Are there problems that I can run into by minifying graphql queries - javascript

I have a graphql query that I'm sending to the server (uses apollo-server) using fetch. I strip all extra whitespace from the query string before I send it. Should I be worried?
const query = `
thing {
relatedThing {
after query.replace(/\s+/g, ' ') I've got...
"{ thing { id name relatedThing { id name createdAt } } }"
I haven't had any complains from the server or any weird behaviour, but I don't understand the server demands and whether there's a possibility this could break some queries. Is it possible that I can break some queries by doing this?

From the spec:
White space is used to improve legibility of source text and act as separation between tokens, and any amount of white space may appear before or after any token. White space between tokens is not significant to the semantic meaning of a GraphQL Document, however white space characters may appear within a String or Comment token... Like white space, line terminators are used to improve the legibility of source text, any amount may appear before or after any other token and have no significance to the semantic meaning of a GraphQL Document. Line terminators are not found within any other token.
In other words, there's nothing wrong with what you are doing. There's just two things to keep in mind:
If your queries include String literals, that particular regex express will also change the value of the String literal as well if it includes more than one space.
GraphQL returns errors with a location that includes both the line number and character number where the error occurred. By transforming your queries like this, that information will reflect the transformed query and not your original one.


What does colon ':' in API request mean?

i am using firebase for my project ,the documentation gives me the endpoint for signing in users as:[API_KEY]
i want to know what does the colon : mean, for example the word key after the question mark shows its a parameter likewise what does the notion accounts:signInWithPassword mean.The reason:I have an axios instance with config:
now since the baseUrl shown above remains same for firebase signing in with email and password or signing up with email and password. I want to dynamically embed accounts:signInWithPassword and accounts:signUp for respective requests and i am not sure if specifying accounts:respectiveUsecase in params object would work.
A colon doesn't have any special meaning in an URL path. It's just a convention those APIs tend to use in their paths.
There are a handful of metacharacters that do:
question marks (?) and hashes (#) delimit the query or search parts
% is used for escaping characters (e.g. %0A)
+ is sometimes an encoding for a space instead of %20.
& generally separates query parameters (e.g. foo=bar&baz), though this is not a part of the standard. Some server software could expect e.g. semicolon-separated parameters.
As #deceze pointed out, colons do have a special meaning in the host part, e.g. https://user:pass#host/path:where:colons:do:not:matter.
It is a dynamic value (like a parameter where you in pass in a value directly)
:nounId: The colon (:) before the word indicates that we don't mean the literal string "nounId" as part of the endpoint, but rather that we are expecting some dynamic data to be inside there. From the above example of /ski/:skiId, one actual endpoint might be something like /ski/1234 (where 1234 is the unique ID number of one of the skis in our database.

How to remove all of string up to and including hyphen

I am using javascript in a Mirth transformer. I apologize for my ignorance but I have no javascript training and have a hard time successfully utilizing info from similar threads here or elsewhere. I am trying to trim a string from 'Room-Bed' to be just 'Bed'. The "Room" and "Bed" values will fluctuate. All associated data is coming in from an ADT interface where our client is sending both the room and bed values, separated by a hyphen, in the bed field creating unnecessary redundancy. Please help me with the code needed to produce the result of 'Bed' from the received 'Room-Bed'.
There are many ways to reduce the string you have to the string you want. Which you choose will depend on your inputs and the output you want. For your simple example, all will work. But if you have strings come in with multiple hyphens, they'll render different results. They'll also have different performance characteristics. Balance the performance of it with how often it will be called, and whichever you find to be most readable.
// Turns the string in to an array, then pops the last instance out: 'Bed'!
'Room-Bed'.split('-').pop() === 'Bed'
// Looks for the given pattern,
// replacing the match with everything after the hyphen.
'Room-Bed'.replace(/.+-(.+)/, '$1') === 'Bed'
// Finds the first index of -,
// and creates a substring based on it.
'Room-Bed'.substr('Room-Bed'.indexOf('-') + 1) === 'Bed'

How to split a string with space delimiter in google apps script

I want to get the first space delimited string out of a longer string with multiple words in it. Lots of examples, all of which do something like .split(" "). Google Apps script tells me that split can't take null as a parameter. I tried setting a variable to " ", even tried String.fromCharCode(32), but GAS tells me that's null.
Search, indexOf have the same issue -- GAS tells me it can't do those with a null argument. How do I tell GAS that a single space is not a null?
Yes, this was a case of the string being null in some cases. I was using the file method getDescription. After using Logger a bunch, I found the problem and I solved those some cases by this check.
var desctext = file.getDescription();
if ( desctext == null) { desctext = " ; ; ; "};
It's been many years since I've done anything with REGEX, and is was confusing then. Any suggestions on a good site for learning it?
I also changed my delimiter to a semicolon, even though it makes the user input more tedious.
The background is that I'm writing a script to work with a photo inventory where I want to keep the important information in the photo's EXIF. Not sure if Google is actually storing it there, but in any case the only fields available aside from the date and filename is the description. So I'm having the users type in coded filenames and descriptions with semicolon delimiters to indicate things like category, item name, status and value.

Node.js Emoji Parsing

I'm trying to parse an incoming string to determine whether it contains any non-emojis.
I've gone through this great article by Mathias and am leveraging both native punycode for the encoding / decoding and regenerate for the regex generation. I'm also using EmojiData to get my dictionary of emojis.
With that all said, certain emojis continue to be pesky little buggers and refuse to match. For certain emoji, I continue to get a pair of code points.
// Example of a single code point:
>> [ 128169 ]
// Example of a paired code point:
>> [ 8987, 65039 ]
Mathias touches on this in his article (and gives an example of punycode working around this) but even using his example I get an incorrect response:
function countSymbols(string) {
return punycode.ucs2.decode(string).length;
>> 1
>> 2
What is the best way to detect whether a string contains all emojis or not? This is for a proof of concept so the solution can be as brute force as need be.
--- UPDATE ---
A little more context on my pesky emoji above.
These are visually identical but in fact different unicode values (the second one is from the example above):
⌛ // \u231b
⌛️ // \u231b\ufe0f
The first one works great, the second does not. Unfortunately, the second version is what iOS seems to use (if you copy and paste from iMessage you get the second one, and when receiving a text from Twilio, same thing).
The U+FE0F is not a combining mark, it's a variation sequence that controls the rendering of the glyph (see this answer). Removing such sequences may change the appearance of the character, for example: U+231B+U+FE0E (⌛︎).
Also, emoji sequences can be made from multiple code points. For example, U+0032 (2) is not an emoji by itself, but U+0032+U+20E3 (2⃣) or U+0032+U+20E3+U+FE0F (2⃣️) is—but U+0041+U+20E3 (A⃣) isn't. A complete list of emoji sequences are maintained in the emoji-data.txt file by the Unicode Consortium (the emoji-data-js library appears to have this information).
To check if a string contains emoji characters, you will need to test if any single character is in emoji-data.txt, or starts a substring for a sequence in it.
If, hypothetically, you know what non-emoji characters you expect to run into, you can use a little lodash magic via their toArray or split modules, which are emoji aware. For example, if you want to see if a string contains alphanumeric characters, you could write a function like so:
function containsAlphaNumeric(string){
return _(string).toArray().filter(function(char){
return char.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/);
}).value().length > 0 ? true : false;

correct way to exclude certain characters from crypto.randomBytes

i have the following code, based on
crypto.randomBytes 32, (ex, buf) ->
user.tokenString = buf.toString("hex")
user.tokenExpires = + TOKEN_TIME
i am using this to generate a tokenString to use for a node.js/express user validation.
in some cases the tokenString generated includes '/' forward slash character, and this breaks my routes, for example, tokenString if the tokenString is like '$2a$10$OYJn2r/Ts.guyWqx7iJTwO8cij80m.uIQV9nJgTt18nqu8lT8OqPe' it can't find /user/activate/$2a$10$OYJn2r and i get an 404 error
is there a more direct way to exclude certain characters from being included when generating the crypto.randomBytes?
Crypto.randomBytes generates random bytes . That has nothing to do with characters, characters are determined by the way we look at the bytes.
For example:
user.tokenString = buf.toString("hex")
Would convert the buffer to a string (where two characters represent each byte), in the character range 0-9a-f
Another (might be more suiting approach is to use a more compact encoding. Base64Url is an encoding that provides string encoding that is URL/Filename safe
user.tokenString = base64url(buf)
Here is an NPM package you can use for it.
Other than that, your code seems fine. If you were to call .toString() without specifying "hex" or specifying something like "ascii" for example, it would break just like in your question description.
