I try to write a custom HTML block using Rally SDK 2.1 (Javascript) in order to create a new story. I can figure how to create the story with a custom title and description.
If I try to set the feature, then the creation hangs and nothing happens...
Here is how I set the feature ine the script:
var story = Ext.create(model, {
Name: 'Can be deleted, created via Rally app SDK 2.1',
Description: 'Dummy generated story - tests',
PortfolioItem: '/portfolioitem/featureset/12345' // FEATURE
If I remove the "PortfolioItem" attribute, then it works like a charm.
Here is my global script:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>test - Story creation</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/apps/2.1/sdk.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// SDK documentation: https://docs.ca.com/en-us/ca-agile-central/saas/apps/2.1/doc/#!/api
Rally.onReady(function() {
// Create a new story
function addStory() {
console.log('Creating a new story...');
// Retrieve the Rally user stories model
type: 'UserStory',
context: {
workspace: '/workspace/12345', // dummy reference
project: '/project/12345' // dummy reference
success: function(model) {
// Create a new story thanks to the retrieved model
var story = Ext.create(model, {
Name: 'Can be deleted, created via Rally app SDK 2.1',
Description: 'Dummy generated story - tests',
PortfolioItem: '/portfolioitem/featureset/12345' // dummy reference
// Save the new story
callback: function(result, operation) {
if(operation.wasSuccessful()) {
console.log('New story created!', result.get('FormattedID'));
// The Rally application
Ext.define('Rally.grg.storyCreation', {
extend: 'Rally.app.App',
// Method fired on application launch
// Retrieve release features asynchronously
launch: function() {
Rally.launchApp('Rally.grg.storyCreation', {
name: 'test - Story creation'
<style type="text/css">
I tried to declare a new portfolioitem object that would reference the feature I want. Then I reference it at story level, but it behaves exactly the same:
var f;
console.log('Defining the feature...');
// Retrieve the Rally features model
type: 'portfolioitem',
success: function(portfolioitemkModel) {
// Define an existing feature thanks to the retrieved model
f = Ext.create(portfolioitemkModel, {
_ref: "/portfolioitem/featureset/12345",
_refObjectName: "...",
_refObjectUUID: "...",
_type: "PortfolioItem/FeatureSet"
As someone an example of linking a story and its parent feature trought JavaScript SDK2, please?
I would try changing this line:
PortfolioItem: '/portfolioitem/featureset/12345'
to this:
PortfolioItem: '/portfolioitem/feature/12345'
When i redirect my page using self.do_action in odoo(openERP7) it is not loading Data Tables in the new page.
In other pages it was working fine. But in a particular page if i redirect using this self.do_action is not working. But self.act_window is working fine in the same page.
If any one faced this same issue please let me know.
Update:I found a similarity of problems in my code. I have a model like performance.review and some other models also. All the self.do_action used in this model is not loading Data tables properly. But other model screens does perfectly.
Is there any relation between model extension and using self.do_action?
Here is my code,
module.ReviewForm= instance.web.Widget.extend({
events: {
'click #review_tree_view':'load_tree_view',
load_tree_view: function (event) {
var self = this;
type: 'ir.actions.client',
tag: "performance.review",
name:'Tree view',
target: 'current',
In the javascript file, you could add an event to a buttons class name like this:
bind_events: function () {
this.$('.oe_btn_class_name').on('click', this.on_call_new_view_function);
Then the "on_call_new_view_function" is called when a click event occurs and opens the new view like this:
on_call_new_view_function: function () {
var self = this;
// you can pass in other data using the context dictionary variable
var context = {
'id': this.id,
// the action dictionary variable sends data in the "self.do_action" method
var action = {
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
res_model: 'model.name',
view_id: 'view_id',
view_mode: 'form',
view_type: 'form',
views: [[false, 'form']],
target: 'new',
context: context,
// self.do_action accepts the action parameter and opens the new view
Actually this is a small mistake done by myself. Im using the same model for many qweb screens, and each time Im rendering form view using self.do_action I did't emptying the existing tree view.
It can be easily done by adding this line.
Now data tables loading properly and perfectly.
load_tree_view: function (event) {
var self = this;
type: 'ir.actions.client',
tag: "performance.review",
name:'Tree view',
target: 'current',
I am working on a feature printing app for Rally so we can generate cards for our analog portfolio kanban board. I wanted to build this printer using the 2.0 SDK. I am usign the original Card print code as my starting spot. My Java Script is rusty and i could us some help getting past this hurdle.
Goals of the App.
Get Data from Rally
Render HTML page with date in for of a card
Handle Printing
I am using a store to pull the data from Rally. This is working as expected.
I am having issue passing the store results in to the array to create the HTML cards. The data is making it to the _displayFeatureCard: function. I can see it in the console print out.
Here is what i have so far.
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: 'Rally.app.App',
componentCls: 'app',
launch: function () {
console.log("App Launched")
//App Calls the portfolio feature data store
//Get the portfolio feature data from Rally
_getfeaturedatastore: function(){
var getfeaturedata = Ext.create('Rally.data.wsapi.Store', {
model: 'PortfolioItem/Feature',
autoLoad: true,
//Create Fillter for the Store
filters: [
property: 'State.Name',
value: 'Story Definition',
listeners: {
load: function(getfeaturedatastore, getfeaturedatadata, success) {
console.log("Got Feature Data Woot",getfeaturedatastore, getfeaturedatadata, success)
scope: this
fetch: ['State', 'Name', 'Description', 'Owner', 'Parent','PlannedStartDate','FormattedID','Tags']
_displayFeatureCard: function(getfeaturedata){
var MAX_NAME_LEN = 115;
var name,i,theMarkup,data, description, owner, parent, plannedstartdate, formattedid, data;
data = getfeaturedata;
console.log("Woot made it to the Card", data)
for (i = 0; i < data; i++) {
name = data[i].Name;
owner = data[i].Owner;
parent = data[i].Parent;
description = data[i].Description;
theMarkup = this.createMarkup(i, data, name, description, owner, parent, plannedstartdate, formattedid);
dojo.byId("cards").innerHTML += theMarkup;
Checking your code, your app constructor is using Rally's AppSDK 2.0 (ExtJS based), while your _displayFeatureCard method is referencing dojo, which is legacy AppSDK1 and not recommended for use in AppSDK 2.0.
There is a RallyCommunity app for printing Feature Cards (a slightly modified version of PrintStoryCards). It is available here:
It is also based on the legacy and deprecated AppSDK1. However it still works, and you may find that it meets your requirements.
Parse.com with JavaScript SDK - unnecessary duplictions
Every time I create a Parse object of "message", it duplicates that object in my Parse Core. It is so bizarre. The first time I run the code, everything is fine and Parse will create only one object. But when I run the code again, it will duplicate the most recent object twice. If I run it a third time, it will duplicate the most recent object five times. The number of duplications increases based upon how many objects have already been created. Does anyone have any idea how to make sure that it create one object in my Parse Core backend? Thank you so much!!! I wish I could post a picture, but I am a newbie and stackoverflow wont let me
This is where I create the Parse object:
App.Models.Message = Parse.Object.extend({
className: 'Message',
idAttribute: 'objectId',
defaults: {
name : '',
email : '',
subject : '',
message : ''
This is where I create an instance of the Parse object, and where I save it to Parse:
App.Views.Contact = Parse.View.extend({
el : '#middle',
template : _.template($('#contactTemp').html()),
events: {
'click .submit' : 'submit',
initialize : function () {
render : function () {
submit : function (e) {
var message = new App.Models.Message({
name: $('.nameVal').val(),
email: $('.emailVal').val(),
subject: $('.subVal').val(),
message.save(null, {
success:function() {
error:function(e) {
alert('There was an error in sending the message');
Yes! So I figured out the problem with the help of Hector Ramos from the Parse Developers Google group.
It was my client-side code. Instead of creating an event attached to my App.Views.Contact(); a.k.a. - an instance of Parse.View.extend({}), I went ahead and created a 'click' event using jquery within the sendMessage function that I recently defined. If you declare an event in the events object within the Parse view, it will recur over itself if the view wasn't re-initialized or destroyed and recreated properly.
So what happened with me was the submit function that I declared in the events object kept recuring over itself and making duplicate calls to Parse.com. My view was static, it wasn't destroyed properly, re-initialized, or reloaded. You will see what I did below:
Originally I had this:
events: {
'click .submit' : 'submit',
& this
submit : function (e) {
var message = new App.Models.Message({
name: $('.nameVal').val(),
email: $('.emailVal').val(),
subject: $('.subVal').val(),
message.save(null, {
success:function() {
error:function(e) {
alert('There was an error in sending the message');
} /*end of submit*/
Now I have I completely removed the events object that I had and declared a sendMessage function:
initialize : function () {
render : function () {
sendMessage : function () {
$('.submit').on('click', function(){
var message = new App.Models.Message({
name: $('.nameVal').val(),
email: $('.emailVal').val(),
subject: $('.subVal').val(),
message.save(null, {
success:function() {
error:function() {
alert('There was an error in sending the message');
}); /*end of jquery submit*/
}/*end of send message function*/,
And now it works perfectly fine. Credit is due Hector Ramos who is a Parse.com Developer and who helped me realize that the problem was the actual event. If you guys have any easy way of stoping an event from making several duplicate calls to the back or from reoccurring several times, then please let me know.
I am a beginner to javascript and stackmob.
How can I fetch data from stackmob for my webpage(dashboard) using javascript?
I was also trying to update data but i was unsuccessful.
Here is my code for updating the value of 'done' from 'false' to 'true' :
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.stackmob.com/js/stackmob-js-0.9.1-bundled-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
StackMob.init({publicKey: "my_key",apiVersion: 0});
<script type="text/javascript">
var newtask = new task({ newtask_id: 'my_id_primarykey' });
success: function(model, result, options) {
error: function(model, result, options) {}});
<!-- rest of the code -->
I need to be able to create an instance(that i have been able to do), update values, delete values and fetch values.
I am not able to update and save multiple values of an existing instance to stackMob.
var Task=StackMob.Model.extend({schemaName:'taskdevice'});
var task1=new Task({task_device_id:'my_id'});
success: function(model, result, options) {
error: function(model, error, options) {alert("Failure");}
It is failing everytime if i try to update multiple values.
You had a few syntax errors in your code there such as the comma between your success and error callbacks. Also, you need to define your Model before trying to save/read data. Your task variable wasn't defined. So you extend the Model to define what schema it should be related to.
Here's a jsFiddle with a working example: http://jsfiddle.net/wyne/eATur/
You should also check out the JavaScript Developer Guide on StackMob's developer center.
// Initialize StackMob object with your public key
publicKey: "api_key", apiVersion: 0
// Define Model and associate it with a Schema
var Task = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: 'task' });
$(document).ready(function () {
// Create new instance of the Model with id of object to update
var updateTask = new Task({ "task_id": "INSERT_OBJECT_ID" });
// Update the task with done=false and save it to StackMob
updateTask.save({ done: true }, {
success: function(model, result, options) {
console.log( "Updated object!" );
console.log( model.toJSON() );
error: function(model, error, options) {
console.log( "Error updating" );
I'm working on converting a series of interactive educational apps from Flash to Javascript, and my team is planning on using Backbone.js as the framework. Each of these apps is basically a collection of scenes that present information to the user and/or prompt some interaction, either in the form of questions or interactive widgets. The basic structure we're considering for the app is as follows:
a set of JSON files that contain the particular information for each app, such as how many different "scenes" or objects the app has, the different messages and/or widgets displayed to users, etc.
a set of Backbone (probably Underscore) templates governing how to display navigation, messages, etc.
a collection of Backbone views / routers / models to facilitate navigating between scenes in an app and handling user interaction
some interactive widgets built in native Javascript
Trouble is, of course, is that I'm a novice when it comes to Backbone. I've made my way through some of the basic tutorials but am having trouble integrating Backbone with static JSON files.
Let's say I have the following very basic JSON file that lays out three scenes to be displayed:
var scenes = [
"name": "Introduction",
"label": "Introduction",
"message": "Welcome to this app"
"name": "Exercise",
"label": "Exercise",
"message": "If this were a real app, there'd be some sort of exercise here"
"name": "Conclusion",
"label": "Conclusion",
"order": "Thank you for completing this app"
What I need, and what I'm trying to do, is to have Backbone generate a navigation widget that lets users navigate between these scenes and to display the message for each scene. (This is obviously an incredibly simplified version of the real-world app.)
Here's what I've tried:
// simplified object containing stage information
var stages = [
"name": "Introduction",
"label": "Introduction",
"message": "Welcome to this app"
"name": "Exercise",
"label": "Exercise",
"message": "If this were a real app, there'd be some sort of exercise here"
"name": "Conclusion",
"label": "Conclusion",
"order": "Thank you for completing this app"
// create model for each stage
StageModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
// create collection for StageModel
StageModelList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: StageModel
var stageModelList = new StageModelList();
// create view for list of stages
StageListView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#stageNav"),
initialize: function() {
// if stages are added later
stagemodellist.bind('add',this.createStageList, this);
events: {
'click .stageListItem' : 'selectStage'
createStageList: function(model) {
$("#stageList").append("<li class='stageListItem'>"+model.label+"</li>");
selectStage: function() {
// create view for each stages
StageView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#stage"),
initialize: function(options) {
// get stage variable from options
this.stage = this.options.stage;
// display stage
createOnEnter: function(stage) {
// create router
AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function() {
// create collection
new StageModelList();
// create view when router is initialized
new StageListView();
// loop through stages and add each to StageModelList
for (var s in stages) {
routes: {
"stage/:stage" : "renderStage"
renderStage: function(stage) {
// display StageView for this stage
new StageView({stage:stage});
var App = new AppRouter();
And the html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script class="jsbin" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script class="jsbin" src="http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/underscore-min.js"></script>
<script class="jsbin" src="http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/backbone.js"></script>
<script src="js/ilo4.js"></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
<p>My pathetic attempt at a Backbone.js app</p>
<div id="stageNav">
<ul id="stageList">
<div id="stage">
<div id="stageLabel">
<div id="stageMsg">
(You can also see a jsbin version here: http://jsbin.com/iwerek/edit#javascript,html,live).
Right now this doesn't do anything, unfortunately.
I know that I'm doing so many things wrong here, and some questions that I'm kicking around:
Do I even need a router?
Do I need to initialize the collection as a variable?
Is there a better way to bind the model to the list of stages?
You were actually not too far off.
I've cloned your jsbin and fixed it up so it works: link
I submit that as my answer to your question. I've commented it pretty thoroughly to explain what's going on.
Take a look, hopefully it helps.
EDIT: what the hell, I'll put the code here as well:
// simplified object containing stage information
window.stages = [
"name": "Introduction",
"label": "Introduction",
"message": "Welcome to this app"
"name": "Exercise",
"label": "Exercise",
"message": "If this were a real app, there'd be some sort of exercise here"
"name": "Conclusion",
"label": "Conclusion",
"message": "Thank you for completing this app"
// StageModel: no need to extend if you're not adding anything.
StageModel = Backbone.Model;
// StageCollection
StageCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: StageModel
// create view for list of stages
StageCollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#stageNav"),
initialize: function() {
// if stages are added later
this.collection.bind('add', this.createStageListItem, this);
events: {
'click .stageListItem' : 'selectStage'
// I'm adding the model's cid (generated by backbone) as the
// id of the 'li' here. Very non-ideal, as one of the points
// of backbone et al. is to keep from embedding and retrieving
// data from the DOM like this.
// Perhaps better would be to create a StageListItemView and
// render one for each model in the collection, perhaps like:
// createStageListItem: function(model) {
// this.$('#stageList').append(new StageListItemView({model: model});
// }
// where you have a StageListItemView that knows how to render
// itself and can handle click events and communicate with the
// collectionview via events.
// At any rate, this string-munging will suffice for now.
createStageListItem: function(model) {
this.$("#stageList").append("<li id=\"" + model.cid + "\" class='stageListItem'>" + model.get('label') + "</li>");
// Use backbone's event system, it's pretty awesome. Not to mention
// that it helps to decouple the parts of your app.
// And note that you can pass arguments when you trigger an event.
// So any event handler for the 'new-stage' event would receive
// this model as its first argument.
selectStage: function(event) {
var cid = $(event.target).attr('id');
this.trigger('new-stage', this.collection.getByCid(cid));
// This was a missing puzzle piece. Your StageCollectionView wasn't
// being rendered at all.
// Backbone convention is to call this function render, but you could
// call it whatever you want, as long as you, well, end up _calling_ it.
render: function() {
var self = this;
this.collection.each(function(model) {
return this;
// StageView,
StageView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#stage"),
// We're going to assume here that we get passed a
// newStageEventSource property in the options and
// that it will fire a 'new-stage' event when we need
// to load a new stage.
initialize: function(options) {
this.eventSource = options.newStageEventSource;
this.eventSource.bind('new-stage', this.loadAndRenderStage, this);
// A load function to set the StageView's model.
load: function(model) {
this.model = model;
return this;
render: function() {
loadAndRenderStage: function(stage) {
// Instatiate a StageCollection from the JSON list of stages.
// See Backbone docs for more, but you can pass in a list of
// hashes, and the Collection will use its model attribute to
// make the models for you
var stageCollection = new StageCollection(stages);
// View constructors take an options argument. Certain properties
// will automatically get attached to the view instance directly,
// like 'el', 'id', 'tagName', 'className', 'model', 'collection'.
var stageCollectionView = new StageCollectionView({
collection: stageCollection
// Instantiate the StageView, passing it the stageCollectionView in
// the options for it to listen to.
var stageView = new StageView({
newStageEventSource: stageCollectionView
// Last step, we need to call 'render' on the stageCollectionView
// to tell it to show itself.