Promise: skip all fulfill and reject reactions but execute .finally - javascript

I have function called request:
function request (endpoint) {
return axios.request(endpoint).then(api.onSuccess).catch(api.onError)
onSuccess (response) {
let breakChain = false
... some logic goes here ...
return breakChain ? (new Promise(() => {})) : response
onError (error) {
let breakChain = false
... some logic goes here ...
if (breakChain) {
return new Promise(() => {})
} else {
throw error
api holds a lot of functions that represent different API calls based on provided endpoints data and return request(endpoint).
Currenly I have code, as you can see, that return Promise with empty executor that is always in pending state to stop the chain of subsequent .then(...) and .catch(...) handlers from execution as they just infinitely wait for that Promise to settle. This is done to handle certain API responses that have common response handling (like responses with code >= 500).
The problem is that now I need a call to .finally() (like in Vue cookbook - to restore some component's state nevertheless of whether there is an error or not, but this approach of pending Promise is an obstacle.
The question is: is it possible to skip all subsequent .then(...) and .catch(...) calls within one of such handlers to go directly to .finally()?
Update. I haven't mentioned the important bit - api.onSuccess and api.onError are basic handlers. In another application components there are additional handlers appended to the end of that basic chain presented in request function. Usual chain of some API call has a following resulting form:
return axios.request(endpoint).then(api.onSuccess).catch(api.onError).then((response) => {...}).catch(() => {...}).finally(() => {...})
(sometimes there is no .finally() or .catch(...) block)

Is it possible to skip all subsequent .then(...) and .catch(...) calls within one of such handlers to go directly to .finally()?
Currenly I stop the chain by just infinitely waiting - yet this approach of pending Promise is an obstacle.
Indeed, don't do that. You can skip then handlers by using rejections (exceptions) for flow control, but the more appropriate way is to handle this by nesting the part of the chain to be skipped inside an if statement.
This is done to handle certain API responses that have common response handling (like responses with code >= 500)
For that, you should use something like
return axios.request(endpoint).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
if (api.handleCommonError(error)) return; // returns false if it couldn't handle the error
}).finally(() => {
Yes, you cannot hide this kind of error handling inside an api.request function.

You can use async and await. All modern browsers support them, and your bundler can make them compatible with older browsers.
For example:
async function request (endpoint) {
try {
const response = await axios.request(endpoint);
return api.onSuccess(response);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
// Always executed, even if no error was thrown
You can also do it more traditionally:
function request (endpoint) {
return axios.request(endpoint).then(api.onSuccess, api.onError).then(() => {
// Code is always executed after error / success


Object Promise, impossible to get value

I have some asynchronous function:
async global(){
return 'Test success'
I call this in my hook and it must be fulfilled:
const Controller = use('App/Controllers/Http/Controller')'ShowGlobal', async () => {
const call = new Controller()
const info = await
return info
At the same time i am getting correct console.log with result 'Test success', but return gives me constantly [object Promise]
What am I doing wrong?
(This is an answer I found)
The code you write in JavaScript is run on one thread, that means that if your code could actually wait for something it will block any of your other code from getting executed. The event loop of JavaScript is explained very well in this video and if you like to read in this page.
A good example of blocking code in the browser is alert("cannot do anything until you click ok");. Alert blocks everything, the user can't even scroll or click on anything in the page and your code also blocks from executing.
.then(x=>alert("blocking")||"Hello World")
"does not resolve untill you click ok on the alert:",
Run that in a console and you see what I mean by blocking.
This creates a problem when you want to do something that takes time. In other frameworks you'd use a thread or processes but there is no such thing in JavaScript (technically there is with web worker and fork in node but that's another story and usually far more complicated than using async api's).
So when you want to make a http request you can use fetch but fetch takes some time to finish and your function should not block (has to return something as fast as possible). This is why fetch returns a promise.
Note that fetch is implemented by browser/node and does run in another thread, only code you write runs in one thread so starting a lot of promises that only run code you write will not speed up anything but calling native async api's in parallel will.
Before promises async code used callbacks or would return an observable object (like XmlHttpRequest) but let's cover promises since you can convert the more traditional code to a promise anyway.
A promise is an object that has a then function (and a bunch of stuff that is sugar for then but does the same), this function takes 2 parameters.
Resolve handler: A function that will be called by the promise when the promise resolves (has no errors and is finished). The function will be passed one argument with the resolve value (for http requests this usually is the response).
Reject handler: A function that will be called by the promise when the promise rejects (has an error). This function will be passed one argument, this is usually the error or reason for rejection (can be a string, number or anything).
Converting callback to promise.
The traditional api's (especially nodejs api's) use callbacks:
,function callback(err,value){
err ? handleFail(err) : processValue(value);
This makes it difficult for the programmer to catch errors or handle the return value in a linear way (from top to bottom). It gets even more impossible to try and do things parallel or throttled parallel with error handling (impossible to read).
You can convert traditional api's to promises with new Promise
const apiAsPromise = arg =>
new Promise(
(err,val) => (err) ? reject(err) : resolve(val)
async await
This is what's called syntax sugar for promises. It makes promise consuming functions look more traditional and easier to read. That is if you like to write traditional code, I would argue that composing small functions is much easier to read. For example, can you guess what this does?:
const handleSearch = search =>
undefined,//don't care about the resolve
Anayway; enough ranting. The important part is to understand that async await doesn't actually start another thread, async functions always return a promise and await doesn't actually block or wait. It's syntax sugar for someFn().then(result=>...,error=>...) and looks like:
async someMethod = () =>
//syntax sugar for:
//return someFn().then(result=>...,error=>...)
const result = await someFn();
The examples allways show try catch but you don't need to do that, for example:
var alwaysReject = async () => { throw "Always returns rejected promise"; };
x=>console.log("never happens, doesn't resolve")
,err=>console.warn("got rejected:",err)
Any error thrown or await returning a rejected promise will cause the async function to return a rejected promise (unless you try and catch it). Many times it is desirable to just let it fail and have the caller handle errors.
Catching errors could be needed when you want the promise to succeed with a special value for rejected promises so you can handle it later but the promise does not technically reject so will always resolve.
An example is Promise.all, this takes an array of promises and returns a new promise that resolves to an array of resolved values or reject when any one of them rejects. You may just want to get the results of all promises back and filter out the rejected ones:
const Fail = function(details){this.details=details;},
isFail = item => (item && item.constructor)===Fail;
Promise.all( array of urls to array of promises that don't reject
url =>
undefined,//do not handle resolve yet
//when you handle the reject this ".then" will return
// a promise that RESOLVES to the value returned below (new Fail([url,err]))
err=>new Fail([url,err])
responses => {
console.log("failed requests:");
responses.filter(//only Fail type
console.log("resolved requests:");
responses.filter(//anything not Fail type

How to handle async errors correctly?

When making a GraphQL query, and the query fails, Apollo solves this by having a data-object and an error-object.
When an async error is happening, we get the same functionality with one data-object and one error-object. But, this time we get an UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning too, with information about: DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code..
So, we obviously need to solve this, but we want our async-functions to cast errors all the way up to Apollo. Do we need to try...catch all functions and just pass our error further up the tree? Coming from C#, were an exception just goes all the way to the top if never caught, it sounds like a tedious job to tell Apollo GraphQL that one (or more) leaves failed to retrieve data from the database.
Is there a better way to solve this, or is there any way to tell javascript/node that an uncaught error should be passed further up the call tree, until it's caught?
If you correctly chain your promises, you should never see this warning and all of your errors will be caught by GraphQL. Assume we have these two functions that return a Promise, the latter of which always rejects:
async function doSomething() {
async function alwaysReject() {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Oh no!'))
First, some correct examples:
someField: async () => {
await alwaysReject()
await doSomething()
// Or without async/await syntax
someField: () => {
return alwaysReject()
.then(() => {
return doSomething()
// or...
return alwaysReject().then(doSomething)
In all of these cases, you'll see the error inside the errors array and no warning in your console. We could reverse the order of the functions (calling doSomething first) and this would still be the case.
Now, let's break our code:
someField: async () => {
await doSomething()
someField: () => {
alwaysReject() // <-- Note the missing return
.then(() => {
return doSomething()
In these examples, we're firing off the function, but we're not awaiting the returned Promise. That means execution of our resolver continues. If the unawaited Promise resolves, there's nothing we can do with its result -- if it rejects, there's nothing we can do about the error (it's unhandled, as the warning indicates).
In general, you should always ensure your Promises are chained correctly as shown above. This is significantly easier to do with async/await syntax, since it's exceptionally easy to miss a return without it.
What about side effects?
There may be functions that return a Promise that you want to run, but don't want to pause your resolver's execution for. Whether the Promise resolves or returns is irrelevant to what your resolver returns, you just need it to run. In these cases, we just need a catch to handle the promise being rejected:
someField: async () => {
.catch((error) => {
// Do something with the error
await doSomething()
Here, we call alwaysReject and execution continues onto doSomething. If alwaysReject eventually rejects, the error will be caught and no warning will be shown in the console.
Note: These "side effects" are not awaited, meaning GraphQL execution will continue and could very well finish while they are still running. There's no way to include errors from side effects inside your GraphQL response (i.e. the errors array), at best you can just log them. If you want a particular Promise's rejection reason to show up in the response, you need to await it inside your resolver instead of treating it like a side effect.
A final word on try/catch and catch
When dealing with Promises, we often see errors caught after our function call, for example:
try {
await doSomething()
} catch (error) {
// handle error
return doSomething.catch((error) => {
//handle error
This is important inside a synchronous context (for example, when building a REST api with express). Failing to catch rejected promises will result in the familiar UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning. However, because GraphQL's execution layer effectively functions as one giant try/catch, it's not really necessary to catch your errors as long as your Promises are chained/awaited properly. This is true unless A) you're dealing with side effects as already illustrated, or B) you want to prevent the error from bubbling up:
try {
// execution halts because we await
await alwaysReject()
catch (error) {
// error is caught, so execution will continue (unless I throw the error)
// because the resolver itself doesn't reject, the error won't be bubbled up
await doSomething()

Is there a way to end a thenable chain?

let textProcess = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let text
try {
// fetch text from the internet
text = "str"
} catch (e) {
reject("failed to fetch!")
textProcess.then(data => {
let json
try {
json = JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
console.error("failed to parse!")
// ..........i want to end the whole process here, never go ahead
}, e => {
// try to fetch text from local chache
}).then(json => {
// work on the json obj
}, e => {
// if failed to fetch from local too, just let it go
Is there a way to end a thenable chain?
Look at the example above, I want to end the whole process when parsing is failed(the line preceeded with ".........."). But actually the last then will still be invoked though.
What is the proper and elegant way to achieve my goal?
Your Promise usage involves quite a bit of sub-optimal patterns. Fixing them actually leads to what you're trying to achieve too.
textProcess.then(data => {
// 1st anti-pattern fix
// any error triggered here
// also gets caught at the end catch
return JSON.parse(data)
}).then(json => {
// work on json obj
}).catch(e => {
// 2nd anti-pattern fix
// one catch for the whole thenable chain
console.error("Failed to parse!", e)
This way, you properly leverage what Javascript Promise offers, and one simple .catch for what you need.
Edit - some explanations on involved Promise anti-patterns
The marked 1st anti-pattern is about unnecessary nested try..catch block within then. Within it, you can return synchronously (even undefined), another Promise (both of these are thenable), or throw an Error (which would get caught by catch). Basically you don't need to explicitly catch it but let it "flow" through.
The 2nd anti-pattern as mentioned is the fact that the second parameter -- reject handler of then is considered sub-optimal in most use cases. A Promise chain should be leveraging one catch to simplify the workflow.
However, in the rare event of the need to perform "early catch" and "resume", consider the following way, which is still a bit clearer than using two handlers for then:
textProcess.then(data => {
return parser1(data)
}).catch(e => {
console.log("First parser failed")
// for example first parser failed
return "fallback data"
}).then(data => {
// process received data as "fallback data"
}).catch(e => {
// always have a "last resort" catch at the end of the workflow
The short answer is no, there is no mechanism to terminate a promise chain in a then handler part-way down the chain. (A proposal for promise cancellation was made to the TC39 committee in 2016 but was subsequently withdrawn.)
Note that a "promise chain" often refers to the promise
returned by the last then, catch or finally call in a chain of single promise method calls concatenated together.
All calls to the promise methods listed above are made synchronously when code defining the chain is executed. After execution, all promises in the chain have been created and all method calls in the chain called.
Since promises only have three states (pending, fulfilled and rejected), the best you can do is to arrange for "cancellation" to be sent down the rejection channel of linked promises and ignore it as required. (There is no standard "cancelled" rejection value to use).

Handling & Returning Multiple Promises

Brief Explanation
I am currently struggling to get to grips with the structure for the following implementation:
// Method from API Class (layer for communicating with the API)
call() {
// Return axios request BUT handle specific API errors e.g. '401 Unauthorized'
// and prevent subsequent calls to `then` and `catch`
// Method from Form Class (used for all forms)
submit() {
// Call the `call` method on the API class and process
// the response.
// IF any validation errors are returned then
// process these and prevent subsequent calls to `then`
// and `catch`
// Method on the component itself (unique for each form)
onSubmit() {
// Call the `submit` method on the Form class
// Process the response
// Handle any errors that are not handled by the parent
// methods
I have implemented this like so:
// Method from API Class (layer for communicating with the API)
call() {
// The purpose of this is to execute the API request and return
// the promise to the caller. However, we need to catch specific
// API errors such as '401 Unauthorized' and prevent any subsequent
// `then` and `catch` calls from the caller
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(response => {
resolve(response); // Do I actually need to do this?
.catch(error => {
// Here we need to handle unauthorized errors and prevent any more execution...
// Method from Form Class (used for all forms)
submit() {
// The purpose of this is to call the API, and then, if it
// returns data, or validation errors, process these.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(response => {
// Process form on success
.catch(error => {
// Process any validation errors AND prevent
// any further calls to `then` and `catch` from
// the caller (the form component)
.then(() => this.processing = false); // This MUST run
// Method on the component itself (unique for each form)
onSubmit() {
.then(response => {
// This should only run if no errors were caught in
// either of the parent calls
// Then, do some cool stuff...
My comments should explain what I am trying to achieve, but just to be clear:
How do I catch certain errors, and then, prevent any further calls to then and catch from running from the calling class/component?
Is it actually necessary to create a new Promise each time I return one?
I know that axios.request already returns a Promise but I don't know how to access the resolve and reject methods without wrapping it with a new Promise. If this is wrong, please feel free to correct...
First: There's no need for new Promise when you already have a promise to work with. So as a first step, let's fix (say) call:
call() {
return this.axios.request(request)
.then(response => {
// ...
.catch(error => {
// ...
How do I catch certain errors, and then, prevent any further calls to then and catch from running from the calling class/component?
You don't. If you're returning a promise, it must settle (resolve or reject). Either involves subsequent handlers running. A promise is exactly that: A promise that you'll either provide a value (resolution) or an error (rejection).
The key concept you may be missing (lots of people do!) is that then and catch return new promises, which are resolved/rejected based on what their handlers do.
You can use a catch handler to:
Convert rejection into resolution
Convert rejection with one error into rejection with another error
Base the result on the result of another promise entirely
...but you can't suppress calls to subsequent callbacks.
You can use a then handler to:
Convert resolution with one value into resolution with another value
Convert resolution into rejection
Base the result on the result of another promise entirely
So for instance, if you have an error condition that you can correct (which is relatively rare, but happens), you can do this
.catch(error => {
if (/*...the error can be corrected...*/) {
return valueFromCorrectingTheProblem;
throw error; // Couldn't correct it
If you return a value (or a promise that resolves), the promise returned by catch resolves with that value. If you throw (or return a promise that rejects), the promise returned by catch rejects.
Is it actually necessary to create a new Promise each time I return one?
No, see above. (And good question.)
I know that axios.request already returns a Promise but I don't know how to access the resolve and reject methods without wrapping it with a new Promise.
You don't; you use then and catch. They return a new promise that will be resolved/rejected according to what happens in the handler.

What is the equivalent of not calling a callback when inside an async function?

Before async/await, when my code used callbacks, I was able to do three things: (1) call the callback with a result, (2) call the callback with an Error, or (3) not call the callback at all.
Case (3) was used in situations like this: say that you have a zoom button and a user can click it to render an image at a higher resolution, and this is an async process. If the user clicks the zoom button again, then the first render is no longer relevant, and can be canceled to let the new zoom level render run. I handled this by returning from inside the function without calling the callback, e.g.
if (process.wasCanceled()) {
// ...
With async/await, there are only two things that you can do: return or throw. Currently, I've been using throw to indicate that the operation was canceled, since returning can falsely indicate that upstream processes should keep running. But the problem with throwing is that all the upstream callers need to know that it's not really an error, per se, and so they may need to check the type of the error.
Another crazy idea I had was to create a promise that never returns. E.g. await never(), where the function is defined like this:
async function never () {
return new Promise(function () {});
That is sort of the equivalent of not calling a callback.
But I don't know if that would just leak memory over and over.
Is there a better equivalent without the drawbacks I mentioned above?
If absolutely necessary, you can await a promise that never returns. This is the equivalent of not calling a callback.
async function never () {
return new Promise(function () {});
async function op (process) {
// ...
if (process.wasCanceled()) await never();
// ...
According to these answers, this will be garbage collected, because the returned promise is never used and there are no connections to the heap inside the promise's function argument.
Do never resolved promises cause memory leak?
Are JavaScript forever-pending promises bad?
However, this is most likely not what you want to do, since upstream callers may like to know that their operation has been canceled. If the operation was initiated by a user through the UI, then yes, canceling without telling the caller is probably OK, but if the operation was initiated programmatically and cancelled some other way, e.g. by the user, then the calling code might need to know that, so that it can try again, or clean up resources.
For this reason, the solution is to throw an error, of a specific class so that the caller can detect that the process was cancelled. E.g.
class ProcessCanceledError extends Error {
async function render (process) {
while (...) {
// do some rendering
await delay(20);
if (process.wasCanceled()) throw new ProcessCanceledError();
var zoomProcess;
async function zoom () {
let process = new Process();
if (zoomProcess != null && !zoomProcess.isDone()) {
try {
await render();
} catch (e) {
// or you could do e.process === process
if (e instanceof ProcessCanceledError &&
process.wasCanceled() // make sure it was actually ours
) {
// this assumes we are a top level function
// otherwise, you would want to propagate the error to caller's caller
throw e;
