How to change the style element html? - javascript

My need to after load page paint over text tag <a> in
, but I've can't this do because of this style
doesn't change the colour. I've don't know how to remove this style. This is what I've tried.
var ParsLocat = window.location.href.replace(window.location.href.substring(0, window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), '').split('&');
var ParsRazd = ParsLocat[0].split('=');
var nav = document.getElementById('nav');
navA = nav.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var i = 0; i < navA.length; i++) {
var navAS = navA[i].children[0].search.split('&')
var navRaz = navAS[0].split('=');
if (ParsRazd[1] == navRaz[1]) {
navA[i].style.cssText = "color:white;";
.navbar-nav > li > a {
color: #9d9d9d;
<ul class="nav navbar-nav" id="nav">
<li ><a >Архивная отчетность</a></li>
<li ><a >Мониторинг</a></li>
Where am I doing it wrong?

Since the color of your anchor (a) is set to #9d9d9d, you will need to change the color of your a to white, not your li.
var nav = document.getElementById('nav');
navA = nav.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var i = 0; i < navA.length; i++) {
navA[i].children[ 0 ].style.color = "white";
.navbar-nav > li > a {
color: #9d9d9d;
body {
background-color: #000000;
<ul class="nav navbar-nav" id="nav">
<li ><a >Архивная отчетность</a></li>
<li ><a >Мониторинг</a></li>

navA[i].style.cssText = "color:white;";
navA[i].children[0].style.color = "white";

.navbar-nav > li {
color: #9d9d9d;

it should be
navA[i].children[0].style.cssText = "color:white;";

Try to set the style like this:
navA[i].setAttribute('style', 'color: white;');


Copy selected <li> to another <ul> with js

function addSelected(clicked_id) {
// alert(clicked_id);
const ul = document.getElementById("sortable2");
const listItems = ul.getElementsByTagName("li");
// const ul2 = document.getElementById('slottable1');
// Loop through the NodeList object.
for (let i = 0; i <= listItems.length - 1; i++) {
if (listItems[i].className == "selectedli") console.log(listItems[i]);
//need to copy these <li> tags in another <ul> list
<ul id="slottable">
//need to copy selected <li> here and also remove class from those selected <li> before adding here
output of the console:
<li id="pc_103" class="selectedli">B73</li>
<li id="pc_104" class="selectedli">B74</li>
I have successfully printed li which I want to copy to another ul in console logs but not able to find the right code to copy them to my another ul. I also need to remove the class 'selectedli' from the li before adding it to the ul 'slottable'.
It's done by creating dynamic tag inside slottable.
See below example:
const getChild = document.getElementById("sortable2").children;
function addSelected() {
let createUl = document.createElement("ul"); = "slottable";
for (let i = 0; i < getChild.length; i++) {
if (getChild[i].className == "selectedli")
var createLi = document.createElement("li"); = getChild[i].id
createLi.innerHTML = getChild[i].textContent;
document.getElementById("sortable2").innerHTML = "";
list-style: none;
padding: 10px;
background: red;
width: 30px;
padding: 10px;
background: green;
width: 30px;
<div id="tagBox">
<ul id="sortable2">
<li id="pc_103" class="selectedli">B73</li>
<li id="pc_104" class="selectedli">B74</li>
<input type="button" onclick="addSelected()" value="submit">
The appendChild() method should work.
Like this:
To remove classes, use selectedli.classList.remove(selectedli)
You looking for something like that?
It copied from one ul to the new ul and removes the class.
classList.remove and appendChild: => {
el.innerText += ' (copied and without classs slectedli)'
const btn = document.getElementById('transfer');
btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
// copy from slottable to sortable2
const ul = document.getElementById("slottable").children;
const ul2 = document.getElementById("sortable2");
let lis = Object.values(ul); => {
el.innerText += ' (copied and without classs slectedli)'
ul.innerHTML = '';
.green {
background: green;
.gray {
background: gray;
<ul id="slottable" class="gray">
<li id="pc_103" class="selectedli">B73</li>
<li id="pc_104" class="selectedli">B74</li>
<ul id="sortable2" class="green"></ul>
<button id="transfer">click </button>

Active Navigation On Scroll anchor links

I've been trying to figure this out for hours. I currently have a fixed nav for my anchor website. I would like the menu link background color to change when scrolling through each section. Like this: . When I scroll through each section I only see the hover background color not the active state color. If you have any tips or advice, please advise.
Thank you!
var navLink = $(".nav-link"),
topMenuHeight = navLink.outerHeight() + 15,
//All list items
menuItems = navLink.find("a"),
//Anchors corresponding to menu items
scrollItems = {
var item = $($(this).attr("href"));
if (item.length) {
return item;
// Bind click handler to menu items
// so we can get a fancy scroll animation {
var href = $(this).attr("href")
offsetTop = href === "#" ? 0 : $(href).offset().top - topMenuHeight + 1;
$('html, body').stop().animate({
scrollTop: offsetTop
}, 300);
// Bind to scroll
$(window).scroll(function() {
// Get container scroll position
var fromTop = $(this).scrollTop() + topMenuHeight;
// Get id of current scroll item
var cur = {
if ($(this).offset().top < fromTop)
return this;
// Get the id of the current element
cur = cur[cur.length - 1];
var id = cur && cur.length ? cur[0].id : "";
if (navLink !== id) {
navLink = id;
// Set/remove active class
.end().filter("[href='#" + id + "']").parent().addClass("active");
a {
color: inherit;
text-decoration: none;
a:hover {
color: #fa448c;
text-decoration: underline;
a:active {
background-color: #fa448c;
color: #fff;
li {
list-style-type: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="menu">
<ul class="nav-list">
<li class="nav-item">
<li class="nav-item">
<li class="nav-item">
<li class="nav-item">
Best Sellers
<li class="nav-item">
The trick of the codepen you've sent is that all sections have the same height. However, there's a more flexible way of doing that. Using this solution, you check for each section whether it's shown on the screen or not, and if it is, highlight its button in the navlist.

JavaScript: Node List to Array Conversion

I am trying to convert Node List to Array. I want to print the list (caption 1,...caption 5), but it prints:
[object HTMLLIElement],[object HTMLLIElement],[object HTMLLIElement],[object HTMLLIElement],[object HTMLLIElement],[object HTMLLIElement]
<html xmlns="">
.captn {
position: absolute;
padding: 10px;
margin: 200px auto;
text-align: center;
font-family:serif, fantasy;
color: #009933;
text-decoration: none;
text-transform: uppercase;
list-style-type: none;
<ul id = "caption" class="captn"><li id = "caption0">caption 0</li><li id = "caption1">caption 1</li><li id = "caption2">caption 2</li><li id = "caption3">caption 3</li><li id = "caption4">caption 4</li><li id = "caption5">caption 5</li></ul>
var msg;
var cap = [];
var capList;
var f = document.getElementsByClassName("captn");
msg = f.item(0).childNodes;
b = f.item(0).childNodes.length;
var classAr =;
Use querySelectorAll and select all elements under class captn with an id beginning with caption, then convert the node list to array usingArray.from and lastly map through the array, returning a new array containing only the textContent
var captions = Array.from(
document.querySelectorAll('.captn [id^="caption"]')
var captionsText = {
return caption.textContent;
<ul id="caption" class="captn">
<li id="caption0">caption 0</li>
<li id="caption1">caption 1</li>
<li id="caption2">caption 2</li>
<li id="caption3">caption 3</li>
<li id="caption4">caption 4</li>
<li id="caption5">caption 5</li>
You can use Array.from().
First of all I want to thank #Red Mercury that his answer greatly boosted my knowledge in JavaScript. I am new to Stack Overflow and don't know how to mark his answer green, if there is a gold mark, I would do for him. Thank you Red Mercury.
What I was trying to do is to put captions list as a sliding captions. It was easy to do with arrays in Javascript, but I was unable to convert node list into array, because nodelist did not work in loops with innerHtml. So here is the solution:
<title>Slide 3</title>
.captn {
padding-top: 550px;
font-family:serif, fantasy;
color: #009933;
text-decoration: none;
text-transform: uppercase;
<ul id = "caption" class="captn">
<li id = "caption0">caption 0</li>
<li id = "caption1">caption 1</li>
<li id = "caption2">caption 2</li>
<li id = "caption3">caption 3</li>
<li id = "caption4">caption 4</li>
<li id = "caption5">caption 5</li>
<li id = "atim">item</li>
<li id = "caption6">caption 6</li>
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var intv = 1000;
var msg = "";
var cap = [];
var capList = "";
var captions = Array.from(
document.querySelectorAll('.captn [id ^= "caption"]')
var captionsText = {
return caption.textContent;
for (i = 0; i < captions.length; i++) {
cap[i] = captionsText[i] + "<br>";
msg = cap[i];
capList += msg.replace(/\,/g, "");
b = captions.length;
function swapImage() {
var elm = document.getElementById("caption");
elm.innerHTML = cap[j];
if(j < b - 1 ) {
else {
j = 0;
setTimeout("swapImage()", intv);

how to make li (active) and visible on click of its parent li

helo , i just wanted to make my li child visibile on the click of parent li,if you want to check what i want to make check out
go to the what client say section
var selector, elems, makeactive,//this is for li one
childSelector,childElems , makeChildActive;//this is for li two
selector = ".parent li";
elems = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
makeactive = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
elems[i].addEventListener("mousedown", makeactive);
childSelector = ".child li"
childElems = document.querySelectorAll(childSelector);
makeChildActive = function (){
for (var j=0;j<childElems.length;j++){
for(var j=0; j<childElems.length;j++){
color: red;
.text li{
transition: all 1s ease-in-out;
visibility: hidden;
width: 200px;
margin-left: 25px;
font-size: 25px;
<!Doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css" type="text/css">
<ul class="parent">
<ul class="child">
<script src="custom.js"></script>
Heres the simple code to do it, there are probably some edge-cases that I am not looking at but in essence this will do the trick. I added the code to a modified version of yours in the snippet below so you can see it works. I have taken out all the code that was not necessary to show how this works.
// A handler that allows us to remember the 'i' value when executing the click
function eventHandlerClosure(i){
parents[i].addEventListener('click', function(e){
// disable the currently active one
var active = document.querySelector('.child');
// (if there is one)
if(active) active.className = '';
// add the active class to the newly selected child
if(children[i]) children[i].className = 'active';
}, false);
// select all parents and children
var parents = document.querySelectorAll('.parent li');
var children = document.querySelectorAll('.child li');
// attach the click events
for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) eventHandlerClosure(i);
function eventHandlerClosure(i){
parents[i].addEventListener('click', function(e){
var active = document.querySelector('.child');
if(active) active.className = '';
children[i].className = 'active';
}, false);
var parents = document.querySelectorAll('.parent li');
var children = document.querySelectorAll('.child li');
for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) eventHandlerClosure(i);
.child li { visibility: hidden; }
.child { color: red; visibility: visible; }
<ul class="parent">
<ul class="child">

JS Dropdown Menu Behavior

I have a dropdown menu working but I can't figure out how to close the previous menu onclick. All the menues stay open so I need them to close when a different menu is open.
Please see my jsfiddle
// Dropdown menu
var findDropdowns = document.querySelectorAll(".has-dropdown");
for(var i = 0; i < findDropdowns.length; i++) {
if(i == 0) {
var dropdownId = "has-dropdown-1";
findDropdowns[i].setAttribute("id", dropdownId);
}else {
var addOneToIndex = i + 1;
dropdownId = "has-dropdown-" + addOneToIndex;
findDropdowns[i].setAttribute("id", dropdownId);
var targetDropdown = document.getElementById(dropdownId);
targetDropdown.onclick = dropdownTrigger;
function dropdownTrigger(e) {
var showHideDropdown =;
showHideDropdown.setAttribute("class", "show");
<ul class="nav">
<li><a class="has-dropdown" href="">Link</a>
<li><a class="has-dropdown" href="">Link</a>
.nav ul {display:none;}
You can simply remove the .show class from all ul tags in .nav that still have it, before opening a new dropdown:
function dropdownTrigger(e) {
var opened = document.querySelectorAll(".nav");
for(var i = 0; i < opened.length; i++) {
Note that since you're using jQuery anyway ($(document).ready) there is probably a much better way to do this.
Also, use href="#" instead of href="".
