Why does a reload return an empty state half of the time? - javascript

I'm creating a webshop for a hobby project in Nuxt 2.5. In the Vuex store I have a module with a state "currentCart". In here I store an object with an ID and an array of products. I get the cart from the backend with an ID, which is stored in a cookie (with js-cookie).
I use nuxtServerInit to get the cart from the backend. Then I store it in the state. Then in the component, I try to get the state and display the number of articles in the cart, if the cart is null, I display "0". This gives weird results. Half of the time it says correctly how many products there are, but the Vuex dev tools tells me the cart is null. The other half of the time it displays "0".
At first I had a middleware which fired an action in the store which set the cart. This didn't work consistently at all. Then I tried to set the store with nuxtServerInit, which actually worked right. Apparently I changed something, because today it gives the descibed problem. I can't find out why it produces this problem.
The nuxtServerInit:
nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
let cartCookie;
// Check if there's a cookie available
if(req.headers.cookie) {
cartCookie = req.headers.cookie
.find(c => c.trim().startsWith("Cart="));
// Check if there's a cookie for the cart
cartCookie = cartCookie.split("=");
cartCookie = null;
// Check if the cart cookie is set
if(cartCookie) {
// Check if the cart cookie isn't empty
if(cartCookie[1] != 'undefined') {
let cartId = cartCookie[1];
// Get the cart from the backend
.then((response) => {
let cart = response.data;
// Set the cart in the state
commit("cart/setCart", cart);
else {
// Clear the cart in the state
The mutation:
setCart(state, cart) {
state.currentCart = cart;
The getter:
currentCart(state) {
return state.currentCart;
In cart.vue:
return this.$store.getters['cart/currentCart'].products.length;
return 0;
The state object:
const state = () => ({
currentCart: null,
I put console.logs everywhere, to check where it goes wrong. The nuxtServerInit works, the commit "cart/setCart" fires and has the right content. In the getter, most of the time I get a null. If I reload the page quickly after another reload, I get the right cart in the getter and the component got the right count. The Vue dev tool says the currentCart state is null, even if the component displays the data I expect.
I changed the state object to "currentCart: {}" and now it works most of the time, but every 3/4 reloads it returns an empty object. So apparently the getter fires before the state is set, while the state is set by nuxtServerInit. Is that right? If so, why is that and how do I change it?
What is it I fail to understand? I'm totally confused.

So, you know that moment you typed out the problem to ask on Stackoverflow and after submitting you got some new ideas to try out? This was one of them.
I edited the question to tell when I changed the state object to an empty object, it sometimes returned an empty object. Then it hit me, the getter is sometimes firing before the nuxtServerInit. In the documentation it states:
Note: Asynchronous nuxtServerInit actions must return a Promise or leverage async/await to allow the nuxt server to wait on them.
I changed nuxtServerInit to this:
async nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
await this.$axios.get(`${api}/${cartId}`)
.then((response) => {
await commit("cart/clearCart");
So now Nuxt can wait for the results. The Dev Tools still show an empty state, but I think that is a bug, since I can use the store state perfectly fine in the rest of the app.

Make the server wait for results
Above is the answer boiled down to a statement.
I had this same problem as #Maurits but slightly different parameters. I'm not using nuxtServerInit(), but Nuxt's fetch hook. In any case, the idea is essentially: You need to make the server wait for the data grab to finish.
Here's code for my context; I think it's helpful for those using the Nuxt fetch hook. For fun, I added computed and mounted to help illustrate the fetch hook does not go in methods.
(I got blank pages on browser refresh)
computed: {
/* some stuff */
async fetch() {
.then( () => {
console.log("Got the data!")
mounted() {
/* some stuff */
I forgot to add await in front of the func call! Now the server will wait for this before completing and sending the page.
async fetch() {
await this.myDataGrab()
.then( () => {
console.log("Got the messages!")


Returning a value from an Async Function. AWS/React

I'm trying to build a component that retrieves a full list of users from Amazon AWS/Amplify, and displays said results in a table via a map function. All good so far.
However, for the 4th column, I need to call a second function to check if the user is part of any groups. I've tested the function as a button/onClick event - and it works (console.logging the output). But calling it directly when rendering the table data doesn't return anything.
Here is what I've included in my return statement (within the map function)
Which then calls this function:
const getUserGroups = async (user) => {
const userGroup = await cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminListGroupsForUser(
UserPoolId: '**Removed**',
Username: user,
(err, data) => {
if (!data.Groups.length) {
return 'No';
} else {
return 'Yes';
Can anyone advise? Many thanks in advance if so!
Because you should never do that! Check this React doc for better understanding of how and where you should make AJAX calls.
There are multiple ways, how you can solve your issue. For instance, add user groups (or whatever you need to get from the backend) as a state, and then call the backend and then update that state with a response and then React will re-render your component accordingly.
Example with hooks, but it's just to explain the idea:
const [groups, setGroups] = useState(null); // here you will keep what "await cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminListGroupsForUser()" returns
useEffect(() => {}, [
// here you will call the backend and when you have the response
// you set it as a state for this component
setGroups(/* data from response */);
And your component (column, whatever) should use groups:
<td>{/* here you will do whatever you need to do with groups */}</td>
For class components you will use lifecycle methods to achieve this (it's all in the documentation - link above).

Component not accessing context

i'm new to react please forgive me if i'm asking a dumb question.
The idea is to access the tweets array from context, find the matching tweet and then set it in the component's state to access the data.
However, the tweets array results empty even though i'm sure it's populated with tweets
const { tweets } = useContext(TweeetterContext)
const [tweet, setTweet] = useState({})
useEffect(() => {
loadData(match.params.id, tweets)
}, [])
const loadData = (id, tweets) => {
return tweets.filter(tweet => tweet.id == id)
return (stuff)
You are accessing context perfectly fine, and it would be good if you could share a code where you set tweets.
Independent of that, potential problem I might spot here is related to the useEffect function. You are using variables from external context (match.params.id and tweets), but you are not setting them as dependencies. Because of that your useEffect would be run only once at the initial creation of component.
The actual problem might be that tweets are set after this initial creation (there is some delay for setting correct value to the tweets, for example because of the network request).
Try using it like this, and see if it fixes the issue:
useEffect(() => {
loadData(match.params.id, tweets)
}, [match.params.id, tweets])
Also, not sure what your useEffect is actually doing, as it's not assigning the result anywhere, but I'm going to assume it's just removed for code snippet clarity.

Loading stuck for `useSubscription` method in #apollo/react-hooks

I sometimes get a race condition when trying to use onSubscription hook from #apollo/react-hooks package in the following way.
let { data, loading, error } = useSubscription(MY_SUBSCRIPTION)
if (loading) return 'Loading...';
if (error) return 'Error...';
When I load the page, most of the time data gets filled perfectly and eventually loading will turn false, but every ~5th try there's some kind of race condition where loading stays true forever and data is undefined.
GraphQL query:
export const EXERCISE_SUBSCRIPTION = gql`
subscription {
exercises {
tasks {
Package version is the (currently) latest:
#apollo/react-hooks": "^3.1.0-beta.0", but I have also tried with previous versions.
Has anyone experienced something similar and know how to solve it?
If you run into this issue, I found a workaround hack. You can see that when I add the callback option onSubscriptionData, the data IS present in there, but somehow does not end up in the data object outside.
// <HACK>
// sometimes data object is empty, but onSubscriptionData is filled.
// in that case use data from onSubscriptionData method.
const [dataFromCb, setDataFromCb ] = useState(null)
let { data, loading } = useSubscription(INJECT_SUBSCRIPTION, {
onSubscriptionData: (res) => {
if (loading && !dataFromCb) return 'Loading...';
data = (data === undefined) ? dataFromCb : data;
// </HACK>
Ok, I do believe I found the answer to this one, but to verify, you may need to double check and/or post your query code. Apparently Apollo is trying to marry up the data as it arrives, and it uses the id fields to do that by default. I had a query that was missing those ids in some nested layers of my structure, and when I put them in, this error has disappeared. It wasn't until I ran into this error that I found the resources that pointed me in the right direction.
For reference: https://github.com/apollographql/react-apollo/issues/1003
I had the same issue with useSubscription loading stuck. Afterwards noticed that I kept this hook in the child component, so moved it on the same level (parent component) with the useQuery which triggered subscriptions on the server. So in my case it was React rendering issue which affected such a behaviour.

Only make API call when data in Vuex store is "stale" or not present

I am using Vuex for state management in my VueJS 2 application. In the mounted property of my component in question I dispatch an action...
mounted: function () {
id: this.$route.params.id
...and this action uses axios to make an API call and get that location's details.
LOAD_LOCATION: function ({ commit }, { id }) {
axios.get(`/api/locations/${id}`).then((response) => {
commit('SET_LOCATION', { location: response.data })
}, err => {
The mutation looks like so:
SET_LOCATION: (state, { location }) => {
This makes complete sense the first time this location is navigated to. However, let's say a user navigates to /locations/5 then navigates elsewhere in the app and returns to /locations/5 a few minutes later. Would it be a good idea to check for the location in state.locations and only make the API call if this location is not present? Or even better, to check the "staleness" of the location data and only make the API call to refresh the data after a certain period has passed?
Edit: Is there a pattern that is typically followed for these cases with Vuex? It seems to be a common case, but I'm not sure if jamming the logic to check for presence/staleness in the action is a solid approach.
Personally, I think it would be an excellent idea to do a check within the action to see if the data exists and set a timestamp when the data is received, then on subsequent calls it could determine if the data exits/is stale and act accordingly. That would speed up repeat visits and also save mobile users' data a bit.

ReactJS: How to handle component state when it's based on AJAX?

Summary: New to ReactJS and I'm trying to figure out the best way to update a component when it's state depends on a remote API (i.e. keep component state in sync with remote database via AJAX API).
Example Use Case: Think of a product inventory where clicking a button adds a product to your cart and decrements the inventory by 1. Every time the user clicks it initiates an AJAX request and then upon completion of the request, the component re-renders with the new product inventory by calling setState().
Problem: I've ran into an issue where because both setState() and the AJAX request are asynchronous, the component becomes out of the sync with the server. For example if you click really quickly you can initiate more than one AJAX request for a single product ID because the component's state has not yet updated to reflect that the product ID is no longer in inventory. I have a simple example below to illustrate the concept:
Inadequate Solution: This could be handled on the server side by sending an error back if the client request a product that is no longer in inventory, however I'm really looking for the best way to handle this common scenario in ReactJS on the client side and to make sure I'm understanding the best way to handle component state.
Component extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
clicksLeft: 0,
componentDidMount() {
//getClicksLeft is async and takes a callback, think axios/superagent
getClicksLeft((response) => {
btnClicked = () => {
//This may appear redundant/useless but
//imagine sending an element in a list and then requesting the updated
//list back
const data = {clicks: this.state.clicksLeft--};
decrementClicksLeft(data, () => {
getClicksLeft((response) => {
render() {
<button onClick={this.btnClicked}>Click me {this.state.clicksLeft} times</button>
Is there any reason to have to call getClicksLeft when the button is clicked? You have already called it when the component is mounted and then anytime the button is clicked you just decrement that number by one.
btnClicked = () => {
if (this.state.clicksLeft > 0) {
this.setState({clicksLeft: this.state.clicksLeft - 1});
This would work if there is only one user trying to buy stuff at a time. Otherwise you could also check the amount left before making the purchase.
btnClicked = () => {
getClicksLeft((response) => {
if (response > 0) {
this.setState({clicksLeft: this.state.clicksLeft - 1});
This way if there are no clicks left, nothing happens.
The most basic solution would be to disable the button while you wait for the response to come back:
(I've also made your code simpler.)
Component extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Initial state
this.state = {
clicksLeft: 0, // No clicks are availabe
makeRequest: false, // We are not asking to make a request to the server
pendingTransaction: false, // There is no current request out to the server
componentDidMount() {
// Initial load completed, so go get the number of clicks
// Called whenever props/state change
// NOT called for the initial render
componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
// If there is no existing request out to the server, AND if the next
// state is asking us to make a request (as set in _handleButtonClick)
// then go make the request
if (!this.state.pendingTransaction && nextState.makeRequest) {
const data = {
clicks: this.state.clicksLeft--,
// decrementClicksLeft is async
decrementClicksLeft(data, () => this._getClicksRemaining());
// First fire off the async decrementClicksLeft request above, then
// tell the component that there is a pending request out, and that it
// is not allowed to try and make new requests
// NOTE this is the one part of the code that is vulnerable to your
// initial problem, where in theory a user could click the button
// again before this setState completes. However, if your user is able
// to do that, then they are probably using a script and you shouldn't
// worry about them. setState/render is very fast, so this should be
// more than enough protection against human clicking
makeRequest: false,
pendingTransaction: true,
_getClicksRemaining() {
// getClicksLeft is async
getClicksLeft((response) => {
// Here we are inside of the callback from getClicksLeft, so we
// know that it has completed. So, reset our flags to show that
// there is no request still pending
const newState = Object.assign(
pendingTransaction: false,
// The button was clicked
_handleButtonClick = () => {
if (!this.state.pendingTransaction) {
// If there isn't a request out to the server currently, it's safe to
// make a new one. Setting state here will cause `componentWillUpdate`
// to get called
makeRequest: true,
render() {
// Disable the button if:
// * there are no clicks left
// * there is a pending request out to the server
const buttonDisabled = ((this.state.clicksLeft === 0) || this.state.pendingTransaction);
return (
Click me {this.state.clicksLeft} times
After spending some time with react-redux, redux-thunk and redux-pack I decided to go with something simpler: react-refetch. I didn't really need the complexities of redux as I am only doing post and get operations on lists. I also need some simple side effects like when I do a post, I need to update multiple lists (which is achieved through andThen() in react-refetch).
This solution has much less boiler plate and works great for small projects. The core reason to choose this project over react-redux can be summarized in this quote from heroku's blog entry:
Looking around for alternatives, Redux was the Flux-like library du jour, and it did seem very promising. We loved how the React Redux bindings used pure functions to select state from the store and higher-order functions to inject and bind that state and actions into otherwise stateless components. We started to move down the path of standardizing on Redux, but there was something that felt wrong about loading and reducing data into the global store only to select it back out again. This pattern makes a lot of sense when an application is actually maintaining client-side state that needs to be shared between components or cached in the browser, but when components are just loading data from a server and rendering it, it can be overkill.
1: https://github.com/heroku/react-refetch
2: https://engineering.heroku.com/blogs/2015-12-16-react-refetch/
