Run many nodejs servers in one command - javascript

I have few Nodejs servers, they are small servers and each one of them is stored in a separate folder. And all the folders are stored in one root folder. Every time i want to run the servers i have to go through each one of them and type
nodemon *name*.
This is becoming tiresome, especially that the number of servers is growing. is there any tool or a script i could use to run all the servers in one command??
Basically, how can i run all the servers in one command or a script?

With NPM. Write this in package.json :
"name": "project-name",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon server1.js | nodemon server2.js | nodemon server3.js"
Then you only need to execute npm start.
Also see this post

PM2 is a great answer for this.
pm2 start app.js -i 4 (or max will take up all available cores)
You also get great benefits such as automatic restarts, log aggregation and load balancing.

Use pm2
If you use Linux
pm2 start << Path to User Server>>
pm2 start << Path to User Server>>
pm2 logs
You can save
pm2 save
pm2 list
pm2 stop


start node and pm2 application from bat file

I have a chat-bot application running on node and I keep it always active thanks to pm 2.
I would like to improve the way I launch the application. Instead of running the start command from the console, it would be nice to double click a .bat file.
I am trying to develop the bat file, but I lack knowledge.
I am grateful for any help.
#echo off
SET PM2_HOME=C:\Users\Usuario\.pm2
pm2 start C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\ROBOTs\Chatbot SCTR\app.js
echo servicio ejecutado
This bat file that I developed does not work. I know that I am not calling the variables, because I don't know how to include it, since I always execute the pm2 start app.js command.
my application does not use ports like 8080 and others, because the same library allows me to establish a connection and with pm 2 I keep it always active.
add the start command to your package.json for launching your app with pm2, then with your bat file just direct it to run with npm or yarn, whatever your default package manager is
here is a sample of a script in bash, but the concept will be the same for batch
## detect operating system machine so we can setup some environment variables
UNAME="$(uname -s)"
case "${UNAME}" in
Linux*) OS='linux';;
Darwin*) OS='mac';;
CYGWIN*) OS='cygwin';;
MINGW*) OS='mingw';;
## if OS is Ubuntu (IE Production Box) set the path of variables
if [ $OS == 'linux' ]
## if OS is Mac (IE Development Box) set the path of variables
if [ $OS == 'mac' ]
## run the app
cd /var/www/application || exit
$YARN run productionStart
$PM2 save
exit $?
here is the line of code for starting the app on mac/linux we use from our package.json
"productionStart": "pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --env=production",
for more information about starting your app with an ecosystem file with pm2, see the docs here

npm stuck at "Starting the development server..."

I know this topic has been created before, but nothing I tried could fix it. The problem is precisely the following. I have a react script on an AWS ec2 server, that I want to execute automatically, whenever the instance is starting. For this purpose, the following script is executed at the start of the AWS server:
import time
import shlex, subprocess
args = shlex.split('sudo su ubuntu -c "/usr/bin/npm start --prefix /home/ubuntu/my-app > /home/ubuntu/output.txt 2>&1"')
When I run the script manually, everything works just fine. But whenever it is run during the server start, I get the following log:
> my-app#0.1.0 start /home/ubuntu/my-app
> react-scripts start
^[[34mℹ^[[39m ^[[90m「wds」^[[39m: Project is running at
^[[34mℹ^[[39m ^[[90m「wds」^[[39m: webpack output is served from
^[[34mℹ^[[39m ^[[90m「wds」^[[39m: Content not from webpack is served from /home/ubuntu/my-app/public
^[[34mℹ^[[39m ^[[90m「wds」^[[39m: 404s will fallback to /
Starting the development server...
That's all - nothing happens. Does anybody have an idea how to fix this? I thought it had something to do with the fact, that it is started from root. So I tried to fix that by using sudo su ubuntu -c, but it doesn't help either.
My guess is that it's the same problem as this issue. When you call npm start by default it calls the start script in package.json which points to :
"start": "react-scripts start",
There was a change in react-scripts that checks for non interactive shell when CI variable is not set here
But when you start it using sudo su ubuntu -c, it starts a non interactive shell.
What could work is setting CI variable to true like this :
export CI=true
sudo su ubuntu -c "/usr/bin/npm start ....."
You can also create a new script inside package.json :
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"ec2-dev": "CI=true;export CI; react-scripts start",
and run :
/usr/bin/npm run ec2-dev
instead of npm start
Starting a development server is only useful if you mount the src folder to a local directory via nfs or other file sharing mechanism in order to use the nodemon capability of react-script to instantly restart your server for live changes during development.
If it's for other purposes. You need to build the app using :
npm run build
Provision the build directory artifacts and serve it using a web server

How to run nodemon + forever in the background

Good morning!
I need my node.js server running in the background. I just saw this answer: Forever + Nodemon running together
I understand the idea, and I think that it's great, but when I use
forever -c "nodemon --exitcrash" app.js
the nodemon console stills visible. How can I hide the console?
Thank you everyone!
Try using pm2 pm2 guides
With pm2 your application runs in the background and:-
Can auto-start on server reboots
You can even set pm2 to watch for file changes and reload your application
You can monitor your application and see resource utilization
You can view logs
You can run your application in cluster and load-balance requests using pm2

Http-server running in background with nohup doesn't remain live

I have an ubuntu server. On which I have transferred some files which have some js and html code.
I used http-server from node.js to start a web server so that I can display the html page on the server.
I used nohup so that it can remain running even if I disconnect or close my system.
Here is the command I used:
nohup http-server -p 8000 -a &
Now this helps me visualize the files on but I am noticing after sometime the server goes down and one can't access the html page on that ip in their browser.
I thought nohup helps run things in background even if one closes their system or logs out of server.
How do I make this web server running always then and accessible to url to everyone
As per the suggestion below of using pm2, I installed latest version of node and then started service with pm2.
It says service started for http-server but when I go the to ip with port 8000 on browser it doesn't open up.
Here is the command I ran in my directory which has the html and d3 files.
$ pm2 start $(which http-server) -p 8000
And here is the output in shell of the pm2
Try this:
http-server & exit
You can also specify a port number:
http-server -p 8082 & exit
Reference here
I suggest you use pm2 . Long story short , check the official link
Steps :
Install :
npm install pm2 -g
Run your app :
pm2 start app.js
In your case use :
pm2 start /usr/local/bin/http-server -- -p 8080
for reboot to work run :
pm2 startup systemd
take the last line , change the user and home path and run the modified line as SUDO !!! you need sudo access for this !!!

Bot shuts down when putty window is closed

I created a discord bot and am now attempting to run it off an Ubuntu Machine.
I installed the folders of the bot and NodeJs, here is what I used to install NodeJS:
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Then I used cd to select the directory, and started my bot using node index.js
The bot started, however when I went to close the putty and keep it running on the VPS the bot shutdown. Here is what the directory looks like.
I think the problem is that when you start the app in the putty window, that process is linked to the window and gets terminated when that is closed.
To avoid that you can use a host service like screen, tmux, nohup, bg and so on...
If you want to know which is the best, try looking at this question from the askUbuntu Stack Exchange.
The key concept is that you open a new window using the tmux command (or screen, ...), then run your bot like you always do. When you want to leave but keep the process runing, you can detach the session with a key combination, that changes from service to service.
If you want to access that window again, you can run a command that will "restore" your session, like
tmux list-sessions
tmux attach-session -t 0
The NodeJS instance is terminated when putty is closed. You need something to keep the instance alive. Try:
Recommended though is to run the node instance as a service that can reboot on startup. Try looking at this:
The shell runs in the foreground. This means any scripts you start there will end once you end your session. A simple solution would be to run your script in the background by adding the & after the call:
node index.js &
A better solution would be to create a service you can ask the service daemon to run for you. However, adding the & should get you what you want for now.
I recommend using one of these two node modules - ForeverJS or PM2. I'll show you how to quickly get started with ForeverJS but PM2 would be very similar.
You can easily install ForeverJS by typing the following in your terminal:
$ npm install forever -g
You may need to use SUDO depending on your user's privileges to get this working properly. It is NOT recommended to use it in production due to the security risks.
Once installed CD to your projects file directory and like you typed 'node index.js' you will do something similar with ForeverJS.
$ forever start index.js
Now when you exit the terminal your NodeJS application will remain as a running process.
