how to use oauth2.0 call youtube v3 api - javascript

I want to use youtube v3 api to do a side project like youtube, I read the YOUTUBE V3 API file if I want to have CRUD and upload features must use oauth2.0, currently Creating OAuth 2.0 credentials has been completed, then can also get the token smoothly.
But my problem is that the documentation does not see an example of using the oauth2.0 call api.
In the case of Playlists just see the instructions and incomplete url
"Call the playlists.list method to retrieve the currently authenticated user's playlists. In your request, set the mine parameter's value to true. Note that a request that uses the mine parameter must be authorized using OAuth 2.0"
No examples of JSON or use oauth2.0 token call API, I would like to ask if you have used or. There are examples (API request & respond)


How to disable delete and update post options to the Blogger API

I am using the Blogger Javascript API to retrieve my blog posts and anyone can easily see API key in the view-source, and it can be used for deleting and updating posts. I would like somehow to prevent others from doing so, is there any way to do that?
Even if someone got your api key he can't make any changes to your blog, because updating or deleting posts requests requires authorizing with OAuth 2.0
If the request requires authorization (such as a request for an individual's private data), then the application must provide an OAuth 2.0 token with the request. The application may also provide the API key, but it doesn't have to.

How can I provide public access to my photos

I would like to build a small js library that can read a specific album from my account and display the photos within as a slideshow.
In this guide (, to access the API we need both ClientID and Secret. Is there any way to access the API using some type of public key for read-only access? That way I (the provider of photos) don't have to login every time?
The Google Photos Library API is used via OAuth2 user authentication. All requests through the API are made on behalf of a user. Public API keys or service accounts are not supported.
OAuth tokens expire after a certain time, which is returned as part of the OAuth authentication request. You can use a refresh token to retrieve a new access token once it has expired. If you'd like to do this without explicit interactive user interaction, your application needs to be authorized for offline access. The good news is that the authentication client libraries handle this for you.
If you are using Google Sign-In (for example on Android), you can check if the user has already signed in using GoogleSignIn.getLastSignedInAccount(this), so you would not need to prompt again for access. You could also enable server-side access if you want to make these offline requests from your backend.
If you are using any of the Google OAuth client libraries, you can specify the 'offline' parameter as part of the initial sign-in request. For example in Java, you would set the access type: .setAccessType("offline") on the GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder during creation.

Use Google Drive API from Javascript

I want to extend a project in a way that it can save files to Google Drive. To learn how this works I tried the Quick Start Example from the docs:
Following the example I noticed that the example is creating an API key in the developer console. Following the same steps only returns a Client secret. I suspected this to be a naming problem and hoped that the two are the same.
Unfortunately, the example code does not work but loggs the following error:
{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"usageLimits","reason":"keyInvalid","message":"Bad Request"}],"code":400,"message":"Bad Request"}}
In the request to:[[my key]]
I checked that the right secret appears in the request url. Setting var API_KEY = '<YOUR_API_KEY>'; to an empty string is a workaround.
How can I debug this further? where do i get the right api key?
I run into this error recently. It is certain that Google Documentation is usually quite good, but in this case, the Google Drive API ( it wasn't that clear. For this API in particular, you will require two credentials.
Under your project credentials section, you must create an OAuth 2.0 client for a web application and a API Key.
(Sorry for the Spanish in the screenshots)
Regarding the OAuth 2.0 client, not that I have restricted it to http://localhost
Concerning the API Key, note that I have restricted it to my Google Drive API
Then, in the index.html provided by the documentation, you can set your CLIENT_ID to the one obtained in the OAuth 2.0 client generation, and the API_KEY to the the one generated in the API Key process.
{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"usageLimits","reason":"keyInvalid","message":"Bad Request"}],"code":400,"message":"Bad Request"}}
Means that the request you have made has not been properly authenticated.
API key is for accessing public data. Oauth2 client id and secret will be used to access private user data which file.list is. So i dont think this is a naming problem. Your code should be popping up requesting access of the user.

How to get access token from Dropbox using JavaScript?

I am trying to list the files and folders that are in the Dropbox by using JavaScript. Can anyone suggest me how to get access token programmatically.
I can generate access token manually but I need to get from code.
To programmatically get an access token for a user, your app needs to send them through the OAuth app authorization flow. When directly using JavaScript, ideally you'd use an SDK or library, e.g.,:
(Note that the Datastore API functionality is deprecated, but the rest isn't.)
The tutorial will guide you through linking an account:
There's also more documentation and resources here:
There's also an OAuth guide here that should serve as a good reference about the OAuth flow:
Otherwise, if you want or need to implement this manually, the following blog posts may be helpful:
for OAuth 1:
for OAuth 2:

How to make Youtube Data Search API open for public usage?

Currently, I can use Youtube Data API to search for videos. However, I must be logged in onto my google account. Is it possible to conduct searches without logging in into an arbitrary google account? This way any user can just search without logging in.
I am using Youtube api in javascript
Search is a special case, where users don't have to log in through OAuth2. But you will need to provide your API key to authorize the access uf API usage.
Here's the example. HTML and JS
You'll need an API key so that any searching done through your app can be properly analyzed, routed, etc. If you're using v3 of the data API (which you should now that it's in production), you can easily request a key as you would get access to any google API:
Visit and register your
project (don't forget to give it a project ID)
From that project dashboard, select the Youtube API under the
'Services' tab.
Since you just want to do searching, under the 'API
Access' tab you can create a browser app key (part of the 'Simple
API Access' section). That generated key should be appended to all
REST calls.
If you still need to use v2 of the API for some reason, you can create your key here:
