Javascript library to compare 2 html string like freecodecamp - javascript

I have a project where we have a compare the original code and code written by the user. The user can code and then on button click we have to compare the written code with original code.
I have both original and new code in string
originalHtml : <html><body style='color:white;background:purple;'></body></html>
newHtml : <html> <body style="background:purple;color:white;"> </body> . </html>
Here there are 3 things to keep in mind
1) White space (should not show the difference for white space)
2) ' and " (should not compare quotes, both are valid in HTML)
3) Attribute order (should show difference only for missing attribute, ignore attributes order)
Any suggestions or alternative solution will be appreciated.

I have created a code pen for you, this will solve your problem.
const textArea = document.getElementById('code');
const btn = document.getElementById('checkcode');
const result = document.getElementById('result');
let originalHTML = `<html><head>
<title>Hello </title>
<p class="hello"></p>
btn.addEventListener('click', checkCode);
function checkCode() {
let newHTMLCode = textArea.value.replace(/\s/g,"");
let oldHTMLCode = originalHTML.replace(/\s/g,"");
if(newHTMLCode === oldHTMLCode) {
result.innerHTML = 'TRUE';
} else {
result.innerHTML = 'FALSE';
<textarea id="code">
<button id="checkcode">Check Code</button>
<p id="result"></p>

You can convert all of them to one uniform and compare them.
remove all space, tab (with one space)
replace all ' to "
sort attribute.
and some rule you defined
Example cheerio to get attribute:
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var yourString = `<html><body attr2='hi' attr1='hello' style='color:white;background:purple;'></body></html>`;
var $ = cheerio.load(yourString);
var yourAttrs = $('body')[0].attribs;
var sorted = {};
Object.keys(yourAttrs).sort().forEach(function(key) {
sorted[key] = yourAttrs[key];


New to Javascript, could someone help me with this substring problem?

The below script returns the following into my html:
"3.9 °C {alarm,unackedAlarm}"
I would like to remove the "{alarm,unackedAlarm}" section so it just shows the temperature value. I believe I need to use a substring to achieve this but I cannot work out where to place it?
<script src="" ></script>
require(['baja!', 'dialogs'], function (baja, dialogs) {
var sub = new baja.Subscriber();
sub.attach('changed', function(prop) {
if(prop.getName() === 'value');
document.getElementById("oat").innerHTML = ( this.get(prop));
baja.Ord.make('station:|slot:/BajaScriptExamples/Components/Ramp/out/value').get({ subscriber: sub});
I would suggest using the regex approach just in case the number of characters change.
function extract(text) {
const pattern = /^(.*) {.*}$/g;
const match = [...text.matchAll(pattern)];
if (match.length == 0 || match[0].length == 0) {
console.error("text does not match");
return match[0][1];
console.log(extract("3.9 °C {alarm,unackedAlarm}"));
The main idea here is to catch any string that follows this pattern (.*) {.*} and return what is in contained between the parenthesis (group).
The requirement of extracting specific part of a string can be done easily by using the split() function of Javascript.
Here are working examples using split:
Example 1: Split the string at blank spaces and print the first two parts.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo"></p>
var str = "3.9 °C {alarm,unackedAlarm}"
var result = str.split(" ")
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (result[0] + " " + result[1])
Example 2: Split the string at '{' and print the first part.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo"></p>
var str = "3.9 °C {alarm,unackedAlarm}"
var result = str.split("{")
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (result[0].trim())
3.9 °C
More information:

last three number show using php in javascript

i used this code but some thing wrong.
i show only last three number show using php in javascript.
var number = "678342345"
function substr() {
var numbersub = <?php
$rest = substr(number, -3);
echo $rest;
document.getElementById("nember").innerHTML = numbersub;
<button class="buttonsa" onclick="substr()">Show Number</button>
<div id="nember"></div>
var number = "678342345";
Thats a variable in javascript (on the client). You can't access it in PHP (on the backend). But you could just do the same you did in php in js:
var numbersub = number.substr(-3);
Or you have to move number to the backend.
If you want to show the the last three number only:
let number = "678342345"
document.getElementById("mybutton").addEventListener('click', function() {
let str = number.toString();
document.getElementById("number").innerHTML = str.substr(str.length-3);;
<button class="buttonsa" id="mybutton">Show Number</button><br>
<div id="number"></div>
If you want to show the number without the last three digits:
let number = "678342345"
document.getElementById("mybutton").addEventListener('click', function() {
let str = number.toString();
document.getElementById("number").innerHTML = str.substr(0, str.length-3);;
<button class="buttonsa" id="mybutton">Show Number</button><br>
<div id="number"></div>
Good luck.

How to write the code in "function printOut(){} " in javascript?

I need help with how to code this program in javascript. The javascript code should load a character from a box and a number (N) from another box. When you press a button, N rows prints each one of those with N characters (same characters that are loaded are printed). Before printing, check that it is only available a character in the box where characters are to be entered.
code in html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="theText"></p>
<p id="theNumber"></p>
a charachter: <input type="charachter" id="theChar">
a number: <input type="number" id="theNbr">
<button onclick="printOut()">print out!</button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js" ></script>
Code in Javascript:
function printOut(){
var theText = document.getElementById("theText").innerHTML;
var theNumber = document.getElementById("theNbr").innerHTML;
var newText= theText;
var outPut;
for(i = 0; i<theNumber; i++){
newText =newText + theText;
newText = newText + "<br>";
for( i = 0; i< theNumber; i++){
outPut = outPut + newText;
document.getElementById("theText").innerHTML= outPut;
There are several issues in your code, even after the corrections you made after comments were made. Some of the more important:
Don't use innerHTML on an input element. It makes no sense. To get its value, use value.
Don't assign to document.getElementById("theNumber").innerHTML: it will replace any HTML you already had, and thus will remove the theNbr input. Any reference to it will fail with an error from now on.
Initialise your variables before reading from them. outPut is never initialised and so outPut + newText will give undesired results.
Although your can do this with for loops, there is a nice string method in JavaScript with which you can repeat a character or even a longer string: repeat.
Here is how it could work:
function printOut(){
var theNumber = document.getElementById("theNbr").value; // Don't use innerHTML
var theChar = document.getElementById("theChar").value;
var oneLine = theChar.repeat(theNumber) + "<br>";
var output = oneLine.repeat(theNumber);
document.getElementById("theText").innerHTML = output;
a charachter: <input type="charachter" id="theChar">
a number: <input type="number" id="theNbr">
<button onclick="printOut()">print out!</button>
<p id="theText"></p>

"Writing" inside a HTML page using JS and JS scope

I'm developing a program which basically just receives input from the user twice (risk carrier and sum, but that's just a placeholder to make my program less abstract), groups those two values together and then repeats the contents in a loop. See the code below.
<script type="text/javascript">
function fillArray(){
document.getElementById("danke").innerHTML = "Thanks for specifying the amount of entries.";
var numberOfEntries = parseInt(document.getElementById('input0').value);
var i = 0;
var myArrA = [];
var myArrB = [];
var x = " ";
var neuRT = prompt("Enter a risk carrier");
var neuRH = prompt("Enter a risk sum");
for(i = 0; i<anzahlEintraege; i++){
x = myArrA[i] + " carries a risk of " + myArrB[i];
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = x;
<h1>risk assessment</h1>
<input type="text" id="input0" />
<button type="button" onclick="fillArray()">Number of entries</button> <p id="danke"></p>
<button type="button" onclick="untilNow()">Show all entries so far</button>
<br />
<br />
<div id="test"></div>
My issues are:
1.) I want to display the array by writing into an HTML element, which I attempted in the for-loop. Pop-ups are to be avoided. How can I loop through HTML elements, such as demo1, demo2, demo3 etc.? I can't just write <p id="demo" + i></p>. What other options are there?
2.) Say I want to make use of the untilNow() function. The scope of my arrays is limited to fillArray(). Do I need to "return" the arrays to the untilNow() function as parameters?
Thanks everyone!!!
The problem with your current code is that you're replacing the html by the last value in every loop. You're using = rather than +=. So, a quick fix would be to replace:
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = x;
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML += x;
An example of how you could wrap an array of strings in HTMLElements and add them to your document (note that there are many other ways/libraries to achieve the same result):
var myStrings = ["Hello", "stack", "overflow"];
// Two performance rules:
// 1. Use a fragment to prevent multiple updates to the DOM
// 2. No DOM queries in the loop
var newContent = myStrings.reduce(function(result, str) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
var txt = document.createTextNode(str);
return result;
}, document.createDocumentFragment());
// Actually add the new content
<ul class="js-list"></ul>

Verify specific input value

First off, thanks for anyone's help on this. I have an input id #Mailer_Code. I want to submit a specific value based on whether this mailer code value matches the user's value or not, and create 2 different IDs based on whether this value is valid or not.
In general terms:
ID is 1234;
if Mailer_Code is yourock, then ContactID is DWID
if Mailer_Code is not yourock, then ContactID is WWID
I would really appreciate if "yourock" was some sort of comma separated list so the Mailer_Code could be any of the specified values. ie. #Mailer_Code = "yourock, or yourawesome, or supercool, etc." (not case sensitive)
Also, if the #Mailer_Code is anything other than the list of allowed values, it simply returns a #Mailer_Code of "none" and WW1234.
So far I'm here:
if ( $('#Mailer_Code').val = "yourock" ) {
contactSource = "DW";
mailer_true_false = "true";
else {
contactSource = "WW";
mailer_true_false = "false";
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks for reading.
The following should get you started.
Note that instead of a comma separated list of valid values I added them to an array. jQuery has a very useful array function inArray that makes checking the values a simple matter.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<span id="Mailer_Code">yourock</span>
<span id="Id">1234</span>
<span id="ContactId"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
var arr = [ "yourock", "youareawesome", "youarethebest" ];
var inListPrefix = "DW";
var outListPrefix = "WW";
var mailerCode = $("#Mailer_Code").text();
var pre = "";
if (jQuery.inArray(mailerCode, arr) >= 0)
pre = inListPrefix;
pre = outListPrefix;
$("#ContactId").text(pre + $("#Id").text());
