Efficient/Single trigger of ng-change on textbox - javascript

Let's say I have the following array in an angular controller:
somelist = [
{ name: 'John', dirty: false },
{ name: 'Max', dirty: false },
{ name: 'Betty', dirty: false }
I want to ng-repeat through it in my view, and generate editable fields for each record:
<div ng-repeat="i in somelist">
<input type="text" ng-model="i.name"/>
How would I go about efficiently marking the field as dirty if someone edits the textbox(model)?
I realize that I could use ng-change on the text field, however, that fires every time a user makes a single change(enters a key) on the textbox, making loads of calls unnecessarily.. Is there a more efficient way of doing this which I am missing?

With JavaScript...
*Edited: if that textareas don't have any other 'change' event to run, you can try inline onchange event, and replace it's value after have run once. Just making onchange="once(this)" become into this — onchange="" *In background. The code will still stay in your HTML. Demo:
(also exist input and keyup events... in Angular as well)
function once(e){
e.onchange = "";
//just demo... remove this.
const d = document.getElementById('demo');
d.innerText = Number(d.innerText) + 1;
<textarea class="moo" onchange="once(this)">Change me!</textarea>
<textarea class="moo" onchange="once(this)">Me too!</textarea>
<textarea class="moo" onchange="once(this)">And me!</textarea>
Triggered times: <span id="demo">0</span>
Running eventListener function once (not really):
let once = [];//creating empty array
const moo = document.getElementsByClassName('moo');//getting all textareas
for(let i = 0; i < moo.length; i++ ){//looping, to add 'change' event to each element
once.push(1);//adding '1' to array 'i' times. Here it will look like [1,1,1];
moo[i].addEventListener('change', function(){
if(once[i]==0){return}//if array element equals 0 = return and don't run the function
this.style.color = "red";
once[i] = 0;//after triggered = making array element = 0;
//just demo... remove this.
const d = document.getElementById('demo');
d.innerText = Number(d.innerText) + 1;
<textarea class="moo">Change me!</textarea>
<textarea class="moo">Me too!</textarea>
<textarea class="moo">And me!</textarea>
Triggered times: <span id="demo">0</span>
*function is still working each time... but returning immediately, which is better, than "full" run.

To improve efficiency, reduce the number of watchers by using :: and eliminating two-way binds, e.g.ng-model:
<div ng-repeat="i in ::somelist">
<input type="text" value="{{i.name}}"
ng-blur="$emit('nameChanged', i)"/>
Then, in your controller:
$scope.$on('nameChanged', (event, i) => updateName(i));
Then a quick, simple function that updates the name with the corresponding ID using i.id and i.name, assuming you have:
$scope.someList = [
{ id: 1, name: 'John' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Max' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Betty }'
If people aren't going to be added/removed from the list, then you can use :: on someList, also known as a one-time binding, to improve efficiency. This circumvents setting up a watcher.
Also, by setting value={{i.name}}, you effectively set up a one-way bind from the controller to the DOM, rather than two-way, meaning that the value of the input isn't being checked every loop of the $digest cycle, but any changes to the model will update the DOM.
Just an idea, feel free to play with variations, such as dropping blur and using a single button that would update all changed fields at once.
You won't get much more efficient than that, unless you also remove the watcher from value="{{i.name}}" like so value="{{::i.name}}", and then you manually update the DOM when the event is received.


If Knockout wraps a bounded function expression in a computed, why it doesn't always create a depndency?

This is a follow-up question to this one:
As explained in the above-linked answer:
When you provide an expression for a binding value rather than just a
reference to an observable, KO effectively wraps that expression in a
computed when applying the bindings.
Thus, I expected that when providing the changeCity as a binding expression (it is a function and not an observable), then changing the value on the input box would fire the changeCity function.
However, as you can see on the first snippet, it doesn't (Nor when binding it as changeCity()), but If changeCity is declared as a ko.computed, it does fire - see the second snippet.
Does it mean that a bounded function and a bounded computed are not completely the same with regard to dependency tracking?
First snippet - bounded function:
var handlerVM = function () {
var self = this;
self.city = ko.observable("London");
self.country = ko.observable("England");
self.changeCity = function () {
if (self.country() == "England") {
} else {
ko.applyBindings(new handlerVM());
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>
<h3 data-bind="text: city"> </h1>
<span data-bind="text: 'change the country, get out of focus, and nothing will happen...'"></span>
<input data-bind="value: country" />
Second snippet - bounded computed:
var handlerVM = function () {
var self = this;
self.city = ko.observable("London");
self.country = ko.observable("England");
self.changeCity = ko.computed(function () {
if (self.country() == "England") {
} else {
ko.applyBindings(new handlerVM());
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>
<h3 data-bind="text: city"> </h1>
<span data-bind="text: 'change the country, get out of focus, and behold:'"> </span>
<input data-bind="value: country" />
I take it that you're not just trying to solve a practical problem, but that you're mostly interested in the "theoretical difference" between passing a computed or a plain function to a binding. I'll try to explain the differences/similarities.
Let's start with an example
const someObs = ko.observable(10);
const someFn = () => someObs() + 1;
const someComp = ko.computed(someFn);
const dec = () => someObs(someObs() - 1);
ko.applyBindings({ someObs, someFn, someComp, dec });
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>
<div>Obs. value: <span data-bind="text: someObs"></span></div>
<div>Computed created in binding: <span data-bind="text: someFn()"></span></div>
<div>Computed created in vm: <span data-bind="text: someComp"></span></div>
<button data-bind="click: dec">-1</button>
The example above shows that both someFn and someComp do the same thing. By referencing someFn() in a binding handler's value, you've essentially created a computed with a dependency to someObs.
Why this doesn't work in your first example
You never referenced your changeCity method in any knockout related code, which means there'll never be the chance to create a dependency. Of course, you can force one, but it's kind of weird:
var handlerVM = function () {
var self = this;
self.city = ko.observable("London");
self.country = ko.observable("England");
self.changeCity = function () {
if (self.country() == "England") {
} else {
ko.applyBindings(new handlerVM());
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>
<h3 data-bind="text: city"> </h1>
<span data-bind="html: 'change the country, get out of focus, and <strike>nothing</strike> <strong>something</strong> will happen...'"></span>
<input data-bind="value: (changeCity(), country)" />
Why a regular computed does work
In your second example, you use a ko.computed. Upon instantiating a ko.computed, the passed function is evaluated once (immediately) and dependencies to all used observables are created.
If you were to change the ko.computed to a ko.pureComputed, you'll see your second example will also stop working. A pureComputed only evaluates once its return value is actually used and won't create dependencies until then.
The internals
Knockout wraps your binding's value in a function as a string. You can read more about this in an answer I wrote earlier.
We also know that any observable that is called inside a binding-handler's init method, creates a dependency that calls the binding's update method when a change happens.
So, in the example I gave, this is what happens:
The text binding is parsed
The function function() { return someFn(); } is passed as a value accessor to the text binding's init method.
The value accessor is called to initialize the text field
someObs is asked for its value and a dependency is created
The correct value is rendered to the DOM
Then, upon pressing the button and changing someObs:
someObs is changed, triggering the text binding's update method
The update method calls the valueAccessor, re-evaluating someObs and correctly updating its text.
Practical advice
To wrap up, some practical advice:
Use a ko.pureComputed when you create a new value out of one or more observable values. (your example)
self.city = ko.pureComputed(
() => self.country() === "england"
? "london"
: "nyc"
Use a subscribe if you want to create side effects based on an observable value changing. E.g.: a console.log of a new value or a reset of a timer.
Use a ko.computed when you want to create side effects based on a change in any of several observables.
the expected behavior in both snippets is that once the text in the input box is changed (and the focus is out), changeCity is fired (Happens on the 2nd, not on the 1st).
Ahhh, now I understand. You are describing what a subscription does.
First off, rid your mind of DOM events. The <input> field does not exist. All there is is your viewmodel. (*)
With this mind-set it's clear what to do: React to changes in your country property, via .subscribe(). The following does what you have in mind.
var handlerVM = function () {
var self = this;
self.city = ko.observable("London");
self.country = ko.observable("England");
self.country.subscribe(function (newValue) {
switch (newValue.toLowerCase()) {
case "england":
case "usa":
ko.applyBindings(new handlerVM());
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>
<h3 data-bind="text: city"></h3>
<input data-bind="value: country" />
(*) Of course the <input> field still exists. But it helps to imagine the view (your HTML) as 100% dependent on your viewmodel. Knockout does all the viewmodel-view interaction for you. It takes care of displaying changes in the viewmodel data, and it takes care of feeding back user interactions into your viewmodel. All you should pay attention to is changes in your viewmodel.
Whenever you feel that you need to listen to a basic DOM event like "click", chances are that you are doing something wrong, i.e. chances are you are missing an observable, or a custom binding.

How to reflect change made in a component's variable to the view in Angular 2?

I have (n) check boxes and a button in my angular2 view . When I click on one of them a function is called. When I click on the button every checkbox must be unchecked. How to do it?? (n) may vary dynamically.
enter image description here
I will give you an example from a table, since I have no idea what your code actually looks like, but it should work for what you need.
You need some object defined for all of your checkboxes. They likely all have certain properties in common, like labels. Here is an example of such an object:
myData = {
content: [
some_string: '',
some_number: 0,
type: '',
selected: false
With this object you can create checkbox instances and push each one to an array, which will hold all of your checkbox objects.
Create your checkboxes in your html in a loop using the objects you have defined above. In your html have your checkboxes call a function. In the case below the checkToggle() function is called.
<input id='{{row.id}}' class='bx--checkbox bx--checkbox--svg'
type='checkbox' name='checkbox' (change)="checkToggle($event,
row.id)" [checked]="row.selected">
checkToggle() has been defined as follows:
//select or deselect this check box
checkToggle(event, nodeId) {
const id = this.findNode(nodeId);
this.myData.content[id].selected = !this.myData[id].selected;
Your button should end up calling a function to check all of the boxes
<button (click)="checkToggleAll($event)">Your Button Title</button>
Finally, have your checkToggleAll() function go through the entire array of checkboxes and set them. Here is an example:
//select or deselect all the check boxes
checkToggleAll(event) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.myData.content.length; i++) {
if (this.controls[this.myData.content[i].type]) {
this.myData.content[i].selected = event.target.checked;
This is not something you can plug into your code but it should give you some idea of how to accomplish what you're after.

When is the change reflected on Model in Angular2 select

I have a select field like this:
<div *ngFor="let filter of filters; let idx = index">
<select [id]="'name' + idx" [(ngModel)]="filter.name" (change)="changeFilter(idx, $event)">
<option val="a">A</option>
<option val="b">B</option>
My change() function on the component doesn't detect the change instantly. Simplified:
export class Filters {
public filters = [{name: "a"}, {name: "b"}, {name: "a"}];
public change(idx: number, $event: Event) {
console.log(this.filters[idx].name === $event.target.name); // false here
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(this.filters[idx].name === $event.target.name); // Now it's true
}, 10);
Now, if I change between the options, the change() function needs some time - usually less then 3 milliseconds on that setTimeout, but sometimes more.
Now, I am sure this is not the best way to detect the change, and I'll find out how to do it properly, but I'm curious as to how to determine when is the change reflected on my model?
ngModel doesn't support binding to variables created by ngFor.
Use instead
You could also try
(ngModelChange)="changeFilter(idx, $event)"
ngModelChange is probably emitted after the value was changed while for (change) it depends on the browser what event and event handler is processed first (AFAIR ngModel uses input)

Update value of input type time (rerender) and focus on element again with React

In the spec for my app it says (developerified translation): When tabbing to a time element, it should update with the current time before you can change it.
So I have:
<input type="time" ref="myTimeEl" onFocus={this.handleTimeFocus.bind(null, 'myTimeEl')} name="myTimeEl" value={this.model.myTimeEl} id="myTimeEl" onChange={this.changes} />
Also relevant
changes(evt) {
let ch = {};
ch[evt.target.name] = evt.target.value;
handleTimeFocus(elName, event)
if (this.model[elName].length === 0) {
let set = {};
set[elName] = moment().format('HH:mm');
The component will update when the model changes. This works well, except that the input loses focus when tabbing to it (because it gets rerendered).
Please note, if I would use an input type="text" this works out of the box. However I MUST use type="time".
So far I have tried a number of tricks trying to focus back on the element after the re-render but nothing seems to work.
I'm on react 0.14.6
Please help.
For this to work, you would need to:
Add a focusedElement parameter to the components state
In getInitialState(): set this parameter to null
In handleTimeFocus(): set focusElement to 'timeElem` or similar
Add a componentDidUpdate() lifecycle method, where you check if state has focusedElement set, and if so, focus the element - by applying a standard javascript focus() command.
That way, whenever your component updates (this is not needed in initial render), react checks if the element needs focus (by checking state), and if so, gives the element focus.
A solution for savages, but I would rather not
handleTimeFocus(elName, event)
if (this.model[elName].length === 0) {
let set = {};
set[elName] = moment().format('HH:mm');
try using autoFocus attrribute.
follow the first 3 steps mention by wintvelt.
then in render function check if the element was focused, based on that set the autoFocus attribute to true or false.
var isTimeFocused = this.state.focusedElement === 'timeElem' ? true : false;
<input type="time" ref="myTimeEl" onFocus={this.handleTimeFocus.bind(null, 'myTimeEl')} name="myTimeEl" value={this.model.myTimeEl} id="myTimeEl" onChange={this.changes} autoFocus={isTimeFocused} />

Display data, one object element at a time in knockout

In a basic table structure, I want to be able to display a set of data from an array of objects one at a time. Clicking on a button or something similar would display the next object in the array.
The trick is, I don't want to use the visible tag and just hide the extra data.
simply you can just specify property that indicate the current element you want to display and index of that element inside your observableArray .. i have made simple demo check it out.
<div id="persons"> <span data-bind="text: selectedPerson().name"></span>
<button data-bind="click: showNext" id="btnShowNext">Show Next</button>
//here is the JS code
function ViewModel() {
people = ko.observableArray([{
name: "Bungle"
}, {
name: "George"
}, {
name: "Zippy"
showNext = function (person) {
selectedIndex(selectedIndex() + 1);
selectedIndex = ko.observable(0);
selectedPerson = ko.computed(function () {
return people()[selectedIndex()];
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
kindly check this jsfiddle
Create observable property for a single object, then when clicking next just set that property to other object and UI will be updated.
