Error: Not able to start debugging on Tizen TV - javascript

I'm not being able to debug a Tizen Web Application in a Smart TV. I followed the steps listed here
When selecting Debug As > Tizen Web Application I get the following error message:
'Launching Basicapplication' has encountered a problem
An internal error occurred during: "Launching Basicapplication".
An internal error occurred during: "Launching Basicapplication".
org.tizen.web.editor.configuration.TizenConfiguratorImpl cannot be cast to org.tizen.web.editor.configuration.IMobileConfigurator
I am using Tizen Studio, and I tried it in both Linux and Windows
Any help on this issue will be appreciated

I installed the TV-extension "Web app. development" & "Samsung Certificate Extension" from the Package Manager to fix this.

Please check your signature again, It may be you are building the signed copy of Tizen project and using a different signature.


Unable to solve Android target error in Meteor add-platform android

I using a Macbook Pro M1 and decided to do start developing mobile app using Meteorjs framework, since I've used the framework for web development. I've followed a tutorial online on how to get that going but currently facing a problem:
Status of the individual requirements:
✓ Java JDK
✓ Android SDK
✗ Android target: Command failed with exit code 1: avdmanager list target
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 5 more
✓ Gradle
It seems that there's only one requirement that failed, and I've searched for the solution but couldn't find anything that resembles a similar problem that I'm facing. Hoping for you to help point me to the right direction.
I have installed the Android Studio, uninstalled and reinstalled the Android SDK Build-Tools 32, Android SDK Command-line Tools, Android SDK Platform-Tools, and Android Emulator.
Currently, my ~/.bashrc file setup is like this:
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$HOME/Android/Sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/bin
...and my ~/.bash_profile:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
and I've got Gradle working just fine. Tested building a generic Android app using one of the samples in Android Studio. The build was successful.
But I can't get the meteor add-platform android to pass the checks. Anyone?
This problem was solved by installing JDK8.
Source for Macbook Pro M1:

Consle Error running react-native application on expo-cli

I've been working on a android application using react-native and expo, I tried to start the app and get this error on the expo mobile app.Error message here
Console.error: "There was a problem sending log messages to your development environment", Error: Out of memory
I've tried restarting the application and clearing the cache with shift + r.
But still get the Same error, wanted to know if anyone could help??.
Before trying to contact expo support directly

[Web API Usage Rule]Name tvinputdevice is not found in the API Tizen

I'm a beginner devoleper of Samsung Smart TV on Tizen Studio.
I downloaded this sample project:
I imported correctly the .wgt file in the Tizen studio but when I "check javascript rules", the console print out this error: "[Web API Usage Rule]Name tvinputdevice is not found in the API Tizen".
I have already added the privilege and the feature "tv.inputdevice".
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I downloaded the app from git repository and it runs successfully on my Web Simulator
(Samsung TV).
You may try communicating the repository owner or create an issue on the repo.

Can't upload React Native app to iTunes Connect with Xcode 7.3

I made an app using React-Native for iOS and I can't publish it to the App Store. When I go to the Xcode Organizer and follow the steps to upload the Archive, it throws the following error when Sending API usage to iTunes Connect.
Yesterday, I tried validating and uploading other apps made with Swift and it worked.
Solution found setting the minimum required version of iOS to 8.1.
It supposed to be a launch-screen-related error.
NOTE: This solution also applies for Xcode 8.

Connection issue in MonkeyTalk IDE

I have installed monkey talk IDE to test the android apps and when I try to connect it to android emulator/tethred device, I got a warning
An internal error occurred during: "MonkeyTalk". Error starting adb:
Error running adb: D:\android_sdk (aspire921) on
aspire764\platform-tools\adb.exe forward tcp:16862 tcp:16862 error:
device not found
Your phone must be on the same WiFi network as your PC. The app must be running on the phone in order to connect. About your recording issues, I would have to have more information.
I forgot to check the important thing that both the device and pc would be in same WI-FI Network, while trying to execute monkey-talk enabled apps. Now the connection was set successfully to the device.
