JS canvas white lines when scaling - javascript

Using JavaScript I am displaying an array on an html 5 canvas. The program uses c.fillRect() for each value in the array. Everything looks normal until I scale it using c.scale(). After being scaled white lines are visible between the squares. I do know their white because that is the color of the background (When the background changes their color changes too).
Since the squares are 5 units apart I tried setting their width to 5.5 instead of 5; this only remove the white lines when zoom in far enough, but when zooming out the white lines were still there.
This is my code (unnecessary parts removed):
function loop()
c.fillStyle = "white";
c.fillRect(0, 0, c.canvas.width, c.canvas.height);
c.scale(scale, scale);
c.translate(xViewportOffset, yViewportOffset);
for(var x = 0; x < array.length; x++)
for(var y = 0; y < array[x].length; y++)
c.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';
c.fillRect(0 + x * 5, 200 + y * 5, 5, 5);
No scaling:
Zoomed in:
Zoomed out:
(the pattern changes depending on the amount of zoom)
Thanks for any help and if any other information is needed please let me know.
I am using Google Chrome
Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)

This is probably because you are using non-integer values to set the context's scale and/or translate.
Doing so, your rects are not on pixel boundaries anymore but on floating values.
Let's make a simple example:
Two pixels, one at coords (x,y) (11,10) the other at coords (12,10).
At default scale, both pixels should be neighbors.
Now, if we apply a scale of 1.3, the real pixel-coords of the first square will be at (14.3,13) and the ones of the second one at (15.6,13).
None of these coords can hold a single pixel, so browsers will apply antialiasing, which consist in smoothing your color with the background color to give the impression of smaller pixels. This is what makes your grids.
const ctx = small.getContext('2d');
ctx.scale(1.3, 1.3);
const mag = magnifier.getContext('2d');
mag.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
mag.drawImage(small, 0,-10);
/* it is actually transparent, not just more white */
<canvas id="small" width="50" height="50"></canvas><br>
<canvas id="magnifier" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
To avoid this, several solutions, all dependent on what you are doing exactly.
In your case, it seems you'd win a lot by working on an ImageData which would allow you to replace all these fillRect calls to simpler and faster pixel manipulation.
By using a small ImageData, the size of your matrix, you can replace each rect to a single pixel. Then you just need to put this matrix on your canvas and redraw the canvas over itself at the correct scale after disabling the imageSmootingEnabled flag, which allows us to disable antialiasing for drawImage and CanvasPatterns only.
// the original matrix will be 20x20 squares
const width = 20;
const height = 20;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// create an ImageData the size of our matrix
const img = ctx.createImageData(width, height);
// wrap it inside an Uint32Array so that we can work on it faster
const pixels = new Uint32Array(img.data.buffer);
// we could have worked directly with the Uint8 version
// but our loop would have needed to iterate 4 pixels every time
// just to draw a radial-gradient
const rad = width / 2;
// iterate over every pixels
for(let x=0; x<width; x++) {
for(let y=0; y<height; y++) {
// make a radial-gradient
const dist = Math.min(Math.hypot(rad - x, rad - y), rad);
const color = 0xFF * ((rad - dist) / rad) + 0xFF000000;
pixels[(y * width) + x] = color;
// here we are still at 50x50 pixels
ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0);
// in case we had transparency, this composite mode will ensure
// that only what we draw after is kept on the canvas
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
// remove anti-aliasing for drawImage
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
// make it bigger
// draw the canvas over itself
ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0,0);
// In case we draw again, reset all to defaults
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600"></canvas>


Use drawImage to scale a canvas above

I'm trying to make a pixel editor with 2 canvas. The first canvas displays a second canvas which contains the pixels. The first canvas uses drawImage to position and scale the second canvas.
When the second canvas is scaled smaller than it's original size, it starts to glitch.
Here is the canvas displayed at it's original size. When I zoom in, the second canvas get bigger and everything works perfectly.
However when I zoom out, the grid and the background (transparency) act very strangely.
To draw the second canvas on the first canvas, I use the function
ctx.drawImage(drawCanvas, offset.x, offset.y, width * pixelSize, height * pixelSize);
I have read that scaling in multiple iterations might give a better quality with images but I am not sure about a canvas.
I could fully redraw the second canvas in a lower resolution when the user zooms out, but it is a bit heavy on the cpu.
Is there any better solution that I don't know of?
Your problem comes from anti-aliasing.
Pixels aren't sub-divisible, and when you ask the computer to draw something outside of the pixel boundaries, it will try its best to render something that usually looks good to eyes, by mixing the colors so that what should have been a black 0.1 pixel line will become a light-gray pixel for instance.
This generally works good, particularly with pictures of the real word, or complex shapes like circles. However with grids... That's not so great as you experienced it.
Your case is dealing with two different cases, and you will have to deal with hem separately.
In the canvas 2D API (and a lot of 2D APIs) stroke do bleed from both sides of the coordinates you did set it. So when drawing lines of 1px wide, you need to account for a 0.5px offset to be sure it won't get rendered as two gray pixels. For more info about this, see this answer. You are probably using such a stroke for the grid.
fill on the other hand only covers the inside of the shape, so if you fill a rectangle, you need to not offset its coords from the px boundaries. This is required for the checkerboard.
Now, for boh these drawings, the best is probably to use patterns. You only need to draw a small version of it, and then the pattern will repeat it automatically, saving a lot of computation.
Scaling of a pattern can be done by calling the transform methods of the 2D context. We can even take advantage of the closest-neighbor algorithm to avoid antialising when drawing this pattern by setting the imageSmoothingEnabled property to false.
However for our grid, we may want to keep the lineWidth constant. For this we will need to generate a new pattern at every draw call.
// An helper function to create CanvasPatterns
// returns a 2DContext on which a simple `finalize` method is attached
// method which does return a CanvasPattern from the underlying canvas
function patternMaker(width, height) {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.finalize = (repetition = "repeat") => ctx.createPattern(canvas, repetition);
return ctx;
// The checkerboard can be generated only once
const checkerboard_patt_maker = patternMaker(2, 2);
checkerboard_patt_maker.fillStyle = "#CCC";
const checkerboard_patt = checkerboard_patt_maker.finalize();
// An helper function to create grid patterns
// Since we want a constant lineWidth, no matter the zoom level
function makeGridPattern(width, height) {
width = Math.round(width);
height = Math.round(height);
const grid_patt_maker = patternMaker(width, height);
grid_patt_maker.lineWidth = 1;
// apply the 0.5 offset only if we are on integer coords
// for instance a <3,3> pattern wouldn't need any offset, 1.5 is already perfect
const x = width/2 % 1 ? width/2 : width/2 + 0.5;
const y = height/2 % 1 ? height/2 : height/2 + 0.5;
grid_patt_maker.moveTo(x, 0);
grid_patt_maker.lineTo(x, height);
grid_patt_maker.moveTo(0, y);
grid_patt_maker.lineTo(width, y);
return grid_patt_maker.finalize();
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const checkerboard_input = document.getElementById('checkerboard_input');
const grid_input = document.getElementById('grid_input');
const connector = document.getElementById('connector');
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const checkerboard_zoom = checkerboard_input.value;
const grid_zoom = grid_input.value;
// we generate a new pattern for the grid, so the lineWidth is always 1
const grid_patt = makeGridPattern(grid_zoom, grid_zoom);
// draw once the rectangle covering the whole canvas
// with normal transforms
ctx.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// the checkerboard
ctx.fillStyle = checkerboard_patt;
// our path is already drawn, we can control only the fill
ctx.scale(checkerboard_zoom, checkerboard_zoom);
// avoid antialiasing when painting our pattern (similar to rounding the zoom level)
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
// done, reset to normal
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
// paint the grid
ctx.fillStyle = grid_patt;
// because our grid is drawn in the middle of the pattern
ctx.translate(Math.round(grid_zoom/2), Math.round(grid_zoom/2));
// reset
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
checkerboard_input.oninput = grid_input.oninput = function(e) {
if(connector.checked) {
checkerboard_input.value = grid_input.value = this.value;
connector.oninput = e => checkerboard_input.oninput();
<label>checkerboard-layer zoom<input id="checkerboard_input" type="range" min="2" max="50" step="0.1"></label><br>
<label>grid-layer zoom<input id="grid_input" type="range" min="2" max="50" step="1"></label><br>
<label>connect both zooms<input id="connector" type="checkbox"></label>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

Draw Circle Jimp JavaScript

I'm trying to draw a circle in JavaScript with Jimp using the code below.
const Jimp = require("jimp");
const size = 500;
const black = [0, 0, 0, 255];
const white = [255, 255, 255, 255];
new Jimp(size, size, (err, image) => {
for (let x = 0; x < size; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < size; y++) {
const colorToUse = distanceFromCenter(size, x, y) > size / 2 ? black : white;
const color = Jimp.rgbaToInt(...colorToUse);
image.setPixelColor(color, x, y);
It produces this.
Problem is, when you zoom in, it looks really choppy.
How can I make the circle smoother and less choppy?
You need to create anti-aliasing. This is easily done for black and white by simply controlling the level of gray of each pixel based on the floating distance it has to the center.
E.g, a pixel with a distance of 250 in your setup should be black, but one with a distance of 250.5 should be gray (~ #808080).
So all you have to do, is to take into account these floating points.
Here is an example using the Canvas2D API, but the core logic is directly applicable to your code.
const size = 500;
const rad = size / 2;
const black = 0xFF000000; //[0, 0, 0, 255];
const white = 0xFFFFFFFF; //[255, 255, 255, 255];
const img = new ImageData(size, size);
const data = new Uint32Array(img.data.buffer);
for (let x = 0; x < size; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < size; y++) {
const dist = distanceFromCenter(rad, x, y);
let color;
if (dist >= rad + 1) color = black;
else if (dist <= rad) color = white;
else {
const mult = (255 - Math.floor((dist - rad) * 255)).toString(16).padStart(2, 0);
color = '0xff' + mult.repeat(3); // grayscale 0xffnnnnnn
// image.setPixelColor(color, x, y);
data[(y * size) + x] = Number(color);
c.getContext('2d').putImageData(img, 0, 0);
function distanceFromCenter(rad, x, y) {
return Math.hypot(rad - x, rad - y);
<canvas id="c" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
I'm sorry to says this but the answer is that you can't really do it. The problem is that a pixel is the minimal unit that can be drawn and you have to either draw it or not. So as long as you use some raster image format (as opposed to vector graphics) you can't draw a smooth line at a big zoom.
If you think about it, you might blame the problem onto the zooming app that doesn't know about the logic of the image (circle) and maps each pixel to many whole pixels. To put it otherwise, your image has only 500x500 pixels of information. You can't reliably build 5,000x5,000 pixels of information (which is effectively what 10x zooming is) from that because there is not enough information in the original image. So you (or whoever does the zooming) have to guess how to fill the missing information and this "chopping" is a result of the simplest (and the most widely used) guessing algorithm there is: just map every pixel on NxN pixels where N is zoom factor.
There are three possible workarounds:
Draw a much bigger image so you don't need to zoom it in the first place (but it will take much more space everywhere)
Use some vector graphics like SVG (but you'll have to change the library, and it might be not what you want in the end because there are some other problems with that)
Try to use anti-aliasing which is a clever trick used to subvert how humans see: you draw some pixels around the edge as some gray instead of black-and-white. It will look better at small zooms but at big enough zooms you'll still see the actual details and the magic will stop working.

D3 v4 invert function

I am trying to project a JPG basemap onto an Orthographic projection using the inverse projection. I have been able to get it working in v3 of D3, but I am having an issue in v4 of D3. For some reason, v4 gives me the edge of the source image as the background (rather than the black background I have specified). Are there any known issues with the inverse projection in v4 or any fixes for this?
D3 v4 JSBin Link
<title>Final Project</title>
canvas {
background-color: black;
<div id="canvas-image-orthographic"></div>
<script src="//d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
// Canvas element width and height
var width = 960,
height = 500;
// Append the canvas element to the container div
var div = d3.select('#canvas-image-orthographic'),
canvas = div.append('canvas')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
// Get the 2D context of the canvas instance
var context = canvas.node().getContext('2d');
// Create and configure the Equirectangular projection
var equirectangular = d3.geoEquirectangular()
.scale(width / (2 * Math.PI))
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
// Create and configure the Orthographic projection
var orthographic = d3.geoOrthographic()
.scale(Math.sqrt(2) * height / Math.PI)
.translate([width / 2, height / 2])
// Create the image element
var image = new Image(width, height);
image.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
image.onload = onLoad;
image.src = 'https://tatornator12.github.io/classes/final-project/32908689360_24792ca036_k.jpg';
// Copy the image to the canvas context
function onLoad() {
// Copy the image to the canvas area
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
// Reads the source image data from the canvas context
var sourceData = context.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height).data;
// Creates an empty target image and gets its data
var target = context.createImageData(image.width, image.height),
targetData = target.data;
// Iterate in the target image
for (var x = 0, w = image.width; x < w; x += 1) {
for (var y = 0, h = image.height; y < h; y += 1) {
// Compute the geographic coordinates of the current pixel
var coords = orthographic.invert([x, y]);
// Source and target image indices
var targetIndex,
// Check if the inverse projection is defined
if ((!isNaN(coords[0])) && (!isNaN(coords[1]))) {
// Compute the source pixel coordinates
pixels = equirectangular(coords);
// Compute the index of the red channel
sourceIndex = 4 * (Math.floor(pixels[0]) + w * Math.floor(pixels[1]));
sourceIndex = sourceIndex - (sourceIndex % 4);
targetIndex = 4 * (x + w * y);
targetIndex = targetIndex - (targetIndex % 4);
// Copy the red, green, blue and alpha channels
targetData[targetIndex] = sourceData[sourceIndex];
targetData[targetIndex + 1] = sourceData[sourceIndex + 1];
targetData[targetIndex + 2] = sourceData[sourceIndex + 2];
targetData[targetIndex + 3] = sourceData[sourceIndex + 3];
// Clear the canvas element and copy the target image
context.clearRect(0, 0, image.width, image.height);
context.putImageData(target, 0, 0);
The problem is that the invert function is not one to one. There are two ways that I'm aware of that can solve the problem. One, calculate the area of the disc that makes up the projection and skip pixels that are outside of that radius. Or two (which I use below), calculate the forward projection of your coordinates and see if they match the x,y coordinates that you started with:
if (
(Math.abs(x - orthographic(coords)[0]) < 0.5 ) &&
(Math.abs(y - orthographic(coords)[1]) < 0.5 )
Essentially this asks is [x,y] equal to projection(projection.invert([x,y])). By ensuring that this statement is equal (or near equal) then the pixel is indeed in the projection disc. This is needed as multiple svg points can represent a given lat long but projection() returns only the one you want.
There is a tolerance factor there for rounding errors in the code block above, as long as the forward projection is within half a pixel of the original x,y coordinate it'll be drawn (which appears to work pretty well):
I've got an updated bin here (click run, I unchecked auto run).
Naturally this is the more computationally involved process when compared to calculating the radius of the projection disc (but that method is limited to projections that project to a disc).
This question's two answers might be able to explain further - they cover both approaches.

Responsive canvas with fixed line width

I'm drawing a line chart with canvas. The chart is responsive, but the line has to have a fixed width.
I made it responsive with css
width: 80%;
,so the stroke is scaled.
The only solution I have found is to get the value of the lineWidth with the proportion between the width attribute of the canvas and its real width.
To apply it, I clear and draw the canvas on resize.
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="510" height="210"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
function draw(){
var canvasattrwidth = $('#myCanvas').attr('width');
var canvasrealwidth = $('#myCanvas').width();
// n sets the line width
var n = 4;
var widthStroke = n * (canvasattrwidth / canvasrealwidth) ;
ctx.lineWidth = widthStroke;
ctx.moveTo( 0 , 10 );
ctx.lineTo( 200 , 100 );
$(window).on('resize', function(){
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
This is my first canvas and I think there is an easier way to made the lineWidth fixed (not to clear and draw everytime on resize), but I cannot find it.
There is a question with the similar problem
html5 canvas prevent linewidth scaling
but with the method scale(), so I cannot use that solution.
There is no way to get a real world dimension of details for the canvas such as millimeters or inches so you will have to do it in pixels.
As the canvas resolution decreases the pixel width of a line needs to decrease as well. The limiting property of line width is a pixel. Rendering a line narrower than a pixel will only approximate the appearance of a narrower line by reducing the opacity (this is done automatically)
You need to define the line width in terms of the lowest resolution you will expect, within reason of course and adjust that width as the canvas resolution changes in relation to this selected ideal resolution.
If you are scaling the chart by different amounts in the x and y directions you will have to use the ctx.scale or ctx.setTransform methods. As you say you do not want to do this I will assume that your scaling is always with a square aspect.
So we can pick the lowest acceptable resolution. Say 512 pixels for either width or height of the canvas and select the lineWidth in pixels for that resolution.
Thus we can create two constants
const NATIVE_RES = 512; // the minimum resolution we reasonably expect
const LINE_WIDTH = 1; // pixel width of the line at that resolution
// Note I Capitalize constants, This is non standard in Javascript
Then to calculate the actual line width is simply the actual canvas.width divided by the NATIVE_RES then multiply that result by the LINE_WIDTH.
var actualLineWidth = LINE_WIDTH * (canvas.width / NATIVE_RES);
ctx.lineWidth = actualLineWidth;
You may want to limit that size to the smallest canvas dimension. You can do that with Math.min or you can limit it in the largest dimension with Math.max
For min dimention.
var actualLineWidth = LINE_WIDTH * (Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) / NATIVE_RES);
ctx.lineWidth = actualLineWidth;
For max dimension
var actualLineWidth = LINE_WIDTH * (Math.max(canvas.width, canvas.height) / NATIVE_RES);
ctx.lineWidth = actualLineWidth;
You could also consider the diagonal as the adjusting factor that would incorporate the best of both x and y dimensions.
// get the diagonal resolution
var diagonalRes = Math.sqrt(canvas.width * canvas.width + canvas.height * canvas.height)
var actualLineWidth = LINE_WIDTH * (diagonalRes / NATIVE_RES);
ctx.lineWidth = actualLineWidth;
And finally you may wish to limit the lower range of the line to stop strange artifacts when the line gets smaller than 1 pixel.
Set lower limit using the diagonal
var diagonalRes = Math.sqrt(canvas.width * canvas.width + canvas.height * canvas.height)
var actualLineWidth = Math.max(1, LINE_WIDTH * (diagonalRes / NATIVE_RES));
ctx.lineWidth = actualLineWidth;
This will create a responsive line width that will not go under 1 pixel if the canvas diagonal resolution goes under 512.
The method you use is up to you. Try them out a see what you like best. The NATIVE_RES I picked "512" is also arbitrary and can be what ever you wish. You will just have to experiment with the values and method to see which you like best.
If your scaling aspect is changing then there is a completely different technique to solve that problem which I will leave for another question.
Hope this has helped.

HTML5 Canvas alpha transparency doesn't work in firefox for curves when window is big

I'm drawing a curve on an HTML5 canvas and am using alpha transparency to create a glow effect, by drawing a thicker version of the curve underneath with an alpha of less than 1, then drawing a thinner version of the curve on top (and I'm doing this with several levels of recursion).
Okay here's the problem. It works exactly the way I want it to in Chrome, giving a beautiful glow effect. But in Firefox, the alpha doesn't render properly if my browser dimensions are bigger than around 300px in height (yes that sounds crazy but it is actually what it is doing for some reason). If I resize my browser to be extremely tiny, then all the sudden the alpha works and I get my awesome glow. Once I make the window a reasonable size, the alpha no longer works so instead of a glowing line I just get a really thick line. :( Code is below.
<canvas id="viewport">
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/render.js"></script>
* {
#viewport {
window.viewport = document.getElementById("viewport");
window.context = viewport.getContext("2d");
window.xFactor = 1;
window.yFactor = 1;
function initializeViewport() {
function maximizeViewport() {
viewport.width = window.innerWidth;
viewport.height = window.innerHeight;
function setFactors() {
xFactor = window.innerWidth / 100;
yFactor = window.innerHeight / 100;
function absX(x) {
return Math.floor(x * xFactor);
function absY(y) {
return Math.floor(y * yFactor);
function drawQuadraticCurve(startX, startY, controlX, controlY, endX, endY, lineWidth, gradient, alpha, glowiness, glowLevel) {
glowLevel = (typeof glowLevel === 'undefined') ? 0 : glowLevel;
// Draw the glow first
if (glowLevel < glowiness) {
drawQuadraticCurve(startX, startY, controlX, controlY, endX, endY, lineWidth + Math.sqrt(glowLevel), gradient, alpha*0.65, glowiness, glowLevel + 1);
// Then draw the curve
context.moveTo(absX(startX), absY(startY));
context.quadraticCurveTo(absX(controlX), absY(controlY), absX(endX), absY(endY));
context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
context.strokeStyle = gradient;
context.globalAlpha = alpha;
context.shadowColor = "#FFFFFF";
context.shadowBlur = 0;
context.shadowOffsetX = 0;
context.shadowOffsetY = 0;
function createRadialGradient(colors, innerX, innerY, innerR, outerX, outerY, outerR) {
var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(absX(innerX),absY(innerY),Math.min(absX(innerR/2), absY(innerR/2)),absX(outerX),absY(outerY),Math.min(absX(outerR/2), absY(outerR/2)));
var gradientLength = colors.length;
for (i=0; i<gradientLength; i++) {
gradient.addColorStop(colors[i][0], colors[i][1]);
return gradient;
drawQuadraticCurve(80,65,20,70,70,10, 1,createRadialGradient([[0,"#FFFFFF"],[0.7,"#33CCFF"],[1,"#9944FF"]],50,50,1,50,50,90),1,8,0);
Screenshot of it working in Chrome: http://i.imgur.com/brVT2i6.png
Screenshot of it NOT working in Firefox: http://i.imgur.com/63Z4PJY.png
Screenshot of it working in Firefox after I've resized the window to be ridiculously small: http://i.imgur.com/d9AihEu.png
First working solution gets an upvote and a green checkmark! Yay!
Here is a glowing quadratic curve made up of small, individual line segments--each segment being a different color. A shadowColor equal to the segment color causes the glow. The rendering is compatible across browsers (including FF).
(You can control the linewidth and the glow strength)
var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
var cw=canvas.width;
var ch=canvas.height;
// variables to define colors -- use hsl instead of rgb
var hue=10;
var hueShift=4;
// define the quadratic curve
var startPt={x:350,y:100};
var controlPt={x:0,y:250};
var endPt={x:350,y:400};
// variables defining the starting & ending point of
// the current line segment.
var newXY=startPt;
var oldXY=startPt;
// the current interval along the quadratic curve
// (used to calc an x,y along the curve)
// (t is kind-of like a percentage along the curve--kind of but not)
var t=0;
// the unshadowed linewidth
// the shadow to apply around the line
// round the endcaps to visually blend the line segments
// start with a black-filled canvas
// start the animation
function animate(time){
// calculate a new x,y along the curve
var T=t/100;
var newXY=getQuadraticBezierXYatT(startPt,controlPt,endPt,T);
// change the color for this segment
// draw this line segment with a shadow-glow
// set old=new in preparation for the next loop
// request another animation loop intil reaching 100
function glowLine(oldXY,newXY,hue){
// calculate the hsl color given the new hue
var hsl="hsl(" + (hue % 360) + ",99%,50%)";
// draw a glowing line segment
// (==a line segment with a shadow of the same color as the line segment)
ctx.fillStyle= hsl
// overdraw the line segment so it really stands out
for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
// calculate an [x,y] along a quadratic curve given an interval T
function getQuadraticBezierXYatT(startPt,controlPt,endPt,T) {
var x = Math.pow(1-T,2) * startPt.x + 2 * (1-T) * T * controlPt.x + Math.pow(T,2) * endPt.x;
var y = Math.pow(1-T,2) * startPt.y + 2 * (1-T) * T * controlPt.y + Math.pow(T,2) * endPt.y;
return( {x:x,y:y} );
body{ background-color:ivory; padding:10px; }
#canvas{border:1px solid red;}
<canvas id="canvas" width=500 height=500></canvas>
This is really a comment, but it wouldn't fit in the space allocated to a comment. :-)
I've consulted the All-Knowing-Oracle of Html5 Canvas--the w3.org.
If you assign a zero shadowBlur (as you do) the spec says there should be no shadow applied.
That means that FF with the larger canvas size is correctly applying the w3 standard (not drawing any shadow) and both Chrome & FF(smaller version) are incorrectly applying a shadow when it should not.
Shadows are only drawn if the opacity component of the alpha component
of the color of shadowColor is non-zero and either the shadowBlur is
non-zero, or the shadowOffsetX is non-zero, or the shadowOffsetY is
Therefore, to have cross-browser compatibility, you mustn't rely on quirks in the rendering when shadowBlur=0. You must create your glow in another way within the "rules".
