I have a bit of a problem using firebase cloud functions. The code bellow is a function that writes to the Firestore DB an object that contains 2 arrays. After deploying the function, the idf_words array is populated, and the idf_weight is empty.
I tried placing a few log messages in the for loop and found the the query.get() executes after the function ends. Is there a way to make firestore wait until the query.get() finishes?
export const updateCakeAndPastriesIDF = functions.firestore.document("TF/tf/Cake_and_Pastries/{itemCategory}")
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
const itemBefore = change.before.data();
const itemAfter = change.after.data();
if (itemAfter['tf_tf_score'] === itemBefore['tf_tf_score']){
console.log('This TF score of the words in this item has not changed');
return null;
} else {
console.log('This TF score of the words in this item has changed');
const tfWords:string[] = itemAfter['tf_unique_words'];
const tfItemUid:string = itemAfter['tf_item_uid'];
const idfWords:string[] = [];
const idfWeight: number[] = [];
const db = admin.firestore().collection('TF').doc('tf').collection('Cake_and_Pastries');
tfWords.forEach(function (tfword) {
const query = db.where("tf_unique_words", "array-contains", tfword);
query.get().then(function (itemDoc) {
if (!itemDoc.empty){
const numberOfDocs = itemDoc.size;
console.log("For item: "+tfItemUid+", there are "+numberOfDocs+"Documents");
.then(function (numberDoc){
const numberOfCakesAndPastries = numberDoc.data()['number_of_items_in_category'];
const idfOfWord = (Math.log(numberOfDocs/numberOfCakesAndPastries)+1);
console.log("Word IDF: "+idfOfWord);
}else {
console.log("No such document!");
console.log("IDF weight array outside of loop: "+idfWeight);
idf_item_uid: tfItemUid,
idf_words: idfWords,
idf_weight: idfWeight
I'm trying to make a command that outputs players collectibles and summarizes the total recentAveragePrice of the listed items. The problem is when I'm trying to output any part of this API, it just outputs undefined.
if (command === "inv"){
let getInv = async () => {
let response = await axios.get("https://inventory.roblox.com/v1/users/1417341214/assets/collectibles?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100");
let inv = response.data;
return inv;
let invValue = await getInv();
message.channel.send(`${invValue.data.name} \n ${invValue.data.recentAveragePrice}`);
It's because the returned data is an array of objects. If you want to send them all as a message, you can iterate over them. If you want to send them one by one, the following will work:
if (command === 'inv') {
const getInv = async () => {
const response = await axios.get(
return response.data;
const invValue = await getInv();
let total = 0;
invValue.data.forEach((item) => {
message.channel.send(`${item.name} \n ${item.recentAveragePrice}`);
total += item.recentAveragePrice;
message.channel.send(`Total average price: ${total}`);
I'm a beginner in javascript and recently I've been working on a project and in this project I'm trying to save initial score in an empty firebase database which works perfectly fine. However just as the score is saved I want to retrieve it and do some calculations on it. I've tried setTimeout but it didn't work. Btw if there are scores in the firebase already it's working fine.
This is my code and thanks in advance:
function resultOne() {
var firstScore = trim(newGroup[0]);
setTimeout(function() {return true;}, 30000);
var firstguyScore = getScore(firstScore)
This is a function to set the initial score of 1500 and set name....
function scores(firstGuy) {
// Firebase query to increment the chosen girl and her seen status by 1 and to initialize each score by 1500
let ref = firebase.database().ref("scores");
let query = ref.orderByChild("name").equalTo(firstGuy);
query.once("value").then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {
snapshot.forEach((userSnapshot) => {
let userRef = userSnapshot.ref;
userRef.child("chosen").transaction((currentValue) => {
return currentValue + 1;
userRef.child("seen").transaction((currentValue) => {
return currentValue + 1;
else {
name: firstGuy,
chosen: 1,
seen: 1,
score: 1500
and this is a function to retreive the data
async function getScore(firstGuy) {
let ref = firebase.database().ref("scores");
let query = ref.orderByChild("name").equalTo(firstGuy);
const snapshot = await query.once("value")
if (snapshot.exists()) {
snapshot.forEach((userSnapshot) => {
var userData = userSnapshot.val();
score = userData.score;
setTimeout() calls the function (callback) you provide after a certain time. It does not block and wait. Your call to getScores() is executed immediately, as you can see in the console.
You can change the code as follows:
function resultOne() {
const firstScore = trim(newGroup[0]);
setTimeout(() => {
const firstguyScore = getScore(firstScore);
}, 30000);
Using setTimeout() this way is okay for testing and debugging. You should not use it this way in your production-ready code.
Why not await on scores() as well?
async function scores(firstGuy) {
const snapshot = await query.once("value");
async function resultOne() {
const firstScore = trim(newGroup[0]);
await scores(firstScore);
const firstguyScore = await getScore(firstScore);
I have a cloud function that is triggered when a sale/purchase is committed into firestore. This function's purpose is to update the inventory level centrally.
The function works just fine if I'm updating an item's inventory at only 1 warehouse, but doing so for multiple warehouses has unexpected behavior. I'm looping through all the warehouses that are affected to calculate the total inventory level changes, and every iteration kicks-off a javascript promise.
The problem seems to occur with the way the promises are invoked. E.g: if I want to update 3 warehouses and loop 3 times, somehow 5 promises are being kicked-off. This is visible through the logs. I've researched similar questions here, but the solutions were suggested while firestore was still in beta and might not be the right way forward. (Firestore transactions getting triggered multiple times resulting in wrong data)
Here is the code
export const onTransactionCreate = functions.firestore
.onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
const transId = context.params.transId
const stock_transaction: IStockTransaction = <IStockTransaction>snapshot.data()
const trans_type: TRANS_TYPE = stock_transaction.trans_type
const promises: any[] = []
stock_transaction.lineItems.forEach((element, index) => {
const ITEM_GUID = element.item_guid
const is_increasing = isIncreasingTransaction(element.line_trans_type)
const delta_stock = element.qty_transaction * (is_increasing ? 1 : -1)
const TARGET_BRANCH_ID = element.target_branch_guid
const itemRef = db.collection(FIRESTORE_PATHS.COL_COMPANIES).doc(companyId).
doc("" + ITEM_GUID)
const item_promise = db.runTransaction(async t => {
try {
const item_doc = await t.get(itemRef)
const item_branch_quantities: IBranchQuantity[] = (item_doc.data()!.branch_quantities || new Array())
const item_branch_ids: string[] = (item_doc.data()!.available_branch_ids || new Array())
const branch_index = item_branch_ids.indexOf(TARGET_BRANCH_ID)
console.log(`${transId} Line Item ${index}, after document.get(), search branch index: ${branch_index}`)
if (branch_index !== -1) {
const prev_qty = item_branch_quantities[branch_index]
const updated_qty = prev_qty.quantity + delta_stock
item_branch_quantities[branch_index] = {
item_guid: prev_qty.item_guid,
branch_guid: prev_qty.branch_guid,
quantity: updated_qty
console.log(`${transId} Line Item ${index} Updating qty # item ${delta_stock}, prev qty ${prev_qty.quantity}`)
} else {
item_guid: element.item_guid,
branch_guid: TARGET_BRANCH_ID,
quantity: delta_stock
console.log(`${transId} Line Item ${index} Adding qty # item ${delta_stock}`)
t.update(itemRef, {
branch_quantities: item_branch_quantities,
available_branch_ids: item_branch_ids
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err)
return Promise.all(promises)
we have found the solution by reading this article.
A transaction consists of any number of get() operations followed by any number of write operations such as set(), update(), or delete(). In the case of a concurrent edit, Cloud Firestore runs the entire transaction again. For example, if a transaction reads documents and another client modifies any of those documents, Cloud Firestore retries the transaction. This feature ensures that the transaction runs on up-to-date and consistent data.
lineItems.forEach(element => {
const delta_transaction = element.qty * (isLineTransIncrease(element.line_trans_type) ? 1 : -1)
const itemRef = db.collection('companies').doc(companyId).collection('sub_items').doc("" + element.item_guid)
const p = db.runTransaction(t => {
return t.get(itemRef)
.then(doc => {
let item_branch_quantities: IBranchQuantity[] = doc.data()!.branch_quantities
let item_branch_ids: string[] = doc.data()!.available_branch_ids
if (!item_branch_quantities)
item_branch_quantities = new Array()
if (!item_branch_ids)
item_branch_ids = new Array()
const branch_index = item_branch_ids.indexOf(current_branch_id)
if (branch_index !== -1) {
const prev_qty = item_branch_quantities[branch_index]
const updated_qty: number = prev_qty.quantity + delta_transaction
item_branch_quantities[branch_index] = {
item_guid: prev_qty.item_guid,
branch_guid: prev_qty.branch_guid,
quantity: updated_qty
} else {
item_guid: element.item_guid,
branch_guid: current_branch_id,
quantity: delta_transaction
t.update(itemRef, {
branch_quantities: item_branch_quantities,
branch_ids: item_branch_ids
return Promise.all(item_update_transactions)
function isLineTransIncrease(line_trans: number): boolean {
return (line_trans === 1) || (line_trans === 2)
I'm trying to get just the newly added child in my database, therefore I tried to subtract snapshot.after from snapshot.before. Unfortunately this one doesnt work. My code below:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// Create and Deploy Your First Cloud Functions
// https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/write-firebase-functions
// exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) =>
// response.send("Hello from Firebase!");
// })
exports.gameLoopBeing = functions.database.ref('/Chat/{pushId}')
.onWrite((snapshot, context) => {
//I want to retrieve the pushID
const original = snapshot.before.val();
const newValue = snapshot.after.val();
const difference = newValue-original
console.log('alool',context.params.pushId, difference);
// const uppercase = original.toUpperCase();
return snapshot.ref.set(original);
If you want to get the newly added data from a function you need to do this;
exports.gameLoopBeing = functions.database.ref('/Chat/{pushId}').onWrite((snapshot, context) => {
if (snapshot.after.exists() && !snapshot.before.exists()) {
const new_data = snapshot.after.val();
} else {
return null;
I'm trying to improve a firestore get function, I have something like:
return admin.firestore().collection("submissions").get().then(
async (x) => {
var toRet: any = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
var hasMedia = x.docs[i].data()['mediaRef'];
if (hasMedia != null) {
var docData = (await x.docs[i].data()) as MediaSubmission;
let submission: MediaSubmission = new MediaSubmission();
submission.author = x.docs[i].data()['author'];
submission.description = x.docs[i].data()['description'];
var mediaRef = await admin.firestore().doc(docData.mediaRef).get();
submission.media = mediaRef.data() as MediaData;
catch (e) {
console.log("ERROR GETTIGN MEDIA: " + e);
return res.status(200).send(toRet);
The first get is fine but the performance is worst on the line:
var mediaRef = await admin.firestore().doc(docData.mediaRef).get();
I think this is because the call is not batched.
Would it be possible to do a batch get on an array of mediaRefs to improve performance?
Essentially I have a collection of documents which have foreign references stored by a string pointing to the path in a separate collection and getting those references has been proven to be slow.
What about this? I did some refactoring to use more await/async code, hopefully my comments are helpful.
The main idea is to use Promise.all and await all the mediaRefs retrieval
async function test(req, res) {
// get all docs
const { docs } = await admin
// get data property only of docs with mediaRef
const datas = await Promise.all(
docs.map(doc => doc.data()).filter(data => data.mediaRef),
// get all media in one batch - this is the important change
const mediaRefs = await Promise.all(
datas.map(({ mediaRef }) =>
// create return object
const toRet = datas.map((data: MediaSubmission, i) => {
const submission = new MediaSubmission();
submission.author = data.author;
submission.description = data.description;
submission.media = mediaRefs[i].data() as MediaData;
return submission;
return res.status(200).send(toRet);