Google Apps Script - how to reference object in loop in function - javascript

I am trying to create a small invoicing organization system using google sheets/drive. I have one sheet I call "tasks", where I plan to control everything from. Some of my columns include, "Client", "Project", "Requirements", "Details", "subcontractor"... As I acquire new tasks/clients, i'd find and append information respective of the task ("Project", "Requirements") to other sheets or, if none exist, create the folders, sheets, and append the respective necessary information from the "tasks" sheet to the new sheets. Some of the sheets will be sent to subcontractors, dependent on whether or not their tasks were updated or new ones were assigned to them in the original "tasks" sheet.
Within the sheets I send to subcontractors, there will be fields for them to fill out (rate, eta..), once filled, I will send that info to a third sheet to apply some margins, extra fees, and then send the info back to the original "tasks" sheet where it will fill appropriate cells.. Once all of the necessary information in a row is filled, it will be prepared and organized into an invoice for the client specified in the "client" column...
Anyways, i've been trying to learn javascript to implement all of this. As I plan to create folders, sheets, and append information based on the values entered in the rows and columns of the "tasks" sheet... I've placed a for loop in an onEdit function that does the following:
function onEdit(e) {
var ss = e.range.getSheet().getParent();
var sheet = e.range.getSheet();
var row = e.range.getRow();
var columns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
//assign titles as 'keys' to array
var titles = []
//assign values of edited row to array
var values = []
//create an object to associate the title to the new edited values
var task = {}
for(var i in columns){
titles.push(sheet.getRange(1, columns[i]).getValue()); //push titles
values.push(sheet.getRange(row, columns[i]).getValue()); //push values of updated row
task[titles[i]] = values[i]; //add the values to their property names in task object
This works, and I can reference task["Client"], but i'd like to put this loop in a function so that I can use it again. I suppose I could do without it, but array "columns" only represents the columns I will be inputting on the "first round" --- when im sending information out...I will be inputting new information to columns 10-15, then 16-20, as the tasks progress.. and i'd like to run the for loop for those columns without having to create separate loops. To do this i've created the GetInfo function below:
function GetInfo(row,column){
for(var i in column){
titles.push(sheet.getRange(1, column[i]).getValue()); //push titles
values.push(sheet.getRange(row, column[i]).getValue()); //push values of updated row
this.task[titles[i]] = values[i]; //add the values to their task
What I am trying to accomplish is similar to what is outlined here. However, the "for(") is not mentioned in the examples and I think im missing something. In attempt to use the function for the first array of columns ive done this:
var list = new GetInfo(row,columns);
i'd like to reference the task as follows
Or var.task["name"], but the above doesn't work. When I toast list.task["Client] or try to append it to another cell, nothing happens - its blank. What am I doing wrong? How do I accomplish this correctly? What should I do?
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Please.
(other toasts are working, and the respective cell is not blank, without the function the for var in works)


How to make a loop of an Spreadsheet copier (Copies an entire Spreadsheet into a new one with a new name)

I have an script that copies an entire Spreadsheet to a new one with a selected name, but I would like to make a loop so I can set a list of all the new spreadsheets that I need to make (10 aprox.)
I already tried to delete the ID sheet from the copied sheet but it didn't worked... So I want the script to use the names on Col A and places the new copy ID on the Col B
function setupSheet() {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('ID');
var sheet_name = s.getRange("A1").getValue(); // Get the value of cell A1, used to name the new spreadsheet.
var ID = DriveApp.getFileById("XXXXXXXX").makeCopy(sheet_name, DriveApp.getFolderById("XXXXXXXX")).getId(); //Copies the specific Spreadsheet into an specific folder.
Logger.log(ID); //Saves the ID of the new Spreadsheet into the Log.
var stringToWrite = Logger.getLog();
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet().getRange("B1").setValue(stringToWrite); //Writes the ID of the sheet from the Log.
//ID.deleteSheet(ID.getSheetByName('ID')); // remove "ID" sheet which was created by default in new spreadsheet.
We can use JavaScript loops in Google Apps Script like for, do..while, etc. Also we could use Array.protoype.forEach.
To use the names in column A use getValues() to get the values.
To set the names of the copies on column B use setValues().
NOTE: Both of the above methods are methods of Class Range.
For further details, please read

Sorting raw data from one sheet into separate tabs on a new sheet in Google App Script

I have a large data file that I want to be separated/filtered out into separate tabs on a new sheet. They need to be filtered by a certain column containing "BGT" within the string.
I am very new to using Google Apps Script so this is a work in progress. I am able to pull the data from one sheet into another, convert it to an array and assign the column I want to sort by. I just can't properly set up the filter.
function CreativeReport() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
var folder = getDriveFolderFromPath("Daily Creative Audit");
var fileId = folder.getFiles().next().getId();
var RawMM = SpreadsheetApp.openById(fileId);
var ArrayRawData = RawMM.getRange(2,1,RawMM.getLastRow()-1,5).getValues();
var ConceptName = RawMM.getRange('A:A').getValues();
var BGTFilter = ConceptName.includes("BGT");
var BGTFilteredData = ArrayRawData.filter(function(item){ return item [6] === BGTFilter;});
The column I want to sort buy contains cells formatted like this
The goal is to have the script filter this raw data, and sort it into separate sheets depending on the cells containing:
The code I how SHOULD log out just the concepts containing "BGT" in the string but I get
TypeError: Cannot find function includes in object ,concept_name,
You have values at "Sheet1" in the source Spreadsheet.
You want to separate the values by checking whether the column "A" has the values of BGT, SWO, SWT, AI, DCO.
You want to put the separated values to the sheet names of BGT, SWO, SWT, AI, DCO in the destination Spreadsheet.
I could understand like above. If my understanding is correct, how about this modification? Unfortunately, the modified script was largely changed from your original script. I apologize for this. I think that there are several answers for your situation. So please think of this as just one of them.
The flow of the modified script is as follows.
Retrieve values from the source sheet.
Create an object for retrieving values for each destination sheet.
The object is like {"BGT": [values], "SWO": [values],,,}.
Put values for the destination sheets.
Modified script:
Before you run the script, please set srcSpreadsheetId, dstSpreadsheetId and srcSheetName.
function CreativeReport() {
// Variables: Please set them for your situation.
var srcSpreadsheetId = "###"; // Please set the source Spreadsheet ID. In your sample, the Spreadsheet name is "Sample Raw Data".
var dstSpreadsheetId = "###"; // Please set the destination Spreadsheet ID. In your sample, the Spreadsheet name is "Sorted Data".
var srcSheetName = "Sheet1"; // Please modify this. In this sample, it's the same with your sample Spreadsheet.
var dstSheetNames = ["BGT", "SWO", "DCO", "AI", "SWT"];
// Open Spreadsheets
var srcSS = SpreadsheetApp.openById(srcSpreadsheetId);
var dstSS = SpreadsheetApp.openById(dstSpreadsheetId);
// Retrieve values from the source sheet.
var srcSheet = srcSS.getSheetByName(srcSheetName);
var srcValues = srcSheet.getRange(2, 1, srcSheet.getLastRow() - 1, 5).getValues();
// Create an object for retrieving values for each destination sheet.
var object = srcValues.reduce(function(obj, e) {
dstSheetNames.forEach(function(f) {
if (e[0].indexOf(f) > -1) obj[f] = obj[f] ? obj[f].concat([e]) : [e];
return obj;
}, {});
// Put values for the destination sheets.
dstSheetNames.forEach(function(e) {
var sheet = dstSS.getSheetByName(e);
sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1, object[e].length, object[e][0].length).setValues(object[e]);
As mentioned at my comment, the values retrieved by getValues() is 2 dimensional array. So if Array.includes() can be used at Google Apps Script, in your script, ConceptName.includes("BGT") is always false. And, unfortunately, Array.includes() cannot be used at Google Apps Script. Ref
This modified script was prepared using the sample Spreadsheets of "Sample Raw Data" and "Sorted Data" you shared. So if your actual Spreadsheet is different from these samples, please modify above script.
When the values of source Spreadsheet and the number of destination sheets are much increased, I recommend to use Sheets API for putting the values for each destination sheet.
Basic JavaScript features

Google apps script getRange() range not found error

I feel like I'm going about this in all the wrong way. I'm trying to automate some of my workload here. I'm cleaning up spreadsheets with 4 columns (A-E), 2000+ rows. Column B contains website URLs, column D contains the URL's business name, generated from another source.
Sometimes the tool doesn't grab the name correctly or the name is missing, so it populates the missing entries in column D with "------" (6 hyphens). I've been trying to make a function that takes an input cell, checks if the contents of the cell are "------", and if it is the function changes the contents of the input cell to the contents of the cell two columns to the left (which is generally a website url). This is what I've come up with.
function replaceMissing(input) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
//sets active range to the input cell
var cell = sheet.getRange('"' + input + '"');
//gets cell to fill input cell
var urlCell = sheet.getRange(cell.getRow(), cell.getColumn() - 2);
//gets contents of input cell as String
var data = cell.getValue();
//gets contents of urlCell as String
var data2 = cell.getValue();
//checks if input cell should be replaced
if (data === "------") {
//set current cell's value to the value of the cell 2 columns to the left
When I attempt to use my function in my sheet, the cell is returning the error
Error Range not found (line 4).
I'm assuming, based on similar questions people have asked, that this is how you use the A1 notation of the function with an argument. However, that doesn't seem to be the case, so I'm stuck. I also don't think my solution is very good period.
1) It's somewhat ambiguous in GAS documentation, but custom functions have quite a few limitations. They are better suited for scenarios where you need to perform a simple calculation and return a string or a number type value to the cell. While custom functions can call some GAS services, this practice is strongly discouraged by Google.
If you check the docs for the list of supported services, you'll notice that they support only some 'get' methods for Spreadsheet service, but not 'set' methods
That means you can't call cell.setValue() in the context of a custom function. It makes sense if you think about it - your spreadsheet can contain 1000s of rows, each with its own custom function making multiple calls to the server. In JavaScript, every function call creates its own execution context, so things could get ugly very quickly.
2) For better performance, use batch operations and don't alternate between read / write actions. Instead, read all the data you need for processing into variables and leave the spreadsheet alone. After processing your data, perform a single write action to update values in the target range. There's no need to go cell by cell when you can get the entire range using GAS.
Google Apps Script - best practices
Below is a quick code example that runs onOpen and onEdit. If you need more flexibility in terms of when to run the script, look into dynamically-created triggers
Because your spreadsheets have lots of rows, you may hit the execution quota anyway - by using triggers you can work around the limitation.
Finally, if a cell containing '----' is a rare occurrence, it might be better to create another array variable with new values and row numbers to update than updating the entire range.
Personally, I think the single range update action would still be quicker, but you could try both approaches and see which one works best.
function onOpen(){
function onEdit() {
function test() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('yourSheetName');
//range to replace values in
var range = sheet.getRange(2, 4, sheet.getLastRow() - 1, 1);
//range to get new values from
var lookupRange = range.offset(0, -2);
//2d array of values from the target range
var values = range.getValues();
//2d array of values from the source range
var lookupValues = lookupRange.getValues();
//looping through the values array and checking if array element meets our condition
for (var i=0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i][0] = (values[i][0] == '------') ? lookupValues[i][0] : values[i][0];
// one method call to update the range

Data Scraping With ImportHTML in Apps Script & Google Sheets

Goal: I am trying to pull data from a website and use it to create a big table. I can tell that I'm very close to getting this to work, but I've reached a roadblock.
I have a google sheet with three pages. (1) Titled "tickers" is a list of every ticker in the S&P 500, in rows A1-A500. (2) Titled actionField is just a blank page used during the script. (3) Titled resultField will hold the results. The website I am pulling from is ( Though, I want the script to work (with minor modification) for any data accessible through importHtml.
The script I currently have is as follows:
function populateData() {
var googleSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
// Reading Section
var sheet = googleSheet.getSheetByName('tickers');
var tickerArray = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var arrayLength = tickerArray.length;
var blankSyntaxA = 'ImportHtml("';
var blankSyntaxB = '", "table", 1)';
// Writing Section
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
var sheet = googleSheet.getSheetByName('actionField');
var liveSyntax = blankSyntaxA+tickerArray[i][0]+blankSyntaxB;
var importedData = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var sheet = googleSheet.getSheetByName('resultField');
This successfully grabs the ticker from the tickers page. Calls importHtml. Copies the data. And appends SOMETHING to the right page. It loops through and does this for each item in the ticker list.
However, the data being appended is as follows:
That displays across many columns, for as many rows as there are iterations in the loop.
How do I successfully append the data?
(And any advice on improving this script?)
The appendRow method is not suitable here. As it only appends one row, its argument is expected to be a 1D array of values.
What you get from getValues is normally a 2D array of values, like [[a,b], [c,d]]. Even if it's just one row, getValues will return [[a,b]]. The only exception is a single-cell range, for which you get just the value in that cell. It's never a 1D array.
If just one row is needed, use, e.g., appendRow(importedData[0]).
Otherwise, insert the required number of rows and assign the 2D array of values to them.
var sheet = googleSheet.getSheetByName('resultField');
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
sheet.insertRowsAfter(lastRow, importedData.length);
sheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 1, importedData.length, importedData[0].length)

Problems with code listing unique items in a list and copying them into new worksheet

I'm trying to run the following code on a spreadsheet. The column of names is the 4th column. I'm attempting to run through that list of names, pushing each new unique name to an array (listOfNames), and then add a new worksheet (NamesList), and finally add the array to cell A1 of the new worksheet. When I run the code below, all I get is a blank popup with an OK and Cancel button. When I view the log, it is blank as well. I'm quite new at this, and I feel like I'm missing something obvious... just not sure what it is. Am I misunderstanding something specific to GAS rather than JS?
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var listOfNames = new Array ();
function copyNames() {
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (i=0; i<=sheet.getLastRow(); i++){
var tempName = sheet.getDataRange(i,4).getValue();
for (i=0; i<=listOfNames.length; i++){
if (tempName != listOfNames[i]){
Edit: I'm starting to see that this will push values multiple times to the list... so maybe it's just back to the drawing board all together. I have found other code that would create a list of unique elements, but wasn't really sure how that code worked. I thought I'd try to figure it out myself so I'd at least understand it.
EDIT 2: Ok... I tried some new code, but I'm still getting a blank message box, and nothing on the log. I wasn't sure if having i be the iterator for a for loop within a for loop was a bad thing, so I switched it to j. Also, I know there's the remove duplicates example, and have been looking at that, but am unsure why one needs to use join.
function copyNames() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var listOfNames = new Array ();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (i=2; i<=data.length; i++){ //starting at 2 because first row is a header
var tempName = data[i][4];
for (j=0; j<=listOfNames.length+1; j++){
if (tempName != listOfNames[j]){
As far as I understand you went help instead of a ready solution, so here you go.
Try to avoid using global variables. Keep all your variables inside of your functions. Otherwise you will have issues when you add more functions to your spreadsheet. Your Code should start like this:
function copyNames() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var listOfNames = new Array ();
Try to decrease the amount of service calls to spreadsheet. it takes several seconds for your script to go to your sheet and take the values. Instead of doing it each time, take these values once and push them in to a variable.
In your case, you already did that, however did not use that variable and kept using service calls. Check this line:
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
Now all of the data on that sheet is in a variable called data.
is the same as
The only difference is that in the first case it will take approximately 2 seconds to get that value, while in the second case only a few milliseconds.
Same goes for
Either call it once and push it into a variable and use that, or in your case just use
listOfNames is an empty array, so it's length is 0.
This line
for (i=0; i<=listOfNames.length; i++)
will not even run, as both i and listOfNames.length is 0.
That is why you logger does not give any output. Your script never get's to that line.
You do not have a variable called ListOfEDs, therefore your last two rows of code just give an error. Your script does not know what is ListOfEDs as it doesn't exist.
Hope this helps.
