Javascript refer to index like enum, refactor - javascript

I have a const object that I refer to.
I refer to both the key and the value.
For reasons beyond me, I don't want to directly use the key (since it is an integer).
export const listObject = {
1: "a",
2: "b",
3: "c",
4: "d",
so when I map this, I refer to the key index as the mappedIndex, and the value as listObject[mappedIndex]
I want to refer to the key in a different way.
Would something like this work?
export const listObject = {
1: "a",
"reason1": 1,
2: "b",
"reason2": 2,
3: "c",
"reason3": 3,
4: "d",
"reason4": 4,
Ignore the naming convention, this was just written as an example.
so now I can refer to the key as listObject[listObject.reason1] and the value still as listObject[mappedIndex]
i might have all this mixed up, as of doing it this way I won't be able to map properly. any recommendations?

If you absolutely wish to be able to access the object like this, I would take the following approach: First, we have our base object from you:
export const listObject = {
1: "a",
2: "b",
Then, I would create a different object that contains the keys.
export const listObjectKeys = {
reason1: 1,
reason2: 2,
Now, you could access a property in listObject object using listObject[listObjectKeys.reason1]. I find this to be the best way to structure everything in order to not accidentally taint your listObject with extra rows that are actually just keys. Let me know if you have any questions or if I'm misunderstanding anything.

You could do something like typescript's enums. They trasnpile to something like this in javascript:
const listObject = {}
listObject[listObject["reason1"] = 1] = "a";
listObject[listObject["reason2"] = 2] = "b";
listObject[listObject["reason3"] = 3] = "c";
listObject[listObject["reason4"] = 4] = "d";
(This is same as the second example in the question)

You can delcare constant listObject as array of object as mentioned below:
const listObject = [{"index":1,"value":"a"},{"index":2,"value":"b"}];
And you can access index 1 value as bleow:
listObject[0].value => "a"


Append string to Array in non-mutative way in Javascript

I have function that returns a string or an array of strings depending on some rules defined inside.
So we want to basically take that String/Array and basically make sure that we end up with an array of strings with an additional string 'X' added as last item to that array.
concat is a very useful array method for that purpose, since it both accepts an array as argument or a non-array. Either way it will concatenate those/that value(s) to the array on which it is called, and return the result.
In addition, concat accepts more than one argument, so you can at the same time add some other value, like "X":
function f(b) {
if (b) return ["a", "b"];
else return "a";
// call f twice, the first time it returns "a", the second time ["a", "b"]
for (let b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
let res = [].concat(f(b), "X");
function append(vec, word){
if (typeof(vec)==="string"){
vec = [vec]
return vec.concat(word)
a = "foo"
b = ["foo","bar"]
append(a,"xyz") //-> [ 'foo', 'xyz' ]
append(b,"xyz") //-> [ 'foo', 'bar', 'xyz' ]
When you're dealing with a variable that may or may not already be an array, the .flat() method comes in handy, so you can wrap it in an array and then make sure the array is only one level deep.
This is how I would achieve this, and there are two different ways you could write up this function, so I'll include both below:
const stringExample = "test";
const arrayExample = ["1", "2", "3"];
const xStrings1 = strings => [...[strings].flat(), "X"]; // option 1
const xStrings2 = strings => [strings, "X"].flat(Infinity); // option 2
console.log(xStrings1(stringExample)); // -> ["test", "X"]
console.log(xStrings2(stringExample)); // -> ["test", "X"]
console.log(xStrings1(arrayExample)); // -> ["1", "2", "3", "X"]
console.log(xStrings2(arrayExample)); // -> ["1", "2", "3", "X"]
I've benchmark-tested both functions with both examples of sample data, and they are nearly identical in performance for both types. Neither is conclusively faster than the other, so it's up to you which you would prefer to use.

javascript how to avoid numbered object keys to be sorted automatically [duplicate]

Why I met this problem:
I tried to solve an algorithm problem and I need to return the number which appeared most of the times in an array. Like [5,4,3,2,1,1] should return 1.
And also when two number appear same time as the maximum appearance return the one came first. Like [5,5,2,2,1] return 5 because 5 appear first. I use an object to store the appearance of each number. The key is the number itself.
So When the input is [5,5,2,2,1] my object should be
Object {5: 2, 2: 2, 1: 1} but actually I got Object {1: 1, 2: 2, 5: 2}
So When I use to iterate the object I got 2 returned instead of 5 . So that's why I asked this question.
This problem occurs in Chrome console and I'm not sure if this is a common issue:
When I run the following code
var a = {};
a is: Object {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}
But when I reverse the order of assignment like:
var a = {};
a is also:Object {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}
The numeric property automatic sorted in ascending order.
I tried prefix or postfix the numeric property like
var a = {};
console.log(a);//Object {p0: 1, p1: 2, p2: 3}
And this keep the property order. Is this the best way to solve the problem? And is there anyway to prevent this auto sort behavior? Is this only happen in Chrome V8 JavaScript engine? Thank you in advance!
target = {}
target[' ' + key] = value // numeric key
This can prevent automatic sort of Object numeric property.
You really can't rely on order of an object fields in JavaScript, but I can suggest to use Map (ES6/ES2015 standard) if you need to preserve order of your key, value pair object. See the snippet below:
let myObject = new Map();
myObject.set('z', 33);
myObject.set('1', 100);
myObject.set('b', 3);
for (let [key, value] of myObject) {
console.log(key, value);
// z 33
// 1 100
// b 3
You are using a JS object, that by definition does not keep order. Think of it as a key => value map.
You should be using an array, that will keep whatever you insert on the index you inserted it into. Think of it as a list.
Also notice that you did not in fact "reverse the order of the assignment", because you inserted elements on the same index every time.
This is an old topic but it is still worth mentioning as it is hard to find a straight explanation in one-minute googling.
I recently had a coding exercise that finding the first occurrence of the least/most frequent integer in an array, it is pretty much the same as your case.
I encountered the same problem as you, having the numeric keys sorted by ASC in JavaScript object, which is not preserving the original order of elements, which is the default behavior in js.
A better way to solve this in ES6 is to use a new data type called: Map
Map can preserve the original order of elements(pairs), and also have the unique key benefit from object.
let map = new Map()
map.set(4, "first") // Map(1) {4 => "first"}
map.set(1, "second") // Map(2) {4 => "first", 1 => "second"}
map.set(2, "third") // Map(3) {4 => "first", 1 => "second", 2 => "third"}
for(let [key, value] of map) {
console.log(key, value)
// 4 "first"
// 1 "second"
// 2 "third"
However, using the object data type can also solve the problem, but we need the help of the input array to get back the original order of elements:
function findMostAndLeast(arr) {
let countsMap = {};
let mostFreq = 0;
let leastFreq = arr.length;
let mostFreqEl, leastFreqEl;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let el = arr[i];
// Count each occurrence
if (countsMap[el] === undefined) {
countsMap[el] = 1;
} else {
countsMap[el] += 1;
// Since the object is sorted by keys by default in JS, have to loop again the original array
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const el = arr[i];
// find the least frequent
if (leastFreq > countsMap[el]) {
leastFreqEl = Number(el);
leastFreq = countsMap[el];
// find the most frequent
if (countsMap[el] > mostFreq) {
mostFreqEl = Number(el);
mostFreq = countsMap[el];
return {
most_frequent: mostFreqEl,
least_frequent: leastFreqEl
const testData = [6, 1, 3, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6];
console.log(findMostAndLeast(testData)); // { most_frequent: 6, least_frequent: 3 }, it gets 6, 3 instead of 1, 2
To prevent the automatic sort of numeric keys of Object in Javascript, the best way is to tweak the Object keys a little bit.
We can insert an "e" in front of every key name to avoid lexicographical sorting of keys and to get the proper output slice the "e", by using the following code;
object_1 = {
"3": 11,
"2": 12,
"1": 13
let automaticSortedKeys = Object.keys(object_1);
console.log(automaticSortedKeys) //["1", "2", "3"]
object_2 = {
"e3": 11,
"e2": 12,
"e1": 13
let rawObjectKeys = Object.keys(object_2);
console.log(rawObjectKeys) //["e3", "e2", "e1"]
let properKeys ={
return element.slice(1)
console.log(properKeys) //["3", "2", "1"]
instead of generating an object like {5: 2, 2: 2, 1: 1}
generate an array to the effect of
{key: 5, val: 2},
{key: 2, val: 2},
{key: 1, val: 1}
or... keep track of the sort order in a separate value or key
I've stumbled with this issue with our normalised array which keyed with Ids> After did my research, I found out there's no way to fix using the object keys because by default the Javascript is sorting any object key with number when you iterate it.
The solution I've done and it worked for me is to put a 'sortIndex' field and used that to sort the list.
The simplest and the best way to preserve the order of the keys in the array obtained by Object.keys() is to manipulate the Object keys a little bit.
insert a "_" in front of every key name. then run the following code!
myObject = {
_a: 1,
_1: 2,
_2: 3
const myObjectRawKeysArray = Object.keys(myObject);
//["_a", "_1", "_2"]
const myDesiredKeysArray = => {return rawKey.slice(1)});
//["a", "1", "2"]
You get the desired order in the array with just a few lines of code. hApPy CoDiNg :)
I came across this same problem, and after search a lot about that, i found out that the solution to prevent this behavior is make key as string.
Like that:
{"a": 2, "b": 2}
you can use Map() in javascript ES6 which will keep the order of the keys insertion.
just trying to solve your problem in an alternative solution, recently like to practise leetcode-like question
function solution(arr) {
const obj = {};
const record = {
value: null,
count: 0
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let current = arr[i];
if (!obj[current]) {
obj[current] = 0;
if (obj[current] > record.count) {
record.value = current;
record.count = obj[current];
console.log("mode number: ", record.value);
console.log("mode number count: ", record.count);
simply do that while you're working with a numeric array index
data = {}
data[key] = value

Intern Functional Testing, how to iterate array of elements [duplicate]

Why does the following fail?
and what is the right way to test that?
For expect, .equal will compare objects rather than their data, and in your case it is two different arrays.
Use .eql in order to deeply compare values. Check out this link.
Or you could use .deep.equal in order to simulate same as .eql.
Or in your case you might want to check .members.
For asserts you can use .deepEqual, link.
Try to use deep Equal. It will compare nested arrays as well as nested Json.
expect({ foo: 'bar' }).to.deep.equal({ foo: 'bar' });
Please refer to main documentation site.
for unordered deep equality, use members
expect([1,2,3]).to.have.members([3,2,1]); // passes expect([1,2,3]).to.have.members([1,2,3]); // passes expect([1,2,3]).to.eql([3,2,1]); // fails
import chai from 'chai';
const arr1 = [2, 1];
const arr2 = [2, 1];
chai.expect(arr1).to.eql(arr2); // Will pass. `eql` is data compare instead of object compare.
You can use .deepEqual()
const { assert } = require('chai');
assert.deepEqual([0,0], [0,0]);
You can use
assert.sameDeepMembers(set1, set2, [message])
Asserts that set1 and set2 have the same members in any order. Uses a deep equality check.
assert.sameDeepMembers([ { a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 } ], [{ b: 2 }, { a: 1 }, { c: 3 }], 'same deep members');
This is how to use chai to deeply test associative arrays.
I had an issue trying to assert that two associative arrays were equal. I know that these shouldn't really be used in javascript but I was writing unit tests around legacy code which returns a reference to an associative array. :-)
I did it by defining the variable as an object (not array) prior to my function call:
var myAssocArray = {}; // not []
var expectedAssocArray = {}; // not []
expectedAssocArray['myKey'] = 'something';
expectedAssocArray['differentKey'] = 'something else';
// legacy function which returns associate array reference
assert.deepEqual(myAssocArray, expectedAssocArray,'compare two associative arrays');

How to prevent automatic sort of Object numeric property?

Why I met this problem:
I tried to solve an algorithm problem and I need to return the number which appeared most of the times in an array. Like [5,4,3,2,1,1] should return 1.
And also when two number appear same time as the maximum appearance return the one came first. Like [5,5,2,2,1] return 5 because 5 appear first. I use an object to store the appearance of each number. The key is the number itself.
So When the input is [5,5,2,2,1] my object should be
Object {5: 2, 2: 2, 1: 1} but actually I got Object {1: 1, 2: 2, 5: 2}
So When I use to iterate the object I got 2 returned instead of 5 . So that's why I asked this question.
This problem occurs in Chrome console and I'm not sure if this is a common issue:
When I run the following code
var a = {};
a is: Object {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}
But when I reverse the order of assignment like:
var a = {};
a is also:Object {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}
The numeric property automatic sorted in ascending order.
I tried prefix or postfix the numeric property like
var a = {};
console.log(a);//Object {p0: 1, p1: 2, p2: 3}
And this keep the property order. Is this the best way to solve the problem? And is there anyway to prevent this auto sort behavior? Is this only happen in Chrome V8 JavaScript engine? Thank you in advance!
target = {}
target[' ' + key] = value // numeric key
This can prevent automatic sort of Object numeric property.
You really can't rely on order of an object fields in JavaScript, but I can suggest to use Map (ES6/ES2015 standard) if you need to preserve order of your key, value pair object. See the snippet below:
let myObject = new Map();
myObject.set('z', 33);
myObject.set('1', 100);
myObject.set('b', 3);
for (let [key, value] of myObject) {
console.log(key, value);
// z 33
// 1 100
// b 3
You are using a JS object, that by definition does not keep order. Think of it as a key => value map.
You should be using an array, that will keep whatever you insert on the index you inserted it into. Think of it as a list.
Also notice that you did not in fact "reverse the order of the assignment", because you inserted elements on the same index every time.
This is an old topic but it is still worth mentioning as it is hard to find a straight explanation in one-minute googling.
I recently had a coding exercise that finding the first occurrence of the least/most frequent integer in an array, it is pretty much the same as your case.
I encountered the same problem as you, having the numeric keys sorted by ASC in JavaScript object, which is not preserving the original order of elements, which is the default behavior in js.
A better way to solve this in ES6 is to use a new data type called: Map
Map can preserve the original order of elements(pairs), and also have the unique key benefit from object.
let map = new Map()
map.set(4, "first") // Map(1) {4 => "first"}
map.set(1, "second") // Map(2) {4 => "first", 1 => "second"}
map.set(2, "third") // Map(3) {4 => "first", 1 => "second", 2 => "third"}
for(let [key, value] of map) {
console.log(key, value)
// 4 "first"
// 1 "second"
// 2 "third"
However, using the object data type can also solve the problem, but we need the help of the input array to get back the original order of elements:
function findMostAndLeast(arr) {
let countsMap = {};
let mostFreq = 0;
let leastFreq = arr.length;
let mostFreqEl, leastFreqEl;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let el = arr[i];
// Count each occurrence
if (countsMap[el] === undefined) {
countsMap[el] = 1;
} else {
countsMap[el] += 1;
// Since the object is sorted by keys by default in JS, have to loop again the original array
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const el = arr[i];
// find the least frequent
if (leastFreq > countsMap[el]) {
leastFreqEl = Number(el);
leastFreq = countsMap[el];
// find the most frequent
if (countsMap[el] > mostFreq) {
mostFreqEl = Number(el);
mostFreq = countsMap[el];
return {
most_frequent: mostFreqEl,
least_frequent: leastFreqEl
const testData = [6, 1, 3, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6];
console.log(findMostAndLeast(testData)); // { most_frequent: 6, least_frequent: 3 }, it gets 6, 3 instead of 1, 2
To prevent the automatic sort of numeric keys of Object in Javascript, the best way is to tweak the Object keys a little bit.
We can insert an "e" in front of every key name to avoid lexicographical sorting of keys and to get the proper output slice the "e", by using the following code;
object_1 = {
"3": 11,
"2": 12,
"1": 13
let automaticSortedKeys = Object.keys(object_1);
console.log(automaticSortedKeys) //["1", "2", "3"]
object_2 = {
"e3": 11,
"e2": 12,
"e1": 13
let rawObjectKeys = Object.keys(object_2);
console.log(rawObjectKeys) //["e3", "e2", "e1"]
let properKeys ={
return element.slice(1)
console.log(properKeys) //["3", "2", "1"]
instead of generating an object like {5: 2, 2: 2, 1: 1}
generate an array to the effect of
{key: 5, val: 2},
{key: 2, val: 2},
{key: 1, val: 1}
or... keep track of the sort order in a separate value or key
I've stumbled with this issue with our normalised array which keyed with Ids> After did my research, I found out there's no way to fix using the object keys because by default the Javascript is sorting any object key with number when you iterate it.
The solution I've done and it worked for me is to put a 'sortIndex' field and used that to sort the list.
The simplest and the best way to preserve the order of the keys in the array obtained by Object.keys() is to manipulate the Object keys a little bit.
insert a "_" in front of every key name. then run the following code!
myObject = {
_a: 1,
_1: 2,
_2: 3
const myObjectRawKeysArray = Object.keys(myObject);
//["_a", "_1", "_2"]
const myDesiredKeysArray = => {return rawKey.slice(1)});
//["a", "1", "2"]
You get the desired order in the array with just a few lines of code. hApPy CoDiNg :)
I came across this same problem, and after search a lot about that, i found out that the solution to prevent this behavior is make key as string.
Like that:
{"a": 2, "b": 2}
you can use Map() in javascript ES6 which will keep the order of the keys insertion.
just trying to solve your problem in an alternative solution, recently like to practise leetcode-like question
function solution(arr) {
const obj = {};
const record = {
value: null,
count: 0
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let current = arr[i];
if (!obj[current]) {
obj[current] = 0;
if (obj[current] > record.count) {
record.value = current;
record.count = obj[current];
console.log("mode number: ", record.value);
console.log("mode number count: ", record.count);
simply do that while you're working with a numeric array index
data = {}
data[key] = value

Should I use curly brackets {} or square brackets [] in this case?

Currently I have an array using an increasing index:
var idx = 1;
var a = [];
a[idx++] = "apple";
a[idx++] = "orange";
And only accessing it by [], not using array specific functions, like length, indexOf, ...
Apparently following is also working in this case:
var a = {};
So, which one should I prefer in such case? For example any performance difference between them?
[ ] denotes an array. Arrays only hold values:
var a1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
As #Qantas pointed out, array can hold more than just values. An array can even contain another array and/or object:
var a2 = [1, 2, ["apple", "orange"], {one: "grape", two: "banana"}];
{ } denotes an object. Objects have key-value pairs like
var a3 = {one: 1, two: 2}
In your case, it's really a matter of how you would like to be able to access the data. If you are only interested in knowing "apple", "pear", etc. Go ahead and use an array. You can access it via it's index
a1[0]; // outputs 1
a1[1]; // outputs 2
or you can iterate over it with a loop. If you use the curly braces, (given the example I gave) you could access it with; // outputs 1
a3["two"]; // outputs 2
It's really up to you on how it would best fit your needs in this case. For a more extensive discussion see this article.
The difference is using square brackets will create an Array object while using curly brackets creates a plain object. For example:
a = [];
a[1] = 'a';
b = {};
b[1] = 'b';
a.length; // returns 2
b.length; // is undefined
a.push('z'); // add 'z' to the end of a
b.push('z'); // generates an error - undefined is not a function
// because plain objects don't have a push method
Read the MDN documentation on Array objects to know more about arrays:
