Store username in array from login to server - javascript

I have a small Go web-server that displays data to users as they login. The problem I'm trying to achieve is to have the web-page only show certain information when a specific user logs in. For example, when admin logs in there would be a list of admin-only items that they can see on the web-page.
The problem I'm having is for some reason my Go code isn't storing the username in the array that I'm calling, so when I pass it over to the JavaScript it is blank.
Here are the 3 main parts of the code that I'm struggling with:
package main
import "fmt"
func authHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
usernameArray, hasUsername := r.PostForm["j_username"]
//This line added for debugging purposes
log.Println("username:", usernameArray[0])
if hasUsername {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", usernameArray[0])
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/getAuth", authHandler)
Note that this is AngularJS
$scope.init = function() {
checkAuthentication = function() {
function(response) {
var username =;
console.log(username): //Added for debugging purposes
if (username === "admin") {
$scope.showAdminOnlyItems = true;
<div id="admin-only-items" ng-show="showAdminOnlyItems">
<hr style="border:1px solid">
<p style="text-align: center">admin only: </p>
<div id="adminOnlyButtom">
<button class="button" data-ng-click="doSomething()">Do something</button>
Again, I only want that div to show up when admin logs in, and Go needs to send the username over to the javascript to verify that. By adding the debugging line in Go and starting the server up, I get this:
2018/11/19 16:28:42 http: panic serving runtime error:
index out of range
goroutine 26 [running]:
C:/Go/src/net/http/server.go:1726 +0xd0
panic(0x79f820, 0xe17940)
C:/Go/src/runtime/panic.go:502 +0x229
main.authHandler(0xc56220, 0xc420135180, 0xc4207a3500)
D:/src/main.go:346 +0x1d8
So it's clear that the usernameArray is empty, not sure what I did wrong. Can anyone help tell me why the usernameArray is empty in authHandler?

The first, I can see that you send GET request to server without j_username query param therefore you can not read j_username on server side.
The second, usernameArray is empty slice which is failing while parse j_username. Error index out of range occur when you try to call usernameArray[0].
You should send GET request with j_username like that /getAuth?j_username=admin and modify code from server.
usernameArray, hasUsername := r.URL.Query()["j_username"]
//This line added for debugging purposes
log.Println("debug here :", usernameArray)
if hasUsername {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", usernameArray[0])
// Send an error message to client
http.Error(w, `missing username`, 500)


SOLVED: JQuery reading EJS variable as a String and not the value of the EJS request

Alright, so I'm having a bit of a problem. I have an app that displays some facts via a search input. If that fact isn't existing, I want to display an error.
I'm producing that error via Node on the backend, and via EJS sends the error message to the HTML (.ejs) and javascript files.
Long story short, the error message displays correctly, but the error popup also displays when refreshing the page, even though there isn't any errors to display.
var clientError = "<%=clientError%>"; //<--- (1) see comment below
if(clientError !== "") { //<--- (2) see comment below
}, 4000);
(1) This is being interpreted as the word "clientError" and characters "<%=%>" of "<%=clientError%>", and NOT the value of the .ejs query, for example, "An error occurred". This leads to problem no. 2, see below.
(2) Because "<%=clientError%>" isn't being read as an empty string, even if there aren't any errormessages, it runs the code either way and displays the error-popup. So when I refresh the website I get the popup, because the string isn't empty (even though it doesn't display any message, because there aren't any errors).
I have also tried some other variants of the error.js code, for example:
if(clientError.length >= 17) ...executes error popup // no luck with this either, see comment 1 and 2 above.
//I have also tried not defining clientError in App.js:
var clientError;
//And then inside error.js:
if(clientError !== undefined) ...executes error popup //no luck with this, since error.js reads it as a defined string.
var clientError = ""; //<-- (3)
app.get("/:option/:input", function(req, res) {
var opt = req.params.option;
var inp = req.params.input;
option: lodash.capitalize(opt),
input: lodash.capitalize(inp)
}, function(err, foundArticle) {
if (err) {
clientError = "Internal Server Error. Contact Administrator.";
clientError = "";
else if ((!foundArticle) || (foundArticle.length <= 0)) {
const notFound = new Notfound({
option: searchOptions,
input: searchInput
clientError = "Article not found. Try again."
clientError = "";
} else {
Article.findById(someIdOrSomething, function(err, someArticle){
res.render("page", {
clientError: clientError,
(3) An empty string. So the string in error.js should be read as an empty string, shouldn't it?
At last, we have the error.EJS
<div id="error" class="error-popup">
<h4>An error occurred.</h4>
<p id="errormessage"><%=clientError%></p>
One idea might be to have an input instead of the paragraph element above that's disabled as such...
<input id="errormessage" disabled type="text" value="<%=clientError%>">
... and then use Jquery to get the value of the input.
The idea above worked! Here is the new code:
if($("#errormessage").val() !== "") {
}, 4000);
<div id="error" class="error-popup">
<h4>An error occurred</h4>
<input id="errormessage" disabled type="text" value="<%=clientError%>">
Next step is just to style the input so it doesn't look like a regular input.

How to run a script when a user authenticates Laravel?

I would like to know how to run a function when a user authenticates,
This is my function for log
public function redirectPath()
if (Auth::user()->hasRole('admin')){
$bitacora = TblBitacora::create([
'accion' => 'Inicio de SesiĆ³n Admin Exitoso',
'user_id' => Auth::id(),
'ip' => \Request::ip(),
return '/';
I would like to run this script
$(function() {
Laravel has Authentication Directives
The #auth and #guest directives may be used to quickly determine if
the current user is authenticated or is a guest:
// The user is authenticated...
// The user is not authenticated...
More information available at
Also I wouldn't recommend to log in redirectPath method in your controller. You can use events, an similar to what you want to achieve is provided as an example on Laravel docs.
First Question Answer :
You can check is user login in your blade file and add javascript or something like this in your view file :
$(function() {
If Authenticate user is an Admin
#if (auth()->check())
#if (auth()->user()->Admin())
// Put your js files here
// this is for others role
Second Question Answer :
If you want to run a function if user is authenticate then you can do it like that :
public function check() {
$this->secondFunc(); // This will run if user is authenticate.
return redirect('auth/login');
public function secondFunc() {
echo "This is second function";
You can use JS localStorage to help you to do it:
if (localStorage.getItem('already_connected') !== '1') {
localStorage.setItem('already_connected', 1);
Now, if you refresh the page, unless you clear localStorage data, it will not show
run this function again.
Hope it helps.

Zimlets in zimbra, how to make a simple SearchRequest?

I'm a little desperate because I can not perform a simple search on my zimlet.
I just want to make a search in the custom folder.
The search should only display messages that are within my custom folder.
Like when I click on the custom folder in the left pane. exactly the same.
this is what shows the html header by pressing the icon of my custom folder in the left pane.
{"Header":{"context":{"_jsns":"urn:zimbra","userAgent":{"name":"ZimbraWebClient - FF39 (Linux)","version":"8.6.0_GA_1153"},"session":{"_content":150,"id":150},"account":{"_content":"admin#localhost.local","by":"name"},"csrfToken":"0_a3050edfdf238eadfdfdfdff2f14b4968e3"}},"Body":{"SearchRequest":{"_jsns":"urn:zimbraMail","sortBy":"dateDesc","header":[{"n":"List-ID"},{"n":"X-Zimbra-DL"},{"n":"IN-REPLY-TO"}],"tz":{"id":"America/Mexico_City"},"locale":{"_content":"es_MX"},"offset":0,"limit":100,"query":"in:\\"mycustomfolder\\"","types":"conversation","recip":"0","fullConversation":1,"needExp":1}}}
I'm trying with this code, within my com_zimbra_myzimlet.js
com_zimbra_myzimlet_HandlerObject.prototype._getShowResultFolderId =
function(t) {
var e=AjxSoapDoc.create("SearchRequest","urn:zimbraMail");
var cuery="raulicci";
so far I can not find a way to make the consultation, although I imagine it is something easy as already implemented in zimbra comes when one gives click on the icon in my custom folder in the left pane.
I would like to use the default template that has zimbra to show INBOX, or the current folders.
When you click on the icon of the current folder in the left pane, us a list of emails appears as INBOX
I'm doing with my little zimlet one query with soap and json and I answered a JSON string.
This string json is a mailing list that are in the folder where you perform the query.
For request use:
var jsonObj = {SearchRequest:{_jsns:"urn:zimbraMail"}};
var request = jsonObj.SearchRequest;
request.sortBy = "dateDesc";
request.offset = 0;
request.limit = 100;
request.query = 'in:\"MYCURRENTFOLDER\"';
request.types = "conversation";
request.recips = "0";
request.fullConversation = 1;
request.needExp = 1;
var params = {
callback: (new AjxCallback(this, this._handleSOAPResponseJSON)),
errorCallback: (new AjxCallback(this, this._handleSOAPErrorResponseJSON)),
return appCtxt.getAppController().sendRequest(params);
For response use:
if (result.isException()) {
// do something with exception
var exception = result.getException();
else {
response = { _jsns: "urn:zimbraMail", more: false };
// do something with response (in JSON format)
var response = result.getResponse();
var name =;
var soapURL = response.publicURL;
var soapURL = response.soapURL;
var aller = result.getResponse();
var searchResult = new ZmSearchResult(this);
appCtxt.setStatusMsg("Response (JSON) success - "+name);
JSON response to be displayed in the default template of INBOX integrated zimbra
({SearchResponse:{sortBy:"dateDesc", offset:0, c:[{id:"314", u:0, n:2, f:"s", d:1438663876000, su:"lokitox", fr:"lex", e:[{a:"admin#localhost.local", d:"admin", t:"f"}], m:[{id:"313", l:"300"}, {id:"312", l:"5", f:"s"}], sf:"1438663876000"}, {id:"-309", u:0, n:1, d:1438662639000, su:"Daily mail report for 2015-08-03", fr:"Grand Totals -- messages 91 received 117 delivered 0 forwarded 134 deferred (134 deferrals) 169 bounced 0 rejected (0%) 0 reject warnings 0 held 0 ...", e:[{a:"admin#localhost.local", d:"admin", t:"f"}], m:[{id:"309", s:"7232", l:"300"}], sf:"1438662639000"}], more:false, _jsns:"urn:zimbraMail"}})
Thankz, I hope someone has knowledge of how to do it

Binding data into localStorage with ngStorage - what's wrong here?

I started this journey trying to get some settings to persist with localStorage, has some problems and posted about it here (without a solution): Why won't this data bind? An odd case in Angularjs
I've abandoned that method as I learnt about ngStorage. In theory ngStorage lets you 2-way bind into and out of Angular models. It's a great, great theory.
I'm having problems with it though. It half works.
The ideas is this:
Test for permission selection (true or false).
If no selection (first time use) pop-up a choice.
Store the choice.
On restart use the stored choice to set the permission true or false.
Allow user to change the permission from within the app.
It works up to number 4.
Testing shows that although on first use I can set $ to true or false subsequent changes are not being stored and retrieved from local storage.
Here is the code:
permissionCallback = function(permission){
console.log("analytics allowed");
navigator.notification.alert('You can turn analytics off in the Data Tracking section at any time.', null, 'Analytics On', 'OK');
console.log("analytics denied");
navigator.notification.alert('You can turn analytics on in the Data Tracking section at any time.',null , 'Analytics Off', 'OK');
if(typeof $scope.$ === 'undefined'){
navigator.notification.confirm('This app would like your permission to collect data on how you use the app. No personal or user identifiable data will be collected.', permissionCallback, 'Attention', ['Allow','Deny']);
console.log('start analytics are', $scope.$;
if(typeof analytics !== 'undefined'){
console.log("analytics functioning");
$scope.trackClick = function(category, action){
analytics.trackEvent(category, action);
console.log('Tracking category: ' + category + ', Section: ' + action + '.');
$scope.counter = 0;
$scope.change = function(){
console.log('analytics are ' + $scope.$;
And here is the html.
<li class="item item-toggle">
<i class="icon ion-cloud"></i> Data Tracking is {{$}} {{counter}}
<label class="toggle toggle-balanced">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="$" ng-change="change()">
<div class="track">
<div class="handle"></div>
It's either a fault with my logic or, and I think this more likely, a misunderstanding about the scope of the data.
The odd thing is the console log in the change() function (which is purely for tracking these things) is always correct. So using $ in the html is the correct way to do it (using $ causes all sorts of errors) and it is indeed binding from the html into $
So why isn't it saving it to local storage when using the toggle?
I ran into a similar problem with ng-storage. When the page was loaded/reloaded anything bound to a value in $sessionStorage was updated correctly. However any changes to $sessionStorage afterwards were not reflected in my view. What I ended up doing was creating a service for storing changes and using $sessionStorage as a temporary data store.
app.controller('TestController', funciton($scope, $sessionStorage, Service) {
// if we have session data set our service
if($ { = $;
} else {
$ = {};
// now bind scope to service =;
// on update we set both Service and $sessionStorage
// will be automatically updated
scope.update = function(val) { = val;
$ = val;
app.service('TestService', function() {
var service = {
data: {
value: 'Hello World'
return service;
<div ng-controller="TestController">{{data.value}}</div>
<button ng-click-"update('Hello Universe')">Update</button>
This is a very rudimentary example of how my solution works but hopefully it gets anyone else stuck in the same situation on the right track.

Weird issue where after inserting a doc, it exists for an instant, and then deletes itself?

They way I'm testing this is a simple for loop in the template to run through the elements available to the client and display them in a list.
I insert the elements through a text input identified by #query.
When I enter an element, it displays for a brief instant, and a console log that prints out Links.find().fetch() shows that the element exists, and then shortly afterwards, the element is seemingly automagically removed making any successive calls to Links.find().fetch() yield an empty list. Is this a bug within Meteor? Or is it expected behaviour and bad implementation?
Another weird development, I added setTimeout(function(){Links.find().fetch()},3000); to the server side to try and track what was going on. With this line, the inserts work correctly for a while, and then crashes with these errors:
. What is going on?
Below is my template file myapp.html
{{> search_bar}}
{{> list_of_links}}
<template name="search_bar">
<input id="query" type="text" placeholder="Enter Query Here"/>
<template name="list_of_links">
<ul id="item-list">
{{#each my_playlist}}
{{> link_item}}
<template name="link_item">
<li class="link">
<div class="link-title">{{youtube_link}} {{sess}}</div>
And here follows myapp.js
//Setting up a collection of urls
Links = new Meteor.Collection("links");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
//"Subscribing" to server's published data
Deps.autorun( function(){
Meteor.subscribe( "links", Meteor.default_connection._lastSessionId);
//Nuke database helper function -- debugging
Template.list_of_links.clean = function(collection) {
if(collection) {
// clean items
_.each(collection.find().fetch(), function(item){
collection.remove({_id: item._id});
//Songs from session
Template.list_of_links.my_playlist = function () {
return Links.find();
'keypress #query' : function (evt,template) {
// template data, if any, is available in 'this'
if (evt.which === 13){
var url = template.find('#query').value;
//Find a nicer way of clearing shit.
var cursor = Links.find();
//Add to database.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
Meteor.publish("links", function( sess ) {
return Links.find({sess: sess}); //each client will only have links with that _lastSessionId
//Making sure permissions are correct
insert: function (userId, doc) {
return true;
That kind of behavior is expected when user doesn't have enough privileges to create a document. The insert function creates a local copy of the doc instantly (thanks to latency compensation), and then sync it with the result of server operation. If that operation fails, the temporary document is purged from client's Minimongo.
Have you created proper rules with Collection.allow? That's the first place to look for the cause.
