I have the following table:
Lot Table View
I am using three ng-repeat to show the following response.
Response from backend overview
Detailed response from backend
The first ng-repeat is in <tbody> . The second ng-repeat is in <tr>. And the third one is for repeating the Lot Details, Trx Qty and Balance which is <span>.
Following is my html code:
<table id="lotTable" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-vmiddle">
<th>S No.</th>
<th>Lot No.</th>
<th>Lot Qty</th>
<th>Unit Cost</th>
<th>Lot Details</th>
<th>Trx Qty</th>
<tbody ng-if="isDataLot=='yes'" ng-repeat-start="l in lotData track by $index"
ng-init="parentIndex = $index" id=parentRow{{$index}}
<tr ng-repeat="k in l track by $index">
<td class="indextrack" >{{$index+1}}
<td class="lotNo">
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenLotNo" value="{{l.lotNo}}"/>
{{ k.lotNo }} <br>
{{k.grnNo}} ({{k.grnDate}}) <br>
{{k.inPermit}} {{k.physicalLocationName}}
<td class="lotQty">{{k.lotQty}}
<td class="cost">{{ k.unitPrice | number:4}}
<!-- Lot Details -->
<td class="lotDetails" style=" line-height: 28px; ">
<span ng-repeat="c in k.lotDetails">
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenLotDetails m-b-5"
ng-model="xxx[$index]" value="{{c}}"/>
{{c | ctnchange : c}}<br>
<!-- Transaction Quantity -->
<td class="trxQty" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;">
<span ng-repeat="c in k.lotDetails track by $index" >
<input class="trxQuantity m-b-5 text-right"
ng-keyup="calculateBal($parent.$index,$index); checkParentCheckbox($event);addTrxQty();"
style="width: 60px;" integers-only/><br>
<!-- Balance -->
<td class="balanceNew" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;">
<span ng-repeat="c in k.lotDetails track by $index">
<input ng-disabled="true" class="balanceNew m-b-5 text-right"
type="text" style="width: 60px;"/>
<tbody ng-repeat-end></tbody>
I want to dynamically name the models of Lot Details, Trx Qty and Balance . I have named there ids using id="trx{{$parent.$parent.$index}}{{$parent.$index}}{{$index}} for transaction quantity. I want to achieve the same for ng-model.
I have used ng-model="trx[$parent.$index][$index]. But I have three nested ng-repeat. This is good for two nested ng-repeat. How can it be done for three ng-repeat?
Also I have to set the $scope.trx[i][j] values in controller.
What is the right way to name the model so that we can also set its value in controller?
I changed my HTML code to this :
<table id="lotTable" ng-table="tableSorting" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-vmiddle">
<th ng-hide="true"></th>
<th>S No.</th>
<th>Lot No.</th>
<th>Lot Qty</th>
<th>Unit Cost</th>
<th>Lot Details</th>
<th>Trx Qty</th>
<th ng-hide="true">Balance</th>
<tbody ng-if="isDataLot=='yes'" ng-repeat-start="l in lotData track by $index" ng-init="parentIndex = $index" id=parentRow{{$index}} data-id="{{l.lotNo}}">
<tr ng-repeat="k in l track by $index" ng-init="lotDataChildIndex = $index">
<td header-class="'text-center'" ng-hide="true">
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkhead" id="lotHiddenCheckbox{{parentIndex}}{{lotDataChildIndex}}">
<em class="input-helper"></em>
<td class="indextrack" >{{$index+1}}
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenalcoholPer" value="{{k.alcoholPer}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddencascCode" value="{{k.cascCode}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddencreditorCode" value="{{k.creditorCode}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddencreditorName" value="{{k.creditorName}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddencustomAmnt" value="{{k.customAmnt}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenduty" value="{{k.duty}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddendutyPaid" value="{{k.dutyPaid}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenhsCode" value="{{k.hsCode}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenidUom" value="{{k.idUom}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenunitPrice" value="{{k.unitPrice}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenuomCode" value="{{k.uomCode}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenidGrnforLot" value="{{k.idGrn}}" />
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenidPhysicalLocation" value="{{k.idPhysicalLocation}}" />
<td class="lotNo">
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenLotNo" value="{{k.lotNo}}"/>
{{ k.lotNo }} <br>
{{k.grnNo}} ({{k.grnDate}}) <br>
{{k.inPermit}} {{k.physicalLocationName}}
<td class="lotQty">
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenLotQty" value="{{k.lotQty}}" />{{k.lotQty}}
<td class="cost"><input type="hidden" class="hiddencost" value="{{k.unitPrice}}" />{{ k.unitPrice | number:4}}
<td class="lotDetails" style=" line-height: 28px; ">
<span ng-repeat="c in k.lotDetails" ng-init="lotDetailsIndex = $index;">
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenLotDetails m-b-5" id="lotDetails{{parentIndex}}{{lotDataChildIndex}}{{lotDetailsIndex}}" value="{{c}}"/>{{c | ctnchange : c}}<br>
<td class="trxQty p-t-10 p-b-10">
<span ng-repeat="c in k.lotDetails track by $index" ng-init="trxQtyIndex = $index;">
<!-- lotDetailsValues Hidden field -->
<input type="hidden" class="lotDetailsValues"
ng-model="lotDetailsValues[parentIndex + '' + lotDataChildIndex + '' + $index]" ng-init="(lotDetailsValues[parentIndex + '' + lotDataChildIndex + '' + $index]) = k.lotDetailsValues[$index];"
value="{{k.lotDetailsValues[$index]}}" />
<!-- Transaction Quantity -->
<input class="trxQuantity m-b-5 text-right"
ng-model="trx[parentIndex + '' + lotDataChildIndex + '' + trxQtyIndex]"
style="width: 60px;" integers-only/><br>
<td class="balance p-t-10 p-b-10" ng-hide="true">
<span ng-repeat="c in k.lotDetails track by $index" ng-init="balanceIndex = $index;">
<input ng-disabled="true"
class="balanceAmt m-b-5"
ng-model="balAmt[parentIndex + '' + lotDataChildIndex + '' + balanceNewIndex]"/><br>
<td class="balanceNew p-t-10 p-b-10">
<span ng-repeat="c in k.lotDetails track by $index" ng-init="balanceNewIndex = $index;">
<input type="text" style="width: 60px;"
ng-model="balNew[parentIndex + '' + lotDataChildIndex + '' + balanceNewIndex]"
class="balanceNew m-b-5 text-right"
<tbody ng-repeat-end></tbody>
<tr ng-if="isDataLot=='no'" class="no_records"><td colspan="8">No Record(s) found.</td></tr>
<tr ng-if="isDataLot=='yes'" >
<td class="text-right">
<td class="text-right p-r-12">{{(addedTrxQty > 0) ? addedTrxQty : ''}}</td>
<td class="text-right p-r-12">{{(totalTrxValBal > 0) ? totalTrxValBal : ''}}</td>
In order to get it in controller I used the following code:
var quantity = $scope.lotDetailsValues[parentIndex+ '' +childIndex+ '' +index];
If you are looking for Angular 7 version:
<div class="row" [ngClass]="index != 0 ? 'backgroundColor' : ''"
*ngFor="let t of edu.test_scores;trackBy: trackByItems;let si = index">
<!-- Test Score Value -->
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="alumni-label">Test Score</label>
<ng-select class="custom" name="test_scores_{{index}}_{{si}}" #test_scores[si]="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="t.id"
[items]="test_list" bindValue="id" placeholder="Select Score" bindLabel="name" notFoundText="No results found."
(change)="checkTest(index,$event)" (clear)="t.marks= null;t.marks_out_of=null;"></ng-select>
Im having trouble getting data from a html table all the other tutorials have text inside the td tag but I have a textfield and a textarea which I want to get the value of
I have tried
$(document).ready(function() {
//click on table body
$(".rubric_table tbody tr").on("click", function() {
var tableData = $(this).children("td").map(function() {
return $.trim($(this).text());
var td = tableData[0]+'*'+tableData[1]+'*'+tableData[2]+'*'+tableData[3]+'*'+tableData[4];
And this is my table
<table class="rubric_table" id="rubricTable">
<tr class="header-row">
<th class="grading_scale">
<span>Grading scale</span>
<th style="width: 60px;">
<tr class="rubric_row">
<td class="rubric_row_title">
<div class="rubric_row_relative">
<input type="text" placeholder="Add Title" class="rubric_title no_border_input">
<div class="rubric_row_details">
<textarea placeholder="Add Description" style="overflow: hidden; height: 32px;" class="no_border_input_textarea"></textarea>
<table class="grading-table">
<td class="grading-wrapper">
<div class="grading-item first_grading_item">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="4">
<textarea class="no_border_input_textarea">Excellent</textarea>
<td class="grading-wrapper">
<div class="grading-item">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="4">
<textarea class="no_border_input_textarea">Excellent</textarea>
<td class="grading-wrapper">
<div class="grading-item">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="4">
<textarea class="no_border_input_textarea">Excellent</textarea>
<td class="grading-wrapper">
<div class="grading-item">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="4">
<textarea class="no_border_input_textarea">Excellent</textarea>
<td class="rubric-row-pts">
<div class="rubric_points">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="40">
I expected that my code would alert the values of the textfield and textarea but it doesn't.
If you wan to get the values of the input, you can:
$(".rubric_table>tbody>tr") you have to use this selector in
adding click event. You have a table inside the table (I dont think
is ideal). To make sure you are only adding event on the direct tr
of .rubric_table
You have to loop thru each input of th and get their values.
$(".rubric_table>tbody>tr").on("click", function() {
var tableData = $(this).children("td").map(function() {
return $(this).find('input').map(function() {
return this.value;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table class="rubric_table" id="rubricTable">
<tr class="header-row">
<th class="grading_scale">
<span>Grading scale</span>
<th style="width: 60px;">
<tr class="rubric_row">
<td class="rubric_row_title">
<div class="rubric_row_relative">
<input type="text" placeholder="Add Title" class="rubric_title no_border_input">
<div class="rubric_row_details">
<textarea placeholder="Add Description" style="overflow: hidden; height: 32px;" class="no_border_input_textarea"></textarea>
<table class="grading-table">
<td class="grading-wrapper">
<div class="grading-item first_grading_item">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="4">
<textarea class="no_border_input_textarea">Excellent</textarea>
<td class="grading-wrapper">
<div class="grading-item">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="4">
<textarea class="no_border_input_textarea">Excellent</textarea>
<td class="grading-wrapper">
<div class="grading-item">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="4">
<textarea class="no_border_input_textarea">Excellent</textarea>
<td class="grading-wrapper">
<div class="grading-item">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="4">
<textarea class="no_border_input_textarea">Excellent</textarea>
<td class="rubric-row-pts">
<div class="rubric_points">
<input type="text" class="no_border_input" value="40">
i'm made a table with and i'm trying to add a feature that allow user when scroll mouse down adds more rows but also to have fixed number of rows and vise verse correct when scroll up .
i'm using javascript angular
but now when i add information to field in a row and scroll down all information that was in the row disappear .
how could i when scroll down save the information .
my html code :
<table class="table table-bordered table-responsive col-md-11" ng-mouse-wheel-up="myscrollup()" ng-mouse-wheel-down="myscrolldown()" style="width: 95%">
<thead >
<tr context-menu="otherMenuOptions">
<th style="background-color: #00aba9" ng-style="colwidth[$index]" ng-repeat="h in head track by $index" >
<a style="color:#fff" href="#" ng-click="sortType = 'field{{$index}}'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">
<span ng-show="sortType == 'field{{$index}}' && !sortReverse" class="fa fa-angle-down"></span>
<span ng-show="sortType == 'field{{$index}}' && sortReverse" class="fa fa-angle-up"></span>
<tbody >
<tr ng-repeat="i in getNumber(NOR) track by $index | filter : $index>=RSN">
<td > {{$index+1}}</td>
<td> <input ng-style="name[$index]" ng-model="test" type="" value=""> </td>
<td> <input type="text" value=""> </td>
<td> <input type="text" value=""> </td>
<td> <input type="text" value=""> </td>
<td> <input type="text" value=""> </td>
<td> <input type="date" value=""> </td>
and my functions
I am trying to do Sum on oninput method. Means as the button press the function will be called and show sum of two input in a paragraph <p> tag.
I have my javascript function like this:
var button = document.getElementById('insert');
var table = document.getElementById('table');
var position=Math.round(table.rows.length - 3);
var row = table.insertRow(position);
var i=1;
row.innerHTML = '<td><input type="integer" name="qty[]" class="form-control" id="qty_' +position +'" oninput="myFunction(demo'+position+', event)"></td><td><input type="text" name="discription[]" class="form-control"></td><td><input type="text" name="price[]" class="form-control" placeholder="0.00" id="price_'+ position+'" oninput="myFunction(demo'+position+', event)"></td><td><input type="text" name="discount[]" class="form-control" placeholder="0.00"><td><input type="text" name="discountper[]" class="form-control" placeholder="0.00%"></td></td><td><p id="demo'+position+'"></p></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="taxed[]" class="form-control"></td> <td><a class="btn btn-circle red-haze btn-sm" href="javascript:void(0);" id="remCF"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a></td>';
After append it looks like this.
I would like to calculate Total Amount using quantity * price.
But i am not able to do that. It seems like Rows are appending fine. But when i try to call the function i am unable to specify the text are in the myFunction.
here is how myFuntion looks like:
function myFunction(place, event) {
var x =parseInt(document.getElementById(event.target.id).value); <!----now the problem is here i am not able to specify what QTY is clicked and which input is clicked -->
var y= parseInt(document.getElementById(event.target.id).value); <!----now the problem is here i am not able to specify what PRICE is clicked and which input is clicked -->
var z=x*y;
document.getElementById(place).innerHTML = z;
I would like to perform calculation row wise.
And if for reference if you want to know how my HTML looks then here is how it looks like.
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="sample_3">
<th style="width:7%;">
<th style="width:50%;">
<th style="width:10%;">
Unit Price
<th style="width:10%;">
<th style="width:10%;">
<th style="width:7%;">
<th style="width:2%;">
<th style="width:2%;">
<tbody id="table">
<tr class="odd gradeX" id="p_scents" name="p_scnt">
<input type="integer" name="qty[]" class="form-control" value="1" id="myInput1" oninput="myFunction('demo', event)" >
<input type="text" name="discription[]" class="form-control">
<input type="text" name="price[]" class="form-control" placeholder="0.00" id="myInput2" oninput="myFunction('demo', event)">
<input type="text" name="discount[]" class="form-control" placeholder="0.00">
<input type="text" name="discountper[]" class="form-control" placeholder="0.00%">
<p id="demo"></p>
<div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="taxed[]" class="form-control"></div>
</tr><!-- to add new column -->
<td colspan="4" >
<div align="right">
<b>Sub Total:</b>
<td colspan="6" >
<a id="insert">Add a New Service</a><br>
<a id="ajax-demo" data-toggle="modal">
Predifined Services </a><td>
here is the Jsfiddle link:
Thank you!
When I select a drop down I want to hide specific rows in one table without the other one moving. How can I make the table fixed so it does not move once something is hidden? I am trying to add spacer on the bottom left table but it is still moving in Chrome/IE 10. Need it to work for both browsers.
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/xha4tb74/4/
I am calling the change of rows when the database field is selected.
Do you just want the table to stay aligned at the top? If so you can just set the valign attribute on the td.
Code below and updated fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/xha4tb74/6/
<form action="GenerateTDE" method="post" id="inputForm" class="pure-form h5-defaults pure-form-stacked">
<table align="center" style="width:1300px;">
<td valign="top">
<th colspan="2" style="background-color: #0072bc;"><span style="color: white;">Database Details</span>
<th>* Database</th>
<th class="th_background">
<select id="database" class="form-control" name="database" onchange="database_details()">
<option value="oracle" selected="selected"><b>Oracle</b>
<option value="mssql"><b>Sql Server</b>
<option value="teraData"><b>TeraData</b>
<option value="epic"><b>Generic ODBC(Chronicles)</b>
<option value="sas"><b>SAS</b>
<th colspan="2" style="background-color: #0072bc;"></th>
<tr class="servicerow">
<th>* Service ID</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="sidText" name="sid" class="form-control" style="width: 100%" placeholder="Enter SID">
<tr class="portrow">
<th>* Port</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="portText" name="port" class="form-control" style="width: 30%" value="1521" placeholder="Enter port">
<tr class="dbNamerow">
<th>* DB Name</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="dbText" name="dbName" style="width: 100%" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter database name">
<tr class="dbdnsrow">
<th>* DB DNS Name</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="dnsText" name="url" style="width: 100%" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter DNS">
<tr class="librefsrow">
<th>* Lib Refs</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="librefs" name="librefs" style="width: 100%" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Librefs">
<tr class="hostrow">
<th>* Host</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="hostText" name="host" style="width: 100%" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter host Name">
<tr class="userrow">
<th>* Database User</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="userText" name="user" style="width: 100%" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter user Name">
<tr class="passwordrow">
<th>* Database Password</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="password" id="passwordText" style="width: 100%" name="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter database password">
<th colspan="2" style="background-color: #0072bc;"><span style="color: white;">* Name of TDE File</span><span data-toggle="tooltip" title="TDE Name should be unique for a site and project"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></span>
<th>Enter new TDE Name
<br>Select from already existing TDEs</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="tdeNameText" onclick="resetTDENameDropdown();" onblur="validateTdeName();" name="tdeName" style="width: 100%" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter TDE Name">Or
<select id="tdeNameDropDown" class="form-control" name="tdeNameDropDown" onchange="clearTDEName();">
<label for="tdeNameDropDown"></label>
<option value="">---Select TDE Name---</option>
<th colspan="2" style="background-color: #0072bc;"><span style="color: white;"></span>
<th>* Job Name <span data-toggle="tooltip" title="Job name should be unique for a user"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></span>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="text" id="jobName" name="jobName" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Job Name" style="width: 100%" required onblur="validateJobName();">
<th colspan="2" style="background-color: #0072bc;"><span style="color: white;"><input type="checkbox"
name="scheduler" id="scheduler" value="yes"
onclick="hide_time();"> Schedule TDE Generation Job </span>
<th>* Schedule List</th>
<th class="th_background">
<select id="cronSchedule" class="form-control" name="cronSchedule" disabled>
<label for="cronSchedule"></label>
<option value="">---Select Schedule</option>
</select> <a href="/TableauDataExtractApp-1/scheduleMainPage.jsp">Create
<tr id="filler" style="border-bottom: #d8d8d8 .1px solid;">
<th style="height: 49px;visibility: hidden;">filler</th>
<table style="margin-top:6px !important;">
<th colspan="2" style="background-color: #0072bc;"><span style="color: white;">TDE Refresh Options</span>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="radio" name="refreshTde" value="yes" checked> <span data-toggle="tooltip" title="This option creates new TDE or replaces existing TDE file with full data.">Full
Refresh <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></span>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="radio" name="refreshTde" value="no"> <span data-toggle="tooltip" title="This option appends existing TDE. Should have same data items in the SQL.">Incremental
Refresh <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></span>
<th colspan="2" style="background-color: #0072bc;"><span style="color: white;">* SQL Query to Generate TDE</span>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="radio" id="query_upload" name="group1" onclick="sql_toggle();">Upload SQL File</th>
<th class="th_background">
<input type="radio" id="query_radio" name="group1" onclick="sql_toggle();">SQL Query</th>
<tr class="uploadSQL">
<th class="th_background" colspan="2">
<input type="file" style="display: inline;" name="queryUpload" id="upload_querys">
<input type="button" onclick="formatSQL();" id="formatButton" value="Format SQL"></input>
<tr class="textSQL">
<th colspan="2" style="background-color: #0072bc;">
<textarea rows="29" style="width: 100% !important;" id="query" placeholder="Enter query" name="query" required></textarea>
<tr style="
border-bottom: none;
<th colspan="4">
<input type="submit" class="pure-button pure-button-primary" value="Generate TDE">
<input type="button" value=" Reset " class="pure-button pure-button-primary" onclick="resets();">
I am using AngularJS to show and retreive data from my users in HTML like:
<table id="app2" ng-app="categories" ng-cloak="" class="table table-hover" style="margin-top: 50px;">
<tr style="background-color:#4d748f; color:white;">
<th colspan="5" style="text-align:center; font-size:16px;">Add category</th>
<form novalidate>
<td colspan="4">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Category name"></input>
<td colspan="1">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-success"></input>
<tr style="background-color:#4d748f; color:white;">
<th colspan="5" style="text-align:center; font-size:16px;">Add product</th>
<form ng-controller="category">
<td colspan="1">
<select class="form-control m-b-10">
<option ng-repeat= "c in categories">{{c[1]}}</option>
<td colspan="1">
<select class="form-control m-b-10">
<td colspan="1">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Name"></input>
<td colspan="1">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Price" width="10%"></input>
<td colspan="1">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="product()"></input>
categories = angular.module('categories', []);
categories.controller("category",function($scope, $http){
var serviceBase = 'api/';
$http.get(serviceBase + 'categories').then(function (results) {
$scope.categories = results.data;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.categories.length; i++){
var categories = $scope.categories[i];
$scope.product = function($scope, $http){
$http.post(serviceBase + 'productadd/'+$scope.catID+'/'+$scope.catID+'/'+$scope.pname+'/'+$scope.pprice).then(function(results){
When I place my ng-controller on the select item to get the ng-repeat = c in categories. Then this works and I get the categories shown in my dropdown. But when I place it on the form tag it doesn't... I have to place it on my form tag because I want to add a product into my database after the user clicks the button to add products. And ng-click=product() gets called.
How can both of those functions function together?
You cannot wrap tr with you custom element except tbody, thead, table.. Simply used ng-form directive on tr which can be used as attribute
<tr ng-form name="myform" novalidate>
<td colspan="4">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Category name"></input>
<td colspan="1">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-success"></input>