In addition to this topic execute a javascript after page load is complete I noticed the solution didn't work for loading a map. I do have a similar use case. However, if I follow the script the script needed doesn't load.
I want to load a map after the loading of the page is finished, however I do see the script in the page source, but no script is executed.
The source is:
var mst_width = "96%";
var mst_height = "350vh";
var mst_border = "0";
var mst_map_style = "simple";
var mst_mmsi = "244770624";
var mst_show_track = "true";
var mst_show_info = "true";
var mst_fleet = "";
var mst_lat = "";
var mst_lng = "";
var mst_zoom = "";
var mst_show_names = "0";
var mst_scroll_wheel = "true";
var mst_show_menu = "true";
window.onload = function () {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "";
In the page source I see:
var mst_width = "96%";
var mst_height = "350vh";
var mst_border = "0";
var mst_map_style = "simple";
var mst_mmsi = "244770624";
var mst_show_track = "true";
var mst_show_info = "true";
var mst_fleet = "";
var mst_lat = "";
var mst_lng = "";
var mst_zoom = "";
var mst_show_names = "0";
var mst_scroll_wheel = "true";
var mst_show_menu = "true";
window.onload = function () {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "";
Can someone please point me in the direction on how to get the script executed? I also assumed that the script should be appended to the 'body' instead of the 'head'm but I'm not sure about it.
Edit based change of head to body:
var mst_width="96%";var mst_height="350vh";var mst_border="0";var mst_map_style="simple";var mst_mmsi="244770624";var mst_show_track="true";var mst_show_info="true";var mst_fleet="";var mst_lat="";var mst_lng="";var mst_zoom="";var mst_show_names="0";var mst_scroll_wheel="true";var mst_show_menu="true";
window.onload = function() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "";
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(element );
So, finally I managed to solve the problem and got the desired map in my browser... using the following HTML+JS code (which you can run with the button below):
<html lang="en-US" prefix="og:">
var mst_width="100%";var mst_height="450px";var mst_border="0";var mst_map_style="terrain";var mst_mmsi="";var mst_show_track="";var mst_show_info="";var mst_fleet="";var mst_lat="";var mst_lng="";var mst_zoom="";var mst_show_names="0";var mst_scroll_wheel="true";var mst_show_menu="true";
function loadMap() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.setAttribute("id", "myshiptrackingscript");
element.setAttribute("async", "");
element.setAttribute("defer", "");
element.src = "";
document.getElementById("mapContent").appendChild(element );
window.onload = loadMap
console.log('Registered onload')
<div id="mapContent" />
Two points of attention:
you should add the created script tag as child of a tag belonging to the body ot the page (I used <div id="mapContent"/> and getElementById to access it)
you should load the HTML page through a http:// URL, not through a a file:// one: with the latter you get an error with message like "Browser does not support embedded objects"
I hope this can help you to solve the problem in you real case!
There are many ways to invoke your function when the page has loaded.
My vanilla's js tool of choice most of the time is:
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
//your bindings and functions
That way of proceeding is preferred to your onload method as otherwise, you won't be able to attach multiple events when the DOM loads completely.
Try this:
document.write('<script src=">
wrap your javascript code with this:
if(document.readyState === 'complete') {
// good to go! Put your code here.}
my goal is to display a loading curtain when a query to Quick-Base takes too long.
I have the following code that I thought it was going to work but it somehow does not. Everything works except for the loading curtain because it is never executed when it should be.
My code:
window.onload = function(){
// .. more code here not related ...
function selectedValueChanged() {
var e = document.getElementById("record_id_select");
var value_selected = e.value;
var CO_picked_record_id = parseInt(value_selected);
var query_CO_line_details = "{'"+related_CO_fid+"'.EX.'"+CO_picked_record_id+"'}";
var records = getRecords(table_CO_line_details_DBID,query_CO_line_details);
var data_array = createArrayFromRecordsDrilled(records,CO_detail_record_categories);
var table_div = tableCreate(data_array,'table_container_1',"Please Enter Quantities",headerList);
<div id='curtain' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;background:rgba(255,255,255,.3); display:none; width:100%;height:100%;'><img id ="loading_text" src="loader.gif"></div>
The code works but the curtain is never shown even if the query takes a couple of seconds (as much as 6 seconds). If I comment out the line "$('#curtain').hide();" I can see the loading curtain working as expected but only after the query has finished. It is as if the function is not been executed line by line but it waits first to complete the query and then to show the curtain. I'm sure I'm missing something but I don't know what. Thank you.
use this instead(no need to add any HTML to page) :
function showLoading() {
if (document.getElementById("loadingDiv"))
var div = document.createElement("div");
var img = document.createElement("img");
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Loading ...")); = "margin-top:50vh;font-family:IranSans;direction:rtl;color:#f78d24;"
img.src = "/images/LoadingImage.png"; = "display:block;margin:auto;margin-top:calc(50vh - 64px);width:128px;height:128px;" = "position:fixed;width:100vw;height:100vh;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.85);top:0px;left:0px;z-index:10000;text-align:center"; = "loadingDiv";
function hideLoading() {
var div = getElementById("loadingDiv");
if (div)
The solution as #keith suggested was to "transform" the getRecords function from synchronous to asynchronous.
I ended up making the whole function selectedValueChanged() "asynchronous" by using the setTimeout trick.
One solution that worked for me was the following:
function selectedValueChanged() {
var e = document.getElementById("record_id_select");
var value_selected = e.value;
var CO_picked_record_id = parseInt(value_selected);
var query_CO_line_details = "{'"+related_CO_fid+"'.EX.'"+CO_picked_record_id+"'}";
var records = getRecords(table_CO_line_details_DBID,query_CO_line_details);
var data_array = createArrayFromRecordsDrilled(records,CO_detail_record_categories);
var table_div = tableCreate(data_array,'table_container_1',"Please Enter Quantities",headerList);
function loadingSelectedValueChanged(callbackFunct){
function selectedValueChangedUP() {
And now instead of calling selectedValueChanged, I call selectedValueChangedUP.
What SetTimeout does is to execute the function that receives as parameter after a given amount of time. This process is done in an "asynchronous" way.
Please be advised that the following codes are generated by an engineer. (I don't have contact with the engineer right now)
Now here is the scenario. According to the engineer who had created this the whole collection of these scripts should be able to generate a button once edited properly and embedded to our website.
Before I implement this on our own website I want to test these codes to a simple page created through saving codes from our website. I ask the engineer if it is possible and he said yes.
Now here is the code that should be able to generate the button.
(function () {
var createScriptElement = function (src, onload, onerror) {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.type = "text\/javascript";
element.src = src;
element.onload = onload;
element.onerror = onerror;
return element;
var createLinkElement = function (src) {
var element = document.createElement('link');
element.href = src;
element.rel = 'Stylesheet';
element.media_type = 'text/css';
return element;
var createUI = function () {
var clickCallDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'width: 300px;height: 60px;position: fixed;z-index: 999;right: 20px;bottom: 320px;';
var call_btn = document.createElement("button"); = "dial_btn_call";
var session_div = document.createElement("div"); = 'sessions';
var webcam_div = document.createElement("div"); = 'height:0'; = 'webcam';
var video_remote = document.createElement('video'); = 'remoteView';
video_remote.autoplay = 'autoplay';
video_remote.hidden = 'hidden';
var video_local = document.createElement('video');
video_local.autoplay = 'autoplay';
video_local.hidden = 'hidden';
video_local.muted = 'muted'; = 'selfView';
clickCallDiv.appendChild(call_btn); //add the text node to the newly created div.
var contain = document.createElement('div');
return clickCallDiv;
var urls = {};
urls.rtcninja = 'rtcninja.js';
urls.jquery = 'jquery.js';
urls.i18n = "jquery.i18n.js";
urls.messagestore = "jquery.i18n.messagestore.js";
urls.jssip = 'jssip.js';
urls.init = 'init.js';
urls.gui = 'gui.js';
urls.css = 'style.css';
var rtcninja_script = createScriptElement(urls.rtcninja, function () {
// Must first init the library
// Then check.
if (!rtcninja.hasWebRTC()) {
console.log('WebRTC is not supported in your browser :(');
} else {
var jquery_script = createScriptElement(urls.jquery, function(){
var i18_script = createScriptElement(urls.i18n, function(){
var messagestore_script = createScriptElement(urls.messagestore);
var jssip_script = createScriptElement(urls.jssip);
var init_script = createScriptElement(urls.init);
var gui_script = createScriptElement(urls.gui);
var click_call_css = createLinkElement(urls.css);
That script, when embedded, should be able to generate a button. The way he embedded the script on their website is through this
document.write('<script src="sourcefile/clickCall.js">/script>')
But this won't work on my side so I tried this
document.write('<sc' + 'ript src="clickCall.js">/sc' + 'ript>')
Now my first problem is that this script prevents all other scripts from loading, causing to have an empty output. another is that it won't display the expected button that it was suppose to show on the webpage. My solution to this problems was to implement DOM but I don't know how I'll implement it especially because I can't understand how it works and how to implement it. Could you kindly explain to me how DOM works and how am I going to implement it? Thanks
document.write when executed just writes the string and doesn't execute the inside script.
Hence, instead of this,
document.write('<script src="sourcefile/clickCall.js"></script>')
you can directly call your script.
<script src="sourcefile/clickCall.js"></script>
I am loading the mathJax javascript library over their CDN dynamically their CDN dynamically. This is so I can apply it to a html partial page I am loading at the same time.
As it stands, the scripts will load once but not reload when the html partial page changes. I have tried using a timestamp on the CDN URL and removing the scripts from the DOM, among other things. I have been trying to solve this all afternoon with no success. There are no errors appearing.
So, is there anything else I can try to get the scripts to reload with each new html snippet? Thanks a ton for any suggestions. Here is my code:
$scope.getLesson = function (x)
$scope.lessonMenu = false;
$scope.hiddenMenuLink = true;
x = x.replace(/[\s]/g, '');
$scope.parse = $parse(x)($scope);
var i = 0;
$.get("Lessons/" + x + ".html", function (data) {
// send the current html to view
$scope.currentLessonHTML = data.toString();
// destroy mathjax if existing
if (i > 1 && script1.parentNode != null) {
i = 0;
// loading the MathJax dynamically
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var script1 = document.createElement("script");
var script2 = document.createElement("script");
var responsibleSibling = document.createElement("script");
var mathJax = "" + "?nocache=" + new Date().getTime();
var mathJaxConfig = 'MathJax.Hub.Config({extensions: ["tex2jax.js"], jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],tex2jax: {inlineMath: [ ["$","$"], ["\\\\(","\\\\)"] ],displayMath: [ ["$$","$$"], ["\\[","\\]"] ],processEscapes: true},"HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] }});';
script1.type = "text/x-mathjax-config";
script1[(window.opera ? "innerHTML" : "text")] = mathJaxConfig;
script2.type = "text/javascript";
script2.src = mathJax;
// apply new lesson
$scope.showLesson = true;
I finally figured this out. The script was being reloaded, but it was not applying the typeset specific to the Mathjax library. The solution is a built-in function to queue the typeset to async operations, like such:
Thanks for feedback.
One of my clients would like to execute a script after the rest of the page content has fully loaded.
I suggested the following jquery function:
$(window).load(function() {
Which calls the script above only after the rest of the page has loaded. However, the script above is also supposed to call another script after it executes. This looks something like the below:
function AT_tags(){
try{var tags = new Array();
var imgs = new Array();
tags = [];
for(var i=0; i<tags.length; i++)
{ imgs[i] = new Image();
imgs[i].src = tags[i];}
var AT_csk = new AT_tags();
document.write('<s'+'cript language="JavaScript" src=""></scr'+'ipt>');
The second script - that says jaction/KamuiTag - isn't executing when the first script is called this way.
Can someone please explain to me why a script within a script that executes using the above jquery function would not get called?
Also, does anyone have any fixes or suggestions?
Try using the DOM.
document.head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var js = document.createElement('script');
You can use callback for $.getScript() like below;
$(window).load(function() {
$.getScript("", function() {
function AT_tags(){
try{var tags = new Array();
var imgs = new Array();
tags = [];
for(var i=0; i<tags.length; i++)
{ imgs[i] = new Image();
imgs[i].src = tags[i];}
var AT_csk = new AT_tags();
Basically, im making a javascript to refresh a page and it will find the price and buy the item when it goes up for the price desired.
I got it to work without the iframe, but I need to to work in the iframe, which is the problem ive reached.
If you went to this page: [ ]
and ran this code:
You would get an alert for the lowest price. In the code, this doesnt work (Hence, my problem.)
Try running the code below on this page to get it to work [ ]
var filePath = document.URL;
var itemid = filePath.slice((("="))+1));
var mobileRoot = '';
var mobileEnd = '/privatesales';
var mobileFilePath = mobileRoot+itemid+mobileEnd;
var iframe2 = '<iframe id="frame" width="100%" height="1" scrolling="yes"></iframe>';
var iframe = parent.document.getElementById("frame");
iframe.height = 300;
iframe.width = 500;
iframe.src = mobileFilePath;
var price;
var snipe = false;
var lp = Number(prompt("Snipe Price?"));
document.title = "Sniping";
function takeOutCommas(s){
var str = s;
while ((str.indexOf(",")) !== -1){
str = str.replace(",","");
return str;
function load() {
if (snipe == false) {
tgs = iframe.contentDocument.getElementsByClassName('currency-robux');
price = Number((takeOutCommas(tgs[0].innerHTML)));
iframe.onload = load;
You might try having both pages — the one from "" and the one from "" — add the following up at the top of the head:
document.domain = "";
Code from the different domains won't be allowed to look at each others page contents, but if you set the domains to the same suffix then it should work.
If you can't get it to work by sharing the same document.domain="" code then you can try posting messages to the iframe.
Put this inside the iframe page:
window.addEventListener('message',function(e) {
In the parent page execute this to pass a message (can be a string or object, anything really) to the iframe:
document.getElementById("frame").contentWindow.postMessage({ "json_example": true }, "*");
Put this in the parent to listen for the message:
window.addEventListener("message", messageReceived, false);
function messageReceived(e) {
From inside the iframe posting a message back out:
window.parent.postMessage('Hello Parent Page','*');