When could async/await in javascript be useful? - javascript

I understand that the following code, will output resolved. My question is how is this useful, and when could async/await be useful when building real world application in react, node, etc ?
function foo() {
const resolveAfter2Seconds = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
async function asyncCall(){
var result = await resolveAfter2Seconds();
return asyncCall;
const myFoo = foo()

The Network, Files, and Frequent Promises
I believe that the most common issues you'll run into that will make you want to switch your current function to async mode usually have to do with: network requests, operating on files, and the frequent use and/or nesting of promises.
Network Requests
When I write network requests I always use the async/await await combo. For me, it makes my code much more linear and readable. I also don't have to worry about returning the promise from fetch (or axios) when I'm done.
async function getPins(user, filterValue) {
const pins = await axios.get(...);
if (filterValue) {
return pins.filter(pin => pin.title.includes(filterValue));
return pins;
async function handleFile(data, isEncrypted, isGzipped) {
if (isEncrypted) {
data = await decrypt(data, secret);
if (isGzipped) {
data = await ungzip(data);
return data;
Frequent Promises
async function init() {
const activeBoard = await getActiveBoard();
const boardMembers = await getBoardMembersFrom(activeBoard);
const allTasks = [];
for await (const tasks of boardMembers.map(getTasks)) {
this.setState({ tasks: [...allTasks] });
Note: you can use async/await with Promises. There's no need to limit yourself to one or the other.
const test = async props => {
const data = await fetch('...').then(res => res.json());
console.log(data) /* do what you want with the data now */


Why on printing I get value of null from API call in Loop

COIN LIST is an array of crypto coins(["BTCUSDT",...]). I try to get the price using getPriceAction and RSI from getRSI and these two functions are working when I try to console DATA. But when I try to print the response after the completion of the loop. It prints the empty array and the length is 0 of this array. I want to store the DATA object (consisting of SYMBOL, closing price and RSI) as an element in the response array
import { COIN_LIST } from "./COIN_LIST.js";
import { getPriceAction } from "./PRICE_ACTION.js";
import { getRSI } from "./RSI.js";
async function main() {
try {
let response = await [];
await COIN_LIST.forEach((element, i) => {
setTimeout(() => {
let data = { symbol: element };
getPriceAction(element, "4h").then((res) => {
data.closingPrice = res;
getRSI(res).then((res) => {
data.RSI = res.reverse();
data.closingPrice = data.closingPrice.reverse();
}, i * 1000);
} catch (error) {
If you want to use async/await properly for your code, then use async/await, don't use .then/.catch as well
Some notable changes
there is no setTimeout of increasing seconds ... just waiting 1 second after one result before getting the next - far cleaner, and if one request happens to take a lot longer, you won't end up with two requests at once (which may be an issue if the API is rate limited)
no .then ... use async/await OR .then/.catch - very rare to need both in the one function
don't use forEach with async/await ... it never does what you want, and creating an array of Promises inside a .forEach is extremely naive, you may as well use .map instead! then you can await Promise.all(xxx.map(.....)) - but that's useful for concurrent requests, not so much for serial requests like your code does
import { COIN_LIST } from "./COIN_LIST.js";
import { getPriceAction } from "./PRICE_ACTION.js";
import { getRSI } from "./RSI.js";
async function main() {
try {
const wait = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
let response = []; //---> don't need that `await`
for (let element of COIN_LIST) {
let data = { symbol: element };
data.closingPrice = await getPriceAction(element, "4h");
const res = await getRSI(data.closingPrice);
data.RSI = res.reverse();
data.closingPrice = data.closingPrice.reverse();
await wait(1000);
} catch (error) {
the await wait(1000) could be tweaked depending on the rate limiting of the API ... if the rate limit applies to when the request is made, you could make a function that is smart about the delay between requests.
The code this way assumes the rate limit is based on the period between previous response to next request.
After the completion of the loop, the promises didn't get resolved yet, that's why it print an empty array.
One way to achieve what you need is using await for(...), or wait for all promises to be resolved, and then print the results.
import { COIN_LIST } from "./COIN_LIST.js";
import { getPriceAction } from "./PRICE_ACTION.js";
import { getRSI } from "./RSI.js";
async function main() {
try {
let response = []; //---> don't need that `await`
const promises = []; //---> array of promises
COIN_LIST.forEach((element, i) => {
setTimeout(() => {
let data = { symbol: element };
const promise = getPriceAction(element, "4h").then((res) => {
data.closingPrice = res;
getRSI(res).then((res) => {
data.RSI = res.reverse();
data.closingPrice = data.closingPrice.reverse();
promises.push(promise) //---> save the reference to a promise
}, i * 1000);
await Promise.all(promises) //---> await for all promises to be resolved, then print the result
} catch (error) {

Cannot resolve Promise in Node.js App with chrome-cookies-secure module

I'm working on a local Node.js app that needs to access the Google Chrome cookies. I've found the chrome-cookies-secure library that seems to do the job but I just can't figure out what's wrong with the code below.
const chrome = require('chrome-cookies-secure');
const domains = [
const resolveCookies = async () => {
let result = [];
for(domain of domains) {
await chrome.getCookies(`https://${domain}/`, (err, cookies) => {
// console.log(cookies); //? This is going to correctly print the results
return result;
const final = resolveCookies();
console.log(final); //! This is going to return a Promise { <pending> } object
The idea is that I just want to store the cookies from all the domains in a list but no matter what I cannot resolve the Promise.
I didn't see any examples with the async call for this module but if I don't use it it's going to return me an empty list after the script execution.
My Node Version: v14.4.0
What am I doing wrong?
It looks like the implementation of getCookies is not correctly awaiting the asynchronous processes. You can see in the implementation that although getCookies itself is async, it calls getDerivedKey without awaiting it (and that function isn't async anyway).
Rather than trying to rely on this implementation, I'd suggest using Util.promisify to create a proper promise via the callback:
const util = require('util');
const chrome = require('chrome-cookies-secure');
const getCookies = util.promisify(chrome.getCookies);
// ...
const cookies = await getCookies(`https://${domain}/`);
Note that, as Reece Daniels pointed out in the comments, the getCookies implementation actually takes a profile parameter after the callback; if you need to use that parameter, you can't use the built-in promisify. You'd have to wrap it yourself instead, this could look like e.g.:
const getCookies = (url, format, profile) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
chrome.getCookies(url, format, (err, cookies) => {
if (err) {
} else {
}, profile);
They already tried to fix the promise upstream, but the PR hasn't been merged in nearly nine months.
Note that once you have a working function to call you can also convert:
const resolveCookies = async () => {
let result = [];
for(domain of domains) {
await chrome.getCookies(`https://${domain}/`, (err, cookies) => {
// console.log(cookies); //? This is going to correctly print the results
return result;
to simply:
const resolveCookies = () => Promise.all(domains.map((domain) => getCookies(`https://${domain}/`)));
An async function returns a Promise.
So your resolveCookies function will also return a Promise as you noticed.
You need to either chain the console.log with a .then e.g.
Or if you need to set it to a variable like final you need to await that Promise too. In that case you need an async IIFE:
(async () => {
const final = await resolveCookies();
try this.
const chrome = require('chrome-cookies-secure');
const domains = [
const resolveCookies = async() => {
let result = [];
for (domain of domains) {
const cookies = await getCookies(domain)
return Promise.resolve(result);
const getCookies = async (domain) => {
chrome.getCookies(`https://${domain}/`, (err, cookies) => {
return Promise.resolve(cookies);
resolveCookies().then((resp) => {
console.log('FINAL ',resp)
}).catch((e) => {
console.log('ERROR ', e)

How to use async/await using crypto.randomBytes in nodejs?

const crypto = require('crypto');
async function getKey(byteSize) {
let key = await crypto.randomBytes(byteSize);
return key;
async function g() {
let key = await getKey(12);
return key;
console.log('hello - want this called after g() above');
I've been at this for an hour and I can't understand how to ensure that I get a key using async/await. I get a Promise-pending no matter what I do.
I've also tried this:
async function getKey(byteSize) {
let key = await crypto.randomBytes(byteSize);
return key;
getKey(12).then((result) => { console.log(result) })
... to no avail! Which was inspired by:
How to use await with promisify for crypto.randomBytes?
Can anyone help me with this?
All I'm trying to do is to get randomBytes async. using the async./await block but ensure that it fulfills the promise before I carry on in the code.
This is an extension of my comment on the question
Since you're not promisify'ing or passing a callback to crypto.randomBytes() it is synchronous so you can't await it. Additionally, you're not properly awaiting the promise returned by g() at the top level. That is why you always see the pending Promise in your console.log()
You can use util.promisify() to convert crypto.randomBytes() into a promise returning function and await that. There is no need for the async/await in your example because all that is doing is wrapping a promise with a promise.
const { promisify } = require('util')
const randomBytesAsync = promisify(require('crypto').randomBytes)
function getKey (size) {
return randomBytesAsync(size)
// This will print the Buffer returned from crypto.randomBytes()
.then(key => console.log(key))
If you want to use getKey() within an async/await style function it would be used like so
async function doSomethingWithKey () {
let result
const key = await getKey(16)
// do something with key
return result
If the callback function is not provided, the random bytes are generated synchronously and returned as a Buffer
// Synchronous
const {
} = await import('node:crypto');
const buf = randomBytes(256);
`${buf.length} bytes of random data: ${buf.toString('hex')}`);
const crypto = require('crypto');
async function getKey(byteSize) {
const buffer = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
crypto.randomBytes(byteSize, function(ex, buffer) {
if (ex) {
reject("error generating token");
async function g() {
let key = await getKey(12);
return key;
const crypto = require("crypto");
async function getRandomBytes(byteSize) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
crypto.randomBytes(byteSize, (err, buffer) => {
if (err) {
async function doSomethingWithRandomBytes(byteSize) {
if (!byteSize) return -1;
const key = await getRandomBytes(byteSize);
//do something with key

How do I make a long list of http calls in serial?

I'm trying to only make one http call at time but when I log the response from getUrl they are piling up and I start to get 409s (Too many requests)
function getUrl(url, i, cb) {
const fetchUrl = `https://api.scraperapi.com?api_key=xxx&url=${url.url}`;
fetch(fetchUrl).then(async res => {
console.log(fetchUrl, 'fetched!');
if (!res.ok) {
const err = await res.text();
throw err.message || res.statusText;
url.data = await res.text();
let requests = urls.map((url, i) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
getUrl(url, i, resolve);
const all = await requests.reduce((promiseChain, currentTask) => {
return promiseChain.then(chainResults =>
currentTask.then(currentResult => [...chainResults, currentResult]),
}, Promise.resolve([]));
Basically I don't want the next http to start until the previous one has finished. Otherwise I hammer their server.
BONUS POINTS: Make this work with 5 at a time in parallel.
Since you're using await, it would be a lot easier to use that everywhere instead of using confusing .thens with reduce. It'd also be good to avoid the explicit Promise construction antipattern. This should do what you want:
const results = [];
for (const url of urls) {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(response); // or whatever logic you need with errors
results.push(await response.text());
Then your results variable will contain an array of response texts (or an error will have been thrown, and the code won't reach the bottom).
The syntax for an async function is an async keyword before the argument list, just like you're doing in your original code:
const fn = async () => {
const results = [];
for (const url of urls) {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(response); // or whatever logic you need with errors
results.push(await response.text());
// do something with results
To have a limited number of requests at a time, make a queue system - when a request completes, recursively call a function that makes another request, something like:
const results = [];
const queueNext = async () => {
if (!urls.length) return;
const url = urls.shift();
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(response); // or whatever logic you need with errors
results.push(await response.text());
await queueNext();
await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 5 }, queueNext));
// do something with results
You cannot use Array methods to sequentually run async operations because array methods are all synchronous.
The easiest way to achieve sequential async tasks is through a loop. Otherwise, you will need to write a custom function to imitate a loop and run .then after a async task ends, which is quite troublesome and unnecessary.
Also, fetch is already returning a Promise, so you don't have to create a Promise yourself to contain that promise returned by fetch.
The code below is a working example, with small changes to your original code (see comments).
// Fake urls for example purpose
const urls = [{ url: 'abc' }, { url: 'def', }, { url: 'ghi' }];
// To imitate actual fetching
const fetch = (url) => new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
ok: true,
text: () => new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res(url), 500))
}, 1000);
function getUrl(url, i, cb) {
const fetchUrl = `https://api.scraperapi.com?api_key=xxx&url=${url.url}`;
return fetch(fetchUrl).then(async res => { // <-- changes here
console.log(fetchUrl, 'fetched!');
if (!res.ok) {
const err = await res.text();
throw err.message || res.statusText;
url.data = await res.text();
return url; // <--- changes here
async function getAllUrls(urls){
const result = [];
for (const url of urls){
const response = await getUrl(url);
return result;
async/await is perfect for this.
Assuming you have an array of URLs as strings:
let urls = ["https://example.org/", "https://google.com/", "https://stackoverflow.com/"];
You simply need to do:
for (let u of urls) {
await fetch(u).then(res => {
// Handle response
}).catch(e => {
// Handle error
The loop will not iterate until the current fetch() has resolved, which will serialise things.
The reason array.map doesn't work is as follows:
async function doFetch(url) {
return await fetch(url).then(res => {
// Handle response
}).catch(e => {
// Handle error
let mapped = urls.map(doFetch);
is equivalent to:
let mapped;
for (u of urls) {
This will populate mapped with a bunch of Promises immediately, which is not what you want. The following is what you want:
let mapped;
for (u of urls) {
mapped.push(await doFetch(u));
But this is not what array.map() does. Therefore using an explicit for loop is necessary.
Many people provided answers using for loop. But in some situation await in for loop is not welcome, for example, if you are using Airbnb style guide.
Here is a solution using recursion.
// Fake urls for example purpose
const urls = [{ url: 'abc' }, { url: 'def', }, { url: 'ghi' }];
async function serialFetch(urls) {
return await doSerialRecursion(
async (url) => {
return result = await fetch(url)
.then((response) => {
// handle response
.catch((err) => {
// handle error
async function doSerialRecursion(fn, array, startIndex) {
if (!array[startIndex]) return [];
const currResult = await fn(array[startIndex]);
return [currResult, ...(await doSerialRecursion(array, fn, startIndex + 1))];
const yourResult = await serialFetch(urls);
The doSerialRecursion function will serially execute the function you passed in, which is fetch(url) in this example.

await Promise.all not waiting despite async wrapper

Even after reading several answers to similar questions (e.g. this and that) I unfortunately still do not understand, why this code does not await the promises and hence logs ['check2'] last after the other checkpoints.
This is a minimal example using code from this guide. In the original code I need to fetch some Information from different sources before my express server can start listening.
const resolveInTwoSeconds = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("check2"), 2000);
async function test() {
const asyncFunctions = [
const results = await Promise.all(asyncFunctions);
(async() => await test())();
Imagine "check3" to be a lot of code that is depended on the sideeffects of test().
Thus I want it to run after check2 was printed.
However I am using await here so I do not have to change or move "check3".
This line of code declares an async function and executes it:
(async() => await test())();
So far nothing waits for its result and the execution goes on to console.log("check3").
You have to explicitly wait for it:
await (async () => await test())();
Now, this won't work yet, because the top-level function is not async. Whenever you need to call await, you have to make sure it's called inside an async function. One way to do this would be to wrap everything inside another async function:
(async () => {
const resolveInTwoSeconds = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("check2"), 2000);
async function test() {
const asyncFunctions = [
const results = await Promise.all(asyncFunctions);
await (async ()=> await test())();
Otherwise, move your check3 into an async function you already have, as others suggested.
This should do what you want. you need the console.log to be inside the async function.
const resolveInTwoSeconds = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("check2"), 2000);
async function test() {
const asyncFunctions = [
const results = await Promise.all(asyncFunctions);
(async() =>{
await test();
