In my JS app I'm using the async / await feature. I would like to perform multiple API calls and would like them to be fired one after other. In other words I would like to replace this simple method:
const addTask = async (url, options) => {
return await fetch(url, options)
with something more complex.. like:
let tasksQueue = []
const addTask = async (url, options) => {
tasksQueue.push({url, options})
...// perform fetch in queue
return await ...
What will be the best way to handle the asynchronous returns?
You could use a Queue data structure as your base and add special behavior in a child class. a Queue has a well known interface of two methods enqueue() (add new item to end) and dequeue() (remove first item). In your case dequeue() awaits for the async task.
Special behavior:
Each time a new task (e.g. fetch('url')) gets enqueued, this.dequeue() gets invoked.
What dequeue() does:
if queue is empty ➜ return false (break out of recursion)
if queue is busy ➜ return false (prev. task not finished)
else ➜ remove first task from queue and run it
on task "complete" (successful or with errors) ➜ recursive call dequeue() (2.), until queue is empty..
class Queue {
constructor() { this._items = []; }
enqueue(item) { this._items.push(item); }
dequeue() { return this._items.shift(); }
get size() { return this._items.length; }
class AutoQueue extends Queue {
constructor() {
this._pendingPromise = false;
enqueue(action) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
super.enqueue({ action, resolve, reject });
async dequeue() {
if (this._pendingPromise) return false;
let item = super.dequeue();
if (!item) return false;
try {
this._pendingPromise = true;
let payload = await item.action(this);
this._pendingPromise = false;
} catch (e) {
this._pendingPromise = false;
} finally {
return true;
// Helper function for 'fake' tasks
// Returned Promise is wrapped! (tasks should not run right after initialization)
let _ = ({ ms, } = {}) => () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms, foo));
// ... create some fake tasks
let p1 = _({ ms: 50, url: '❪𝟭❫', data: { w: 1 } });
let p2 = _({ ms: 20, url: '❪𝟮❫', data: { x: 2 } });
let p3 = _({ ms: 70, url: '❪𝟯❫', data: { y: 3 } });
let p4 = _({ ms: 30, url: '❪𝟰❫', data: { z: 4 } });
const aQueue = new AutoQueue();
const start =;
aQueue.enqueue(p1).then(({ url, data }) => console.log('%s DONE %fms', url, - start)); // = 50
aQueue.enqueue(p2).then(({ url, data }) => console.log('%s DONE %fms', url, - start)); // 50 + 20 = 70
aQueue.enqueue(p3).then(({ url, data }) => console.log('%s DONE %fms', url, - start)); // 70 + 70 = 140
aQueue.enqueue(p4).then(({ url, data }) => console.log('%s DONE %fms', url, - start)); // 140 + 30 = 170
Interactive demo:
Full code demo:
You can play around and watch results in console and/or dev-tools "performance" tab. The rest of this answer is based on it.
enqueue() returns a new Promise, that will be resolved(or rejected) at some point later. This Promise can be used to handle the response of your async task Fn.
enqueue() actually push() an Object into the queue, that holds the task Fn and the control methods for the returned Promise.
Since the unwrapped returned Promise insta. starts to run, this.dequeue() is invoked each time we enqueue a new task.
With some performance.measure() added to our task, we get good visualization of our queue:
(*.gif animation)
1st row is our queue instance
New enqueued tasks have a "❚❚ waiting.." period (3nd row) (might be < 1ms if queue is empty`)
At some point it is dequeued and "▶ runs.." for a while (2nd row)
Log output (console.table()):
1st task is enqueue()d at 2.58ms right after queue initialization.
Since our queue is empty there is like no ❚❚ waiting (0.04ms➜ ~40μm).
Task runtime 13.88ms ➜ dequeue
Class Queue is just a wrapper for native Array Fn´s!
You can of course implement this in one class. I just want to show, that you can build what you want from already known data structures. There are some good reasons for not using an Array:
A Queue data-structure is defined by an Interface of two public methods. Using an Array might tempt others to use native Array methods on it like .reverse(),.. which would break the definition.
enqueue() and dequeue() are much more readable than push() and shift()
If you already have an out-implemented Queue class, you can extend from it (re-usable code)
You can replace the item Array in class Queue by an other data structure: A "Doubly Linked List" which would reduce code complexity for Array.shift() from O(n) [linear] to O(1) [constant]. (➜ better time complexity than native array Fn!) (➜ final demo)
Code limitations
This AutoQueue class is not limited to async functions. It handles anything, that can be called like await item[MyTask](this):
let task = queue => {..} ➜ sync functions
let task = async queue => {..} ➜ async functions
let task = queue => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100) ➜ new Promise()
Note: We already call our tasks with await, where await wraps the response of the task into a Promise.
Nr 2. (async function), always returns a Promise on its own, and the await call just wraps a Promise into an other Promise, which is slightly less efficient.
Nr 3. is fine. Returned Promises will not get wrapped by await
This is how async functions are executed: (source)
The result of an async function is always a Promise p. That Promise is created when starting the execution of the async function.
The body is executed. Execution may finish permanently via return or throw. Or it may finish temporarily via await; in which case execution will usually continue later on.
The Promise p is returned.
The following code demonstrates how that works:
async function asyncFunc() {
console.log('asyncFunc()'); // (A)
return 'abc';
then(x => console.log(`Resolved: ${x}`)); // (B)
console.log('main'); // (C)
// Output:
// asyncFunc()
// main
// Resolved: abc
You can rely on the following order:
Line (A): the async function is started synchronously. The async function’s Promise is resolved via return.
Line (C): execution continues.
Line (B): Notification of Promise resolution happens asynchronously.
Read more: "Callable values"
Read more: "Async functions"
Performance limitations
Since AutoQueue is limited to handle one task after the other, it might become a bottleneck in our app. Limiting factors are:
Tasks per time: ➜ Frequency of new enqueue()d tasks.
Runtime per task ➜ Blocking time in dequeue() until task complete
1. Tasks per time
This is our responsibility! We can get the current size of the queue at any time: size = queue.size. Your outer script needs a "fail-over" case for a steadily growing queue (check "Stacked wait times" section).
You want to avoid a "queue overflow" like this, where average/mean waitTime increases over time.
| tasks | enqueueMin(ms) | enqueueMax(ms) | runtimeMin(ms) | runtimeMax(ms) |
| 20 | 0 | 200 | 10 | 30 |
➜ Task 20/20 waits for 195ms until exec starts
➜ From the time, our last task was randomly enqueued, it takes another + ~232ms, until all tasks were resolved.
2. Runtime per task
This one is harder to deal with. (Waiting for a fetch() can not be improved and we need to wait until the HTTP request completed).
Maybe your fetch() tasks rely on each others response and a long runtime will block the others.
But there are some things we could do:
Maybe we could cache responses ➜ Reduce runtime on next enqueue.
Maybe we fetch() from a CDN and have an alternative URI we could use. In this case we can return a new Promise from our task that will be run before the next task is enqueue()d. (see "Error handling"):
queue.enqueue(queue => Promise.race(fetch('url1'), fetch('url2')));
Maybe your have some kind of "long polling" or periodic ajax task that runs every x seconds thatcan not be cached. Even if you can not reduce the runtime itself, you could record the runtimes which would give you an aprox. estimation of the next run. Maybe can swap long running tasks to other queue instances.
Balanced AutoQueue
What is an "efficient" Queue? - Your first thought might be something like:
The most efficient Queue handles most tasks in shortest period of time?
Since we can not improve our task runtime, can we lower the waiting time? The example is a queue with zero (~0ms) waiting time between tasks.
Hint: In order to compare our next examples we need some base stats that will not change:
| count | random fake runtime for tasks | random enqueue() offset for tasks |
| tasks | runtimeMin(ms) | runtimeMax(ms) | msEnqueueMin(ms) | msEnqueueMax(ms) |
| 200 | 10 | 30 | 0 | 4000 |
Avg. task runtime: ⇒ (10ms + 30ms) / 2 = 20ms
Total time: ⇒ 20ms * 200 = 4000ms ≙ 4s
➜ We expect our queue to be resolved after ~4s
➜ For consistent enqueue() frequency we set msEnqueueMax to 4000
AutoQueue finished last dequeue() after ~4.12s (^^ see tooltip).
Which is ~120ms longer than our expected 4s:
Hint: There is a small "Log" block" after each task ~0.3ms, where I build/push an Object with log marks to a global 'Array' for the console.table() log at the end. This explains 200 * 0.3ms = 60ms.. The missing 60msare untracked (you see the small gap between the tasks) -> 0.3ms/task for our test loop and probably some delay from open Dev-Tools,..
We come back to these timings later.
The initialization code for our queue:
const queue = new AutoQueue();
// .. get 200 random Int numbers for our task "fake" runtimes [10-30]ms
let runtimes = Array.from({ length: 200 }, () => rndInt(10, 30));
let i = 0;
let enqueue = queue => {
if (i >= 200) {
return queue; // break out condition
newTask({ // generate a "fake" task with of a rand. runtime
ms: runtimes[i - 1],
url: _(i)
.then(payload => {
enqueue(queue); // start recurion
We recursively enqueue() our next task, right after the previous finished. You might have noticed the analogy to a typical Promise.then() chain, right?
Hint: We don´t need a Queue if we already know the order and total number of tasks to run in sequence. We can use a Promise chain and get the same results.
Sometimes we don´t know all next steps right at the start of our script..
..You might need more flexibility, and the next task we want to run depends on the response of the previous task. - Maybe your app relies on a REST API (multiple endpoints), and you are limited to max X simultaneous API request(s). We can not spam the API with requests from all over your app. You even don´t know when the next request gets enqueue()d (e.g. API requests are triggered by click() events?..
Ok, for the next example I changed the initialization code a bit:
We now enqueue 200 tasks randomly within [0-4000ms] period. - To be fair, we reduced the range by 30ms (max task runtime) to [0-3970ms]. Now our randomly filled queue has a chance to keep inside 4000ms limit.
What we can get out or the Dev-Tools performance login:
Random enqueue() leads to a big number of "waiting" tasks.
Makes sense, since we enqueued all tasks within first ~4000ms, they must overlap somehow. Checking the table output we can verify: Max queue.size is 22 at the time task 170/200was enqueued.
Waiting tasks are not evenly distributed. Right after start there are even some idle section.
Because of the random enqueue() it it unlikely to get a 0ms offset for our first task.
~20ms runtime for each task lead to the stacking effect over time.
We can sort tasks by "wait ms" (see screen): Longest waiting time was >400ms.
There might be a relation between queue.size (column: sizeOnAdd) and wait ms (see next section).
Our AwaitQueue completed last dequeue() ~4.37s after its initialization (check tooltip in "performance" tab). An average runtime of 20,786ms / task (expected: 20ms) gives us a total runtime of 4157.13ms (expected: 4000ms ≙ 4s).
We still have our "Log" blocks and the exec. time of our test script it self ~120ms. Still ~37ms longer? Summing up all idle "gaps" right at the start explains the missing ~37ms
Back to our initial "definition"
The most efficient Queue handles most tasks in shortest period of time?
Assumption: Apart from the random offset, tasks get enqueue()d in the previous example, both queues handled the same number of tasks (equal avg. runtime) within the same period of time. Neither the waiting time of an enqueued task nor the queue.size affect the total runtime. Both have the same efficiency?
Since a Queue, by its nature, shrinks our coding possibilities it is best not to use a Queue if we talk about efficient code (tasks per time).
A queue helps us to straighten tasks in an async environment into a sync pattern. That is exactly what we want. ➜ "Run an unknown sequence of tasks in a row".
If you find yourself asking things like: "If a new task gets enqueued into an already filled queue, the time we have to wait for our result, is increased by the run times of the others. That´s less efficient!".
Then you are doing it wrong:
You either enqueue tasks that have no dependency (in some way) on each other (logical oder programmatical dependency) or there is a dependency which would not increase the total runtime of our script. - We have to wait for the others anyway.
Stacked wait times
We have see a peak wait time of 461.05ms for a task before it runs. Wouldn't it be great if we could forecast the wait time for a task before we decide to enqueue it?
At first we analyse the behavior of our AutoQueue class over longer times.
(re-post screens)
We can build a chart from from what console.table() output:
Beside the wait time of a task, we can see the random [10-30ms] runtime and 3 curves, representing the current queue.size, recorded at the time a task ..
.. is enqueued()
.. starts to run. (dequeue())
.. the task finished (right before the next dequeue())
2 more runs for comparison (similar trend):
chart run 2:
chart run 3:
Can we find dependencies among each other?
If we could find a relation between any of those recorded chart lines, it might help us to understand how a queue behaves over time (➜ constantly filled up with new tasks).
Exkurs: What is a relation?
We are looking for an equation that projects the wait ms curve onto one of the 3 queue.size records. This would proof a direct dependency between both.
For our last run, we changed our start parameters:
Task count: 200 ➜ 1000 (5x)
msEnqueueMax: 4000ms ➜ 20000ms (5x)
| count | random fake runtime for tasks | random enqueue() offset for tasks |
| tasks | runtimeMin(ms) | runtimeMax(ms) | msEnqueueMin(ms) | msEnqueueMax(ms) |
| 1000 | 10 | 30 | 0 | 20000 |
Avg. task runtime: ⇒ (10ms + 30ms) / 2 = 20ms (like before)
Total time: ⇒ 20ms * 1000 = 20000ms ≙ 20s
➜ We expect our queue to be resolved after ~20s
➜ For consistent enqueue() frequency we set msEnqueueMax to 20000
(interactive chart:
We see the same trend. wait ms increases over time (nothing new). Since our 3 queue.size lines at the bottom were drawn into the same chart (Y-axis has ms scale), they are barely visible. Quick switch to a logarithmic scale for better comparison:
(interactive chart:
The two dotted lines for queue.size [on start] and queue.size [on end] pretty much overlap each other and fall down to "0" once our queue gets empty, at the end.
queue.size [on add] looks very similar to the wait ms line. That is what we need.
{queue.size [on add]} * X = {wait ms}
⇔ X = {wait ms} / {queue.size [on add]}
This alone does not help us at runtime because wait ms is unknown for a new enqueued task (has not yet been run). So we still have 2 unknown variable: X and wait ms. We need an other relation that helps us.
First of all, we print our new ration {wait ms} / {queue.size [on add]} into the chart (light green), and its mean/average (light green horizontal dashed). This is pretty close to 20ms (avg. run ms of our tasks), right?
Switch back to linear Y-axes and set its "max scale" to 80ms to get a better view of it. (hint: wait ms is now beyond the view port)
(interactive chart:
Back to the random runtimes of our tasks (dot cloud). We still have our "total mean" of 20.72ms (dark green dashed horizontal). We can also calc the mean of our previous tasks at runtime (e.g. task 370 gets enqueued ➜ What is the current mean runtime for task [1,.., 269] = mean runtime). But we could even be more precise:
The more tasks we enqueue the less impact they have on total "mean runtime". So let´s just calc the "mean runtime" of the last e.g. 50 tasks. Which leads to a consistent impact of 1/50 per task for the "mean runtime". ➜ Peak runtimes get straighten and the trend (up/down) is taken into account. (dark green horizontal path curve next to the light green from our 1. equation).
Things we can do now:
We can eliminate X from our 1st equation (light green). ➜ X can be expressed by the "mean runtimes of previous n e.g. 50 tasks (dark green).
Our new equation just depends on variables, that are known at runtime, right at the point of enqueue:
// mean runtime from prev. n tasks:
X = {[taskRun[-50], .. , taskRun[-2], taskRun[-1] ] / n } ms
// .. replace X in 1st equation:
⇒ {wait ms} = {queue.size [on add]} * {[runtime[-50], .. , runtime[-2], runtime[-1] ] / n } ms
We can draw a new diagram curve to our chart and check how close it is compared to the recorded wait ms (orange)
(interactive chart:
We can forecast the wait for a task before it gets enqueued, given the fact the run times of our tasks can be determined somehow. So it works best in situations where you enqueue tasks of the same type/function:
Use case: An AutoQueue instance is filled up with render tasks for your UI components. Render time might not change chat much (compared to fetch()). Maybe you render 1000 location marks on a map. Each mark is an instance of a class with a render() Fn.
Queues are used for various tasks. ➜ Implement dedicated Queue class variations for different kinds of logic (not mix different logic in one class)
Check all tasks that might be enqueued to the same AutoQueue instance (now or in future), they could be blocked by all the others.
An AutoQueue will not improve the runtime, at best it will not get lowered.
Use different AutoQueue instances for different Task types.
Monitor the size of your AutoQueue, particular ..
.. on heavy usage (high frequently of enqueue())
.. on long or unknown task runtimes
Check your error handling. Since errors inside your tasks will just reject their returned promise on enqueue (promise = queue.enqueue(..)) and will not stop the dequeue process. You can handle errors..
.. inside your tasks ➜ `try{..} catch(e){ .. }
.. right after it (before the next) ➜ return new Promise()
.. "async" ➜ queue.enqueue(..).catch(e => {..})
.. "global" ➜ error handler inside the AutoQueue class
Depending on the implementation of your Queue you might watch the queue.size. An Array, filled up with 1000 tasks, is less effective than a decentralized data-structure like the "Doubly Linked List" I used in the final code.
Avoid recursion hell. (It is OK to use tasks that enqueue() others) - But, it is no fun to debug an AutoQueue where tasks are dynamically enqueue()e by others in an async environment..
At first glance a Queue might solve a problem (at a certain level of abstraction). However, in most cases it shrinks existing flexibility. It adds an additional "control layer" to our code (which in most cases, is what we want) at the same time, we sign a contract to accept the strict rules of a Queue. Even if it solves a problem, it might not be the best solution.
Add more features [basic]
Stop "Auto dequeue()" on enqueue():
Since our AutoQueue class is generic and not limited to long running HTTP requests(), you can enqueue() any function that has to run in sequence, even 3min running functions for e.g. "store updates for modules",.. You can not guarantee, that when you enqueue() 100 tasks in a loop, the prev added task is not already dequeued().
You might want to prevent enqueue() from calling dequeue() until all where added.
enqueue(action, autoDequeue = true) { // new
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
super.enqueue({ action, resolve, reject });
if (autoDequeue) this.dequeue(); // new
.. and then call queue.dequeue() manually at some point.
Control methods: stop / pause / start
You can add more control methods. Maybe your app has multiple modules that all try to fetch() there resources on pageload. An AutoQueue() works like a Controller. You can monitor how many tasks are "waiting.." and add more controls:
class AutoQueue extends Queue {
constructor() {
this._stop = false; // new
this._pause = false; // new
enqueue(action) { .. }
async dequeue() {
if (this._pendingPromise) return false;
if (this._pause ) return false; // new
if (this._stop) { // new
this._queue = [];
this._stop = false;
return false;
let item = super.dequeue();
stop() { // new
this._stop = true;
pause() { // new
this._pause = true;
start() { // new
this._stop = false;
this._pause = false;
return await this.dequeue();
Forward response:
You might want to process the "response/value" of a task in the next task. It is not guaranteed that our prev. task has not already finished, at the time we enqueue the 2nd task.
Therefore it might be best to store the response of the prev. task inside the class and forward it to the next: this._payload = await item.action(this._payload)
Error handling
Thrown errors inside a task Fn reject the promise returned by enqueue() and will not stop the dequeue process. You might want to handle error before next task starts to run:
queue.enqueue(queue => myTask() ).catch({ .. }); // async error handling
queue.enqueue(queue =>
.then(payload=> otherTask(payload)) // .. inner task
.catch(() => { .. }) // sync error handling
Since our Queue is dump, and just await´s for our task´s to be resolved (item.action(this)), no one prevents you from returning a new Promise() from the current running task Fn. - It will be resolved before the next task gets dequeued.
You can throw new Error() inside task Fn´s and handle them "outside"/after run:queue.enqueue(..).catch().
You can easily add a custom Error handling inside the dequeue() method that calls this.stop() to clear "on hold"(enqueued) tasks..
You can even manipulate the queue from inside your task functions. Check: await item.action(this) invokes with this and gives access to the Queue instance. (this is optional). There are use cases where task Fn´s should not be able to.
Add more features [advanced]
... text limt reached :D
Read more
Blog: "Asynchronous Recursion with Callbacks, Promises and Async"
Book: "Callable values"
Book: "Async functions"
You could save previous pending promise, await for it before calling next fetch.
// fake fetch for demo purposes only
const fetch = (url, options) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, {url, options}))
// task executor
const addTask = (() => {
let pending = Promise.resolve();
const run = async (url, options) => {
try {
await pending;
} finally {
return fetch(url, options);
// update pending promise so that next task could await for it
return (url, options) => (pending = run(url, options))
addTask('url1', {options: 1}).then(console.log)
addTask('url2', {options: 2}).then(console.log)
addTask('url3', {options: 3}).then(console.log)
Here's one I made earlier, also available in typescript
function createAsyncQueue(opts = { dedupe: false }) {
const { dedupe } = opts
let queue = []
let running
const push = task => {
if (dedupe) queue = []
if (!running) running = start()
return running.finally(() => {
running = undefined
const start = async () => {
const res = []
while (queue.length) {
const item = queue.shift()
res.push(await item())
return res
return { push, queue, flush: () => running || Promise.resolve([]) }
// ----- tests below 👇
const sleep = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms))
async function test1() {
const myQueue = createAsyncQueue()
myQueue.push(async () => {
await sleep(100)
return 100
myQueue.push(async () => {
await sleep(10)
return 10
console.log(await myQueue.flush())
async function test2() {
const myQueue = createAsyncQueue({ dedupe: true })
myQueue.push(async () => {
await sleep(100)
return 100
myQueue.push(async () => {
await sleep(10)
return 10
myQueue.push(async () => {
await sleep(9)
return 9
// only 100 and 9 will be executed
// concurrent executions will be deduped
console.log(await myQueue.flush())
Example usage:
const queue = createAsyncQueue()
const task1 = async () => {
await fetchItem()
const task2 = async () => {
await fetchItem()
// task1 will be guaranteed to be executed before task2
I would think there is a simple solution like follows.
class AsyncQueue {
constructor() {
this.promise = Promise.resolve()
push = (task) => {
this.promise = this.promise.then(task)
let count = 0
let dummy = () =>
new Promise((res) => {
const ms = 400 + Math.ceil(1200 * Math.random())
console.log('will wait', ms, 'ms')
setTimeout(res, ms)
const foo = async (args) => {
const s = ++count
console.log('start foo', s)
await dummy()
console.log('end foo', s)
const q = new AsyncQueue()
For your case you can do something like this:
const q = new AsyncQueue()
const addTask = (url, options) => {
q.push(() => fetch(url, options))
If you want to handle some results:
const q = new AsyncQueue()
const addTask = (url, options, handleResults) => {
q.push(async () => handleResults(await fetch(url, options)))
Not sure about performance, I just think it is a quick clean solution.
Schedule task parallelly from array without waiting any to finish within allowed threads
const fastQueue = async <T, Q>(
x: T[],
threads: number,
fn: (v: T, i: number, a: T[]) => Promise<Q>
) => {
let k = 0;
const result = Array(x.length) as Q[];
await Promise.all(
[...Array(threads)].map(async () => {
while (k < x.length) result[k] = await fn(x[k], k++, x);
return result;
const demo = async () => {
const wait = (x: number) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, x, x))
console.log(await fastQueue([1000, 2000, 3000, 2000, 2000], 4, (v) => wait(v)))
I'm currently building a program in JavaScript that is making requests of the google sheets API based on activity occurring in a Discord Server (messaging app). However, I've been running into the API RateLimits in cases where multiple users do the same action at the same time, causing too many API Requests in too short of a time.
My idea to get around this is to implement a parallel queue of async function calls, so that whenever I want to make a request of the google API, I queue that function call, and another function or thread or something will keep checking this queue and if there is a function available, it will run that function, wait a little bit, and then check the queue again, and so on.
I'm struggling to figure out how to do this in regular asynchronous (async/await) programming. I've been referring to the following posts/pages, but they all seem focused on a predefined queue that is then dequeued in order - I want to be able to keep adding to the queue even after the functions have started being run.
How do I store javascript functions in a queue for them to be executed eventually
Semaphore-like queue in javascript?
Any help or guidance would be very appreciated, thank you!
The simplest option would be to have a queue of promise-returning functions and poll it periodically.
let queue = []
async function poll() {
console.log('POLL, queue.length=', queue.length)
if (queue.length) {
let result = await queue.shift()()
setTimeout(poll, 1000)
let n = 0
function test() {
let getter = () => fetch(
'' + (++n)
).then(r => r.json())
<button onclick="test()">click many times</button>
Besides what T.J. Crowder already did mention about true parallelism in JavaScript there is this special requirement of wanting to continuously being able to add to the queue (enqueue) after the (de)queue based processing had started. Therefore I doubt there will be any solution based entirely on promises.
Thus, in case one does not want to go for permanently running "background" tasks based on setInterval/setTimeout, one has to implement an approach capable of handling callbacks.
One way was to e.g. implement a request class which is capable of dispatching its own (custom) events. It should be possible for both node and Web Api environments (browsers) since the latter provides/supports EventTarget and the former features packages for it.
Possible implementation details are as follows.
Any request-queue can be instantiated with the batchSize-parameter's integer-value where this parameter indicates the desired amount of fetch requests which are going to participate in a single all-settled promise handling.
Once such a promise is settled - regardless of any fetch promise's status - at least one of both custom queue events will be thrown, either the 'new-batch' or the 'rejected' event type or both event types. Each custom-event's detail payload will feature its type specific data, e.g. a resolved array for the former and a rejected array for the latter case.
Regarding the handling of rejected api calls (the list of rejected fetch URLs),
one could implement the handling callback in a way that it
collects/accumulates such data until a certain threshold where one then would pass this data to the request-queue's fetch method again.
one too could implement functionality which prevents fetching the same url(s) again and again up to a maximum retry count.
But the latter proposed features should not be part of the queue implementation.
// helper functions for logging and creating a list
// of api requests.
function logRequestQueueEvent({ type, detail }) {
console.log({ [ type ]: { detail } });
function createFetchArrayFromBoundApiCallCount() {
let { callCount = 0, fetchSize = 12 } = this;
const result = Array
.from({ length: fetchSize })
.map((_, idx) =>
`${ idx + callCount + 1 }`
this.callCount = callCount + fetchSize;
return result;
// initializing of the main example which uses an
// instance of a custom implemented request-queue
// class which is capable of both
// - fetching continuously
// - and dispatching events.
function main() {
const requestQueue = new ContinuouslyFetchingRequestQueue(5);
// a queue instance's three available event types one can subsribe to.
requestQueue.addEventListener('new-fetch', logRequestQueueEvent);
requestQueue.addEventListener('new-batch', logRequestQueueEvent);
requestQueue.addEventListener('rejected', logRequestQueueEvent);
// as for handling rejected api calls (the list of rejected URLs),
// - one could implement the handling callback in a way that it
// - collects/accumulates such data until a certain threshold
// where one then would pass this data to the request-queue's
// `fetch` method again.
// - one too could implement functionality which prevents fetching
// the same url(s) again and again up to a maximum retry count.
// but such features should not be part of the queue implementation.
const createFetchArray = createFetchArrayFromBoundApiCallCount
.bind({ callCount: 0, fetchSize: 12 });
.addEventListener('click', () =>
// a queue instance's sole public accessible method.
body { zoom: .9; margin: 0; }
button { display: block; width: 5em; margin: 10px 0; }
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; width: 89%; top: 0; left: auto!important; }
// helper function for creating chunks from an array.
function chunkArray(arr = [], chunkLength = arr.length) {
chunkLength = Math.abs(chunkLength);
const result = [];
while (arr.length >= 1) {
arr.splice(0, chunkLength)
return result;
// `queue` instance related requests and responses handler.
function handleRequestsAndResponses(queue, fetching, addresses) {
// for each `addresses` array create an all-settled promise ...
.allSettled( => fetch(url)
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(error => ({ error, url }))
.then(results => {
// ... where each settled promise item either features
// the JSON-parsed `value` or a failing `reason`.
const resolved = results
.filter(({ status }) => status === 'fulfilled')
.map(({ value }) => value);
const rejected = results
.filter(({ status }) => status === 'rejected')
.map(({ reason }) => reason.url);
// since a `queue` instance features inherited
// `EventTarget` behavior, one can dispatch the
// above filtered and mapped response arrays as
// `detail`-payload to a custom-event like 'new-batch'.
new CustomEvent('new-batch', {
detail: { resolved, fetching: [...fetching] },
// one also could think about dispatching the
// list of rejected addresses per bundled fetch
// separately, in case there are any.
// guard.
if (rejected.length >= 1) {
new CustomEvent('rejected', {
detail: { rejected },
// `queue` instance related fetch/request functionality.
function createBundledFetch(queue, fetching, batchSize) {
new CustomEvent('new-fetch', {
detail: { fetching: [...fetching] },
// decouple the `queue` related `fetching`
// reference from the to be started request
// process by creating a shallow copy.
const allAddresses = [...fetching];
// reset/mutate the `queue` related `fetching`
// reference to an empty array.
fetching.length = 0;
// create an array of chunked `addresses` arrays ...
chunkArray(allAddresses, batchSize)
.forEach(addresses => setTimeout(
// ... and invoke each bundled request and
// response-batch handling as non blocking.
handleRequestsAndResponses, 0, queue, fetching, addresses,
// queue instance method implemented
// as `this` context aware function.
function addAddressListToBoundQueueData(...addressList) {
// assure a flat arguments array (to a certain degree).
addressList = addressList.flat();
// guard.
if (addressList.length >= 1) {
const { queue, fetching, batchSize } = this;
// invoke the bundled fetch creation as non blocking.
createBundledFetch, 0, queue, fetching, batchSize,
// custom request-queue class which is capable of both
// - fetching continuously
// - and dispatching events.
class ContinuouslyFetchingRequestQueue extends EventTarget {
constructor(batchSize) {
batchSize = Math
.max(1, Math.min(20, parseInt(batchSize, 10)));
const fetching = [];
const queue = this;
// single/sole public accessible instance method.
queue.fetch = addAddressListToBoundQueueData
.bind({ queue, fetching, batchSize });
<button data-request>add 12 requests</button>
<button onclick="console.clear();">clear console</button>
this is more of a opinionated question. I do have a working solution, but I'm not 100% comfortable with it, as it has it's flaws.
Maybe someone can help me to improve this.
I have an external api that only allows 4 calls to be made concurrently against it (for each user). Our app can impersonate multiple users at once.
So the issue comes, if more than 4 calls are made against the api simultaneously. (sometimes more than 20 calls are made)
Using a batched approach with Promise.all and chunking would be very inefficient, as the calls have a different runtime each.
Ideally, the queue would work FIFO and as soon as one call finishes, the next call is started. At the current standing, I created 4 own FIFO queues with somewhat of a Promise chain and I fill these evenly (if all are running).
The problem that I have is, that I do not know how long a request is running.
So choosing one of the queues can lead to an overall longer runtime as necessary.
The calls are automatically rejected after 30s from the external api, so no dead lock here.
Another problem that I have is, that I have to return the data provided from the api to a dependency. The queue is called/filled from withan a callback function...
This is wrapped in a Promise itself, so we can wait as long as we want.
But storing the values in a cache for later retrieval is no option either.
So long story short, here is the code
class QueuingService {
/** ~FIFO queue */
private static queue: Record<string, { promise: Promise<Function>, uuid: string }[]> = {};
private static MAX_CONCURRENCY = 4
/** cacheKey is used as cachekey for grouping in the queue */
public static async addToQueueAndExecute(func: Function, cacheKey: string) {
let resolver: Function | null = null;
let promise = new Promise<Function>(resolve => {
resolver = resolve;
//in the real world, this is a real key created by nanoId
let uuid = `${Math.random()}`;
? this.queue[cacheKey].push({ promise: promise, uuid: uuid })
: this.queue[cacheKey] = [{ promise: promise, uuid: uuid }];
//queue in all calls, until MAX_CONCURRENCY is reached. After that, slice the first entry and await the promise
if (this.queue[cacheKey].length > this.MAX_CONCURRENCY) {
let queuePromise = this.queue[cacheKey].shift();
if (queuePromise){
await queuePromise.promise;
//console.log("elements in queue:", this.queue[cacheKey].length, cacheKey)
//technically this wrapping is not necessary, but it makes to code more readable imho
let result = async () => {
let res = await func();
if (resolver) {
//resolve and clean up
this.queue[cacheKey] = this.queue[cacheKey].filter(elem => elem.uuid !== uuid);
//console.log(res, cacheKey, "finshed after", new Date().getTime() - enteredAt.getTime(),"ms", "entered at:", enteredAt)
return res;
return await result();
async function sleep(ms:number){
return await new Promise(resolve=>window.setTimeout(resolve,ms))
async function caller(){
/* //just for testing with fewer entries
for(let i=0;i<3;i++){
let groupKey = Math.random() <0.5? "foo":"foo"
QueuingService.addToQueueAndExecute(async ()=>{
await sleep(Math.floor(4000-Math.random()*2000));
console.log(i, new Date().getSeconds(), new Date().getMilliseconds(),groupKey)
return Math.random()
for(let i=0;i<20;i++){
let groupKey = Math.random() <0.5? "foo":"foo";
let startedAt = new Date();
QueuingService.addToQueueAndExecute(async ()=>{
await sleep(Math.floor(4000-Math.random()*2000));
console.log(i, new Date().getTime()-startedAt.getTime(),groupKey)
return Math.random()
Also, here is a playground with the code to play around with:
In my last post, I was trying to buffer pending http requests using RxJS. I thought bufferCount was what I needed, but I found it my items were under the buffer size, it would just wait, which is not what I was after.
I now have a new scheme, using take. It seems to do what I am after, except when my resulting observable has no items (left), the complete is never called.
Eg I have something like the following..
const pendingRequests =$.select(mySelects.getPendingRequests).pipe(
// FlatMap turns the observable of a single Requests[] to observable of Requests
flatMap(x => x),
// Only get requests unprocessed
filter(x => x.processedState === ProcessedState.unprocessed),
// Batches of batchSize in each emit
let requestsSent = false;
pendingRequests.subscribe(nextRequest => {
requestsSent = true;
error => {
this.logger.error(`${this.moduleName}.sendRequest: Error ${error}`);
() => {
// **** This is not called if pendingRequests is empty ****
if (requestsSent ) {$.dispatch(myActions.continuePolling());
} else {$.dispatch(myActions.stopPolling());
So the take(3) will get the next 3 pending requests and send them ()where I also dispatch an action to set the processed state to not ProcessedState.pending so we don't get them in the next poll)
This all works fine, but when pendingRequests eventually returns nothing (is empty), the completed block, marked with the ****. is not called. I would have thought this would just be called straight away.
I am not sure if this matters, as since I don't then dispatch the action to continue polling, the polling does stop.
But my biggest concern is if pendingRequests is not completed, do I need to unsubscribe from it to prevent any leaks? I assume if the complete is called I do not need to unsubscribe?
To get the pendingRegueststo always complete, I have taken a slightly different approach. Rather than using the rx operators to "filter", I Just get the whole list every time, and just take(1) on it. I will always get the list, even if it is empty, so the pendingReguests will complete every time.
const pendingRequests =$.select(mySelects.getPendingRequests).pipe(take(1))
And then I can just filter and batch inside the observable..
pendingRequests.subscribe(nextRequest => {
let requestToSend = nextRequest.filter(x => x.processedState === ProcessedState.unprocessed);
const totalPendingCount = requestToSend.length;
requestToSend = requestToSend slice(0, this.batchSize);
for (const nextRequest of requestToSend) {
if (totalPendingCount > this.batchSize) {$.dispatch(myActions.continuePolling());
In my testing so far, I have now always got the complete to fire.
Also, by having 2 actions (a startPolling, and a continuePolling) I can put the delay just in the continuePolling, so the first time we start the polling (eg the app has just come back online after being out of network range), we submit straight away, and only delay if we have more than the batch size
Maybe this is not 100% the "rxy" way of doing it, but seems to work so far. Is there any problem here?
I would substitute take with toArray and a bit of buffering logic afterwards.
This is how your code could look like. I have added the delay logic, which I think was suggested by your previous post, and provided comments to describe each line added
// implementation of the chunk function used below
const chunk = (arr, size) =>
Array.from({ length: Math.ceil(arr.length / size) }, (v, i) =>
arr.slice(i * size, i * size + size)
const pendingRequests =$.select(mySelects.getPendingRequests).pipe(
// FlatMap turns the observable of a single Requests[] to observable of Requests
flatMap(x => x),
// Only get requests unprocessed
filter(x => x.processedState === ProcessedState.unprocessed),
// Read all the requests and store them in an array
// Split the array in chunks of the specified size, in this case 3
map(arr => chunk(arr, 3)), // the implementation of chunk is provided above
// Create a stream of chunks
concatMap((chunks) => from(chunks)),
// make sure each chunk is emitted after a certain delay, e.g. 2 sec
concatMap((chunk) => of(chunk).pipe(delay(2000))),
// mergeMap to turn an array into a stream
mergeMap((val) => val)
let requestsSent = false;
pendingRequests.subscribe(nextRequest => {
requestsSent = true;
error => {
this.logger.error(`${this.moduleName}.sendRequest: Error ${error}`);
() => {
if (requestsSent ) {$.dispatch(myActions.continuePolling());
} else {$.dispatch(myActions.stopPolling());
I doubt that pendingRequests will ever complete by itself. The Store, at least in ngrx, is a BehaviorSubject. So, whenever you do or store.pipe(select()), you're just adding another subscriber to the internal list of subscribers maintained by the BehaviorSubject.
The BehaviorSubject extends Subject, and here is what happens when the Subject is being subscribed to:
In your case, you're using take(3). After 3 values, the take will emit a complete notification, so your complete callback should be called. And because the entire chain is actually a BehaviorSubject's subscriber, it will remove itself from the subscribers list on complete notifications.
I assume if the complete is called I do not need to unsubscribe
Here is what happens when a subscriber(e.g TakeSubscriber) completes:
protected _complete(): void {
So, there is no need to unsubscribe if a complete/error notification already occurred.
I have a repo with ~70 test of executables. When running under mocha or jest, it typically gets either errors on the first couple promises, either because of a timeout or because stdout never made it back to the parent process.
My minimal replication of this problem involves 100 threads, each calling a command line which sleeps for 10s:
let child_process = require('child_process');
let AllTests = [];
/* start processes */
for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
i: i,
start: new Date(),
exec: new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let program = child_process.spawn(
'node', ['-e', 'setTimeout(() => { process.exit(0); }, 9999)'])
// 'node', ['-e', 'for (let i = 0; i < 2**28; ++i) ;'])
program.on('exit', exitCode => { resolve({exitCode:exitCode}) })
program.on('error', err => { reject(err) })
/* test results */
describe('churn', () => {
AllTests.forEach(test => {
it('should execute test ' + test.i + '.',
done => {
test.exec.then(exec => {
test.end = new Date()
On my under-powered laptop, I typically get:
93 passing (19s)
7 failing
1) churn
should execute test 0.:
Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (/home/eric/errz/flood.js)
Adding some accounting afterwards:
after(() => {
AllTests.forEach(test => {
console.log(test.i, (test.end - test.start)/1000.0)
shows that each process takes ~19s.
Given that this occurs in Mocha and Jest, I guess that the issue is related to the 100 simultaneous processes. Suggestions?
I could almost address the timeouts and the stdio stream issues separately.
The stream issues mostly cleared up when I pushed the exit-handler for process termination into the next event cycle:
program.on("exit", function(exitCode) {
() => resolve({stdout:stdout, stderr:stderr, exitCode:exitCode}), 0
program.on("error", function(err) { reject(err); });
The timeouts were because I was flooding the process table.
Rather than getting overly intimate with the kernel's scheduler, I used timeout-promise-queue, which throttled the total concurrent processes and provided timeouts based on the start time of each queued process.
Using timeout-promise-queue also cleared up the malingering stream issues, which only showed up when the process table got too large.
After thousands of tests, I settled on a process queue of 25 and a 0-length timeout on the exit-handler.
The resulting diffs are pretty minimal and self-explanatory and I no longer have to hit [↻Restart job] on Travis tests.
I have run into a very strange behavior of takeUntil(). I create an observable timer:
let finish = Observable.timer(3000);
Then I wait for some time and call
// 2500 ms later
I would expect said observable to stop emitting after the timer "ticks", i.e. about 500ms after its creation. In reality it keeps emitting for 3000ms after its creation, way beyond the moment when the timer "ticks". This does not happen if I create the timer with a Date object containing absolute time value.
Is this by design? If yes, what is the explanation?
Here's complete code, runnable with node.js (it requires npm install rx):
let {Observable, Subject} = require("rx")
let start = new Date().getTime();
function timeMs() { return new Date().getTime() - start };
function log(name, value) {
console.log(timeMs(), name, value);
Observable.prototype.log = function(name) {
this.subscribe( v=>log(name,v),
err=>log(name, "ERROR "+err.message),
()=>log(name, "DONE"));
return this;
let finish = Observable.timer(3000).log("FINISH");
setTimeout( ()=>Observable.timer(0,500).takeUntil(finish).log("seq"), 2500);
This generates the following output:
2539 'seq' 0
3001 'FINISH' 0
3005 'FINISH' 'DONE'
3007 'seq' 1
3506 'seq' 2
4006 'seq' 3
4505 'seq' 4
5005 'seq' 5
5506 'seq' 6
5507 'seq' 'DONE'
If I create the timer using absolute time:
let finish = Observable.timer(new Date("FINISH");
Then it behaves as expected:
2533 'seq' 0
3000 'seq' 'DONE'
3005 'FINISH' 0
3005 'FINISH' 'DONE'
This behavior seems to be rather consistent in various situations.E.g. if you take an interval and create child sequences using mergeMap() or switchMap(), the result would be similar: child sequences keep emitting beyond the finish event.
You are forgetting the first rule of cold Observables: Each subscription is a new stream.
Your log operator has a bug; it is subscribing once to the Observable (thus creating the first subscription) and then returning the original Observable, which get subscribed to again, implicitly, when you pass it to the takeUntil operator. Thus in reality you actually have two seq streams active, both of which are behaving correctly.
It works in the absolute case, because you are basically setting each stream to emit at a specific time, not a relative time to when the subscription occurs.
If you want to see it work I would suggest you change your implementation to:
let start = new Date().getTime();
function timeMs() { return new Date().getTime() - start };
function log(name, value) {
console.log(timeMs(), name, value);
Observable.prototype.log = function(name) {
// Use do instead of subscribe since this continues the chain
// without directly subscribing.
err=>log(name, "ERROR "+err.message),
()=>log(name, "DONE")
let finish = Observable.timer(3000).log("FINISH");
For completeness, here's the code that actually does what I wanted. By using Observable.publish().connect() it creates a "hot" timer that starts ticking immediately, and keeps the same time for all subscribers. It also avoid unwanted subscriptions in the "log" method, as suggested by #paulpdaniels.
Warning: beware of the race condition. If the child sequence starts after the timer has ticked, it will never stop. To demonstrate, change timeout in the last line from 2500 to 3500.
let {Observable, Subject, Scheduler, Observer} = require("rx")
let start = new Date().getTime();
function timeMs() { return new Date().getTime() - start };
function log(name, value) {
console.log(timeMs(), name, value);
var logObserver = function(name) {
return Observer.create(
err=>log(name, "ERROR "+err.message),
()=>log(name, "DONE"));
Observable.prototype.log = function(name) { return; }
Observable.prototype.start = function() {
var hot = this.publish(); hot.connect();
return hot;
let finish = Observable.timer(3000).log("FINISH").start();
The output is
2549 'seq' 0
3002 'FINISH' 0
3006 'seq' 'DONE'
3011 'FINISH' 'DONE'