get email from user in nodemailer - javascript

I have a contact form using Nodemailer.
This is my code:
let mailOptions = {
from: '<>', // sender address
to: '', // list of receivers
subject: 'Kontaktanfrage', // Subject line
html: output // html body
In the from I have set up my email but I actually want to see email from the user in my inbox.
Can someone help me to do it?
I would appreciate your help!

Node-mailer is used to send the messages you can also check this reference
there are other packages that works for you, you can check these, it might be your workaround
2. mailin


template literals formatting when sending mail

im sending emails using nodemail and sendgrid. ive structured my email message as the code below but when it is received it looks like that attached image, how can i make the text all align to the left and look normal.
my code
var mailOptions = {
from: '',
subject: 'Admin Account set up',
text: `Dear ${} ${admin.surname},
You are receiving this email because your organisation has added you as an admin. To complete the set up, please
use the link below to set a new password and sign in.
HR Team
This email was automatically generated by 123
the output:
var mailOptions = {
from: '',
subject: 'Admin Account set up',
`Dear ${} ${admin.surname},
You are receiving this email because your organisation has added you as an admin. To complete the set up, please
use the link below to set a new password and sign in.
HR Team
This email was automatically generated by 123`

Reply From User Not On Message

I'm building an app that will display mail conversations and allow users to reply. In some cases a user (userB) who was not previously included in the conversation wants to join in. I would like for this newcomer to be able to reply or somehow add to the conversation (with them as the from address).
I've tried this:'/users/<message ID>/reply', {
from: {
emailAddress: {
address: "",
comment: `userB has something important to add.`
But get ErrorSendAsDenied.
How can I get permission for this? Is it even possible?
One alternative I have considered is forwarding the message to userB and then reply to that. Any better ideas?
I see no other way. You will just have to forward the message first because POST /users/UPN/messages/msg-id/reply requires the message being replied and the sender to be associated with the one milbox.

The letter gets into the spam folder in google mail

When users register, some emails get into the spam folder.
I have two functions:
The first will make a configuration for nodemailer.
function sendingLetter() {
return nodemailer.createTransport({
service: config.transport.service,
secure: config.transport.ssl,
auth: {
user: config.transport.user,
pass: config.transport.password
The second is making a template for sending by mail with a link
function statusCheck(file, replacements) {
let html_file = fs.readFileSync(file, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
let template = handlebars.compile(html_file);
let htmlToSend = template(replacements);
return htmlToSend;
The function of sending letters to the user's mail
const smtpTransport = sendingLetter();
const confirm_email = path.join(__dirname, '../views/email_templates/users/confirm_email.html');
let rand_hash =;
let link = 'https://' + config.kHostName + '/api/users/verify/' + rand_hash;
let replacements = {
target_link: link,
let htmlToSend = statusCheck(confirm_email, replacements);
let mailOptions = {
from: config.transport.user,
to: user_email,
subject: Constants.users.messages.subjectConfimEmail,
html: htmlToSend,
The template in which the link will be inserted to be sent to the user by mail
We're ready to activate your account. All we need to do is make sure this is your email address.
<a href="{{target_link}}"
<div class="butten">
Confirm Email
In some cases, Google sends my email to a spam folder. Why it happens? What are some tips to avoid this?
There is an algorithm within Google to categorize the messages according to your interest and have probably been categorized as undesirable.
The classification of messages sent from any website as spam is one of the most important things that a webmaster should pay attention to. I will discuss in this article what things a webmaster should pay attention to to ensure that messages sent by him Its website as spam (spam) ends up in a non-spam folder or spam folder.
How do service providers classify messages as spam?
The e-mail service providers use many methods and tools to filter the incoming e-mails of the system and accordingly decide whether or not the message should be classified as an annoying message.
Content-based filtering "Content Filters"
Filter based on the letterhead of the email "Email Header Filters"
Filter based on blacklists "Blacklist Filters"
Filter based on user decision "User Rule-based filters"
Methods of Solution
First: Filter based on Content Content Filters
Through which the content of the message and the method of writing it to find out whether the message is disturbing or not, by comparing the content to a database containing a set of words used in the spam and certainly every service provider has his own words in this area called " Spam Trigger Words, "and there are many lists of English words that can be found using the previous search term in the Google search engine.
Also, the service providers, through this mechanism, search the way in which the message was written, especially if the HTML code was used to write the message, then the service provider makes sure that the code written is a clean code.
The following are some tips that can be provided to avoid placing your message as spam based on the filtering mechanism based on the content:
Make sure that the title of the subject is not too long and not so short that it is just one word.
Make sure that the title or text of the message is not fully capitalized when writing in English.
Make sure that the message title does not contain Re: unless the message is actually in response to a message sent by the recipient.
Do not use a question mark in the message title.
You can use the $ $ sign in a sequential address or message content, for example, $$$.
When you write a message in HTML, do not use video, JavaScript or JavaScript in the message, and make sure that the HTML code is clean, standard and written correctly according to HTML standards.
Second: Liquidation Based on the letterhead "Email Header Filters":
Through this mechanism the server receives the message of the search for any false data can be found in the letterhead and accordingly classified as an annoying message or not.
Third: Liquidation based on blacklists "Blacklist Filters":
Blacklists are constantly updated databases that contain a list of IP addresses for servers that are based on or send spam messages.
Fourth: Liquidation based on the user's decision "User Rule-based filters":
Although this mechanism is not of great importance because it depends on the decision of the recipient of the message itself, but it must be mentioned, and in this mechanism the recipient of the message itself to indicate the message received as an annoying message and therefore in the following times to be written by the same address The message will go to the spam folder directly.
In the end I apologize for my relatively weak English.

Meteor login email domain predefined

I want to make a Meteor app where users can only create an account if their email ends with
In the end, they would actually only need to enter their username and not the part.
So, the create user field would look like:
Name: __________
Password: __________
Renter: __________
How would I go about doing this?
You use accounts package: meteor add accounts-password.
Then you would configure it in server-side code ( Accounts.config({restrictCreationByEmailDomain:''});
And then use Accounts.createUser in combination with custom UI that autofills the email domain part.
I'm assuming you're using Meteor's built-in accounts management packages. To limit signups to email addresses, put the following in server-side code:
Accounts.validateNewUser(function(user) {
if (/#mydomain\.com$/.test(user.emails[0].address.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "Email domain not allowed.");
As for helping them with adding the, write some client-side code that validates the field in the login form where they enter their username. If it lacks an #, tack onto the end of it before the form gets submitted.

Nodejs bcrypt library

I use the nodejs bcrypt library for better password protection.
I am not sure i understand exactly how to use it, but i got this so far:
//A module containing this login function:
login: function(credentials,req,res) {
//"credentials" is containing email and password from login form
var query = 'SELECT password, email FROM users WHERE email = ? LIMIT 1';
client.query(query,[], function(err, results) {
if (results[0]) {
//Compare passwords
if (bcrypt.compareSync(credentials.password, results[0].password)) {
//Set session data and redirect to restricted area
I removed all the error handling here in the example so that its easier to read the code.
1.This works and i am able to login and set the session. But is this all there is to it? Am i missing something?
2.Looks like the salt is prepended to the password when generating hash. Dont I have to save the salt in db?
Any help appreciated
Yes, this is all there is to it! The salt you generate when encrypting the password originally is used to prevent against rainbow table attacks; you do not need to persist it.
