Passing variable from Javascript to href in Codeigniter modal [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How can I pass variable value from Javascript and use it as a variable in <a href> bootstrap modal ? for access controller and process with the spesific / targeted ID
Answer (Trick) support by #MikO
This is <a>tag in bootstrap modal looks like :
<a class="btn btn-primary" name="gotopick" id="gotopick" href="<?php echo site_url('onpartners/picking'). '/{passId}'; ?>">Pick</a>
Then, in your JS, you can replace that {passID} with the actual value of Variable with something like this :
$("#gotopick").attr("href", $("#gotopick").attr("href").replace('{passId}',yourvarvalue));
Thanks for sharing #MikO, hope your answer can help another people with same problem too here
Sharing is caring :)

You can add more attribute in your tag <a> like
<a data-id="{{ $pass_id }}" class="btn btn-primary" name="gotopick" id="gotopick" href="<?php echo site_url('onpartners/picking'). '/' . $pass_id; ?>">Pick</a>
So, you can get your data in your jquery like
var id = $('a#gotopick').data('id');


How do I switch html pages with JavaScript if I don't have the Url [closed]

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Closed 17 hours ago.
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I have them both as HTML files in my repo. The button is just meant to switch from pages for now. I will add the function for the inputs and conditions later. I just want to get in working before I add anything. There are also no errors that or popping up. I cannot use a tag as I need to change the URL to pass data through it, so I need to have it in JS so I can change it with the data from the input.
The plan is to have the user put in their name in a text input, and have it inside the Url, then have the 2nd page process the name and output a text and photo.
This is the code that I have tried.
const nameButton = document.getElementById("nameBtn");
function change_page(){
This is the Html:
<input class="font" type="text" id="inputName" value="Type in
your name..."></input>
<button class="fonts" id="nameBtn">Ready?</button>
<script src="scripts/script.js"></script>
Short answer, only replace the pathname
window.location.pathname = 'page-two.html'
In your case:
const nameButton = document.getElementById("nameBtn");
nameButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
window.location.pathname = "page-two.html";

How do I get the value of a child div [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Good day,
I would like to ask how I can get the value from price. Neither of them has a unique id so it makes things hard for a noob like me. Any suggestions? Thanks.
<div class="modal">
<span class="name">$</span>
<span class="price">0.04</span>
<hr style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #ffc82d , #ffff73);">
<div class="weapon" style="background-image: url('assets/img/free_case_item.png');"></div>
You can do it with pure JavaScript using DOM manipulation.
Assuming you only have one element with the price class: document.getElementsByClassName("price").item(0).innerText.
Ideally you would give it an ID (e.g. price): document.getElementById("price").innerText
You can try with document.querySelector:
var price = document.querySelector("div.modal span.price").innerText
This matches the first <span class="price"> inside <div class="modal">.

How to Embedded JQuery code in a php variable? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to embedded the below jquery code in the following php variable $var
<img src="images/image.png" id="Image1" alt="" style="width:30px;height:30px;">
PHP Code:
<?php $var = 'my_jquery_code'; return $var; ?>
You just need to escape the single quotes:
$var ='<img src="images/image.png" id="Image1" alt="" style="width:30px;height:30px;">';
return $var;
The only reasonable scenario I can think of where you would want to use onclick would be if you're dynamically loading the anchor element.
If so, this is probably better.
$(document).on('click', '.my_class_here', function() {
Then you would use AJAX or whatever voodoo you like to retrieve the link template (maybe while passing it some variables?) and add it to the page.
Alternatively, you can use $(document).find('.my_class_here').on('click', function... , but this is bad, performance wise.

How on one click another page div value change using JavaScript? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have two page page1.php, page2.php and one JS file Control.js.
In page1.php
<img src="images/b.jpg" width="31" height="26" id="imgClick1" onClick="return changeImage1(this)" >
In Control.js
function changeImage1() {
document.getElementById("imgClick1").src = "images/b.jpg";
document.getElementById('num1').style.color = "#fff";
document.getElementById("text1").innerHTML = "Hello friend";
In page2.php
<div id="text1">
Hello world
So using JavaScript I am trying to write "hello friend" in the div "text1" of page page2.php when I click the image or the div of page1.php.
Is there any possible way to use JS to solve this problem?
Can we use any how document.getElementById("text1").innerHTML or something like that in the program?
I suggest you make use of the include function of php (provided you absolutely want to keep your text1 div on a separate page), like this on your page1.php file:
Make sure that when you do that, page1.php and page2.php are in the same folder, otherwise you may define a path to it like this:

How to get the value of a dropdown using jquery? [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a dropdown menu and a link in a table. What I want is to get the value of the dropdown menu that is being retrieve in a row.
<td><?php echo form_dropdown('status',array('Fine' => 'Fine', 'Disposable' => 'Disposable'),'','class="status" id="status"'); ?></td>
<td align="center">
<i class="icon-edit icon-large"></i>
<div id="return" style="float: left;">
<!--when this one is clicked I can get the value of the dropdown-->
<i class="icon-backward icon-large"></i>
How can I get the value of the dropdown When the link with the class of return is clicked? I've tried .closest() function but it returned undefined. Thanks!
Did you tried?
$(document).on('click', 'a.return', function() {
Note: Using elements with the same id is a bad practice and can give you problems along the road. Please consider to remove #status id from the elements and use a class when selecting the element.
Try this instead:
$(document).on('click', 'a.return', function() {
Use :
selectedValue = $('select[name="status"]').val(); //using name tag
selectedValue = $('.status').val(); // using Class
selectedValue = $('#status').val(); // using Id
