Hide header of Sharepoint custom list displayed in iframe - javascript

I have a custom list from a different sharepoint site (still the same domain) that I would like to display on my work site without the header (at a minimum, but getting rid of the ribbon would be nice too). I have attempted 4 methods without success listed below:
1) I can't even get it to work on a normal page by adding ?isdlg=1 to the end of my url (ie ..allitems.aspx?isdlg=1)
2) since I mostly work with SQL and not HTML I am sure I may have screwed up some of my tags.
<div class="ms-dlgFrameContainer">
<iframe width="1400" height="600" id="DlgFramee" class="ms-dlgFrame" frameborder="0" src="myurl.aspx">
<html class="ms-dialog">
<style type="text/css">
.ms-dialog #titleAreaBox { display:none }
3) to hide the header of the page inside the iframe.
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("myiframe1").contentWindow.document.getElementById("titlerow").style.display = "none"; </script>`
4) Most promising. When I add
<iframe id="myiframe1" src="myurl" width="1000" height="450" frameborder="1"></iframe>
#titleAreaBox { display: none }
in the same CEWP as my iframe, it removes the title area for current page and not the page in the iframe. This exactly what I want except I want it to do that for the page inside the iframe.
5) I did this as well even just trying to change header color but didn't notice any change. I looked up the correct webpart ID.
<style type="text/css">
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ2 .ms-WPHeader
{ background-color: pink; }

You could try below jQuery script, I just hide suiteBarTop in demo.
<iframe id="myiframe" width="1400" height="600" id="DlgFramee" class="ms-dlgFrame" frameborder="0" src="/sites/tst/SitePages/Home.aspx"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('#myiframe').load(function () {


Unable to change the styling properties inside an iframe body tag

I have written this html script to display wikipedia inside iframe but i want to change the background color of it, below is the code snippet which i tried. but its not working.
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
background-color: blue !important;
/* Adding !important will give this rule more precedence over inline style */
<iframe style="background-color:#fc3 !important;" src="https://www.wikipedia.org/" width="100%" height="450px" >
You cannot modify the contents of an iframe before loading (using CSS), because it is displaying content from another page. After it loads, you may modify it with javascript.

How to detect when iframe starts loading another page?

I'm trying to hide an element in same-origin iframe. However, this son of a bi*ch blinks for a few ms before getting hidden. So what I did was added display: none and remove it after iframe is loaded - great. But now, when user clicks inner page link of iframe, which also contains element to be hidden, it still blinks (because display:none is now removed). I need to detect when to add it again, i. e. just before another page starts to load.
Testing here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_script
Here is what I tried:
<html class="js">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
html.js #iframeID
display: none;
$('#iframeID').on('load', function()
$('#iframeID').contents().find('a').on('click', function()
<iframe id="iframeID" height="800px" width="800px" src="https://www.w3schools.com/" ></iframe>
However, there are some a elements that don't load another page. In this example, try clicking on "TUTORIALS" at the top of that iframed webpage - it just opens up dropdown, not loads another page.
What should I do?
I noticed that "TUTORIALS" link has href="javascript:void(0)". Maybe I should be somehow selecting all a links without such href? But not sure if it's fool proof.
You can make use of load event on the iframe as such,
$('iframe').on('load', function(){
console.log('Iframe Loaded');
The iframe's load event is also called every time it's src changes.
console.log('frame loaded');
Alternatively on start load solution:
Custom attribute for iframe:
iframe class="iFrame" src="some site" started="0"
Put this code to iframed page:
window.parent.$('.iFrame').attr("started","0"); //makes iframe started attr to false on page load
$(document.body).on("click","a", function() {
window.parent.$('.iFrame').attr("started","1");// makes iframe started attr to true for all clicked links
And listen; is started attribute changed to 1 on parent page?
I fixed the damn blinking by making 2 iframes and showing 2nd while 1st one is loading. While 1st one is loading, it's also hidden, becomes unhidden after it finishes loading. Anyway, here is my code, should help someone:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
display: none;
pointer-events: none;
$('#iframeID1').on('load', function()
$('#iframeID1').contents().find('a[href!="javascript:void(0)"]').filter('a[target!="_blank"]').filter('a[target!="_top"]').filter('a[target!="_parent"]').on('click', function()
<iframe id="iframeID1" height="800px" width="800px" src="https://www.w3schools.com/" class="js"></iframe>
<iframe id="iframeID2" height="800px" width="800px" src="https://www.w3schools.com/" class="js unclickable" ></iframe>

How to apply CSS to iframe using jQuery?

How do I access the iframe and override the elements style "td.rank" ?
This is what I've got so far:
var head = $("#iframe11").contents().find("head");
var css = '<style type="text/css">' +
'td.rank{background-color: #fc6b0a!important;}; ' +
<iframe src="http://www.example.com" id="iframe11" style="margin-left: 174px; width: 401px; border: 0px solid black; height: 358px; opacity: 0.85; margin-top: 23px;"></iframe>
When I open the code using "inspect element" - I don't even see the CSS code part in the <head> tag of the iframe.
You if would like add css style inside iframe using jQuery then just follow below steps...
1. First create 'index.html' file and add below code in it
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.3.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#iframe').load(function() {
<iframe src="iframe.html" id="iframe" name="iframe"></iframe>
2. Next create another file called 'iframe.html' and add below code to it
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="text"><span class="text_color">Content inside iframe goes here<span></div>
3. Next run 'index.html' file and now see 'Content inside iframe goes here' text color will changed to red color
Ensure that the frame document is on the same origin as the framing document so you don't have a security policy violation.
Move the script so it appears after the frame so that the element exists before you try to access it
Move the code into a function and use that as a load handler for the frame so that the DOM you want to manipulate exists before you try to manipulate it

How do I reference this embedded iframe from javascript

I am using squarespace (in retrospect a poor idea because of the difficulty of customizing with code), and I need to be able to identify the vimeo iframe within this div so I can use it in some javascript calls. However, the javascript does not recognize any such iframe element existing. I feel like either it's impossible to identify the iframe as it is currently shoved into the div (by squarespace), or I am missing a selector. Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
Here's the iframe I am trying to embed into squarespace:
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/135481337?api=1&player_id=player1&wmode=opaque" width="500" frameborder="0" id="player1" class="vimeo" height="281"></iframe>
Here's the embedded iframe:
<div class="sqs-video-wrapper" data-load="false" data-html="<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/135481337?api=1&amp;player_id=player1&amp;wmode=opaque" width="500" frameborder="0" id="player1" class="vimeo" height="281"></iframe>" data-provider-name="" >
And here is my javascript:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://a.vimeocdn.com/js/froogaloop2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
alert("this alert is working");
// Enable the API on each Vimeo video
Froogaloop(this).addEvent('ready', ready);
function ready(playerID){
Froogaloop(playerID).addEvent('play', play(playerID));
Froogaloop(playerID).addEvent('finish', onFinish);
function play(playerID){
alert(playerID + " is playing!");
function onFinish() {
document.write('<style>.yui3-lightbox2-content {display: none !important;}</style>');
I've taken this from a working example of this api as seen in this link.

Change an iframe's src from another html file?

Well, I have my radio elements that update an iFrame with js code; and that works fine.
Then I have my button below that creates an iFrame in a HTML Division that contains a bunch o' buttons in a list, my aim is to click one of these buttons in the iFrame then have that button to update the above iFrame (the one controlled by the radio's).
How is this possible, can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
Note: I've tried using <link rel="import" href="parentpage.html"> to import its ID's (if it does that?) then tried using JS to update it that way, to no avail.
What it looks like (layout wise)!
A simple way to do so is to get the button inside the iframe and set the event onclick like this
(function ()
Assuming all the frames are in the same domain, this can be done like this:
<title>Main Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var change_iframe1_src = function(new_src) {
$("#iframe1").attr('src', new_src);
<!-- frame for which we will change src attribute -->
<iframe id="iframe1" src="" width="400" height="200" border="1"></iframe>
<!-- frame which includes your iframe2 with the buttons-->
<iframe src="iframe.html" width="200" height="200" border="1"></iframe>
Now in the iframe2 file attach a click handler for your buttons that should change the src attribute of the iframe1 by calling a function defined in the main page.
<title>iFrame 2</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("button").click(function(e) {
// call function in a parent frame - IMPORTANT LINE BELOW :)
<button rel="iframe3.html">Change iframe src to iframe3.html</button>
<button rel="iframe4.html">Change iframe src to iframe4.html</button>
The links in the iframe 2 page call the function which is defined in the parent window (the main page / the window which embeded the iframe2 page itself). That function (change_iframe1_src in this example) takes one argument which is a new url.
The src attribute of the frame #iframe1 (your first frame) will be changed to this url.
Again, this works as long as all the frames are in the same domain.
Hope it helped :) Source
