Repeat an audioContext oscillator every 5 seconds - javascript

I am trying to write a morse code trainer that produces a random two letter pattern every 5 seconds with the audiocontext recreated each loop, but I cannot figure out how to add code which will call for a repeated loop. I've tried setTimeout() setInterval(), but they both eliminate the audio.
Also, after pressing the button five times on the following code.
I get the error
" TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'ctx.currentTime')"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<button onclick = "startIt()">Play</button>
<button onclick = "stopIt()">Stop</button>
<h2>Morse Code</h2>
<h1 id="demo"></h1>
<h1 id="demo2"></h1>
var codeStream = '';
var dot = 1.2 / 15;
var text = "";
var display = "";
var k = 0;
var alphabet = [["A",".-"],["B","-..."],["C","-.-."],["D","-.."],["E","."],["F","..-."],["G","--."],["H","...."],["I",".."],["J",".---"],
["/","-..-."],[":","---..."],[";","-.-.-."],["=","-...-"],["-","-....-"],["_","..--.-"],["\"",".-..-."],["#",".--.-."],["(","-.--.-"],[" ",""]];
stopIt = function(){
function nextGroup() {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++){
var randomLetter = Math.floor(Math.random() * 26);
var code = alphabet[randomLetter][1] + " ";
var character = alphabet[randomLetter][0];
display += code;
text += character;
codeStream = display;
function startIt(){
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var ctx = new AudioContext();
var t = ctx.currentTime;
var oscillator = ctx.createOscillator();
oscillator.type = "sine";
oscillator.frequency.value = 600;
var gainNode = ctx.createGain();
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text;
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = codeStream;
display = "";
text = "";
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, t);
for (var i = 0; i < codeStream.length; i++) {
switch(codeStream.charAt(i)) {
case ".":
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(1, t);
t += dot;
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, t);
t += dot;
case "-":
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(1, t);
t += 3 * dot;
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, t);
t += dot;
case " ":
t += 7 * dot;
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, t);
t += 50 * dot;
codeStream = '';

It looks like some of the issues are to do with scoping and state management of the oscillator. I wasn't able to reproduce the error you were seeing but the stopIt function certainly doesn't have access to ctx created in startIt.
An alternative might be to, rather than recreate the context, oscillator and gain node on each run, create them once and reuse them instead. Demo here:
The code:
const ALPHABET = [
["A", ".-"],
[" ",""]
const DOT = 1;
const DASH = 3;
const NEXT = DOT;
const SPACE = 7;
const SPEED = 1.2 / 15;
const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
* Create a single audio context, oscillator and gain node and repeatedly
* use them instead of creating a new one each time. The gain is just
* silent most of the time.
const ctx = new AudioContext();
const oscillator = ctx.createOscillator();
const gainNode = ctx.createGain();
oscillator.type = "sine";
oscillator.frequency.value = 600;
gainNode.gain.value = 0;
function playCodeStream(stream) {
let t = ctx.currentTime;
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, t);
for (var i = 0; i < stream.length; i++) {
switch(stream.charAt(i)) {
case ".":
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(1, t);
t += DOT * SPEED;
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, t);
t += NEXT * SPEED;
case "-":
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(1, t);
t += DASH * SPEED;
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, t);
t += NEXT * SPEED;
case " ":
* Set interval will wait initially for the period of
* time before first triggering the function.
setInterval(() => { playCodeStream([
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "H"),
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "E"),
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "L"),
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "L"),
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "O")
].join(" ")); }, 10000);
Set interval returns an ID that can be passed to clearInterval to prevent future runs, the play button might start the interval and the stop button could clear it, for example.
For iOS there are restrictions so that an AudioContext cannot play sound unless it is in response to a user interaction ( We can get around the problem by adding a button.
<button id="go">Go</button>
And checking the state of the audio context / starting the interval in response to clicking this button (demo: The updated code:
function next() {
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "H"),
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "E"),
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "L"),
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "L"),
ALPHABET.filter(v => v[0] === "O")
].join(" "));
function go() {
if (ctx.state === 'suspended') {
* Set interval will wait initially for the period of
* time before first triggering the function. Can call
* the function initially to start off.
setInterval(next, 10000);
const button = document.getElementById("go");
button.addEventListener("click", go);


Play a random song on button press using Javascript

I made some HTML code a function so that when a button is clicked it runs randomSong() which is supposed to run a random song right now it runs this:
function randomSong() {
var n = (1 + Math.random() * 2);
if (n == 0){
var song = document.getElementById('1')
}else if(n == 1){
var song = document.getElementById('2');
let y = song
var x = y
function playAudio() {;
function pauseAudio() {
but it doesn't work it says x is not defined anyone now why?
Link to the website I am using this for
I tried your demo it says y is not defined because when you try to access to the outer scope of y.
you can try like so:
var x;
function randomSong() {
var n = (1 + Math.random() * 2);
var song;
if (n === 0){
song = document.getElementById('1')
else if(n === 1){
song = document.getElementById('2');
x = song;
function playAudio() {
function pauseAudio() {
Yuu need to provide more code if this didn't work. All I did was fix some obviose mistakes. Specifically, n ==enter code here 0 changed to n==0 and var x = y; where y was not a global variable y is now global. If this didn't help add more code and I will see if I can solve it.
var y;
function randomSong() {
var n = (1 + Math.random() * 2);
if (n == 0) {
var song = document.getElementById('1')
} else if (n == 1) {
var song = document.getElementById('2');
y = song;
var x = y;
function playAudio() {;
function pauseAudio() {
let, const and class introduced identifiers are block scoped. Hence in
else if(n == 1){
var song = document.getElementById('2');
let y = song
var x = y
the y variable created by let y = song is not in scope when assigned to x by
var x = y
If the assignment to x proceeds without generating an error it probably means a previous definition of y, possibly with undefined value is in scope. This is a trap that automatically typing can produce:
Don't automatically precede assignments to outer scoped variables with let or const or the assignment won't take place.
let x;
function randomSong() {
const n = (1 + Math.random() * 2);
let song;
if (n === 0) {
song = '0'
}else if (n === 1) {
song = '1';
} else {
song = '999';
x = song;
function playAudio() {
console.log(`${x} play`);
function pauseAudio() {
console.log(`${x} pause`);
Don't recommend to use var if using of var is unnecessary
i take a look at your site and i noticed when you click on Click Here For Suggesed Song it call function num(), so this show an alert with track suggested. So to turn this to what you want. when we click on button we have to call function randomSong and code with commented explain:
var song = null;
function randomSong() {
//to get audio's number dynamically.
let n = document.querySelectorAll('p audio').length;
//grab all audios from HTML Node List to an array.
let audios = [...document.querySelectorAll('p audio')];
//if there is another song singing ! we should stop it
if(song!==null) song.pause();
//we pick randomly a song inside the array of audios.
song = audios[ Math.floor ( Math.random() * n) ];
//and then we play the song, Enjoy listening!;
Thank you all for you answers but I found a better/eaiser way to do it the javascript is
var songList = [
//this gets a random url from the list
function randomChoice(choices) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length);
return choices[index];
//this is just a place holder you can change this function to anything
function age(){
let current = new Date().getTime();
var myAge = current - 1151560800000;
var myAge = myAge/1000
return myAge;
/*this trys to pause x and then play a new song but if x is not defined then you
get an error so you have to do try catch finally*/
function playAudio() {
var old = age();
var years = old / 31536000;
console.log('Hello I was ' + old + ' seconds (' + years + ' years) old when you clicked that button!');}finally{
x = randomChoice(songList);
x = new Audio(x);;
function pauseAudio() {
and the HTML is some thing like this
<button onclick="playAudio()">play a song</button>
<button onclick="pauseAudio()">pause the current song</button>

Progressively add image (arrays)

So I am creating a game where a spaceship moves and it must avoid a fireball image in order to win. My issue is that I have only one fireball looping over and over. Instead, I would like to have many fireballs, which are multiplied as time passes. I think I should need to incorporate an array and use push() method but I tried and it didn't worked. If anyone could help me, it would be very appreciated. Thanks
//Fireball script
function fireballScript(offset) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - offset))
let fireballMovement = {
x: fireballScript(fireball.offsetWidth),
y: 0
const fireLoop = function () {
fireballMovement.y += 1 = fireballMovement.y + 'px'
if (fireballMovement.y > window.innerHeight) {
fireballMovement.x = fireballScript(fireball.offsetWidth) = fireballMovement.x + 'px'
fireballMovement.y = 0
fireball.setAttribute('hit', false)
} = fireballMovement.x + 'px'
let fireballSpeed = setInterval(fireLoop, 1000 / 250)
let fireball = document.querySelector("#fireball")
<img src = "Photo/fireball.png" id = "fireball" >
//Stop game on collision
function checkCollision() {
if (detectOverlap(spaceship, fireball) && fireball.getAttribute('hit') == 'false') {
fireball.setAttribute('hit', true)
setTimeout(checkCollision, 1)
var detectOverlap = (function () {
function getPositions(spaceship) {
var pos = spaceship.getBoundingClientRect()
return [[pos.left, pos.right], [, pos.bottom]]
function comparePositions(p1, p2) {
let r1 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p1 : p2
let r2 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p2 : p1
return r1[1] > r2[0] || r1[0] === r2[0]
return function (a, b) {
var pos1 = getPositions(a),
pos2 = getPositions(b)
return comparePositions(pos1[0], pos2[0]) && comparePositions(pos1[1], pos2[1])
let spaceship = document.querySelector("#icon")
<img src = "Photo/Spaceship1.png" id="icon">
Ps: I asked this question a dozen of times but I could never get an answer which is incorporate into my code. It would be very helpful if someone could fix this... thanks again
You need to have an array of fireballs
var fireballs = [];
Make a constructor for fireballs instead of putting them directly in the html
function fireball(x, y) {
movementX = x;
movementY = y;
Then push new ones into the array with dynamic position values. To add them to the document, you need to append them to a parent element. If the <body> is that parent, you'd do this:
let f = new fireball(10, 20)
In your update, iterate through the fireballs and update their movement.
fireballs.forEach((fireball) => {
// update position for each fireball

Tracking time and display it at next game

I have an assignment and I am a bit stuck. The assignment states:
Modify the game so that the time is tracked and a best time (or time to beat) is stored and displayed at the end of the game and at the beginning of the next game that is played. This functionality assumes the browser is not closed and that each successive game is begun through the "Play Again?" link. The display of the time to beat is shown below.
I have all files necessary, but I am stuck in this part. Here is the code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Recipe: Drawing a square</title>
<script src="easel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var canvas;
var stage;
var placementArray = [];
var tileClicked;
var timeAllowable;
var totalMatchesPossible;
var matchesFound;
var txt;
var matchesFoundText;
var tileHeight = 30;
var tileWidth = 45;
var border = 1;
var globalPadding = 10;
var margin = 10;
var padding = 5;
var textTiles;
var flashcards = [
["a", "\u3042"],
["i", "\u3044"],
["u", "\u3046"],
["e", "\u3048"],
["o", "\u304A"],
["ka", "\u304B"],
["ki", "\u304D"],
["ku", "\u304F"],
["ke", "\u3051"],
["ko", "\u3053"],
["sa", "\u3055"],
["shi", "\u3057"],
["su", "\u3059"],
["se", "\u305B"],
["so", "\u305D"],
["ta", "\u305F"],
["chi", "\u3061"],
["tsu", "\u3064"],
["te", "\u3066"],
["to", "\u3068"],
["na", "\u306A"],
["ni", "\u306B"],
["nu", "\u306C"],
["ne", "\u306D"],
["no", "\u306E"],
["ha", "\u306F"],
["hi", "\u3072"],
["fu", "\u3075"],
["he", "\u3078"],
["ho", "\u307B"],
["ma", "\u307E"],
["mi", "\u307F"],
["mu", "\u3080"],
["me", "\u3081"],
["mo", "\u3082"],
["ya", "\u3084"],
["yu", "\u3086"],
["yo", "\u3088"],
["ra", "\u3089"],
["ri", "\u308A"],
["ru", "\u308B"],
["re", "\u308C"],
["ro", "\u308D"],
["wa", "\u308F"],
["wo", "\u3092"],
["n", "\u3093"]
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
stage = new Stage(canvas);
totalMatchesPossible = flashcards.length;
var numberOfTiles = totalMatchesPossible * 2;
matchesFound = 0;
var columns = 12;
timeAllowable = 500;
txt = new Text(timeAllowable, "30px Monospace", "#000");
txt.textBaseline = "top";
txt.x = 700;
txt.y = 0;
textTiles = [];
matchesFoundText = new Text(matchesFound + "/" + totalMatchesPossible, "30px Monospace", "#000");
matchesFoundText.textBaseline = "top";
matchesFoundText.x = 700;
matchesFoundText.y = 40;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfTiles; i++) {
var placement = getRandomPlacement(placementArray);
var pairIndex = Math.floor(i / 2);
text = flashcards[pairIndex][i % 2];
var textTile = drawTextTile(text, pairIndex);
textTile.x = (tileWidth + margin) * (placement % columns) + globalPadding;
textTile.y = (tileHeight + margin) * Math.floor(placement / columns) + globalPadding;
background = new Shape();
background.x = textTile.x - padding;
background.y = textTile.y - padding;"#000").beginFill('#eee').drawRect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight);
background.text = textTile;
background.onPress = handleOnPress;
function drawTextTile(text, pairIndex) {
textTile = new Text(text, "20px Monospace", "#000");
textTile.pairIndex = pairIndex;
textTile.textBaseline = "top";
return textTile;
function randomColor() {
var color = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
var color2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
var color3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
return Graphics.getRGB(color, color2, color3)
function setPlacementArray(numberOfTiles) {
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfTiles; i++) {
function getRandomPlacement(placementArray) {
randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * placementArray.length);
return placementArray.splice(randomNumber, 1)[0];
function handleOnPress(event) {
var tile =;
if (!!tileClicked === false || tileClicked === tile) {
tileClicked = tile;
} else {'#eee').drawRect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight);'#aae').drawRect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight);
if (tileClicked.text.pairIndex === tile.text.pairIndex && != {
tileClicked.visible = false;
tile.visible = false;
matchesFoundText.text = matchesFound + "/" + totalMatchesPossible;
if (matchesFound === totalMatchesPossible) {
tileClicked = tile;
function tick() {
secondsLeft = Math.floor((timeAllowable - Ticker.getTime() / 1000));
txt.text = secondsLeft;
if (secondsLeft <= 0) {
function gameOver(win) {
var replayParagraph = document.getElementById("replay");
replayParagraph.innerHTML = "<a href='#' onClick='history.go(0);'>Play Again?</a>";
for (var i = 0; i < textTiles.length; i++) {
textTiles[i].onPress = null;
if (win === true) {
matchesFoundText.text = "You win!"
} else {
txt.text = secondsLeft + "... Game Over";
function replay() {
<body onload="init()">
<header id="header">
<p id="replay"></p>
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="960" height="400"></canvas>
I give you 1 option for this, though you can do it also in other ways,
we declare global variables which are
var prev_time;
var best_time;
add that to your global variable declarations, then give it a value when you compute the time i guess we had that here:
function tick() {
secondsLeft = Math.floor((timeAllowable - Ticker.getTime() / 1000));
txt.text = secondsLeft;
if (secondsLeft <= 0) {
//compute here the total time player had and give it to prev_time
//var totalTimePlayerplayed = some computation here which should be allowed time per player - secondsLeft
prev_time = totalTimePlayerplayed;
function gameOver(win) {
var replayParagraph = document.getElementById("replay");
replayParagraph.innerHTML = "<a href='#' onClick='history.go(0);'>Play A
for (var i = 0; i < textTiles.length; i++) {
textTiles[i].onPress = null;
if (win === true) {
matchesFoundText.text = "You win!"
if(best_time !== NULL){
best_time = prev_time;
//WE assume that the last player is the best scorer
} else {
//if there is already existing top scorer
if(best_time < prev_time){
best_time = prev_time
txt.text = secondsLeft + "... Game Over";
then give that time of the first player to the prev_time. Upon Game over or Game ended we validate here if the best_time has a value if not, then we give it a value of the value of prev_time, else we validate if the score is higher that the previous best_time and here's a tip, now when the player would trigger the "Play again" which I can't seem find right now, you get the variable best_time's value and display it as the score to beat. Hope you get the concept and somehow it helped you accomplished what you're intended to do, but like i said before you also have some other options to do this.

Could anyone tell how the code made to work properly? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this question
This is a code supposed to generate sine wave ? But while running the code I am getting the output in decimal form ,But I need the output as a sine wave .Here is my code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Try Create Sine Wave</title>
<div id="wave"></div>
<button id="play" onClick="SweepFreq(100,100,500);initSweep(document.getElementById('wave'));"> Start</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function SweepFreq(cyc,lo, hi) {
this.cyclesPerMinute = cyc;
this.cycle_length = 60.0/this.cyclesPerMinute;
this.lowFreq = lo;
this.highFreq = hi;
this.time = 0.0;
this.buffer = null;
window.initSweep = function (element) {
var sampleRate = 10000.0;
var seconds = 1;
var length = sampleRate*seconds;
this.buffer = new Float32Array(length);
this.generateSineWave(this.buffer, sampleRate, seconds);
this.generateSineWave = function(buffer, sampleRate, seconds) {
var deltaTime = 1.0/(sampleRate);
var oldCyclePosition=0;
for (var i = 0; i < sampleRate*seconds; i++) {
var frequencyFactor = this.getFrequencyFactor(deltaTime);
var frequency = ((this.highFreq-this.lowFreq)*frequencyFactor)+this.lowFreq;
var distanceMovedInThisSample = frequency / sampleRate;
var currentCyclePosition = distanceMovedInThisSample + oldCyclePosition;
var val = Math.sin(currentCyclePosition * 2.0 * Math.PI);
this.buffer[i] = val;
oldCyclePosition = currentCyclePosition;
this.getFrequencyFactor = function(deltaTime) {
this.time += deltaTime;
if (this.time > this.cycle_length)
this.time -= this.cycle_length;
var progress = this.time/this.cycle_length;
if (progress < 0.5) {
return progress*2.0;
else {
return 1.0-((progress-0.5)*2.0);
And further more I was trying to generate a sound form from the sine wave , using the audio tag in html5.
Thanks in advance
The function initSweep is never called. Try this instead (the only difference is initSweep(document.getElementById('wave')); was added to the onclick of the button):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Try Create Sine Wave</title>
<div id="wave"></div>
<button id="play" onClick="SweepFreq(100,100,500);initSweep(document.getElementById('wave'));"> Start</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function SweepFreq(cyc,lo, hi) {
this.cyclesPerMinute = cyc;
this.cycle_length = 60.0/this.cyclesPerMinute;
this.lowFreq = lo;
this.highFreq = hi;
this.time = 0.0;
this.buffer = null;
window.initSweep = function (element) {
var sampleRate = 10000.0;
var seconds = 1;
var length = sampleRate*seconds;
this.buffer = new Float32Array(length);
this.generateSineWave(this.buffer, sampleRate, seconds);
this.generateSineWave = function(buffer, sampleRate, seconds) {
var deltaTime = 1.0/(sampleRate);
var oldCyclePosition=0;
for (var i = 0; i < sampleRate*seconds; i++) {
var frequencyFactor = this.getFrequencyFactor(deltaTime);
var frequency = ((this.highFreq-this.lowFreq)*frequencyFactor)+this.lowFreq;
var distanceMovedInThisSample = frequency / sampleRate;
var currentCyclePosition = distanceMovedInThisSample + oldCyclePosition;
var val = Math.sin(currentCyclePosition * 2.0 * Math.PI);
this.buffer[i] = val;
oldCyclePosition = currentCyclePosition;
this.getFrequencyFactor = function(deltaTime) {
this.time += deltaTime;
if (this.time > this.cycle_length)
this.time -= this.cycle_length;
var progress = this.time/this.cycle_length;
if (progress < 0.5) {
return progress*2.0;
else {
return 1.0-((progress-0.5)*2.0);
window.initSweep is not called in your code
The following lines executed in your code,
this.cyclesPerMinute = cyc;
this.cycle_length = 60.0/this.cyclesPerMinute;
this.lowFreq = lo;
this.highFreq = hi;
this.time = 0.0;
this.buffer = null;
then you have functions declarations that never executed

Adding incrementTo(num, time, pace) to counter

I'm using this counter ( and I'm trying to make the counter stop at '150'.
The website above says that the function I need to use is called: myCounter.incrementTo(150, 10, 400); This will increment to 150 as well, but the increment process will take 10 seconds to complete. The counter will determine the optimal values to use. In the example I've set a desired pace of 400, which the counter will try and stay as close to as possible when finding the optimal values. This method is not chainable.
The counter does not seem to recognize this function, could someone tell me what I am missing here?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="no-js">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>CSS Flip-Counter Revisited</title>
<!-- Counter script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/flipcounter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/modernizr.custom.21954.js"></script>
<!-- Counter styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"/>
<div class="counter-wrapper">
<ul class="flip-counter huge" id="myCounter"></ul>
var myCounter = new flipCounter("myCounter", {inc: 25, pace: 400});
myCounter.incrementTo(150, 10, 400);
* CSS Flip Counter
* Copyright (c) 2013 Chris Nanney
* Licensed under MIT
var flipCounter = function(d, options){
// Default values
var defaults = {
value: 0,
inc: 1,
pace: 1000,
auto: true
var counter = options || {};
var doc = window.document;
for (var opt in defaults){
counter[opt] = counter.hasOwnProperty(opt) ? counter[opt] : defaults[opt];
var digitsOld = [], digitsNew = [], digitsAnimate = [], x, y, nextCount = null;
var div = d;
if (typeof d === 'string'){
div = doc.getElementById(d);
* Sets the value of the counter and animates the digits to new value.
* Example: myCounter.setValue(500); would set the value of the counter to 500,
* no matter what value it was previously.
* #param {int} n
* New counter value
this.setValue = function(n){
if (_isNumber(n)){
x = counter.value;
y = counter.value = n;
_digitCheck(x, y);
return this;
* Sets the increment for the counter. Does NOT animate digits.
this.setIncrement = function(n){ = _isNumber(n) ? n :;
return this;
* Sets the pace of the counter. Only affects counter when auto == true.
* #param {int} n
* New pace for counter in milliseconds
this.setPace = function(n){
counter.pace = _isNumber(n) ? n : defaults.pace;
return this;
* Sets counter to auto-increment (true) or not (false).
* #param {boolean} a
* Should counter auto-increment, true or false
this.setAuto = function(a){
var sa = typeof a !== "boolean" ? true : a;
if ({
if (!sa){
if (nextCount) _clearNext(); = false;
if (sa){
if (nextCount) _clearNext(); = true;
return this;
* Increments counter by one animation based on set 'inc' value.
this.step = function(){
if (! _doCount();
return this;
* Adds a number to the counter value, not affecting the 'inc' or 'pace' of the counter.
* #param {int} n
* Number to add to counter value
this.add = function(n){
if (_isNumber(n)){
x = counter.value;
counter.value += n;
y = counter.value;
_digitCheck(x, y);
return this;
* Subtracts a number from the counter value, not affecting the 'inc' or 'pace' of the counter.
* #param {int} n
* Number to subtract from counter value
this.subtract = function(n){
if (_isNumber(n)){
x = counter.value;
counter.value -= n;
if (counter.value >= 0){
y = counter.value;
y = "0";
counter.value = 0;
_digitCheck(x, y);
return this;
* Gets current value of counter.
this.getValue = function(){
return counter.value;
* Stops all running increments.
this.stop = function(){
if (nextCount) _clearNext();
return this;
function _doCount(first){
var first_run = typeof first === "undefined" ? false : first;
x = counter.value;
if (!first_run) counter.value +=;
y = counter.value;
_digitCheck(x, y);
// Do first animation
if ( === true) nextCount = setTimeout(_doCount, counter.pace);
function _digitCheck(x, y){
digitsOld = _toArray(x);
digitsNew = _toArray(y);
var ylen = digitsNew.length;
for (var i = 0; i < ylen; i++){
digitsAnimate[i] = digitsNew[i] != digitsOld[i];
// Creates array of digits for easier manipulation
function _toArray(input){
return input.toString().split('').reverse();
// Sets the correct digits on load
function _drawCounter(){
var bit = 1, html = '', dNew, dOld;
for (var i = 0, count = digitsNew.length; i < count; i++){
dNew = _isNumber(digitsNew[i]) ? digitsNew[i] : '';
dOld = _isNumber(digitsOld[i]) ? digitsOld[i] : '';
html += '<li class="digit" id="'+d+'-digit-a'+i+'">'+
'<div class="line"></div>'+
'<span class="front">'+dNew+'</span>'+
'<span class="back">'+dOld+'</span>'+
'<div class="hinge">'+
'<span class="front">'+dOld+'</span>'+
'<span class="back">'+dNew+'</span>'+
if (bit !== count && bit % 3 === 0){
html += '<li class="digit-delimiter">,</li>';
div.innerHTML = html;
var alen = digitsAnimate.length;
// Need a slight delay before adding the 'animate' class or else animation won't fire on FF
for (var i = 0; i < alen; i++){
if (digitsAnimate[i]){
var a = doc.getElementById(d+'-digit-a'+i);
a.className = a.className+' animate';
}, 20)
function _isNumber(n){
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function _clearNext(){
nextCount = null;
// Start it up
try to run this script on dom ready
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', runCounter, false);
} else {
window.attachEvent('onload', runCounter);
do like this :
var runCounter = function(){
var myCounter = new flipCounter("myCounter", {inc: 25, pace: 400});
myCounter.incrementTo(150, 10, 400);
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', runCounter, false);
} else {
window.attachEvent('onload', runCounter);
