Load a variable from dotenv file when starting PM2 - javascript

I am starting instances of my app as a package.json script with PM2 this way:
"start:pm2": "pm2 start -i max node myapp.js"
I found out that not all members in the team always want to use max as a value for instances number while developing, but prefer to use some lower value.
To not change package.json I would better let them change the value inside .env file because we already use it so that the value from it would be used as the parameter to pm2.
I know I can create a wrapper js or bash script to load the variable from .env file and pass it to pm2 but it would be better to have a solution without it.
How can I achieve this?

You can create an ecosystem.config.js file and declare your environment variables under the “env:” attribute, in your case the NODE_APP_INSTANCE can be used to set the number of instances:
module.exports = {
apps : [{
name: "MyApp",
script: "./myapp.js",
env: {
NODE_ENV: "development",
env_production: {
NODE_ENV: "production",
Then call pm2 start or pm2 start /path/to/ecosystem.config.js to load an ecosystem from an other folder.

A better pattern here is to remove dotenv from your code and "require" it on the command line. This makes your code nicely transportable between any environment (including cloud-based) - which is one of the main features of environment variables.
a) code up your .env file alongside your script (e.g. app.js)
b) to run your script without pm2:
node -r dotenv/config app.js
c) in pm2.config.js:
module.exports = {
apps : [{
name : 'My Application',
script : 'app.js',
node_args : '-r dotenv/config',
and then
pm2 start pm2.config.js
Note: the use of dotenv/config on the command line is one of the best practices recommended by dotenv themselves


Change .page URL based on environment I need to run the suite in

We have been building our automation suite using our staging environment, but are going live soon and want to be ready to tell the project where to run (staging, production).
The only difference between the sites in the environments is the URL. My question is, from start to finish, how can I set the .page URL via a CLI option?
Right now, I have created an environment config file that holds our staging and production URLS and then I call the data into my test files. This is fine for now, but I will need to create a script with an option to set the environment at runtime without having to do a manual find and replace before kicking it off.
I've looked around online and find, what I believe, to be code snippets and general instructions, but I'm not a dev at heart and go crossed eyed. If I could get an ELI5 for this, that would be awesome.
Example of what I'm doing now:
const env = require('../environment_variables.json')
fixture `blog`
.page `${env.production}`
And then I change production to staging or vice versa manually before kicking off the suite.
Since the project will run from CICD, I would like to be able to do something like this in my CLI and script:
testcafe env=production
The env value will then be set where the .page call is for every test file.
There are different ways of doing this. I've used environment variables successfully in this situation, so I'll share this solution since it will solve your problem.
I create config.json in the root of the project:
"baseUrl": {
"dev": "https://dev.com/",
"staging": "https://staging.com/",
"prod": "https://prod.com/"
Then I create two helper functions somewhere like Helpers/env.js:
import config from '../config';
function getEnv () {
return process.env.TESTCAFE_ENV;
function getBaseUrl () {
return config.baseUrl[getEnv()];
export { getEnv, getBaseUrl };
Then in my test files in Tests/:
import { getBaseUrl } from '../Helpers/env';
const baseUrl = getBaseUrl();
fixture `Test Suite`
And that's it. Then when I need to run tests on the dev, I execute:
$ TESTCAFE_ENV=dev testcafe
for staging:
$ TESTCAFE_ENV=staging testcafe
and for production:
$ TESTCAFE_ENV=prod testcafe
In v1.20.0 and later, TestCafe offers a way to specify the baseUrl in the test run configuration. You can use this approach along with environment variables, see the following example:
const BASE_URL_MAP = {
dev: 'https://dev.com/',
staging: 'https://staging.com/',
prod: 'https://prod.com/'
module.exports = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL_MAP[process.env.TESTCAFE_ENV]
Alternatively, you can use different configuration files for each of the required setups using the --config-file option.

next.js environment variables are undefined (Next.js 10.0.5)

I am coding a website with Next.js and I tried to add google Tag Manager.
I followed the tutorial on the Next.js Github example but for some reasons I can't access to my environment variables.
It says my variable is undefined.
I created a file .env.local on my project folder (at the same level as components, node_modules, pages, etc)
In this file I created a variable like this (test purpose) :
And on my index page I tried this code :
console.log("test ", process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DB_HOST);
But in my console I get a "test undefined".
I tried to put my variable into an .env file instead, without success.
What I am doing wrong ?
This envs just works in Server Side. To access this envs in Client Side, you need declare in the next.config.js
This way:
module.exports = {
reactStrictMode: true,
env: {
BASE_URL: process.env.BASE_URL,
Create .env (all environments), .env.development (development environment), and .env.production (production environment).
Add the prefix NEXT_PUBLIC to all of your environment variables.
Use with prefix process.env
Stop the server and restart it:
npm run dev
I hope it works.
This solution for latest version of nextJs (above 9)
Restarting the server worked for me.
Edit & save .env.local
Stop the server and restart it, npm run dev
You should get an output on the next line like this:
> klout#0.1.0 dev
> next dev
Loaded env from [path]/.env.local
For those using NextJS +9 and looking for environment variables in the browser, you should use the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix. Example:
See documentation for reference.
After spending countless hours on this, I found that there is a tiny little paragraph in both the pre and post nextjs 9.4 documentation:
(Pre-9.4) https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next.config.js/environment-variables (same as this answer)
Next.js will replace process.env.customKey with 'my-value' at build time.
(^9.4) https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/environment-variables
In order to keep server-only secrets safe, Next.js replaces process.env.* with the correct values at build time.
Key words being BUILD TIME. This means you must have set these variables when running next build and not (just) at next start to be available for the client side to access these variables.
This is my next.config.js file.
/** #type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
env: {
module.exports = nextConfig;
Restart the server and it worked fine. using Nextjs 12.1.0 with typescript
In my case, Im pasting REACT_APP_API_URL instead of NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL.
Adding with the most recent version of the documentation on this, v12+.
Using the next.config.js file you can specify server and client variables:
module.exports = {
serverRuntimeConfig: {
// Will only be available on the server side
mySecret: 'secret',
secondSecret: process.env.SECOND_SECRET, // Pass through env variables
publicRuntimeConfig: {
// Will be available on both server and client
staticFolder: '/static',
You can still use an env.local file, and pass the variable in to the next.config.js file. For example:
publicRuntimeConfig: {
DB_URL: process.env.DB_URL
And then you can access the variable like this:
import getConfig from 'next/config';
const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig();

NodeJS environment variables undefined

I'm trying to create some envrioment variables but when I create the file and run the server the seem to be undefined. I'm using nodemon. I have restarted my server and no luck.
MONGO_ATLAS_PW = "xxxx";
JWT_KEY = "secret_this_should_be_longer";
"scripts": {
"start:server": "nodemon ./server/server.js"
console.log(process.env.JWT_KEY); //undefined
I believe the nodemon.json file is only for setting nodemon specific configuration. If you look at the nodemon docs for a sample nodemon.json file, the only env variable they mention setting is NODE_ENV.
Have you considered putting these environment variables for your app in a .env file instead? There is a package called dotenv that is helpful for managing env variables in Node.
First, install dotenv using the command npm install dotenv
Then, create a file called .env in the root directory with the following:
Finally, inside your app.js file after your imports add the following line:
I believe you're referring to the dotenv package. To configure it, first create a file called .env with your keys and values stored like so:
Then, in your server.js, add this near the top:
Then the process.env variable will be an object containing the values in .env.
This needed to be in the root directory of my project.
"env": {
"MONGO_ATLAS_PW": "xxxx",
"JWT_KEY": "secret_this_should_be_longer"
The env variable do not contain the trailing white spaces and also remove the quotes
MONGO_ATLAS_PW = "xxxx";
JWT_KEY = "secret_this_should_be_longer";
and restart the server
or you can also try using the nodemon.json - create a new file called nodemon.json in your root directory
"env": {
"MONGO_ATLAS_PW" : "xxxx",
"JWT_KEY" : "secret_this_should_be_longer"
and restart the server
for accessing the variable

npm global packages: Reference content files from package

I'm in the process of building an npm package which will be installed globally. Is it possible to have non-code files installed alongside code files that can be referenced from code files?
For example, if my package includes someTextFile.txt and a module.js file (and my package.json includes "bin": {"someCommand":"./module.js"}) can I read the contents of someTextFile.txt into memory in module.js? How would I do that?
The following is an example of a module that loads the contents of a file (string) into the global scope.
core.js : the main module file (entry point of package.json)
//:Understanding: module.exports
module.exports = {
reload:(cb)=>{ console.log("[>] Magick reloading to memory"); ReadSpellBook(cb)}
//:Understanding: global object
//the following function is only accesible by the magick module
const ReadSpellBook=(cb)=>{
if(e){ console.log("[!] The Spell Book is MISSING!\n"); cb(e)}
console.log("[*] Reading Spell Book")
//since we want to make the contents of .txt accesible :
global.SpellBook = theSpells // global.SpellBook is now shared accross all the code (global scope)
//·: Initialize :.
console.log("[+] Time for some Magick!")
ᚠ ᚡ ᚢ ᚣ ᚤ ᚥ ᚦ ᚧ ᚨ ᚩ ᚪ ᚫ ᚬ ᚭ ᚮ ᚯ
ᚰ ᚱ ᚲ ᚳ ᚴ ᚵ ᚶ ᚷ ᚸ ᚹ ᚺ ᚻ ᚼ ᚽ ᚾ ᚿ
ᛀ ᛁ ᛂ ᛃ ᛄ ᛅ ᛆ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛋ ᛌ ᛍ ᛎ ᛏ
ᛐ ᛑ ᛒ ᛓ ᛔ ᛕ ᛖ ᛗ ᛘ ᛙ ᛚ ᛛ ᛜ ᛝ ᛞ ᛟ
ᛠ ᛡ ᛢ ᛣ ᛤ ᛥ ᛦ ᛧ ᛨ ᛩ ᛪ ᛫ ᛬ ᛭ ᛮ ᛯ
If you require it from another piece of code, you will see how it prints to the console and initializes by itself.
If you want to achieve a manual initalization, simply remove the 3 last lines (·: Initialize :.) and use reload() :
const magick = require("core.js")
magick.reload((error)=>{ if(error){throw error}else{
//now you know the SpellBook is loaded
I have built some CLIs which were distributed privately, so I believe I can illuminate a bit here.
Let's say your global modules are installed at a directory called $PATH. When your package will be installed on any machine, it will essentially be extracted at that directory.
When you'll fire up someCommand from any terminal, the module.js will be invoked which was kept at $PATH. If you initially kept the template file in the same directory as your package, then it will be present at that location which is local to module.js.
Assuming you edit the template as a string and then want to write it locally to where the user wished / pwd, you just have to use process.cwd() to get the path to that directory. This totally depends on how you code it out.
In case you want to explicitly include the files only in the npm package, then use files attribute of package.json.
As to particularly answer "how can my code file in the npm package locate the path to the globally installed npm folder in which it is located in a way that is guaranteed to work across OSes and is future proof?", that is very very different from the template thingy you were trying to achieve. Anyway, what you're simply asking here is the global path of npm modules. As a fail safe option, use the path returned by require.main.filename within your code to keep that as a reference.
When you npm publish, it packages everything in the folder, excluding things noted in .npmignore. (If you don't have an .npmignore file, it'll dig into .gitignore. See https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/developers#keeping-files-out-of-your-package) So in short, yes, you can package the text file into your module. Installing the module (locally or globally) will get the text file into place in a way you expect.
How do you find the text file once it's installed? __dirname gives you the path of the current file ... if you ask early enough. See https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/globals.html#globals_dirname (If you use __dirname inside a closure, it may be the path of the enclosing function.) For the near-term of "future", this doesn't look like it'll change, and will work as expected in all conditions -- whether the module is installed locally or globally, and whether others depend on the module or it's a direct install.
So let's assume the text file is in the same directory as the currently running script:
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var dir = __dirname;
function runIt(cb) {
var fullPath = path.combine(__dirname, 'myfile.txt');
fs.readFile(fullPath, 'utf8' , function (e,content) {
if (e) {
return cb(e);
// content now has the contents of the file
module.exports = runIt;

How to use in node properties for deployment and local usage

I've created node application which I can run locally and in the cloud
Now I want that it be done somehow smoother and cleaner ,so I try to put some property in config.json file to check if I want to deploy the app or use it locally but I need to update manually this property before I change the propose , there is a better way to do it with node ?
let runnerServer = `http://localhost:8060/service/runner/${server.address().port}`;
if (cfg.isHosted) {
blogServer = `http://${serverName}/service/runner/${server.address().port}`;
and in the conig.json I've the field isHosted which I change manually(true/false) if I want to deploy or not...
maybe I can use process.env.PORT but this is just one example that I need to use in my code , currently I've several of fork that need to konw if Im in deployment or running locally ..
One option is to use use node's in built object called process.env (https://nodejs.org/api/process.html) and use two config files per se. This approach is somewhat similar to what you are doing but may be cleaner
then by setting properties on this object based on environment such as process.env.NODE_ENV = 'localhost' or process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production', you could read the corresponding file to import the configurations.
var config = require('./config.production.json');
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'localhost')
config = require('./config.localhost.json');
So to set this environment variable when running locally on your dev box , if
OSX - then on terminal export NODE_ENV=localhost
WINDOWS - then on cmd line set NODE_ENV=localhost
An easy way to solve this, if every environment configuration can be in the repo:
production: {
// prod config
staging: {
// staging config
devel: {
// devel config
const environment = process.env['ENV'] || 'devel';
module.exports = require('./config.json')[environment];
then in your package.json you could add the following scripts:
// npm stuff
scripts {
prod: "ENV=production node index.js",
stage: "ENV=staging node index.js",
dev: "ENV=devel node index.js"
and with this setup, you can run each configuration with the following commands:
production: npm run prod
staging: npm run stage
devel: npm run dev
