React Child Component Loop not redenring - javascript

Well I have one of the views from my single page application that is a Quiz, But when a click to generate the Components through a loop based on information on my array state he doesn't render it. I'm using react-router in the index.js maybe this information can help.
<h1 className="display-1">Resposta-#{this.props.chave}-
state = {
novogabarito: this.eachcomponent
alterarevento = (evento,index) =>{
let array = this.state.respostas;
array[index] =;
gerargabarito = () =>{
for(let n=0;n<10;n++){
eachcomponent = () =>{
return(><Gabarito chave={this.state.correcao.indexOf(resposta)} alternativa={resposta}/>));
Render of function
<div className="row justify-content-center">
<span id="teste">{this.state.novogabarito}</span>

Perhaps I am overlooking something...but it does not look like you are ever invoking your alterarevento and gerargabarito functions. So when you call your eachcomponent your correcao array in your state is still empty so you are not mapping anything.
Before your return statement in your eachcomponent function, try logging correcao to the console to see if it is empty.
A word of caution: you should never manipulate your state directly. So, your this.state.correcao.push('Certa');
line should be:
this.setState({ correcao: [...this.state.correcao, 'Certa'] });


Saving Values to Backend from TextBoxes using React Flux Pattern

I have several text boxes and a save button
Each text box value is loaded using the following approach
this.getElement('test3lowerrangethreshold', 'iaSampling.iaGlobalConfiguration.test3lowerrangethreshold',
private getElement(elementid: string, label: string, globalparameter: enums.IASamplingGlobalParameters): JSX.Element {
let globalParameterElement =
<div className='row setting-field-row' id={elementid}><
span className='label'>{localeHelper.translate(label)}</span>
<div className="input-wrapper small">
<input className='input-field' placeholder='text' value={this.globalparameterhelper.getDataCellContent(globalparameter, this.state.globalParameterData)} />
return globalParameterElement;
Helper Class
class IAGlobalParametesrHelper {
public getDataCellContent = (globalparameter: enums.IASamplingGlobalParameters, configdata: Immutable.List<ConfigurationConstant>) => {
return configdata?.find(x => x.key === globalparameter)?.value;
This works fine. Now the user is allowed to update these text values.And on click of save the changes should be reflected by calling a web api .
I have added an onlick event like this
<a href='#' className='button primary default-size' onClick={this.saveGlobalParameterData}>Save</a>
Now inorder to save the data i need a way to identify the text element which has changed.For that i have added an update method within the Helper class
public updateCellValue = (globalparameter: enums.IASamplingGlobalParameters, configdata: Immutable.List<ConfigurationConstant>,updatedvalue:string) => {
let itemIndex = configdata.findIndex(x => x.key === globalparameter);
configdata[itemIndex] = updatedvalue;
return configdata;
and return the updated configdata ,and i plan to call this method in the onchange event of every text box like this
<input className='input-field' placeholder='text' onchange={this.setState({ globalParameterData: this.globalparameterhelper.updateCellValue(globalparameter, this.state.globalParameterData, (document.getElementById(elementid) as HTMLInputElement).value})}
But this does not seem like a correct approach as there are number of syntactical errors. I initially got the data using an actioncreator like this.Please advice.

Dynamically made strings for id in JSX

I want to make id like this dynamically.
<div id="track_1"></div>
<div id="track_2"></div>
So I gave the id like this from parent component.
export default function Components(props) {
return (
<AudioTrack trackNum="1"/>
<AudioTrack trackNum="2"/>
then in my AudioTrack Component I got the trackNum and want to use like this
const AudioTrack = (props) => {
<div id="track_{props.trackNum}" ></div>
Howeber it doesn't work.
Is there any good way?
Since the div prop isn't a constant string, you need {} to indicate an expression, and then either use + to concatenate or a template literal with ${}:
<div id={`track_${props.trackNum}`}></div>

Vue getter returns undefined when page reload

I have a blog with some posts. When you click on the preview you will redirect on the page post.
On the page of the post, I use a getter to load the correct post (I use the find function to return which corresponds to the correct object in the array of objects).
const state = {
ricettario: [], // data that contains all recipes (array of objects)
const actions = {
// Bind State and Firestore collection
init: firestoreAction(({ bindFirestoreRef }) => {
bindFirestoreRef('ricettario', db.collection('____').orderBy('data'))
const getters = {
caricaRicetta(state) {
console.log('Vuex Getter FIRED => ', state.ricettario)
return nameParamByComponent => state.ricettario.find(ricetta => {
return === nameParamByComponent
In the component, I call the getter in the computed property
computed: {
...mapGetters('ricettaStore', ['caricaRicetta']),
ricetta() {
return this.caricaRicetta(this.slug) // this.slug is the prop of the URL (by Router)
Anything goes in the right way but when I reload the page in the POST PAGE, the getter will fire 2 times:
1. return an error because the state is null
2. return the correct object
// screen below
So everything works fine from the front but not at all in the console and in the App.
I think the correct way is to call the getters in the created hook. What I've to change? It is a problem with the computed prop, getters or state?
<div v-if="ricetta.validate === true" id="sezione-ricetta">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12 m10 offset-m1 l8 offset-l2">
:alt="'Ricetta ' + ricetta.titolo"
<div v-else>
You are trying to validate undifined property. So you need to check ricetta first.
Try like this:
<div v-if="ricetta && ricetta.validate === true" id="sezione-ricetta">
Database synchronization is asynchronous, ricettario is initially an empty array. Computed value is recomputed once synchronization is finished and ricettario array is filled, the component is updated.
Even if ricettario weren't empty, find may return undefined if it finds nothing. This needs to be handled where ricetta is used:
<div v-if="ricetta && ricetta.validate" id="sezione-ricetta">
The error log is quite explicit, there is a xxx.validate somewhere in your Ricetta component template, but that xxx is undefined.
Because of this, your app crashes and stops working. I doubt it has anything to do with Vuex

How to inject a dinamically created element into an existing div in React JSX?

I have a list of objects photos, from a json data file, that I would like to organize into 3 different <div> columns, but I dont know how to achieve that, here is my broken non-optimized code:
<div className="container">
<div ref={leftColRef} className="left-col" />
<div ref={centreColRef} className="centre-col" />
<div ref={rightColRef} className="right-col" />
{Object.keys(photos).forEach((n, i) => {
const id = photos[n].id;
const thumb = photos[n].thumbnailUrl;
const title = photos[n].title;
const element = (
<Thumbnail id={id} title={title} thumb={thumb} />
if (i % 3 === 0) {
} else if (i % 3 === 1) {
} else {
// this line works, it idsplays the data but is commented as the data needs to go inside its respective columns
// return <Thumbnail key={id} title={title} thumb={thumb} />;
The idea is to insert some elements into the left-column when i%3 = 0 and others in the centre-column when i%3 = 1 and so on ...
And a link to my codesandbox
Any help/advise will be much appreciated.
Easiest is probably to prepare the data outside the render function and to render the column one by one.
You should not manipulate the DOM like it's done in jQuery using JSX
const Component = (props) => {
const filterPhotos = (column) => {
return,index)=> index%3==column);
return <>
<MyColumn photos={filterPhotos(0)}/>
<MyColumn photos={filterPhotos(1)}/>
<MyColumn photos={filterPhotos(2)}/>
First, using ref on div to inject stuff on it is wrong. It's the opposite of how react works.
Like charlies said, I would split the photos in 3 different arrays before the render. Then, you'll be able to do something like this :
<div ref={leftColRef} className="left-col" />
{ => <Thumbnail key={} {} />)
when preparing your data, try to use the same object properties and component props name so you can spread it easily ( {} ).
Note: Also, when rendering an array in react, each child must have a unique key props. It will help react to render on that part of dom if your data change.

React dynamically create buttons based on number of results

I am working in a Spring application that uses react. Currently I have a json that contains several users based on certain criteria. The number of users can vary, but I would like to create several buttons for each user returned that links to the users profile. the url is just '/profile/username'
format of json
I currently have it working if I hard code for each user:
<div className="container padded">
<div className="row">
<div className="col-6 offset-md-3">
<h2>Suggested Sitters</h2>
<button onClick={() => this.suggestSitter(this.props.user.principal)}>Click</button>
<Link to={this.setProfile(this.state.sitter ? this.state.sitter[1].user.attributes.username: ' ')} >
<button type="button">{this.state.sitter ? this.state.sitter[1].user.attributes.username: ' '}</button>
the setProfile works like this:
setProfile(theUser) {
return '/profile/' + theUser;
Clicking a button will redirect to that user's profile page.
So basically, instead of hardcoding n buttons, I would like to dynamically create n buttons and each will link to '/profile/username/ for each user returned.
suggestSitter function:
var _this = this;
console.log('user', user);
axios.get('/api/user/suggest_sitter', { params: { principal: user } })
.then(function(response) {
console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
sitter: response
.catch(function (e) {
console.log('Error: ' + e);
You can map the data to an array of Link (provide an unique key for it too):
{ => (
<Link key={e.someUniqueProperty} to={this.setProfile(e.user.attributes.username)}>
<button type="button">{e.user.attributes.username}</button>
Suppose your data is:
const data = [
{user: {...}, attribute: {...}},
{user: {...}, attribute: {...}},
Now, you can follow these steps:
Create a stateless/stateful component(depending on your use case): UserButton or any other meaningful name:
const UserButton = () => (
<div className="container padded">
<div className="row">
<div className="col-6 offset-md-3">
/*...Add your remaining JSX....*/
Now in your parent component(from where you are actually rendering the data), you can do the following:
renderUserButtons = () => {
return => (
<UserButton key="Some-unique-id-can-be-anything" PASS_YOUR_PROPS_HERE/>
render() {
return (
Obviously, you don't need multiple components for this, but splitting it into smaller components looks good, easier to maintain and easier to test. Again it's my personal preference. You can use the convention whatever is best for you.
To create any UI component from some array, you can always use map function like below.
Array of JSON Object
let users = [{"name":"ABC"},{"name":"DEF"},{"name":"GHI"}];
Map Function
let userList =,index)=>{return (<div>{index} - {}<div>)})
this will give you following output:
0 - ABC
1 - DEF
2 - GHI
in map function user is the reference to one by one users from the array. Index is the key for each value from array (ex. 0,1,2....).
We are returning a JSX object from the return statement.
You can now use userList variable in render's return. Like below..
render(){ let userList = "...."; return(<div>{userList}</div>
I hope this would help.
