate).getTime()*-1, item.batchId];
}), "batchId");
In this example I am ordering by two fields, you can forget about the item.batchId.
Hope this helps someone.
If you are fetching datetime field from database then you can convert the datetime to timestamp and then sort. And then reverse the array.
const _ = require('underscore');
var object = [{title:"a", date:"2018-03-22T09:10:21.000Z"}, {title:"b", date:"2018-08-22T09:10:21.000Z"}, {title:"c", date:"2018-04-22T09:10:21.000Z"}];
withTimeStamp = _.map(object, function(val, key){
val.timestamp = new Date(val.date).getTime();
return val;
object = _.sortBy(object, 'timestamp');