Nuxt axios cannot handle the server sesponse - javascript

I am new to Nuxt.js and I am faced with a strange kind of issue. I have an endpoint in my backend API, allowing the end user to send a token and a new password and reset the user password.
While the request is sent correctly, and the server responding with the correct data:
In the Nuxt.js side, I have an issue, with the response data.
So, to handle all the HTTP requests using the axios, I have a class like that:
class WebAPI {
// $axios is the instance used in the Nuxt.js context
constructor($axios) {
this.$http = $axios;
async call(config) {
try {
const result = await this.$http(config);
// ...
} catch( e) {
// ...
And I use this class like:
const data = {
const options = {
method: 'POST',
url : '/reset-password',
But as you probably see, in the WebAPI service, the response of the axios is undefined.
Also, it worths to mention, that the exact same WebAPI class working perfectly with other API Requests I do throughout the application.
Could you help with that issue? Do you see anything wrong?

I think you are using axios wrong. Try use $request method, like that:
async call(config) {
try {
const result = await this.$http.$request(config);
// ...
} catch( e) {
// ...


Express.js update/put route does not work

I have a website where I want to add, edit and delete student contact data. The data is stored in a SQLite database. My post, get and delete routes (Express API) work but my update route does not.
I load the data of an existing contact into a html form and my plan is to edit the data in the form to send the updated data via a button. But I get the error message "Cannot GET /api/update/contacts/1" although I've implemented a POST method request.
I guess the request doesn't hit the API endpoint but I don't know why, especially since all the other routes are working. Can anyone help?
I already tried MethodOverride, but it also did not work.
The code in my html page with the form and the button:
<form method="POST" id="myForm">
function update() {"/api/update/contacts/" + localStorage.getItem("paraID"),
I already tried MethodOverride, but it also did not help.
The code in my start.js file where I handle the routes:
app.put("api/update/contacts/:studentID", async (request, response) => {
const studentID = parseInt(request.params.studentID);
const existingContact = await contactsManager.getContact(studentID);
if (existingContact) {
const contact = request.body;
await contactsManager.updateContact(studentID, contact);
} else {
error: "The contact with the specified studentID does not exist.",
The code in my ContactsManager.js file where I handle the database requests:
async updateContact(studentID, contact) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
"UPDATE contacts SET vorname = ?, nachname = ?, mail = ? WHERE studentID = ?",
[contact.vorname, contact.nachname, contact.mail, studentID],
(error, row) => {
if (error) {
} else {
You are getting the error because will make a GET request to the resource and load it into a window. Instead of creating a new window then destroying it just to update your data, try using the Fetch API instead.
Using the fetch api with a PUT request would look something like below. You will need to adapt this to your specific data, and process or display the result if that's what you are trying to achieve by opening a new window, but this should give you a starting point.
try {
let fetchUrl = "https://mysite.url/api/update/contacts/" + localStorage.getItem("paraID")
let fetchOptions = {
method: "PUT",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json" // Update with your data type
body: JSON.stringify({
data: myData // Update with your JSON data to PUT
let response = await fetch(fetchUrl, fetchOptions)
if (response.ok) {
// Convert the response to json and process
let data = await response.json()
} catch (error) {
// Handle network errors here
Your endpoint also does not implement a POST request, it uses a PUT request. If you wanted a POST request you should use instead of app.put, although using a PUT request is fine for what you are trying to achieve.

Sveltekit POST method not allowed on endpoint

I am trying to get this fetch method to work in Svelte
When the page.svelte calls the function to fetch the data, in the console I receive this
[HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed 19ms]
Which I have narrowed down to this
POST method not allowed
Is there a variable I need to set in the config files or is there another solution which I am missing?
// svelte.config.js
import adapter from '#sveltejs/adapter-auto';
const config = {
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
methodOverride: {
allowed: ['POST']
export default config;
Both files are in the Routes folder
// fetch-data.js
export const POST = async(data) => {
const response = // get data function here
return {
body: {
data: response
// page.svelte
async function fetchData() {
const response = await fetch('./fetch-data', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(),
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
const { data } = await response.json()
return data
The solution was to change the POST variable name to lowercase in the get-data.js file
I had the same error for a different reason, and the syntax in your question and answer has changed again so I'll add my discoveries:
+page.server.ts should no longer export const POST but instead export const actions: Actions = { ... } which don't need to return anything.
+server.ts still uses function POST(event: RequestEvent) and needs to return a Response (from the Fetch API).
Cookies can no longer be set with setHeaders but must use cookies instead. Otherwise the handler also returns 405.
I had the same problem because of old SvelteKit version (I used .456, current version at the time this was written is .484). So make sure you have the most recent version of framework, when referring to the docs ;)

Next js API + MongoDB error 431 on dynamic request

I'm getting a 431 (headers fields too large) on some API calls within a fullstack Next JS project. This only occurs on a dynamic API route (/author/get/[slug]), same result with both frontend and Postman. The server is running on local, and other endpoints works fine with exactly the same fetching logic.
The request is not even treated by Next API, no log will appear anywhere.
The database used is mongoDB. The API is pure simple JS.
The objective is to get a single author (will evolve in getStaticProps)
The API call looks like this (no headers whatsoever):
try {
const res = await fetch(`http://localhost:3000/api/author/get/${slug}`, { method: "GET" })
} catch (error) { console.log(error) }
And the endpoint:
// author/get/[slug].js
import {getClient} from "../../../../src/config/mongodb-config";
export default async function handler(req, res) {
const { query } = req
const { slug } = query
if(req.method !== 'GET') {
const clientPromise = await getClient()
const author = clientPromise.db("database").collection("authors").findOne({ 'slug': slug })
await clientPromise.close()
Tried without success:
To remove a nesting level (making the path /author/[slug])

Problem with JWT Refresh Token Flow with axios/axios-auth-refresh

(I've read a number of similar questions here, and most/all have said to use a different axios instance for the refresh token requests (versus the API requests). However, I'm not clear on how that would work, since I am using axios-auth-refresh for auto-refreshing the access tokens.)
I'm working on an app with a JWT-based authentication flow for back-end API requests. The general flow is working fine; upon login the user gets a long-term refresh token and short-term access token. Using the axios-auth-refresh plug-in for axios, I am able to auto-refresh the access token when it has expired.
My problem is, when the refresh token expires, I am not able to catch the error and redirect the user to re-authenticate. Nothing I've tried catches the error. The (current) code for the auto-refresh hook is:
const refreshAuth = (failed) =>
axios({ method: "post", url: "token", skipAuthRefresh: true })
.then(({ status, data: { success, accessToken } }) => {
if (!success) Promise.reject(failed);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
failed.response.config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
return Promise.resolve();
.catch((error) => console.error("%o", error));
createAuthRefreshInterceptor(axios, refreshAuth);
In cases of the refresh token being stale or missing, I see neither the status=xxx console line nor the dump of an error object in the catch() block.
The actual file this is in is on GitHub here, though it is slightly different than the working version above. Mainly, in the GH version the hook calls"token").then(...) where above I'm making a more explicit call to add the skipAuthRefresh parameter. Adding that got me more detailed error traces in the console, but I am still not catching the 401 response via the catch().
I've tried everything I can think of... anything jump out as something I'm missing?
(Edited to ensure the GitHub link points to the version of the file that has the issue.)
Since posting this, I have managed to work through the problem and come up with a working solution.
The key to the solution does in fact lie in using a different axios instance for the calls to renew the refresh token. I created a second module to encapsulate a second axios instance that would not get the interceptor created by the axios-auth-refresh module. After working around some inadvertent circular-dependency issues that this initially caused, I reached a point where I could see the exception being thrown by axios when the refresh token itself is stale or missing.
(Interestingly, this led to another problem: once I recognized that the refresh token was no longer valid, I needed to log the user out and have them return to the login screen. Because the application this is in is a React application, the authentication was being handled with custom hooks, which can only be called within a component. However, I had abstracted all the API calls into a non-React module so that I could encapsulate things like the addition of the Authorization header, the base URL, etc. At that level I could not run the auth hook to get access to the logout logic. I solved this by putting a default onError handler on the query object (a react-query object) that I use for all the API calls.)
I built upon the Request class from this SO answer to refresh the token and handle the refresh failures.
Now my Request looks like this:
import axios from "axios";
import {getLocalStorageToken, logOut, refreshToken} from "./authentication";
class Request {
constructor() {
this.baseURL = process.env.REACT_APP_USER_ROUTE;
this.isRefreshing = false;
this.failedRequests = [];
this.axios = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.REACT_APP_USER_ROUTE,
headers: {
clientSecret: this.clientSecret,
this.beforeRequest = this.beforeRequest.bind(this);
this.onRequestFailure = this.onRequestFailure.bind(this);
this.processQueue = this.processQueue.bind(this);
this.axios.interceptors.request.use(this.beforeRequest);//<- Intercepting request to add token
this.onRequestFailure);// <- Intercepting 401 failures
beforeRequest(request) {
if (request.headers[this.ADD_AUTH_CONFIG_HEADER] === true) {
delete request.headers[this.ADD_AUTH_CONFIG_HEADER];
const token = getLocalStorageToken();//<- replace getLocalStorageToken with your own way to retrieve your current token
request.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
return request;
onRequestSuccess(response) {
async onRequestFailure(err) {
console.error('Request failed', err)
const {response} = err;
const originalRequest = err.config;
if (response.status === 401 && err && originalRequest && !originalRequest.__isRetryRequest) {
if (this.isRefreshing) {
try {
const token = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {//<- Queuing new request while token is refreshing and waiting until they get resolved
this.failedRequests.push({resolve, reject});
originalRequest.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
return this.axios(originalRequest);
} catch (e) {
return e;
this.isRefreshing = true;
originalRequest.__isRetryRequest = true;
console.log('Retrying request')
console.log('Previous token', getLocalStorageToken())
try {
const newToken = await refreshToken()//<- replace refreshToken with your own method to get a new token (async)
console.log('New token', newToken)
originalRequest.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${newToken}`;
this.isRefreshing = false;
this.processQueue(null, newToken);
return this.axios(originalRequest)
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error refreshing the token, logging out', err);
await logOut();//<- your logout function (clean token)
this.processQueue(err, null);
throw response;//<- return the response to check on component layer whether response.status === 401 and push history to log in screen
throw response;
processQueue(error, token = null) {
this.failedRequests.forEach((prom) => {
if (error) {
} else {
this.failedRequests = [];
const request = new Request();
export default request;
My problem is, when the refresh token expires, I am not able to catch
the error and redirect the user to re-authenticate. Nothing I've tried
catches the error. The (current) code for the auto-refresh hook is:
What is the return code from your api if the access token expired ?
if it is different than 401 (default) you need to configure, see exanoke 403:
createAuthRefreshInterceptor(axios, refreshAuthLogic, {
statusCodes: [ 401, 403 ] // default: [ 401 ]

Next.js getInitialProps cookies

I have encountered an issue regarding fetching data from the getInitialProps function in Next.js
The scenario is this: when a user first visits a page, I make an HTTP request to a distant API which returns me data that I need for the application. I make the request inside the getInitialProps method because I want the content to be fully rendered when I ship the content to the user.
The problem is, when I make this request, the API returns me a session cookie which I need to store inside the browser, not the server that is rendering the content. This cookie will have to be present inside future client-side requests to the API. Otherwise, the API returns me 403.
My question is: If I'm performing this request from the server, and because of that the response also comes back to the server, How can I set the cookie for the browser so that I could make client-side requests to the API?
I tried manipulating the domain option of the cookie but I cannot set another domain. The browser just ignores it.
Here is how my getInitialProps looks like:
static async getInitialProps(appContext) {
const { Component, ctx, router } = appContext;
const { store } = ctx;
let pageProps = {};
if (Component.getInitialProps) {
pageProps = await Component.getInitialProps(appContext);
const { hotelId, reservationId } = router.query;
if (!hotelId || !reservationId) return { pageProps };
// Fetching reservation and deal data
try {
const { data, errors, session } = await fetchData(hotelId, reservationId);
if (data) {
// This works, but the domain will be the frontend server, not the API that I connecting to the fetch the data
if (session) {
ctx.res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', session);
// This doesn't work
if (session) {
const manipulatedCookie = session + '; Domain:'
ctx.res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', manipulatedCookie);
if (errors && errors.length) {
return { errors };
} else {
return {
} catch (err) {
return { errors: [err] };
return { pageProps };
The fetchData function is just a function which sends a request to the API. From the response object, I'm extracting the cookie and then assign it to the session variable.
getInitialProps is executed on the client and server. So when you write your fetching function you have fetch conditionally. Because if you make request on the server-side you have to put absolute url but if you are on the browser you use relative path. another thing that you have to be aware, when you make a request you have to attach the cookie automatically.
in your example you are trying to make the request from _app.js. Next.js uses the App component to initialize the pages. So if you want to show some secret data on the page, do it on that page. _app.js is wrapper for all other components, anything that you return from getInitialProps function of _app.js will be available to all other components in your application. But if you want to display some secret data on a component upon authorization, i think it is better to let that component to fetch the data. Imagine a user logins his account, you have to fetch the data only when user logged in, so other endpoints that does not need authentication will not access to that secret data.
So let's say a user logged in and you want to fetch his secret data. imagine you have page /secret so inside that component I can write like this:
Secret.getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
const another = await getSecretData(ctx.req);
return { superValue: another };
getSecretData() is where we should be fetching our secret data. fetching actions are usually stored in /actions/index.js directory. Now we go here and write our fetching function:
// Since you did not mention which libraries you used, i use `axios` and `js-cookie`. they both are very popular and have easy api.
import axios from "axios";
import Cookies from "js-cookie";
//this function is usually stored in /helpers/utils.js
// cookies are attached to req.header.cookie
// you can console.log(req.header.cookie) to see the cookies
// cookieKey is a param, we pass jwt when we execute this function
const getCookieFromReq = (req, cookieKey) => {
const cookie = req.headers.cookie
.find((c) => c.trim().startsWith(`${cookieKey}=`));
if (!cookie) return undefined;
return cookie.split("=")[1];
//anytime we make request we have to attach our jwt
//if we are on the server, that means we get a **req** object and we execute above function.
// if we do not have req, that means we are on browser, and we retrieve the cookies from browser by the help of our 'js-cookie' library.
const setAuthHeader = (req) => {
const token = req ? getCookieFromReq(req, "jwt") : Cookies.getJSON("jwt");
if (token) {
return {
headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
return undefined;
//this is where we fetch our data.
//if we are on server we use absolute path and if not we use relative
export const getSecretData = async (req) => {
const url = req ? "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/secret" : "/api/v1/secret";
return await axios.get(url, setAuthHeader(req)).then((res) =>;
this is how you should implement fetching data in next.js
