I am relatively new to D3js. I went through the basics of a tutorial on Udemy by Adam Janes. I want to create multiple separate lines that can connect nodes on the following map.
The green dots are nodes, I want to use a line to show a connection between the nodes. The data used to draw the nodes:
"_id": "5bd940c7c917bd051c995dca",
"whereID": "100110060000",
"SN": 67,
"position": [
"trainStatus": 0,
"missionSN": 1
"_id": "5bc6e4e5603d6112000e028a",
"whereID": "100110060000",
"SN": 32,
"position": [
"trainStatus": 0,
"missionSN": 1
"_id": "5bc6e4e5603d6112000e0289",
"whereID": "100110060000",
"SN": 31,
"position": [
"trainStatus": 0,
"missionSN": 1
"_id": "5bc6e4e5603d6112000e0288",
"whereID": "100110060000",
"SN": 30,
"position": [
"trainStatus": 0,
"missionSN": 1,
"connectedNodes": [
"SN": 62,
"position": [
"whereID": "100110060000"
"_id": "5bc6e4e5603d6112000e0287",
"whereID": "100110060000",
"SN": 29,
"position": [
"trainStatus": 0,
"missionSN": 1,
"connectedNodes": [
"SN": 61,
"position": [
"whereID": "100110060000"
"SN": 62,
"position": [
"whereID": "100110060000"
With the above data, I am trying to use position values to create the {x1, y1} values and connecting them with connectedNodes.position values creating {x2, y2}. The problem I am encountering is that, there can be multiple connectedNodes, so how do I draw the line?
This is what I have:
view = svg.append('svg')
.attr('width', '100%')
.attr('height', '100%')
.attr('class', 'view-container')
.attr('width', '100%')
.attr('height', '100%')
.attr('class', 'view')
nodeUpdate = view.selectAll('.trainingNode').data(useData);
nodeEnter = nodeUpdate.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'trainingNode');
.attr('x1', d => {
if (d.connectedNodes && d.connectedNodes.length > 0)
return d.position[0]
.attr('x2', d => {
if (d.connectedNodes && d.connectedNodes.length > 0)
return d.position[0]
.attr('y1', d => {
if (d.connectedNodes && d.connectedNodes.length > 0)
return d.connectedNodes[0].position[0]
.attr('y2', d => {
if (d.connectedNodes && d.connectedNodes.length > 0)
.style('stroke', 'black')
.style('stroke-width', 5)
EDIT: After a while on reading up about force simulations, I have successfully added lines linking the nodes together, however it only shows properly for the top half of the canvas.
This is the code I used:
let links = []
useData.forEach(ud => {
if (ud.connectedNodes && ud.connectedNodes.length > 0) {
ud.connectedNodes.forEach(node => {
source: node.SN,
target: ud.SN
let simulation = d3.forceSimulation()
.force('link', d3.forceLink().id(d => d.SN))
let line = nodeEnter.append('line')
.attr('x1', d => Math.floor(d.source.position[0] * widthRatio))
.attr('y1', d => Math.floor(d.source.position[1] * widthRatio))
.attr('x2', d => Math.floor(d.target.position[0] * widthRatio))
.attr('y2', d => Math.floor(d.target.position[1] * widthRatio))
.style('stroke', 'black')
.style('stroke-width', 3)
I'm drawing and coloring lines based on data with D3.js and want to update their colors when clicking a button. My question is: how can I call colorP1() and colorP2(), declared in function drawLines in drawLines.js, from the onclick event of one of the buttons in index.html?
I have tried:
using the window.drawLines = drawLines trick and have the onclick event refer to window.drawLines.colorP2(), but I get Uncaught TypeError: colorP2 is not a function
using window.colorP2 = colorP2, but I don't know how the import would work in this case
Any ideas to enlighten the mind of this humble beginner? As I understand it, colorP1() and colorP2() have to stay inside drawLines() because they need the data and lines variables from drawLines()--feel free to prove me wrong here.
.line {
stroke-width: 4px;
fill: none;
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v6.min.js"></script>
<script type="module">
import {drawLines} from './drawLines.js';
<svg id='map'></svg>
<button onclick="colorP1()">colorP1</button>
<button onclick="colorP2()">colorP2</button>
function colorInterpolate(data, property) {
let max_d = d3.max(data.features.map(d => d.properties[property]));
let range = [max_d, 1];
return d3.scaleSequential().domain(range).interpolator(d3.interpolateViridis);
export function drawLines(data) {
let width = 900,
height = 500,
initialScale = 1 << 23,
initialCenter = [-74.200698022608137, 40.034504451003734]
let svg = d3.select('#map')
.attr('height', height)
.attr('width', width)
let projection = d3.geoMercator()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2])
let path = d3.geoPath(projection)
let myColor = colorInterpolate(data, 'p1');
let lines = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'line')
.attr('d', path)
.attr("stroke", function(d) {
return myColor(d.properties.p1);
function colorP2() {
let myColor = colorInterpolate(data, 'p2');
.attr("stroke", d => myColor(d.properties.p2))
function colorP1() {
let myColor = colorInterpolate(data, 'p1');
.attr("stroke", d => myColor(d.properties.p1))
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "lines",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": 3, "p1": 1, "p2": 3}, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -74.201304101157845, 40.033790926216739 ], [ -74.201226425025339, 40.033761910802717 ], [ -74.201164135201353, 40.033738641825124 ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": 4, "p1": 2, "p2": 2}, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -74.200521185229846, 40.034804885753857 ], [ -74.200535458528648, 40.034780636493231 ], [ -74.200698022608137, 40.034504451003734 ], [ -74.200932444446437, 40.034106179618831 ], [ -74.201017665586349, 40.033961391736824 ] ] } }
Your assumption is wrong:
As I understand it, colorP1() and colorP2() have to stay inside drawLines() because they need the data and lines variables from drawLines()
D3 binds data to the elements entered with .data(data).join() or .data(data).enter(). The datum is attached to the node. When using .attr("something",function(d) { the d refers to the bound datum, not the original data array. So, you don't need the original data array, it is part of the DOM element.
Also, you don't need lines because you can remake that selection: d3.selectAll("paths") or d3.selectAll(".line").
So, you can move the p1/p2 functions outside of your drawLines function.
As I wanted to simplify for the snippet below, I've got a function that is passed data to draw some circles. I then assign event listeners to the buttons (I could also use onclick="" attributes on the buttons directly) with D3 to call functions that recolor the circles:
function color1() {
The function access the bound datum and a given property (d=>d.color1) and by using d3.selectAll() we can select all the circles that exist at the time of the click:
function draw(data) {
var svg = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", 300)
.attr("height", 200);
.attr("r", 20);
draw([{x: 100,y:50, color1: "steelblue",color2:"crimson"},{x:200,y:50,color1:"steelblue",color2:"crimson"}])
.on("click", function(event,d) {
if (d) color2();
else color1();
function color1() {
function color2() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/6.2.0/d3.min.js"></script>
<button> Blue </button>
<button> Red </button>
If you need the data array itself, you can extract that with d3.selectAll("elements").data()
Of course, we could also append the buttons in your drawLines function, which would potentially make a cleaner outcome, especially if the buttons are dependent on the data in any form. This way if you ever wanted to change the buttons or the functions, everything is in one place, for example:
var geojson = { "type": "FeatureCollection","name": "lines","crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },"features": [{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": 3, "p1": 1, "p2": 3}, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -74.201304101157845, 40.033790926216739 ], [ -74.201226425025339, 40.033761910802717 ], [ -74.201164135201353, 40.033738641825124 ] ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": 4, "p1": 2, "p2": 2}, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -74.200521185229846, 40.034804885753857 ], [ -74.200535458528648, 40.034780636493231 ], [ -74.200698022608137, 40.034504451003734 ], [ -74.200932444446437, 40.034106179618831 ], [ -74.201017665586349, 40.033961391736824 ] ] } }]};
function drawLines(data) {
let width = 500,
height = 400,
initialScale = 1 << 23,
initialCenter = [-74.200698022608137, 40.034504451003734]
let svg = d3.select('#map')
.attr('height', height)
.attr('width', width)
let projection = d3.geoMercator()
let path = d3.geoPath(projection)
let myColor = colorInterpolate(data, 'p1');
let lines = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'line')
.attr('d', path)
function colorBy(property) {
let myColor = colorInterpolate(property);
.attr("stroke", d => myColor(d.properties[property]))
function colorInterpolate(property) {
let max_d = d3.max(data.features.map(d => d.properties[property]));
let range = [max_d, 1];
return d3.scaleSequential().domain(range).interpolator(d3.interpolateViridis);
.on("click", function(_,d) {
.line {
stroke-width: 4px;
fill: none;
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v6.min.js"></script>
<svg id='map'></svg>
You can call like this to call inner functions:
<button onclick="(new drawLines().colorP1())">colorP1</button>
<button onclick="(new drawLines().colorP2())">colorP2</button>
and work example for continue working...
var json1 ='{ "type" : "FeatureCollection", "name":"lines", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties":{ "name":"urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" }}, "features" : [{ "type" : "Feature", "properties" : { "id" : 3, "p1" : 1, "p2": 3}, "geometry" : {"type" : "LineString","coordinates":[[ -74.201304101157845, 40.033790926216739],[-74.201226425025339,40.033761910802717 ],[-74.201164135201353,40.033738641825124]]}},{"type": "Feature","properties":{ "id" : 4, "p1" : 2, "p2" :2 },"geometry" : { "type": "LineString", "coordinates" : [[ -74.200521185229846, 40.034804885753857 ],[ -74.200535458528648, 40.034780636493231 ],[ -74.200698022608137, 40.034504451003734 ],[ -74.200932444446437, 40.034106179618831 ],[ -74.201017665586349, 40.033961391736824 ]]}}]}';
var width = 900,
height = 500,
initialScale = 1 << 23,
initialCenter = [-74.198698022608137, 40.034504451003734]
var svg = d3.select('#map')
.attr('height', height)
.attr('width', width);
var lines = svg.append('g');
var projection = d3.geoMercator()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2])
var path = d3.geoPath(projection)
function colorInterpolate(data, property) {
let max_d = d3
.max(data.features.map(d => d.properties[property]));
let range = [max_d, 1];
return d3.scaleSequential()
function drawLines(data) {
let myColor = colorInterpolate(data, 'p1');
.attr('class', 'line')
.attr('d', path)
.attr("stroke", function(d) {
return myColor(d.properties.p1);
function colorP2(data){
let myColor = colorInterpolate(data, 'p2');
.attr("stroke", d=>myColor(d.properties.p2));
function colorP1(data){
let myColor = colorInterpolate(data, 'p1');
.attr("stroke", d=>myColor(d.properties.p1));
.line {
stroke-width: 4px;
fill: none;
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v6.min.js"></script>
<script type="module">
//import {drawLines} from './drawLines.js';
<svg id='map'></svg>
<button onclick="colorP1(JSON.parse(json1))">colorP1</button>
<button onclick="colorP2(JSON.parse(json1))">colorP2</button>
How can I capture the click event for the last node?
I followed this tutorial(http://bl.ocks.org/ganeshv/6a8e9ada3ab7f2d88022) to make the tree map. In my purpose I want to make the last node clickable, then get the node data send it to server.
I used the developer tool to get the structure of tree map.
My code in the js file is that:
function display(d) {
lastGroupArray = [];
// collectLastGroup(d);
.on("click", transition)
var g1 = svg.insert("g", ".grandparent")
.attr("class", "depth");
var g = g1.selectAll("g")
g.filter(function (d) { return d._children; })
.classed("children", true)
.on("click", transition);
var children = g.selectAll(".child")
.data(function(d) { return d._children || [d]; })
.attr("class", "child")
.text(function(d) { return d.name + " (" + formatNumber(d.value) + ")"; });
//append child text
.attr("class", "ctext")
.text(function(d) { return d.name; })
//append parent text
.attr("class", "parent")
var ccc = g.selectAll("rect").on("click", function (d){
if(typeof d.lastGroup !== 'undefined'){
d.lastGroup.forEach( function (dd) {
// lastGroupArray.push(new LastGroup(dd));
My function above only can capture the last node when it has a parent.
The function will not work if the node is the last child when the treemap is loaded.
The Payee is the last node when the treemap is loaded.
Here is my JSON data:
The payee is on the bottom, it only has one parent which is the root "digit-first2".
"children": [
"lastGroup": [{
"filePath": "Jarfile/output/result/ResultFolder/digit-first2-2017-10-22T16-05-53/result1.csv",
"name": "0~2",
"value": 112
"children": [
"lastGroup": [{
"filePath": "Jarfile/output/result/ResultFolder/digit-first2-2017-10-22T16-05-53/result3.csv",
"name": "0~2",
"value": 218
"children": [{
"lastGroup": [{
"filePath": "Jarfile/output/result/ResultFolder/digit-first2-2017-10-22T16-05-53/result7.csv",
"name": "0~2",
"value": 836
"name": "Payee",
"value": 836
"name": "Tran Type",
"value": 218
"lastGroup": [{
"filePath": "Jarfile/output/result/ResultFolder/digit-first2-2017-10-22T16-05-53/result5.csv",
"name": "0~2",
"value": 834
"name": "Payee",
"value": 834
"name": "[Code-Finger-Print, [Memo]]",
"value": 112
"lastGroup": [{
"filePath": "Jarfile/output/result/ResultFolder/digit-first2-2017-10-22T16-05-53/result2.csv",
"name": "0~2",
"value": 138
"children": [{
"lastGroup": [{
"filePath": "Jarfile/output/result/ResultFolder/digit-first2-2017-10-22T16-05-53/result6.csv",
"name": "0~2",
"value": 766
"name": "Payee",
"value": 766
"name": "Tran Type",
"value": 138
"lastGroup": [{
"filePath": "Jarfile/output/result/ResultFolder/digit-first2-2017-10-22T16-05-53/result4.csv",
"name": "0~2",
"value": 731
"name": "Payee",
"value": 731
"name": "digit-first2"
My function above will only work when the root is not the parent of the last node.
My question is how can I capture the click event for the node if the root is this node`s parent.
You can achieve the last node click by changing the json structure. The last child should have one more children key with all the last child's properties copied in the children key with the same name .
For example if the last child is AgglomerativeCluster . Then the structure can be
children: [
name: "cluster",
children: [
{ name: "AgglomerativeCluster",
children: [{name: "AgglomerativeCluster",value: 3938,count:39}] },
{ name: "CommunityStructure", value: 3812 },
Find the full implementation here https://codesandbox.io/s/affectionate-thunder-l024x
There is simple example;
function display(d) {
.on("click", transition)
var g1 = svg.insert("g", ".grandparent")
.attr("class", "depth");
var g = g1.selectAll("g")
g.filter(function (d) { return d._children; })
.classed("children", true)
.on("click", transition);
var children = g.selectAll(".child")
.data(function (d) { return d._children || [d]; })
.attr("class", "child")
.text(function (d) {
return d.key + " (" + formatNumber(d.value) + ")";
.attr("class", "ctext")
.text(function (d) { return d.key; })
.attr("class", "parent")
var t = g.append("text")
.attr("class", "ptext")
.attr("dy", ".75em")
.text(function (d) { return d.key; });
.attr("dy", "1.0em")
.text(function (d) { return formatNumber(d.value); });
var isDeph = false;
.style("fill", function (d) {
if (d.values != null) {
isDeph = true;
return d.color;
.attr('onclick', function (d) {
if (!isDeph) {
return d.data
return ''
function transition(d) {
if (transitioning || !d)
transitioning = true;
var g2 = display(d),
t1 = g1.transition().duration(750),
t2 = g2.transition().duration(750);
// Update the domain only after entering new elements.
x.domain([d.x, d.x + d.dx]);
y.domain([d.y, d.y + d.dy]);
// Enable anti-aliasing during the transition.
svg.style("shape-rendering", null);
// Draw child nodes on top of parent nodes.
svg.selectAll(".depth").sort(function (a, b) {
return a.depth - b.depth;
// Fade-in entering text.
g2.selectAll("text").style("fill-opacity", 0);
// Transition to the new view.
t1.selectAll(".ptext").call(text).style("fill-opacity", 0);
t1.selectAll(".ctext").call(text2).style("fill-opacity", 0);
t2.selectAll(".ptext").call(text).style("fill-opacity", 1);
t2.selectAll(".ctext").call(text2).style("fill-opacity", 1);
// Remove the old node when the transition is finished.
t1.remove().each("end", function () {
svg.style("shape-rendering", "crispEdges");
transitioning = false;
return g;
I'm new to d3 and when I learnt how to draw a force chart, I had some problems about it. And at first, let we see my code here:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>the force chart</title>
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
var width = 400;
var height = 400;
var svg = d3.select("body")
var nodes = [ { "id": "English" },{ "id": "Italy" },
{ "id": "America" },{ "id": "Canada" },
{ "id": "Australia" },{ "id": "Japan" },
{ "id": "China" } ];
var edges = [ { "source": 0 , "target": 1 } , { "source": 0 , "target": 2 },
{ "source": 0 , "target": 3 } , { "source": 1 , "target": 4 },
{ "source": 1 , "target": 5 } , { "source": 1 , "target": 6 }, ];
var force = d3.forceSimulation(nodes)
.id(function(d){return d.id})
.distance(function(d){return 150}).strength([-400]))
.force("center",d3.forceCenter(width , height));
force.restart(); //start
var svg_edges = svg.selectAll("line")
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20);
//add nodes
var svg_nodes = svg.selectAll("circle")
return color(i);
.call(d3.drag()); //to drag the nodes
//add information
var svg_texts = svg.selectAll("text")
.style("fill", "black")
.attr("dx", 20)
.attr("dy", 8)
return d.id;
force.on("tick", function(){ //update the position of lines
svg_edges.attr("x1",function(d){ return d.source.x; })
.attr("y1",function(d){ return d.source.y; })
.attr("x2",function(d){ return d.target.x; })
.attr("y2",function(d){ return d.target.y; })
//update the position of nodes
svg_nodes.attr("cx",function(d){ return d.x; })
.attr("cy",function(d){ return d.y; });
//update the position of information
svg_texts.attr("x",function(d){ return d.x; })
.attr("y",function(d){ return d.y; });
I want to draw a picture like this:
But my code can only show one node, just like this:
So I feel confused, because there is no error in Developer Tools. As I layout the force, I infer to https://github.com/d3/d3-force/blob/master/README.md#links . So I solve the problem which is result from the different versions. But why it still doesn't work? Could you help me? I'm very appreciate it if you help me! Thank you!
Besides the points already explained by #Vinod:
.force("center", d3.forceCenter(width/2, height/2));
You have a trailing comma. But the most important is this, to show the edges:
First, add the edges to the simulation:
And then, change the links id. Right now, there is no property called id. So, it should be:
.force("link", d3.forceLink()
.id(function(d,i) {
return i
//the rest of the function
Here is a demo:
var width = 400;
var height = 400;
var svg = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var nodes = [{
"id": "English"
}, {
"id": "Italy"
}, {
"id": "America"
}, {
"id": "Canada"
}, {
"id": "Australia"
}, {
"id": "Japan"
}, {
"id": "China"
var edges = [{
"source": 0,
"target": 1
}, {
"source": 0,
"target": 2
}, {
"source": 0,
"target": 3
}, {
"source": 1,
"target": 4
}, {
"source": 1,
"target": 5
}, {
"source": 1,
"target": 6
var force = d3.forceSimulation()
.force("link", d3.forceLink()
.id(function(d,i) {
return i
.distance(function(d) {
return 150
.force("charge", d3.forceManyBody())
.force("center", d3.forceCenter(width/2, height/2));
force.restart(); //start
var svg_edges = svg.selectAll("line")
.style("stroke", "#ccc")
.style("stroke-width", 1);
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20);
//add nodes
var svg_nodes = svg.selectAll("circle")
.attr("r", 20)
.style("fill", function(d, i) {
return color(i);
.call(d3.drag()); //to drag the nodes
//add information
var svg_texts = svg.selectAll("text")
.style("fill", "black")
.attr("dx", 20)
.attr("dy", 8)
.text(function(d) {
return d.id;
force.on("tick", function() { //update the position of lines
svg_edges.attr("x1", function(d) {
return d.source.x;
.attr("y1", function(d) {
return d.source.y;
.attr("x2", function(d) {
return d.target.x;
.attr("y2", function(d) {
return d.target.y;
//update the position of nodes
svg_nodes.attr("cx", function(d) {
return d.x;
.attr("cy", function(d) {
return d.y;
//update the position of information
svg_texts.attr("x", function(d) {
return d.x;
.attr("y", function(d) {
return d.y;
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
There are several mistakes in your code
firstly you need to append circle like this
var svg_nodes = svg.selectAll("circle")
return color(i);
.call(d3.drag()); //to drag the nodes
where as your code append r which is no SVG tag moreover the center of the graph should not be width and height it should be width/2 and height/2 to make it at center
See this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Qh9X5/9515/
similarly for lines you are using edges data which don't have the x,y values you need to pass the xy value for drawing lines
For a complete solution note in v3.3 See this https://jsfiddle.net/3uehrfj8/1/ with all nodes and edges
I am relatively new to coding and very new to d3. I am currently trying to use d3 with json to make a pack layout representing current presidential candidates and how many times they have talked about a certain issue during the feedback.
I wanted to start small so I made some dummy data in a .json file, it is below:
"name": "John Doe",
"party": "democratic",
"issues": [
{ "issue":"issue1", "value": 25 },
{ "issue":"issue2", "value": 10 },
{ "issue":"issue3", "value": 50 },
{ "issue":"issue4", "value": 40 },
{ "issue":"issue5", "value": 5 }
I want to display bubbles with "issue" as the label and "value" as the circle radius, ending up with five different sized circles on my canvas. Below is my index.html file:
var width = 800, height = 600;
var canvas = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("transform", "translate(50, 50)");
var pack = d3.layout.pack()
.size([width, height - 50])
d3.json("fakedata.json", function (data) {
var nodes = pack.nodes(data);
var node = canvas.selectAll(".node")
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("transform", function (d) {
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
.attr("r", function (d) { return d.r; })
.attr("fill", "steelblue")
.attr("opacity", 0.25)
.attr("stroke", "#ADADAD")
.attr("stroke-width", "2");
.text(function (d) {
return d.children ? "" : d.issue;
I keep getting the error below and I think it is because node is not being set correctly.
Error: Invalid value for <g> attribute transform="translate(NaN,NaN)"
Error: Invalid value for <circle> attribute r="NaN"
Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!
The JSON you are passing is
"name": "John Doe",
"party": "democratic",
"issues": [
{ "issue":"issue1", "value": 25 },
{ "issue":"issue2", "value": 10 },
{ "issue":"issue3", "value": 50 },
{ "issue":"issue4", "value": 40 },
{ "issue":"issue5", "value": 5 }
It should have been like below note the key name children instead of issues
"name": "John Doe",
"party": "democratic",
"children": [
{ "issue":"issue1", "value": 25 },
{ "issue":"issue2", "value": 10 },
{ "issue":"issue3", "value": 50 },
{ "issue":"issue4", "value": 40 },
{ "issue":"issue5", "value": 5 }
Working code here.
The answer is a bit late, but in case you don't want to change your data structure and you want to keep the issues property, you can explicitly tell D3 to use the issues property for children data using the children() call:
var pack = d3.layout.pack()
.size([width, height - 50])
.children(function (d) { return d.issues; })
When I add new nodes to D3's Force Layout, the new nodes ignore the previous nodes when positioning itself and the previous nodes becomes un-draggable. I feel I've followed the logic of:
Add elements to arrays nodes and links
Updated force.nodes(nodes) and force.links(links)
Ran through .data().enter() with new data
Called force.start()
But still results in previous nodes disconnects. The new nodes are draggable and appears to take into consideration the LAST SET of added nodes position and avoids collision, all other previous nodes are clickable still, but their positioning are ignored and not updated.
Here is a the code in PLNKR: http://plnkr.co/edit/5fXZf63s73cTO37zLjNQ?p=preview
var width = 1000;
var height = 600;
var node_w = 30;
var node_h = 30;
var text_dx = -20;
var text_dy = 20;
var new_id = 9;
var nodes = [],
links = [],
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
var nodes = [
{ "name": "Nucleus" , "size" : 25, "id" : 0 , "color":"#ac0000"},
{ "name": "one" , "size" : 5 , "id": 1 , "color": "#ac0"},
{ "name": "two" , "size" : 15 , "id": 2 , "color": "#ac0"},
{ "name": "three" , "size" : 25 , "id": 3 , "color": "#ac0"},
{ "name": "four" , "size" : 9 , "id": 4 , "color": "#ac0"},
{ "name": "five" , "size" : 12 , "id": 5 , "color": "#ac0"},
{ "name": "six" , "size" : 15 , "id": 6 , "color": "#ac0"},
{ "name": "seven" , "size" : 41 , "id": 7 , "color": "#ac0"},
{ "name": "eight" , "size" : 5 , "id": 8 , "color": "#ac0"}
var links = [
{ "source": 0 , "target": 1 , "link_info":"r01" },
{ "source": 1 , "target": 2 , "link_info":"r31" },
{ "source": 1 , "target": 3 , "link_info":"r02" },
{ "source": 1 , "target": 4 , "link_info":"r04" },
{ "source": 0 , "target": 5 , "link_info":"r05" },
{ "source": 0 , "target": 6 , "link_info":"r06" },
{ "source": 0 , "target": 7 , "link_info":"r87" },
{ "source": 0 , "target": 8 , "link_info":"r87" }
var force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height])
var drag = force.drag();
function init() {
links_line = svg.selectAll("line")
.style("stroke", "#ac0")
.style("stroke-width", 1);
node_circles = svg.selectAll("circle")
.style("fill", function(d) {return d.color;})
.on("dblclick", function(d, i) {
function addNodes(i) {
for (c=0; c < Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 4; c++) {
nodes.push({"name": "new " + new_id,"size": (Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 10),"id": new_id,"color": "#333"})
links.push({"source": i,"target": new_id,"link_info": "r"+i+new_id});
// Update force.nodes
// Update force.links
// exec init()
function draw() {
var ticksPerRender = 1;
requestAnimationFrame(function render() {
//Update nodes
node_circles.attr("cx", function(d) {return d.x - d.size / 6;});
node_circles.attr("cy", function(d) {return d.y - d.size / 6;});
node_circles.attr("r", function(d) {return d.size});
//Update Location line
links_line.attr("x1", function(d) {return d.source.x;});
links_line.attr("y1", function(d) {return d.source.y;});
links_line.attr("x2", function(d) {return d.target.x;});
links_line.attr("y2", function(d) {return d.target.y;});
} // draw();
Updating a d3 visualization follows an enter, update, and exit workflow (start your reading here and here).
Try this instead:
function init() {
links_line = svg.selectAll("line")
.style("stroke", "#ac0")
.style("stroke-width", 1);
node_circles = svg.selectAll("circle")
.style("fill", function(d) {return d.color;})
.on("dblclick", function(d, i) {
Updated example.