I'm trying to create a set of reducers in order to change an attribute of all objects in a nested list.
The input payload looks like the following:
const payload = [
name: "Peter",
children: [
name: "Sarah",
children: [
name: "Sophie",
children: [
name: "Chris"
I now want to change the name attribute of all elements and child elements.
const mapJustNickname = elem => {
return {
nickname: elem.name + "y"
How do I use this map function recursively on all child elements?
I found a way to do this by putting the the recursion within the same mapping function.
const mapToNickname = (elem) => {
return {
nickname: elem.name +'y',
children: elem.children && elem.children.map(mapToNickname)
But I'd like to have the mapping of the name separated from the recursion (for reasons of keeping the mapping functions as simple as possible) and being able to chain them later. Is it somehow possible to do this with two reducers and then chaining them together?
Let's start by rigorously defining the data structures:
data Person = Person { name :: String, nickname :: Maybe String }
data Tree a = Tree { value :: a, children :: Forest a }
type Forest a = [Tree a]
type FamilyTree = Tree Person
type FamilyForest = Forest Person
Now, we can create mapTree and mapForest functions:
const mapTree = (mapping, { children=[], ...value }) => ({
children: mapForest(mapping, children)
const mapForest = (mapping, forest) => forest.map(tree => mapTree(mapping, tree));
// Usage:
const payload = [
name: "Peter",
children: [
name: "Sarah",
children: [
name: "Sophie",
children: [
name: "Chris"
const mapping = ({ name }) => ({ name, nickname: name + "y" });
const result = mapForest(mapping, payload);
Hope that helps.
Create a recursive map function that maps an item, and it's children (if exists). Now you can supply the recursiveMap with a ever transformer function you want, and the transformer doesn't need to handle the recursive nature of the tree.
const recursiveMap = childrenKey => transformer => arr => {
const inner = (arr = []) =>
arr.map(({ [childrenKey]: children, ...rest }) => ({
...children && { [childrenKey]: inner(children) }
return inner(arr);
const mapNickname = recursiveMap('children')(({ name, ...rest }) => ({
nickname: `${name}y`,
const payload = [{"name":"Peter","children":[{"name":"Sarah","children":[{"name":"Sophie","children":[{"name":"Chris"}]}]}]}];
const result = mapNickname(payload);
I have an a state object in React that looks something like this (book/chapter/section/item):
const book = {
id: "123",
name: "book1",
chapters: [
id: "123",
name: "chapter1",
sections: [
id: "4r4",
name: "section1",
items: [
id: "443",
name: "some item"
id: "222",
name: "chapter2",
sections: []
I have code that adds or inserts a new chapter object that is working. I am using:
// for creating a new chapter:
setSelectedBook(old => {
return {
chapters: [
newChapter // insert new object
And for the chapter update, this is working:
setSelectedBook(old => {
return {
chapters: [
...old.chapters.map(ch => {
return ch.id === selectedChapterId
? {...ch, name: selectedChapter.name}
: ch
But for my update/create for the sections, I'm having trouble using the same approach. I'm getting syntax errors trying to access the sections from book.chapters. For example, with the add I need:
// for creating a new section:
setSelectedBook(old => {
return {
chapters: [
newSection // how to copy chapters and the sections and insert a new one?
I know with React you're supposed to return all the previous state except for what you're changing. Would a reducer make a difference or not really?
I should note, I have 4 simple lists in my ui. A list of books/chapters/sections/items, and on any given operation I'm only adding/updating a particular level/object at a time and sending that object to the backend api on each save. So it's books for list 1 and selectedBook.chapters for list 2, and selectedChapter.sections for list 3 and selectedSection.items for list 4.
But I need to display the new state when done saving. I thought I could do that with one bookState object and a selectedThing state for whatever you're working on.
Hopefully that makes sense. I haven't had to do this before. Thanks for any guidance.
for adding new Section
setSelectedBook( book =>{
let selectedChapter = book.chapters.find(ch => ch.id === selectedChapterId )
selectedChapter.sections=[...selectedChapter.sections, newSection ]
return {...book}
For updating a section's name
let selectedChapter = book.chapters.find(ch => ch.id === selectedChapterId )
let selectedSection = selectedChapter.sections.find(sec => sec.id === selectedSectionId )
selectedSection.name = newName
return {...book}
For updating item's name
setSelectedBook(book =>{
let selectedChapter = book.chapters.find(ch => ch.id === selectedChapterId )
let selectedSection = selectedChapter.sections.find(sec => sec.id === selectedSectionId )
let selectedItem = selectedSection.items.find(itm => itm.id === selectedItemId)
selectedItem.name = newItemName
return {...book}
I hope you can see the pattern.
I think the map should work for this use case, like in your example.
setSelectedBook(old => {
return {
chapters: [
...old.chapters.map(ch => {
return { ...ch, sections: [...ch.sections, newSection] }
In your last code block you are trying to put chapters, sections and the new section into the same array at the same level, not inside each other.
Updating deep nested state objects in React is always difficult. Without knowing all the details of your implementation, it's hard to say how to optimize, but you should think hard about different ways you can store that state in a flatter way. Sometimes it is not possible, and in those cases, there are libraries like Immer that can help that you can look in to.
Using the state object you provided in the question, perhaps you can make all of those arrays into objects with id for keys:
const book = {
id: "123",
name: "book1",
chapters: {
"123": {
id: "123",
name: "chapter1",
sections: {
"4r4": {
id: "4r4",
name: "section1",
items: {
"443": {
id: "443",
name: "some item"
"222": {
id: "222",
name: "chapter2",
sections: {},
With this, you no longer need to use map or find when setting state.
// for creating a new chapter:
setSelectedBook(old => {
return {
chapters: {
[newChapter.id]: newChapter
// for updating a chapter:
setSelectedBook(old => {
return {
chapters: {
[selectedChapter.id]: selectedChapter,
// for updating a section:
setSelectedBook(old => {
return {
chapters: {
[selectedChapter.id]: {
sections: {
[selectedSectionId]: selectedSection
Please let me know if I misunderstood your problem.
I have an observable that I'd like to modify before it resolves, either using a map pipe or something similar to ensure that all ids within the groups array are unique. If cats is encountered twice, the second occurrence should become cats-1, cats-2 etc. These fields are being used to populate a HTML id attribute so I need to ensure they are always unique.
title: 'MyTitle',
description: 'MyDescription',
groups: [
id: 'cats',
title: 'SomeTitle'
id: 'dogs',
title: 'SomeTitle'
id: 'octupus',
title: 'SomeTitle'
id: 'cats',
title: 'SomeTitle'
Using an RxJs observable my code looks like the following:
getGroups() {
return this.http.get(ENDPOINT_URL)
I was able to achieve this using a map operator with a set but part of me feels like this isn't the correct pipe for this as the array is nested.
getGroups() {
return this.http.get(ENDPOINT_URL).pipe(
map(data => {
const groupIds = new Map();
data.groups.map(group => {
if (!groupIds.get(group.id)) {
groupIds.set(group.id, 1)
} else {
const updatedId = (groupIds.get(group.id) || 0) + 1;
groupIds.set(group.id, updatedId);
group.id = `${group.id}-${updatedId}`
return group
return data;
Is there a more efficient way to make this operation using a more appropriate pipe? I am worried this can become quite inefficient and significantly delay rendering of content while the observable resolves the conflicts. As of today I am unable to modify the actual content returned from the API so that is not an option unfortunately.
You could try something like this:
import { of, map } from 'rxjs';
import { findLastIndex } from 'lodash';
title: 'MyTitle',
description: 'MyDescription',
groups: [
id: 'cats',
title: 'SomeTitle',
id: 'dogs',
title: 'SomeTitle',
id: 'cats',
title: 'SomeTitle',
id: 'octupus',
title: 'SomeTitle',
id: 'cats',
title: 'SomeTitle',
map((data) => ({
groups: data.groups.reduce((acc, group) => {
const lastElementIndex = findLastIndex(acc, (accGroup) => accGroup.id.startsWith(group.id));
if (lastElementIndex === -1) {
return [...acc, group];
const lastElement = acc[lastElementIndex];
const lastNameNumerator = lastElement.id.split('-')[1];
return [
id: `${group.id}-${lastNameNumerator ? +lastNameNumerator + 1 : 1}`,
}, []),
Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-kcxdcw?file=index.ts
If the only requirement is to have the ids be unique, you could ensure uniqueness by appending the array index to each element's id.
getGroups() {
return this.http.get(ENDPOINT_URL).pipe(
map(data => {
const groups = data.groups.map(
(g, i) => ({...g, id: `${g.id}-${i}`})
return { ...data, groups };
Output of groups:
// groups: Array[5]
// 0: Object
// id : "cats-0"
// title : "SomeTitle"
// 1: Object
// id : "dogs-1"
// title : "SomeTitle"
// 2: Object
// id : "cats-2"
// title : "SomeTitle"
// 3: Object
// id : "octupus-3"
// title : "SomeTitle"
// 4: Object
// id : "cats-4"
// title : "SomeTitle"
Here's a little StackBlitz.
Honestly what you have is probably fine. Here's another method that's slightly simpler. It first uses reduce to create an object literal of groups. If you were open to external dependencies you could use Ramda's groupWith function to produce the same result. Then it uses flatMap to flatten the groups. If there is only one item in the array then it is returned as is, otherwise the elements are mutated with the new ids.
getGroups() {
return this.http.get(ENDPOINT_URL).pipe(
map(data => Object.values(
data.groups.reduce((acc, cur) => {
(acc[cur.id] || (acc[cur.id] = [])).push(cur);
return acc;
{} as Record<string | number, [] as GroupType[])
).flatMap(grp => (grp.length === 1)
? grp
: grp.map((x, i) => ({ ...x, id: `${x.id}-${i + 1}`)))
Another one
map((data:any) => {
//create an array in the way [{id:"cats",data:[0,3]}{id:"dogs",data:[1]..]
const keys=data.groups.reduce((a:any,b:any,i:number)=>{
const el=a.find(x=>x.id==b.id)
if (el)
return a
//loop over groups, if keys.data.length>1 ...
const el=keys.find(key=>key.id==x.id)
if (el.data.length>1)
return data;
map((data:any) => {
//create an object keys {cats:[0,3],dogs:[1]....
const keys=data.groups.reduce((a:any,b:any,i:number)=>{
if (a[b.id])
return a
//loop over groups, if keys[id].length>0 ...
if (keys[x.id].length>1)
return data;
I have a scenario
skus: [
{ id: 1, ......}
{ id: 2, ......}
{ id: 3, ......}
I have that schema and want to setState in somewhere skus on selected sku item and return changed item to original array
this.setState(produce(prevstate =>
this works for me
I'd recommend to use functional setState and map:
const updateSku = (skuId, data) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
skus: prevState.skus.map(sku => {
if (sku.id === skuId) {
return {...sku, ...data}
} // else
return sku
State immutability is important sometimes devs mutate states those are complex with multiple nested levels. You can always update state with simple javascript object update stratigy but I would suggest you to use immerjs. It reduces the code and makes it much more cleaner and easy to understand what is going to change. It helps a lot in redux reducers where a complex state needs to be updated with mutation
Here is example
* Classic React.setState with a deep merge
onBirthDayClick1 = () => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
user: {
age: prevState.user.age + 1
* ...But, since setState accepts functions,
* we can just create a curried producer and further simplify!
onBirthDayClick2 = () => {
produce(draft => {
draft.user.age += 1
Using immerjs, it will be
const updateSku = (skuId, data) => {
this.setState(produce(draft => {
const sku = draft.skus.find(s => s.id === skusId);
Object.assign(sku, data);
What I have understood from your explanation is that when the SKU item gets changed you want to update the state Skus.
Here I've provided a solution for the same please try to relate with your example.
let's assume you have the following react component.
import React, { Component } from "react";
export class Sku extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: "",
skus: [
{ key: "key1", value: "value1" },
{ key: "key2", value: "value2" },
{ key: "key3", value: "value3" },
APIFirst: "",
handleSkuChange = (data) => {
this.setState(({ skus }) => {
const newSkus = skus.map(sku => (sku.key === data.key ? { ...sku, ...data } : sku));
return { skus: newSkus };
render() {
const { data, skus, APIFirst } = this.state;
const newSku = { key: 'key2', value: 'newSku' };
console.log("states =>", data, skus, APIFirst);
return (
<button type="button" onClick={() => this.handleSkuChange(newSku)}>'Change sku'</button>
The handleSkuChange function will work like it,
const skus = [
{ key: "key1", value: "value1" },
{ key: "key2", value: "value2" },
{ key: "key3", value: "value3" },
const handleSkuChange = (data) => (
skus.map(sku => (sku.key === data.key) ? { ...sku, value: "newValue" } : sku));
const newSku = { key: 'key2', value: 'newSku' };
console.log('old skus', skus);
console.log('new skus', handleSkuChange(newSku));
I have data array object like this:
const data = [
{Name: "dian", Job: "programmer"},
{Name: "dian", Job: "gamer"},
{Name: "candra", Job: "programmer"},
My goal is to create new data where a have same value join b.
Example output:
const new_data = [
{Name: "dian", Jobs: [{Job: "programmer"}, {Job: "gamer"}]},
{Name: "candra", Jobs: [{Job: "programmer"}]},
I think you can use Array.prototype.reduce() to achive your goal. From the documentation:
The reduce() method executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the array, resulting in a single output value.
One possible solution:
const data = [
{Name:'dian', Job:'programer'},
{Name:'dian', Job:'gamers'},
{Name:'candra', Job:'programer'}
const result = data.reduce((a, current) => {
const found = a.find(f => f.Name === current.Name);
if (found) {
found.Jobs.push({Job: current.Job});
} else {
Name: current.Name,
Jobs: [
{ Job: current.Job }
return a;
}, []);
I hope that helps!
use reduce.
const data = [
{ Name: "dian", Job: "programer" },
{ Name: "dian", Job: "gamers" },
{ Name: "candra", Job: "programer" }
const output = Object.values(data.reduce((a, { Name, Job }, i) => {
if (!a[Name]) {
a[Name] = { Name, Jobs: [] };
a[Name].Jobs.push({ Job });
return a;
}, {}));
Here's one approach:
const combineJobs = (data) =>
Object .values (data .reduce (
(a, {Name, Job}, _, __, curr = a [Name] || {Name, jobs: []}) =>
({... a, [Name]: ({... curr, jobs: [... curr .jobs, {Job}]})}),
const data = [{Name: "dian", Job: "programmer"}, {Name: "dian", Job: "gamer"}, {Name: "candra", Job: "programmer"}]
console .log (combineJobs (data))
We simply fold our objects into a structure that looks like
dian: {Name: 'dian', jobs: [Job:'programer'}, {Job: 'gamer'}]},
candra: {Name: 'candra', jobs: [Job:'programer'}]},
then use Object .values to turn it into an appropriate array.
One advantage of this technique is that if your data actually has additional fields not displayed in the question (imagine you have age, and avatar properties as well, for instance), you can extend it easily using a rest parameter:
const combineJobs = (data) =>
Object .values (data .reduce (
(a, {Name, Job, ...rest}, _, __, curr = a [Name] || {Name, jobs: [], ...rest}) =>
// ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
({... a, [Name]: ({... curr, jobs: [... curr .jobs, {Job}]})}),
and all those additional parameters would be included.
function modifyArray(data) {
function getNewObject(data) {
const newObject = {
Name: data.Name
Object.keys(data).filter(key => key !== 'Name').forEach(key => {
newObject[key+'s'] = [];
[key]: data[key]
return newObject;
function appendData(obj, data) {
Object.keys(data).filter(key => key !== 'Name').forEach(key => {
[key]: data[key]
const reqArray = [];
data.forEach(d => {
const objToModify = reqArray.find(a => a.Name === d.Name);
if (!objToModify) {
} else {
appendData(objToModify, d);
return reqArray;
let data =[
{Name:'dian', Job:'programer' },
{Name:'dian', Job:'gamers' },
{Name:'candra', Job:'programer' }
I have an array with keys like so:
and a collection which has these keys in each object like so:
[{guid: '39342aa', name: 'John'},{guid: '129asg', name: 'Mary'}, ... ]
Is there a fast way to sort the collection based on the order of keys in the first array?
var sortedCollection = _.sortBy(collection, function(item){
return firstArray.indexOf(item.guid)
Here is just a simple add to the accepted answer in case you want to put the unmatched elements at the end of the sortedCollection and not at the beginning:
const last = collection.length;
var sortedCollection = _.sortBy(collection, function(item) {
return firstArray.indexOf(item.guid) !== -1? firstArray.indexOf(item.guid) : last;
var data1 = ['129asg', '39342aa'];
var data2 = [{
guid: '39342aa',
name: 'John'
}, {
guid: '129asg',
name: 'Mary'
First create an index object, with _.reduce, like this
var indexObject = _.reduce(data2, function(result, currentObject) {
result[currentObject.guid] = currentObject;
return result;
}, {});
And then map the items of the first array with the objects from the indexObject, like this
console.log(_.map(data1, function(currentGUID) {
return indexObject[currentGUID]
[ { guid: '129asg', name: 'Mary' },
{ guid: '39342aa', name: 'John' } ]
Note: This method will be very efficient if you want to sort so many objects, because it will reduce the linear look-up in the second array which would make the entire logic run in O(M * N) time complexity.
This is the efficient & clean way:
(Import lodash identity and sortBy):
function sortByArray<T, U>({ source, by, sourceTransformer = identity }: { source: T[]; by: U[]; sourceTransformer?: (item: T) => U }) {
const indexesByElements = new Map(by.map((item, idx) => [item, idx]));
const orderedResult = sortBy(source, (p) => indexesByElements.get(sourceTransformer(p)));
return orderedResult;
Or in JS:
function sortByArray({ source, by, sourceTransformer = _.identity }) {
const indexesByElements = new Map(by.map((item, idx) => [item, idx]));
const orderedResult = _.sortBy(source, (p) => indexesByElements.get(sourceTransformer(p)));
return orderedResult;
You can use indexBy(), and at() to sort your collection. The advantage being that concise code and performance. Using sortBy() here does the trick, but your external array is already sorted:
var ids = [ 'cbdbac14', 'cf3526e2', '189af064' ];
var collection = [
{ guid: '189af064', name: 'John' },
{ guid: 'cf3526e2', name: 'Julie' },
{ guid: 'cbdbac14', name: 'James' }
// → [ 'James', 'Julie', 'John' ]
Using at(), you can iterate over the sorted external collection, building a new collection from the source collection. The source collection has been transformed into an object using indexBy(). You do this so at() has key-based access for each of it's ids.