Stop audio on click and replay - javascript

<button class="button" style="width: 200px;" onclick="playSound()">Play sound</button>
function playSound() {
var audio = new Audio('V2018-Museum-filer/mp3file.mp3');;
When clicking the button multiple tiems to start the audio multiple times, i want to stop the audio already playing for it to replay. How can i do this? I get an error saying audio is undefined.

Hope this helps...
When the button is clicked, the audio is paused and restarts on second click.
function playSound() {
var audioControl = document.getElementById('sound');
var btn = $("#player");
if ( && audioControl.paused !== true) {
} else if ( && audioControl.paused === true) {
audioControl.currentTime = 0;;
<script src=""></script>
<audio id="sound" controls>
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
<button id="player" style="width: 200px;" onclick="playSound()">Play sound</button>


My javascript function won't pause my video

I had this working before and for some reason the script no longer works. I've been spending ages trying to solve it but can't seem to find the reason. I just want my video to pause upon clicking.
var video = document.getElementById("myVideo");
var btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
function myFunction() {
if (video.paused) {;
btn.innerHTML = "Pause";
} else {
btn.innerHTML = "Play";
And here is the HTML code:
<video autoplay muted loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<button id="myBtn" onclick="myFunction()">Pause</button>

Audio mute-unmute icon

I want to make an icon that lets you mute or unmute. The icon itself works, but the audio doesn't play. Here's the code:
<audio id="myaudio" controls loop>
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<img src=""
style="height: 80px; width: 80px" id="imgClickAndChange" onclick="changeImage()" />
<script language="javascript">
function changeImage() {
var x = document.getElementById("myAudio");
if (document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src == "")
document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src = "";;
document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src = "";
Can anyone help me?
(also yes I am using w3schools's sounds)
x.muted is solution:
function changeImage() {
var x = document.getElementById("myaudio");
if (
document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src ==
) {
document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src =
x.muted = true;
} else {
document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src =
x.muted = false;
<audio id="myaudio" controls loop>
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<img src=""
style="height: 80px; width: 80px" id="imgClickAndChange" onclick="changeImage()" />

Need javascript code

I need a javascript code because I want to remove the class w3-spin in this id="imgg" when i pause an audio element...
<div style="width:100%;height:150px;">
<img id="imgg" class="w3-spin img-circle" src="Pic/sky.jpg" style="width:44%;height:149px;">
<img id="imgg" class="w3-spin img-circle" src="Pic/b.png" style="width:20%;height:75px;top:85px;left:150px;position:absolute;">
<audio id="audio" controls loop autoplay style="width:100%;" onclick="pause()">
<source src="<?php echo $row['Song']?>" type="audio/mpeg">
my javascript..
var player = document.getElementById("audio");
var imgg1 = document.getElementById("imgg");
function pause() {
The event you should be listening to when an audio element is paused is pause.
As with play, it's (you guessed it) play.
Check media events list on MDN for a list of possible event you can listen to for audio element.
Here's an example.
Added red background color to .w3-spin to help illustrate the class name.
var audioPlayer = document.getElementById("audio");
var imgg = document.getElementById("imgg");
audioPlayer.onpause = function() {
imgg.className = imgg.className.replace(/\bw3-spin\b/g, "");
audioPlayer.onplay = function() {
if (imgg.className.indexOf("w3-spin") === -1) {
imgg.className = imgg.className + " w3-spin";
.w3-spin {
background-color: red;
<div style="width:100%;height:150px;">
<img id="imgg" class="w3-spin img-circle" src="Pic/sky.jpg" style="width:44%;height:149px;">
<img id="imgg2" class="w3-spin img-circle" src="Pic/b.png" style="width:20%;height:75px;top:85px;left:150px;position:absolute;">
<audio id="audio" controls loop autoplay style="width:100%;">
<source src="" type="audio/ogg">

HTML5 Audio player stops after playing one minute

Hi I used HTML5 audio player and linked a mp3 file and autoplay functionality did . But it's time duration 37 minutes but it stop after 1 minute.
Here is my code jsfiddle
var audio1 = document.getElementById("player1");
var btn1 = document.getElementById("pButton1");
var pause_hover1 = document.getElementById("pause-hover");
var vid = document.getElementById("player1");
btn1.addEventListener("click", function(){
if (audio1.paused) {;
btn1.classList.add("play1"); = "none";
} else {
btn1.classList.add("pause1"); = "block";
<audio loop id="player1" autoplay="true" src="" type="audio/mpeg">
<div id="audioplayer1">
<button id="pButton1" style="background: transparent;" class="play1"> audio</button>
I have changed your code to the following and it's working now at least at my end.
if you don't want control please remove controls from audio tag
var audio1 = document.getElementById("player1");
var btn1 = document.getElementById("pButton1");
var pause_hover1 = document.getElementById("pause-hover");
var vid = document.getElementById("player1");
btn1.addEventListener("click", function(){
if (audio1.paused) {;
btn1.classList.add("play1"); = "none";
} else {
btn1.classList.add("pause1"); = "block";
<audio autoplay="true" controls id="player1">
<source src="" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<div id="audioplayer1">
<button id="pButton1" style="background: transparent;" class="play1"> audio</button>

I need help getting autoplay to work via [getElementById]

My code:
I've been trying to get autoplay to work, can someone show me what the correct code would be? Using the code I provided. Using [getElementById]
var player = document.getElementById('player').autoplay; document.getElementById('player').innerHTML = true;
<button id="playButton" style="border:none; width: 200px; height: 200px; cursor: pointer; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight: bold;font-size:14px; background-color:red;color:blue;" onclick="
var player = document.getElementById('player').autoplay;
document.getElementById('player').innerHTML = true;
var player = document.getElementById('player').volume='1.0';
var button = document.getElementById('playButton');
var player = document.getElementById('player');
if (player.paused) { = 'red';;
} else { = 'red';
<audio id="player" style="display:none;">
<source src=';' type='audio/mpeg' />
Set the autoplay then load.
document.getElementById('playButton').addEventListener('click', autoPlayToggle);
document.getElementById('autovolume_range').addEventListener('change', changeVol);
//Only getElementById once!
var player = document.getElementById("player");
var autoplaytext = document.getElementById("autoplay_text");
var autovolumetext = document.getElementById("autovolume_range");
//Boolean from localstorage to keep state of the player
var autoPlayOn = autoplaytext.value = (localStorage.getItem("keepAutoPlay") === "true");
var setVolumeOn = autovolumetext.value = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("keepVolume"));
player.volume = setVolumeOn;
player.autoplay = autoPlayOn;
//Force play if it dosen't autoplay after refresh
if (player.autoplay == true) {;
} else {
//When the user refreshes the page it will keep the autoplay state
function autoPlayToggle() {
if (player.paused) {;
player.autoplay = true;
} else {
player.autoplay = false;
//Show the state in a text box
autoplaytext.value = player.autoplay;
//Save updated state to your local disk
localStorage.setItem("keepAutoPlay", autoplaytext.value);
//Save state of volume
function changeVol() {
player.volume = this.value;
localStorage.setItem("keepVolume", this.value);
<button id="playButton" style="border:none; width: 200px; height: 200px; cursor: pointer; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight: bold;font-size:14px; background-color:red;color:blue;">
<audio id="player" style="display:none;" >
<source src=';' type='audio/mpeg'/>
AutoPlay: <input id="autoplay_text" />
AutoVolume: <input type="range" step="0.1" min="0.0" max="1.0" id="autovolume_range" />
You only need to add attribute auto play to your audio tag see the updated code below; Based on your code you are redeclaring player multiple times see the updated code below. Your auto play is triggered on button click based on your code, you may want to separate the javascript codes to the button and just trigger a method indicated on your button click event.
You will need to use removeAttribute to remove the autoplay from your audio element. I added the code on how to do it below.
//player declared outside of the audioPlay method to make it accessible inside the audioPlay method
var player = document.getElementById('player');
//auto play set outside playAudio method outside of the button click event method
player.setAttribute('autoplay', '');
//to set autoplay false uncomment the code below
//playAudio is triggered on button click event
function playAudio(){
player.setAttribute('volume', 1.0);
var button = document.getElementById('playButton');
if (player.paused) { = 'red';;
} else { = 'red';
<button id="playButton" style="border:none; width: 200px; height: 200px; cursor: pointer; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight: bold;font-size:14px; background-color:red;color:blue;" onclick="
<audio id="player" style="display:none;">
<source src=';' type='audio/mpeg' />
