Concat Arrays in React/JavaScript via prevState - javascript

This is my actually code:
class Notifications extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
newNotifications: null, //this always must be a null in constructor.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.props.isNewNotification !== prevProps.isNewNotification) {
newNotifications: prevProps.newNotifications,
My prevProps.newNotifications is an array, for example:
[{"date_time":"Wednesday, 19:42","amount_money":"2,10 USD","sender_name":"John Polaszek"}]
I would like to merge array my prevProps.newNotifications in prevState.newNotifications when prevState.newNotifications isn't a null. In render() i have this method:
{newNotifications ? (
<div className="no-test">
{, id) => (
<span className="notification_amount">
<br />
How can I do this? I hope my question is understandable.

In your componentDidUpdate method, you have the right idea, you just need to either set, or Array.concat(), depending on the condition.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.props.isNewNotification !== prevProps.isNewNotification) {
let newNotifications;
if (prevState.newNotifications !== null) {
newNotifications = prevState.newNotifications.concat(prevProps.newNotifications);
} else {
// otherwise, set newNotifications to your other condition
this.setState({ newNotifications }); // computed property since the var is the same as the state name

You can keep it as an empty array instead of null. You can just use the spread operator.
class Notifications extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
newNotifications: [], // maintain it as an array instead.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.props.isNewNotification !== prevProps.isNewNotification) {
const newNotifications = [...prevState.newNotifications, ...prevProps.newNotifications];
This does not remove duplicates, you can try to use underscore or lodash or write a function yourself to remove them.
union(prevProps.newNotifications, prevState.newNotifications);
union or uniq or uniqBy can do the job for you.
And in the render function, you can change your ternary operator to check for length, if length is 0 (as in the initialisation), the else part will be executed.
{newNotifications.length ? (
<div className="no-test">
{, id) => (
<span className="notification_amount">
<br />

I was going to add this as a comment, but it's too long.
If I'm understanding your question correctly, the others have answered your question, however, you shouldn't be doing what you're asking to do.
I can tell you're aiming to be declarative and handle things through props, but there's remnants of imperative thinking that are complicating things. From what I can tell, when the parent component has new notifications it will pass both the newNotifications and isNewNotification. Then it would flip isNewNotification back to false. Whenever you have a sequence to things, you're thinking imperatively, not declaratively. Reaching for lifecycle methods is also an indication that you're thinking imperatively (though this is sometimes necessary).
You're essentially trying to replicate a function call with props. I think you'd actually be better off exposing an addNotifications method, getting a ref to the component and calling the method, rather than this declarative-looking-but-really-imperative api.
But really, we don't want to expose an imperative api for components to communicate. If the parent is responsible for adding the new notifications, it's probably in a better position to maintain the notifications list. I'm guessing these notifications are coming from an api or a websocket. When they are received, this is the place to concat the new notifications and store that back in the parent's state. The child then can become just a stateless component.
class NotificationParent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
notifications: null
componentDidMount() {
api.on("notifications", newNotifications => {
this.setState(({ notifications } => {
if (!notifications) {
return {
notifications: newNotifications
} else {
return {
notifications: notifications.concat(newNotifications)
render() {
return (
<Notifications notifications={this.state.notifications}/>
function Notification({ notifications }) {
return (
newNotifications ? (
<div className="no-test">
{, id) => (
<span className="notification_amount">
<br />
) : (
/* ... */


Is there a way I can use button in react to delete a item in an array that is stored in the state

I am trying to build a ToDoList app and I have two components. I have a main component that handles the state and another button component that renders a delete button next to every task that I render. The problem I have is that i cant seem to connect the delete button to the index of the array and delete that specific item in the array by clicking on the button next to it.
I have tried to connect the index by using the map key id to the delete function.
just need help with how my delete function should look like and how its going to get the index of the item that is next to it and delete it.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
userInput: '',
toDoList : []
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.delete = this.delete.bind(this);
handleSubmit() {
const itemsArray = this.state.userInput.split(',');
toDoList: this.state.toDoList.concat(itemsArray),
userInput: ''
handleChange(e) {
delete(id) {
toDoList: this.state.toDoList.filter( (item) => id !== )
render() {
return (
placeholder="Separate Items With Commas" /><br />
<button onClick={this.handleSubmit}>Create List</button>
<h1>My Daily To Do List:</h1>
<Button toDoList={this.state.toDoList} handleDelete={this.delete} />
class Button extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
{ (item) => <li key={}>{item.text} <button onClick={this.props.delete(}>Done!</button></li> )
I reviewed your edited code and made a couple of changes.
I don’t get what exactly you want to achieve with you handleSubmit method but items it adds to the list are simple strings and don’t have neither ‘id’ nor ‘text’ properties you’re referring to in other places. Possibly you’re going to change this later but while your to do items are just strings I’ve edited your code so that it work properly under this condition.
Edited delete method now accepts not as a parameter but the whole item object. Yet I'm using functional form of setState as it was correctly suggested by #Hamoghamdi
delete(itemToDelete) {
this.setState(state => ({
toDoList: state.toDoList.filter( (item) => itemToDelete !== item)
Edited render method of Button class now displays items as text and properly bind delete handler...
render() {
return (
{ (item) => <li key={item}>
<button onClick={() => this.props.handleDelete(item)}>Done!</button>
</li> )
BTW Button is a bad naming for the component that isn’t exactly a button. Yet it’s better to implement it as a functional component. Use class components only if the component has its own state.
you should try using an anonymous function with setState() instead of returning an object literal directly, specially when you want to do something affected by the previous or current state
using this.state inside of setState() won't give you any good results.
here, try this:
delete = (id) => {
this.setState((prevState) => {
return { toDoList: prevState.filter( (task) => id !== )}
You need to bind the method in constructor for example:
constructor(props) {
this.handleDelete = this.handleDelete.bind(this)
also you can find another ways how to bind methods
In terms of handling the deleting the items, you can use
handleDelete(index) {
// Use the splice array function: splice(index, deleteCount)
this.todoList.splice(index, 1);
And that is all that easy

ReactJS selecting an element uniquely from a map

I am doing a todo app to practice React. I hit a blocker and now I'm trying to figure out how to uniquely edit a card.
Currently when I click on edit, all my cards are set to isEditing == true. I've tried adding a key and index, but doesn't seem to uniquely identify the selected card.
As seen in my gif:
Obviously the expected outcome is that it should only set isEditing == true to the selected card.
See Code below.
For more context: there is stateful component that passes the props to this component, I'm using react-bootstrap (hence Panel, Button), and I removed some code for brevity (construct and whatnot).
edit() {
isEditing: true
renderEditDoneButtons() {
return (
<Button onClick={this.edit}>edit</Button>
renderNote(note) {
return (
<p> {note} </p>
renderCard(note, i) {
return (
<Panel key={i}
this.state.isEditing ?
this.renderForm() :
render() {
return (
All three are changing based on your single isEditing state, which is why you're seeing all three being shown when you click any of the "Edit" buttons. Instead of a single isEditing key in state, use an array to maintain all three states like so:
constructor(props) {
// Sets a true/false editing state for all three panels
this.state = {
editingPanels: Array(3).fill(false)
edit(i) {
// Switches editing state to false/true for given i
const editingPanels = this.state.editingPanels.slice();
editingPanels[i] = !editingPanels[i];
editingPanels: editingPanels
renderEditDoneButtons(i) {
return (
<Button onClick={()=>this.state.edit(i)}>edit</Button>
renderNote(note) {
return (
<p> {note} </p>
renderCard(note, i) {
return (
<Panel key={i}
this.state.editingPanels[i] ?
this.renderForm() :
render() {
return (
You can use a separate component for each todo list item and use it inside the map method.The following example gives an idea on how to implement this.I am using another example as you have not provided the full code.
class EditText extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {,newValue:'hi'}
this.editValue = this.editValue.bind(this)
editValue() {
render() {
<button onClick={this.editValue}>Change text to Hi</button>
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {tempDate : ['hello','how']}
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
{>(<EditText data={data}/>))}
You need to have state variable isEditing for each particular card.
If there are 3 cards, you need to have 3 variables.
Edit 1 :-
Example is already shared by Kody R.
One Thing i noticed is instead of hard-coding array size to 3,we could assign array size by number of notes recieved in props.
this.state = {
editingPanels: Array(3).fill(false)
this.state = {
editingPanels: Array(this.props.notes.length).fill(false)
Hope this helps,
Cheers !!

How to remove an instance of a React component class instantiated by its parent's state?

(Pardon the verbose question. I'm brand new to React and ES6, and I'm probably overly-convoluting this.)
I am writing an app that contains a button component. This button calls a method onAddChild that creates another component of class ColorModule by adding a value to an array stored in the App's state.
In each newly created ColorModule, I want to include another button that will remove the module. Since this component is created by an method, my thought is that if I can find the index of the array item that corresponds with the component and use that index in array.splice then perhaps that component will be removed (untested theory). That said, I'm not really sure how to find the index where I would use this in my onRemoveModule method.
Two part question: 1) How would I go about finding the index of the array item in my state, and 2) if I'm completely off base or there's a better way to do this altogether, what does that solution look like?
class App extends Component {
static propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// Here's the array in question...
moduleList: [1],
this.onAddChild = this.onAddChild.bind(this);
this.onRemoveModule = this.onRemoveModule.bind(this);
this.className = bemClassName.bind(null,;
onAddChild(module) {
const moduleList = this.state.moduleList;
this.setState({ moduleList: moduleList.concat(1) });
onRemoveModule( e ) {
render() {
const { className } = this;
return (
<div className={className('container')}>
<Header onAddChild={this.onAddChild} /> /* Add module button lives here */
<div className="cf">
( delta, index ) => {
return (
moduleId={'colorModule' + index}
); /* Remove module button would live in the module itself */
export default App;
Well this part is pretty easy, all you need to do is pass the index as prop to the ColorModule component and when calling the onRemove method in it you could pass it back to the onRemoveModule. However react optimizes based on keys and its a really good idea to have a unique id given to each module instance.
class App extends Component {
static propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// Here's the array in question...
moduleList: [1],
this.onAddChild = this.onAddChild.bind(this);
this.onRemoveModule = this.onRemoveModule.bind(this);
this.className = bemClassName.bind(null,;
onAddChild(module) {
const moduleList = this.state.moduleList;
this.setState({ moduleList: moduleList.concat(uuid()) }); //uuid must return a unique id everytime to be used as component key
onRemoveModule( index ) {
// now with this index you can update the moduleList
render() {
const { className } = this;
return (
<div className="cf">
( delta, index ) => {
return (
moduleId={'colorModule' + delta}
Now in ColorModule component
class ColorModule extends React.Component {
onRemoveClick=() => {
Check this answer for more details on how to pass data from Child component to Parent
I ended up solving this problem using some of the guidance here from #ShubhamKhatri (didn't know about unique ID generation!), but I took a slightly different approach and handled the solution using state manipulation in App without needing a new method in my ColorModule component. I also never knew about currying in ES6, so that discovery made passing in the index values needed to manipulate my state array possible
If I'm off-base here or being inefficient, I'm definitely still open to feedback on a better way!
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
moduleList: [{ id: UniqId(), removeModule: false }],
this.onAddChild = this.onAddChild.bind(this);
this.className = bemClassName.bind(null,;
onAddChild(module) {
const moduleList = this.state.moduleList;
moduleList: moduleList.concat({
id: UniqId(),
removeModule: false,
onRemoveModule = ( i, arr ) => (e) => {
const moduleList = this.state.moduleList;
moduleList[i].removeModule = true;
this.setState({ moduleList: moduleList });
render() {
const { className } = this;
return (
<div className={className('container')}>
<Header onAddChild={this.onAddChild} />
<div className="cf">
( delta, index ) => {
if ( !this.state.moduleList[index].removeModule ) {
return (
onRemove={this.onRemoveModule( index, this.state.moduleList )}
moduleId={'colorModule' + delta}

rendering multiple elements after onClick event in React

I'm having problems trying to render two react elements inside a react component after a onClick event. Wondering if that's even possible? I'm sure I'm messing up the ternary operator, but I cannot think on another way to do what I'm trying to do ?
TL;DR: "When I click a button I see elementA and elementB"
Here is a snippet of the code:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { showElement: true };
this.onHandleClick = this.onHandleClick.bind(this);
onHandleClick() {
console.log(`current state: ${this.state.showElement} and prevState: ${this.prevState}`);
this.setState(prevState => ({ showElement: !this.state.showElement }) );
elementA() {
some data
elementB() {
some data
render() {
return (
<button onClick={ this.onHandleClick } showElement={this.state.showElement === true}>
{ this.state.showElement
this.elementA() && this.elementB()
export default MyComponent;
You just inattentive.
elementA() {
return ( // You forget
some data
And the same in element B.
And if You want to see both components you should change Your ternary to
{ this.state.showElement
<div> {this.elementA()} {this.elementB()}</div>
Another "and", for toggling showElement in state just enough
this.setState({showElement: !this.state.showElement });
Try this instead, (I will add comments into the code trying to explain what's going on):
function SomeComponentName() { // use props if you want to pass some data to this component. Meaning that if you can keep it stateless do so.
return (
some data
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { showElement: false }; // you say that initially you don't want to show it, right? So let's set it to false :)
this.onHandleClick = this.onHandleClick.bind(this);
onHandleClick() {
this.setState(prevState => ({ showElement: !prevState.showElement }) );
// As I pointed out in the comment: when using the "reducer" version of `setState` you should use the parameter that's provided to you with the previous state, try never using the word `this` inside a "reducer" `setState` function
render() {
return (
<button onClick={ this.onHandleClick } showElement={this.state.showElement === false}>
{ this.state.showElement
? [<SomeComponentName key="firstOne" />, <SomeComponentName key="secondOne" />]
: null
export default MyComponent;

Scalable React CSS using 'classnames' with BEM in mind

So, React newbie here... I'll start off by saying I have a simple single page application which consists of a few simple pages.
Using react-router I have a 'top-down' set up for my components. To give you a basic idea of my SPA structure see below:
index -- layout(react routers) --
|--About Page
|--Home Page
|--Contact Page
I am rendering a component called "GlobalHero" from my Home Page component.
Here is the GlobalHero.jsx component.
import React from "react";
var classNames = require('classnames');
import s from '../../../index.scss';
class GlobalHero extends React.Component {
constructor() {
//sets initial state
this.state = {
fadeIn: "",
titleSelected: "",
subTitleSelected: ""
// <<========= ON COMPONENT RENDER =========
componentDidMount = () => {
// =========>>
// <<========= CONTROLS THE STATE =========
handleClass = (param) => {
if (param === "fadeIn" && this.state.fadeIn != "true") {
this.setState({fadeIn: "true"});
if (param === "titleSelected" && this.state.titleSelected != "true") {
this.setState({titleSelected: "true"});
if (param === "subTitleSelected" && this.state.subTitleSelected != "true") {
this.setState({subTitleSelected: "true"});
// =========>>
render() {
const heroImg = require(`../../../images/hero${}.jpg`);
var containerClasses = classNames({
[s['text-center']]: true,
[s["hidden"]]: this.state.fadeIn != "true",
[s["fadeIn"]]: this.state.fadeIn === "true"
var titleClasses = classNames({
[s['blue']]: this.state.titleSelected === "true"
var subTitleClasses = classNames({
[s['subTitle']]: true,
[s['text-center']]: true,
[s['blue']]: this.state.subTitleSelected === "true"
// =========>>
return (
<div className={s["container-fluid"]}>
<div className={s["row"]}>
<div className={s["col-lg-16"]}>
<div className={containerClasses}>
<img src={heroImg} className={s["hero__img"]}></img>
<h1 onClick={() => this.handleClass("titleSelected")} className={titleClasses}>{}!</h1>
<p className={subTitleClasses} onClick={() => this.handleClass("subTitleSelected")}>{}, {this.props.age}, {}</p>
export default GlobalHero;
I noticed there is a lot of complexity there for assigning a few simple class names to the component's elements.
I was wondering if there is a better practice for doing this? Maybe
using an external js page to manage my classnames?
Any input or adivce is appreciated... Thankyou in adnvance.
Your title mentions BEM but it looks like you are using CSS Modules, which is inspired by similar ideas but not the same thing.
Anyway, this is quite subjective but I have a few thoughts that are too much to fit in a comment:
Assuming you are using css modules through Webpack's css-loader, you can use camelCase to make your style properties more JS friendly:
loader: "css-loader?modules&camelCase"
Now for .text-center css class name you can simply use s.textCenter instead of s["test-center"].
You could componentize this better: first, you are kind of doing a lot for a single component, but you could break it down into a few smaller components that each have a single responsibility (for example container, title, subtitle). Second, your handleClass() method is doing a lot, when you could just have simple handlers that call setState() without knowing anything about class names. In other words, the component should have props and state, only the render() function deals with how to translate that into class names to render. You also really don't need to check the state's current value before setting it. Just set it to what it should be and let React optimize rendering performance for you.
You have boolean state flags that you store using strings "true" and "false"... this makes it noisy to handle, just store as booleans.
You have a lot of [s["class-name"]]: true which is not necessary; if you always want a class name to be rendered just pass it as an argument to classNames:
classNames(s.subTitle, { []: this.state.subTitleSelected })
There's no reason to call a handler on componentDidMount, just initialize the state how you want it.
It looks like you're using bootstrap CSS but not the React Bootstrap components. I would highly recommend using React Bootstrap.
Putting that together I'd have something like:
class GlobalHero extends React.Component {
state = {
fadeIn: true,
titleSelected: false,
subTitleSelected: false
handleTitleClick = () => {
this.setState({titleSelected: true});
handleSubTitleClick = () => {
this.setState({subTitleSelected: true});
render() {
return (
<Grid fluid>
<Col lg={16}>
<HeroContainer fadeIn={this.state.fadeIn}>
<HeroImage page={} />
<HeroTitle selected={this.state.titleSelected}
page={} />
<HeroSubTitle selected={this.state.subTitleSelected}
city={} />
const HeroContainer = ({fadeIn, children}) => {
return (
<div className={classNames(s.textCenter, fadeIn ? s.fadeIn : s.hidden)}>
const HeroImage = ({page}) => {
const heroImg = require(`../../../images/hero${page}.jpg`);
return (
<img src={heroImg} className={s.heroImg} />
const HeroTitle = ({onClick, selected, page}) => (
<h1 onClick={onClick} className={selected ? : null}>{page}!</h1>
const HeroSubTitle = ({onClick, selected, name, age, city}) => (
<p className={classNames(s.subTitle, s.textCenter, { []: selected })} onClick={onClick}>
{name}, {age}, {city}
Breaking it into smaller components like this is not completely necessary, but notice how from the perspective of GlobalHero it does nothing with styles, it just sets props and state, and the little parts have no state, they just render the correct styles based on props.
PS maybe this should move to Code Reviews?
