Target fragment within react const - javascript

I am building my first react site, using gatsby with as the CMS for my news section.
Within prismic I am using slices for quotes and featured images in each of the news stories and am looking to try and pull this data into my page, however I am unsure how to target the specific fragment names that I have created within the relevant const that has been set up for each.
GraphQL Query
export const query = graphql`
query ($slug:String){
prismicNewsStory (uid:{eq: $slug}) {
data {
body {
... on PrismicNewsStoryBodyQuote {
primary {
quote {
... on PrismicNewsStoryBodyFeaturedImage {
primary {
featured_image {
Targetting consts
const quote =[0].primary.quote.text
const featured_image =[1].primary.featured_image.url
As the slices are optional within prismic, I am encountering issues on some of the news stories when a featured_image is added before a quote, making them swap order within the body.
Is there a way within each const to target a particular fragment or is there a better way for me to do this?

//get the array
const body =;
const {feature_image : fi0, quote: q0} = body[0].primary;
// above line is equivalent to:
// const fi0 = body[0].primary.feature_image;
// const q0 = body[0].primary.quote;
// when order is reversed q0 will be undefined
const {feature_image : fi = fi0, quote : q = q0} = body[1].primary;
// above line is equivalent to:
// const fi = body[1].primary.feature_image || fi0;
// const q = body[1].primary.quote || q0;
// when order is reversed fi0 will be assigned to fi
const feature_image = fi.url;
const quote = q.text
or use a reduce
const reduceStory = (acc, item) => ({
feature_image: acc.feature_image|| item.primary.feature_image,
quote: acc.quote || item.primary.quote
const story =, {});
const feature_image = story.feature_image.url;
const quote = story.quote.text

After looking and learning a bit more learning with #paul-mcbride we came up with the following solution to target any __typename.
const body =, item) => ({
[item.__typename]: item.primary
}), {});
You can now use the targeted slice name.
<FeaturedImage src={body.PrismicNewsStoryBodyFeaturedImage.featured_image.url} />


Add data into Array in local storage, React

I'm trying to store the page Id in an array stored in local storage every time a user load a page.
I have my array, it create one if needed but for some reasons it does not update the array in new page load and keeps the first page Id.
I want to add the page id in that array on every page load if the id is not already in that array.
I've tried a lot of things but it seems like I don't understand something, any help ? Thanks
Here is my code
const [isPostId, setItems] = useState([postId]);
useEffect(() => {
//const items = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('items'));
if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('isPostId')) == null) {
localStorage.setItem('isPostId', JSON.stringify(isPostId));
if (!isPostId.includes(postId)) {
localStorage.setItem('isPostId', JSON.stringify(isPostId));
} },[isPostId]);
EDIT: It works now, looks like I was confused about how localStorage works, now it's clear thanks for your help everyone
Both are working:
useEffect(() => {
const storageKey = "isPostId";
const json = localStorage.getItem("isPostId");
const previousPosts = json ? JSON.parse(json) : [];
const filtered = previousPosts.filter((it) => it !== postId);
const updatedPosts = [...filtered, postId];
const stringifyed = JSON.stringify(updatedPosts);
localStorage.setItem("isPostId", stringifyed);
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
// options a - full replace
localStorage.setItem('isPostId', JSON.stringify(isPostId));
// option b - only add unique, don't remove previous
var currentIds = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('isPostId')) || []; => {
if (!currentIds.includes(e) {
localStorage.setItem('isPostId', JSON.stringify(currentIds));
}, [isPostId])
Right now the code in the first if statement will put ONE id in local storage if there isn't one already, but not as an array. The code in the second if statement will also only set one id. You need to be setting an array value as shown below
If isPostId is declared as an array:
useEffect(() => {
// options a - full replace
localStorage.setItem('isPostId', JSON.stringify(isPostId));
// option b - only add unique, don't remove previous
var currentIds = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('isPostId')) || []; => {
if (!currentIds.includes(e) {
localStorage.setItem('isPostId', JSON.stringify(currentIds));
}, [isPostId])
If isPostId is declared as a string:
If you are certain there will not be single string values in localStorage and there will only be null values or arrays, you can do this as such:
useEffect(() => {
var currentIds = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('isPostId')) || [];
if (!currentIds.includes(isPostId) {
localStorage.setItem('isPostId', JSON.stringify(currentIds));
}, [isPostId])
If there is a possibility that there could be individual string values, you will need an additional check for the code inside the useEffect
var currentIds = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('isPostId'));
if (!currentIds?.length) {
currentIds = [];
} else if (typeof currentIds !== 'object') {
// value in localStorage is a single string/number rather than an array
currentIds = [currentIds]
if (!currentIds.includes(isPostId) {
localStorage.setItem('isPostId', JSON.stringify(currentIds));
Could simplify the second chunk further if desired
If I understood the question correctly, then you need something like this solution.
useEffect(() => {
const storageKey = "isPostId";
const json = localStorage.getItem("isPostId");
const previousPosts = json ? JSON.parse(json) : [];
const updatedPosts = [...previousPosts, ...isPostId];
const uniquePosts = Array.from(new Set(updatedPosts))
const stringifyed = JSON.stringify(uniquePosts);
localStorage.setItem("isPostId", stringifyed);
}, [])

How to replace the object array using simple filter and spread operators

I need a suggestion for the below code. The objective here is to remove the specific array if the mentioned menuKey is present.
Note: = 'account-links' (Declared in another file);
const { menu = [] } = remainingConfig[]?.params || {};
const keysToRemove = ['sidebarReferAFriend'];
const filteredMenu = menu.filter(({ menuKey }: IMenuLink) => !keysToRemove.includes(menuKey));
How can I assign the filteredMenu back to remainingConfig object?
I tried with some spread operator options and it's not giving the existing same structure. So please provide some help here when you have some time.
The object structure will be like attached image.
If you can directly assign to the remainingConfig[] property, then since presumably you don't need to create the array if it's not there, only do the work if the array and everything leading up to it exists, then just assign back to menu:
const menuConfigParams = remainingConfig[]?.params;
const menu = menuConfigParams?.menu;
if (menu) {
const keysToRemove = ['sidebarReferAFriend']; = menu.filter(({ menuKey }/*: IMenuLink*/) => !keysToRemove.includes(menuKey));
If the remainingConfig structure is deeply immutable, then we have to create a new object to replace it at every level of the nesting:
const menuConfig = remainingConfig[];
const menuConfigParams = menuConfig?.params;
let menu = menuConfigParams?.menu;
if (menu) {
const keysToRemove = ['sidebarReferAFriend'];
menu = menu.filter(({ menuKey }/*: IMenuLink*/) => !keysToRemove.includes(menuKey));
const newConfig = {
[]: {
params: {
// ...then use whatever mechanism is in your environment to replace `remainingConfig`
// with `newConfig`...
Notice how at each level we're making a shallow copy of the structure via spread syntax.

Draft js replaceText remove inlineStyles

I implement WYSIWYG editor with draftjs and I have a set of rules for typography fixing. I use Modifier.replaceText to replace what I want, but the problem is, when I call it, it removes inlineStyles in replaced text.
Here is a block of code that I use for typography. Inputs are rules (array with rules) and editorState.
rules.forEach(({ toReplace, replace }) => {
const blockToReplace = [];
let contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
const blockMap = contentState.getBlockMap();
blockMap.forEach(contentBlock => {
const text = contentBlock.getText();
let matchArr;
while ((matchArr = toReplace.exec(text)) !== null) {
const start = matchArr.index;
const end = start + matchArr[0].length;
const blockKey = contentBlock.getKey();
const blockSelection = SelectionState.createEmpty(blockKey).merge({
anchorOffset: start,
focusOffset: end,
blockToReplace.reverse().forEach((selectionState) => {
contentState = Modifier.replaceText(
text.replace(search, replace)
editorState = EditorState.push(editorState, contentState);
So, my input is: *bold...*
The wrong output is: *bold*…
Should be: *bold…*
Note: asterisks are for bold designation, change is three dots to horizontal ellipsis (U+2026)
Anybody any idea? I google it for two days and nothing...

How to replace text with substitute that contains JSX code?

interface ICard {
content: string,
blanks: Array<{word: string, hidden: boolean}>
function processCards():Array<any>{
if (cards !==null ){
const text =,cardIndex)=>{
var content = card.content,blankIndex)=>{
// replace content
const visibility = (blank.hidden)?'hidden':'visible'
const click_blank = <span className={visibility} onClick={()=>toggleBlank(cardIndex,blankIndex)}>{blank.word}</span>
content = content.replace(blank.word,click_blank)
return content
return text
} else {
return []
I have an array of objects of type ICard.
Whenever card.blanks.word appears in card.content, I want to wrap that word in tags that contain a className style AND an onClick parameter.
It seems like I can't just replace the string using content.replace like I've tried, as replace() does not like the fact I have JSX in the code.
Is there another way to approach this problem?
You need to construct a new ReactElement from the parts of string preceding and following each blank.word, with the new span stuck in the middle. You can do this by iteratively building an array and then returning it wrapped in <> (<React.Fragment>). Here's a (javascript) example:
export default function App() {
const toggleBlankPlaceholder = (cardIndex, blankIndex) => {};
const cardIndexPlaceholder = 0;
const blanks = [
{ word: "foo", hidden: true },
{ word: "bar", hidden: false },
const content = "hello foo from bar!";
const res = [content];
for (const [blankIndex, { word, hidden }] of blanks.entries()) {
const re = new RegExp(`(.*?)${word}(.*)`);
const match = res[res.length - 1].match(re);
if (match) {
const [, prefix, suffix] = match;
res[res.length - 1] = prefix;
const visibility = hidden ? "hidden" : "visible";
onClick={() =>
toggleBlankPlaceholder(cardIndexPlaceholder, blankIndex)
return <>{res}</>;
The returned value will be hello <span class="hidden">foo</span> from <span class="visible">bar</span>!
A couple of things:
In your example, you used map over card.blanks without consuming the value. Please don't do that! If you don't intend to use the new array that map creates, use forEach instead.
In my example, I assumed for simplicity that each entry in blanks occurs 0 or 1 times in order in content. Your usage of replace in your example code would only have replaced the first occurrence of blank.word (see the docs), though I'm not sure that's what you intended. Your code did not make an ordering assumption, so you'll need to rework my example code a little depending on the desired behavior.

How to push all values into array and get them with javascript

I have my previous question in this link my question
I asked to push all values into an array and show to the HTML. They responded well but it showing only one value(zip1) into an array and get them to HTML.
So i want to get that all values like zip1,zip2, distance, weight based on the group number.
I tried but answer not came
my code altered from previous answer.
const array = [[{"loc":{}},{"distance":6.4},{"zip1":"06120"},{"zip2":"06095"},{"group":1},{"weight":1119}],[{"loc":{}},{"distance":6.41},{"zip1":"06095"},{"zip2":"06120"},{"group":2},{"weight":41976}],[{"loc":{}},{"distance":6.41},{"zip1":"06095"},{"zip2":"06120"},{"group":1},{"weight":41976}]];
const merged =, a) =>{
const { group } = a.find(n =>
const { zip1 } = a.find(n => n.zip1)
r[group] = r[group] || []
const { zip2 } = a.find(n => n.zip2)
const { weight } = a.find(n => n.weight)
const { distance } = a.find(n => n.distance)
return r;
const output = document.getElementById('output');
Object.entries(merged).forEach(([group, zips]) => {
const h1 = document.createElement('h1');
h1.innerHTML = "group " + group
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = `Zip1 - ${zips.zip1},${zips.zip2},${zips.weight},${zips.distance} (in group - ${group})`;
My expected output(but I need to show this in google map infowindow.I just showing example content)
Convert your 2D array into a 1D array, so instead of having arrays as inner items you will have objects. This is done through the arrToObj function
Convert your zip values from string to array. This is done to facilitate their _concatenation in the future. Done through the zipToArr function
Group your array of objects under one object. In order to do that we promote the group key and concatenate zip1/zip2 with other objects from the same group. Refer to the grouper function
Get the grouped objects using Object.values on the previous aggregate. We already have the group key in them so we don't need the parent key anymore
Format your values into HTML elements based on their respective keys. This will facilitate generating the HTML in the end since we'll have the elements ready. Done with html and format functions
Render your HTML by iterating on the previously generated array. In each iteration create a container div that will hold the group. The container will help styling its first element group
const array = [[{"loc":{}},{"distance":6.4},{"zip1":"06120"},{"zip2":"06095"},{"group":1},{"weight":1119}],[{"loc":{}},{"distance":6.41},{"zip1":"06095"},{"zip2":"06120"},{"group":2},{"weight":41976}],[{"loc":{}},{"distance":6.41},{"zip1":"06095"},{"zip2":"06120"},{"group":1},{"weight":41976}]];
// Data processing functions
const arrToObj = arr => arr.reduce((a, c) => ({ ...a, ...c}), {});
const zipToArr = x => ({...x, zip1: [x.zip1], zip2: [x.zip2]});
const grouper = (a, c) => {
delete c.loc;
delete c.distance;
if (a[]) {
return a;
} else {
return {...a, []: c}
// HTML utilities
const html = (k, v) => {
const it = document.createElement('p');
it.innerHTML = `${k} ${v}`;
return it;
const format = g => Object.keys(g).sort().reduce((a, c) => ({...a, [c]: html(c, g[c])}), {});
// Actual processing
const data =, {});
const dataWithHTML = Object.values(data).map(format);
// Rendering
const display = document.getElementById('display');
dataWithHTML.forEach(it => {
const container = document.createElement('div');
Object.values(it).forEach(v => container.appendChild(v));
p:first-of-type {
font-size: 36px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
p {
text-transform: capitalize;
<div id="display"></div>
