Shorthand to manipulate an object attribute and reassign - javascript

I have a deeply nested object and I want to manipulate a value of it and reassign it again. Is there a shorthand way for this other than writing it all out again or assigning it to a variable:
createStops[idx]['place']['create'][stop][key][value] = createStops[idx]['place']['create'][stop][key][value].toString()
looks ugly doesn't it? Something like:
but JS built in.
Edit: In my case it is a number, if it's for your case too please check out #MarkMeyer answer.

No, there isn't.
Assigning a new value requires an assignment.
Strings are immutable, so you can't convert an existing value into a string in-place.

Given a value that's a number, if you just want it to be a string, you can coerce to a string with an assignment operator:
let o = {
akey: {
value: 15
o.akey.akey.value += ''

Going to the same index is needed to store the value

Although it is not possible as mentioned by #Quentin you can define a custom getter in your object like:
var foo = {
a: 5,
b: 6,
get c () {
return this.b.toString()+' text'
You're not reassigning the value as you are semantically formatting your values. In order to format your value you are mutating your initial object. If you do not pretend to modify an object for formatting purposes that will work just fine.

You do not have integrated functions to use like that, but you could use of some utilitary functions of your own to help you manage assignements and make it less verbal.
SPOIL : The final use look like
// call the function to do +1 at the specified key
// The object to change the value on
// The path
// The thing to do
(x) => x + 1,
const createStops = {
idx: {
place: {
create: {
stop: {
key: {
value: 5,
const idx = 'idx';
const stop = 'stop';
const key = 'key';
const value = 'value';
// Function that go to the specified key and
// execute a function on it.
// The new value is the result of the func
// You can do your toString there, or anything else
function executeFunctionAtKey(obj, path, func) {
const keys = path.split('.');
if (keys.length === 1) {
obj[path] = func(obj[key]);
return obj;
const lastPtr = keys.slice(0, keys.length - 1).reduce((tmp, x) => tmp[x], obj);
lastPtr[keys[keys.length - 1]] = func(lastPtr[keys[keys.length - 1]]);
return obj;
// call the function to do +1 at the specified key
// The object to change the value on
// The path
// The thing to do
(x) => x + 1,
with the toString example from Number to String
const createStops = {
idx: {
place: {
create: {
stop: {
key: {
value: 5,
const idx = 'idx';
const stop = 'stop';
const key = 'key';
const value = 'value';
// Function that go to the specified key and
// execute a function on it.
// The new value is the result of the func
// You can do your toString there, or anything else
function executeFunctionAtKey(obj, path, func) {
const keys = path.split('.');
if (keys.length === 1) {
obj[path] = func(obj[key]);
return obj;
const lastPtr = keys.slice(0, keys.length - 1).reduce((tmp, x) => tmp[x], obj);
lastPtr[keys[keys.length - 1]] = func(lastPtr[keys[keys.length - 1]]);
return obj;
// call the function to do +1 at the specified key
// The object to change the value on
// The path
// The thing to do
(x) => x.toString(),

Theoretically you could build a function that takes an object, a path and the property to set it to.
This will reduce the readability of your code, so i would advice using ordinary assignment. But if you need it check out the snippet below:
function setProp(object, path, val) {
var parts = path.split("/").filter(function (p) { return p.length > 0; });
var pathIndex = 0;
var currentTarget = object;
while (pathIndex < parts.length - 1) {
currentTarget = currentTarget[parts[pathIndex]];
if (val instanceof Function) {
currentTarget[parts[pathIndex]] = val(currentTarget[parts[pathIndex]]);
else {
currentTarget[parts[pathIndex]] = val;
return object;
var createStops = {
idx: {
place: {
create: {
stop: {
key: {
value: 5
function toString(p) { return p.toString(); }
console.log(JSON.stringify(createStops, null, 4));
setProp(createStops, 'idx/place/create/stop/key/value', toString);
console.log(JSON.stringify(createStops, null, 4));
Allowed passing functions and used OP JSON structure for snippet


Js how to set an item at a nested index in an empty array [duplicate]

I hope someone can help me with this Javascript.
I have an Object called "Settings" and I would like to write a function that adds new settings to that object.
The new setting's name and value are provided as strings. The string giving the setting's name is then split by the underscores into an array. The new setting should get added to the existing "Settings" object by creating new nested objects with the names given by each part of the array, except the last part which should be a string giving the setting's value. I should then be able to refer to the setting and e.g. alert its value. I can do this in a static way like this...
var Settings = {};
var newSettingName = "Modules_Video_Plugin";
var newSettingValue = "JWPlayer";
var newSettingNameArray = newSettingName.split("_");
Settings[newSettingNameArray[0]] = {};
Settings[newSettingNameArray[0]][newSettingNameArray[1]] = {};
Settings[newSettingNameArray[0]][newSettingNameArray[1]][newSettingNameArray[2]] = newSettingValue;
... the part that creates the nested objects is doing this ...
Settings["Modules"] = {};
Settings["Modules"]["Video"] = {};
Settings["Modules"]["Video"]["Plugin"] = "JWPlayer";
However, as the number of parts that make up the setting name can vary, e.g. a newSettingName could be "Modules_Floorplan_Image_Src", I'd like to do this dynamically using a function such as...
createSetting (newSettingNameArray, newSettingValue);
function createSetting(setting, value) {
// code to create new setting goes here
Can anyone help me work out how to do this dynamically?
I presume there has to be a for...loop in there to itterate through the array, but I haven't been able to work out a way to create the nested objects.
If you've got this far thanks very much for taking the time to read even if you can't help.
Put in a function, short and fast (no recursion).
var createNestedObject = function( base, names ) {
for( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
base = base[ names[i] ] = base[ names[i] ] || {};
// Usage:
createNestedObject( window, ["shapes", "triangle", "points"] );
// Now window.shapes.triangle.points is an empty object, ready to be used.
It skips already existing parts of the hierarchy. Useful if you are not sure whether the hierarchy was already created.
A fancier version where you can directly assign the value to the last object in the hierarchy, and you can chain function calls because it returns the last object.
// Function: createNestedObject( base, names[, value] )
// base: the object on which to create the hierarchy
// names: an array of strings contaning the names of the objects
// value (optional): if given, will be the last object in the hierarchy
// Returns: the last object in the hierarchy
var createNestedObject = function( base, names, value ) {
// If a value is given, remove the last name and keep it for later:
var lastName = arguments.length === 3 ? names.pop() : false;
// Walk the hierarchy, creating new objects where needed.
// If the lastName was removed, then the last object is not set yet:
for( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
base = base[ names[i] ] = base[ names[i] ] || {};
// If a value was given, set it to the last name:
if( lastName ) base = base[ lastName ] = value;
// Return the last object in the hierarchy:
return base;
// Usages:
createNestedObject( window, ["shapes", "circle"] );
// Now is an empty object, ready to be used.
var obj = {}; // Works with any object other that window too
createNestedObject( obj, ["shapes", "rectangle", "width"], 300 );
// Now we have: obj.shapes.rectangle.width === 300
createNestedObject( obj, "shapes.rectangle.height".split('.'), 400 );
// Now we have: obj.shapes.rectangle.height === 400
Note: if your hierarchy needs to be built from values other that standard objects (ie. not {}), see also TimDog's answer below.
Edit: uses regular loops instead of loops. It's safer in cases where a library modifies the Array prototype.
function assign(obj, keyPath, value) {
lastKeyIndex = keyPath.length-1;
for (var i = 0; i < lastKeyIndex; ++ i) {
key = keyPath[i];
if (!(key in obj)){
obj[key] = {}
obj = obj[key];
obj[keyPath[lastKeyIndex]] = value;
var settings = {};
assign(settings, ['Modules', 'Video', 'Plugin'], 'JWPlayer');
My ES2015 solution. Keeps existing values.
const set = (obj, path, val) => {
const keys = path.split('.');
const lastKey = keys.pop();
const lastObj = keys.reduce((obj, key) =>
obj[key] = obj[key] || {},
lastObj[lastKey] = val;
const obj = {'a': {'prop': {'that': 'exists'}}};
set(obj, 'a.very.deep.prop', 'value');
// {"a":{"prop":{"that":"exists"},"very":{"deep":{"prop":"value"}}}}
Using ES6 is shorten. Set your path into an array.
first, you have to reverse the array, to start filling the object.
let obj = ['a','b','c'] // {a:{b:{c:{}}}
const nestedObject = obj.reduce((prev, current) => (
), {});
Another recursive solution:
var nest = function(obj, keys, v) {
if (keys.length === 1) {
obj[keys[0]] = v;
} else {
var key = keys.shift();
obj[key] = nest(typeof obj[key] === 'undefined' ? {} : obj[key], keys, v);
return obj;
Example usage:
var dog = {bark: {sound: 'bark!'}};
nest(dog, ['bark', 'loudness'], 66);
nest(dog, ['woff', 'sound'], 'woff!');
console.log(dog); // {bark: {loudness: 66, sound: "bark!"}, woff: {sound: "woff!"}}
I love this ES6 immutable way to set certain value on nested field:
const setValueToField = (fields, value) => {
const reducer = (acc, item, index, arr) => ({ [item]: index + 1 < arr.length ? acc : value });
return fields.reduceRight(reducer, {});
And then use it with creating your target object.
const targetObject = setValueToField(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'nice');
console.log(targetObject); // Output: { one: { two: { three: 'nice' } } }
Lodash has a _.set method to achieve this
let obj = {}
_.set(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'e')
_.set(obj, 'a.b.c.d', 'e')
// which generate the following object
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"d": "e"
Here is a simple tweak to jlgrall's answer that allows setting distinct values on each element in the nested hierarchy:
var createNestedObject = function( base, names, values ) {
for( var i in names ) base = base[ names[i] ] = base[ names[i] ] || (values[i] || {});
Hope it helps.
Here is a functional solution to dynamically create nested objects.
const nest = (path, obj) => {
const reversedPath = path.split('.').reverse();
const iter = ([head, ...tail], obj) => {
if (!head) {
return obj;
const newObj = {[head]: {...obj}};
return iter(tail, newObj);
return iter(reversedPath, obj);
const data = {prop: 'someData'};
const path = 'a.deep.path';
const result = nest(path, data);
// {"a":{"deep":{"path":{"prop":"someData"}}}}
Inspired by ImmutableJS setIn method which will never mutate the original. This works with mixed array and object nested values.
function setIn(obj = {}, [prop,], value) {
const newObj = Array.isArray(obj) ? [...obj] : {...obj};
newObj[prop] = rest.length ? setIn(obj[prop], rest, value) : value;
return newObj;
var obj = {
a: {
b: {
c: [
{d: 5}
const newObj = setIn(obj, ["a", "b", "c", 0, "x"], "new");
//obj === {a: {b: {c: [{d: 5}]}}}
//newObj === {a: {b: {c: [{d: 5, x: "new"}]}}}
Appreciate that this question is mega old! But after coming across a need to do something like this in node, I made a module and published it to npm.
var nestob = require('nestob');
//Create a new nestable object - instead of the standard js object ({})
var newNested = new nestob.Nestable();
//Set nested object properties without having to create the objects first!
newNested.setNested('biscuits.oblong.marmaduke', 'cheese');
newNested.setNested(['orange', 'tartan', 'pipedream'], { poppers: 'astray', numbers: [123,456,789]});
//{ biscuits: { oblong: { marmaduke: 'cheese' } },
orange: { tartan: { pipedream: [Object] } } } { poppers: 'astray', numbers: [ 123, 456, 789 ] }
//Get nested object properties without having to worry about whether the objects exist
//Pass in a default value to be returned if desired
console.log(newNested.getNested('generic.yoghurt.asguard', 'autodrome'));
//You can also pass in an array containing the object keys
console.log(newNested.getNested(['chosp', 'umbridge', 'dollar'], 'symbols'));
//You can also use nestob to modify objects not created using nestob
var normalObj = {};
nestob.setNested(normalObj, 'running.out.of', 'words');
//{ running: { out: { of: 'words' } } }
console.log(nestob.getNested(normalObj, 'random.things', 'indigo'));
console.log(nestob.getNested(normalObj, 'improbable.apricots'));
Inside your loop you can use lodash.set and will create the path for you:
const set = require('lodash.set');
const p = {};
const [type, lang, name] = f.split('.');
set(p, [lang, type, name], '');
// { lang: { 'type': { 'name': '' }}}
try using recursive function:
function createSetting(setting, value, index) {
if (typeof index !== 'number') {
index = 0;
if (index+1 == setting.length ) {
settings[setting[index]] = value;
else {
settings[setting[index]] = {};
createSetting(setting, value, ++index);
I think, this is shorter:
Settings = {};
newSettingName = "Modules_Floorplan_Image_Src";
newSettingValue = "JWPlayer";
newSettingNameArray = newSettingName.split("_");
a = Settings;
for (var i = 0 in newSettingNameArray) {
var x = newSettingNameArray[i];
a[x] = i == newSettingNameArray.length-1 ? newSettingValue : {};
a = a[x];
I found #jlgrall's answer was great but after simplifying it, it didn't work in Chrome. Here's my fixed should anyone want a lite version:
var callback = 'fn.item1.item2.callbackfunction',
cb = callback.split('.'),
baseObj = window;
function createNestedObject(base, items){
$.each(items, function(i, v){
base = base[v] = (base[v] || {});
callbackFunction = createNestedObject(baseObj, cb);
I hope this is useful and relevant. Sorry, I've just smashed this example out...
You can define your own Object methods; also I'm using underscore for brevity:
var _ = require('underscore');
// a fast get method for object, by specifying an address with depth
Object.prototype.pick = function(addr) {
if (!_.isArray(addr)) return this[addr]; // if isn't array, just get normally
var tmpo = this;
while (i = addr.shift())
tmpo = tmpo[i];
return tmpo;
// a fast set method for object, put value at obj[addr]
Object.prototype.put = function(addr, val) {
if (!_.isArray(addr)) this[addr] = val; // if isn't array, just set normally
this.pick(_.initial(addr))[_.last(addr)] = val;
Sample usage:
var obj = {
'foo': {
'bar': 0 }}
obj.pick('foo'); // returns { bar: 0 }
obj.pick(['foo','bar']); // returns 0
obj.put(['foo', 'bar'], -1) // obj becomes {'foo': {'bar': -1}}
A snippet for those who need to create a nested objects with support of array keys to set a value to the end of path. Path is the string like: Based on jlgrall version.
var updateStateQuery = function(state, path, value) {
var names = path.split('.');
for (var i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; i++) {
if (i == (len - 1)) {
state = state[names[i]] = state[names[i]] || value;
else if (parseInt(names[i+1]) >= 0) {
state = state[names[i]] = state[names[i]] || [];
else {
state = state[names[i]] = state[names[i]] || {};
Set Nested Data:
function setNestedData(root, path, value) {
var paths = path.split('.');
var last_index = paths.length - 1;
paths.forEach(function(key, index) {
if (!(key in root)) root[key] = {};
if (index==last_index) root[key] = value;
root = root[key];
return root;
var obj = {'existing': 'value'};
setNestedData(obj, '', 'derp');
setNestedData(obj, '', 'musubi');
// {"existing":"value","animal":{"fish":{"pet":"derp"},"cat":{"pet":"musubi"}}}
Get Nested Data:
function getNestedData(obj, path) {
var index = function(obj, i) { return obj && obj[i]; };
return path.split('.').reduce(index, obj);
getNestedData(obj, '')
// "musubi"
getNestedData(obj, '')
// undefined
Try this:
var obj2fd = require('obj2fd/es5').default
var fd = obj2fd({
{c: 3},
{d: 4}
Result :
fd = [
a => 1,
b => [
c => 3,
d => 4
Here is a decomposition to several useful functions, that each preserve existing data. Does not handle arrays.
setDeep: Answers question. Non-destructive to other data in the object.
setDefaultDeep: Same, but only sets if not already set.
setDefault: Sets a key if not already set. Same as Python's setdefault.
setStructure: Helper function that builds the path.
// Create a nested structure of objects along path within obj. Only overwrites the final value.
let setDeep = (obj, path, value) =>
setStructure(obj, path.slice(0, -1))[path[path.length - 1]] = value
// Create a nested structure of objects along path within obj. Does not overwrite any value.
let setDefaultDeep = (obj, path, value) =>
setDefault(setStructure(obj, path.slice(0, -1)), path[path.length - 1], value)
// Set obj[key] to value if key is not in object, and return obj[key]
let setDefault = (obj, key, value) =>
obj[key] = key in obj ? obj[key] : value;
// Create a nested structure of objects along path within obj. Does not overwrite any value.
let setStructure = (obj, path) =>
path.reduce((obj, segment) => setDefault(obj, segment, {}), obj);
let temp = {};
// returns the set value, similar to assignment
setDeep(temp, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'one'))
// not destructive to 'one'
setDeep(temp, ['a', 'b', 'z'], 'two')
// does not overwrite, returns previously set value
console.log('temp.a.b.z: ',
setDefaultDeep(temp, ['a', 'b', 'z'], 'unused'))
// creates new, returns current value
console.log('temp["a.1"]: ',
setDefault(temp, 'a.1', 'three'))
// can also be used as a getter
console.log("temp.x.y.z: ",
setStructure(temp, ['x', 'y', 'z']))
console.log("final object:", temp)
I'm not sure why anyone would want string paths:
They are ambiguous for keys with periods
You have to build the strings in the first place
Since I started with something from this page, I wanted to contribute back
Other examples overwrote the final node even if it was set, and that wasn't what I wanted.
Also, if returnObj is set to true, it returns the base object. By default, falsy, it returns the deepest node.
function param(obj, path, value, returnObj) {
if (typeof path == 'string') path = path.split(".");
var child = obj;
path.forEach((key, i) => {
if (!(key in child)) {
child[key] = (i < path.length-1) ? {} : value || {};
child = child[key];
return returnObj ? obj : child;
var x = {};
var xOut = param(x, "y.z", "setting")
xOut = param(x, "y.z", "overwrite") // won't set
xOut = param(x, "y.a", "setting2")
xOut = param(x, "y.a", "setting2", true) // get object rather than deepest node.
You can also do something where numeric keys are placed in arrays (if they don't already exist). Note that numeric keys won't convert to arrays for the first element of the path, since that's set by the type of your base-object.
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function param(obj, path, value, returnObj) {
if (typeof path == 'string') path = path.split(".");
var child = obj;
path.forEach((key, i) => {
var nextKey = path[i+1];
if (!(key in child)) {
child[key] = (nextKey == undefined && value != undefined
? value
: isNumber(nextKey)
? []
: {});
child = child[key];
return returnObj ? obj : child;
var x = {};
var xOut = param(x, "y.z", "setting")
xOut = param(x, "y.z", "overwrite") // won't set
xOut = param(x, "y.a", "setting2")
xOut = param(x, "y.a", "setting2", true) // get object rather than deepest node.
xOut = param(x, "1.0.2.a", "setting")
xOut = param(x, "1.0.1.a", "try to override") // won't set
xOut = param(x, "1.0.5.a", "new-setting", true) // get object rather than deepest node.
Naturally, when the numeric keys are greater than 0, you might see some undefined gaps.
Practical uses of this might be
function AddNote(book, page, line) {
// assume a global global notes collection
var myNotes = param(allNotes, [book, page, line], []);
myNotes.push('This was a great twist!')
return myNotes;
var allNotes = {}
var youthfulHopes = AddNote('A Game of Thrones', 4, 2, "I'm already hooked, at least I won't have to wait long for the books to come out!");
// {"A Game of Thrones": [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, [undefined, undefined, ["I'm already hooked, at least I won't have to wait long for the books to come out!"]]]}
// ["I'm already hooked, at least I won't have to wait long for the books to come out!"]
function initPath(obj, path) {
path.split('.').reduce((o, key) => (
Object.assign(o, {[key]: Object(o[key])}),
), obj);
return obj;
const obj = { a: { b: 'value1' } };
initPath(obj, 'a.c.d').a.c.d='value2';
"a": {
"b": "value1",
"c": {
"d": "value2"
simple answer. on es6, im using this
const assign = (obj, path, value) => {
let keyPath = path.split('.')
let lastKeyIndex = keyPath.length - 1
for (let i = 0; i < lastKeyIndex; ++i) {
let key = keyPath[i]
if (!(key in obj)) {
obj[key] = {}
obj = obj[key]
obj[keyPath[lastKeyIndex]] = value
example json
const obj = {
b: 'hello'
you can add new key
assign(obj, 'c.d.e', 'this value')
and you get like bellow
//response example
obj = {
b: 'hello',
c: {
d: {
e: 'this value'
function createObj(keys, value) {
let obj = {}
let schema = obj
keys = keys.split('.')
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length - 1; i++) {
schema[keys[i]] = {}
schema = schema[keys[i]]
schema[keys.pop()] = value
return obj
let keys = 'value1.value2.value3'
let value = 'Hello'
let obj = createObj(keys, value)
Eval is probably overkill but the result is simple to visualize, with no nested loops or recursion.
function buildDir(obj, path){
var paths = path.split('_');
var final = paths.pop();
for (let i = 1; i <= paths.length; i++) {
var key = "obj['" + paths.slice(0, i).join("']['") + "']"
eval(`${key} = {}`)
eval(`${key} = '${final}'`)
return obj
var newSettingName = "Modules_Video_Plugin_JWPlayer";
var Settings = buildDir( {}, newSettingName );
Basically you are progressively writing a string "obj['one']= {}", "obj['one']['two']"= {} and evaling it;

Editing a JSON value in varying depth [duplicate]

I have an object that could be any number of levels deep and could have any existing properties.
For example:
var obj = {
db: {
mongodb: {
host: 'localhost'
On that I would like to set (or overwrite) properties like so:
set('db.mongodb.user', 'root');
// or:
set('', 'baz');
Where the property string can have any depth, and the value can be any type/thing.
Objects and arrays as values don't need to be merged, should the property key already exist.
Previous example would produce following object:
var obj = {
db: {
mongodb: {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root'
foo: {
bar: baz
How can I realize such a function?
This function, using the arguments you specified, should add/update the data in the obj container. Note that you need to keep track of which elements in obj schema are containers and which are values (strings, ints, etc.) otherwise you will start throwing exceptions.
obj = {}; // global object
function set(path, value) {
var schema = obj; // a moving reference to internal objects within obj
var pList = path.split('.');
var len = pList.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len-1; i++) {
var elem = pList[i];
if( !schema[elem] ) schema[elem] = {}
schema = schema[elem];
schema[pList[len-1]] = value;
set('mongo.db.user', 'root');
Lodash has a _.set() method.
_.set(obj, 'db.mongodb.user', 'root');
_.set(obj, '', 'baz');
I just write a small function using ES6 + recursion to achieve the goal.
updateObjProp = (obj, value, propPath) => {
const [head,] = propPath.split('.');
? obj[head] = value
: this.updateObjProp(obj[head], value, rest.join('.'));
const user = {profile: {name: 'foo'}};
updateObjProp(user, 'fooChanged', '');
I used it a lot on react to update state, it worked pretty well for me.
We can use a recursion function:
* Sets a value of nested key string descriptor inside a Object.
* It changes the passed object.
* Ex:
* let obj = {a: {b:{c:'initial'}}}
* setNestedKey(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'changed-value')
* assert(obj === {a: {b:{c:'changed-value'}}})
* #param {[Object]} obj Object to set the nested key
* #param {[Array]} path An array to describe the path(Ex: ['a', 'b', 'c'])
* #param {[Object]} value Any value
export const setNestedKey = (obj, path, value) => {
if (path.length === 1) {
obj[path] = value
return setNestedKey(obj[path[0]], path.slice(1), value)
It's more simple!
A bit late but here's a non-library, simpler answer:
* Dynamically sets a deeply nested value in an object.
* Optionally "bores" a path to it if its undefined.
* #function
* #param {!object} obj - The object which contains the value you want to change/set.
* #param {!array} path - The array representation of path to the value you want to change/set.
* #param {!mixed} value - The value you want to set it to.
* #param {boolean} setrecursively - If true, will set value of non-existing path as well.
function setDeep(obj, path, value, setrecursively = false) {
path.reduce((a, b, level) => {
if (setrecursively && typeof a[b] === "undefined" && level !== path.length){
a[b] = {};
return a[b];
if (level === path.length){
a[b] = value;
return value;
return a[b];
}, obj);
This function I made can do exactly what you need and a little more.
lets say we want to change the target value that is deeply nested in this object:
let myObj = {
level1: {
level2: {
target: 1
So we would call our function like so:
setDeep(myObj, ["level1", "level2", "target1"], 3);
will result in:
myObj = {
level1: {
level2: {
target: 3
Setting the set recursively flag to true will set objects if they don't exist.
setDeep(myObj, ["new", "path", "target"], 3, true);
will result in this:
obj = myObj = {
new: {
path: {
target: 3
level1: {
level2: {
target: 3
Inspired by #bpmason1's answer:
function leaf(obj, path, value) {
const pList = path.split('.');
const key = pList.pop();
const pointer = pList.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
if (accumulator[currentValue] === undefined) accumulator[currentValue] = {};
return accumulator[currentValue];
}, obj);
pointer[key] = value;
return obj;
const obj = {
boats: {
m1: 'lady blue'
leaf(obj, 'boats.m1', 'lady blue II');
leaf(obj, 'boats.m2', 'lady bird');
console.log(obj); // { boats: { m1: 'lady blue II', m2: 'lady bird' } }
I came up with my own solution using pure es6 and recursion that doesn't mutate the original object.
const setNestedProp = (obj = {}, [first,] , value) => ({
[first]: rest.length
? setNestedProp(obj[first], rest, value)
: value
const result = setNestedProp({}, ["first", "second", "a"],
const result2 = setNestedProp(result, ["first", "second", "b"], "bar");
Lodash has a method called update that does exactly what you need.
This method receives the following parameters:
The object to update
The path of the property to update (the property can be deeply nested)
A function that returns the value to update (given the original value as a parameter)
In your example it would look like this:
_.update(obj, 'db.mongodb.user', function(originalValue) {
return 'root'
ES6 has a pretty cool way to do this too using Computed Property Name and Rest Parameter.
const obj = {
levelOne: {
levelTwo: {
levelThree: "Set this one!"
const updatedObj = {
levelOne: {
levelTwo: {
levelThree: "I am now updated!"
If levelThree is a dynamic property i.e. to set any of the property in levelTwo, you can use [propertyName]: "I am now updated!" where propertyName holds the name of the property in levelTwo.
I needed to achieve the same thing, but in Node.js...
So, I found this nice module:
var mod = require("nested-property");
var obj = {
a: {
b: {
c: {
d: 5
console.log(mod.get(obj, "a.b.c.d"));
mod.set(obj, "a.b.c.d", 6);
console.log(mod.get(obj, "a.b.c.d"));
I created gist for setting and getting obj values by string based on correct answer. You can download it or use it as npm/yarn package.
// yarn add gist:5ceba1081bbf0162b98860b34a511a92
// npm install gist:5ceba1081bbf0162b98860b34a511a92
export const DeepObject = {
set: setDeep,
get: getDeep
function getDeep(obj: Object, path: string) {
path = path.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert indexes to properties
path = path.replace(/^\./, ''); // strip a leading dot
const a = path.split('.');
for (let i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; ++i) {
const n = a[i];
if (n in obj) {
obj = obj[n];
} else {
return obj;
function setDeep(obj: Object, path: string, value: any) {
let schema = obj; // a moving reference to internal objects within obj
const pList = path.split('.');
const len = pList.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
const elem = pList[i];
if (!schema[elem]) {
schema[elem] = {};
schema = schema[elem];
schema[pList[len - 1]] = value;
// Usage
// import {DeepObject} from 'somePath'
// const obj = {
// a: 4,
// b: {
// c: {
// d: 2
// }
// }
// };
// DeepObject.set(obj, 'b.c.d', 10); // sets obj.b.c.d to 10
// console.log(DeepObject.get(obj, 'b.c.d')); // returns 10
Extending the accepted answer provided by #bpmason1, to support arrays in string path e.g. string path can be 'db.mongodb.users[0].name' and 'db.mongodb.users[1].name'.
It will set the property value, which if doesn't exist, will be created.
var obj = {};
function set(path, value) {
var schema = obj;
var keysList = path.split('.');
var len = keysList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
var key = keysList[i];
// checking if key represents an array element e.g. users[0]
if (key.includes('[')) {
//getting propertyName 'users' form key 'users[0]'
var propertyName = key.substr(0, key.length - key.substr(key.indexOf("["), key.length - key.indexOf("[")).length);
if (!schema[propertyName]) {
schema[propertyName] = [];
// schema['users'][getting index 0 from 'users[0]']
if (!schema[propertyName][parseInt(key.substr(key.indexOf("[") + 1, key.indexOf("]") - key.indexOf("[") - 1))]) {
// if it doesn't exist create and initialise it
schema = schema[propertyName][parseInt(key.substr(key.indexOf("[") + 1, key.indexOf("]") - key.indexOf("[") - 1))] = {};
} else {
schema = schema[propertyName][parseInt(key.substr(key.indexOf("[") + 1, key.indexOf("]") - key.indexOf("[") - 1))];
if (!schema[key]) {
schema[key] = {};
schema = schema[key];
} //loop ends
// if last key is array element
if (keysList[len - 1].includes('[')) {
//getting propertyName 'users' form key 'users[0]'
var propertyName = keysList[len - 1].substr(0, keysList[len - 1].length - keysList[len - 1].substr(keysList[len - 1].indexOf("["), keysList[len - 1].length - keysList[len - 1].indexOf("[")).length);
if (!schema[propertyName]) {
schema[propertyName] = [];
// schema[users][0] = value;
schema[propertyName][parseInt(keysList[len - 1].substr(keysList[len - 1].indexOf("[") + 1, keysList[len - 1].indexOf("]") - keysList[len - 1].indexOf("[") - 1))] = value;
} else {
schema[keysList[len - 1]] = value;
// will create if not exist
set("mongo.db.users[0].name.firstname", "hii0");
set("mongo.db.users[1].name.firstname", "hii1");
set("mongo.db.users[2].name", {
"firstname": "hii2"
set("mongo.db.other", "xx");
// will set if exist
set("mongo.db.other", "yy");
Here's a solution using ES 12
function set(obj = {}, key, val) {
const keys = key.split('.')
const last = keys.pop()
keys.reduce((o, k) => o[k] ??= {}, obj)[last] = val
(For older versions of javascript, you can do do o[k] || o[k] = {} in the reduce instead)
First, we set keys to be an array of everything but the last key.
Then in the reduce, the accumulator goes one level deeper into obj
each time, initializing it to an empty object if it the value at that key is not defined.
Finally, we set the value at the last key to val.
If you only need to change deeper nested objects, then another method could be to reference the object. As JS objects are handled by their references, you can create a reference to an object you have string-key access to.
// The object we want to modify:
var obj = {
db: {
mongodb: {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root'
foo: {
bar: baz
var key1 = 'mongodb';
var key2 = 'host';
var myRef = obj.db[key1]; //this creates a reference to obj.db['mongodb']
myRef[key2] = 'my new string';
// The object now looks like:
var obj = {
db: {
mongodb: {
host: 'my new string',
user: 'root'
foo: {
bar: baz
Another approach is to use recursion to dig through the object:
function NestedSetterAndGetter(){
function setValueByArray(obj, parts, value){
throw 'No parts array passed in';
if(parts.length === 0){
throw 'parts should never have a length of 0';
if(parts.length === 1){
obj[parts[0]] = value;
} else {
var next = parts.shift();
obj[next] = {};
setValueByArray(obj[next], parts, value);
function getValueByArray(obj, parts, value){
if(!parts) {
return null;
if(parts.length === 1){
return obj[parts[0]];
} else {
var next = parts.shift();
return null;
return getValueByArray(obj[next], parts, value);
this.set = function(obj, path, value) {
setValueByArray(obj, path.split('.'), value);
this.get = function(obj, path){
return getValueByArray(obj, path.split('.'));
root.NestedSetterAndGetter = NestedSetterAndGetter;
var setter = new this.NestedSetterAndGetter();
var o = {};
setter.set(o, 'a.b.c', 'apple');
console.log(o); //=> { a: { b: { c: 'apple'}}}
var z = { a: { b: { c: { d: 'test' } } } };
setter.set(z, 'a.b.c', {dd: 'zzz'});
console.log(JSON.stringify(z)); //=> {"a":{"b":{"c":{"dd":"zzz"}}}}
console.log(JSON.stringify(setter.get(z, 'a.b.c'))); //=> {"dd":"zzz"}
console.log(JSON.stringify(setter.get(z, 'a.b'))); //=> {"c":{"dd":"zzz"}}
Late to the party - here's a vanilla js function that accepts a path as an argument and returns the modified object/json
let orig_json = {
string: "Hi",
number: 0,
boolean: false,
object: {
subString: "Hello",
subNumber: 1,
subBoolean: true,
subObject: {
subSubString: "Hello World"
subArray: ["-1", "-2", "-3"]
array: ["1", "2", "3"]
function changeValue(obj_path, value, json) {
let keys = obj_path.split(".")
let obj = { ...json },
tmpobj = {},
prevobj = {}
for (let x = keys.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
if (x == 0) {
obj[keys[0]] = tmpobj
} else {
let toeval = 'json.' + keys.slice(0, x).join('.');
prevobj = { ...tmpobj
tmpobj = eval(toeval);
if (x == keys.length - 1) tmpobj[keys[x]] = value
else {
tmpobj[keys[x]] = prevobj
return obj
let newjson = changeValue("object.subObject.subSubString", "Goodbye world", orig_json);
Another solution to add or override properties:
function propertySetter(property, value) {
const sampleObject = {
string: "Hi",
number: 0,
boolean: false,
object: {
subString: "Hello",
subNumber: 1,
subBoolean: true,
subObject: {
subSubString: "Hello World",
subArray: ["-1", "-2", "-3"],
array: ["1", "2", "3"],
const keys = property.split(".");
const propertyName = keys.pop();
let propertyParent = sampleObject;
while (keys.length > 0) {
const key = keys.shift();
if (!(key in propertyParent)) {
propertyParent[key] = {};
propertyParent = propertyParent[key];
propertyParent[propertyName] = value;
return sampleObject;
console.log(propertySetter("object.subObject.anotherSubString", "Hello you"));
console.log(propertySetter("object.subObject.subSubString", "Hello Earth"));
console.log(propertySetter("object.subObject.nextSubString.subSubSubString", "Helloooo"));
Inspired by ImmutableJS setIn method which will never mutate the original.
This works with mixed array and object nested values.
function setIn(obj = {}, [prop,], value) {
const newObj = Array.isArray(obj) ? [...obj] : {...obj};
newObj[prop] = rest.length ? setIn(obj[prop], rest, value) : value;
return newObj;
var obj = {
a: {
b: {
c: [
{d: 5}
const newObj = setIn(obj, ["a", "b", "c", 0, "x"], "new");
//obj === {a: {b: {c: [{d: 5}]}}}
//newObj === {a: {b: {c: [{d: 5, x: "new"}]}}}
As #aheuermann sed, you can use set from lodash library,
However, if you don't want to add lodash to your project for some reason you can use a recursion function that sets/overrides a value in an object.
* recursion function that called in main function
* #param obj initial JSON
* #param keysList array of keys
* #param value value that you want to set
* #returns final JSON
function recursionSet(obj, keysList, value) {
const key = keysList[0]
if (keysList.length === 1) return { ...obj, [key]: value }
return { ...obj, [key]: (recursionSet(obj?.[key] || {}, keysList.slice(1), value)) }
* main function that you can call for set a value in an object by nested keys
* #param obj initial JSON
* #param keysString nested keys that seprated by "."
* #param value value that you want to set
* #returns final JSON
function objectSet(obj, keysString, value) {
return recursionSet(obj, keysString.split('.'), value)
// simple usage
const a1 = {}
console.log('simple usage:', objectSet(a1, "b.c.d", 5))
// keep the initial data
const a2 = {b:{e: 8}}
console.log('keep the initial data:', objectSet(a2, "b.c.d", 5))
// override data
const a3 = {b:{e: 8, c:2}}
console.log('override data:', objectSet(a3, "b.c.d", 5))
// complex value
const a4 = {b:{e: 8, c:2}}
console.log('complex value:', objectSet(a4, "b.c.d", {f:12}))
If you would like a function that required prior properties to exist, then you could use something like this, it would also return a flag stating whether it managed to find and set the nested property.
function set(obj, path, value) {
var parts = (path || '').split('.');
// using 'every' so we can return a flag stating whether we managed to set the value.
return parts.every((p, i) => {
if (!obj) return false; // cancel early as we havent found a nested prop.
if (i === parts.length - 1){ // we're at the final part of the path.
obj[parts[i]] = value;
obj = obj[parts[i]]; // overwrite the functions reference of the object with the nested one.
return true;
JQuery has an extend method:
just pass the overwrites as an object and it will merge the two.
Inspired by ClojureScript's assoc-in (, using recursion:
* Associate value (v) in object/array (m) at key/index (k).
* If m is falsy, use new object.
* Returns the updated object/array.
function assoc(m, k, v) {
m = (m || {});
m[k] = v;
return m;
* Associate value (v) in nested object/array (m) using sequence of keys (ks)
* to identify the path to the nested key/index.
* If one of the values in the nested object/array doesn't exist, it adds
* a new object.
function assoc_in(m={}, [k, ...ks], v) {
return ks.length ? assoc(m, k, assoc_in(m[k], ks, v)) : assoc(m, k, v);
* Associate value (v) in nested object/array (m) using key string notation (s)
* (e.g. "k1.k2").
function set(m, s, v) {
ks = s.split(".");
return assoc_in(m, ks, v);
With the provided implementation,
assoc_in({"a": 1}, ["a", "b"], 2)
{"a": 1}
I would prefer that it throw an error in this case. If desired, you can add a check in assoc to verify m is either an object or array and throw an error otherwise.
I tried to write this set method in short, it may help someone!
function set(obj, key, value) {
let keys = key.split('.');
if(keys.length<2){ obj[key] = value; return obj; }
let lastKey = keys.pop();
let fun = `obj.${keys.join('.')} = {${lastKey}: '${value}'};`;
return new Function(fun)();
var obj = {
"hello": {
"world": "test"
set(obj, "", 'test updated');
set(obj, "", 'hello again');
set(obj, "", 'hello once again');
const set = (o, path, value) => {
const props = path.split('.');
const prop = props.shift()
if (props.length === 0) {
o[prop] = value
} else {
o[prop] = o[prop] ?? {}
set(o[prop], props.join('.'), value)
in case you want to deeply update or insert an object
try this :-
let init = {
abc: {
c: {1: 2, 3: 5, 0: {l: 3}},
d: 100
Object.prototype.deepUpdate = function(update){
let key = Object.keys(update);
key.forEach((k) => {
if(typeof update[key] == "object"){
this[k].deepUpdate(update[key], this[k])
this[k] = update[k]
init.deepUpdate({abc: {c: {l: 10}}})
but make sure it will change the original object, you can make it to not change the original object :
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(init)).deepUpdate({abc: {c: {l: 10}}})
Improving on bpmason1's answer:
-adds a get() function.
-It does not require to define global storage object
-It is accessible from same domain iFrames
function set(path, value)
var schema = parent.document;
var pList = path.split('.');
var len = pList.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len-1; i++)
schema[pList[i]] = {}
schema = schema[pList[i]];
schema[pList[len-1]] = value;
function get(path)
var schema=parent.document;
var pList = path.split('.');
for(var i = 0; i < pList.length; i++)
schema = schema[pList[i]];
return schema;
set('mongo.db.user', 'root');
set('', 'glen');
console.log(get('')); //prints 'glen'
Sometimes if the key also has dots (.) it its string this may pose a problem. As even that single key will now get split into various keys.
It is best to store the key path in an array, like so: ['db','mongodb','user'] and assign the value dynamically with the below function.
function set(obj, path, value) {
var schema = obj;
var pList = path.slice();
var len = pList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
var elem = pList[i];
if (!schema[elem]) schema[elem] = {};
schema = schema[elem];
schema[pList[len - 1]] = value;
let path = ['db','mongodb','user'];
set(obj, path, 'root');
I want to leave my answer for this interesting topic. Creating a function that sets dynamic properties for an object can be difficult.
const entity = {
haveDogs: true,
dogs: ['Maya', 'Perla']
function isObject(obj) {
return obj instanceof Object && obj.constructor === Object;
function setSchema(key, schema, value) {
if (!isObject(value)) {
schema[key] = value;
if (!schema[key]) schema[key] = {}
schema[key] = mutate(schema[key], value);
function mutate(obj, newObjData) {
const keys = Object.keys(newObjData)
for (const key of keys) {
let schema = obj
const list = key.split('.')
const value = newObjData[key]
const total = list.length - 1
if (list.length === 1) {
setSchema(key, schema, value)
for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
const elem = list[i];
if (!schema[elem]) schema[elem] = {}
schema = schema[elem]
const subField = list[total]
setSchema(subField, schema, value)
return obj
mutate(entity, {
haveDogs: false,
'pet1.pet2.pet3.pet4.pet5': 'pets',
'bestFriends.list': ['Maya', 'Lucas'],
friends: {
'whitelist.permitted': ['Maya', 'Perla'],
'party.blocked': ['Juan', 'Trump']
console.log('[entity]', entity)

Get current value from an iterator

I was looking into javascript generators and iterators and was wondering if there is a way to write a generator function to return the value at the current position --- without of course having to call next() or to remember the returned value from the last next() call.
More specific, my failed attempt:
function* iterable(arr) {
this.index = 0;
this.arr = arr;
while(this.index < this.arr.length) {
yield this.arr[this.index++];
iterable.prototype.current = function () {
return this.arr[this.index];
const i = iterable([0, 1, 2]);
console.log(i.current()); // TypeError: Cannot read property 'undefined' of undefined
The desired functionality could be implemented using a class like this (I'm aware of the fact that the return values from the iterator would be objects like { value: 1, done: false }):
class iterableClass {
constructor(arr) {
this.index = 0;
this.arr = arr;
get(i) {
return this.index < arr.length ? this.arr[this.index] : false;
next() {
const val = this.get(this.index);
return val;
current() {
return this.get(this.index);
const i = iterableClass([0, 1, 2]);
console.log(i.current()); // 0
While I could just work with the class (or even a plain old function), I was wondering if this could be done with a generator/iterator or maybe there's an even better option.
The problem with your generator function is that a) it doesn't start running when you call it, it just creates the generator (this.arr and this.index won't be initialised until the first call to next()) and b) there is no way to access the generator object from inside the function like you tried with this.
Instead, you would want
function iterable(arr) {
const gen = Object.assign(function* () {
while (gen.index < gen.arr.length) {
yield gen.arr[gen.index++];
}(), {
index: 0,
current() {
return gen.arr[gen.index];
return gen;
Alternatively, instead of using generator syntax you can also directly implement the Iterator interface:
function iterable(arr) {
return {
index: 0,
current() { return this.arr[this.index]; },
next() {
const done = !(this.index < this.arr.length);
return { done, value: done ? undefined : this.arr[this.index++] };
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this; },
(which you could of course write as a class as well)
There seem to be multiple interpretations of this question. My understanding is that you want an iterator that provides a way to access the most recently-retrieved value, as shown by the last line in your final code block:
console.log(i.current()); // 0
Doing that isn't part of the iterator interface and isn't provided by generator functions. You could provide an iterator wrapper that did it, and then use that on the generator from the generator function (although you don't need a generator for what you're doing, the standard array iterator does it), see comments:
// Get the Iterator prototype, which has no global name
const itPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(
function currentWrapper(source) {
// Allow source to be an iterable or an iterator
if (Symbol.iterator in source) {
source = source[Symbol.iterator]();
// Create our wrapper iterator
const it = Object.create(itPrototype);
// Remember the last value we saw from `next`
let current = null;
// The iterator method = () => {
return current =;
// Our additional methods
it.current = () => current && current.value;
it.currentResult = () => ({...current});
return it;
This has the advantage of being reusable and generic, not tied to a specific iterable.
Live Example:
// Get the Iterator prototype, which has no global name
const itPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(
function currentWrapper(source) {
// Allow source to be an iterable or an iterator
if (Symbol.iterator in source) {
source = source[Symbol.iterator]();
// Create our wrapper iterator
const it = Object.create(itPrototype);
// Remember the last value we saw from `next`
let current = null;
// The iterator method = () => {
return current =;
// Our additional methods
it.current = () => current && current.value;
it.currentResult = () => ({...current});
return it;
// Something to iterate over
const a = [1, 2, 3];
// Example use #1: Using `current`
const it = currentWrapper(a[Symbol.iterator]());
console.log("current", it.current()); // undefined
console.log("next",; // {value: 1, done: false}
console.log("current", it.current()); // 1
console.log("currentResult", it.currentResult()); // {value: 1, done: false}
// Example use #2: Just normal use of an iterator
for (const value of currentWrapper(a)) {
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
I focussed on the current bit and not the index bit because I think of iterables as streams rather than arrays, but I suppose it would be easy enough to add index. The slightly-tricky part is when the iterator has finished, do you increment the index when next is called or not? The below doesn't:
// Get the Iterator prototype, which has no global name
const itPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(
function currentWrapper(source) {
// Allow source to be an iterable or an iterator
if (Symbol.iterator in source) {
source = source[Symbol.iterator]();
// Create our wrapper iterator
const it = Object.create(itPrototype);
// Remember the last value we saw from `next` and the current "index"
let current = null;
let index = -1;
// The iterator method = () => {
// Don't increase the index if "done" (tricky bit)
if (!current || !current.done) {
return current =;
// Our additional methods
it.current = () => current && current.value;
it.currentResult = () => ({...current});
it.currentIndex = () => index;
return it;
// Something to iterate over
const a = [1, 2, 3];
// Example use #1: Using `current`
const it = currentWrapper(a[Symbol.iterator]());
console.log("current", it.current()); // undefined
console.log("next",; // {value: 1, done: false}
console.log("current", it.current()); // 1
console.log("currentResult", it.currentResult()); // {value: 1, done: false}
console.log("currentIndex", it.currentIndex()); // 0
console.log("next",; // {value: 2, done: false}
console.log("current", it.current()); // 2
console.log("currentResult", it.currentResult()); // {value: 2, done: false}
console.log("currentIndex", it.currentIndex()); // 1
// Example use #2: Just normal use of an iterator
for (const value of currentWrapper(a)) {
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
Why not use a function from MDN Iterators and generators, where just the return part is replaced by the value instead of an object with value and done property
function makeIterator(array) {
var nextIndex = 0,
return {
next: function() {
return lastValue = nextIndex < array.length ? array[nextIndex++] : undefined;
last: function () {
return lastValue;
var it = makeIterator(['yo', 'ya']);

How to get a nested property for an object dynamically?

I need to create a function that search a property in an object and returns its value.
Object could have an arbitrary structure with property nested in other objects.
How could I change my script?
var item = {
id: 10,
properties: {
parent_id: 20,
x: {
y: 100
function getValue(what) {
// ok return 10
// undefined - ISSUE here I would like to have returned 20
You can provide a syntax to access these properties in the getValue function parameter. For example, to access properties.parent_id you can use 'properties.parent_id'.
Then the getValue function should be written as the following:
function getValue(prop) {
if (typeof(prop) !== 'string')
throw 'invalid input string';
props = prop.split('.');
var value = item[props[0]];
for(var i = 1, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
value = value[props[i]];
return value;
getValue('properties.parent_id'); //returns 20
You need to create a "path", i.e. a sequence, of keys too access in order. One way is to choose an uncommong separator that is never going to be used for object keys, e.g. |:
element = obj;
element = element[key];
if you cannot exclude any char from the keys then supporting escaping is mandatory; for example you could use , to separate keys but allowing #, to mean a comma is part of the key and ## meaning an at-sign is part of the key.
element = obj;
element = element[x.slice(0,-1).replace(/#(.)/g, "$1")];
for example the path "1,2,x,y#,z,,w##" can be used to access
The code below makes flat obj so to access like that.
var flatten = function(obj,into,prefix){
into = into ||{};
prefix = prefix || '';
if(val && typeof val === 'object'){
flatten(val,into,prefix + key + '.');
into[prefix + key] = val;
return into;
The working JSFiddle is here
The complete code is
var item = {
id: 10,
properties: {
parent_id: 20,
x: {
y: 100
var flatten = function(obj,into,prefix){
into = into ||{};
prefix = prefix || '';
if(val && typeof val === 'object'){
flatten(val,into,prefix + key + '.');
into[prefix + key] = val;
return into;
var _item = flatten(item);
function getValue(what) {
// returns 10
// returns 20
//returns 100
for a deeply nested object you can use a recursive function to retrieve all the object which are nested inside parent Object.It can be applied to an object literal having three to more number of nested object
var parentObj = {
parentProp: 10,
childObj: {
childProp: 20,
grandChildObj: {
y: {
var arr=[];
var container=[];
var count=0;
function getObjNum(obj){ //<= recursive function to retrieve all the nested objects inside parent object
var prop=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
getObjNum(obj[prop[i]]); // recursive call to getObjNum
getObjNum(parentObj); // sent the parent object to getObjNum
function getVal(str){
var split=str.split('.');

How to sum the values of a JavaScript object?

I'd like to sum the values of an object.
I'm used to python where it would just be:
sample = { 'a': 1 , 'b': 2 , 'c':3 };
summed = sum(sample.itervalues())
The following code works, but it's a lot of code:
function obj_values(object) {
var results = [];
for (var property in object)
return results;
function list_sum( list ){
return list.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array){
return previousValue + currentValue;
function object_values_sum( obj ){
return list_sum(obj_values(obj));
var sample = { a: 1 , b: 2 , c:3 };
var summed = list_sum(obj_values(a));
var summed = object_values_sum(a)
Am i missing anything obvious, or is this just the way it is?
It can be as simple as that:
const sumValues = obj => Object.values(obj).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
Quoting MDN:
The Object.values() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property values, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
from Object.values() on MDN
The reduce() method applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the array (from left-to-right) to reduce it to a single value.
from Array.prototype.reduce() on MDN
You can use this function like that:
sumValues({a: 4, b: 6, c: -5, d: 0}); // gives 5
Note that this code uses some ECMAScript features which are not supported by some older browsers (like IE). You might need to use Babel to compile your code.
You could put it all in one function:
function sum( obj ) {
var sum = 0;
for( var el in obj ) {
if( obj.hasOwnProperty( el ) ) {
sum += parseFloat( obj[el] );
return sum;
var sample = { a: 1 , b: 2 , c:3 };
var summed = sum( sample );
console.log( "sum: "+summed );
For fun's sake here is another implementation using Object.keys() and Array.reduce() (browser support should not be a big issue anymore):
function sum(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((sum,key)=>sum+parseFloat(obj[key]||0),0);
let sample = { a: 1 , b: 2 , c:3 };
But this seems to be way slower:
If you're using lodash you can do something like
_.sum(_.values({ 'a': 1 , 'b': 2 , 'c':3 }))
Now you can make use of reduce function and get the sum.
const object1 = { 'a': 1 , 'b': 2 , 'c':3 }
console.log(Object.values(object1).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0));
A regular for loop is pretty concise:
var total = 0;
for (var property in object) {
total += object[property];
You might have to add in object.hasOwnProperty if you modified the prototype.
Honestly, given our "modern times" I'd go with a functional programming approach whenever possible, like so:
const sumValues = (obj) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, value) => acc + obj[value], 0);
Our accumulator acc, starting with a value of 0, is accumulating all looped values of our object. This has the added benefit of not depending on any internal or external variables; it's a constant function so it won't be accidentally overwritten... win for ES2015!
Any reason you're not just using a simple loop?
var sample = { a: 1 , b: 2 , c:3 };
var summed = 0;
for (var key in sample) {
summed += sample[key];
let prices = {
"apple": 100,
"banana": 300,
"orange": 250
let sum = 0;
for (let price of Object.values(prices)) {
sum += price;
I am a bit tardy to the party, however, if you require a more robust and flexible solution then here is my contribution. If you want to sum only a specific property in a nested object/array combo, as well as perform other aggregate methods, then here is a little function I have been using on a React project:
var aggregateProperty = function(obj, property, aggregate, shallow, depth) {
//return aggregated value of a specific property within an object (or array of objects..)
if ((typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'array') || !property) {
obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); //an ugly way of copying the data object instead of pointing to its reference (so the original data remains unaffected)
const validAggregates = [ 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'count' ];
aggregate = (validAggregates.indexOf(aggregate.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ? aggregate.toLowerCase() : 'sum'); //default to sum
//default to false (if true, only searches (n) levels deep ignoring deeply nested data)
if (shallow === true) {
shallow = 2;
} else if (isNaN(shallow) || shallow < 2) {
shallow = false;
if (isNaN(depth)) {
depth = 1; //how far down the rabbit hole have we travelled?
var value = ((aggregate == 'min' || aggregate == 'max') ? null : 0);
for (var prop in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
var propValue = obj[prop];
var nested = (typeof propValue === 'object' || typeof propValue === 'array');
if (nested) {
//the property is an object or an array
if (prop == property && aggregate == 'count') {
if (shallow === false || depth < shallow) {
propValue = aggregateProperty(propValue, property, aggregate, shallow, depth+1); //recursively aggregate nested objects and arrays
} else {
continue; //skip this property
//aggregate the properties value based on the selected aggregation method
if ((prop == property || nested) && propValue) {
switch(aggregate) {
case 'sum':
if (!isNaN(propValue)) {
value += propValue;
case 'min':
if ((propValue < value) || !value) {
value = propValue;
case 'max':
if ((propValue > value) || !value) {
value = propValue;
case 'count':
if (propValue) {
if (nested) {
value += propValue;
} else {
return value;
It is recursive, non ES6, and it should work in most semi-modern browsers. You use it like this:
const onlineCount = aggregateProperty(this.props.contacts, 'online', 'count');
Parameter breakdown:
obj = either an object or an array
property = the property within the nested objects/arrays you wish to perform the aggregate method on
aggregate = the aggregate method (sum, min, max, or count)
shallow = can either be set to true/false or a numeric value
depth = should be left null or undefined (it is used to track the subsequent recursive callbacks)
Shallow can be used to enhance performance if you know that you will not need to search deeply nested data. For instance if you had the following array:
id: 1,
otherData: { ... },
valueToBeTotaled: ?
id: 2,
otherData: { ... },
valueToBeTotaled: ?
id: 3,
otherData: { ... },
valueToBeTotaled: ?
If you wanted to avoid looping through the otherData property since the value you are going to be aggregating is not nested that deeply, you could set shallow to true.
Use Lodash
import _ from 'Lodash';
var object_array = [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}];
return _.sumBy(object_array, 'c')
// return => 9
I came across this solution from #jbabey while trying to solve a similar problem. With a little modification, I got it right. In my case, the object keys are numbers (489) and strings ("489"). Hence to solve this, each key is parse. The following code works:
var array = {"nR": 22, "nH": 7, "totB": "2761", "nSR": 16, "htRb": "91981"}
var parskey = 0;
for (var key in array) {
parskey = parseInt(array[key]);
sum += parskey;
A ramda one liner:
import {
} from 'ramda'
export const sumValues = compose(sum, values);
const summed = sumValues({ 'a': 1 , 'b': 2 , 'c':3 });
We can iterate object using in keyword and can perform any arithmetic operation.
// input
const sample = {
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'c': 3
// var
let sum = 0;
// object iteration
for (key in sample) {
sum += (+sample[key]);
// result
console.log("sum:=>", sum);
A simple solution would be to use the loop to find the sum.
function findSum(obj){
let sum = 0;
for(property in obj){
sum += obj[property];
return sum;
var sample = { a: 1 , b: 2 , c:3 };
function myFunction(a) { return Object.values(a).reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur, 0); }
Sum the object key value by parse Integer. Converting string format to integer and summing the values
var obj = {
pay: 22
var x = parseInt(;
console.log(x + 20);
function totalAmountAdjectives(obj) {
let sum = 0;
for(let el in obj) {
sum += el.length;
return sum;
console.log(totalAmountAdjectives({ a: "apple" }))
A simple and clean solution for typescrip:
const sample = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const totalSample = Object.values(sample).reduce(
(total: number, currentElement: number) => total + currentElement
Good luck!
