Looking for matches in different arrays (Google Apps Script) - javascript

I have the following script in Google Apps Script:
for(var i=0; i<lastCode; i++) {
var productCode = prodCodesArr[i];
for(var j=0; j<kelliLastCode; j++) {
var kelliProductCode = kelliCodesArr[j];
if(productCode == kelliProductCode) {
Logger.log('match found')
The 2 arrays are created dynamically. So the idea is (and I know there must be MUCH better ways to do this, but I am pretty new to this so bear with me) that I am setting i to the value of the first product code in one array and then looping through the other array whilst storing the product codes in this one to j. Now, I tried logging:
Logger.log(productCode + ' - ' + kelliProductCode);
And this worked and indeed, there were instances where productCode and kelliProduct code matched.
Yet my if statement above does not pick these up.
Again, I'm sure I've botched this entirely but any help would be greatly appreciated...

What's the point of the check? To determine which of your prodCodesArr items are also in kelliCodesArr? Why not parse kelliCodesArr just once, and then use hash lookups instead of array traversal? This will mean that you don't have to use nested for loops, which will scale very poorly as the inner loop size grows. An example (with some checks for assumptions on my part):
function foo() {
const kelliCodes = getKelliCodesArraySomehow();
const productCodes = getProductCodesArraySomehow();
// If these are 2D arrays, note that for `var a = ['help']; var b = ['help'];`
// `a` is never equal to `b` because they are not the exact same object in memory.
if (kelliCodes.length && Array.isArray(kelliCodes[0])) {
throw new TypeError("This SO answer was predicated on `kelliCodes` and `productCodes` being 1D arrays, but they aren't!");
const kelliLookup = kelliCodes.reduce(function (obj, kpc, idx) {
if (typeof kpc === 'object') {
console.log({message: "This SO answer assumed kpc was a string", kpc: kpc});
throw new TypeError("You probably want to store a property of this object, not the whole object");
obj[kpc] = idx;
return obj;
}, {});
var productsAlsoInKelliCodes = productCodes.filter(function (pc) {
return kelliLookup.hasOwnProperty(pc);
productsAlsoInKelliCodes.forEach(function (pc) {
Logger.log("The index of this product code %s in kelliCodes is %s", pc, kelliLookup[pc]);
If your ___codes arrays are 2D arrays, you should flatten them before comparison, as comparing an Array instance to another Array instance will always return false, even if they contain the same element primitives--they aren't the exact same Array instance:
In JS, which is faster: Object's "in" operator or Array's indexof?
Javascript: what lookup is faster: array.indexOf vs object hash?
I'm sure there are more.

Something like this might help you to see what's happening:
function compareA(prodCodesArr,kelliCodesArr) {
var html="";
for(var i=0;i<prodCodesArr.length;i++) {
for(var j=0;j<kelliCodesArr.length;j++) {
if(productCodesArr[i]==kelliCodesArr[j]) {
html+=Utilities.formatString('Matched: %s=%s', productCodesArr[i],kelliCodesArr[j]);
html+=Utilities.formatString('No-Match: %s=%s', productCodesArr[i],kelliCodesArr[j]);
var userInterface=HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html);
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(userInterface, 'Comparing')


How do I add elements to a dynamic array and exclude exsisting elements

function addNumifnotThere(numer){
var numCent = [];
if(numer in numCent)
console.log("you logged that");
return numCent;
This is my current code, what its attempting to do is read an array and if there is already an element exits the loop and says "you already logged that", obviously if it cannot find a similar element then it pushes it to the array.
I want this to work dynamically so we cannot know the size of the array beforehand, so the first element passed as an argument should be put into the array, (addNum(1) should have the array print out [1], calling addNum(1) again should print "you already logged that")
However there are two problems with this
1) Trying to push to a new array without any entries means everything is undefined and therefore trying to traverse the array just causes the program to print [].
2) Adding some random elements to the array just to make it work, in this case numCent=[1,2,3] has other issues, mainly that adding a number above 3 causes the code to print incorrect information. In this case addNum(5) should print [1,2,3,5] but instead prints [1,2,3,5,5,5]
I know this has to be a simple mistake but I've been dragging myself too long to not ask for help.
EDIT: Thanks to the many outstanding answers here I have now leanred about the indexOf method, thank you guys so much.
For every non-match you are pushing the number. Use something like this
var numCent = [];
function addNumifnotThere(numer)
var index = numCent.indexOf(number);
if(index >=0)
console.log("you logged that");
return numCent;
Use Array.prototype.indexOf
var numCent = [];
function addNum(numer){
if (numCent.indexOf(numer) > -1)
console.log("Number already in array");
//DEMO CODE, not part of solution
document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function(){
if (document.querySelector("input").value.length > 0)
document.querySelector("div").innerHTML = numCent.join(", ");
}, false);
<div id="output"></div>
<input />
<button>Add number</button>
indexOf tests if an element is inside the array and returns its index. If not found it will return -1. You can test for this. You can try it for your self in this snippet. It will only allow you to add a number (or any string, in this example) once.
I also was confused by the newCent array declaration inside the function. I think, based upon the content of your question, you meant this.
If you want the array held in the instance, you can do it like this.
function AddIf(arr){
if( arr || !this.arr ) {
this.arr = arr || [];
return function(number) {
if( this.arr.indexOf(number) >= 0 ) {
console.log("Already Present!");
} else {
return this.arr;
// Usage would be like this:
// var addIf = new AddIf([1, 2, 3]);
// addIf(10); // returns [1, 2, 3, 10]
// addIf(10); // logs "Already Present!", doesn't add 10 to array
This basically returns a function, with this bound to the function being called. If you pass in an initial array, it will use that array to compare to when adding it to the array.
You can catch the return function and call it as you would want to. If you don't call new when invoking however, it will share the same array instance (and have a funky way of being called, AddIf()(10)).
I used fn.bind() to ensure the function gets called in the correct context every time, if you were wondering why I called it like that.
Do do this cleanly, I'd consider prototyping the global Array object and adding a method to push values but only if they're unique to the array. Something like this:
Array.prototype.pushUnique = function (item) {
if (this.indexOf(item) != -1) {
console.log("Item with value of " + item + " already exists in the array."
else {
If you're not comfortable prototypeing global types like Array, you can build the same thing in a procedural pattern:
function arrayPushUnique (arr, item) {
if (arr.indexOf(item) != -1) {
console.log("Item with value of " + item + " already exists in the array."
else {
Then to use it, simply create a new empty array and start pushing things to it.
var numCent = [];
// The Array.prototype method
// The procedural method
arrayPushUnique(numCent, number);

looping through objects to return objects with 'distinct' property - Javascript

I have a list of objects as shown in the image.
These all have the property statusCode: 62467 but the journey property goes like: 0,1,2,3,3,4,4,4,4
I want to loop through these objects and return the FIRST of the duplicated (they are not the same object, just that both have the same journey number and the same status code) objects with the same journey number.
So I want to return the bold objects: 0,1,2,3,3,4,4,4,4
$.each(points, function (index, point) {
for (i = 0; i < journeyNumber.length; i++) {
if (point.k.journey === journeyNumber[i] && point.k.statusCode === '62467') {
The screenshot is the log of console.log(point), so ideally I would like another loop inside which returns only the first object of the same journey number.
Hope this makes sense and thank you for your time.
Try this,
var temp = [];
$.each(points, function (index, point) {
if (temp.indexOf(point.k.journey) === -1) {
Create a fresh object with status codes and check against that.
var journeys = {};
for(object in points){
// extract the properties you want (or use them directly, this is not necessary)
var journey = points[object].journey;
var status = points[object].statusCode;
// use the typeof operator to see if the journey has already been set before
if(typeof journeys[journey] == "undefined"){
// then define it.
journeys[journey] = status;
(Please note I am not actually correctly referencing the journey and statusCode, you'd have to do something like objects[object][k].journey to access the right property, but thats not really the point)
You can even add anything you want into the journeys object, nesting another object with the extracted latitude and longitude, or even just nesting the entire object in the journey!
journeys[journey] = points[object];
Now you can get every journey by looping through them again, and the associated first statusCode:
for(journey in journeys){
console.log("First instance of journey " + journey + " had statusCode " + journeys[journey]);

Javascript 'First or Default' function for 'associative arrays'/objects

Is there a better way to do this?
I'm storing values in what some would erroneously call an associated array:
The tokens object stores.... tokens and a count of documents using that token on a per-db level.
var tokens = {'db1' : { '654321': { 'docCount': 1 },
'321456': { 'docCount': 2 } },
'db2' : { '999999': { 'docCount': 1 } } };
I can add/remove dbs and tokens and update the docCounts appropriately.
We can assume, due to code omitted for brevity, that if a db exists, a token also exists with a docCount of at least 1.
If a db exists and I need to retrieve ANY of its tokens, what is the best method?
If the dbs held arrays, it would be as easy as tokens['db1'][0]... but I'm not using arrays.
I have something like the following, "inspired" by LINQ (please don't blame LINQ):
// NOTE: default not implemented here
var firstOrDefault = function(obj) {
var thing;
for (var i in obj) {
thing = i;
return thing;
which would be called as so (simplified for example):
var anyToken;
if (tokens['db1') { anyToken = firstOrDefault(tokens['db1']); }
Generally returning per the above example '654321' (as this is an object, not an array, order is not guaranteed, but either value is acceptable in my code).
Is this a reasonable method to get any value?
Is there a better method?
Should I just suck it up, shove everything into an array, and wrap the storage features that way?
UPDATE: I've removed the default reference, as an unfound item will a perfectly acceptable undefined response:
// NOTE: obj.hasOwnProperty not implemented for brevity
var firstOrAny = function(obj) {
var thing;
for (var i in obj) {
thing = i;
return thing;
which would be called as so (simplified for example):
var anyToken;
if (tokens['db1') { anyToken = firstOrAny(tokens['db1']); }
Slightly shorter solution:
var firstOrDefault = function(obj, d) {
for (var i in obj)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i))
return obj[i];
return d;
But yes, it is the fastest way to get any (usually first inserted) key from an object.
I also added a hasOwnProperty check to prevent cases where the values are retrieved from the prototype chain.

How can I find the number if I search for “Addendum” using JavaScript?

I have an object like the following:
var RevenueCodes = {
41020: "Addendum",
41040: "Cardiology Assessment",
41060: "Chiropractic Assessment",
41290: "Neurology File Review - CAT",
41240: "Neurology Assessment"
How can I find the number if I search for “Addendum” using JavaScript?
You can use for...in to enumerate object properties.
var RevenueCodes = {
41020: "Addendum",
41040: "Cardiology Assessment",
41060: "Chiropractic Assessment",
41290: "Neurology File Review - CAT",
41240: "Neurology Assessment"
for (var propertyName in RevenueCodes) {
if (RevenueCodes[propertyName] === "Addendum") {
console.log("property name: %s", propertyName);
I would have two vars, RevenueByCode and CodeByRevenue, the former being what you have and the latter being the same except with the key/values reversed, so you can get constant time lookup at the expense of having to (possibly) set up the second variable by looping over the first.
You can do
var code;
for (var key in RevenueCodes) {
var val = RevenueCodes[key];
if (val === 'Addendum') code = key;
to get the code (you should optimize a bit) and you can also use the same loop structure to setup your other lookup, if you want to do that.
var number;
for(var key in RevenueCodes) { // iterate
if(RevenueCodes.hasOwnProperty(key) && RevenueCodes[key] === "Addendum") {
// if it's not a prototype property and the value is Addendum, store key
// as number and stop the loop
number = key;
Javascript has direct way of doing this. You need to loop through all the keys, compare the values and then choose the right one.. If you want to do this repeatedly, you need to build the reverse map once and use it...

Create an array with tree elements in Javascript

I need to create an array from tree elements in Javascript and being a newbie I don't know how to achieve this.
pseudo-code :
function make_array_of_tree_node(tree_node)
for (var i = 0; i < tree_node.childCount; i ++) {
var node = tree_node_node.getChild(i);
if (node.type ==0) {
// Here I'd like to put a link (node.title) in an array as an element
} else if (node.type ==6) {
// Here the element is a folder so a I need to browse it
// Some code
// Here I'd like to have access to the array containing all the elements node.title
You can declare an array like this:
var nodes = [];
Then you can add things to it with:
That adds to the end of the array; in that sense it's kind-of like a list. You can access elements by numeric indexes, starting with zero. The length of the array is maintained for you:
var len = nodes.length;
What you'll probably want to do is make the array another parameter of your function.
edit — To illustrate the pattern, if you've got a recursive function:
function recursive(data, array) {
if ( timeToStop ) {
array.push( data.whatever );
else {
recursive(data.subData, array);
Then you can use a second function to be the real API that other code will use:
function actual(data) {
var array = [];
recursive(data, array); // fills up the array
return array;
In JavaScript, furthermore, it's common to place the "recursive" function inside the "actual" function, which makes the recursive part private and keeps the global namespace cleaner.
