Can I use JsonEditor to edit JSON Schemas? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've admired JSON-editor [1] for a long time, and am quite familiar with using it to edit a document based upon a JSON schema for that document.
Why? A body of users edit JSON documents, using JSON-Editor, according to the relevant schema for that document type. That works fine.
I now wish to enable one or more power users to be able to create new document definitions - developing those definitions (json-schemas) using JSON-Editor. (Clearly a useful feature will be to display a "preview" of what an editor for that document-type will look like)
Has anyone tried to use JSON-editor to create/ edit the Schema's themselves? For this to happen there would initially have to be a JSON-schema describing the allowable structure for a JSON-Schema (note: possibly this: [2])

The second link you included in your question is what's called the meta-schema.
The meta-schema, is as you've idenified, a JSON Schema for JSON Schema documents.
Given draft-8 isn't published yet, you probably want tme meta-schema for draft-7, which is located at


Scraping Data using JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am working on a project where I want to scrape out data from a website whenever the value of the range slider is changed by the user and compare it with the actual data.
The tasks are:
Scrape the actual data(initial value)
2.Scrape out the base data(the value changed by the user)
I am supposed to extract the base data for each change in value done by the user and compare it with the actual data and store it in local directory
(CONDITION: Must be done only using JavaScript)
The slider is present within an iframe.
Can someone please suggest any approach/packages for doing this?
There are different ways to do scraping in javascript:
Regular Expressions: The hard way
Cheerio: Core JQuery for traversing the DOM
JSDOM: The DOM for Node
Puppeteer: The headless browser
Nightmare: An alternative to Puppeteer
For more info, try this article:

Writing in textarea on one page, displaying text data in another [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am writing an app that allows users to write and title stories within two textareas (one for each). After submission, I want the title to be displayed as a link to a page that will display the user's product in header(title)/paragraph(story content) notation. As background info, so far I've used only html and css, and I'm hoping to do this with either of the two or javascript. Any help is appreciated! Apologize if this is a confusing post, this is my first!
You will need php to achieve it.
Go learn some stuff about it :
Codecademy has a good interface to learn some language.
W3Schools is a standard for html/css/php/sql/jsjquery etc.
You can handle form with some other language, like python or javascript+nodejs. It depends of your needs. But if you are a beginner at coding, try php, you will find a lot of help on the web.

Is there an online JSON viewer/formatter that can show the path to an attribute? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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There are a lot of good online JSON viewers where I can paste in the structure & it'll pretty-print it.. but one thing I'd find useful (for complex JSON structures) is to be able to click on an attribute and it display the JavaScript object path to get to it, e.g.
Example image showing what I mean :)
I've not found any online (or offline) viewer that'll do this.. I don't suppose anyone knows of one?
Thanks in advance.
You can visit my site:
Hope this helps you!
You can try JSON Validator like JsonLint - you simply paste a well-formatted JSON text and it will validate and pretty-print/display it for you. There are also extensions for Chrome (JSON formatter as well as JSON viewer) - these will give you the expand/collapse features that you desire.

JavaScript library like JsonViewer [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to write the documentation of a custom HTTP API. I would like to see it like a demo client, with real responses.
In design there will be 3 columns, 1 for request methods, 1 for JsonViewer and 1 for html output.
My question is if there a library (JS) to help me in the JsonViewer like ?
I created a simple JSON viewer. It parses JSON from string by standard JSON.parse() method, and draws json-tree.
You can use only jsonTree library from editor in your project and create many json-trees on one html page.
jsonTree library (part of jsonTreeViewer)
Finally I found this JQuery library. .
It is exactly what I was looking for.

Is there any (free) alternative to Visustin, I need to create flowcharts from existing JavaScript code [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Basically, I need to convert existing JavaScript code to flowcharts, I've tried using Code Visual to Flowchart but it doesnt produce the flow charts how I would like them to (just shows links to the different functions...
Whereas Visustin actually separates each function automatically.
Is there any free alternative or even a lesser expensive software?
I think converting the code unedited results is useless due to too much detail. I would suggest a different approach that yields very readable flowcharts. creates flowcharts from C-like (or Javascript-like) pseudo-code which can contain arbitrary natural language. Please note that I am directly involved with this solution. You should probably create a different flowchart for each important function in your code.
Sample flowchart (you may click to edit)
