Understanding panzoom in Vue - javascript

I'm trying to understand how zooming works. I use Vue and the panzoom project.
I found out that I can use the smoothZoom function in order to zoom. But I struggle to understand which parameters it should get.
From chrome I see that I can use the following function of panzoom
ƒ smoothZoom(clientX, clientY, scaleMultiplier) {
var fromValue = transform.scale
var from = {scale: fromValue}
var to = {scale: scaleMultiplier * fromValue}
But I don't understand what is the purpose of clientX, clientY, scaleMultiplier.
For now, I use the function as following:
var transform = this.newArea.getTransform();
var deltaX = transform.x;
var deltaY = transform.y;
var scale = transform.scale;
var newScale = scale + this.minScale; // minScale is set to 0.2
But for some reason it does not zoom as expected, it could zoom in left, zoom in right, even zoom out.
I create newArea as following:
const area = document.querySelector('.chart');
this.newArea = panzoom(area, { maxZoom: this.maxZoom, minZoom: this.minZoom, zoomSpeed: this.zoomSpeed });
I think that I don't fully understand the meaning of the arguments and probably my algorithm does not work.
How should I change the deltaX, deltaY and newScale so it work (I mean which arguments should I pass)?

Okay maybe i missunderstood the issue:
so the smoothZoom method actually calls amator
this then calls for each timedelta within the growth from the current scale to scale * scaleMultiplier, ({scale}) => zoomAbs(clientX, clientY, scale)
zoomAbs then calculates the ratio and calls zoomRatio wich asigns transform x,y and scale and triggers callbacks and lastly calls applyTransform
clientX, clientY will be calculated by transformToScreen and passed to transform,
but I suggest to read the source to get a deeper insight
scaleMultiplier is the multiplier for the zoom.
deltax does css translate-x
deltay does css translate-y
scale does css scale
Panzoom uses css transform matrices: applyTransform
and as per readable specs: matrix(a, b, c, d, tx, ty)
where in the used variance:
a is the scalefactor in x direction
b is 0
c is 0
d is the scalefactor in y direction
tx is the translation in x direction
ty is the translation in y direction
for a deeper knowledge one can just calculate some examples:
Given a shape with point A, B, C, D.
Now for any valid transformmatrix M the resulting points A', B', C', D' are calculated this way:
M x A = A' (to not violate math A will be (0,0,1,1) so 4x4 times 4x1)
M x D = D'
so in detail for A = (x,y,1,1):
A'.x = A.x * a + A.y * c + 1 * 0 + 1 * tx,
and with c = 0:
A'.x = A.x * a + tx,
A'.y = A.x * b + A.y * d + 1 * 0 + 1 * ty,
and with b = 0:
A'.y = A.y * d + ty
div {
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
background-color: skyblue;
.changed {
transform: matrix(1, 0, 0, 2, 20, 20);
background-color: pink;
<div class="changed">Changed</div>


How to create a color picker circle like Phillips Hue

I'm trying to create a color picker in javascript canvas. I want to make something like this:
I want that when i click anywhere in the circle, i get x, y coordinates (so I can use some other element to mark the selected color) and color.
I would prefer if the solution was not a canvas with embedded image, but something like linear-gradient.
I have searched the internet, but have not found anything to my question.
P.S.: Maybe css border-radius will help to make a circle.
Disclaimer: this answer is intended as an improovement of rickdenhaan's answer.
You can stack css gradients to obtain the color wheel, and use simple math to compute the color at given coordinates without actually picking the color from the wheel.
This approach doesn't use EyeDropper, so it should have full browsers support. In the following code I have bind the code to the mousemove event to test it easily; just replace the event name with "click" to get the expected behaviour:
const colors = [
{r: 0xe4, g: 0x3f, b: 0x00},
{r: 0xfa, g: 0xe4, b: 0x10},
{r: 0x55, g: 0xcc, b: 0x3b},
{r: 0x09, g: 0xad, b: 0xff},
{r: 0x6b, g: 0x0e, b: 0xfd},
{r: 0xe7, g: 0x0d, b: 0x86},
{r: 0xe4, g: 0x3f, b: 0x00}
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.getElementById('color-wheel').addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
var rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();
//Compute cartesian coordinates as if the circle radius was 1
var x = 2 * (e.clientX - rect.left) / (rect.right - rect.left) - 1;
var y = 1 - 2 * (e.clientY - rect.top) / (rect.bottom - rect.top);
//Compute the angle in degrees with 0 at the top and turning clockwise as expected by css conic gradient
var a = ((Math.PI / 2 - Math.atan2(y, x)) / Math.PI * 180);
if (a < 0) a += 360;
//Map the angle between 0 and number of colors in the gradient minus one
a = a / 360 * (colors.length - 1); //minus one because the last item is at 360° which is the same as 0°
//Compute the colors to interpolate
var a0 = Math.floor(a) % colors.length;
var a1 = (a0 + 1) % colors.length;
var c0 = colors[a0];
var c1 = colors[a1];
//Compute the weights and interpolate colors
var a1w = a - Math.floor(a);
var a0w = 1 - a1w;
var color = {
r: c0.r * a0w + c1.r * a1w,
g: c0.g * a0w + c1.g * a1w,
b: c0.b * a0w + c1.b * a1w
//Compute the radius
var r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
if (r > 1) r = 1;
//Compute the white weight, interpolate, and round to integer
var cw = r < 0.8 ? (r / 0.8) : 1;
var ww = 1 - cw;
color.r = Math.round(color.r * cw + 255 * ww);
color.g = Math.round(color.g * cw + 255 * ww);
color.b = Math.round(color.b * cw + 255 * ww);
//Compute the hex color code and apply it
var xColor = rgbToHex(color.r, color.g, color.b);
document.getElementById('color').innerText = xColor;
document.getElementById('color').style.backgroundColor = xColor;
function componentToHex(c) {
var hex = c.toString(16);
return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
return "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b);
#color-wheel {
width: 150px;
height: 150px;
background: radial-gradient(white, transparent 80%),
conic-gradient(#e43f00, #fae410, #55cc3b, #09adff, #6b0efd, #e70d86, #e43f00);
border-radius: 50%;
<div id="color-wheel"></div>
Color: <span id="color"></span>
If you really don't want to use an image, you need to currently draw each pixel by hand. I'm sure there's mathematical functions for this somewhere.
The reason you can't do this using gradients is because to get a gradient color wheel like that, you would need to stack a radial gradient and a conic gradient. The conic gradient will create the color wheel, the radial gradient will provide the white overlay that spreads out from the center.
You cannot currently do this using a canvas, because not all browsers currently support the createConicGradient function on a canvas. In those browsers, you can only use radial gradients (and linear gradients, of course, but those won't help for this).
You can use stacked CSS background gradients, but browsers do not currently have a reliable way to determine an individual pixel's background color at specific X/Y coordinates, except within a canvas. And since CSS background styles aren't part of a canvas's context, that won't work. There are workarounds that make use of the html2canvas library, but this has the same problem in browsers that do not support conic gradients on canvases.
Browsers are starting to implement the EyeDropper API but this is still rare to find and even if browsers do have it, it's an unstable API and not really suited for production use. But if it's supported you could use that with the stacked CSS background gradients on a regular div like so, no canvas needed:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.getElementById('color-wheel').addEventListener('click', function() {
(new EyeDropper()).open().then(function(result) {
document.getElementById('color').innerText = result.sRGBHex;
#color-wheel {
width: 150px;
height: 150px;
background: radial-gradient(white, transparent 80%),
conic-gradient(#e43f00, #fae410, #55cc3b, #09adff, #6b0efd, #e70d86, #e43f00);
border-radius: 50%;
<div id="color-wheel"></div>
Color: <span id="color"></span>
But as I said, this is unstable and will definitely not work in all browsers for the foreseeable future.

svg.js animated rotation of elements gives unexpected results (visible "jiggling")

I am using svg.js to create an animation of a bicyle rider. Semi-complete version here: https://pedalfuriously.neocities.org/. I'm running in to a bit of a problem with moving and rotating svg elements during animation created with requestAnimationFrame (rather than the svg.js built in animation).
If you take a look at the link, and use the cadence slider to make the rider pedal very fast, and then flip the slider quickly all the way back to zero, you can see that his lower leg "jiggles" in a disconnected way. What's really doing my head in is that the postion of the legs are determined in each frame based on an absolute relation to the rotation of the cranks (rather than taking some delta time value to determine movement over that frame).
I think I've been able to confirm what aspect of my code is causing the problem. Here is a minimal example that doesn't exhibit the exact behaviour, but I think illustrates the kind of thing I think is responsible:
var draw = SVG("drawing").viewbox(0, 0, 400, 400)
var origin = {
x: 70,
y: 70
var length = 60
var blueLine = draw.group()
blueLine.line(0, 0, 0 + length, 0).move(origin.x, origin.y)
color: "#00f",
width: 4
blueLine.angle = 0
var greenLine = draw.group()
greenLine.line(0, 0, 0 + length, 0).move(origin.x, origin.y)
color: "#0f0",
width: 4
greenLine.angle = 0
var previous = 0
var dt = 0
var step = function(timestamp) {
dt = timestamp - previous
previous = timestamp
blueLine.angle += 0.18 * dt
blueLine.rotate(blueLine.angle, origin.x, origin.y)
var endX = Math.cos(toRad(blueLine.angle)) * length
var endY = Math.sin(toRad(blueLine.angle)) * length
// Comment out this line, and rotation works fine
greenLine.move(endX, endY)
greenLine.angle = blueLine.angle - 10
// Comment out this line, and movement works fine
greenLine.rotate(greenLine.angle, origin.x, origin.y)
// But they don't work together. If I both move and rotate
// the green line, it goes in this crazy huge arc, rather
// than rotating neatly around the end of the blue line
// as expected.
function toRad(deg) {
return deg * (Math.PI / 180)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/svg.js/2.6.4/svg.js"></script>
<div id="drawing"></div>
Something else I noticed with my actual code is that if I move the position of the legs, it changes the severity of the problem, or even stops it altogether. If the hips are positioned all the way near the front of the bicycle, the problem is not nearly as bad. Also, if I disable rotation on the lower legs, there is no jiggling. In some positions, the lower leg will just rotate out of the screen instantly on load, even before any motion has been started.
I'm hoping for some guidance on wether I'm misunderstanding the way manipulating elements works, either in svg.js in particular, or SVG in general.
Thank you kind vector graphics experts!
Here is the actual code for the legs. The step() function would probably be the most relevant. Not sure if it will be helpful:
Rider.Leg = function(foot, front, xOffset, yOffset) {
var upper = front ? SVGE.upperLeg : SVGE.upperLegBack
var lower = front ? SVGE.lowerLeg : SVGE.lowerLegBack
this.foot = foot
this.draw = foot.draw
this.geo = {
upper: {
x: this.foot.pedal.gear.x + 150,
y: this.foot.pedal.gear.y - 750,
length: 396
lower: {
length: 390
this.upper = this.draw.group().svg(upper).move(this.geo.upper.x, this.geo.upper.y)
.transform({ scale: 0.95, cx: 0, cy: 0 })
this.lower = this.draw.group().svg(lower).move(this.geo.upper.x, this.geo.upper.y)
// Step function does not take in a time argument. Positioning of legs is based only on
// the absolute position of other elements, none of which jiggle.
Rider.Leg.prototype.step = function () {
var angle = this.pedalAngle() - Math.PI
var ha = this.scaleneAngle(this.geo.lower.length, this.geo.upper.length, this.pedalDistance())
var ka = this.scaleneAngle(this.pedalDistance(), this.geo.lower.length, this.geo.upper.length)
var x = this.geo.upper.length * Math.cos(ha + angle)
var y = this.geo.upper.length * Math.sin(ha + angle)
this.upper.rotate(Drive.toDeg(angle + ha), 0, 0)
this.lower.move(this.geo.upper.x + x, + this.geo.upper.y + y)
this.lower.rotate(Drive.toDeg(angle + ha + ka - Math.PI), 0, 0)
// Gets the distance between the hip joint and the pedal
Rider.Leg.prototype.pedalDistance = function () {
var pos = this.foot.getPos()
var xDist = this.geo.upper.x - pos.x
var yDist = this.geo.upper.y - pos.y
return Math.hypot(xDist, yDist)
// Gets the angle between the hip joint and the pedal
Rider.Leg.prototype.pedalAngle = function () {
var pos = this.foot.getPos()
var xDist = this.geo.upper.x - pos.x
var yDist = this.geo.upper.y - pos.y
return Math.atan2(yDist, xDist)
Rider.Leg.prototype.scaleneAngle = function (a, b, c) {
return Math.acos(((b * b) + (c * c) - (a * a)) / (2 * b * c))
When you call move() on a group it is internally represented as a translation. svg.js figures out crazy ways to translate the object to the new place without changing any other transformations. That often does not work out. Especially not, when you rotate.
Thats why you should avoid these absolute transformations and go with relative ones. Just call untransform before every move and go from zero. Then you can do:
greenLine.transform({x:endX, y:endY, relative: true})
To move the line by a certain amount. That should work way better.

Rotate element to click position

I have a project with a circle that, when clicked, rotates to a predefined position. It is almost there, but the last requirement is that it always rotates clockwise to the marker. I just can't seem to figure out how to get the right value so that when i set css transform:rotate(Xdeg), it will always go clockwise. Keeping the angle between 0 and 360 would also be a plus for another piece of this, but not necessary.
See this fiddle, javascript below as well Rotation
$(function () {
$('body').on('click', '#graph1', function (e) {
//get mouse position relative to div and center of div for polar origin
var pos = getMousePosAndCenter(e, 'graph1');
//get the current degrees of rotation from the css
var currentRotationDegrees = getCSSRotation('#graph1');
console.log('CSS Rotation Value: ' + currentRotationDegrees);
//current rotation in radians
var currentRotationRadians = radians(currentRotationDegrees);
//radians where clicked
var clickRadiansFromZero = Math.atan2(pos.y - pos.originY, pos.x - pos.originX);
//degrees the click is offset from 0 origin
var offsetDegrees = degrees(clickRadiansFromZero);
//how many degrees to rotate in css to put the mouse click at 0
var degreesToZero;
if (offsetDegrees >= 0)
degreesToZero = currentRotationDegrees - Math.abs(offsetDegrees);
degreesToZero = currentRotationDegrees + Math.abs(offsetDegrees);
console.log("Degrees to Zero: " + degreesToZero);
//distance in pixels from origin
var distance = calculateDistance(pos.originX, pos.originY, pos.x, pos.y);
console.log("Distance From Origin(px): " + distance);
$('#graph1').css('transform','rotate(' + degreesToZero + 'deg)')
function getMousePosAndCenter(e, id) {
var rect = document.getElementById(id).getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: (((e.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width) * rect.width) + 0.5 << 0,
y: (((e.clientY - rect.top) / rect.height) * rect.height) + 0.5 << 0,
originY: (rect.height / 2),
originX: (rect.width / 2)
function radians(degrees) {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
function degrees(radians) {
return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
function calculateDistance(originX, originY, mouseX, mouseY) {
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mouseX - originX, 2) + Math.pow(mouseY - originY, 2)));
function getCSSRotation(id) {
var matrix = $(id).css('transform');
var values = matrix.split('(')[1],
values = values.split(')')[0],
values = values.split(',');
var a = values[0];
var b = values[1];
var c = values[2];
var d = values[3];
var cssRotation = degrees(Math.atan2(b, a));
return cssRotation;
Think out of the box:
We can CSS3 rotate an element with transform to i.e: 720° ...
it will make 2 clockwise turns. (OK, in our UI it can only do max a 359 turn but let's follow the math)
If we than animate it to 810°... it just means that it'll do a 90° clockwise move!
So all we need to do is always increase a degree variable to insanity!
HEY! If at some point you want to keep track of the current normalized 0-360 degree...
you can always retrieve that value doing ourCurrentInsanelyHighDegree % 360 = UIdegrees
Here's a jsBin demo
and this is all the JS you need.
function getCSSRotation( $el ) {
var matrix = $el.css('transform'),
v = matrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(','),
rds = Math.atan2(v[1], v[0]);
return rds*180/Math.PI <<0; // Degrees
var $EL = $("#graph1"),
w = $EL.width(),
r = w/2, // Radius
x = parseInt($EL.css("left"), 10),
y = parseInt($EL.css("top"), 10),
d = getCSSRotation( $EL ); // Initial degree (ONLY ONCE!)
$EL.on("click", function(e){
var mx = e.clientX-x-r, // Click coord X
my = e.clientY-y-r, // Click coord Y
rds = Math.atan2(-my, -mx), // Radians
md = (rds*180/Math.PI<<0) + 180; // Mouse Degrees
d += (360-md); // always increment to insanity!!
$(this).css({transform:"rotate("+ d +"deg)"});
#graph1 {
top:10px; left:30px;
width:200px; height:200px;
transition:transform 2s ease;
transform-origin:50% 50%;
#marker {
position: absolute;
border-top:1px solid black;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="graph1"></div>
<div id="marker">Wherever you click, it rotates to here</div>
Figuring it would be easy to do, I found it a little harder than I thought. The other answer with jQuery.animate works, but animate doesn't have the fluid framerate that css animation does (it runs on the GPU).
Here's a modified fiddle with a CSS solution: http://jsfiddle.net/2g17cjuL/2/
Keeping the angle between 0 and 360 would also be a plus
You cannot keep going forward (ie rotating by a positive number) and keep the rotation positive, however, in my fiddle offsetDegrees (the number of degrees additional rotated), or the remainder of totalDegreesdivided by 360 should give you what you need to use elsewhere.
Requrement: That it always rotates clockwise.
One thing: If you use CSS transitions, it'll calculate the shortest route for you. You want a bit more control over rotational direction, so I commented out the transition:transform 1s ease; in your CSS because we'll control this manually.
I borrowed this JQuery function and modified it so we can feed it a starting angle, and ending angle and it'll animate #graph1 for us. (Read the link to change duration, easing, and to use the complete callback)
$.fn.animateRotate = function(angle, start, duration, easing, complete) {
var args = $.speed(duration, easing, complete);
var step = args.step;
return this.each(function(i, e) {
args.complete = $.proxy(args.complete, e);
args.step = function(now) {
$.style(e, 'transform', 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)');
if (step) return step.apply(e, arguments);
$({deg: start}).animate({deg: angle}, args);
I also modified your JQuery so it won't rotate counter-clockwise: when currentRotationDegrees is greater than degreesToZero, it'll subtract 360, and then use this new value as the starting position for `animateRotate().
if(currentRotationDegrees > degreesToZero){
currentRotationDegrees -= 360;
$('#graph1').animateRotate(degreesToZero, currentRotationDegrees);
Here it is in action.

Find new left and top corresponding to original left and top on CSS rotate

Suppose my div has left:200px and top:400px, after I apply a rotate transform of suppose 90 deg the above top and left positions no more point to the old positions. Now how can we calculate the new top and left for the transformed div which are equivalent to the left and top positions of the non-transformed div after rotation.
Edited answer
Besides the starting position of the corner point (top-left in your example), and the rotation angle, we also need to know the position of the reference point of the rotation. This is the point around which we rotate the div (CSS calls it transform-origin). If you don't specify it, then normally, the centre of mass of the element is used.
I don't know of any JavaScript method that simply calculates it for you, but I can show you its Math, and a simple JS implementation.
P: original position of the corner point, with (Px, Py) coordinates
O: reference point of the rotation, with (Ox, Oy) coordinates
Calculate the original position of P, relative to O.
x = Px - Ox
y = Py - Oy
Calculate the rotated position of P, relative to O.
x' = x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle)
y' = x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle)
Convert this position back to the original coordinate system.
Px' = x' + Ox
Py' = y' + Oy
If you're not aware of the formulas in step #2, you can find an explanation here.
JavaScript implementation
function rotatedPosition(pLeft, pTop, oLeft, oTop, angle){
// 1
var x = pLeft - oLeft;
var y = pTop - oTop;
// 2
var xRot = x * Math.cos(angle) - y * Math.sin(angle);
var yRot = x * Math.sin(angle) + y * Math.cos(angle);
// 3
var pLeftRot = xRot + oLeft;
var pTopRot = yRot + oTop
return {left: pLeftRot, top: pTopRot};
rotatedPosition requires you to define the original position of the point and the reference point, plus the angle.
In case you need a method which takes only a single argument, the div element itself, and computes the rest for you, then you can do something like:
function divTopLeftRotatedPosition(div){
var pLeft = // ...
var pTop = // ...
var width = // ...
var height = // ...
var angle = // ...
return rotatedPosition(pLeft, pTop, pLeft + width / 2, pTop + height / 2, angle);

Extrapolate split cubic-bezier to 1,1

I need help with the solution provided here.
Create easy function 40% off set
I need to modify it so that the returned left and rights are extrapolated to 1,1 after splitting. This is because if I don't extrapolate, I can't use the returned split cubic-bezier as a css transition.
So this is the test I did. Please help because real does not match mike way :( I think the issue is I need to extrapolate the result to 1,1. I can't simply double the values though I'm pretty sure.
ease-in-out is cubic-bezier(.42,0,.58,1) and graphically is http://cubic-bezier.com/#.42,0,.58,1
first half is ease-in which is cubic-bezier(.42,0,1,1) and graphically is http://cubic-bezier.com/#.42,0,1,1
seoncd half is ease-out which is cubic-bezier(0,0,.58,1) and grpahically is http://cubic-bezier.com/#0,0,.58,1
The function posted above returns the following
ease-in-out is same as this is starting point
first half, left, is given to be cubic-bezier(0.21, 0, 0.355, 0.25) and graphically is http://cubic-bezier.com/#.21,0,.35,.25
code returned: left:[0, 0, 0.21, 0, 0.355, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5]
second half, right, is given to be cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.75, 0.79, 1) and graphically is http://cubic-bezier.com/#.64,.75,.79,1
code returned right:[0.5, 0.5, 0.645, 0.75, 0.79, 1, 1, 1]
Code used for getting it the Mike way is this:
var result = split({
z: .5,
x: [0, 0.42, 0.58, 1],
y: [0, 0, 1, 1]
first half is ease-in which is cubic-bezier(.42,0,1,1) and graphically is http://cubic-bezier.com/#.42,0,1,1
Please verify this assumption. (curves original end points are 0,0, and 1,1 in a css timing function)
The first half of the bezier curve [0,0, .42,0, .58,1, 1,1] should not be [0,0 .42,0, 1,1, 1,1]
The end points are correct (after scaling to 1,1), but you have lost continuity there.
The values returned by Mike's algorithm is correct.
Try this visualisation for an explanation on why your assumption might be wrong.
The algorithm you are using to split is a well known algorithm called de Casteljau algorithm. This method can be geometrically expressed in a very simple manner. Check out the animated visualisations on how this splitting at any arbitrary point is possible https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve.
However, You may soon hit an issue trying to correctly scale a split portion of a bezier curve to fit in a unit square, with endpoints fixed at 0,0 and 1,1. This probably you can try out quite easily on paper. The easiest way probably is to just linearly scale the control points of the bezier, you will get a squashed curve in most cases though.
I created a modified version of Mike's split function so it fits it to a unit square :) It uses hkrish's pointers to do coordinate normalization.
Just set parameter fitUnitCell to true. :)
function splitCubicBezier(options) {
var z = options.z,
cz = z-1,
z2 = z*z,
cz2 = cz*cz,
z3 = z2*z,
cz3 = cz2*cz,
x = options.x,
y = options.y;
var left = [
z*x[1] - cz*x[0],
z*y[1] - cz*y[0],
z2*x[2] - 2*z*cz*x[1] + cz2*x[0],
z2*y[2] - 2*z*cz*y[1] + cz2*y[0],
z3*x[3] - 3*z2*cz*x[2] + 3*z*cz2*x[1] - cz3*x[0],
z3*y[3] - 3*z2*cz*y[2] + 3*z*cz2*y[1] - cz3*y[0]];
var right = [
z3*x[3] - 3*z2*cz*x[2] + 3*z*cz2*x[1] - cz3*x[0],
z3*y[3] - 3*z2*cz*y[2] + 3*z*cz2*y[1] - cz3*y[0],
z2*x[3] - 2*z*cz*x[2] + cz2*x[1],
z2*y[3] - 2*z*cz*y[2] + cz2*y[1],
z*x[3] - cz*x[2],
z*y[3] - cz*y[2],
if (options.fitUnitSquare) {
return {
left: left.map(function(el, i) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
//return el * (1 / left[6])
var Xmin = left[0];
var Xmax = left[6]; //should be 1
var Sx = 1 / (Xmax - Xmin);
return (el - Xmin) * Sx;
} else {
//return el * (1 / left[7])
var Ymin = left[1];
var Ymax = left[7]; //should be 1
var Sy = 1 / (Ymax - Ymin);
return (el - Ymin) * Sy;
right: right.map(function(el, i) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
var Xmin = right[0]; //should be 0
var Xmax = right[6];
var Sx = 1 / (Xmax - Xmin);
return (el - Xmin) * Sx;
} else {
var Ymin = right[1]; //should be 0
var Ymax = right[7];
var Sy = 1 / (Ymax - Ymin);
return (el - Ymin) * Sy;
} else {
return { left: left, right: right};
var easeInOut = {
xs: [0, .42, .58, 1],
ys: [0, 0, 1, 1]
var splitRes = splitCubicBezier({
z: .5,
x: easeInOut.xs,
y: easeInOut.ys,
fitUnitSquare: false
