Let's say function fib():
function fib(n) {
if (n < 2){
return n
return fib(n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
Now, let's say I want to display each step of this recursive function in a document.write, and progressively add the result of each iteration with a delay of 1000ms between steps. Can I do it without modifying the original function by perhaps having another function, passing this one as the argument, creating the output mechanism, and since it also returns a function, recursively add the delay?
No, but writing it as a generator instead would give you a useful interface to implement something like that
function*fib() {
for (let a = 1, b = 1, c = 0;; c = a+b, a = b, b = c) yield a;
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms));
const gen = fib();
// then, use it step by step
// OR with a delay inbetween
async function slowly() {
for (let v of gen) {
await sleep(1000);
Because your original function is synchronous, without modifying you cannot really call it as if it were asynchronous.
JavaScript allows you to overwrite a symbol like your function, fib. This allows you to redefine it whatever you just want. Maybe you could make it asynchronous with dynamically added behavior, I don't know, but that would be too complicated.
However, you said "I want to display each step of this recursive function ... with a delay of 1000 ms between steps". You can easily do this, because you can call fib synchronously, but print the results asynchronously! Example:
function fib(n) {
if (n < 2){
return n
return fib(n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
var queue = [];
var depth = 0;
var manageCall = function(fn){
return function() {
let result = fn.apply(this, arguments);
queue.push(" ".repeat(depth)+fn.name+"("+arguments[0]+") = "+result);
return result;
var fib = manageCall(fib);
var printDelayed = function() {
if (queue.length != 0) {
setTimeout(printDelayed, 1000);
fib is unchanged, but can follow how the recursion were executed.
Yeah, so ... You probably actually can do this, but you're gonna have to get really creative. This is extremely non-performant code, and likely would need some tweaks to actually function, but you could conceivably take this just a bit further to get what you're after.
What we're doing
So, we're going to be ripping out the guts of a defined function that's passed to our mangler function waitAndPrintFunc. That function will output the function as a string, and then use it to rebuild a Frankenstein function that's executed via eval.
PLEASE NOTE: Don't EVER use this in a production environment. This code is a living abomination just to prove that something like this could be done.
let indexCounter = 0;
const waitAndPrintFunc = (func) => {
let wholeFunc = func.toString();
const funcName = wholeFunc.slice(8, wholeFunc.indexOf('(')).replace(' ', '');
let funcBody = wholeFunc.slice(wholeFunc.indexOf('{') + 1, wholeFunc.lastIndexOf('}'));
const returnIndex = funcBody.indexOf(`return ${funcName}`);
const meatyPart = funcBody.slice(returnIndex + 7);
wholeFunc = wholeFunc.split('');
funcBody = funcBody.split('');
funcBody.length - returnIndex,
`document.querySelector('.output').appendChild("step \${indexCounter++}: \${eval(meatyPart)}"); setTimeout(() => {${meatyPart}}, 1000);`
wholeFunc.splice(0, 9 + funcName.length, 'const MyRiggedFunction = ');
wholeFunc.splice(wholeFunc.indexOf(')') + 1, 0, ' => ');
wholeFunc.splice(wholeFunc.indexOf('{') + 1, wholeFunc.lastIndexOf('}'), ...funcBody);
eval(`${wholeFunc.join('')} ; MyRiggedFunction(1)`);
function fib(n) {
if (n < 2) {
return n;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
I see that I can intercept a function call, if I intercept fib(n), it should be intercepted by its own recursive calls, right? https://bytes.babbel.com/en/articles/2014-09-09-javascript-function-call-interception.html I will try it
No, you can't do that.
You could definitely "tap" into fib in order to add some console.log:
// original function
function fib(n) {
if (n < 2){
return n
return fib(n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
// rebind the var `fib` to a wrapper to the original `fib`
var fib = ((orig) => (n) => {
console.log('tap:', n);
return orig(n)
console.log("result:", fib(7));
However if the prerequisite is that you cannot modify the original fib that means it's still working as synchronous function: adding the delay means that fib becomes asynchronous.
But the return value of fib itself, since it's recursive, is using an addition operator (fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)), and therefore is expecting an immediate value, not something delayed.
If the constraint is that you cannot modify the original fib but you can only tap into it, you can't add a timeout given the code you provided.
Said that, you can definitely tap into the function and schedule a console.log every 1000ms: however that means that the function is finished already to be executed, it's just the console.log for each step that is delayed.
And I don't think that's what you want.
The most elegant Fibonacci function I have found isn't even recursive:
async function* fib(x) {
let x1 = 0;
let x2 = 1;
let i = 0;
while (i < x) {
[x1, x2] = [x2, x1 + x2];
i += 1;
yield x1;
Generators are great.
That being said - they also lend themselves to recursive tasks, since you can execute them 'lazily'.
And traditionally, Fibonacci functions are textbook examples for recursion or memoization.
What I came up with so far doesn't work.
So I was wondering:
How would you do a recursive, memoized Fibonacci generator function in JavaScript?
Some preliminary comments:
async has nothing to do with yield. So remove async here.
For a generator it should be unnecessary to pass an argument that indicates the end of the series (x). This should be a limit that the caller imposes and the generator should not have to worry about. From the viewpoint of the generator, it should just keep going without limit for as long as the caller pulls values from it.
A recursive version would anyhow have to yield the first Fibonacci value before the others, so it would then make sense to apply a pattern that looks like tail recursion. This requires no memoization (except for passing on two consecutive Fibonacci values):
function* genFib (a=0, b=1) {
yield a;
yield *genFib(b, a+b);
let limit = 50;
for (let n of genFib()) {
if (n > limit) break;
Trincot's answer covers well the recursive generator aspect of you question and I agree with their assessment re: memoization in that case. Since it looks like you're looking to return a specific Fibonacci number you can simply memoize the function you posted in your question (minus async as it's not needed here). Keep in mind that since it only ever yields once, it could just as easily be a standard function since the cost will be paid regardless as soon as you access the next() (and only) element.
function memoFib() {
const c = new Map();
let m = 0;
let x1 = 0;
let x2 = 1;
return function* (x) {
while (m <= x) {
c.set(m, x1);
[x1, x2] = [x2, x1 + x2];
yield c.get(x)
const fib = memoFib();
console.log(fib(10).next().value); // updates cache
console.log(fib(14).next().value); // updates cache
It's a small next step to expand the above with Trincot's recursive example into a memoized function which returns specific ranges of the series as an iterator. The below snippet uses an array as a cache instead of a Map and accepts start and end indexes, if end is omitted it will return a sequence of 1. This makes better use of the generator and since the cache was already being populated sequentially an array is a better fit than a Map anyway.
function memoFib() {
const c = [];
let m = 0;
let x1 = 0;
let x2 = 1;
return function* fib(start, end) {
end = end ?? start + 1;
while (m <= start) {
c[m] = x1;
[x1, x2] = [x2, x1 + x2];
if (start < end) {
yield c[start]
yield* fib(start + 1, end)
const fib = memoFib();
for (const n of fib(0, 5)) {
console.log('\nSingle values:')
console.log(fib(11).next().value); // updates cache
console.log(fib(14).next().value); // updates cache
I have an exercise about JavaScript. This exercise requires me to use higher-order functions. I have managed to specify some of the functions so far, but when I try to execute the code, the result does not seem to work properly. I have some images to give you an idea, hopefully, you can help me correct this.
The thread is: Write the function loop(loops, number, func), which runs the given function the given number of times. Also write the simple functions halve() and square().
This is my code:
function loop(loops, number, func) {
var loops = function(n) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (i < 0) {
console.log('Programme ended')
if (i > 0) {
return n;
var halve = function(n) {
return n / 2
var square = function(n) {
return n ** 2;
console.log(loop(5, 200, halve));
console.log(loop(3, 5, square));
console.log(loop(-1, 99, halve));
Your current loop function declares an inner function and then exits. Ie, nothing actually happens -
function loop(loops,number,func){
// declare loops function
var loops= function(n){
// ...
// exit `loop` function
One such fix might be to run the supplied func a number of times in a for loop, like #code_monk suggest. Another option would be to use recursion -
function loop (count, input, func) {
if (count <= 0)
return input
return loop(count - 1, func(input), func)
function times10 (num) {
return num * 10
console.log(loop(3, 5, times10))
// 5000
so first things first: Higher-Order functions are functions that work on other functions.
The reason why you get undefined is because you are calling a function which doesn't return anything.
function x(parameter){
result = parameter + 1;
// -> returns undefined every time
// -> undefined
function y(parameter){
return parameter+1;
// -> returns a value that can be used later, for example in console.log
// -> 6
Second, you are using n for your for loop when you should probably use loops so it does the intended code as many times as "loops" indicates instead of the number you insert (i.e. 200, 5, 99).
By having the "console.log" inside a loop you may get a lot of undesired "programme ended" in your output so in my version I kept it out of the loop.
The other two answers given are pretty complete I believe but if you want to keep the for loop here goes:
function loop(loops, number, func){
for(let i = 0; i< loops; i++){ // let and const are the new ES6 bindings (instead of var)
number = func(number)
return number
return "Programme ended"
function halve(n) { // maybe it's just me but using function declarations feels cleaner
return n / 2;
function square(n) {
return n ** 2;
console.log(loop(5, 200, halve));
console.log(loop(3, 5, square));
console.log(loop(-1, 99, halve));
Here's one way
const loop = (loops, n, fn) => {
for (let i=0; i<loops; i++) {
console.log( fn(n) );
const halve = (n) => {
return n / 2;
const square = (n) => {
return n ** 2;
So I have an array that has a list of Channel Names that I would like to join (This is for a Twitch Chat Bot), the API endpoint for joining a channel has a rate limit of 50 joins per 15 seconds. I am trying to figure out the best way to iterate through 50 channel names, pause for 15 seconds, then resume iterating through the rest of the array, pausing for 15 seconds every 50 names.
I had originally tried a generic for loop using a fake, 100 value array, a Modulus Operator, and setTimeout, but to no avail. But in all honesty, I didn't know where to start so it is quite bad.
let array = ([...Array(100).keys()].map(x => ++x))
for (var i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
if (i % 50 === 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Waiting 15 seconds.')
}, 15000);
} else {
Ideally, it would log 1-50, then wait 15 seconds, then log 51-100.
You can use async and await to pause your for loop in a fairly simple fashion:
// utility function that returns a promise that resolves after t milliseconds
function delay(t) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, t);
async function processArray(array) {
for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
if (i % 50 === 0) {
await delay(15 * 1000);
let data = ([...Array(100).keys()].map(x => ++x))
processArray(data).then(() => {
console.log("all done");
FYI, I don't quite understand why you're trying to use index 1 through 100 on a 100 element array. I think you should be using indexes 0 through 99 for a 100 element array. I left the code that way you had in under the assumption that maybe you're doing this on purpose.
const _ = require('lodash');
Use iterators/generators so that you can control when you want the next item instead of fighting to "stop" the execution of the loop.
function* myIterator(data) {
for (const item of data)
yield item;
Then set up a function that will do the actual execution, taking the iterator as a parameter. This way, each time you call it, you can pass in the iterator so that it remembers where it left off.
function execute(it) {
// We want to do this in batches of 50
// (but test with lower value to better see how it works)
_.range(0, 50).forEach(() => {
// Get next item
const item = it.next();
// If no more items, we're done
if (item.done) return;
else {
// Do something with the item
// Pause for 15 seconds and then continue execution
setTimeout(() => execute(it), 15000);
Create your data, generate an iterator from it and then execute.
(function main() {
const data = _.range(1, 101);
const it = myIterator(data);
Try this
let array = ([...Array(100).keys()].map(x => ++x))
const startLoop = currentIndex => {
for (let i = currentIndex; i < array.length; i++) {
if (i % 50 === 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Waiting 15 seconds.');
startLoop(i + 1);
}, 15000)
Writing a recursive loop function from scratch (at the cost of performance) is probably the simplest solution, but you can accomplish this iteratively using a while loop and a Promise, without compromising performance.
In the code below, every time the 1-based index of the loop reaches a multiple of batch_size, an await is called which stops execution until the Promise resolves. The promise is just a setTimeout call, which waits for pause_ms before allowing the loop to continue. The values are slightly different here just to make testing easier; you can change them freely to meet your needs.
const vals = [...new Array(20)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1);
async function iterateBatches(arr, batch_size, pause_ms) {
// Create a promise generator that will automatically resolve after the desired number of millseconds.
const wait = () => new Promise(r => {
setTimeout(r, pause_ms)
// Establish the starting and ending points for the iteration.
const len = arr.length;
let i = 0;
// As long as the loop hasn't reached the final element,
while (i < len) {
// Perform an operation with the value in your array.
console.log(i, vals[i]);
// If we've reached the end of the array, break out of the loop to prevent an unneeded iteration.
if (i >= len - 1) break;
// Increment the index (this is also equal to the 1-based index, which saves us some lines).
// If the 1-based index is a multiple of batch_size and we're not on the first iteration, wait for our promise generator.
if (++i % batch_size === 0 && i > 0) await wait();
iterateBatches(vals, 5, 2000);
You could just create the loop manually. Here's a simplified example...
var array = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'];
var i = 0;
function loop(){
if(i>=array.length) return;
I am interested in the scenario where we have some function f which is recursive and which we are not provided the source code to.
I would like a function memoizer: Function -> Function which takes in say f and returns a function g such that g = f (in the sense they return the same value given the same arguments) which when called first checks if the called arguments are in its 'cache' (memory of results it has calculated before) and if so returns the result from this, otherwise it should compute f, should f call itself with some arguments, this is tantamount to calling g with those arguments and I would like that f first check if the cache of g contains those arguments and if so return the result from this, otherwise ...
This is easy (in Javascript) to do given the source code of f, I simply define memoize in the obvious way and do something like
let f = memoize((...args) => {/* source code of f */});
But this doesn't appeal to me at all (mainly because I might want a memoized and non memoized version of the same function and then I'd have to write the same function twice) and won't work if I don't know how to implement f.
In case it's not clear what I'm asking,
I would like a function memoize which takes a function such as
fact = n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * fact(n - 1);
And returns some new function g such that fact(n) = g(n) for all n and which for example when g(10) is computed stores the values of fact(0), ..., fact(10) which are computed while computing g(10) and then if I ask for say g(7) it finds the result in the cache and returns it to me.
I've thought that conceptually it's possible to detect when f is called since I have it's address and maybe I could replace all calls to f with a new function where I compute f and store the result and then pass the value on to where it would normally go. But I don't know how to do this (and it sounds unpleasant).
maybe I could replace all calls to f with a new function where I compute f and store the result and then pass the value on to where it would normally go.
This is actually very easy to do, as Bergi referred to in a comment.
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24488862/implementing-automatic-memoization-returns-a-closured-function-in-javascript/
function memoize(func) {
var memo = {};
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
return function() {
var args = slice.call(arguments);
if (args in memo)
return memo[args];
return (memo[args] = func.apply(this, args));
function fib(n) {
if (n <= 1) return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
fib = memoize(fib);
I might want a memoized and non memoized version of the same function and then I'd have to write the same function twice
Yes, you need to. The recursive call to fact(n - 1) inside the function can only refer to one fact function - either a memoized or an unmemoized one.
So what you need to do to avoid code duplication is define fact with the Y combinator:
const makeFact = rec => n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * rec(n - 1);
// ^^^ ^^^
const factA = Y(makeFact);
const factB = memoizingY(makeFact);
function Y(make) {
const f = make((...args) => f(...args)); // const f = make(f) is easier to understand
return f; // but doesn't work with eager evaluation
I'll leave the definition of memoizingY as an exercise to the reader :-)
Possibly simpler approach:
const makeFact = annotate => {
const f = annotate(n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * f(n - 1));
return f;
const factA = makeFact(identity);
const factB = makeFact(memoize);
In my limited experience, we do have access to JavaScript source code. We could thus attempt to generate new source code for the memoized function.
// Redefine Function.prototype.bind
// to provide access to bound objects.
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7616461/generate-a-hash-from-string-in-javascript
var _bind = Function.prototype.apply.bind(Function.prototype.bind);
Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'bind', {
value: function(obj) {
var boundFunction = _bind(this, arguments);
boundFunction.boundObject = obj;
return boundFunction;
// Assumes the parameters for the function,
// f, can be consistently mapped.
function memo(f){
if (!(f instanceof Function))
throw TypeError('Argument is not an instance of Function.');
// Generate random variable names
// to avoid conflicts with unknown
// source code
function randomKey(numBytes=8){
let ranges = [[48, 10], [65, 26], [97, 26]];
let key = '_';
for (let i=0; i<numBytes; i++){
let idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranges.length);
key += String.fromCharCode(ranges[idx][0] + Math.random() * ranges[idx][1]);
return key;
let fName = f.name;
let boundObject;
let fCode;
const nativeCodeStr = '(){[nativecode]}';
// Possible Proxy
try {
fCode = f.toString();
} catch(error){
if (error.constructor == TypeError){
if (Function(`return ${ fName }.toString()`)() != nativeCodeStr){
throw TypeError(`Possible Proxy detected: function has a name but no accessible source code. Consider memoizing the target function, ${ fName }.`);
} else {
throw TypeError(`Function has a name but no accessible source code. Applying toString() to its name, ${ fName }, returns '[native code]'.`);
} else {
throw Error('Unexpected error calling toString on the argument.');
if (!fName){
throw Error('Function name is falsy.');
// Bound functions
// Assumes we've monkey-patched
// Function.prototype.bind previously
} else if (fCode.replace(/^[^(]+|\s+/g, '') == nativeCodeStr){
if (/^bound /.test(fName)){
fName = fName.substr(6);
boundObject = f.boundObject;
// Bound functions return '[native code]' for
// their toString method call so get the code
// from the original function.
fCode = Function(`return ${ fName }.toString()`)();
} else {
throw Error("Cannot access source code, '[native code]' provided.");
const fNameRegex = new RegExp('(\\W)' + fName + '(\\W)', 'g');
const cacheName = randomKey();
const recursionName = randomKey();
const keyName = randomKey();
fCode = fCode.replace(/[^\(]+/,'')
.replace(fNameRegex, '$1' + recursionName + '$2')
.replace(/return/g, `return ${ cacheName }[${ keyName }] =`)
.replace(/{/, `{\n const ${ keyName } = Array.from(arguments);\n\n if (${ cacheName }[${ keyName }])\n return ${ cacheName }[${ keyName }];\n`);
const code = `function(){\nconst ${ cacheName } = {};\n\nfunction ${ recursionName + fCode }\n\nreturn ${ recursionName }.apply(${ recursionName }, arguments);}`;
let g = Function('"use strict";return ' + code)();
if (boundObject){
let h = (g).bind(boundObject);
h.toString = () => code;
return h;
} else {
return g;
} // End memo function
function fib(n) {
if (n <= 1) return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
const h = fib.bind({a: 37});
const g = memo(h);
console.log(`g(100): ${ g(100) }`);
console.log(`g.boundObject:`, g.boundObject);
console.log(`g.toString():`, g.toString());
} catch(e){
console.log('Caught error memoizing anonymous function.', e)
const p = new Proxy(fib, {
apply: function(target, that, args){
console.log('Proxied fib called.');
return target.apply(target, args);
console.log('Calling proxied fib.');
console.log(`p(2):`, p(2));
let memoP;
try {
memoP = memo(p);
} catch (e){
console.log('Caught error memoizing proxied function.', e)
I'm not sure if what I am trying to do is impossible or not.
Consider this function:
function p(num) {
if (!num) num = 1;
return p.bind(null, num + 1);
if you call p(), inside the function num = 1, if you call p()(), num = 2 and so on. But, there is no way to actually return or obtain num from p because it always returns a bound copy of itself with the number trapped in its unexecutable closure.
Anyway, I'm curious (a) if there is a way to pull the argument out of the bound function, or (b) there is another way to count in this fashion.
I have two answers depending on what you want. If you simply want something "imperative" and "stateful":
function p() {
if (!p.num) p.num = 0;
p.num = 1 + p.num;
return p;
p.num; // 1
p.num; // 2
p.num; // 4
p.num; // 7
Or if you want it to be "stateless":
function p() {
p.num = 0;
function gen_next(prev) {
function next() {
return gen_next(next);
next.num = prev.num + 1;
return next;
return gen_next(p);
p().num; // 1
p()().num; // 2
p()()().num; // 3
p()().num; // still 2
p().num; // still 1