Cannot get the number of var using javascript - javascript

I have this certain problem where I cannot get the number value of 'currentStock' var data inside an HTML file using JavaScript. I have this on my HTML file in script tag:
By the way, due to the HTML being too large, and also it was not originally my script, but from a friend who was asking for some help on adding some features in it, I can't upload the whole script as it will be going to be too long. The whole HTML script has 14076 characters with 289 lines.
I have only studied java and not javascript with HTML, so I need help with this one.
window.onload = function() {
var goDown = document.getElementById('uniqueNav');
var goRight = document.querySelector('.clothesNav');
var goUp = document.querySelector('.shrink'); = "0px"; = "5px"; = "0px";
var name = "Ombre Printed Shirt";
var price = "P499.00";
var initialStock = 0;
var currentStock = initialStock;
document.querySelector('#clothTitle').innerHTML = "" +name;
document.querySelector('#clothPrice').innerHTML = "Price: " +price;
document.querySelector('#PITitle').innerHTML = "" +name;
document.querySelector('#PIPrice').innerHTML = "Price: " +price;
document.querySelector('#currentStock').innerHTML = "CurrentStocks: " +currentStock;
}); //------------------------Change This Every Document ----------------------------//
then this in my JavaScript File:
var cStocks = document.getElementById('currentStock').data;
alert(typeof cStocks);
alert("Data in cStocks = " + cStocks);
if (!cStocks) {cStocks = 0; alert("cStocks, not a valid number");}
if ((cStocks <= 0) == true)
upon loading the page, the alert says thaat the data type is undefined. I don't know what's happening with my code. did I miss something?
By the way, I have JQuery on my HTML page. it says JQuery v3.3.1 as a version

It doesn't look to me like #currentStock will have a data attribute, or value attribute (which is for inputs), so of course the js returns undefined. Right now it looks like #currentStock is having the innerHTML set on the document.ready to Current Stocks: 0
You do have an accessible variable, currentStock, which is defined during document.ready. Why aren't you accessing it directly? It will have the numeric value in it already. All you can get from #currentStock is the html you generated on document.ready, and you'd have to parse the number out of it, when it's available in raw form in the js variable currentStock.


text string output stops after first space, js/html

I apologize in advance, this is the first Stack Overflow question I've posted. I was tasked with creating a new ADA compliant website for my school district's technology helpdesk. I started with minimal knowledge of HTML and have been teaching myself through w3cschools. So here's my ordeal:
I need to create a page for all of our pdf and html guides. I'm trying to create a somewhat interactable menu that is very simple and will populate a link array from an onclick event, but the title="" text attribute drops everything after the first space and I've unsuccessfully tried using a replace() method since it's coming from an array and not static text.
I know I'm probably supposed to use an example, but my work day is coming to a close soon and I wanted to get this posted so I just copied a bit of my actual code.
So here's what's happening, in example 1 of var gmaildocAlt the tooltip will drop everything after Google, but will show the entire string properly with example 2. I was hoping to create a form input for the other helpdesk personnel to add links without knowing how to code, but was unable to resolve the issue of example 1 with a
var fix = gmaildocAlt.replace(/ /g, "&nb sp;")
//minus the space
//this also happens to break the entire function if I set it below the rest of the other variables
I'm sure there are a vast number of things I'm doing wrong, but I would really appreciate the smallest tip to make my tooltip display properly without requiring a replace method.
// GMAIL----------------------------
function gmailArray() {
var gmaildocLink = ['link1', 'link2'];
var gmaildocTitle = ["title1", "title2"];
var gmaildocAlt = ["Google Cheat Sheet For Gmail", "Google 10-Minute Training For Gmail"];
var gmailvidLink = [];
var gmailvidTitle = [];
var gmailvidAlt = [];
if (document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML == "") {
for (i = 0; i < gmaildocTitle.length; i++) {
arrayGmail = "" + gmaildocTitle[i] + "" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML += arrayGmail;
for (i = 0; i < gmailvidTitle.length; i++) {
arrayGmail1 = "";
document.getElementById("").innerHTML += arrayGmail1;
} else {
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML = "";
<div class="fixed1">
<p id="gmail" onclick="gmailArray()" class="gl">Gmail</p>
<ul id="gmailList"></ul>
<p id="calendar" onclick="calendarArray()" class="gl">Calendar</p>
<ul id="calendarList"></ul>
Building HTML manually with strings can cause issues like this. It's better to build them one step at a time, and let the framework handle quoting and special characters - if you're using jQuery, it could be:
var $link = jQuery("<a></a>")
.attr("href", gmaildocLink[i])
.attr("title", gmaildocAlt[i])
Without jQuery, something like:
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", gmaildocLink[i]);
link.setAttribute("title", gmaildocAlt[i]);
link.innerHTML = gmaildocTitle[i];
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML += link.outerHTML + "<br>";
If it matters to your audience, setAttribute doesn't work in IE7, and you have to access the attributes as properties of the element: link.href = "something";.
If you add ' to either side of the variable strings then it will ensure that the whole value is read as a single string. Initially, it was assuming that the space was exiting the Title attribute.
Hope the below helps!
UPDATE: If you're worried about using apostrophes in the title strings, you can use " by escaping them using a . This forces JS to read it as a character and not as part of the code structure. See the example below.
Thanks for pointing this one out guys! Sloppy code on my part.
// GMAIL----------------------------
function gmailArray() {
var gmaildocLink = ['link1', 'link2'];
var gmaildocTitle = ["title1", "title2"];
var gmaildocAlt = ["Google's Cheat Sheet For Gmail", "Google 10-Minute Training For Gmail"];
var gmailvidLink = [];
var gmailvidTitle = [];
var gmailvidAlt = [];
if (document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML == "") {
for (i = 0; i < gmaildocTitle.length; i++) {
var arrayGmail = "" + gmaildocTitle[i] + "" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML += arrayGmail;
for (var i = 0; i < gmailvidTitle.length; i++) {
var arrayGmail1 = "";
document.getElementById("").innerHTML += arrayGmail1;
} else {
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML = "";
<div class="fixed1">
<p id="gmail" onclick="gmailArray()" class="gl">Gmail</p>
<ul id="gmailList"></ul>
<p id="calendar" onclick="calendarArray()" class="gl">Calendar</p>
<ul id="calendarList"></ul>

Java Applet is undefined

I have this jzebra applet that I need to do some client side ticket printing.
This is the applets html definition:
<applet id="jzebra" name="jzebra" code="jzebra.PrintApplet.class" archive="../../../../../../web/org.openbravo.howtos/lib/jzebra.jar"
width="10px" height="10px">
The function I call in the form button is this:
function printDocument() {
var applet = document.jzebra;
var frm = document.frmMain;
var url = frm.elements["inpftpOBDir"].value;
var file ="0.txt";
var archivo = url + "/" + file;
if (applet != null) {
var printname = frm.elements["inpPrinterName"].value;
var indice = frm.inpPrinterSelected.selectedIndex;
var printselected = frm.inpPrinterSelected.options[indice].text;
if(printselected == ""){
// printname = "zebra"
//alert('Default : ' + printname);
} else {
//alert('Selected : ' + printselected);
alert('File : ' + archivo);
// applet.findPrinter(printname);
// Send characters/raw commands to printer
alert('The document was sent to the printer.');
I checked the console and there is a definition of applet, but when it reaches applet.findPrinter(printname), just explodes because applet.findPrinter is not a function.
Has anyone faced this struggle before? I have seen that there is a little gray square in the top left corner of my page. When I hover on it, it displays "undefined".
I finally came up with a very complex solution, having to use jnlp. I will post my code later for references, if anyone else find similar problems.

My JavaScript works as inline code but not as an include file. Any ideas why and how to fix it?

I have this form:
<form id="searchForm" class="search_field" method="get" action="">
Then this javascript:
var form = document.getElementById("searchForm");
form.doSearch1.onclick = searchPage;
form.doSearch2.onclick = searchPage;
form.showFeatureChoices.onclick = function( )
var cbs = form.featType;
for ( var c = 0; c < cbs.length; ++c )
cbs[c].checked = false;
document.getElementById("featuresDiv").style.display = "block";
function searchPage()
var form = document.getElementById("searchForm");
var searchText = form.searchBox.value.replace(/-/g,"");
form.searchBox.value = searchText;
if (searchText != "")
// collect features to search for:
var features = [ ];
var featTypes = form.featType;
for ( var f = 0; f < featTypes.length; ++f )
if ( featTypes[f].checked ) features.push( featTypes[f].value );
featureList = "'" + features.join("','") + "'";
searchMsg("Searching for '" + searchText + "' ...");
// startStatusUpdate(1000);
// findTask.execute(findParams, showResults);
var accord = dijit.byId("accordianContainer");
var resultsPane = dijit.byId("resultsPane");
doSearch( searchText, featureList );
searchMsg("No search criteria entered, enter search text");
If I embed this code in same file as the <form..., it works fine.
If however, I have this js in another file and use as include file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="Views/JS/main.js"></script>
I get following error: "Object required" and it points to these lines:
form.doSearch1.onclick = searchPage;
form.doSearch2.onclick = searchPage;
Any ideas how to fix this?
Just a bit more info, the js code shown above in a file called main.js which is in a folder called JS and Js is in a folder called Views. The
Thanks a lot in advance
When you include the JavaScript code in the same page, where is it in relation to the form element? (Before or after it?) How about when you reference the external JavaScript file?
I'm guessing that in the former case the code is at the end of the file, while in the latter case the script reference tag is at the beginning?
If that's true then what's happening is this code is being executed before the DOM is ready:
var form = document.getElementById("searchForm");
form.doSearch1.onclick = searchPage;
form.doSearch2.onclick = searchPage;
If the form tag hasn't been rendered to the DOM yet then that first line won't find anything, and the subsequent lines will fail as a result. One approach is to put the script reference tags at the end, but that seems like a hack to me. Sometimes there are good reasons to keep them in the page header, not the least of which is cleaner management of the code in many cases. There are other ways to hold off on executing JavaScript code until the DOM is ready.

Extracting the source code of a facebook page with JavaScript

If I write code in the JavaScript console of Chrome, I can retrieve the whole HTML source code by entering:
var a = document.body.InnerHTML; alert(a);
For fb_dtsg on Facebook, I can easily extract it by writing:
var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value;
Now, I am trying to extract the code "h=AfJSxEzzdTSrz-pS" from the Facebook Page. The h value is especially useful for Facebook reporting.
How can I get the h value for reporting? I don't know what the h value is; the h value is totally different when you communicate with different users. Without that h correct value, you can not report. Actually, the h value is AfXXXXXXXXXXX (11 character values after 'Af'), that is what I know.
Do you have any ideas for getting the value or any function to generate on Facebook page.
The Facebook Source snippet is below, you can view source on facebook profile, and search h=Af, you will get the value:
<code class="hidden_elem" id="ukftg4w44">
<!-- <div class="mtm mlm">
<span class="itemLabel fsm">Unfriend...</span></a></li>
<li class="uiMenuItem" data-label="Report/Block...">
<a class="itemAnchor" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="/ajax/report/social.php?content_type=0&cid=1352686914&rid=1352686914& F%3Fq&h=AfjSxEzzdTSrz-pS&from_gear=timeline" rel="dialog">
<span class="itemLabel fsm">Report/Block...</span></a></li></ul></div>
</div> -->
Please guide me. How can extract the value exactly?
I tried with following code, but the comment block prevent me to extract the code. How can extract the value which is inside comment block?
var a = document.getElementsByClassName('hidden_elem')[3].innerHTML;alert(a);
Here's my first attempt, assuming you aren't afraid of a little jQuery:
function getParameterByName(name, path) {
var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(path);
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
var html = $('.hidden_elem')[0].innerHTML.replace('<!--', '').replace('-->', '');
var href = $(html).find('.itemAnchor').attr('href');
var fbId = getParameterByName('h', href); // fbId = AfjSxEzzdTSrz-pS
Working Demo
EDIT: A way without jQuery:
function getParameterByName(name, path) {
var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(path);
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
var hiddenElHtml = document.getElementsByClassName('hidden_elem')[0]
.innerHTML.replace('<!--', '').replace('-->', '');
var divObj = document.createElement('div');
divObj.innerHTML = hiddenElHtml;
var itemAnchor = divObj.getElementsByClassName('itemAnchor')[0];
var href = itemAnchor.getAttribute('href');
var fbId = getParameterByName('h', href);
Working Demo
I'd really like to offer a different solution for "uncommenting" the HTML, but I stink at regex :)

Insert javascript from an external script into javascript in the HTML

I have some JS from an external JS file that I want to insert inside of a JS function in the HTML file. I can not touch the JS script in the HTML file, so I am wondering if this method can be done.
Here is the JS I want to insert inside of the JS function in the HTML file.
if (OS == "mobile"){
if (OS == "mobile"){
if (!document.all){
flvPlayerLoaded = false;
}else {
Then I want to insert it into here.
function mediaTypeCheck() {
if (bsiCompleteArray[arrayIndex].mediaType == "video") {
document.getElementById("bsi-video-wrap").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById('pngBsi').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("frame_photo").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("relativeFrame").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("buy-me-photo-button-bsi").style.display = "none";
if (bsiCompleteArray[arrayIndex].mediaType == "photo") {
document.getElementById("bsi-video-wrap").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('pngBsi').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("relativeFrame").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("frame_photo").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("buy-me-photo-button-bsi").style.display = "block";
if (!document.all){
flvPlayerLoaded = false;
Thank you!
In JavaScript, you can overwrite variables with new values at any time, including functions.
By the looks of it, you could replace the mediaTypeCheck function with one of your own that does what you need and then calls the original function.
// keep track of the original mediaTypeCheck
var old_function = mediaTypeCheck;
// overwrite mediaTypeCheck with your wrapper function
mediaTypeCheck = function() {
if ( conditions ) {
// do whatever you need to, then ...
return old_function();
The above can be loaded from any script, so long as it happens after the mediaTypeCheck function is defined.
The easiest way for me in the past has been using server-side includes. Depending on your back end, you can set up a PHP or ASP page or whatever to respond with a mime type that mimics ".js".
I'm not a PHP guy, but you'd do something like this: (if my syntax is incorrect, please someone else fix it)
//adding this header will make your browser think that this is a real .js page
header( 'Content-Type: application/javascript' );
//your normal javascript here
function mediaTypeCheck() {
if (bsiCompleteArray[arrayIndex].mediaType == "video") {
//here is where you would 'include' your first javascript page
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/file.php");
//now continue on with your normal javascript code
document.getElementById("bsi-video-wrap").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById('pngBsi').style.display = "block";
You cannot insert JS inside JS. What you can do is insert another tag into the DOM and specify the SRC for the external JS file.
You can directly insert js file using $.getScript(url);
if you have script as text then you can create script tag.
var script = docuent.createElement('script');
script.innerText = text;
The issue in your case is that you cannot touch the script in the html, so I'll say that it cannot be done on the client side.
If you could at least touch the script tag (not the script itself), then you could add a custom type to manipulate it before it executes, for example:
<script type="WaitForInsert">
Your question looks some strange, but seems to be possible. Try my quick/dirty working code and implement your own situation:
$(document.body).ready(function loadBody(){
var testStr = test.toString();
var indexAcc = testStr.indexOf("{");
var part1 = testStr.substr(0, indexAcc + 1);
var part2 = testStr.substr(indexAcc + 1, testStr.length - indexAcc - 2);
var split = part2.split(";");
split.splice(0,0, "alert('a')");
split.splice(split.length -1, 0, "alert('d')");
var newStr = part1 + split.join(";") + ";" + "}";
function test(){
