I figured this must be a dup, but I can't find it on SO. Given an object like this:
let obj = { keyA: { keyB: 'hi', keyC: { keyD: null } }, keyE: 'hi' }
Is there a way I can find key paths to a given value, like this:
keyPaths(obj, 'hi') // -> [ 'keyA.keyB', 'keyE' ]
keyPaths(obj) // -> [ 'keyA.keyB.keyD' ]
I tried to adapt some of the answers that find deep values knowing the key, and I was almost able to adapt this one that finds deep nulls, but I can't figure out how to get the path back, instead of just the deepest key.
I would go with a depth first search like this :
let obj = { keyA: { keyB: 'hi', keyC: { keyD: null } }, keyE: 'hi' }
function keyPaths(parent, value = null, chain) {
let allResults = [];
for (const prop in parent) {
if (parent.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
const element = parent[prop];
const newChain = chain ? chain + '.' + prop : prop;
if (element === value) {
else if (Object.keys(prop).length > 1) {
allResults = [...allResults, ...keyPaths(element, value, newChain)];
return allResults;
console.log(keyPaths(obj, 'hi')) // -> [ 'keyA.keyB', 'keyE' ]
console.log(keyPaths(obj)) // -> [ 'keyA.keyB.keyC' ]
Basically, I check all the properties of the given element for a matching value. If a property doesn't match the value, but has child properties, I recursively call the function, and merge the results from the call iteration and the recursive call.
You do this pretty cleanly by using reduce inside a recursive function. The function will return an array, which you can than map() to whatever string values you want.
let obj = { keyA: { keyB: 'hi', keyC: { keyD: null } }, keyE: 'hi' }
function keyPaths(obj, val, path = [] ){
if (!obj) return
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((res, [k, v]) => {
let p = [...path, k]
if (v == val) res.push(p)
else if (v && typeof v == 'object') res.push(...keyPaths(v, val, p))
return res
}, [])
console.log(keyPaths(obj, 'hi').map(a => a.join('.')))
console.log(keyPaths(obj).map(a => a.join('|')))
If it's ok to use Lodash+Deepdash, then:
let paths = _(obj).filterDeep((v)=>v=='hi').paths().value();
Codepen is here
Im totally clueless how to build this. I am not even sure it is even possible and I've been scratching my head for way too long now.
Lets say I have an object:
const myObj = {
simple: "test",
nested: {
obj: "alright"
Now I have found a function that lets me set a value anywhere by specifying a path in that tree. If a key is not already existing in that object, it will be created:
const set = (obj: any, path: any, val: any) => {
const keys = path.split(".");
const lastKey = keys.pop();
const lastObj = keys.reduce((obj: any, key: any) => obj[key] = obj[key] || {}, obj);
lastObj[lastKey] = val;
set(myObj, "nested.another.iCanEvenGoDeeper", "very deep value");
const myObj = {
simple: "test",
nested: {
obj: "alright",
another: {
iCanEvenGoDeeper: "very deep value"
So far so good, but now its required that I can also define a path like this to dynamically build arrays. So that I can call these:
set(myObj, "nested.myArray[0].propInsideArrayElement", "first element")
set(myObj, "nested.myArray[1].propInsideArrayElement", "second element")
that will result in an object that looks like this:
simple: "test",
nested: {
obj: "alright",
myArray: [
{ propInsideArrayElement: "first element" },
{ propInsideArrayElement: "second element" }
It needs to be recursive and work with all scenarios, but I am like I said clueless on if it is even possible. Is there by any chance some utility scripts out there that does this already? If not, can anyone point me in the right direction?
In a next step, I would like to flatten the object to have a one dimensional object again, for the last example it would then look like this:
would then turn to
"simple": "test",
"nested.obj": "alright",
"nested.myArray[0].propInsideArrayElement": "first element",
"nested.myArray[1].propInsideArrayElement": "second element"
I have totally reworked the deepSet function now. It now supports multiple arrays and gaps in the arrays etc. I think this covers now every usecase. In the end it was way easier to figure the logic out when I started over without the reduce function
export const deepSet = (obj: any, path: string, val: any) => {
path = path.replaceAll("[", ".[");
const keys = path.split(".");
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let currentKey = keys[i] as any;
let nextKey = keys[i + 1] as any;
if (currentKey.includes("[")) {
currentKey = parseInt(currentKey.substring(1, currentKey.length - 1));
if (nextKey && nextKey.includes("[")) {
nextKey = parseInt(nextKey.substring(1, nextKey.length - 1));
if (typeof nextKey !== "undefined") {
obj[currentKey] = obj[currentKey] ? obj[currentKey] : (isNaN(nextKey) ? {} : []);
} else {
obj[currentKey] = val;
obj = obj[currentKey];
Looks interesting :)
Here is an example for array support based on your own code.
flatten the object is also included (Using recursive calls)
const myObj = {
simple: "test",
nested: {
obj: "alright"
const getTypeVal = (currentIndex, length, val) => {
const set = (obj, path, val) => {
path = path.replace('[', '.[')
const keys = path.split(".");
const lastKey = keys.pop();
let lastObj = keys.reduce((obj, key, currentIndex) => {
if(key.includes('[')) {
return obj[key.substring(1, key.length-1)]
if(obj[key] && obj[key].length && (keys[currentIndex+1] && keys[currentIndex+1].includes('['))) {
let nextKey = keys[currentIndex+1]
nextKey = nextKey.substring(1, nextKey.length-1)
!obj[key][nextKey] && obj[key].push({})
return obj[key] = obj[key] || ((keys[currentIndex+1] && keys[currentIndex+1].includes('[')) ? [{}] : keys[currentIndex+1] ? {} : val)
, obj);
lastObj[lastKey] = val;
const flatternObj = (obj, result = {}, key ='') =>{
if(Array.isArray(obj)) {
obj.forEach((d,i) => {
result = flatternObj(d, result, key + `[${i}]`)
else if(typeof obj === 'object') {
for (const i of Object.keys(obj)) {
result = flatternObj(obj[i], result, key ? key + `.${i}` : `${i}`)
else {
result[key] = obj
return result;
set(myObj, "nested.myArray[0].propInsideArrayElement", "first element")
set(myObj, "nested.myArray[0].propInsideArrayElement2", "first element - 2 ")
set(myObj, "nested.myArrayTwo[0]", 'test')
set(myObj, "nested.myArray[1].propInsideArrayElement", "second element")
set(myObj, "nested.myArray[2]", 'test')
I have an object like this
metadata: {
correlationId: 'b24e9f21-6977-4553-abc7-416f8ed2da2d',
createdDateTime: '2021-06-15T16:46:24.247Z'
and I have an array of the properties I wanna access
[metadata, correlationId]
how can I dynamically access the property on the object?
keys.forEach((key) => {
object[key][key2] ???
it needs to be dynamic since I don't know how deep we need to access the object
Here is a solution without recursion:
const myObj = {
a: {
b: {
c: "I'm the target"
const keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
let result = myObj;
for (const key of keys) {
result = result[key];
Or with recursion:
const finder = (obj, keys, index = 0) => {
const result = obj[keys[index++]];
if (!result) {
return obj;
return finder(result, keys, index);
console.log(finder(myObj, keys));
This is pretty similar to Accessing nested JavaScript objects and arrays by string path, except with one fewer step - you already have the keys you need in the form of an array. .reduce and access the next nested value in each iteration.
const obj = {
metadata: {
correlationId: 'b24e9f21-6977-4553-abc7-416f8ed2da2d',
createdDateTime: '2021-06-15T16:46:24.247Z'
const keys = ['metadata', 'correlationId'];
const result = keys.reduce((a, key) => a[key], obj);
This is my idea to solve your problem. Tell me, if is ok for you.
let x = {
metadata: {
correlationId: 'b24e9f21-6977-4553-abc7-416f8ed2da2d',
createdDateTime: '2021-06-15T16:46:24.247Z'
let fun = x => typeof x === 'string' ? console.log(x) : Object.keys(x).map( y => fun(x[y]));
i have an nested object as such:
options = {
religous: {
kosher: {
value: 'Kosher',
chosen: false
halal: {
value: 'Halal',
active: false
vegan: {
value: 'Vegan',
active: false
It contains nested objects of varying sizes. I would like to get an Array containing the values of any value propery. So for the above object the desired output would be:
['Kosher', 'Halal', 'Vegan']
Order doesn't really matter.
I tried to do so recursively as such:
getListOfLabels = obj => {
const lst = []
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj[key].value) lst.push(obj[key].value)
else return getListOfLabels(obj[key])
return lst
but I keep getting a RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded error.
Any suggestions?
The for...in loop assigns the key. To get the value use obj[key]. If the key is value add to lst, if it's an object, call getListOfLabels on it, and spread the results into lst.push():
const options = {"religous":{"kosher":{"value":"Kosher","chosen":false},"halal":{"value":"Halal","active":false}},"vegan":{"value":"Vegan","active":false}}
const getListOfLabels = obj => {
const lst = []
for (let key in obj) {
const val = obj[key] // get the value
if (key === 'value') lst.push(val) // if the key name is "value" push to lst
else if(typeof val === 'object') lst.push(...getListOfLabels(val)) // if type of value is object, iterate it with getListOfLabels and push the results into lst
return lst
const result = getListOfLabels(options)
You could take a recursive approach and check if the object contains a value key.
function getValues(object, key) {
if (key in object) return [object[key]];
return Object.values(object).reduce((r, v) => {
if (v && typeof v === 'object') r.push(...getValues(v, key));
return r;
}, []);
var options = { religous: { kosher: { value: 'Kosher', chosen: false }, halal: { value: 'Halal', active: false } }, vegan: { value: 'Vegan', active: false } };
console.log(getValues(options, 'value'));
Here's a succinct approach using reduce :-D
const getValues = options => Object.values(options)
.reduce((acc, optionObj) => (
optionObj.value ? [ ...acc, optionObj.value ] : [
...Object.values(optionObj).reduce((arr, { value }) => ([ ...arr, value ]), [])
]), [])
I have a HUGE collection and I am looking for a property by key someplace inside the collection. What is a reliable way to get a list of references or full paths to all objects containing that key/index? I use jQuery and lodash if it helps and you can forget about infinite pointer recursion, this is a pure JSON response.
fn({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d':{'e':7}}}, "d");
// [o.c]
fn({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d':{'e':7}}}, "e");
// [o.c.d]
fn({ 'aa': 1, 'bb': 2, 'cc': {'d':{'x':9}}, dd:{'d':{'y':9}}}, 'd');
// [o.cc,o.cc.dd]
fwiw lodash has a _.find function that will find nested objects that are two nests deep, but it seems to fail after that. (e.g. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/bnqyh)
This should do it:
function fn(obj, key) {
if (_.has(obj, key)) // or just (key in obj)
return [obj];
// elegant:
return _.flatten(_.map(obj, function(v) {
return typeof v == "object" ? fn(v, key) : [];
}), true);
// or efficient:
var res = [];
_.forEach(obj, function(v) {
if (typeof v == "object" && (v = fn(v, key)).length)
res.push.apply(res, v);
return res;
a pure JavaScript solution would look like the following:
function findNested(obj, key, memo) {
var i,
proto = Object.prototype,
ts = proto.toString,
hasOwn = proto.hasOwnProperty.bind(obj);
if ('[object Array]' !== ts.call(memo)) memo = [];
for (i in obj) {
if (hasOwn(i)) {
if (i === key) {
} else if ('[object Array]' === ts.call(obj[i]) || '[object Object]' === ts.call(obj[i])) {
findNested(obj[i], key, memo);
return memo;
here's how you'd use this function:
findNested({'aa': 1, 'bb': 2, 'cc': {'d':{'x':9}}, dd:{'d':{'y':9}}}, 'd');
and the result would be:
[{x: 9}, {y: 9}]
this will deep search an array of objects (hay) for a value (needle) then return an array with the results...
search = function(hay, needle, accumulator) {
var accumulator = accumulator || [];
if (typeof hay == 'object') {
for (var i in hay) {
search(hay[i], needle, accumulator) == true ? accumulator.push(hay) : 1;
return new RegExp(needle).test(hay) || accumulator;
If you can write a recursive function in plain JS (or with combination of lodash) that will be the best one (by performance), but if you want skip recursion from your side and want to go for a simple readable code (which may not be best as per performance) then you can use lodash#cloneDeepWith for any purposes where you have to traverse a object recursively.
let findValuesDeepByKey = (obj, key, res = []) => (
_.cloneDeepWith(obj, (v,k) => {k==key && res.push(v)}) && res
So, the callback you passes as the 2nd argument of _.cloneDeepWith will recursively traverse all the key/value pairs recursively and all you have to do is the operation you want to do with each. the above code is just a example of your case. Here is a working example:
var object = {
prop1: 'ABC1',
prop2: 'ABC2',
prop3: {
prop4: 'ABC3',
prop5Arr: [{
prop5: 'XYZ'
prop5: 'ABC4'
prop6: {
prop6NestedArr: [{
prop1: 'XYZ Nested Arr'
propFurtherNested: {key100: '100 Value'}
let findValuesDeepByKey = (obj, key, res = []) => (
_.cloneDeepWith(obj, (v,k) => {k==key && res.push(v)}) && res
console.log(findValuesDeepByKey(object, 'prop1'));
console.log(findValuesDeepByKey(object, 'prop5'));
console.log(findValuesDeepByKey(object, 'key100'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.10/lodash.min.js"></script>
With Deepdash you can pickDeep and then get paths from it, or indexate (build path->value object)
var obj = { 'aa': 1, 'bb': 2, 'cc': {'d':{'x':9}}, dd:{'d':{'y':9}}}
var cherry = _.pickDeep(obj,"d");
// {"cc":{"d":{}},"dd":{"d":{}}}
var paths = _.paths(cherry);
// ["cc.d", "dd.d"]
paths = _.paths(cherry,{pathFormat:'array'});
// [["cc","d"],["dd","d"]]
var index = _.indexate(cherry);
// {"cc.d":{},"dd.d":{}}
Here is a Codepen demo
Something like this would work, converting it to an object and recursing down.
function find(jsonStr, searchkey) {
var jsObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
var set = [];
function fn(obj, key, path) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (prop === key) {
set.push(path + "." + prop);
if (obj[prop]) {
fn(obj[prop], key, path + "." + prop);
return set;
fn(jsObj, searchkey, "o");
Fiddle: jsfiddle
In case you don't see the updated answer from #eugene, this tweak allows for passing a list of Keys to search for!
// Method that will find any "message" in the Apex errors that come back after insert attempts
// Could be a validation rule, or duplicate record, or pagemessage.. who knows!
// Use in your next error toast from a wire or imperative catch path!
// message: JSON.stringify(this.findNested(error, ['message', 'stackTrace'])),
// Testing multiple keys: this.findNested({thing: 0, list: [{message: 'm'}, {stackTrace: 'st'}], message: 'm2'}, ['message', 'stackTrace'])
findNested(obj, keys, memo) {
let i,
proto = Object.prototype,
ts = proto.toString,
hasOwn = proto.hasOwnProperty.bind(obj);
if ('[object Array]' !== ts.call(memo)) memo = [];
for (i in obj) {
if (hasOwn(i)) {
if (keys.includes(i)) {
} else if ('[object Array]' === ts.call(obj[i]) || '[object Object]' === ts.call(obj[i])) {
this.findNested(obj[i], keys, memo);
return memo.length == 0 ? null : memo;
Here's how I did it:
function _find( obj, field, results )
var tokens = field.split( '.' );
// if this is an array, recursively call for each row in the array
if( obj instanceof Array )
obj.forEach( function( row )
_find( row, field, results );
} );
// if obj contains the field
if( obj[ tokens[ 0 ] ] !== undefined )
// if we're at the end of the dot path
if( tokens.length === 1 )
results.push( obj[ tokens[ 0 ] ] );
// keep going down the dot path
_find( obj[ tokens[ 0 ] ], field.substr( field.indexOf( '.' ) + 1 ), results );
Testing it with:
var obj = {
document: {
payload: {
{field1: 123},
{field1: 456}
var results = [];
_find(obj.document,'payload.items.field1', results);
[ 123, 456 ]
We use object-scan for data processing tasks. It's pretty awesome once you've wrapped your head around how to use it.
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const haystack = { a: { b: { c: 'd' }, e: { f: 'g' } } };
const r = objectScan(['a.*.*'], { joined: true, rtn: 'entry' })(haystack);
// => [ [ 'a.e.f', 'g' ], [ 'a.b.c', 'd' ] ]
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src="https://bundle.run/object-scan#13.8.0"></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan
There are plenty more examples on the website.
The shortest and simplest solution:
Array.prototype.findpath = function(item,path) {
return this.find(function(f){return item==eval('f.'+path)});
I'm currently learning JavaScript and my teacher asked me to do an exercise that would return an array with all the names of this object:
name: 'grandma',
daughter: {
name: 'mother',
daughter: {
name: 'daughter',
daughter: {
name: 'granddaughter'
my question is similar to this one but the solution does not work for me because my object does not contain any arrays. The code I have so far:
function toArray(obj) {
const result = [];
for (const prop in obj) {
const value = obj[prop];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
else {
return result;
function nameMatrioska(target) {
return toArray(target);
which prints out this : [ 'grandma', [ 'mother', [ 'daughter', [Array] ] ] ]
but what my teacher wants is: ['grandma', 'mother', 'daughter', 'granddaughter']
Obviously you push an array to an array, where all nested children appears as an array.
To solve this problem, you could iterate the array and push only single items to the result set.
A different method is, to use some built-in techniques, which works with an array, and returns a single array without a nested array.
Some methods:
Array#concat, creates a new array. It works with older Javascript versions as well.
result = result.concat(toArray(value));
Array#push with an array and Function#apply for taking an array as parameter list. It works in situ and with older versions of JS.
Array.prototype.push.apply(result, toArray(value));
[].push.apply(result, toArray(value)); // needs extra empty array
Spread syntax ... for spreading an array as parameters. ES6
Spread syntax is a powerful replacement for apply with a greater use. Please the the examples as well.
Finally an example with spread syntax.
function toArray(obj) {
const result = [];
for (const prop in obj) {
const value = obj[prop];
if (value && typeof value === 'object') { // exclude null
// ^^^ spread the array
else {
return result;
function nameMatrioska(target) {
return toArray(target);
var object = { name: 'grandma', daughter: { name: 'mother', daughter: { name: 'daughter', daughter: { name: 'granddaughter' } } } };
You need .concat instead of .push. Push adds one item to an array; concat joins two arrays together.
['grandmother'].concat(['mother', 'daughter'])
-> ['grandmother', 'mother', 'daughter']
Unlike push, which modifies the array you call it on, concat creates a new array.
var a1 = [ 'grandmother' ];
a1.push( 'mother' );
console.log( a1 );
-> ['grandmother', 'mother']
var a2 = [ 'steve' ];
var result = a2.concat(['Jesus', 'Pedro']);
console.log( a1 );
-> ['steve']
console.log( result );
-> ['steve', 'Jesus', 'Pedro']
Try this
function toArray(obj) {
var result = "";
for (const prop in obj) {
const value = obj[prop];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
result = result.concat(" " + toArray(value));
else {
result = result.concat(value);
return result;
function nameMatrioska(target) {
return toArray(target).split(" ");
function toArray(obj) {
var result = [];
for (var prop in obj) {
var value = obj[prop];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
result = result.concat(toArray(value))
} else {
return result;
function nameMatrioska(target) {
return toArray(target);
var names = {
name: 'grandma',
daughter: {
name: 'mother',
daughter: {
name: 'daughter',
daughter: {
name: 'granddaughter'
//Output: ["grandma", "mother", "daughter", "granddaughter"]
You are really close.
You have to flatten your array in your last step.
Tip: In general be careful when checking for type object because e.g. null, undefined are also objects in JavaScript world!
function isObject(value) {
if(value === undefined) return "Undefined";
if(value === null) return "Null";
const string = Object.prototype.toString.call(value);
return string.slice(8, -1);
function collectPropertiesRec(object, propertyName) {
const result = [ ];
for(const currentPropertyName in object) {
const value = object[currentPropertyName];
if(isObject(value) === 'Object') {
result.push(collectPropertiesRec(value, propertyName));
else if(currentPropertyName === propertyName) {
return result;
function flattenDeep(arr1) {
return arr1.reduce((acc, val) => Array.isArray(val) ? acc.concat(flattenDeep(val)) : acc.concat(val), [ ]);
const names = {
name: 'grandma',
daughter: {
name: 'mother',
daughter: {
name: 'daughter',
daughter: {
name: 'granddaughter'
var result = collectPropertiesRec(names, "name");
alert(flattenDeep(result).join(", "));